Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-08-28, Page 5j W "Cl"t Tiq, i", 'I"C -mwfrjvm� u �e "J Y J, % `::ip gem,, o.1 - 's i;; -7 �AL. '1" 04 ''? Q 7-7 ........... 1-7 .. ... .... A Z . . . . . . . . . ..... WE 1907: DAY. A.V`,,, U18 T-,,' -NU D OW, QNTAWG' 7.- "S B' C, fly. Flothr. glicl fewtv )r N MOLSO �trio t ni! oT�io* oppThilrad Whitt, Chioago, vit4 ei'l t I welf, h' . . I t%RP0RA'TED" 185;'; Tative 111 0 One, of me V move., look., ��,XONT Ne, N t -EAWQFFICE­�� r to sioverat, 1, last ..V%l e'� n & 7 IJ3 �iir 060 d Vat . . ..... S-A d' 0? of -,T b,, I -� -': . .., " , OYMU n M, , n �Y, I_, i. , ' ' "' ' ­­' ­ I ' I I �dded-z I finc an M,0 esdfky for wo MI. n Id ratfo d k D is MP tomo royAa- apent'a, few da� siast wk.ek kipges, -7' 7- . .11111* 1. . of -tte - th6r b the ev death o o Ly with r X Q0111h and gis, or Na �113 8 tan be ART t P. by "COS t on Vo It s r GE sisters. -so jelt your b. b d'' I" uts. eI g.. ndon.,1spistit,a, fe,w' days, v4 K, I .-C, . . ' I I of�. ey,eq', e C LUCKN WeIld 'liew ag, tA QbL Thomas- We M, tray con. -goes 8 jsjmv.ra, Ree wer the EE - 1) A06ou W 9. . ta I ff; . Pont 6li lialKayi,:1 With of �Mi.,,s lrew-ittt er 77777� d 4.i old t -W A -1b1ACjZVXZTE; hs -C t Irt G� 2,03 L -10 j7I —20, t�f lubtupautb"fl861d TE ';�GO9�q, Hattid ew S oinj X.ofth- t j Ulhde b, LIN IF, IG re* . n ar, ;0peraI .0 a nur]LUU. pri e.. 0 efs, and, if 34, fr t py 'I ', aI , r U APA V), to w, n .0 wages. -u 'VE0 -0A IF:11V rs Aii L n 'of -Clint6h;.wer jh li NER AND all- NEYLO gentati 6 t I a A-. --Do & plee 066k.e& Bi aatch. 'of 0 . r ­,­ er s el -d they TTE DEALIK ES 001 44 . wholeeale lili d,,her d d secon , ... , . .� , 1, . ... . ., .1, , "i )�'JO&T.Ldn' "�St liti ve c rat aeon. Money, t( ]EI 'iI13DOIl n & Gra a f R.6bf ittl% -�600u he-resd -,q 0 Ba P.y t It d i0l T near-th.d­setiop - '-weloode tft(� 6.4 re! 7 oe ageli, h now. MiSe n. ,A in h0el&- e Arty y S ive nje. a ' e ** '-deii i�rty COLLIN es: J. kin ijig a le, Of wr entij-6. 4t,kqk o ving a d 0 ohei died,,:olx sunod;y 64t, . Mr. cuit inten gi Ite reds G dds' Silks Ki ke�,Vs APP a rsaay Noti Thu wn. .Of Au'gu lt­!!� t7! 7 0 Aevening W r .9:,B, ev. 0, -Nts oM arwer. a or sa $.-hingi s; f re by W'Sheiiiff,. gLk, e iness Colfe lielen re ge. S M ea iiery STO ed' tLo t ­666f.thor g 01A4 iiiifiqK -nqmneq Hed�-facilxtkS­ praq i ex- Rie r 10 f !-E -V n& 4 TO -- . I I ' ' , 1 -1,5 '�� I , d'al iavi!-ation dafcoui Reas6nab1L,,TateS' en� h -cor. for good iffork. 1k, 'FALL: TERM 'D A ­!.. ... 0,4.G its, T S e ule 04 ter any,tim x Sep�.'3,- ed. C�taloge-'�Ahd­ journal of �-W A. -business - -otI 2-4-1 T Mn'. iind 77. Edu646onjrpe. On;--PR1HCi M i W A 91 T. her 0 Frid-ty, ais aiaine le. f -k h foj co u pI e of we. ,ummed-i Une G16114L ULU -A a t4hio -A w wi- yi .0 ID ctivet hdin07 a .1 , a, perabr� 0 rip 'W e an, -nillplull. Of- V res e t Orp. jA. j3tt�nn r, Is I ow of the M eto f Septem e ito6k -bf- Tafte 0 B hai "d Ve�A­ and; Jost'Ph A90 Would you years -80 -ark dt"I'soehity.. Sell 00 a woth-0 ro Foinfinel employeel i6r ago. 0 Next nolid lildb to R Me-& pirify ew, ry asw -,in hrpve be, r ted- froi� 1846 alla t d :here en, on ay, elp "'a A -3on. 0', hce A .-Dinifterwear.. -_Q�Unel At in:1881p tb. Jd epli'. -yeAr JIM 14 M sh '�6p' s.- t e -The Ta�yl nder son e moved oir n W IV whoui t 4ted Prit'd pal �.61 Blyt d .",as Ag­'e­-,�' been- led e.I:L' be- has residf ere ever p -oo. was misinformi MOB -4, pol thi 6b rom- d '�7 r ivd the Sentli!16110 and' iid ho*a'II �as wb ich mu4: be rcdim h v the s Ot ent to i 0 iiny-adliss,in Can: ip, ing away from alm Pt t -distance. -S Ma to expect,'� 0, donitnencer.-, pe-, 1, t -have ga e. or 95C A twe firni h6re fifty oi�e, le rs:..ago­,i0 quick to alp- a OnS firs6, log. sbiint e that his milk -b' a ioure.d. o ered-t4 ow for I arg.e -,Sh* lived al: the I'ED At' Kint 'ga V Meats, 710v the' �11.� 8�6w A of a -been r, P wted' br . igh,i c tid-trusted q'I'Aitplab 4th, M' aMr. NV. that the civ I tie hligjja�:Jife Ied- a reiglig 0 Pori w 'ie e T40'pat C in W OW64 Ai 25 �re t oalue] a �daii 'A i82 yeaw. button to bstima,16 ill�; gar We e a." by. r.. G. 116n'iS Orjy�XXi N 10 as' larlie -i 'HOPIo b d cc -Ili, c( )imb-iiation! of' pink er wl otifill o '* t6k�; in of the the ii6a g� A'Ial h fino�n and Purcedncs�rd U, ay Vi, -h:ifter huAbaln and but An It)" t , . S ii�fjlo U ' �'q R Theni dy'lloW rosesi will' ., Of VU 4a y -auA stat .,to that the d f" alt K' ifie A1164 Gen YO u6 �a'st In r or.-, detsom ��inegiw ONO IVili6n LytId. spray� %nd,LStjp'I i:f I 6d., �6'- �n Vrida'y-, fdrpra ;on.. Aurday After on dl `4 d'e rags B.-tnd' 0 XiCK Whio �yj�q - bber at' Para lijeft: music, a Mher d1lid vinegars. 7) duo of the 'b at Wrii, "Al listor'.8, don.; in -LIT. MicQUill" 1, 06' gb�6r�, th tea a e friends nd'nei W W 'a nt fbhoof Thuirsda,, A ti, A.. of Dungainnod,*. 'A 19r. and h1r4 1w. Mill' and Mr, w ano�b, Dont,forget Abat,ji R. MoDoni& Smith, 1 cnn suth lod. 6ttendpd Tea ng the service a' �a8 lritu'rtied i o uc now, '.Y-ou; form6r, pittor cob'ductil er ser v(d i m 6 to, �,'OtG ANN! tee ven"Ir .,d be" is mo . 11. : pr g,"Amme in' UR - WE .4 the<,Aledotia, gaI a or ong a: of these il The pi EvibrybodY, pome., 0 �oi�e UrJLj Ust to a So 0 tl 1e are David rvuJ'g 'fo 'By e, 't,fieiyd V of'- DieknOW an rgMIL t He h" &rg :'6tk ife. 'h6 S rof .11end and wen k line, Miss., Do lie orsol .)II �er-at C in 6tel, Lut. d Th e0at, ing, In, 60, al� A to' 7 p.'m t iith 'her youg_ can j),b;bf, yo zie, of, the -Prailbyto 9n� a Duu'el st. U ...... b6w,: d6lit f4get, tbat. little all, ij Dotrolltr ses auppl ied, Ued-bg.Ah Youx SLOB. h. tan k do b wor tes �.- rem e I UALITY.- 0 Q gh,6 ab McColl, Milline, Intoreat oij $turday, l7th eLi,o.r airg eIly to W., ..-plagleson, 41 f, bm. Rl:chesteir-, d opo - sit to dae of thdraw ce e 3 p ha jwt:rqt!ji �neq�� p 110-F61 - e -jr$tt�- tbLeft 00. npr t khi ' ' ' 'Q vah � *,:, z ., -:-Abolul 0- t t in Toronr of, ttk, fieldt Y, abd I' ejAI Btk Ing UP ',r�pe� order of thri, X, TVivd: the dd rtiso-� ain 0 G ��doh L who died 1.66 '0' 0t, ,48 tie P d' ofiq pu r tea a6d f"hi LuclinwePublie CHOO, wil oa15bl' niowlis illness, wS, t X Y 'd to tow 11-: o,expoe e paintl g, an h' i d d' A1000rating. 4:3 di ly ry . .y r .1'.1, "j iS L co d h r:on a w 0 ex- i:we ank ng Rec6ntly- bew Attin aShip., twd I,esV.tj, heManager. IB A I& to _n 'pe 'YOU urna 0 on Precious. p f tone- of tro ej eapa; e n)anL e bl 'to f d' L' �C ujinesgi�,- rjo pe to V, t�"ust r y U T m�, 0. 0 U 1) 11, L _e4j �L as . All bus, tL - -IA:-d,Vte Appl Th esdh�,a it, R y 0 T ii-9,ino-rillfIg 16 Ro- and I hundred sid,added to princip­ d the Bake ho fjer­Vb$ them, And L I P'. "8gioft 'fiosg- Arictly t 5, P t1m, 8 yean store wh to tfi�, Y 00 has, Tie Jl L 1�,ftrti-)n E; jibL cing. 1 6 pure purc L cobfidefil"d lo, 0j it h. lot 33, 8,011 L to md. alv�avg *ill -VAR 'A 0 a if �Oom valepthi 4 basi! cbdtg,6 o whiA can r 3' Kiii 6891, ddii)061W sell jjo, article �of of.. bl�kpry d ecora U jood A clay "L. d a Bre i fra d 1.9 been to an pal good' b rw ficl-unda, lic ro6f,fi to d h9 the t , g . 0 w Ad a, , atiti6n� of ibe% d' totil? 00W . .11 a' 1 4 ' ' 'I In I,' j. V �. � rcrot 9 %SStj -ood, sprIlIT9. r lining All P lio P b 01 )6� d) t very-ifotib (I t ri hitedl I, t ell 'M both the io a' To heeoh, rm big bid* 'kit w er. L . . . . . . .....