Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-10-02, Page 3'T -71 7,7%p:` 477 T M1 -F F V. 11 F Tlff j 05 V, V"!! W '6 A RN ... . .. .... '7 tp,f9r­40 r ty, '011,11eid, npt ,T p4 hl'psj anym jQTe., "111 Vmaew MIT, I crol'vd- Rua, k, dceep',you "o Y $ , W QU 11AA 4 'the for'O'' ed �pf ��P PIX . xather usis, a IV Dr. Williants! Ila' 0.� ki��FAOI VIA4 T411 AleAURP11; 3P I ngfh,'to, Ov'e� 4T r 'A�Rart Berosj�jgh? V tr KV OP. -14jw t, �'htr bes��:,b� -'jify ��o rworked -Kl;p 14 '9 mej il 6 loy ''Pe Wo L 0 My -�DeqoXLIe.�, 7, Jt A 'a rl I Ve �ervilrit,. avio-.: jf�yofflr_ jr ljjQ a.`TfheEf%.1)V Wj The i e, in u, llesq )Vill 461"? ej I'f f a domestic'' ha ta n , v at D v e r -P.W., al W jb# JIW�:,k Uthor 'folls,fropi early i,,na 'Until '14� Obligcd,�'Ov�n 'W' hands, lViN bZ. �td 4s, 1 -0 4- V m R -her *ik_is�i one. --W .7 Abinight; -w 4ever W4 UY 2t 40 f h u i or,901- _,Aoora_,f. , Je*k 1?Ffvfr d'67 ' ---I'd ' ' . , _t0,,,g 0 4L "breath of f iesh - aii�. Uitlesi e, _6f� A !thtguli,Ix 'the & en—erided,31i,encO, Tlt�ft, kept rich - an pure. this reacited.apipps 1i ieruent,�, wear&.,',on "her heitltb; .'�Heij etrlklng� throd­k­w� r,06, 4 - . . I I . LL' I � I I I 1w little boats ladq tall; -she may. los&�h rap- a *wlta tileirr frag"Iw jgi� f'd and in prov-0, ongrant, flowers,'whica ptrug 0, Krorg xne- 1 becoe Palo dygpeptie;­ "n er "off Islands- a6me 'day op� -a, singers vvei�e ng pgatast'surpo op(L 64L:zoto, tpq f 6 J b6'1t, ff" reneraf btaW- i4 �Ilet danger oJ:'a g he Al was the :.condition o OB4 'Eno- steamer 'At f -St. t ell O -a 9X jb.eompany, bo t ie, th' U4!kj' Vne consequ h t4,, 113, eacp or I e grn, U iie'Anxik Fle An �,�At all 'G rpro 6 e, X, -4- er no d F44_e77Q­t�o., Telore i4tia� useld Dr, WiP, coyery, b3ite-farners d 'plan the Jiams'Pink Pills: Sheays: I!Foi-a,num_' h9 that;`.e-Ver- elit 'H into t; 1(j WOUI& have bej� :o,t Years, I have been aservan 'I, I lt,j 6ht6" .:&lid most `dihb6lic�l p bad told -how large -an afth ", ' t9a year ago I ha&aIW&ys -th44 the m6r4 lapsa�of,s,g6uera iyoru, ead of M&P njoyed. hi;j- be§t of health, but su'ddehly I d ;:0 �.belter-lb and 1pand -or ]Rose, cf�ds�ed ea�rifi;e4he.sbject of this�,pl HcUllan inter Is -Lithe ra� a 'RY Bid ''my"'a ppacitto 'h th 1 e, �11t'_fit rying jusic,,'room,�and ale lee In 4 pmd bejnk� Rjmbjecj tor 6�:qited, yw mq, los �A tile re -Markable, maretesus caq noi��q ottomans,,. engt ni h.; 1"co sand eneS, �,bt ao -tuve "of L6,r, t at the �hatv�uyiji pvb, t, rar�wi es t, d c gT lie �.ljoUse_ and-. th ug e, 7D CAI sa partMent'L ttild ROS12r for U E�o _1�: trr Pink. Pill§',. and -bly . 'I r. Wi ,b look6a'�irduii'd ex �,ftrjpearancq, you O.be�mo�t�prdbg ,ltbiin theL V ,tUdl th'G w % ften h -0f:t like of tj�c_,,ca, oug'tii their 'D dur0d, - - inhey. 101d9lbal, J-� d6ci&lid A& do 1,4-ohl PoSi'ng* 41A lie TUD! 4 eibotr,'bud -14A TI)a tJae t ejw' laortre ;t ahbath -at e, U, to -day -T ,ntq�, .0 'alles YOU, a Af , e 8 YOU shc�u_id una prough hotho tYou are pa �qi ever was, -6t man le and,� bn earth i,�, iplaCed,,In bowls, anol vases th to,mhed id -I can no)V &.g4tout.-iny -"P_000 - ' 1119. fempeiat re f` _wA0 -�vtqout at" to njarrri�,or-qlis- K T , e _ P, ig or prape,, an( �JLflce, Se� run in ver onzans titat the, tht: I iid' d' Qofi '6rL fiie,' And I Ppen "tPe'pineaPP'!�q,�qf,the'A2;0�og. ye gla fut. . � � -- ..Ut;.: 9 iniature -of lov lich it fl'T" -.D t I'Uame, grat�tU4e ,�3o 4rer, Mown" far' over �gg YOUmY e exclaimed the cl e _PX =�Iio g eat. y disture 6 UU� 'On the r,,e, -ob)3,ery what they % -ess on r V strongly ad,�5e other e4k, gLi��B' i) gNt develdpme . ..... hes§bd, e� oil were eA ap'pearxitce.,of er nt, m be l0 that' they -may b an 1n',,Q1nDaX ed silence,' dixtil t.he t 0e 'them ;a ttj I­ I`Ange�-du- Mo .,fob, madiiA, let us go hen I '8tep9.tb "'ever -ch k 'L�, e Miss F, I 1eury'o ",now YL 11b9ss dimentobe 4fitch, 0 e case is. one.'af it :;Ducel'! biggest �,p.�-fees,,from—thei�_.WeSt",�ULd r,dliriosit Dr.! Y. NuW at"thio moment "the w prkers T d '.seek dqotors?.help had failed, "The-,,sucepss of the lllylfl,616 g tbering.�Flle unol*zied can nie",who that vel 4-�O,4, turn0d,to Jeave the rooX exettedly. .11 . . ' I in' her h, d tho� CrgP �"!Willingly; t ans hey and des's�d as, giv Easterli Prin�- sis been. a pleas t ay ,the .pill D n.:tReJit6t­thitb t Ptalks.ar4;1being I the #r bu t I t o; a .qu tir rd the A p6rf UmeB to It 41org DUA WICV, ��UUU­,waftjjtg 'Upo strike: rjkIlt at ttlie, root, of the n lie whole m ite - icker jbash'eti, for, cone�wice, 142�7 sheiter- ana it alks 'can, b6.i' '6t: C the­bJ6od;. ot nm pra ure, or, distre 5 4 Yin ed. I will n YOU 3pen they:;are nj t for dA, even wafm77tem �ta�iz 'as a,Mau fil the �xp aua m.64iciii6s, P tion -of Youuntil we rVe reach- dX o her, I dh beautiful Iv6sl"iB SIX thel'.tro id�, �R_ in Doms, of o -d Un'"lutes Diay:'reIiev­e, but 'do ot du'r �Oxes.,nct Ili' -do &6�r. er �liam� -Pink' Pill.i lua. '0 d :,at- Are4migo. ieha 44 the Ur agra ilet 11a, kN . . . . . . ......... 00 10 o9. e .-th ses �dtrl li'Nbey- lto-6d �Vkiffiig Ihio�,Adu hipsa or. �y mail 'a claiming their hold, hrou OB for J c i n el, V IF] 16pe, 0 . : Of d Al'I'L V�l bat ars, iA . -thd and' trrof after n Is c said:' a J146 n AN-MEIR. ceipy O� -Aited" the�-di all thd�. iH, lb 1", , - &,jhoq repe th - I e .3 N1W ll�, - _- 1 , c ergyman, of this city .46n j�ri 4f, Mies. 6� 1hince of, Iva, t 6tftiJ'co1dn;&ss­s 'tielcks�,,and groves :A supe hon the ffe' with Un- nd 'clen niglit.-last, Aitdd a Scotc�i t the sky Ud* famidy OF ',At, "'r, the'Duchm;of- Beres -l' theDuhess oF-Defe"-, I a 0-17-; W-, -Gorin' pre rty; c6rviisting�oftdT, Bar - lei *.Koq utj&,ru up Ulm, on-their-WaY tolToronto. Durin. con - j 4� and. the adies,Wardoui; ;1b. a: o My So ZJIOLUghlE�4 gened '6,f mor somew, rea9h!ad, 1,117 �*he�n we; ;4 vexisatio ,g gh gzf in I tk B, pr XIVISSUS' F je ou ie� hint .ena# Orena proceed 'td 'the ARMERS Ok' in th r 'all U s -11,4NOW 4W ll 'VEST Ote 'thi !Now-,. which b ',�And s;h, in d3' 6.0 year acelld 4dian festivity. it' 111 the';tlyoughb, hat� ,t o n: Hamdelt goes. s6� ing tq -this er London A& ea -V A, d Ad t ing' drive from-, Jiva-hAndrpd,..TeL6ple, h6,`pa4t bi�for,&� turned I r w he .Pemi Be6jij It t r 6r- art no- s -ted,- on one� 0, isposition Ria along,. the barika of:"! notjee�,.t-1 yk: rooinz_ ld_h +b- --the -can* c Xdijk ea wa, ejL f ay I. an 4: v -sea verd w It u -what talk Id 'it 90. 611"i, 1 tb t ltroducingj, eldloo s. tell, were cradler CL since leaving at h4d.'experiepee" xoof,, frepte enjoyn eCi� f ? H 0 Ho many lullabya. �haio'been L , 'm 'hi's hostess and- the. End,'111; sd' ne. �fg e were i di d3 qf b ge... - A he was the It t th eeY r eca-ir reLLbusy o'Ver The-, -signal Was. give� �,f st, r to perhaps Id - t ess,And. her, par itte ed�,,-Zndm9 vj�e anu,,, e good 0. �'stone a com, re - 0:11,61egant,minsApp Ot -afid*th�m1st6ts,of thecei rc way, that -the v rl range-,Aziiie,.,.,g.ues.is..,Lat'. dAL 110TOOF . djiver_� ehind-thebbusel fabl6c' 'Th6- ma8l�s, wor.�, 6e, �R` ze,gai cary see Ing agold t rad - My' --of,eitting,'Le-od- d k' th 'h tt6 1!9r, TS, _qt no 0 ,wood- du&' J*, 0 d g ,rolled a green' Y'g-ran _tH -the: d conveni Ltd _ot,t4p. breal, g,p Int -at, Halifax 'And. 8 upa- Feea _t I were swepita.way as i bbilu ulturil of toll' ed d ­Pleziaur6. '�f Ahe� . . . . . . . the, 'and, re dY_ Eth-6rid,,�e, ignxn4y, Ah �villa 'At the �_i fit y- u 96 Itlid "Oh d 1:%ri eve- reat nsion I gei. real business- an nt� a zascivaT4 r nce-expted to "he I neNssary -that. I shula Dog:. y lacU 'rung'ed-a.. n a oued as storm -Wept little I's 'WhIle 11id- "t L . � que d ved f'r6in th'a- AP and, the Flaina.-of. 801 14,Ae.seagon with you, and1o'. JaCk &agq of jL3.e uis to: the hY went-f6rward over': h a4mjj-;� t foinni. fr6ffi"the --b h iaii 'to rl 'itifie, hou s4ne ion- q 1.1111 th, k,and easte-6f,' olftjO and reli"'o the SO. , il�aine�iatc :re -reverence. turn to._S_winbtirndi:'�Ci8T, fowditng,� -Oclr_md�ssi -�f th,6,'Btiory B h- & t F George$ r ed in ted. be-: as' eul 'nol &I n h e exc effly of Its are domantiel. a bteni�tfd aLeta '? -'and ave afflidfP& 'The duchess-itna.he Ij tlo," said Rose growth li'm d F par y remained __A,�d � durin wen 'the'thi d" Gee' Wia._Iobt�the, nt er- ­waa-t - �Ary V a t f roej f:, L multitude of, pe Is am _COm7 . blue esi 'of W � 'rose rd all th6 , ere. ma, C "In, a 9611 isle oL n to i6nim h '1000tumes oit"all e -reja we P and, Un jlQW_n. st-0 View'; with: thii i6A -ad ues k tsm "li- a, th, Itesio6d. X 4ength An ente prise wa.5 V TV, tall The' a. -port,. of. wr al -aim Ilea e,L" lity-erapire, -while rev.4)lAtio-h 9d W see I 'ought: hersdIf k- d We. . 'the in frequent' ll� e.Ladies WafdbUj7 -in which �the. duchess - th an aT' lottery �g I t, 7�L��Vf " , , vo u ion shook fie' -PID Party, y tlier was g6t 'uerr. might A'nb_%"b fit U -R It --kingdom-a-Ad=rWitib-li- Roman nlaj�dq ho- of: ig ness. ren, , resse the lo w and d' _fa�nibi� fouud�tn �b o mpkr i,,mict6ridus. r abont YiDtif meeting,!, with his- n, �b eat maik�t i urora, y, arrayed in a flij . a . ting amodf — - e.= ii d. __WA tr aSorr, to Ba ar -bi. rIv. sts� to distribute tickets .:a, gra ILLPS -and, Colonel en, o, bve� 21 di ze. b v els de Imed. In, It bbr or a r9se-colorbd, jamond," jottery, to' be drawn at th6,.v y -en red 't 861*es chit e.-' e- --- ­ - I I ­ -_ - _w I itfi, or H I k On er" 71� It air dre ead a O -C OC T, e r e o r a t b -�seittered, dikofineici*1 *.H- like'a, Ad prr W and ro6k lort;fie"' ;he moutli -46f The: duebess her daughioia, an&,�, 0 U�t_ leave: J� "We! alr*riow a nztiqri�of ''�i ist - ptded, hi m; all, an-, h P toEifiieridge t6o tickks,; and ae,4 tftia'�% a --,--.,Her Areas hei' mrne 'it th r jrn to wi Vas.,peacend sL conlmdrblal Col- 4 e,. I�ut: or :n1ptionS niver- of drav 1e, y, d linked, hands, eea f. U ving_ww o hand fh6 4 dottgratula - ou.,-.sir,� oh. tea h court- w e -.Vvtl!y -rodedk&e qas or jr a y_&M. Xag a ouse.., crowd a cease 0 your -8660, t-. el, im o RaralrIttlon-, as $114) 'bu paired to a 'A -, I laUgUratiq4 `9 Thea the It u ry e hav 0 d6vikiope4 g if _� :e 6 . . iful anj,�fr.UjtfUj e 4pountry- o tur, tr said t :d ale -in WE '66n- e and for kelp failed and ai thbromas, t e w eb her -a' at, lWt reu:� nd one 61L the �t hoe r -hig ha cstill -Ili .-days df were:,,dra is C1 mmediate de6id. east wind alvays filled. arms abou -the Prot e entertain s.�p nr T rit te, int6rview:,,with� gge )er k could -pledge, sh ahco-owning and�shlp-bulloln yout in as hi tancy She L _ja�f6d It 'I aLl be_,te_ t Celli rou vel, and, 96' Andvaliddunted',enterpr a-ako_ lei WOCIM WIam-: ail ad' 1 o nnin eres e( ; uZaer I of early pothitoes.1oret E -- -nA. $.Illl gr 0 ;brbught 4derry Be a w 'The' siecoid' prize wai raiii and., doa__irw;,ke, broUg4t,:a.,i2aw affluence :t this. u farMdk..;,Who invested tiett 0�svi faBlijoh Inrp en -tile- development '-the of steam b were Dt dthL ais ad ktroyfo 'iiig of gresti.value: h4 t 1'. . I , :L�:' -:'(TO 11), UF be -0onti aent. 'r, re Be and, toro -own ng -�b hip Its pecu iarity. or Ing. Wdustr!� And a Spirit of 081 gloom And boin'we b61 t - )me, Irom the th near o see. -"She has. f ilani 'eir, I settled down on Ly'dnesse_ i- - , t ha� tot make and Ladi,.Xtbdri 6 locket ieturne . d _'hd;'­jnen wh�,_ -e�bep re, gait, and- mirin�? - tbla' A -a' 1) erselif aep'atated gratuitous l6c,ture*" IRA All lie Vhlle� - however,, unknow n as, :tn 'ina, Ca'ad t: acKenzie, Sti t "na. n :tn 'inam ded to'. identify a oin , -out.'* W, her. "d pi mO re cog t.ly of Daing woul t THY BOB t Ila p t Its Anluibitalts , the making& of psiem and �tht. r< watid. to,%1 %t, have been to;rked'I g,ch aed- the lwlvepl. Iler numbeip Ire t6lus layi &sregakdedln man�. all Island'itook, on4, c nnot -but, hope,that the, go ck� i h i Id L wn.wa-49 6A d kig woman, diq d., a den. And this brings 'this, 'hat line t J9 :Only a ye"ga, ;.v 'A tdi 1ALgry. ii), a date�abotit thirty--seve dfiild- that crlgs�-. gj: when; �f t wad; kn Goddess"Dialik is the beautiful Duch %06' bine. OAwn that -in the Isles of , 1,111' ccritntr May have placea'witl;in iti';rnan tn� love." 'firat lo(,kct eef ato 'Vou. to. quite 'want A Devonsbire'� n6ug a�relsius Itwu Rai d, 'high e there *ere etilit vailetieq,o�n add t -our �,afiv :1 h 11 grad e -bo 'iff t.L�Ltjg kAr- 6 L , CaA� 2 am! W jq4q that nh-ght b -e. alfkl lie Uri' tbw _,Sihiih. at.' perAy. FYI gil .6. U qlo�l Diarricii r -ehnraoter'of C16ji in ever7 'dose. o; hose i were unff-gf th&, i inoro, Your r6Yaf-bigh- �-The Tablets;- ' t 0 De. . " i ag , Wild. tiOnk theAlrigrimvine 'of Anorteir. Beer,at of it, wort-sibe, felt 'IF cUre all. the little ail- '6thera -in the de of the moral %-h6 knew, this-4od right ru;Dnt�. of allif4,11b i's v 61A Row� thes'6" fi irs cania .'into the Iblimide h,of, a Pu ex had his disordered bo' I't' faI so"Mr., borrinm!gnllth- thb W' -gra e, as, Mitre An-' e&np6n Adaptability 'in Fashibnk' �If, tot" alixt in price #TltL �-ot 61 icin �oirl of-aidily.". sayi;; a matter. of some. obscurity. IL .�y OFA AXW as & - stoin k ala et tbe ..wo-- th is Lnd tbat 0 or boivels.' 11:11,ey Nare goo d f.017 all, bxty4hree years ago; however, It this'year 'which-, every 'tot berg, It ig 15,�b il'q�es, babies, anil,, are &Old UnUer tb a that tb6 Captain of a Fkgneh iessel :which sif b rt, hi�o taken shelter id he roads Dr4ente4tWo. Red who.nutiL �a h4r owat'aloth-ea will, be, gl 6iing nea)r !let, c pense, o S 0 er Of, [k.' .0opea, immen VVhG gvvu . zo [UQ!, speak Jo*0 one, itl dear, t alld. di conta bulbs of CaMpernelli to Mr. Olityas. -i.t;ifj,jldt to know ubbut. jt'is, aA4tjbgity:.. !n no op of- llustrated bf the jUmper tnb,nd 16r4 un and it 6btaitt that,hoilorably,: 4ays. ell: ill- cis�ua L may ba,�,o bob c6lebrated Mrs. fly. qp�11, but a ways tb5r Delabdieft6 Jillouks� *b dresses which are to be a . ov b D - TnroU the T :6 R080;L 'diiqtrbed, by bebig- it c-51ed bV' ing ri tied :and became ail bl� y as, o,.? af iii n, year T_ d them a, �spje i t e_.Cettaln in aILI G 'al- - e A few _(toscs- r-JtS of-- iM�Plajd and' cotton fabrits elliCh -he -incess, 11 -be Nvf Q161i t' Vie, - Tabjet�q the "'0 1 0'also be. is,�flbed the� 'gfi1gh24n_L - a.11d � gijj�:X PT e �Prio OT-1yo ran R: of� 'it, qui6ein;!, efedit -.of diso6eking, tile 'totrizne"C'Al ilia&A& T It i'6'th'1Vfkt'y14r-6f will 6e, CBS; I r a. e or: by riiAil 'at 25 cents h A" h, - 11 s observant itt, pldce �of' Die a dal, for that'j, is ae 3-,t. ,a and, Vft� Theni ___T C �ddqirj bl6onikj, aji4L tbo bdn-" Sts,inally good (to Vou tile iock h od inodd Clusibri IhLat fitvOr an bv vinif t ex in At longth he huyu:eli we 0 . sel Q*16bt guden 0.95 ex,ponse nd of s'o om Y. :.with a small Of..jjjibS and vi)a�,, og Leon �'TfiaVbid Not Pa' j - - ��g np� I' ti 111 e 1 sre, noti adelphia; 'rqwCrd6d:by retetvlhk que'r6r . sovor, (Phi a ah.tn -ee . ar liek pattl�yrn but 'a gr� AV-OC6AsJd?l pfferbd' be Mcntlibnoi of th'i at, deal'for timibi I the 77 h t Shia,, th ay;' The' -girt. whb, 4W.. St 1 r iv tk ver, i may -were'--influened by a r f'. 11 - ero lo ic a ver-iaing devices in 'lid oi . t e "In it- be �Vliso, to ntjr Instinot and f n I oon. act on hin'bluta,- '0 le first rion ha& -'p 0 wf ad r lq� pas Teal me'. hat is 6n4i d t jailipei .1 alid. w .or, to: Pi 45 an.., julli th, d 'e n x, nad exp�,_,t to. do et ie uld t at., I toei 01 t th he wev& fit, m&kdia me- of ('11 t irod. Not� Wit" 'ago our firm 'wish a Thdit is it ata ocirilod wheri'airl's lat Mfterl,two fililutdi? ilia -th 'ib junliper. 3119y 01 9011 Your royal high- 'aA pain'tng ' -A&stion is Wea4,1, EMI -al ness, I wouJd' .;�gg,1,15t �thht tbat'app�a-red insfiaiitv id buy s ond str��tagc'ni- callid Aio'nia19 of dixrk bfp MtLt6rj'vofle 'thd' h r wit thg� he witntod' $400, It AVk8 proV4& h " poWerf u' I ni- .0. pay So -14 'firtflure on in. I wn8� wifflf; t pa do plight -d all th"t it Private -760dr6d h6t, ,4 foyalty inAt. ovcr Vid tboTh "an -easy, getted, foiAl cad. . She a-, so -had t,(i pay 1-be,skirt 6id fla) bil) jumpJt Id of pl-eading calue 0 11m, fflono.,i! her* $18,000, with the aeil�,,Inil for the Ys t ke 0- every 'Jid-ur, -An. a kbdiha lid.# ail a 010 filfambility,of Ili's ove �t Wta in addixig. L .1 �,7 irl s,, s rengtho. sc 0 Optimist 66., h; day 11fat an'6 lionte compakion for in whidli oha rgaret t. VUVOli b-11 lgd mot yol�r havari.,4 A abrimpA him of dpfl 'IOU ( In operw. , - P �11 T, 04 so bc'j�,6 0 tis 6 irwit'i 6141notty 19i"t, 00 I to u &mbliag debt.