Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-10-30, Page 1t7 IIIIA IIIIII'T NO NOK To Wj, 'Ri 0 IJJ H tllie� great,' I;blood r all is. OF III11iiQND A-4., A of I�up W" Rios '84y.t. -this X (INCOR gne AY� E d Ii ISay �a tit, th t & rian 'Cliureh IIng 0 . HeWis MONTR­ Q -$7 -0 eservo, n 1000�' Ub of d h-6 -1-IsSion Bitild held ...... .. . . bung bring Se�yicIe at oannol) W re. th6,Preisb�terxan church. a,116w'ed'bJ2,ai aMo4U fOr Mu�koks, h tb�ywill C 'Ps, Ail added 4:tJ address on "Work anion d om re., rated ' 11 Breoner I06mbino bugirI wlth,ptep delivered a Ius Iansi e QuIartbitly Su 'Meg Ayedi of the No I_,.rthv� SAY in counecti h 'S 00, wIt. A!hfij� deflbsit6d W iqi,.the name of two or �,�lj �will'be beld'on Sunday Morr r.e the:.� e' t -. 1, a - ave a'O vit Ve ai in a on Inge t pa ....... th'' evening of t Yv 11 eY can -b6; witlidrawin'' M, rs.- (Dr) J. K- -,M, ob .An d' wo very dauhter left Monday for. r4 .9 highly steemed c:�upies by:�uLr vo GQ9raVenbu' of?� this, I r Ibeiniii, mi. v IYL - - ----- fil "Arluin ca�n McIntyre o ry tha 83 augb here tb6y W'ill j6'Z'L-- t lie Dr. - h -WhOL d teir of Mr. Dun. yoj�,Ican , f 011fb -'eve th- c( S 4 Hr 'W',L IMable, SerS Jakdirrcr Be Kenzie S4 Iddi ::B; Is I, t Isold -Will, sau;gp�tdr vaol Tux D., B apt s '-F -ftCC1a0I1.t-and-1�I1de11tI 'T U ffij;r T �qndon MUE1191 t , C 41 ' I L I . I ­, he ic %6 he s ste.� - o , e,crery flanged Aioney V . e* are, giving "r%" es..�w description -bough 6 0 exe t,.L old- j gient P ned, on 41`7�: in. the: -church 4V4jQjg"t A .1 so P I'Bon� 34, Kincardine. S .onvelkton., Ulu III d ee 't am The. degr'. ce of E T --e:,par Walk-bicton- o 'jig; upper. -and ioondeeb'.' L Thu s asY nthe,4od' e IL Iegis a ure 0 Itb L * I IS 1nanksgivilik,8e�rvi t 7, Bas! 06116g ces will be, he eres ipg,�addrei IoteS, bingle deliyere& by me a full 11fte of or Tinipont? Ont, KinI0 a Methodist bh carry hnd b A '' 1 Areb 6K 'd h 'educated for bllsIZIPBS' a ot fowl suppo Aegulai nieeti M. F., R. I",Cslli Ctlte' and.. codke ITHOROUGHby 'on &hdacy' P, and: LL life., All graduatei ag.of Lue 11 '�d this i6h(jol mept at ITI ei-M., P.". �' 'LL ��,j "" I'ow 0 'E IUWJv sure (if ,g.,Ating -he:demaI P. is considerably T 'or ;its B rVL *­,mort- CY Y. greateri e oupp, particular seelbills. ryan, ea., is fime, to' Is N -ow PATURDI `13 �;7 s­-Rockwe iv-ts de' A— -anT Jarm-pro -W iglul. h Compa, pertie& L.161i FjALj L-WUOL7 V, rs, a6liv.ere �at 811pal via, ing relati . '. . . ' " L I., ; -- IPar-ade �at. �-4- W --hift ay� -d It bra' dhos. 11A. give us.A',tria' ki -Mr - f ff.. ease tar., o's le: Ia e mep. I " � " ct IV rea 'If the� C &_, C % L " L - Lie, idloss f d' IAL c k-- whe., ow the Wing at uOknow, reS' ft7LU inday; _p� We refer, to on: Su B 117 or �;�popular Institu k-CAMPULL' -e-potor y ge 77 e out in 4Y evening, N' Ur 114 4th, - X- 7 Jhe� r. a6h staI �-P i n g-. --6L, Q_oc u j r. t S14i avora e PYI gs 'Bank Adid;: or. a pata e.I he. 00d, 'bear - Pdsiis� om, da. be, he1j, it 'thei e. interest fit e tpt) was., and edtica hout. Tfif o' rooms, When in, hrddg I).Jjucjc- b n'de or thA;r. n ei d -AO—W 7 Ab-s-aite f I�b Y hi h$IcI 6' re .:w ceiv d; a. 11 11 -be.p, r XI9 appre The As /1 � L I . ­­ I .. I . Mull n.,0jX0 meet'l -liory held% at I 7 TOMB. P -d ing.. yonge & MC0111 stre A, o ame. 8 yd , I 2 t d irokdram,pf f A Us'% UtLin 'MACDONAUD' 0000 t 110 eci oMRS SAMUEI,, 00 ralcti,016104 Ibgu *0f re I tc) on Satir 'a,oth -P . W, . . . . . . av ld kY= 'M er I�p ay-, Ie o -,d-rs 6 - W ionally largIp,� ar- acL a XCIPAL gage the I h lici 'A X�Merq .p,u blic oIy III shi. b P to, t6wa redeceased � Is �Ico, add 'c;�' Selitigiel a! Up an 4 oa pic remiseff Isin-, oly� It 0ge 5yo!op, p 0111 U e&4Y_1% -M e I : - "" . . . . . . oat desirab-'161 B!" ej 9"A&tu Ineatly Atid,pomptly pritite& orm r-,.- ighty.. este ' einea L ay ol� torm- 4, th6 9th d 7— coatiquect Ruc 0 C JK a t lonery. residents 9jqnIg commu-nit P. In. the, &II per Y, Ar IS I 6 11'sIng'away o their kind 119, valua 16 pa f, Wing to. t a, great po hifiri an rI of Ten in iho� j a.- Stanfield's - jparenti. umbe ­RsoME tY �Oi 4pepted? n era 'took Concos�ion Elgli TROIJUBIL T0 A Wst "gi Unabri kable; The ;fu I f it7 I6bo MarufactureI P, aee - from, th B amity' resideLnee,. .!rp9hip of Kin- b' ur lar desdript e- iw the, Con "th-emir u as- reather'And in coffw noon to South, K ion whl' 4 daday Isplendid wear- 0 41ft -b 'th i6od' Pra I funeral. sery L - jilshed), oss Centietery. e olitaini IHolyrood O., 9 0, six DWa f ar.e IAnd befojie 'the advance Ch; '11 IuthAinfoas .J�Lt Soy eseAnd',B Factoryi, Itime quite f utl e, e terian. ,dh u 0 L, t - t the RAW FURS TED- ',a u price, and are ait berefore' to proper y Aire II,.0 be a 4d Veneer whi6 L hA66eased' 0 OPPIV their 'ci t Wai member Rem, no orriers with 5 b ns and 6chod `1 2LjLI et, �our r d ;afid i h any �of . IMcKerr building: 70jr351 w ei rQom'at_ B .. T I epair epI 404hircee ctilferaij PCC,t 'it 'and", be t -bradds f leni'L at the, old Ar, Bkemngi r., into I i,in� Pail ling' ast6d i 1. As' excell avid6d 4.vinced - :Miinkv FOX, 9ftroo. . . aC060 Skunk' d Mr& � 17, RIPIeY I ic ',)I.ent:'ta'k -n 'hand Iif itt quali, Acdonild Were marrie ooni.,�Ln Id room.:., th DeA6r,',h,;s pareb'' d'. re:s.one of- that.' WnIil Au'skra, 94 ased Kihraxter� ent full, sUe of bu n, a residenc jr�e 83 ugust 11856 MtL 00fland, iii " A' price 'Good comfor :and i4tied6n, in t' table dwelling inLy Ur 4�gse. J lot 6"Con'. 9, H 0 S.'Iff 4� with Oetober of that Ye h (10 Y V�eidpd bj�, o V our rs,to ethe .. ' '" 4 - ' andvi�66- have g6h6,ib, a's sister 18 said orli it, still y Fu d The b 07 Ve specj;jj-' 0 glVeL. haff",­", " _ -, , g-1 regrcu- tille depatturg of of both chises. IIWh Ipe�laks Sound,: IOf1hei family Who survive Y, -their Jij Ing, F011016, bid Sister and nioep�L' 01 eid Macdonald, lauron Mr engi- Is tc6 Mrs.. R, 1011 to, repairiii effi t6' J. W th6':84'' aT4 o, eq, Vats Wa Ith ii and b �Ier, r 9 P . Luc de Riploy ILI 't, LP4 sWe s 'ic 'd De&ei as ri�rs_ an sj And know; and n , otileltow-ii, Ic on. e TU Lucknow g�ck, Or r milk n, ce.' _b prices ver,Llbi)l &niid, ve w"W;Fnrs, t L get Alberni io fie so 70tit c E d "tithigh6st cas and' the- tlie nDtqr4 -milk a'Thbre a�Iiap, fri� Lampi, about'60-feet of 96 d'&4 ed A, well known I WIYo pleased ''the "I" 6, 'L A -L r aF. It -&-yea I "" LL 1, V ra f T 6 Y 0 Wingbanj,- Tea air, eDolya. of Ten&,McLe&n, Nloved 11vife of I -q,. NO OPTIC! 0 re Ue i D. McOriagr 4 aa e 1 a good, daircI cjever� ig:st operet R& 't d 'latives in town tili at t on Nov. '20 of 'don. , Y Y Inloss .0 sit I[eDwigall CoUrt oi Sale C lif AI lot r .1 � . fry'abo 'Iku one mile f 9�r and came very d' rom �dl ro d, gra. Alex: NAP IN on Monday. I4tb Y. o D 0 be L. - "� -11 ___ — - d-11 ne,, brain 61d, secon&-hai4A lumb ild 6nd OSTHH'Y�-J 'auddq iy, III il)g from 'A or. JUFA receii ose In & ell k 'D,eceaied w sa e,� waoo W I year w4L 4, no uown, h se G b 'or Th, run 6 E-11119 OF SAL orn, f , C0193. r fattier 9-.Tw( Yp( ra If e 8".ZftL C n III ine4ps, and i -he eegular. val' 'Still Jives at the 1.0 ome noifth of the io b'n't Id'h N o 401 rmbd i at ackno ot, them in Kinloss' Tlwnship. and' lie `J� GRU: 0' ues 25c t7o M 356 how 181C le of' t they avisI.�i��me Isqgh- n oIH If, Lu'�k _r the, �btd In d is reason, Iiii-AlcD te ned Imarcriia-ge d s. Xurthe . r , ter iormqxly dat-I ug Scofb, At were clesir(-d otitai% d .0 Unibri-resulfbd in an conditions will ins M r. W. 8u6cebas un: offre� at lb an �are ami Y4,,'t. k 6 Jewel of thie6Aauglijer, ma; 6,�no -an ineOf' sild or ina. air t one -son.. had d o R. L ' A I t 0, Ow ptice of,20 Or Oc� Witphel , 1 SilveeLpl P ermobt 001CL undersigned. tati( The ropert will, XaelcI5 r, Ailey Mathetod, of Cs in oss cemetery . n 11 h PU.RVY sithegod is a for- bI an fr IS, O' , L 04. t L urran, Is; , " tj�� , , 'the aUC I . t III d iendg 'dt', the P X,� 9' 907, I 4, III MO lum9f. on Thursday offered'siub I-�7Two calveig, place t'k Sch cool of4i good � � _r -i'll. 66nduct 17flihist., a rg - BoW eta ihIS pArea ate - .Neil Mi h 'buS*:; Id iness-1, at ovi7­ ere. TbIj . eigL at hd' d h. co �t SO Ndlai ot& p It I ei 436hoPlIoted his FoUgOV . � V Oft ileted by or18 0 "2 f a �e. 11ey. 17. A. MeLenjj�t' "r'256; Pecils� j('Ib's aPPrOrt iceship t6 the c4 being o d aartivod', nic,an fun6j�at"4ervic holiorabl� its and, 111vsin p:� It years i d 0 licito Ibav Oc" 25' Lein6iij, Oia'nge Uremari th a distdnee to aIt g Ieir Npspbc- If Of one of th6 k' 36c or Aniong'those, any old e is now frQ hEd Citron - larI -pas we �Ross L. f Ire Urs and' Store6 ad Mr cLea UR 14 LOV `5 rt W ErRequippIad pritititim John o 4 I - -T aIlititime 0'altim6t, Mi jb_ Grand G ihose ho Jbt§ ofr Will*L I .8 k 8 Ar 14 Ra -p -K t Kc;" r , 18 It taws Ing. wise. mov- 6 tbe Ch,L 110' ': g ciitll, , eneW 0 ' Iheatdine,� left 'ft6I re r�dojjf ly fittei ii a'n aggle'' MdRe UP, . Will i, ai d'M" '1166, vo�v pi;4 a d to hI fiew, @to ooia the M. L" car 4shter M t0 of TotcI rray ock. �ei athose ok Fletdh�t r oonfidence I rac; s, d' Ai bee, of8tr i of. 'un, ON store, has at'Luckd6w. roy'. ol a e''goes to, provei 6 ts %V )[Ater, YOArt XdPat I r jLd, copper oity, NO; 45.; P.(j k th e I r I to. it I Inew b I0 ern and is well" IserI or aom I e Ijue—Ti#ictito ng a e v a 6' to II6 77; Stella, Rebek f v 0604e Toronto n"d sd fid A 06': ad Th Local d ainLodge, .'XCi 2 itV C 13 0 ,U_ ptit lcal, "� a othe b b oor # sD it W tobtuart" Ldgeo Nib. 0, Wedn, d" ip 4iness. f hich it has leI your Mabhet, Wheat' e gived, to ain, ookc� IS V 66 pe& MA , .., t6h (5. t ' ­ ' ' ' * ' ' ' 'L !� If j . LG eA Old 2 6ii; &r 'eL 10 PYS, a S'. g 4ss bp 1116rest ICori Untie "Count 04"ings with the 134n ononce of,L the dk A. ha jawe ry repairing. t 0 Ar, kud, we ire 01 proud of.' Mji b t . .... pigged pro9per is, tho�*iqh`Lof j�r 7,5' ewpg sh I value will be frow'da 0 ving, th,6 idea; 'Te (in drawal: a 4 Math e abo.vo I*As., ac- of th 'ad added'6"J"iridoipal t(,). �Yeaj te:'oftdepos't iodate,of Ask Y t a afiY and Vith�, friends h'brI any fto thi linery I,6609 wrd, bxciglit nOut c to 84. sittt.tm it! t us 9 to tin, :06 a yiborcc; a stfic 3'0 the i, ain b6hold Yo r onde taidil All b' hit dthdr-i &'A i Mrs. c othinty, and 14 L' Jind it fide .506 aay' $12 et -d BeA , ' , ' . 0 0. to, $1 u IB � I Is In 6 en 9 eAbd 6t is erI 6 I* 44 to 21 04 bojob h ip IIIIII-7, II