Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-08-28, Page 7�A 1. �1 -17 , Vl,, I I 1 1--,'-,-.-1. ­­­" , � tl, " . I M Xi wl-,4 q 7- - te 41 M x­ E­­ ARKETS 'CON DENSED 'XIMS "ITEMST L J 41AP, IP - 7 . ..... i TRADE GI�QBE 7 76----11 ..... .. ... - ------ 0. 777-7 7 an(): raph pji Call orai C, I r rrei a 06 - -Dwft: an, r Oiller �D Produce' her C; t in: a, at"', ailry At 11PkIle: rallrkl�s wvept a Ir 7 $aUlt- st�" #1affe,', (VAbr, - .6. �t`.­--,�­­­, ­.'1---ff---t -­ ­­A-­�,� ..... . ..... .... ... ... Iven s� Aug,,R re-, oron T t 711171"1", t CANAPA.,, t 90" per cert..pittelils �quoted- a: I nma Nil .20,� di ilcv� wheat flout- at $3.40 in �an' 03.,,,of Paris, Ar.�.e bt,,3,ers� sacits 4 -factww in brant-f6rd. ot, sepin," rant tc�e.mai,,,, a 7 , . 1 - - p6rt-... MaPi-I ord's wat' lo ,h from t.�jikuli; o. Write;, -to call a, ­,pol' , , . - I *eco'hd6 t to b jumped- or, 71 ,, A dc,9p4 ch door. -col, n 'lawr -wa �S [tic "resultof � what- n nd n 1 el, supply is 161M r le I tering-As, discolitirl ed. norn Mo real sa'3,�5., N, en* Mpg I Y"I'liat stflIJ, ear of if) pali�tlts, 44.�o, to s1k.80 and - strong. ,ba, .11,110 aliadian Pacific , jl�,- S 1 1 1 0 utec lldeA an ;IA Ill.%, of - Like Nvr cliod �Citystal'� I a bo u t. t lie C I Ull i4Q 1 1611§0; p,1;C1slIiI)JIIJ I a ion after him n a A OP -10 tlic -kqrs�, �$4�go to c J light. ' As he pot, ug, I J.1 f 'th.a'poouli� 'c,66, �d, to� do" tile work' 1 1. ' he tulkin 4) )T on�.l 1V494 rn,i %'An 04 31o, 1V Ufroug N 0 1 IT IV U s arvc u IF I ligrqli� - i fl., � C V. C W, -Ma � 15 il1lu '1.nor I Lhe Mk4 nOIIS" U­­i�,­­ --UE ­� 0011­-� �Pa�eilt!3' Vo e" �-nff N�, iti AillaffUr two car V h I e 'd III R, 0 it'll (MU74M 771;04. 'xflio�..Cure'd assistance An Ily.nes 8 at"84Y P S CRI rled new w eat 4 appruid- in 'nia 14rt -s,, 't -4 lot' .to 85c,outg -1 - : -Jple� tl:p �ide,­q; the was a t a. 1. . � � � 11' 11 , .. " s J it s-.-* and, into llotel,wllere' kt kl�ktl tit t vice; qa)q�Q­ a of I e- -i, , A , jti om ut 'CN,� - --- I I., �� Thi�-�rkaKc na -JTNGJifV R5 ii��Sitrt 4� d -:6 n Mr NlI%. , I 1,15, suniniZ w IDIT 11 7 T P counier--o -Jts� �Jrl 'to "I a-41,11tuir, bbx in,;the Y ll()Tllllla e� :ceeded `fb -elcon' 'A' '.<)uf-.;: en Ill ats­�-No; �2.Avhitc, ano quoted, at o -.UM',V -Of Aillein- �g1XVC-a z, ,`ajad-, i, t is to'. -.be! ll�s .7,;k" -1 lo 1), ''police, -were -P Ahc�caplain 'and c -6 1,- th� and' ofifted alfaT7 �Ilyan NY here, i k3ye, -outside, and at 46c tra: I Loll ),IT c 110 for loafing. rkd­-and­llis� �Yll�s i-.� Vexhibition ses. y1th, tile 11010�. it Tip- wlls��folllld, at, fit-, hot". oi ko nho. N�;vv oa Is. -a r, --q pres.5ed -The Q -V R has lietcontrax.6tsJor x.li htidgei over. tile 13�llk 1; cil -tcyb rc.o-at.%, r 4 ;11! 'Oil Timrsday night qui:zzed: that tli�e hght 'had leriniliatod fatafl�-- a,mile I -On g i1ftANSPORT THE NNMEAT.' SEX Uki�eWS. ItAt,­,,,,a��.-111 '(1 -tha,t-Jke­ 'n fU . ...... I n4yo t inspec d' 6ad-,side t�,'­Mport'on the pondition ef­.isev�Lral C: I?.' Il. Will Provide rilitteon. T.,housand': Oc�fin Streams- Afro. as' Variable as- 411till, anae� tor will I:ilo asR-e: -of, lie ven. o-the� "So oil, frr� in lbq� Xiheri. Iii rti—No ��eirican':,�orn. is­quole4 bliildings.at.,Lon n: io Ile,,' :-'Jal�a �-ar id -ra 'Vox Cars r I 'and settle the in oil I' H Nlontreal� StraLt.11affivay Company A - "o e Y­� rnAby vag .tile yat at "Illo n tl�e 7611 L l3kille T14rely n6ininal.. toll from Moiltripal 6a),s In' ,117.1terki are as Dr;irie& it! -the .A (K�spa -wo tit 6qu�ned 4116, riAit: to. fiaul a collipii�o� R�d' the t 01 - wil s, siagle-1 and httd. alwaYs L'6611 -C.- lil-axim-'-The; Inarket- is, - nottain al. with I nd d,(, -'';Ord& Iliat tjleI.�jrlletit� crop irt� hv for in - p, llynes ill - - - . . . 'liver I reiight cai�§ id tfii) city linlita. ay be, pro water..' 'a's in, th4- wind; W ,�. it Ioclq ardod as quiet prid, inofferisive, R.yzin M at.,tO.64 t;.D %T ill: bulk, outm. curT 4 th 1wan (�Ott 1scions nadidh- Fla at, o' -ge.. 1-fla NN- in pa&l., rhifis '114V e, -Ca ug -proilVi6to7 oi!c1le.,I niod - rly' It Ila�. .�Sttince, re pe 16- is about'/ Julaps 0 'fi rrie d tside. e for.. PL . side..., Sliortg are quoted aL-'$26:,Pu this- y6a� 1fistitaited w W a acroS3 inql�iries� wit'll rents Send art 1,ger." 0, sect the front, dooki of. the�. jYlac�, Jiallk.. a family. chlldpen, tile jr6'It(bouL loo 60 aCkeS,:of )2j_e - er w"I j� 0 as 'the q;-, wIde:.?adi t1all 'c' COUNTIA P Pill P�Nlood tie. cert�Anin -or- th alid - tiqrp4a to -r r rE Gbbd7Hbp-e-? Alany"tileoTles" UirL ili��Paia jo� di ilandmlki a 96 Qateripg and rktko�kie� fq yheat, A roport received fk�d so .0 the pri* Dealas— Pked, 4ui:iat at $:U70'. t4io in Winn17 have -been advanced IV Canad niore LECT D. CIALL)REN KAID STILL NEH peg. ably rop. Wquttl !,pro. )Msehaers, ated J.hqt the, c jern ;�',of 1 -heir Dut-All hAve-prove dl Hilty—No. 'I - old Ji mLGthy-1s-- --at- X. 'currents. af. t�o rT�Hrii re CL I a::: adii?si-p I IlL, .4 i.1,uipment of ell gine to- hark. ........ . . . . . . . uMcietl Mier an�dl equall� riokla -C,0$t­�mdo.,00,0'. -an --S. a -,: � -Mirtual-M port.07 i; r an ta ye�­ 'T -cars \yl1l be kept�going exis: -in well,nigir air.part 000 all- die'thielm, 7 �a`tde �wori will total.'$80- 1�-esg� s great' TI ti" to 7.51 a.,ton on 1,kaIlic" h4l�re. rim pe sleadily-Ir -w Jo WIL ed. and U, ­qqi, ie�Jer�, PointAL 7,7' KY g- rin lent. of Neglect _qtA, * it isl: rn, r tbgt F exV nieri on n a&'Skf-tha'�vheat as arlcoted.-. -the rq,6 ��co tfjbl;S f* P1, ,,ase§*,.-8�.��s.N'kli��sc�ii.'fi-r MID 1.0 cials who arieAnost%eon Thern In M" att4er, eolltaifi,,�l I hii�p'fil b&II ord d tb' fqIi r: o6rits by. f.rl 'of - N' Elo-Illfry�-T-mi-k�!Ys., 0 -live, 160 Railwi 61hy uin for tdrouo. wild la�L i ` I 3tion: L tra:,ns I,, n, e-. on Vecordlhat the-,'se6 )ias f flib buindit" .'priogi � i1ries. 20 to 9.1c tl Gf whet� yt- QLt -, I . 0c, rka.�- bort 6 gli ee I<.s out' of.the, q 6peful" helpful anj�t--&e�ouer� _er 16;* fowl,. -o-m heve that there wili.'bo no �ndj, a_ ea through t10 -earl i-gon=J­= -My , - 'L - *Uhd and therice, -of S a', back, �Rgftn is,a.t Edrrkcinto� -engage in. %Vo I i it 4, 0 fliat �guycl inients pr,� T 1611 . - , .1 r( �trl 1,51)Tevw"TV.1y Yp. M ISI .1 113-DAMY'Al. S.- gga�iori; Ix"k- ,(in' - \N.'mc(ItTesift TI ET Nlot,ki ta-iki- 4h d--,-, Di -h es linnatil bein as-Lehildren in-gerregar Ing d' , the critrance, ;of tho nc�%� . Lnot' 11,11rucation from . I . To teL d at .2 ;t' or fall dUring tlidse� t i I Ill I . 111t4sull. But-jer-Flound r6ll.� .'are q oc I�n�� irttel'the'icity HOO.SUFLEsit ii,oii i�ro6D: 'Jh6rl there 5 but -'as individuhis, V.j� �-, '5 5 arc "quot J,4,-1Z­kit�­J8q- 1111V '01 QlJr -- - 1�- `�; t '. ­, - - . ..01at th6: ril. ivaPFS -or vs into Sb6 fie' ktr6lit tip ttm-i� 466stward Iildlvii'� Aid.- -ie s in all r� Is, qui4nu overflowing cu the Aece,9-4ed The wl:oii �bpitcid' ilf1hiedlately h6 will Cwarno�'y­pffnts.­I�11 at '22 �to �G. 'ic -11,14ile . !I#rt h O�90 In thot cold - strearn .N.W.Tcan la it place %N r till the arrn- s,,11 , . . , a � C'. , &r.'at-2.1 Jo..22Y.c. readin aro�n& Cape�r' Horn rr%,-. -but-if --- the -aet irlc iJ p -Nt, lotis,r k�e Of't 777 IS L J 4111 (L na:401 -fit . 'flo-wing. R'MIYA-lini5y .. ­ . L. . Ms -c. �D eg, R 19117 ons�of -the, -10 —11"FT .11 - 71 ozen Collar Als. A diesp a: -d liodl send 'for -no tch. front Montreal says Nfr. ilast. Newf6un. land. and. N.,6Nia Scotia .6nd' F. -A. flal-t.p f. I tie "Al: Large ak& quoted'at, lg'Yjc and -','A' riim'fMffi Qtliebn. I - Ghida go. h as I cal lez! 'upon- alb to the extren a .),Kxilibairdruent, and 42cel,IL-11 e.-Anlp-Ncan, wD iJda: -in laking Njac-:'tv IL.Jed-Affi-Ofileav, -.in -p -- f- inlifill, I�urreilt' VU-." --KL ely.. 1. t,,e . _11g,till J_-ij;1. . I V.i S'a _a" -1u)69frien, � ­ : . . . , , f -unn Ve -of-:Trollk: Jourzl ato; ­ '' .( -: tallia. and' tit,(- ucatlia­ ra n -1 egaraL �to� 1:h-a-slaugl -er of A,- 01 1 Ing vMh J six tegic posiJ. S. 1-junian consuniphffd-� R m�`,h r6nki AV S- tfi­J­ Dr-eaWd hogs.1 L' i I .. - , -11613 1 L' . I I " -cs in, Niontreal anq. slip dlar into the; Me it tq, reason 6f 1,40ir lerkxv 110,11- rk F -16it vig - ho r.5 I of Gibra ditiera. is isrnt li.dowikrs :b-1 of Xt I On n ---------- btfl­­ Ili' J' 4c per 115 - ld�:;be, I,,- Uuicol 4he.. Brit ish, 'i3ov L hc� s,,.v1,d. -re Itili,ing Me' p. 0 oc- 0 ti-�sd I. o n addi!,oiss, at t I . .- , . 4 : .." . . . .", .1`1 1 . , ..- - 11 iu) -Jiuman ood. T4,e s ranger in ­-I�- W­.�­ i'�- -­ + , f -the 6nd le 6f is 10611, hrkd'c�rTipclR1d t ols-,. nie§s pork,: 4-1 16'$21.5a; -slibrt' I I roeI(s,.a0'sho6IA10 R ealer-sr. in' Island; wKell, A,ag referred to 6&i( 1 110 -y ird, denoillnood' the rrkenlbers�of.tii�'Slif, S is,, predalor�­ % tent, �J: ,a )tktuls and I " c 1111 0 1 f �:Sl ty'. F a ad ies, ate gr irse L d tk:p�arentiv sta�ta: n h ow;� 117RIll '05 Q . C , 'Ua 'Zftv,'-bk�Ats-,th4�. ioa� of hor�es Are e e. -B� stiWISling illArk:blac1c bredd. .,I --Ught -to nitedhird., 15 to L ted- by jietaloiisj, fi-cill now ere pi 11 parts' -of ciur�,Provillw, the I a nits ends s-0111 w ere y2c, 1 I'llo. -bo+dv same ..place, aw a L d(-,. heavy, 14 " ka 15q to� I A Ili Of IlIgh i4h J)iuh t, 'of, brinL6,11p�ji-: dii),lyl it, Morl-treal'--if i$ not.thotigilt.,intich. the.-* to Y xko. t:, &J, 13. 9, P9 ­9r - "* 6d' -16 i)6Aone-fi;�kt6L Lab�i irkg�liljlf-wll�, U� the 'oP !'�� L . I ge� &rr lit:, which start Bish f LIUJT0V­ an .-,,go 0011 -rb -)lots -Ut iti, -1, b R ,( h L , 16--i-M-idla-rid .11 lie, it ina ',Sea'�-r�ns- rrorK7 W ,t7 .141 allitbal . lree� 11 -c iid,rerk� AN14.1 I . near Teir . 31 3/ rnq;­l: ir.—;7 ' : , I.. - 4dl -chief-c -a 113/ s w oat U0 Y.. -117 'illianki . , t L' I �Yzj o f' -real. ht Hle.narth��;edd A4I;;;dpiiird­ Jille-Mithi- tile' .11M."MAMP, q0tie- Dilvel" to r L 17 �6� " " I'Mal, V,!� Owli't, e # to_ _ c elf ;x%, 0 110'e; -1�. i�sl Jklitt �xliausting ., . 1, ' L ­ - ­­ , , - 7�— .1 1',' 0 a d q tAJ �e nieut, RUSIN ..MONITREAL�- P- wel. -,eans-lo i I i - - - : � - - , . L �� ` - - - &p pea Its -Is. :-LAMMI-- a p p ret c I a wa 'i ­ov r b;cire - : Albr XF I - --1- 1� 4i w 13-. trip t*,sl Skull: R s - X it Ido 'iblejn sa. �qpn tell A I f ,,r 111 KeNN, York ­mont;m177-Au1E- 20.=G.+�aiQ­T ve& five batliei 141a S'pa-ax" f ill i,eh -irl.'tIJ6ir,.o J 's "from dm�-niiig,Z,. and otliei; .6-11 Oil Is albb-g­ �tm- I M � t. Cloin tagio�is i elil� all, �r) ch&fi90i,�liY4h,­Il ket for ot ':--,xrllieh ,,Uar Tons tip,+ d disen: frorn bLQp6, U fil,t.l 21gzag:,s; th A I*' iilA., at� J 'can' S0 '1111c all 66n t, nkl�6 . r . 'lle I rin- 1111d4et-a' fairly ioilrb.n. :66;- n. Xi 'c4go re, 4rk- a, s b.LIL 0J ted 1earih g"t lie, s up zicido,iinK-, wit, "Atifeg'.- hian for. local The G �� �. -, ; " —A &)rrfia 1, gis .'IU pa"erl -d-- IN - " '* i , I histitll: , 66inis, 'but n rt., `pia' 6d, f6ll' fi�;iiq nvw,.(�Irevated r'a' il - 'N6 -2 'whio atr GL�f ILI' lie, rijeS P M OIL -11-N, ­"'... .1-1.1.1 : wily, - ralleftisind a 9 in T.he rf hulq 0 or A _,Sto 'F! sprifi-g -Nvhe,a,t�Pa---, Ataiiialt Eli! xljiyl� 1ii flwr NO. A lour—Ghoice IlV-11 MIT I -01141116l aY alitell-, - %C 110ri porsoftall�­ tile r_s -19 14Y. T tjgo h �__ , y�gqzd . L: 411 oide � �R e ...the Mro ­�� --- --- in th i5,ii­!Cm—;11- _W1 1411,11 73 .1�6 to $ .20 1�lrl;)�Fi. of�.Efihnsvl eping -11 ijefot e I U ey i. (�a 1: of.n I)-ail"Illationt'd irg i1st hi�.8kwl. %v heat pat.aehts §s,.* ioaa J, A d�s�,akh fr2bi . n,--Unioo . nq 6 a ­v s 0 Visited $4---.65, to $4;7S,; sii,aight ki-ollor4,.- $4.25 to : !!. I 1 0 ­ ont. .. , f`4w I . I s, t4w)k 'oll� tile, lia, ot fy�liold tcVev,:b7 Ught on"b ev - -o'CIL jk�j- it tl e wesiern. vak,;. who VO . 5�-, ithX- ba,y, lint ticrsons Was. Ml,�NXL -,ahJLa1i4;n.!en,. -1-9.1 red- lJ,V­riY_ lit p $,T, -c ka 3 -do c :T, ;eg­ rtmii ctol,jr,. t !Al . T It <If ............... in, MOW 11g. C Q fel'I 11i.to. hisi., -hile at s d t,6 '925 er ba gs, $ 1 Ion; gttv�i-.Illnerkit,-ffinds -this JklJ-1 to el6uble tId'es,,-,NN .ill!; ilp! 9: to 01(�) - 11 r t . "­'. . k-li , . -- - I ".AwN7r1m, . orilarlo '. 't 5 0, Mh ZIP - I f 4; - kloven 2 5�1- 4 b7ff-11' Y I$V!1� f&lf In oll. T-7:---.... : , '.I� � , ­ " 111W17-ItIT.. - el -ill n, but 1011 lifse T JA Sho t 22.50 to lie fldei�. iltin bd idjld. . k1p . It "I f, 11. T fp� TIT; Secretary' of flie'-ritin tt� '111'.,i-�e46uiitll� of' tbe surface-pf is 'X*. ',-the 24 Ii ell, h 23Y. it il tj fi-b­­ INK l, 1l,:.-J10hlC �21�9 -up 4o." 2 or- anization in NO, Y.)Ltk. ha.s e *Vioi 'i t f WQI p 11 : it Cr .6st., Ila L k a il lie ::an. IV- b bt&'Allicy'are �c6rtahlly-�xko.L' -1rig- aL, ere­`­I:IV, t" ­.1s, IT, MtM( In U rd6rs '$ft. -to d t V1 flbspltal. 1�7.010411 is b It in yet; I be' faI I n Illy' vt . n.i,.o U r )cover,' Mork Ir 11ccords 'or 001111,01led-. with (JI faise ivei Ifli ts, -.9 n d - nira.- fJ ' -Lct`orin�':` fw ;9hort -c U t nie ha rd' and sL Full . �s '$22.50,,�; ' �.lf- art Is, anc -a b I n he that' oi,,.aii,y other body;.L . 4 C.M t -c-tfy �a (1111 gsr $1,125 $'1'1;75.,. rei r 11 in,%Np%v� Ybrk cicar fat backs; $23.NY to '$24.50; J�ngg ci'lt --, ------- . .... .. I ­ kl�Sgt $2 tlA, P&-aple ',rk to: -,cilia lied -;,-out. of .50 to: leaAry IP -6 '4*2:1 !jot JlaJ&bd`r- n t; f-'Imil -.567­dir .0st, ou'l c3�. % D-. Iio-;�*H rels d -w in lluliicipill, 7 AD - 1111F J, cl um_ 11- AT 81 N oal tr 1*111 Ir. oil s I I I . . . . T`1�11 ;!d;� V I.agj Ail - 'fi ' LL , L" , - �k . . ..... tl k -1 ts .1 C, . .1. 1- ­�.­'­ IXAd0e,­9i &H - Td ...... .11 1 In ti'd 01111ce�.� I —OrT,—i , J ize lit Itp 1md:, D, dss':, aty. -" "if, ac, -,ck 74M.S.- ',do, $5.50 n �'Qn flljl�l Sl Itt.cid"SiliTicide: .56f­�uppoirill iti I ]��i I Vie polliAillis i�'o i Destroved Friend, C6hinili A ac' M-1 of pi-intil I (I d 1-900(1 diflal of on 1, art ldrd,, :I OY a "If 11 X to e :to 10y, q: , t Y 'h waph g ovi."reoind il -roslil 4 -,I:Llo - �2, tr Ueff' - , ;­ Ifie. �._e., fit,6 fit, ]jlIL 10 0 tile. Itist f1w, v e 11, 1,1,4. '1 c.. no 7 ianc4�. re , ffcll, -k-we. -noJ � —<J,:(-7G(l (LILA Jf K i- -c; Id%-t;tkLxcIi 3-yq- UnIqup"'j"I'gi, .01111 q 15%c. accolkling +o size,; breitic- t� - 112.116590—d unk"i 'nil : 'N -1 jl, I i c&dltlg'40� tile ITIPOVI� at tile C4 o f.. flay lli'ght shot. all(t install n rc- a it 00 i(ig flev"Illing child of fl)f-. Cifli., t NNq)Unded. Itel, . W 'IrL d "'OrlOus v .. lifili ' : : , - o T-5 c;"fmah, k ttessed fic,L 'Ahii4 . da-hia 1-0,11-ke : - 6nd. a' �cry little, of (Ile of iiiii'litiall. drll*ikffra�'�Ilnll be in Ri blicio . il, I fflo -15',%c, \Nlridsot, b RA-fr'- - at -an,carly h6ur ',a ,Tlnkp�da� .. . 'did $160 00%, g6 Imve, Feen nild lilfied Si r 14) mlo-oliliort 1 .6.5 �il tilt, sa-,v -mills,ibut.,ont.., f4dig'ts' �)f I, Doniinion .,Llirhb 0:6h Id'ren'i Aid �,90,4irk,. Xlvoii, 1..� N\ , . I . I wc I's 0- hog.s, .'9.75, to� $10; aliva $6 -75 `�01`6 litid NfeDzonlkld, Njoult�rop littlilgil.. urld"J" p�fialtv of ;I;oq-, b - (A\-jllrt-Jo; Io illrfn I 'Carldl4ed.. w. 11fitiself DOTra i it lind Ali -os W110:11 llp% 21"y q 2jjY . I . "C.. _C.1 N,1,4. T1 Jia.0 �'Cllipp6wa, Myer. been [..at one -mrn er 411i All I 1A I �Chfl-' ifig� Ill I'll. ljcelj�-es. Hie. gillaxy. 0-f-I'Mozo" . N i T'if) 0 1 , b 6 kOb 100se— NN a I - er 11 Jh W xvi, I Stlid to C(,_I 11: last. probdill rf-'fllse�d C NN ne t'ttinb r el -i, sur m.und-* slikkUlowri \,viR , I Pi 6,otld 1) g. Ylir,- Coni!14011 'es 1.�rll 1131 -1.0 11 %d. y till U16 t1kile.. but gill -I hild" lid ri'itirry'. 'be ca use klt'lli$ 4� We S -unklibwa efluse and it!, the Pn'� 2 �it toil velii�, Gium it I". Asilluint " x6s, tod 11, ra�irkc; ta"Wd' fl'oini all. Fred:` -nall'. f6r,llis WIS., �Nvllilv .,rhe illn. .1 J1 'A NIX 11 K ei'lifloo it ik�n blive- b6oii; it I bill' N'vil I. %vllik� Mzii fli;l.(l I UNTED &I 41�ltxl the. girl's At fllt� ek(r6ic"C64 of 11)4, 11 !till 01 Tot c lff�il't ' L , ate Dol 4 �f frodf --Ilrid:before bing no, pfiolqraph k.-rit" - n Q. hill lst% Ai.q- Lq A\vn1d`r0L1(1fvVd ", r 4. ee "a ­� .... .. ... M a liens, atic 11, n. In X N(�. 2 ell 61n -c ;ell of 'd 'r idi itled. a ho -old fran:i' CIL, lie friftli I It 6 d Wltll. n(kNI, ill 10'. o grollw� hill, "a j 1: No. t lit Conti $15' asked. Ilver. V,1,4e .IV' w1i(, -vvfitliont -,bondg�..Tiofes, aln(f Wa`q %4 o, 96c. SqA; 8 (106 111, ;o\ Ill the olll.N P01.1 )a I MA, 5Y c C, copc� with I 1,11) 111141 I'Mill-11 .11) 77 B'nrI0N­`- -110 11V�- Y" No. Ti to , c .11 -Inuch, lies o of a(lot'n tllE'7'�n ()<J -On ,Nlsier. 11�4n%`.k )r mil 8 .1iop 'Thr <Ili]\ T 'of tile N<J: 3 (111,08 te by. \v' F il Uytc., sallirlo, to 749, d' "I 1 '11114, A -wem ill. - Till I -lit' fl, C k V.. fee.' The.docits held,ab6 p(l 011.� - IV (?f Mat, cir�h, 54 1b .1 M-1081101 flat (Jf -a-s U4,. I.4a-h ti �a .1 -pp 0 -1; l, jB 14.N it L, "ll I L M joll" vaild locked"the k& -pr I SO"\, IS U�ANN ff Mintiptiftiolis, -Aug., .20. -\Vhqa&� th L n plit ttind F- -r -1-1-1 of t1ti) lick IT q- , '. ; - 6 portiqn. d 9 b, flin Near QP0 e to, reolorq;, a -k 0 Ilk, d 'in Wit , �,%v YR - )i Aray. Ay 11:11 dynal life arld thr a of nYan recall zi BLo. tiSe r-.- %Tn il'I.1 I na Ile 0 Ile rn I In,. dM 17", "Iftte a Meki, (ini, 92 to 92y1c; No, 3 ficiftherilli m I . " . qrj,,. �a, I I . R7 'N N-�. could bo 61qipod. 7 116111; -l�!111,L4 JIM. V64,11'r 1 11 . , , wI]L`b6 b1trodiivecl 1i eto t,4r t I I C, ("ouncil fi,orn I'll"Ork v i I i e" So vs, Nfr,�, iJV, C cNN -7CAIKIAX IN I A P K 17-T -tit vs 11,6.d -Illeiiing At(, Merl , llikill. I,p in ss I IT I � - @�,\ , i.n Flis l*VS0M%" -iii'lls'L I'm oll li,114- D xiver ftintil Bri.orlqr� UZI, Zr c, 'rise b6f 1011, st to V P MS EAT CROPS.. 'ed jift thc ironto. Abg, 20.-.C. o I nl� Iffi, bfi� net. a rily'lticp x"r -it. $,'I lo $5.25 tif. $"I lo $, 'ore dirk-ItAg -ra I —,I . . . . . A �1 C�5 pa 1 (.1 11 Froin Glo'lliflo MIrRM(I., ))I 4.tly t $.),7�)- to .1�i It, '1) 0; $.1 it l'o o :7 'Ni-is(Itty night a� Wp i n a it, f ex��,Dm lynip;. Desit)iIII(I Oat afi* in Vi littiqy I os� C\\.f Ililq� bulfiz; Ningod in J)ilico d narlL r.J�J " - _ - I -I o f ' Xllnn(�'sotn; was hlx) na jig1l t I I'Uk I (I rf�'Cl, PerS 0 11 S M;IHs6,I light, hiN., eir sen ts'. effpcL tio n �ea i 'On- I I in Of $undrid(r.. 4 'a 4 1 'C L . I L r , ­ , K.1-11 1, $3.7,5 lo let, ON,% s n I.J'ce' pifill '00 i's 11 lr(, , I) li 4, '0]aftlf�er allh, ork Wo I n li Inn 11 It (1 h0i (48MA M)J -;.L�a 16 J$6,111fivIl fi;6�nl T�i 110 i I fd 'Je liellor, Ing 061" 1 ur'll edi I 1"i Ill p 1, "is is 11)[iC4,kil'ali, h4f 1.6. In it. lit. �N'fl Open,; 'Aro &Oslro, M, 'ats and - (,Ill flli� (-A 11 r w 1 $MtO f HAIng all. ('a l) oil finli(­"t, 1 11 6flf, ()fl <I ft I I gialtf dit-110 U I j. ).,to "is -pectr .0 Ces Pm -filld , tki-11-1 - . -1 1 uicivo -NVIk li-144' - N y imn], f 0 11.110 ound. 6,� A Id 4t -and 'fll Il 11�rkrjilicnt llll(l (I(,mr0xM fiffir, pzo and eftntlors. C. 1, imi anding crjop,- fI'll.-JfJo (I t"I tic, tHvIl­j1ldgin4, n eo,- op ( `lih-od, it k%' ()f his;� r s4 I le tiod '11', I)JJt A' WE I(A rui�filfur(lj 1111L (11(i not njllrn� I -No I I I 011 p ark of Attilicultili-& 11� 1(4,Illnins ii Vim im&l \N 1,C) al"I'l f fill, J'nilgh. s(ttrr rot'llfzed, f11611 to 40 ?1 lid' Astilown, 'whi;' VM 6f. ille 'in. "thell. The: in --ec Is 01it fli� W,,Ar(Is:,uf bArloy and: alklineli, CAlkill6k,ifis li.l(] a e (a to, I'tiASMN�. highl'. - 'I'llo 125 : or 00i,L - . 1 1. 1 1 ;, ". I . - 1�­ 10' ",5 or a , A I] V nql, I'l , 1 "01 ('Mv-40st Africa. 4 If 1110 'spo Mencrod ]<�( I gt� oil , - gnhie-' $ . Z. � 1:1 "1 1�; ijv� -QAIs'conS0q Y, -to.-tL \Vt.tJJ c; Mx.,.n h ftnneil� , 'I'lle ivere (11i'Moil 0 t: T It fPI sdu— it Off,Vear t y1d lwl( k.cep'et;, had 111�111)14� iii�if ciloirest A n1fiv, nof Ji I - lion fxvil. S* 4)nd I I`ieft' leader . ' , ­ � -�.n .1it'shi, s till Ore AV'�$2 till Qllf 114)1116 1 c�- 1,75 2'5;' to.' d thb, barley I N,lki. Y �a­clrcultolk,­ C"S on le' 0�'; a .0, '111 le, <)it "Vvro Iulled.lh bil 11 le 'Willi Tlirkigl� troo so v, �in Eftrolvii-ii Ti -i f!ke V ql� W �'A n t tr"11julod - IW 'man 0 I'd U advised tilid. file 66,ps,bu' euL tic i -I) wA' e illen ts o 1-ke, VI r 't sli,&io�l Laga 6M, 121 I oil kj�%- ft jlfij�OIIL \k as, (11M,; rah 171M 01" J' '"d "'.-rthei 4011A %\ r p". anti "need Iz A I;- J Ile' lteiCo rair'- -Ply iaft" it t) a ;o I'. Was C HT -.,t( III -Irl?, -G Out Ar— ��ialjon c$1-1 fit -it - 4� 111A X Widu(n.r 'ill(.! pack It 1, 225,00f) �11&M of 118 ff )3 J.110 il tir<f6r 'Lord- AAhlbx'6l. I le­iVd5,:fio\v'-' nrl4ivills, Of 81v�lp big L ID, (jet, as agnaist� 47:1 67"i ca-�.( - 75- -v rid ;I I inv ev, collifil 5Uonding "off" Till - to kilk, - dL Tij4hify 16juired 01) cver,' acquilted. t Al 50 lo $4. ad q Ir for. 'exl'i coNN, ttic A3.50 t4) $11 to 1; tilic J"nkiol JJjnJtI,,, On t nst ,n�� a t Mid vufls,.6nd'-�,�Y iij 'tb $6 210 j)or 49 . %N' t, to f kid Ixif6ti6lhat ?,late lhei-dWl All, A, Pak�lf(16klk be lkka(f4C) 111); JIMMVAgi sl�,tiillit, lI0g.q-S(VI4,v(s $0,'Ik is. a fa 6o'll'adr, sflys�` A d��.Tlwni(c f;ictor�, 'at 'L vi- 4A ILK, ligh n(f. - f0, 13 ON UALPTfili 'Oittiilld' Michy of M�c,lileni)III, TtJJLI. J ia cxll)l oxIA(idL)d :'oil One !ifn, .�S 001 11 ; . ill ks. Jr, .00111ed anit i ArdM (�)41' Wednesday after- III ft CA N A O)L lyoe lost, ejg.,Lt� knowiii to have ni r F 'di A rl�"ti SOVq,. fl4fi' 11 40 11. ffitintjilk�j J Itno, lit Jwenty \v�i* dan Be IMM' A -I�,.�pnfdh Porn 'I Nex( W A. &�palc'h' fr f iwittlin, two fe& i elltotibet so:vs �A I. is rritish C ed fill ii ;4 �l lot'. . q nil reo,rtild here' Ifilit. -I lg� liiilf� nnd lifty poull�ls, ernf�: fla itvi' (o Ca 1w. Ilro(oft, f; the M.rikilris I t1l,3 abd 'fron lt�j I I It A jl.ospiti tell filoill V . 11,011 frorll Mnr- '0 iltz-o"ollierios, Ish, 0 f it in, h. Se )0 �s .�J.nd !411 IM I in 6111i't pa'ra. -troilhies, heiv, is"ift Ihn* colli' fillnou'lloe.4; w Avfiikilv.�.�; -c�orvki� to r tiinj� thl� wiivk mid it H10%, f1rd, 'grahfc�d lkft.klnnuit�, for fffit%of so)60 11 (t 1. da.vq it, \v'i tsk foi e oniproini.� )4' J)' JI is oil Friday Y ti partiLiion ItIrTiol,fo �v&l, At a slight III'- rke'�,I�f &j.ql iffy' an lit'- I Hv iss he 011d�f1ill.,V YAUor.,Mll ho�((Ocided ill a'lpiw, dh'ys,.: �ekl .,I tile dilligh'to. of Sillibil, Frasn� n fid IV S escaped �V It' On firgo v"I I 1 (1) 1'? 6 -is k,r -I Ili cia- th 'flt4l tb ill(' - "W'r ho wil , 11 1* 0 I III", "I'l 'It, 0,iltl fill Illy h4s"Mi 11"lls"id If 0A h t i iY < f I fi e No r I It \v t�s t Ii,a&uIoIIq, Out. ctu'lis6 of a IJ44 '*fj 11 rtziii will' b,'t jfj�� 'I I-' . - , - 0 , .. 11 ..­ ­ , " e I fliak rod, J'J4 effiPlOy 6i heir (1416 bewinil�g is oxpp, nyouW" that, b q ':q J M M "A" i R 1-21