Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-01-08, Page 6M�Z` ill" I - � �1, .1 1 . U-5itbi ""gig I I I n, 0 A� li'�T kr ,v -R, V N ii, a- 441" 'Pi 0, the 1ail wasi. equ heW continued. th 11 pretty -j to SINIP 9 CANADIAX WOW 141 Ah pl,*Ure rm rk marlill It,4d the bunh her., ato, havil thern "[I -,:b I p,' d ctere or leg engaged, A aid HeAlad,Fali re tba- stock, yij�ds .'in buying'. lip bunclies n h, jq� oUL CAAC "OF 7CIl a n'Fd ffi-rii I mi g b d t he 9 q, or er tol pro�, Th (trio or. �o,dv' i -til this their,busi4ess- manner M must_ vo , ing. , p3 1 11 n, ,an energ It rtable'quaiit&s�- The old Ill - A, mali�l Who I , wants� I o buy, a buncli !ul, Yarrowa. Canadii ho, t in b is'ni4er,"Ill Oil I 'd' h ers, always sel4ee trate n if:I(eeP ts the smooth, evehm g4rding, hirrf,ttueosily.- What.& 4n r tbm' in the bacic tile! Lee "6pp Nlice Court. 410,gig sized ho "tit for soldiers, �nd� barra6ksj, r tradll sj& of 'the, straw hat teon., GIVEN UP FOR DEAD. wi h on �'hb� Ieans, ex couldn?t. him- what t s shed"t, go under when it they lai fhaplain Kane's Strange Sto 'Ikow I vicuis Ay and wjjli, ponstime:'more food'. and less, Ut a �,QT You. lastjhe �it -7 ry t I' am fon-a F..o r' Feels to Die. a Of ampbe 1. 'the Frau rin, o ave. e Pastio -x% �pp t -,.good'angejj.,my,_f altlif ul wh�en- n ')A a an, Wl th gard0n gat �,jo, 'whii%'she 'had. re- vell ci stablOs."'I f Oiis, 1 for story,:, was told tic. thee enter. .,I it Am '­ 'he my I at�er keptl 'cows. in the barn yard yoro was n atura ian, London Daily -Mail by Mr, (;amp -4- 1 followed e 'at w,... OL alread id�niglit, a6l i�ntil h thirty: years 4als wic w nest,had y said his ex., W.' Ingham.'. -ad learned says.'Mr J', Ilajn,,, iii the United Stat�gL She 'Went�, paxitiig up fill ist;:,ail y itMr, I'liotel in 6 'sma his' the" stairs Iind,4ppeared_�oit d cROW'Ircm Pe only retired. CWSL_J�ep 'but Id wetif as lie 't; y , twice as. 'Ju mouth. tl -kiss D, t of dobrs"ia kll' earl h, - no� eweri was liglit,:Pe fpoint. d_.every day,, always-6pd t giy;�` ll. Qart, P�, �S ail) nd-will Ad 'lei -on -onie4 pi,,,cnounmi,,.die ns, pays I ad DY4�pjlySlela, iwhiw: JlQk -je,;:Was pj� -on, _f in my,coffin, -.uged- With, cletraudix1g,­, M. U1,141" hd�llars:,and cents. --,,A ww_ su eying r _'f and did not' ff the. cooid,% he mon, 11e aral au d s C- s 10 hun1ped'i-i I "D ta bac I I' IIll beside 1a lirop I. ep-shape��qj!7' u bi-6ther--h :ts -just'-die ul& pit d" YL, ;Civil, Wail I-was""attachedilal �ayr, exec rk o Ing SO lil "Erficst, something has� happened; Is niind;,to secrete niuch-11111ki It'relibires 000, and - .1 With 16ti 7" ':'arly all 1h6, -if d 11 ofter. to a 'gunboat of the West and,1eft: nJ0 4"();' tivo a W mything. to do Insunall to� G.ulj.J l'tcd,:ijj the 11.1 that I should': ��ep e -he -nand of the late Admiral "But, I'ami goil to,marry youT -she h urp-s- of, -I re- burrung,, an Zi U f Id she tell you an it ha.4' but�, littli sUrplits to' CanlpDell said I you under� t oni said wond&ifigly;� "'and the exa ti 'I'D, y, bad Ji4eil abot be spared for C eilow'� fever. was virulent, 0! the globe."' ritragut.- ' Y . ant tp� to? Wag it_a milking ril lisease , have�S&�'much`money thatL,,ybU'',Vi 'YOU -1 co "Ve Lie ive n nything that hurt ? and 'tiltim6t6ly ntradid the d le some f6r. Ill $is- are ­a c e "'I struggl4ed hard against the disease, gie it , y raid 44* Yu, musit notbeli v6rytliin� ll 1, knol that me armers In the West awA Why pu� the Whole affair ut do not,%�linter' their Out rooted in ni.� tej.-, Ill belor institu- and pressed which, wAg.ddeply Ur­head7­:..,,_,, I, gradually, gre�y N �to tion, int Canada,' F_1NPA and will give it 1 to 4116 giation?'i yo have b6611:Lin _lips� to, his-, liaiid:- it crso_and.,,lil poor:" th. WC1 "Good-bighQ 44N is ;�orn6thing 'b i � I . I L � rliftig p welcome'the approadli'obf.dea eople, t notht i4l their'comfortable cows. is e aifferen L. am, thig­:ttnie­I­was- prfectly con- ',GA�E MONEY AND V ATCH M tL -of the, b I i '' , 4 �'. ra the,- base am,are -so, warm d �ihe body �'gre eaker was Pe spiii6ng, up . and -en W W A o you.jeel the, ariopsT, in- order tt tseldowi-rfreezes. in � ih6m Ito -r kat. Campbel , sliould -have- -th'' 'mental PoWc .9, Into arboi Vp ull"., Ow. 0 14j"IIII, �rs grew., str�nt he !.only T apleasure o thehurfiarie nig to, gni7,ed, tlj�e' pec iliar,dis,tingti ni Vic- confiderll in Cartiers, the,. Mi - struck; dumb. t �-eiivelopel where her tnothr" and,- aunt wer_-� itabli4- sile, 'Aid en, e t, Ua wi the y t111l thi_soul� and' the body, and 'coill filto; 'the, -N that I w ping -what ing,, un eli, cards, 3he (14very qs,�*. pbs- cofttai e �'Aqiie-�:Of�cbnstrdi _UrF vatm: �rll aC )orted, to .7 at—. t—,6ur 4efore7--h boots" and.. pu n, tj es. b n 'PIC the-.-Litue ne; oil. pppr,. it ifflsfactin, to,iiklidw, hen she_ran her, utquqer-, ,gure 4 -511 -graduilly devel turned with' - of ;ondet'f belonding to.:zCamp e notes ryp;` d It y9iff'l the!:­� arId �.so. Which - Loo joy d y 11com, t�h c 'the :sc .011 her? I I L dif- thl Canadian incol r w he� n!.ghtirig4l�, tha t h' I t a rill heml t 1),ing -as' 't stu ipla ds—. ha _d V on mo S4,'., ycung a !'LoM, dear`Ura she, W�L'q y4j' t�' t -house' ttle and hogis 11 'X200 to distribu in t e 'I t d te te It bring i heshe added. c6 w PrPsecul t W ba'sement Of their barns 'without tying. rew. dgain-, when Ik g yet sit [Imea ti<w, Tpplioo; hot, he did 40 Won Till are, we. ir b6can iny-mney, a come. j ii'shaLL,npt be Ill ­Yos, rhother l5edd6d Nw, - 8 aw, U ld sway. Tr.y,- Pre e, diffic eathing :tb Sj,OW t1la t . t, a . , e 't ormus no. gry. i"rhen need'not,say anything. May th fbdder� is -thi-owh, down. from a:boV- W Carliers said 1ion almost ceal itbout Osin Con , U, , kj� 40 RS L-7add- t --last-pass t , 3 in�-the�­barn---1100r_i h sam r6es - 'Sc Z erC n at &h adit 'is pu 'in'W r� end-- d 9POP'.. she, to' his -hand,�and press:6d iL _qr,bran . .,b6dy,..pro7 fia 't lainiiithit-thig, n Q -1fain valued" is, fel id' lided- MIl ix X5_nPW5, A his gold whe 'freed�-and, I -stood: besi e, Y 'y anno WrL as a r -,nounceT-d6ad-hy­t -doo rs�-a -watdho�a.ndl-c ay; come w.). �'l d' K _.t_ dr;� lie is till p ftf,wlih Camp h ellt Sa abom,in- is ov, Eisoner in istock,. -at tbe'ril the th � I ed. my, 3�0 Ur :safe. ardent -eyes. f-ore-himi-and 'is, �a berient to.' the, "call tio show- his gribf of thil Iliat. the A one of 4ci b iii Il "'E loving silsl6r�. to b Ur th� pasidri n then did -.V.P-r tyo� -eturlfed�­Iril ffil It Vi to:, conceal. le :NPIP Ie� ti not and'. d- 15,6fi-ec e came,til 4he, miraes s - __.I� OP., rr �,witli� leasur b if n.L close, anct., lie: Ope t1le \7*fInCjoW. Of it. I h _Lm 'aIl t I at the tho 4l ad'kist,"' �gaid t ( _ ' * i hi .1. -1 [' ­ -­ -- '' - V p�6§ite, the IiI611 li, ught b he he he.'address ec d car� �en: to- -e frierl 8top't sla Ivl gleained n' infobri-ned the -,Vitstairs. ireeAc, DO nal an,1 the�,, lear 0 -with- ried IV �.do thqy-ij f 'in f m. ill, P d- -Prigoner 'as m: en=l -a, hose; t lik' i lie box oi - your -t,heY�icah-4n;1aAer-­and­ of-., the, d preac er, .�w o, was very piuch 'tt, ind- W.01, letter to Lora riVen,ones.� Wdrquill lid igSr. en. IT ing side you no �e: Wno,, , iank w� t r I% Wlia;t woill hora say CialIr at'ililking.time and,herl W4s r ejoA'cing. a "as her knitting- which lay besitie laitn''WIL11 Lim -mast,ica- My v siOn ri UP W �N9�9. st DING lient :to, k ate4' Probab] q& and im p'eirfecr'� I auril me t a ":to pierce s�,hei& orf the, sofa 4-o is:enghgen Y, 2 1 , &. I. r b ast . I soon; fell `Kati�o,`" she aid "thas I,$" yull.'" point- vier thy 'return. nothijig at' all� :She was g.Qing abo uit: T mourned .0 is,true that cattle -ha h find the next -mor In4' Verj-,'CUrio PI ps and: Costly .4tregical Op seemed to. say. 'cud" the', coarse felt in6eased, vitalization, ing' to' the, queen of, b6arts. "Do, you R-1 With her; uncle;. swelling the and, relche w to 'into ii'deep sliell V Y, numki6i�s Of tihois who:,after raise' t" ail g I Warr e, ` -- -,rtlons�---but SZjg:%i�47-67Zatalep lc:-, 8il 91i g y elr�mIlTri afral With 'd uilvjniterescr-Aung sho'Ws. thkt th,46y, do not.always do Callender L A 4,L:thi ,Ko tida-Atirew-Jier-self Lwi-th-, �Mile, have such a'wonil mdv-_-__has a,:. -in-litte- d, was n ance �!pil in,. i he old. grna:_ slove. ng out them. i-!--Afi*- so Yll Wa$Ahe., on. 6atura1- -6061060- -wards,,statQd thal 1 y� the -- ---- b et so Tftbap ly mad Dernia.- P so ldvel�y,, an y --,TW%ti di ng -up­ she Cried and lay -on: his, T ell I neeon' are rib t all 6dme natural In' hi,§ varied e�pOrlerice 'wh,o had­re� 1, f up for py, Xv. n0si or.a n in jubildil. to' y � tem per aftlfilt. ous, quick- overed after being so far a: 11-08f. in ti she'cri6d W.as perhaps.. i -the! I" in 611- Son�i� 6n� hery gone ln he east,, Are a to ,a. ne; "E 't Ern 'tl: 'KiLi-e!Peame tte Oh yot! must do S,.,. ic -beea- sepiratl6n of this: --young ect ii1d r1istless l6thers cold- % cb*O:. In In edidwrme tho f in I, I or ' 'nature -on the opil .0 9i� . . . and .-no le to w uri_ 001�1 as -T.L -n! sit nt o b wil nt, 'and: li-1 cqarseness� lin. 66par A'm cat ll'iiaturil patie a -ily b6' an. expehsive'luu:ry "No she lau I �viil, n '. . I . F ��L n I path., Ile left aloh The. rosy. -sk u qerfly- _GLn.&esS gjit'f s ould evex in - the dibetor said, t� � - marry—�l _A&-rnarry�-Doc s' & d ii rir ba you, sup�cisq�' L Wuld have had that 'bow.., the oi)erate,; a, orlesz. 4oi --Sah6n-berg ll L' I LL I - b6V wt, sprprfs�gdj ruii ith-a dozen hibi mor. le. -an 17% l 7 it��lf erthe, sky The �old.ladies lookedL' it', L6 � A more, and hl ill gr,6l ;lghtin g-, INS gru hIlIg 0044th gIFI, . I P N -be Rid-es-fO rffdk in breath Udy-is roAd Possesl �.Gun Which cisin. and- cut away' 9 - 10.0 ..dt,L�the'�nl possibilities be.st 1040r, ill, On, I slobbering. promitien't r 'the truilik, �4-tlfe- a :eernent. shudder Al. wo rs t on- it, ad, th so bone, h L, I �Ilnen dijb ked, at'La. ite C, "We have J us t "go, t 'enga �7amm . 1-�a , 2' Tb of hebirt.' 'But'. W of g.l.l. n getting th she F iijUreg. i so �rp e; port(l the cdj!Iti1aV 'or 0 h b a. in Un .1 -glue Dops on, gDOIL willen T..ne ..I �__ ­ I am, awfully, happy'' mamma-', If r9ppt t F1114TI-M, ed _66fi& do Jib t devour. -a fillrTa-tionl- It he I so and,. Whi6h, h1l us illill -thto6g!j a. tmy�,puhil it the t em up-'_ig PraIti vion.-Tllen'. could not :fInd. a Want to this -1s thl Case; were 'para- softerje1 f&-)I,in came. -over han 5 �ervitior,Ftlll d_theh the, wax bY -If -.-th left all gL A ress nts ausill sin an if a Llill . j- -op er desi C]i of x IN t 6 W ann., qh _1ngs,_:_e'k maii on,—anCIL-ques. , 4) r , mOgg 55. rluluu -befter did _dnimals 1%hll a, tru h-66'1 Stre& Philadel, -The' stricte rAfigl I eqii�llnj 6nVint. the "hill some time. Aunt MLll She welit,quiiptly u", of Ifisthed in thl how: t, th, little -on ".4he. shall,__Re�, e or - veri serious d1i must e d Il menkmay reault. 'her- h: �Py face vh - r cases whOre,j rugh burns, hands, as it "niiiin djrL -C t have L._ 'the' th e I. . - - ­ . . I . .1 1. . ;, Others,. 'beca ih kr..At -iiUs011 roll It av than; .6',Ii by wrried o __-I'Upus, : tha skin, _,_-on__ ha' this, Moil from hl�r head.� L Of,. p6rtitloft between been 4estroyl trai§plantations f6et wide,. with . desoendaJJ6 of'861kirk in Scot 4E and her, Ill g at, .-kneWL Well that bora-ha love -d _'-she -the Bi%iti§,h �itragazies the .,forehead er;,mUsV I)U �Ini he;, tho, was, - pd- ach Cow bor atIl s6pa-,, oSkin" ftoM -or With iali 4ier it, altho6ugli and- popers have i printed stitbinents- In t il to'' hrmanger�:,.apdjeed-box f6r'each cw.. h 'Lt effe 1.,c� made. -a' r�ceht 'case. the gkixr.-df �gfie�,had, never spo�e� �V a n at "him W1 I 6res-: Ere t.1lic"old, weapol is "rusting, One- of -th I e -pa ehl RH UNATISM- REM ble�. e�Ljo.Ljn'j. a C, of, -ilono,,'in for. and.."I COW- itr FraU rin "left th [It" n he y (A) eac. 'Many wa s,". p whibit e TOO h US she' :hearct At Me ilLa: k unapprecia Jv_ a nkrilejt -gdtiti `Ji6a '!777" to : �ptl offer been s ou. -'-,have- thought you- rchEL56' the'relib' A' k Katie, hung ddW r PAEPXRE T1119 SCUPLE' MOMIE--NIADE� subrilitted to Ive, s.lipply -from the fiJIl -Vessl w as Icitchen, miss V wulai be -��coritent,ii�with sue oL o : y te, an d' WljR EL,,,deep blush. pb KEEP� -YOUR BEST -the hand" the rnarriag#., KaLle.7 been. 'd vc- her his gu, 6ccupies a pace' of hotior,. in �'bein g bound 16. the W�ith CF UXL gd y Many arMeM. ethe habit'rf ee I, and the oyer th 'f f I &n't know: if al%l thought st, afilmals, as � they will Mi;;s White's'liandsime home Ing ielir be, And .011 bring: trL III 4est.price. A greater mis- d *af 'dojume�rjts 'Which prve that. it is 4u- T ie opera ion Wag you, v4pul t for -a- baron, 4fill _6f a Unsuccessfully on flils poltielit. is W1 -t ardent love was- do. 'A. difference of' Misg WIJ tL 0 4ter,twb ori,three ditys,_'betre thl fj th rfie;� my fir� /110y I 6'ingill lents: from Any Druggilst With a -big estate. L Il e M& philill triigttomOan�4 �n n .',ilpon her/ i or even tw'en' ve, per cent., in the YOU 'ro Ie , -I ty-fl betrayed.. You kn-ow, aii Vori in, Oil n', vind Shake Thein. in w .14-11 eapon, or some- -.years, 1 ently fir m' -j: has -hid !the 'w ger' had�L, becom'e( sufficii whom. 4w been, the, Samaritan daughter's laugh. price of a single animal is a,small.laff6fil havinlg, been presented" tb iei'by a c0u.. ly � tingrafted, to, R'llow , Rs, -being h� ' 6 tb`bind up,my'wourlds-,. Y-10 0 e q .,.x. �dmpared with ihis differe O'CHUt 'L", , . . .,I L' , give.. y'OUJIo,Dqc1L6r Sdhnber�,",-;4he c, a Sift Who PiCI(ed: I UPL to In, Lar'go',.jhe Fife a from the flngbr �kblcll. �upp even more�ypu- wi I "place, very best . lied, to a%V said, ng by the�'t#ble, which -,$61kirk'was �borh', W j,61&�Uerd, By 1jeefil he on . Ilheui-na- 6htl wh iq. 1 4: be' 'I�i am. to p rboa gate., f r rri' the, whble,� m Iii ..�!.00d, the' patleftt!� Mervous'� lief, t;4 'the rea6ra..of a large and to ss for -hand LI" cried'Kill'o vea nixi ly, -kowing'.-his relativIl adne ' T -excellience---il aael, -fddt t I in the rU I)LUP�UL-'-t'fle,,I�0.1101%ijLin,g valu- tuall such, eurios, forwarded It t., ,ptblic; d ciGurse of a,kw years jiumen Phil ttwtly Such d t 'the' 'n 'jUjkg* fiidbe, '- L, , L But .1 will- t wrisent, 'yet 'MiTiple, �and iitmle'66 * -Ilre­gGri bus, tkn coYou 'MUSb, urgicat' having, the-'eicollont is it xibt too, ha 4 which, any onel-pan. easily, Oflil at�' now distinguish -Is6m fisidera le to-morroW. the papers,��Which prove that I &-opertil . th Wuld be 00 1 b 'N-O,� o -both wait, and. be sure of at h m e: i very - few ef the bes hic Before ho got � out Of town, a yuhe i a , , lion, ne-hau okirk 6esbehdk6t,offe'ried. Iiim Clive e 16tie looked at her. with a sibile '�.a Fluid - Dandle' What Would you say.,6f a f ll who S Wo tot, .iisked gently, -Com und Ulaj)f. _146tieS oLff Po hi 'e. e ya 'sne,�saln e r,=gnA-i- '.Gab: i� t-ptaid.-Syru in t- tittip �hc - . worth notti -It Is Of- the. lincieht'fire. doubling.. 1001c.) I� to 'brInLg. mamm�i' und ounces. for, when -in. o6iikel of t gs e-, talh*S abor 100 les abl imp abdut w_h6 �Ar Ulsivel� le and yes," she Wh`W_P%-r­e­t4j, 011j, a easpo.Qn U a F lit -ilve Ever5 per Acen bow. could, you help I UK L at'bddtime. .81iort twL t ill *Condemn thIs course,,, and few, If S,cWt be, was krange,: but.at Jbis ino�. od-' ij�,4 katle l at'' b' t'146 states.1,hat-tfie ijj&edleh -ady are so wanjin in e y gobl stroked balt' iw., S�l t m any -take a m 't sh at, r �r�hrrnlacy at tm It -cost, eo, e--feA--hb1hing but. ex ao __4nd, bl�elng' ILL nagati g the po -Sion. Vegetable etfacti-on, arb, �armlll to' h this iow no;, w you prop 4e, ortpo .,be P zlfg s6cretly take� t or, breediliNv 'd h' n a h 1-1 �Zbls I h,5a swoeV, larly foc.a.,few 4 a! e reality now, the, a Ita stoppe, th: I; saW t6 ioxerw %peflenee, of, f bes phase -of a m6lden's a case -,of Rlieumatigni. 6flc honges and kl 1ho t t w a sdil'tholi . t w acree, 'V Cb t 11C d: �wcllin if consequen 4 us it it, the p��orcr- one g"61 run aa a, -4rkt deal more toi a0 out, T Inipa ictilly, witlil-eal doso 80 --an o10 n "No 'no; stay, ., I stire obtah)ed, and. with Ut, I each year and;does lc.§s Find. And bftbr all li6' added "I n6.4, know wha A I I I -le didn't have a trong,. muscle in . M atism r enied ies,, 0,111 f , . lit policy s 0 Ye. y� and . thei trL)'kccp.tli6 I entire b f "d ian' fing e stomach, Whij there' are jq.the end expensive 'At orroo sho Yawned, nd,in tl l r -of. an, licidr,sh�, was ln� bed- -called f1beum Y6 ry, , quarto hip [", I Ines" CC6, som W Itch fi�ittpr and 161 "he"laughed aloud. fp ma- gg w nt 6 1 id. 11� h fo� him thin e ItIld 1� w ro As �Vhel ubly _Ana W The._016 d� r 6�V sed'-Oj -ifiany Vji fl ad . bt be rtivffic n tor thirty yo il you, K at (1118L I f�, I " ast d .0 1 "Pul, tinie., ic -n T vit; hd n Wry W Jere it'li at the crug � 41. fs cattle in 060 Tnuch a, _nti 1, 1 :t.,. _tf, , eai-nelghboft- the 1rall But a 4011 dMe -Wallv�d - !g. 1riforma lom "6d, with' C, kn (4 irn botri 111M co In -c to an 8[nd t'ji-ft thd er. little or: li. qtlenidon h hoa, difoerit 'it Wa-4 from. s�bii d�vhilo, as,-. Mix It t,6, beery paid, 0 th6'$u bj PC I 611d 'as 6 mat-' ,NOW. ftit. pidc( f bmt, Roll or done (h.tJJ, after' %6 ... ........ Wdil -had 614s6d' behind her whni he &Lpfi tip, bqontto ti regi. " ,' �v call hL% �Iind, b6-- Ul 'y flgUt� me r rod I ii Ilil v re to �malca Ell .11CLI), O� Any fodidy.1 h! t4q, and re *as apj)rentjctfd Ad 'aid a - mah. (lie dthor ltty It,, "hot[] Vail A �jjj Iself ;6f a a ad, diffete it On- vontageg'arbuzi-d tol hf,§ power 'list so %you n a m� b i4n.l t Of Im th Cify, has bon4f ll Y, -JkLL;V ngmt, 'along lo (he* 1) oradserV l g<)jIjg. td, put, lid 'y if I liad. knowti t1joil' I ALL, i A llo threw -herself Onjbig o-ne 4n, st you Y, p oa d N: that you ve .1 1, othe stI`( the grbUhd, n ex ic � ' - - �i Iovh f I h" g4l�, shbUid- I to On you th Ibby bod, niiIi it ad, th Iiiilla its