Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-07-24, Page 7.111, alle A 'i", .,P k4l l? 1-1, V M" *7 lip ';ri 4i" V Y Z r . al,; 'O_Afet� �y . .......... .... A� th�eY,PX44-rL1A,_wn1 Wit d 9 gt 9% th e. a A� it 'is appanelit, v7, A� 01V d" I _411 w -Ae, n( 1H QW4. J h- 4pa fivii 494,P: Istruett.1 W. AIR— -,"I, on .1 Deft ar Ir 1, *& d e4 44 the sixx;--_'�166Tily Kqmt ol- OP _)iO , - tbe,04rit VM-- ­dir Of th� book cc, c vQ'I'diet of 77— .-.: I )Y�, I- ,,, , U_i77r7F_ 7 11 It ubt,b4s ref e bopk;.of gqn- e nee o �tbt re t ` 500 Y 94,1 rilifie 1�g$$ON IV til. �-2 b 0- ;'­­ ­­­ 'R - - - f, Ued a' n, all VW".� 411 .7, 990 �repdro uil4er 'T" :;; had F, . 'r �11.­_,,_ (;r lyijl it t I _$�, and f test It fin --sowlt4on wild kpeti§b:., r , I " or ir but p 'd 0�4 Af-eAspeople.-milf pis CUIf.---EXO 3; hem. Paul �:,jq get" -To rEAI rid %VAS T �00� �.NMTty le 4 o4ar X 77. I , ­1� IY 1v -�Ari -f-1 --.o .40-1,UB rain e a 17300AX _T4 P f eMA� ... Yard$.. -ppices--alize-10- r 't ex, due-,. M. - 7. ferelli 110, -eterli TIE d eaq id paul'Aladr, -hedthe . ..... th - out �b 7 fd J I J ; LO NY" place of 8101 utt the mount "fort, er self-abalsernent before 4,L iie. a ;.to wat- LofLd Stratficona presented Prizes at Judie Choquett�; �Givqs Young Montreal or�e load seinag 4 �1;5 V -0a t Dret ire sLeady., vn -u' the ljorcli that they were vVIIIIII'l ilsbd bogs J -ner, jt - .,and 110, lt­ ­I� ­ �- ��­ � -_­�, - - Wheat wIli,te; buBb V 7, or the welto re Ely f - I� -f of t I oe� "in Ulyl ec ot �r ta'diein need, be, -A OUTt es An -bu q WbAs, .0 p e 41,11 16 Ced I Va,s, tinder its, Ca OT M 000 7 4Lt 1e N Oats -GO d d �Pirti W under �ts Q4jL 'I" - - I �1, . - it hadians ild tit Ain t -bI utofl­M 1�09X but, th", more- sever in, Ipture,Ai-pli, -Iiigln Barley bush. - U IttxQ� a ro tba. Act U 17' (V: T 'DETROIT'-. a n wil obedb -Had a oo robberig, All -bush. npba�izCA,' Iii,s.statej lixen, &.incipa one ill. dhaxgO Nla ke us fe�ited the 'honor of be in.g, ellloli'ed'-iii- it.. s� thy, toa ji, �ake uS.. g007- im dis ance -have' -f,Olr� G d TiMC. A Y pd$iftg �en6,� .Of .Yen Hay Limo 2 (10 absence.' have "en 0_ mixed; Wa� )Ugh, dw` R 1hey were 0- s m s re,(I Beau- -.. b iL V margin. AngeloT Thi` u t 13 00 ,d AftrApted, i V years' inipriBolimenif upon All 'Per tgn Vis Wife Saw tbeL�(_ ii� 11� �jaj A ot aince. a8 - ' her. day .�md ched A Moses At er did, t of. God,' some infer-lor,gifid ri, o,able' -n' 41i . the wit-MAkin anquirii[0 ,She e-.Accid St 0:.- larig lady.. D�kg4. a�� proiftip 9. -at t re r6m: t,,b6.',dresjs a, yP -it Was Her Hiis,barld, an 'ing jo, ld': -6b ti�f7l, '0 ? -smeth .(ch- ' ­' ' '-16)1,, W f , , , X:1. -,"We know V. -,33-12 Buttler� try,: 5: Found. 9w lill:,pre9filJ!pe t -h fit i,- of the- �i_: as bse walking. bo, ,creli t:0 ital - a�;,-ovefitakext Will VL4it day Beauchamp w aR Chicliens" spr,1115, 'j, M-..-7: j)"10 Q, lZ sin�- lv�ill no ib(�p . t- de roy. D. wIiw not wi Mioa( 22 6he ontemptut-fasty t try- Rjet li',,suffer t,ftgjdt.�jul a,te the 'd' t, in, but, b�jiey �ha Thefirsf`,B.�ape; -F,�?_ - -1 '­ 6,i� o 06 yy Mie Q benj as a,:M I ARM4P.-, iW, .0 IvU3 .9, G,�org tOL - . - 11 _n CQ�5 _s­,.t_M(I, all _!�k yi�. ww r --- 111111-4 -ve*_ -6 _LQt -4e., �ho 40, 71it hd elighi: he,'.tOnsie-ilne 'T.10,$ dbies. D, CPIP�_ I _ f pd-xxyiA1Jr14-be;-' e 'b­�Xas �toxnlhi#eO in, broad, Turj�.eys, per 111. 90 'in �axid�A __k# 4 fap6 - o I 04ch � 'robbery Nvp " -r . I -condcrun; ­�,svU04- -, , -4� � , .. IV -P 0 t an&a0itAi f`ee,� . ­ T �4f*� JB_11� nLq -Ill ,P1­"-$.ut tliat. �iatir.-660 - ydiid%, -4k4ne pe �.o�atq_jse, pqr b v,0hia-A .,h_tW pri U.,PU WVL �11'44049ht 'idall,11g4t; -Tb6 Do. foreq king on the U suff6rlhgs O,d dan. *`v 015 ­ 1. . __ im I , , . I , Wrs- - - . ; �_ ­­--_-------- 11,11 K'. It a' Y �thc 'hun 'feinarked, tk4, nee last __l,.er4 et -i --!I, I died comp YWs ID6 I:y �J)efell trkosq�, OrA Wild, '-Ii ___ . A. Oc�WL 021,119 M�6�A�s had -,Zhe, juIlike,,:­ 06dl P _, .4. . 10 - ­ i �haft .47,-j I ­ I?", "A . , . ': of an t - and fatRAY' -Baw, �Ixv es, 0", T e,(;A egatt -K, at bad gain'e(I'fi(2r'itseIf a most une" Iwt bott. 0 &in. !klova or, -I)e 'h' 11, t P se'Y' 'ieputal � I 1 .1 lllrit by t e e:, fi PrIZ the va8e �ber ty e fxwem A' -6- Act , . I : ..., , � _ robberfif. adixik- th :'the, PR kOTICAL It" he abl(ling, 'viiaq; _"r pwt, 4. th, M., which", he bO, t lkolintain is, e :of at higbw��y menI.. desue] h b th d e pe r c wto MA ,Crifi& on their ft,4 �ak off-Alliplyifig knAn God`0 place �"Make it, Wspr - " . ;t and go In - I all. e�lually undesirable -an the way, tt ih i effoi for'as 'fox- this X the on -thieve% CHEEls�13,1310,AAW;--' died:'while 'bn Uvolved at Iv. osesi pre ai� view, I 1 1). . God.: the goh r s -a Ind, "'been'that a uqre� he-'nQ sfio*,­pqt, the sl CoW.axi!q.'w.jflB,. oh. her wliyi. to ig test Belle, Ys,* pait,� The and fut -1d the 0 I mail that, -brOught' us up"' (V es ex:or. - this class.'." of, jl-t t,io*ue to dissuad �p 0 . . �thel sge6ind nxerqy, to offenders bf passed th4, liotel just afteT . b e' the peo f as bela w4daY Total cLleei�eL �rought- thee but':O AM board w t -id, Aaroxx,. An] pr1ge I d Irom.th'* propose'tithis.igK(A4 had. �crofss and lalice, leift --the' !'building, :an&':"kv1,�a­ 01,T, pql*p I Baid, !'1 4215;' the th�ird, 'ed coftir6a 1010i'vbitO 97, 'raW pe li:g. a ixecr, Vvr It 5- IX. - 20, 2). nd bei eaGe 54Q, jujcj.�wlthd, ........ Egypt" lx� ..thid, *� . I ii polic'emian* the- Cause of the 6r 4' t mi&ifioe "hoping they' wc CURE., iters. get NATt 7ib . . . . . . . . . . . -M %W, aY. ex 01 eying" aud- -t 101 d ext i 7 Z X21) Th n w e -meeting. If 40". -thb- 4nil -t -aJnd­_,Iqpk.6d,. t je Prolo w-:,-, wo ----God wele ��J,64 4- w 0 b §14 ."Bh ­that-he-wfts- ifi­dange-r-o,f�t is.. m I I in -and�a -W-ard-0-0- -ed_,&U:,=IfI_- rith�a .4W 7 - ­ ­., .- - _A _116.w e 11 'alfes, Ti�7. ste� I _j r -yd 115ii Vlew' I- ' -Vur hearta-fr( money, I morally weak.�i tarnd;-IiD694i�d-ttiG--at;erlrllq,* T#e--reg 13 On pli; -Out., -uphed-, to; ak s jr.,6m God jgt. G'. S. Carr, ot' �Lp . .1 i.. _ip�ia cheese board, 'At theA00 yards, Se� out at 10, 3-4c tor a liew 4�d r6 at the hogpi aro: leiidpar-­ 'gively t, b our qe e nd wibi _4uaIiU6q­of­-X i5w vever, godY _Vlao ina-de- t ,r a & pbes the:-boanCe, -,: " - -.1, 1 He uixg,6 to o znd� set t ein no a In""11- u-' ioniuivk�. -kor b J -Uom-. � ` xx �Xgo tol,ebturch to. k,. Muce �.ar lVeG� _u -with-,cm - -:=, I�al , Xew Y,.o,*, ul.Y, Whed.' te- iu t6 facei. of itrong, 0.1),posl- ly, 0S I York,. b, ains will b 246�54_5 -�O J=FiOsing hom it \the right, .,instead of God.-,,. with L -rqlew W.Il-�1CREG.WITEAT.-'�qARVMr body- 11h6 rem d x6an: gpeixk- Cavtn �U ldt� inew. AM hear a Lto4dowbrook- xe qlfta,�mr.'r :T 0 VV 1ki u Ing and d' .-day Drg M L e n!"05 W, Onxen th"ei, ein.amenw.'" 44,35�-33 elserting t forAffe in sure , �;i f (it Ures W '.AJ.PW grain Coxxyer.Bq'.'.�. V ;I -r, bid* Oq�,..ihat- theola a golden qalf ttiat Ur"L I , , -more than, hl t Oil 5445355.;--31 : . I. , , . ... . . I . . bid .,Out �fot rig rul. 'U ._-4155 t1lat.they brought. ree9ftn"" -32.' ;,-ot arethr,eaten_ pid, 24), ges 'I �i iLre utbe wheart­, 1111Y, 01"L;FUv l lliO rich Y -t.,liq, 2. biq;� All I his -iiAiIall (Mut If aher .40' 1 e maw Off; Brought, -them iaAe,a god 6 h1pin use tbey.f4i th m -An -n On the, MO In 7777-B Zi=. Rat a wotisrapper e To�� gsl-of, this sor the eighhor"B, p DS P rl hIA11 111116. eot by: the,.zami wrg, iag'es used OX axYIP rd su ly his' WC&Ith E 'Jaelites*v tuelf sizu OR 6t* , , - 1 :11 L brie C611 )n The e y can be, r6to.; ial br, 006n, h; art i3� S�ett Moved....bout. $5; �_e st, in thTe ge�4al man is"a. nd �asn.4 ers' �Ttoi- 5, 5 .-4544, falps, ..so tbat th I 'the' f6iii 'Covetous; lit.le habi,060 ney, ced4a�lai!*_ -L4�,Q_ "The loye 01 Ci . I , * , -B. V. I -no 3 there. can' tie'a I .. . ;. ... i . .. _jlrw7w-_�41' 1%�re A44544-5 Thq.. I - 1, - !WT' I . ' - 4. BRITT h- kerial. F Lon gr! feii are A Tn' is, 2L :vencp A ea& T, n 'reot,,,Of, 545-33 ihiqueli t It irla carnstritet -on &Ae� A a .1�dlte or, -40 �Iiave'i bee i4he, -.9,04. -W -=33 out st�-i' dogi; en' 0 ng, was,11 Wls' idol w4nis.'.. , 11 1 �. �4" x6 . in "', 00 C rk 'alx� "A e be, eu. 11 4 -a -to tkarters aif� t�kn '.qt -.1LILIP eawre� ef L-41 i ti 111H -Atuttz h .-A 10-S rn i7 WO rl�&.*Iei Sieverlson,.... tbat� eV suburban Ut ttage d r three ye rhes edit., -by the I'l, klsied.4ir God im a the t_ :but he- tr G P ikl Id ... . f, opportualty,fol sen,� .train of dpa .. .. ­ ...53,55 outdool! 'life f �ncfwba "v T yersb ari -11 fil-at�: :hall. 4 �or,�en -Tux- . - 0 '.r r pas thj'gods-� �be next*, A .1 . 56o�7-33L �gie;i up -to-dale, 174� Anal.'JUn -991L -jg-fxleer,b ti!d ....... eye-ii� of I . - .. ­ -slan. 4 alid 'tb&'dOu cgs I I't y*WCre'. Ijiin- ;,�hiid Me are; qaot�d as- 10-- Hax that thL -.belongillg�: iTpxupO abolind'witil tIall' dott to are gleady Apy� nilt,6n -to No. giver. o. em.- -v ..a Itb�+ . I . , 1' to - I- - P..".. in . __ ... . i . ... � et -ot ers ar clear 1 .11 ". 6ee 4 'i It t . h-, - e- '3-illa evidexiVy n. -run; ov�r I -th _Vetmore, m 0'1arVF, I ec . . 0, the J xiot tite. �qilrxi from Ldei_the �L . us_�LA_- a �:i WirUng—T, - � ­ -.1 . . ... _. - . -a A or� po'4--4!#� �,, I yj0h, III - , 6m.: _JIJ tffi� xhite, su e 'b :Oioll _L _ �fj� piti yy -2r- to� 2:L equipped ;16T_ IL , - - -Y---p 6 -1 7, et to, Ju yaTd,range k �1 , . - _T( d lild ere "SITIly, , . b tici T Ile d' Ule -cuJi 22JO + 6' . '. - I ef!t; h )qoole sat 0-wil, td eo4-'.'9A4- Atthei 6( Neap-olitan �i�j , , .. .. . 1- 0' " � poesq MC k. L' n, L ondthent. - VerPIetk -7 and 8 s ow -airo,strip.ed, 'giving'a a, . L- �, - ­. 16 21.8, q �. 1 .1 �,j7 �F - J�+40I )ne�� ond COTO 'it - 1141) " — ,all * ii. li' ' ble'itt�'500, f4P4 groan S. xxt� E 6�*ae, a, god of 15' Ing a, possi , I (f na:mi�Lfwht the . ..... - r.0ya_ 11 A_Zc� l;;bou b P 4,; __3 .4 .0t;vre-n. , -b '14 I -9a "Itor, and the -e ,had not "K ".5,55,'0374=3Z loililtlg- -had be6n� 61mb6t entire- th inned , 10 .. . ia,Vi y �(Gk. 25,,,3 'A' ibrelikhst 4P bred king. the la -ne bakk�,- 16 'I_ :lx 1'". hey C -ki.- er A -PA 27- and prio 'w: lap _--d-AA -2 0_0 - iii ai;n the'. 'Coti is quipt, mm `rlemo-Ved-tO rd-�-Tb r tile xilfliTiiL�i le i4,He ded oi nd vvb6re sbine: dkvot�6 ot t, m age w! b Mch, he'. ad. ma cleligh-lb 'in t b i idol. T1 Are Ilpisher: 5. dia there he r cedeid'-,at -9,ndei,to build an: a AT gota o it usell 1, s,, street.. stroii'ev' draillarit. ...' . . 11 ca�� to the d -A 0 'ed, a It;;;',' kn Wn at S ha a Lpr d to sAjoolfsede, �e y, size -and "!ihilk 'Xerr r B it 'did:.iiQt intend the I mied, -to '�IIC hils, 11 Y, -.W an 4fghilp 'Of ious -th 7 -Op. saacri -_dk�...:...­A;' fAls.— fA �4)ffpr thig, britie Be. in' M.. n Titt' C. TIT --a .hie 1vit., in 'the'-Provil. dell 'hat a S, a strifige c*i MA f_,the­calfi­"X6 :Tese eir, 'sMght'. an: nIo -Ai&A -&go- 7. N1 .11 1 .. erTopti 4_is�Q � 'ItIri r d listorn an U1 --EngI -T--he id "011--l.l. al-ta .. 0 -wg th IT 'we&n4i Mloorp .. 34*351, Construct u r v6-tv iiV fall VIE-ff, _7 jL��L=� it ta ul- e� y6 rfdfy�pe 1��ind se -0 I'ViIII; -Xv- r y. s ; -Th M.. th& trh�k Within ten eg _.m0u( aideovered..: .7 6Aris. Whole, airteril-ple; Vc I. :'.._44454,,537--29� U,Belf a's 'the 161-: 11 -perpetuating B 111-01. Y 'TORQ­ ted b d. S. 11 g-lidy' iv, T.o LIVE =-M�' 161MIS . .. , . rep., i -,JoWjng� reason I RC,�iiptr or 8 W"ly:,.s ce Stevenson L he will xxot'dapice:, 0 f live Vt lmad- ..the. - a. Oi- ­Ddadd; _.: .L� -3334Z43-;,2 - -e- caT ------ "A6.7he I ­_ _ ;... 1)(.. *.%vus,�vearicd and clUk"lea, .oy,,.since ,,u,5qay, %were 115 77771--7-77., o., Da-xxem-�97.71 Mf t 143b she; �rin tigh 31 -a ­U me An. TT J69VAR-T-M� ness _,will lead b D 'Coini vv,&t li6p seiRt dx �tL�.:,to close contact wit-pul, ly Pet>_- ad, ;�j"Z.Iua­ -EML -en car Mid -fteh, ten -s t -i-bute-11 o, 10 se and. ailitiselftbi more� . .;. : I- a fl . th.t6 ly�,ere t -101 - I - , . - 7 -i4f -1dol-wors iippers. L . l' ii4l, I and 5' car pany -.3. r:d-, ken -Dan _Ne olu+ D. n 1i e-ly- '�_their re NIL. "-begin- mak lbt,- -,17- ­.bt 'ith OtS -I .t- -A.' A .10 Teve Ali _0t_.1s - X_ ork. A,O b _48 jil.-framFit to jet or follbwst -the. servive of v WOAs Would U6 a:e -!let in, it re 5 1760d _e:ii_t,as I . I - ew Yor i., -u-I!%, -2.2-:.Lin �6,1-rexlym,,John fir-F%`C III lbe' e Out I MAN V tf�tdLerg' cattle and, - Nyl f_ypri , q B A S 'ug,. "te qaple ®Ra �ew Iot, ox 3 ­S:tl X RINE- R, GE.P JWtje.of Offerings he bdrntoffekinas A- love of da'JIL"Aill A epts V_- 11 .:b 7— Thit M 4old' Va-9 '5 cems L -Tester.4 a um Must lvticos viere trG-'L not, Bdf& to sel� m,vsel 31- 'N B,�at� sp,�..S.Itisfactay soiz�.d the "66r.alia a�half; e'a.'e-,offaings A., the p o. be dbl49 N.' j," ng is wish' t (in b y thi WRI :Be: Built. ir I Branch,: -6 ]Dan . . ..... n t 1SPI. 'hi It '11, -Sa. e 51 LIS, A -kjgbt 16ado -and, s'i;Vih n o.f of rs.� Drink 4.�Z I -rd-a Ad SUJJ�' tut]y� thin that arc -,Xel.K. ! . I and I qn e n to s 31 a)IraItV r Yt �ij"t' and the �y.or e` , .tr Ju -7 n thero were i. no _rpioos-r as, all :of XY(6wod- :ADA -111q. Ilea. %�d v� J,61VAY . -in I *ith tb, ai?Ki Tor a furf w- liv 4e. gonera�tly'a�qdmpaiiiect, p 'r ­ - men Y III, di rg Oke, p-dmilralty prt� "nutevers--(-'Corge ;buyi Olild V�.Ity�B,Qft - ,, etri her boiits ` : - , r t�b. it go. �Ciul mon.: at ON 14 f6a , stg,.�-Vv 1180'. in J)ri Bil'ate, to:young 0 to Tuhd.,�t pan%- who -DOugn sin, of 71k rederki 'his `3� _tAU., NN I WO cs:r-lo 5,Jiq 'oh - Will 0 and- ki - I cy- s, nicn� vltewr-�� 1_199_lx_gri� �d_7 �7, -avi 9. em A Y_ h- i rep.orte ion- di .0 And' '86, is dr,.` the l4rin, -A" mite e s t d-TWeptiou mind for xi' 23 , 0 iip;. lty.,ELliq P�trl�i;i& r i�;t 'e. "d es f idol`� I' I. , e rf�-to 'd, I . I -s.' e ..Prny,r -and I in ta 0 Aothih, 37 ift isle- call ht. the*' lGe 'without roplentzhing. hil.r eup1p id -n LQP_ m m­Y1TYT snvi a m: u I a- 1) �4rl aro ST -pumishimc a. In: ion is''.ribw directed irom-il&- ode M PR,O U11 E V otly, a tten t Mpril -:11er -p colorieR ze y Oei s6elieB .1 1 . , , : r 1' t tlk,,O:i;q irt t�qgre." C. Ile on, en -- R -S� wbxl ------ bolaght full v ­but. V6 to � ea w v 28 :to Muenie�---. so T)crts f 'is IS ion witli God'and.+ ; ", . . _ i.: to 0 0 forty days, p6mmun �v.ljen Mosci.held..up, h h. aware 6'i' Irer. ap6rb .1 7:7 oard Tv, -o c ade.' NO 10 llb�­ ffaC gro w. I M4-neben, bbWg Ts,,er, w.13o* waz Ilv'o "Si -to - I oi Rephidi'i '36� -a t, 6: to, I bll es -re" .-.1toA r�6iv_ed._.tbciJ,vv i'dLi,,_I�rmel: pl�e�rivn X Amo pleased. t C gold one Igo o%y', tige. In thig, contost. -Conve obtained xf��.,cwt. He I Jehovah'bh�T'bclf - had: With' 148 PUM in- ' of .16pr raC , I k Muentiben, thit.be decorat6d. & s; irf�e 8� Lr ow - n - IM Me., elo�, Nimam WaS steer h' PC Tritten 9T- L i "tv-fin;t, �the RAS In -mi get N) '.of �he it' SAG -%os- ried lanto -theiLord, urn, I twontiefil' �1­ Grahixidi Mer A i, , "wa'.i F ­ that, the. e4'c '6v:(,r. th, report. df j4aie)[Cay- f6dy4ourth', C.a . n.fifty-nin denly, (jOdljqif�)i e e h tho qea�4t%: "Pirths -the r n * 7 diiTIc. t'of IR Min JA -At 71--__71� but --tbe...-P in the _p . or -a- of I gn f -the. Ple bbai':6or�fipketf tbern selves -an * (I Iro(I "�,d.onc( "Ig. me b alia a Stime� nt. the lli&stcn� down, a -t le Same C . n Bill -.that j��e s FSE.tKA,., E niwnd f 4 6ported; -Redotd, it t I f Moses' praver (Num. 14.ft. prize o nL `s'On ban r, jinjo to je. tot-, _0 'iff7d t�e � "eili d Iii , the Baflq�W i� 'ov�prt* Through 1is in rct,.ssion e �,o r re,- q,lin anadian K- K thought to jw�.,ntj�skond ind 11 x9ari t TWO Capture -Island , 'f' 'Moses �go Prices them ..adlil''Tilako 01. -INI-114, �N,en v-, d lWithin,Mile-Of SeAl fb.- them R ew Montre,40 pspft -the ev) ''kv lie . %� . 1. . � I � . d prpmptly d' pkixitc�(l oU I Balm-, -0 ealib: . - . Co."", F.mpress,of i oolx� . I . I ­ I , a ".6, 1 10 1 o9d o 'prfme 0alitY vOR cifid lkdilwit.� nixii ri, But INIOS' flith 'each t.%I,:' oi;St. Paul re unto hi's pe4le" (v, �4)�..'p Ii Ing -a prize ranged,,ftbm�12%.r t an& eArnestly I ni eAll callves- d'i I at so tq 413.1 11ritaili, lanpd- 6 41 t vinciusli"I Acattis A16. nOv thj�, offer vp;tse, wa-s thikyir.e�gbth, 4,i ib per c her. nl� , , .%,,, - V neb'r t :,Tul Ves VC reb,.! -ng on po per ew with all -TI 011, to. J at g6p,'600 and rnny'-ur-the 1,atter c a-fs fQr''his pCopi.e. A oses came I inade a C:i.lf in 110' 'This e6nt4t %Of *wvp F 1�oeft. ififormled 66t 61' I�i ito ta,if. at' V, no thei-ew &pulpledilg,tlio alid b6l,,�eld,the 00oille jil,their-J.do.latrd�ig n, im Is—.- <Y' en poiftmorit ha, I - A'tber� aro!-too7yr I )asgiw�e not`0r1I�,. oxi,..the- h-, fift I iy,- qn 6dd c6ncern- faitest, illail .1 knd- WO-11i'lled, a -mo r! I , J : anning (I , n. IT bei�, - - , _. 117`19- tivo law, which - hweife, 1 01 ;'tiliviliail port. This 9 e -0111 - tables T. -'O fam h-L-goid that ti Ai- fr..V- I ill , . -Y.e el K OtfOr�`*l'- to r only,,. ti - Cn, 1j, 411P sh-ev- a -lid It pru. 10,1 11 i1i "his� ha4dls; who ha�e'fiot:,w ft se a�i e. \ to A d: th Be t, 16 price- m 0 not �(&es,hjq, pbosefi.q bod be:iweiie five rien, it I & in'the .1 f" Slin burnt "ithbif 4 . . . . - -M-6� flie 12tifi iock.4 e - left LIN'(11,13661, at 5 p t Iii'lats.' tam � 4. - " ' 3 . I &-pa-r-t-ure. Splendid d the,gir ell him in the 14r �<)Ifl qt S.5:7- te, '.d K ltiInlo, ri e' a r jo.$%l. 7�: b11r, 5 to is- -e iluil I. A. -`O a -and gTound. it to-po�vder an(I ciltused, ene Mel' yeaflier W,4r.e _C IT T 4 r. to t1i 4,11 j-a--ot,,ner words. ''bn. the Li `1y' thl�m'l .01sil'. day. A,vilty -whe 1-111 —MrI'L IT"I.rri� 11 1 1 .. ­, [1111'.. . Strilthellifil,' Vq ..sLr( r .,a. 'ho�: _y :0-.I` - -up--stim. Moned -_held.a,L_x, C' anaL lani'CA11.1p blxt'ilg '4ide' and UVILI.- "'o Bot p'.m, IS'liturd-,Y t hb- UKIA.- IdIng IJOI _v A by and. reportS don..., pra-yi ev 'T, f - :pit,, ' ive, led. tbexil'."to take- fb6t'§ilVoVd9 Id 'coli4tillilffi, I' 1he ni :t; I A - at Jalanc lk_e� ;, . .,Sc 9Q, gand ­ gin ..;Ft lividos. 61 y 'pil.'1:15; 10 PhiL px,c$CnU-.A, his own priye to Serg I,, pro nts. mi he'� idtilrtters_ Tbe three t toll. :3-14 - $0.0). rar (;I �t. -oll"the, flov 1101- Thil 'Ches ( - I lights a,116 sels *eie, taken. to UArnaln. -�Ikct9 IYO:36). le -thle Caivadiv CllibpriZe' aftel Tll� in Aliiif: and Ity.1- i rec, bom's . . , -i vi;,! is t I, t tv. h miall"' Nvere' proba'bly 1.1le- U 4 fTIj'esf;. 5tM,; Mayor w6ry S -the RONTOi n§gres9l o hi T Ll. a it:7 , , - IT " board,: TO .. . I . Iii1d, the. veil TheksX. 6�1; Mwa, Was, �nId Fleb., 18 -fig) ',M a ii n I -n gy "U.11 -er in chkLiTge T th is it �h bf tile. eov nAnt, %Volre I i used to ask thF -Ci)rporal- SiliQwbaill, of; Ott The . c x* WA N%, of t) 110-,q2 - I . I . �i I The denip firm onq anottim t , , - 'A , MI.- 1401.11 t ' � day, e, d -Ny �:.to., 4th c.-penfal ty- -9. (. dI',AAp#A bI inpaje vl 3:3,),. w.nd'llieiido tb a­arrde K t,,ld L�� , bj!; VV41 R 90� repor MULLm , 'i , 06 t n .995-1' A a . 7". �17!1, (3ambs 5 A. 'e. tritd, befoit oes, 11(�" Luke 14:' 2 L11 The w Dent. MS -1 HIA=L F 4 - bR ct,aTc c6 A A eL above personal; a In 'Pt ton W b, #Y S- Cy -) � 1. '741cl V U, bi 01T cooking.,. v evfteB. to y. ILL- BE, 0 sidertAi0hS hen, 40vh -J- St�-`Thoin teVent G010-: S- ­Ci -�6 Eftg� *T�, stdke. ­.. f faga_ra"­*F-a­liEr,- es. makes iri-t'dr&,.ss Olt: foe 1. . i ; rrN4, "", �e ..:, .. ... , . 0 ik B ter CqMmittee. DO- C -i - ut IW I be Investitlitea., W Y-0 Sentetwe: bf, Rail'Way'. Officials n -d A t 0 .90, '64 'did wort, It A in Aft rc nia Tael.'(Y�, 30,45). 10'spitte q�bivt'tb'e.but- 11tif4lo te haa, uIry A.dr­l Pla -0 t$,Ill1ItI " I . 1. �10 e�, of-. Jahle ! -0-1, IN' , 'M __ . -1., 1, , *011,_ 1. , I " i , _M ! _. ­ , if - 'i - *"A . . I.,c �ca 11 0, 'they TZ J I'll T , I I '" - InAet, '14 - '.", I cl!g l'orlifilto 0 11 h N e principal offenders. myr ve shined -of- t; C, jo.� Ont,, trie W y hh,d eslcap deat'll. it, Ole,.'fiabitl 'Lqt-�, Ttlolftl Tbough �ft 11, L� - 4,'Y0tt,'n`u t pose cy.. were rnno� . re not tj sup it 6.1 -IT th A qjjjo� terw y nt". 0, Q. (�r ty�: -o 0 U, can d I e XV( I �ti p, llN'oo;(I Aigiriet lk --Vil� Bt( -Ali a t, ik'. it 11 V -()f d :Iolvar steel I f i r gt s' a"J� , t p .11A V .9 a tel, ibeilillx�JlV� o-nd"s' rjcA�,' tertlool,i by j(IffillAiv, ovo? blip et, a"g- 1-e - tirch,bkd4e, '1VUI)y,t.V g (it cetit or, to To6k,upofi. the :sin I I, , _. . Our... fit" 4 lotntiolls (in :, i I �. I, t. I '. _ . I, all, 11 Ininitgra. ion wcn-e It KA, *f, it. t 111tn miht �bc- mat ' an fustriii ent� In he� th T t6nis InKp#- ilig iger hilli, f"rotil hi� lift Aif seill VI e Eviden6� th tid (III -Iiijisfi.4� `31."MO46g, re-": ajority, Clox% in W00060 'll -T- t4l'o fie Ieotl, u 0 He_ dA i i tip. on 1 Ir Molift by; (14LIN JKY 6 of, the f rate Ifov it & solso P"19 Bitioh in ditolv�ril Law�',ers at, ou"'i, Ile" 11, 11 �11' the e to ft in VAIF in. t0.(IA,y.r T110 ist jk W- I­--birit* + - it At-,. gil �JC,J)follgll lstill hi�ars prkyo d1f; to All< filla-1 s r t ;M(b�fllwti B' Tf Matt; . J �161Qc . ( b�- ist�llje-& to the VV�t,0,11116 v Ill 1,11c, RaN:�vootck '6 Iv . Iv . tbidt-Ve, '&fly fir e I �J & \';,(): wift ;S11 i ivg q Ild. I)ptli v�;on� ongag�,d, ill, t1,c (Inill-If 1,; fel f:, t i, s<)Mfl to. tht'jill: are, there, go �.Vonl i! j. I T(I h I toc 0 It. t n.W 7, hy tben obang 111,1011.1y ob- a*loo�lllnpaftlall�,a, I;W I I it ol" iven asked hn M") the .-",I vmItIll's C611 I r(�a li,e& the ()u.1)d' to sa�-v ),VK,K 11114; W bas ft�q t jaurped; Off i ti"ll e 0 � (,I I Is %�v Al V A -h 4 it, K unafts.;wt-PA, Petitthns? 1 ecallse thall aft RXgul I it, te, - pri'�Ying Pxftlo" t t4iiiiialAci t �Vb4t�rc` t1l'O" caa,�B recciltb4 Intl t be t 14 .1, so mile, I aanil&q g(�rqng, this l0n. , Y. -ii I - ol)(ill t!). fia 1. there is, APO he i�ttercA on- t() 111VOG 110 44:6110, t tt "A§AftT9 A (,)h Mill t -for I i Prevailing, prayer. poLidt t6 bri4v 141011 M r: l i e I) m. - d i,4o I I, T110% iv# 0 0 re -1 10 0 fg D . I 'l 1`6� be hV 6.1&-dvoik 11(t �jt�(;04t fllf(i' ') fit 1)arrow WI er - . . , (i 11 t', 4CT,:..L,ME MED f f oj�n a sense 0 real xi'ecdi eith PE B It' v4 It 6vhtieked te-r- till gar 1.4'not, datint will, 0 oAo lie ql*4LVII1IIakiAg. it it. 2 dilv�#Ivo Otlfor3. cdtifliefs in Central Rugs an then 'u is or hindrmneea �vhieh Sariggingry, J,wll 1,V to the 6 is PgRS4 the bfitigh H lllo lot 6 11q4k., Bill A',' n-0, A. .-r t V. od. by di tIAlic 1h row �y "ke v I ti� s lliptgl hi'iT. and" tl x 'It,,; let f 'to be in tho ikay:(m6tf, 15C r0v t6n -is, offi...Itm Lord's, f, tb4� an tha C',na get 'Jo in m34 -I,- 1 111 1110,11p- 1� . - NVI "III It P'.1c, a, Ca. hiq P 1 0 !11 b . V . , S_ 1>12 -P *bi 1— 1 a, Imm N'trill I -IM S., -1,lthh MrIo1MUl­­­­ 6-tvj -) W rdi�a _"P -A ILV— lowelit P 3,qe F 4 61rdets oft th(, ':q In a MIA America' bi-11 11'0 Barigninar con h' 71�;fv J�P4, it Ivill bo", 0611,011(161 10., or of pb, a rol 1�1,qds III& prom poli430.1 __7 n AMV0 Ison fil , 0111ACA -ivg 16rtui�iij :(;Gen, 3 Bultea yest,cirday n rid, i�u h tied, 1,ord§ � it 1W 1),(� th6 l�ldldi- of th�,,tw� Ala rk Yung it 'eft Of' ft eolleetilok I J llojitg, in- th�M as the gr;tind -of "With rural to ti N�Aiitih 'to tbel n kbi, ;awlt conferelffoo.. ill-,-61ved at( roll to were, desluttel"ca to t ie itp a ( I I I for h is I le, peasants, A hith lIfilp_ tionq fl� t'lle 40tt - -t the tti Oka the prouilaft, be IOVN� t )f nevvA twat-ji fight, Y . corm 111 , - � . , n6 queotji6n, 6,41 �h a G. Tv -it., i 46 IL ;,and 'ffee J110171 0111,- 6n..4 .. " j� l�ItJ1A6n_Jls elfailviop", J (Lt. dw ep Tho find MA final All( t rig. 11C. il , ' to 'I b pt -th StAte. &16 ih A p AL e In ft�ovlillg in I kr.V� I meo;doiw§. MIA takeg no Aen in arbliriir!IY to, out I'the act perfo�tl,) dohdit Oil hdA b0g, Mlile, but:n t "t tit 4�4lve,lllis PrRY-46r� . U on- thi�iir' t) , ." ", tbou. ra, Ile no .. will I!ye la as I ` �� f. . so on t 10 16 Mt ., . I iho Punic, de 6&0, noeb 00i be vlc�l Til"d belcfw�i T but froni U. W6 en, to desiatJ 1�i, A gumve, -151"t-,- hkfi kinled or W01115iA _`k 111143 A a, total Of 6 Cr_j h6att W it I btal of 6 iii�s wo 'blot 4116., i 611 t V*r Oj­JIIC countrynte lit, . . . . . . . . . . . . off 14, 0 PIMP;