Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-10-09, Page 2Rm Z i "i"M g X, ll -A -1 :1k Aum`0 am t ra. -%Frilulo, M: t4LntiL enumeratr4on they-are,'mentioned 7 J111 I eir eir, h4q n ie seeins (4 hav V -it 'that part, -of Pales- A, E, L tand trio lilvit In ;thq, `1 Qu t �4, -,All tilat"Is''Ildco I wr�t er ri ,east of the Sea'Qf Galileo w, biflg 'just emnarnoLs w, "nidul N: ASr! I t fr -Aluorite-r-Alehnilig,'. I �N:asr!i the: glas Mie ill Ge JiiU Mvrmdows Imam 4y JT 7 ic �ad r Jig A'est of 'the, Do - Sea � -1 I's -111' - -­­­­ . y A, M er a So, -0, havre, icr0ss6d`_ trip Jor-, 11�_ Iq the e0ftvard, . iiiin Pt,� to hav'Q� Occur, A& lull. 1 X d NO', tile" COU n try, . �'be�.,ond Jorda", i C-Elp'IET4119, ol h; Ai�non to t blp#44*14i�- - , 1. 1 twh� JiAb VIA s vltintiiicl, ...... )"RECIP linprove by age (Is roy Joblisite-A, :powie�fuf� :n I I El' ed, 6 Pipliled.Pear, To ', C 1. & I LT WIT 9.�Ton J unds:Of Ba'rtlott ."y"I ­ - t �,X. 1, 1 Ol e good f6blinc�-� the -other With, -cu- �efllsrlletn)- �Tliesr 'tire 4rlifor At rip :,-�V'i Jh61rL7.,And . El _J,� Ilion, Ul'�, heard � I h;D,- We: have p inian"N"V'Jib a enunnti�atlolis of the "u'll9ve the -blopoin �?nd, ithen,.-cook k. Id, tho--riew, Ili N blisvv were 1,Silol'S to I Ile r, linter Womon, who 't)Y,,. Pbrisicn - tO- fstartl&d, 5dy.� X Trio t0rd Of Ali tile: 43 Oiliit� water- Until toifder.� t W )'-jgixlal inhabitants af''PalcStjnc� In' .01NIR' t: h '� I Ill "' " e arlh-A �fg- fustn#j .1tin. i into' and �coriduct will pt,4 fruit: arid -str in, - Iw 1�tpc 19, o 111 nificalit title" a Ithe water. TO licar, rSbb4t_4 , Ind ',shri6i� 1q;)cee�1irIg Of ul'� viniigat, "five pounds,,of '11CIvest vvindo��,`­hades 1� .001 1 is ---T Im, crov lood feeling and . ffiendlihess."a' ' goo _t a time, or�l tile", Ana thaA_ we riced �iaws for tile NI'lleil tile conquies t of tile. la - , , libIloi%, 'HILL �\�T do;,..h.Fot� tirorn Iofie,�Of, OIL I P ti�a6fier eal -morL w IJIJ�Iout , , h 6 ji`-,-sJi 46�: 6 j tllitllei� apw foub.d a, Pan', �;�virlg 1�, to -be undei'ta k�oll- �ciovos; -za18,pj­ li iIi t ndnes . b W, it , the f' oc, ace, A Id al�e J 'o S 'hole Su an& -half a, C-110. Of -inixed , g _q weapoi n , 0 ii'drely (Ins Ire , slicnied libd 1he r., iml4wll tribe.� SuLlacercan po of_:nil ss, randisturig Put iVon-lo bbil�forjjt,4 Our; a. Jim Of ho I r oi-li _t aVe. :war,- The im, filis LpPl' ileap, a 'like On, paoic, :In glass J a I'S And ,6giln to _,'Pe,ople bnd �,,l lie Ile fro, 66ve�- �th t'j'- file', f p d ad-07'el Ely oi ce d d to it atteridan s,� (or Abi s. a p-elice to our"TtIonth e&N that.. oing P111 -May -oa Over �,:V_j s to, T to ti t.:,c a nit, W, -o a 'J tN� iq i�i � t, �;. . I " h' 1d; -of I,,-- it i I I` they" fr; I, tilt- - - -------- GOrTIC y -lien hurpani, da�i 9, -,great �qd �-USUELI ClIallI)CI Of -1 eD 411111111k�,S,, pout, YE S nIQ - a fl d: IV 4C, L to eam 11 ..,1 -cup "Jordan Qvcrflo�veth'- al o 41 fe Us ocly 10 Wil Se �'es all Fbe tI)e.r f oil z,of butt ,or,, a dash of milk lion �a�,. -Saint Gernlain-h' sop f living at,peace And in,love.with oil 'Lind joy S rould be- I, les7, b an' In ttie,'Io�v a -f o at peace, with t1i � ' It doih-g� us. I i(3 o world Ics all the thitc, (if lia rve,4- AA �p, contiri ue- to sleep emitr6pic I OeP:Wl. C—O a _c pictiir(1- was, our brothers, vaIley. Of Jordan� the PPOV L ple et conle, a boil; sel f0V twetvc �hi Ir -I eir'. t 1) a it, onIt, hung in S towords� about iraternity easily plain er o ki c s. to �tb& -ds wipe a ry., paic 0 JkUP'Se Wn0,.'COJJCeiVer and,'west Of bhe'Valley��. lune. 7 It,, had The Ifngatfi�rjil'g of hlalife sloshes' ach, peace th�6 I I . , ­ -_ I 00uPlo -of. it '_ "',at:) :had.ralready begun UAtilFFLth6,_ban 1111N,.V� plceIf fhese 06a on Jli� man' q Ali to practice iL I— d -same -ves c s 11)3111 inef Ile dec 'I ar'ed thaVhe 'd Y rig -as. Jhe chief concern of ",,and lba us*M the *nar-' `4 11 ' . the put dill sc�d ill 6clian. e6lis "a' lion- io- ,e nail ca I it and . 1 1. 1 1 e ittea uirider a lb cool. flieiOf 1116 to 'be filled to Cool triln all u thr,,-Pal ting,1ri or4ldcil'.4o oi 'get 'elrei�y,,Otl.161. t P 'If C., un'tif:7,W6�,.full wo&h-; I I f 'da 11.6 6 is, -c OKL"'. tever WE d �v r in Y Mal, 0 -ee -that, Je'su,�. Meant -aiid-dip �i n - e LIS YOU mto a muddy,,s.wbli tul,l)lct Ilo [ .1. i � I I'u flgi . e Old or inelted bi t eac I quar rtrvn.NfdR QN-4F when , u el'; TON M rumbs it n d I- A.%1ILY. Lim a pretty Lire .at speecii �16. The 9PI . :.. '� ",4 it I ions and, r6la_ Which canie do`w bill !,a)f a '0 V �cor -calln In 8iood -a 11 --side tv ter ore per fe" up, ul cille. le4p,--Ti eg a,pd'.a thin. mund"of. l'o sp id, Paul GO u,,.,i ri _Erdirne'rb gEETTIL-s '-.Of f HUAN BROTHEIIH0011D., gre.O­way off of Ol hing is colljl^ d ir6e.er,i T14E -The, wording Y. the realer, Fa -,J, -bb t nds�roif .,g I) rig an -W. rig I a r 6, lafij I]' ? - 'Hz' at&" ch mand. He6t fig. _LiLt,�:Lv _u ,broke-. -er all ill Se_a-pirilr chanitel and, reakfast Diish.�Bnoil kL pour ovea lie - S. Our, V, lli�Ir barrier And carniff � -rushing, own t FAMILYJIES- p c tIS, f ea3'i g,: to ii 'e fro" with veii grfter -force, - tharl be ix l S, ou 11 r ndii I' ee­ (11 _1,110 pie living for the 'hover' will be h ffQ , : � 1'. 1,_.­ii.­_,�,.,___ �- �, " f'ornato armony, amongst-, §izO apples Miced .�Allaw to tr l, Ir de Deluge" of La M AdAin- in g. Take, a 'bAcOn �and' put the--bliples in, the� reen:, . Jorn eyes to -earth arld,: hia,beren thought to, le ed at several Illin- d en our Ing onf��L:w_ rerad ew.fry4igs, sprinkle with- -half up of -one; -th* ill bri]aj�it I y red r�,eon, f6ur sfilall 16niOn v ]!LP sp, -see "the waste ti and - paih arid, leiid. , supp6rt t'of a �v4negrfr fle the spirit r br i� It. Tile# ILI— d 1611- a b ......... .. n.0 P little il�� ' -that' lhe�--rea .-rictles, �Usuat, ��pnnOi, enal: will feel end t I ill h �71�:bfit-he e appr6h irto-, Onger P as ingl joysi Lit' a C tch� lea y lbok btirn,. the,'end ring prosper, Table L4�00 tile d IW 10 Orn lot t 'a to bless the race,.- he b .0 higher Up in -the- Jordan valley Ic Coalsin d ewrn Seed the r;a'1sID0ll d' 41u 4J v t' took him filtri es, the� of life spring, f ro in 4-14 things lil S�O f t - Vivl' It e&n. oold�' ctit% Off t' s and pe.p'.: e: -01a bankSL. almos he. ob of:,di'vine'pac, overhang Y. t4ion Add I I I i IOn, for lot hoi ri'LoLfhe coming,.. lcm gdom�based- �,m l, ve Pe catches the ha t I gai and .01v6p V�ry- fine put" V U hln'�§oelf on. bis-Atim- Beside Zarethar--L f t, ille ' gh-, r 1 bi6therhood A city sllfiriosed� by a cp ul' '('f On lo,'boil :a-dd-chd ed!rniv- 'a�ertch is .5,if to, ri I s had r . on rn d emT _..hav4e,_been...nea I-, the- D u n, -o I,- ) I h7:6re people hose, livesbreathe there will be 0onfriet, afid,p wbok ne Add %ViffouC resoure s at' SUCcrbtIj1!( till, plates and put.. in .(ing,,,'7 46) ples;., ored 8nd' yart, presence is aiwitys when, abli.-shall live, for all,Alieh I I IL fuiii, identffi d OVEM; Care must be taken not to Jike c�;Ok slot 'I -be n �q En le whs f�nind -16�' Aarking­fft' AlU emi, ancic -site,r let if sbur. fi,is is C oft, le. qu n _ca d"a, to stir up strife, race rdth nal . f er tfian-...e-,�man t the' Ing, ive, in pe ace . ...... a:, -- t - nio iylltle, WL r=. I'G 'd-' toge out,on, life �iv.� ..eye_5 Of Lilly j the, 0 �sft,,-.andflavored witli butter- ftIf tcs ren 0 -horser-adis-11 p a'desire to RY�'F. C6P 'WhbI1y;- HEN d cu lsubtle �of th't, ro- DICACK InU.Star1j. seed. 91- .111611k art ar, tan .r=Une cup,sug teaspeontul alemus canvas, 4�. r.,God "And hi". pumw- arid blameI6 l -bail" urRil i�t s)�Jns ri Q tto ho ss- -of. ar #0L in' ", I ; offeclOr "Or 11 prsoiia YJ i,Ad, then pour�� n ; -0 tablospoonsful ver-ft9 which. have- s AV spic S) L.(IUa'rt Of, �ine 'a n T NCZ E, F e -Intemclew AV ft4PI4 -arid:, spre ca . ..... . a c;'�' AWth A, ha Ve kt:!V� d sj[up iaith with,'- whic 77 arid,, - P Gie�rmafi' ir U 7 long 0 arrii:_ , beating ONE 7 FACE.' -P.M.011---of gwith .,at, I Sa�-97 re over- J sli T* h 6 �cald.one cup of'rniXin double boiler;. quest we isttibution. f"'th- Irertitory, N CIA' York World, -He, has' placed-, Iii ade to it the be6ten"l' sugar. Ile 31 'E,%T NIVAT 'A of, �Jii ELIJ10f -hd dil Lan brient %V -d 011� ili-Pe social- ivorJd;.un-re8,ervedIy ly t��'V;o , , ' 1 . 7. � .. : I E I e .6 -it ha'rdenrs ad tlt�L liands­o�f the a'prornillent f �Goldeii Psm, 161. 76 place tile alestine, evew iii, Govern �cups7 -of whipped c�ea�fl This mt omcim -a V irt f my" At A, 'JiLining-any ddea� �)f --bein 4 mar- S us',age, b urssi�belkir W, - r7 � DiscIa. bclAres- Ill �T c able, �doffff ry caprive' Oer it at the :histry of biAce ttan o- \,n e,.,-' to he Sarlitaa,y 'iE:g6 broker this wid6w, ne LlY `wh16h:,m_I 6 4n,jirnes and arition Chaptar,:, te t b -t sestr urmeri nunigrati 01 -on An- a p ctor- Marcus Biraun,, st ELS_ I boy �A]L­had tile SeId, on h a 7 SICd- sifted hour* 'grated POSCLIV of at subject of J.) I ii.l� Mod- silp))] iggeMing t'h a t j2 bl�4ds - � ,I - 11% - � U 116 found.`Ahc cauln gii �territory has. IF One ,h�apiiiIZ'-t,,iblespbc)nf.uL bu -On -in 11 Lit r, .,an 'that: '11S.4., ollye Ie, pop Mix lid. I Victor e L P er 7 cul irl, long Tirfffrvo%�J IrOln 0xp I oney we I'll; M, --- moment the' life� and crilr6er of. tho _ � ' I I . ­- ­ 1 -1 f0r,koth oTo from the 1' 7 , ' N - - t, I I.F. .. rmaul;rl bU-Dy WILLI Y b.9, ei" our, 1D e 'he itt' -A—m e a MOVIle slcim' it I I . . _ V, T, 11,1z 7 c S"s fta, O - ck-eernonial uriflea- has 110� two a.sui, h as turn,. all. the �.waterl;. then �V Lug k(I-the-prposl rl.,;<) ski Thi co forrn.arnorig� I f -he .. NR Mit7f6"'Or inutm iThjng foill th Do I U n g 1bdi I.')- r J. o h u a, meart jig, I is,ppqple� Knee is, said. -.:4ar The P WILLA �alvat, O.f.Je.4ovah." Like-rhany otherr and -.in. their behalf.. The. word, m.ean&_ forturlej - 'but he -insists ewa'ter'r ifie arge einrls (in He ir alhes Ibis on also - w'as,' to. &d or s9ing.sacred 'C�11 �v f4 -�hali'rbr'ing are 1110 In later: it, I iable'to cml: 1 p 3. of ;one in 6ne' half � to e n. I �" ; � JUmI6g mdif t UIIPO. (4*,� would like,tO have-, er youn And C. led:'by its pa�ssagu- hrough Ai�ith '.or, M%m the -but,.he�w -not o 'je P.,NnEds of, tomatoes) Until tendep. (!lit )a rid liat'%`e 4�,l(lrian Ifftor th-,- Gri!lek Into the Latin' arid English, ct td a I- Pin du t r allr ensary. of, ti� uy.,K)TI w ich forty_ dcaw,. V_sheAs-�suAa:bl6 inov,46'seed-, eo 'rig btlf 1tengp4go, so that thezi dhopo ftp,g, .5kikL the, fiebr arlinv G 'bi' ut.fhp juice,,re thr NNIound with I a Appars 'eai-�,I)efore't-h�..�sraclites'�ilad:c�16brat-ed ribble -a jt�ay 1e of hu Was M_ �N; nS Pas.4b fJILiI ason re, neir oes� 1_JTleY Mal�61r� Us* ver, rUS befo Tit w4 the sugar,- three�quiirW.,rj­bJ,a mos ------- Y'I V a t L L 1111111115 1111 d. N thp e iad- ,I equen y as`J­e—` tri 16' el % - . . _ r , m., av or,, sus a s the tribe f a t A of time Of, N� reLh, has. beopme! Of :p-jgh,t a wile D.,,.Kenne'd p 6c, IV I ly 6, Lin an' d oonte�,c objectl�n. He is �re on it:r revi s Ir b 'Ili eJ y, impresse'd' 6-ri' h'i'9't'o­t'.y­,as' th' rated ,;v ig as an' poyted -of Trip -SC I x-, be pret y tail. fr(.) the 116 L LUNCHES' �h 'red . .. ... twoOrIk io� the 6ovenalff-SO-called be- lea C(- or bald-headed. will I r be -of .�c n 4 other oc- .0 1by thilicring -(41 nien illie7bit, AM s :bore thii _11ame. e lie Ion In squin s e6ri It a' Thov. Mckhat '�OV6r n�i�e wichos. two CA c most, diet which is low '% t ` Ing the Tell Command- s fal fly name, was%. -the gut, cheese, :tNVO teeth nle , I L ''t I R. I . I... foolish no Ii ' - ' t -'rif E&P -'tite tinio .6j. olilk boiri .1 : I menti'�Teceiyedl.; at, ions, is b the. rnargueriW an- in:: he land tieNuri 'belong .. to Jroho%�-Lilhs' making' 01 .0 laddia, RAL father ed ri e first great TwQ 'IsonMyiches; tNV`;0 Adf 'be Epl-6 Of :his ibot,6 afil� retur vVeek ro AT gs;, a' l, oj.: '.q tri r e. 7. Magni th r I n- . . peanut '401)0r.. thte b.V1'8pc- thr.6�' mjhtbs7 tbar 01 IdddI6' yLni'll'co no mention in the - ancient - Biblical' tile PAciflc mile .. . . e fill death tLy I tw lelfl�oll' -a Pear. nl.or� CE I nt'i '!o i�6m- gnitiolA Q4sC:&pd -wh Ire of cDal i. lie; rrative. Reared in an efivir-onment'Of �fe.ohy Ofn eYl- lrie�'drbpped Jntb 3 T�iib! d e e"fich gy�tian his e'vard' -on Secomd,ae ies�, two -of, %Vhile bread mid',,o an jal . a and egrg, p Ple IS usvi tho-L t,,,, u Ltd ini -with file _ffiat bear th he U ei� _nS P.M -nM f, fi it- WVfer` 'dint 3 o (1, ill 'fir Y_ aIi PcR.c I n, touch It' fil)jly� 11WdS.- his to - his UPC Was! o f hit an Wwjieg,,o datex and x br(ad a sk!cii -of 18iA - two gindar t erhill4ern Tile" res ice d-teL of N% I -rim' h all) joil` Mimi SV�Iie wit'lLin LJA m 6 a said— 1s ir, -c ingft. e l es. caTidy. lite Xastrzt tId, f P, Immigr1a.. *0 OMEN �IVJ VORS. Of 'a, dent ootithe -11 uh 96 ffla Lit I , , IF -ion W, fal-her. W# S iastwinbldd t"t s 11, n n' New Yor: 16d Te4flid ''chopilifed. Itilped' hor 'grid k,� Atheri- broad, Ufe' j3ioblt�V� 'It is It wl;iat..bas alrmoy a, h 618 1,00 AbOdblate - VaTer', Thinks.Ilfhey 1. A -j,4, �, * 1 11 Ing Jel ter. 0 :V tiv TIPF, ses '7, at Witild '-CI ITT 1111le Of le T.X06US. I f � I yo e- d if K rn ........ .... It ]III k LT I Yo a., roaat eef Iold In. PS I.) ctJ Tit I L jfF4�,q ell toroll 7ir he God btli rifice. h [SL. f �l tit 5 a 1, c noils, ,I d fil n'5,6 <ir>pedp(. Ifts, e4rhf "'Itlid ay ,be , iMr qu ITF, lak" At, LV Ile M7 na -tit! Ill., r �J tL lit As fru&'godg It d .s hat "If to ho tied velery Wit r t wil A 'Tilt I'Al IaLles ell .44 to! ecognize efthrep V/ ft Th� ficts t of uphol, i f 6 nth II(A XJ Y, .0. public (111Y, W N 4 St. 5; J01 i;yho 71-n "file A-] phiin bral' ith till r ,, ibo toWn a dAnd N1iylrJLq1 J:,Jd'. h -nor', sh, Ile w! at 1: P ipt I t I w01 'Says, h Ji (I ar Of nifxM'fruil, I P1,P)p ..P On An( ng- ­ .1 , Y TrEt or a fe rNOL9 dt�-Rpd, a, fit I k aht =at: 1.11iFon 'A '0 In,.' I Y e _Zvo, a 1). P, d usiness, ne ffa6111. the rrifigill prid. a, 611ail sarm almos -apes. heVy he marriage 19 It Ile of g phere, an wits Lit h,hliaofe 14, A lW. 110 , -the, tho. wl., V ULT Me 113 g-5 rl I nY ? f Ind ch blic g, 100 vel-li Ill L n i; o I I 5, 111tgrIt'. VeS 16P orl.giftally ly �Vjwal icohn�cfjofi ring sofid tied ib A t ne AM -w -p -of oil),, prev Its ridise; r te� ed Abl­.. ,., , a` ----- - - - - - - - - - - - ger rJUAZUti, tip_jkam" f '.0 'Cil -t� Id OVer Again act'n, Ing Y�)Ll kill ;)f to this a. or, tile VE on, all !fig, Tr (I lyjllr,j(, Iof tile 49i'dall'. re AM Y P -P - :( - - the di TIU p MT t tt ii L' I W Lt f'A pe 'Cro -oil hO hek," ry SPOIL no ery Op S-staftre of 10)0611 [lie rvincial all J�at'ljtllo J"JUIn and, pra,84�r)t. _vr op.r J- 0 Oil JITIM00111 w a' or IOr illy arle 10 Jely upon tflel-�' of tric f bit 0 �omn wal in. tho f.'a 11.1 rp ey aro Th W-ahe d -w VftP(1§ Of .6 M (,1 6. :.tho of the: Rb tkid W it (bM h 8, to say. 1, 'if the in' ahilanfg' t 'id howielrer, !a conn't6ttoin; -in ger strat e, bewillingfy I a fc bi I I I" 1pa�t, of it.", 101, W061d (Iffily' tIa f the JP VV11c11 OR, he ai,dtfil bg f4 fer�n, SJJOJ�o P, lItIS140 Lind fcJCfi Jilin eo 0; yinir. s the Iiil the' till uclit Mount liet'rilon, ill iho..1'ind bf Nj.iy�r Anquarry for A dlt­lhe,�ie blsduik; )-,and '�is8igtflnl, of the A,ged law Arid pitA0 Y�U, 3)i blid In 'of oung fit A(1, is 24, 7), gi th ground ofir, dMin thotroughlyi:qn- 0ve ver Mva�y 'JiPrOn eo4"r Is nd salti -0 nk' 'bo h (10, P,� h Ill fine [i r 6 Ck I V pr9bably,, As sornei, till Reepin ity' 1105e against the, r'f tile 01A in 1JEN&Y" broad, 1111)(116rd faihled� Aiid 'Awoit�6 rand Conn d6e fn 4he help of J(,JI()_ af T,66811, them, arid out; -lix 9( IF M, (I -a froti) P 41M tlAl P, htil In IICa'untrv_fO1J�,I and ItSh hill 64611 CCtr I� dqiIV )n fl� rA I b0t. L, ed d 4, hi cattle Atli t fk ur: cU.40 Ii-obdivi. On 6f a, 0 'DIdn ltl6st 4&I.Spi Its frI k f his , . [V�. qs 11, (' '1 1 lihd 6t h0f6lsi tor '611,11 er ar'6 invglu'016 fbe ' d lri�-If An 'I isaid 0 6 _xIly onlitted in i,l no '014, Of' il�n Is that (fid, celluibld cU Y d, sit )611P Pu� 11T Jhd YeOr J 1,4 arij . 'a he' beot 6 f, I ro ot in whic, dr, , 641 Wioa li5f. ifigi lot'. th4D elq,�r _e t 16, dr! drize, bad n o-