Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-10-02, Page 5LOW, G W F"O'k Z W, F:A N W L ...... .... and S�ggne d" by thd -P%�eev e and'T eiLsui% r thereof. That as. 'soon as �tlie The Luchnow, v 's -ure ompany v, N no --AAAxv -C __�hu _4Pr6Aed-.and -the buildiig�, olistrIletpd. 'for V 'to nt-qcc'upied 44em situate -611 '14undred 'and pin 't 0 �upoi, the remis6S_,ai:-PrO4e y y u Aild nindfY(290),tw6 hundred ll and, eighty eiglif,,(288) in the -'A NLD hu V�'L U 3aid village, of, :Lucknoov,.,axid such, 'd' S.- Q; n erections an %repairs ap� 1V by the��2 -A S. execut6d,&, mortg age, W ihes�ld C roN� e RE: 0� ti ' 'the Sum. of 84000':repi�y�. 0 'C' e pssigne to "d bi tj d 07-WAall in 11-6thpr rates be.raise b Th6 ;speci& uffl 6 G 'D HE �6 GOOD t ih h -at hand"" 'a'"n"d�-a']'t'th,'Ou'kh-earjy., it is n t b;rate0le.p roper y in he sai. �Iuun- 80ou Y, o b e 1'06 h, i n g 1 r y.Au V of. tb�m'. --d-ay I -Me bezituredo� an U now §Pting, h 'COM d'sim'6f Throe Hundred 'Our �n C -ious nd omtmbd lars. i,� be �i EW cknb R-4 PreM epiid anxidally and the W said, sum 'of ibri 11un ever Wploasuje'to, disp y 'ds 'and 'and hive a. -look through it thirte tied dollara 'be�.r�epaid.:.in.tbo_ 7 the Ao- ea'son IS r - said Theiludknow,Furhiture, ompany. 'C int" vkiftd than�4�6 b f and ouralue§ tbrbugbjq Qr6sr,, �na- �Yncotbe whihh hAv e j#ep ttly m' - Are 0*01 better, 0! 10 a j�ay be deri��,4::th&61fe6m� by. the $Iiia, tbougli 'the hom' --is�- MiliticiAlity. 8hall py.iatd at id k�.plied in �aym 6 ecial ra, 6f ,the'. te b f rein ore 4cia to "the,fin his ng' t6r -1-adie-s dir fi h wee sle r. A 0 nq _to ts . Deb tifes- n a dAurinj� �ihi h e" n g n h9 w Q'�Vll to -50c, kitchcn- e -a -11 11 .,: I - do, -fifi S �u bng a, !$91MO-0I De Ver'y ar '�rhf r s, -run TO ItO the bitildii�is platitV& db Ar 11 Q A F NOY gaid THE L x -N _E= .... ..... .. 'C meJ1. �O ,ale ere y AM -.0sw-0OU _e�:n T, h �kh er nat, a varn� tist ay of Alby js.h DuTi A44, iliall take,effect ViFth at. $ pier, Yir FuRT4k,R, EX;i6 -by' - 4,-4 -AND IT IS fac f,d: b o. .. . ....... e lykunicipa icy. ltxeiho.V�Js V. 'of � 'Luckiid* C Ah9 iar6 greal; avarice I I that the 6tes bf th6 a Colo, Lt h ra ppaye "Alid �Uljnes UH dre splem b P t r-&x4e. pure entitled u y Wih-et" N, shall �e aken on -tho avc . N th ry tftl YWV 099A Peel ce d"i t5 alb dk V hces,bein P es,sy� .�m a w h' i,i 's+e4d of ulti Voiles are li�ght And r n ao all "Preparations' e6iitaini 19. ocil 1ney Cbme;in all I �iriiilzir nigredient V h, _V h- n If is Nyon, erful foy Y 4tt fhe Schoo,l.flous�, T d So-Uthern AQJAC 7� a-ao er-p Vsn6t.'thIi'Town, Hall, Y,- �gllewi E* ape 6 .011 thu,.'l 9th. & ne'�"weaiinrg qua, i �ies,,, 6v6 alrdd4Y beauty 6n,d- ri 19'0-7 thi and alit en, a it! of eleN a jr 6 ar Ina ren o..�ap_pqin_t_P1 attend''at _P pollidg,places and at. the ildgL Up' Vb -and �C d- tb' ream,: ap ePT, P Is, JIM_ -ATI US':� 3: P,9 Ana' of. the te's'.'r6spear EA el.� 11 sumin tE S do of the 6th& of' Dria�s GLOO'da", 'are 0.1 P E: de alL�of th: P"�On_%�L P, I 7U, g 01 ping'. ict ,g'04; S. 8 �1 fT, d, ma e, ar typpo WA 7A nic r -,d- IF h UtUers: itt a e Munic, Ali-tv 861.1 aite'll U d , our d The.: lork of--tb.6 Council of:t& sai d: i 'the eit,Chamboi -in tfie,'To�.n Hall-, said. 'up, r s-, nu b W, e�@ gi N reto 86,18. , aud'-B­­ as* 1Q'R..n1C,-e-raq46 11 th diby th! Daf�d 'A - C . tMes 6i*a,pro*Ptne�s , ERS 10' N, Reeve. az a 'd d7l 7 VP PIP TLf Pn� h t an. t rtmen -W a epa AGN.B., pra Olt 6 T a is a -true W 4tion' - ith -been ta�kdn,- into i3o _copy -o :a -proposed Bylaiv whiah i�, MZ�72,3' Wh C, 71, W 4.. �all ozir -,.§to' the i6h, wi be, passe&b eleeni 'a jblqa,� MP6 OS 07V NU tl�cfl :of the nVent of -t ie --assent of the:ejectoj's be- ... a re, 7, OPq if 'in, 91Tbe ing-ob lned tliereto) after..6ne month f e0m. -the 'first publica�tio of' Lu pilblish?d intb now in Cou�ity of,.Dr'uc`.e of Which'first publication �v&,R tb.2-Otb -of VC .1, (lay b ary,, A'Betlb i a a' i'd rs of, t S in i i - y" be, d , t1h, . t ,61io Y law TIO U, each year -ot the said Alini 'BY-LAW NO;;,'2 W1 .of the h 'd' d'd Ilarse p ea� hB of tb6i aid efor pity- 9 r i6i.xility thor Bwe'r evenin' e COMP4 n e ;of e y j ejjtS of. for the jF—Ad 61. LIA; a of the v'dl&g U eds' and,,the abler in. 270 equal antnial. A G'�N 4.1 6*4 'th6 Cdu" it" .1, . I a 0 e ine EU6 U V 0 ruceJai-TMV.0f thirthda hundred: dollars. 6it 1-i;ffcj:lj 'I'64id iiit'r'stt6mb4 d' . q r p .1fiture M b,,Vo;: vrantin A ne! t -'.the m by*ay,.of 1 an -be last e. $4000 foe'& period or t it k6rd n6to t bLe,11(" for t1le year u e Secur (L e of Dolient b ro upon t1) of UO te mid ea, Hqndred afid VI, H rAS it iS� ad d ix rTT1r. T_% 1 0 W -F -Ur. ey now U the t�fa H 1. A , e illa e Of I adiount'o'f 9 i -)rpor I M of" _ri',_, ffl- PE a eve I tll sit� $24,000,. tip alti: f -tha,sdi& illla,,e shwuld aid on d', tk�tengiow n i i c t�any­j"n ind idiin the; 'A now Fur U OM _W a -som f, 3W.'5' f6' obun shid municipality ill accordance, 0 a 'n aifted an, red to, n 1 NO for tile t erpSE and, -Mufiicij)tvl-A lo' hen— yin, "Orp"Orp"ora E) ��Sai 'or t lit in, A' r n-ae, p Ca" ARb Wutggxg! ti ; iltod 1 -hey will Vuii and ie Luck n6w u P g con� said Debentures. uri jig thp next t*on, agy- of the, ....... Are ilow,carryingon usin b e namcl�� pig V and hav a S n owtiod bV, the f6lto*111 J3- 1 �r Tp Y -i it prompt )e io, ion, dy 'or ,6f mapih­ I builb of cetnen Cotincil of ied to' t6 Corporation said the n the Tudhopas am� f th6 (Alid P f0e It ioan-6f p r fatil tles;§ abuilding and conitructi storie4iii he�ig.lit, 100 f 60. ft Ul pp ge, 11' of That, it'Ahl Lit, Aa*f e 0 ft, 4 5 f L, it�ries I igh, to 'Lit a 130;fet 11cOM, 20 prcsolt fil use by the t U hig 1) . by tfie house (j Pik. ly foundatioit, undov flio as �elr h Which h' b (d) at, C -it 11 iC, V Ativ, nlwil�r of M IN; Apw, PO sotile, 6f tile', t N c r b W heOach oan-ti -'G,- ANI 'Tadh� Ple-Car"16 r tit d4w. th