Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-07-24, Page 5M, 1,111. qJ111 MR IN I'M Mij T_,7-7 777,77 7777777� 07" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7""' - 7 A ............. . . . . . . . . ---------------- .71. pep A :0* .. . .... ... . Tr i Ody gg e;A "ji I en4oised. P� now of it, th growe1- e�mqxe say _�Ju —w, -e,- -ju, ca.0 help a4yone sufferin a, ftom kidney CaU. - bje', ��,s_uo qtlie� re�ueq self—shaws—ra AT, _v;II�k-d;_ it� to who, seek CAI fl, it IM u H 06H a if �t 4s, not. jusA f�� ed,.,yo�� can XiAx-� yqgf,;ggp� 9 Wjip �w _16 M0, cen' b r Zro —�7 T_ 4�14,u -%'_4'0p, xr, ,T1puUTT0n 7 ev, k -of. -4 b,.� A 1.6 rs o e dividu4l -pe f 1'�.cj MI7 Crop, o, eut ti) i is' y'! C he drice, held it . .... . PAIRING M. _W V F .6 iAy,�:-66ihJPp1'h`d -h 'th Lo W,.�jl� e; N F M wua. Q -the o 1� t6 1" 0 4_" W Ord6re f I ture, as�.se F Mong' t 5 c 0 W, U, j6 W b 0, it Q I&VE1 illld amute f D 0 C Appio -A-ep-b of �t lie exf)ert g ..at '1 '130-, 15c, an -to sell 2QC,, d -+15Z d pr6pos�W.itba t te 'p izp, �i �'l 11 7�7 U -w A t �77 wW _7 with and T clk` qe at. 2 q. c. an 'Vol -91 'n p6ti 1, Cletles. t 0 a I iikely to U RA 0 e e e r1q;r v i4pg :6� Scar j Stitched.. n,,,.,.. o -.suitah e' ndi�vfdu.AII who will s4qc4d 0 S pe' atd,� psta zes:proymcia A _W in aint it ptotcts-and off :the 164i P gest putj� 6h,-2- lot 21, �bp�tier wIAtq­,oa;t9 th jZj2air� ompoij, .,,.Q.yer. Di Co! 7 nec kuiz) Th ;6�! Luek�b;ii - Alurob-;: con.j and' 3 'N w -hito o_ Is L -a tr V�1� k en s:,p -.r e t .3o q U6 O�v Wil �tc Ohl urve,4� P o...... U.n.de.r_w_ go. 'I 'Luckno 7-7 rs of 'd. 4 1 90 pen: pafr to sell i -4. n d! re compose, hi 14,.Ligowo,w, ite 40 MCI KiwbaiE -Ashfi6ld 'L R and, u.'' d, t., an -d gro n o h e­ui9e4'7 Oij;�i z. -ti . ..... t -,�bevt adm"��L igh I pi! 4 hi�t Icon.' '13; 'lot �j oats. A; G 'Lwe of 7 ve fu t 41 d., reen Seligat-101i W v Q, ine tt tcst s! ek -v-.-v "k, 5 v a -so a ra. �age. Q .a, Wd�h W . .. .... . ..... -the C1 beSt all - 0 C -ot ynIve r1e.'_ Ito, e_l-a ;S7 .6 u SHOE EL s o a c 4oat,.'. 'ObfieLh arnerorx, 'dkn6v K Lil OW: W i%'b 5 indh a nd �2- uxes, 16n , - , A k w -.3 ap .,5.. cents per B. at h�ie and t" ain: Randard'whil 6 -we tei .'S A & 'to -p sihd 8, No 4hd �8, No vts addT Bjaok and Gol ri roivn at ',iC B' .er pair qg I e, o -coils ;C 06 lots 2-8 an e I.t Poli �i W111 le;ithe aqt� a:. Shoe, S.�� t at I- an ar It 'n H E 4 IG T R] YOU W twd n &S, 6 6 6: c. S h" s con, 1 1 th Uu -.Pbli§h- titt is, p Irc 0 �.a 7 o CTLI h 0. PC -nosh,' �Cop, t I :r ' , e. ill 'giv-9; YOLU� P E- n 3 cov.. 133 lots 14; I qbL .7an pily- do -,o- r.,. hot:D: �4rtni.ent.' LA)aki;o J lo . S e h "Id''10 V'b' d�sF "Me��: r'o. ...... . . ..... q _3 on 0 4�ii + , .7, euio5es,�b�t,6:t).fti.-excei)t.on )Atur, ay. L V&,W. osh, 00 whi .A.rdua "All orgo'n, -tio c ier. - lickukw,: rfiif6s4i co ot. 19 0,08.4 Y1. 7 -1 whi Dt13 IS 9. D to 4W, anial 6we Hdiity 51 -e L A-� 'L �Ieo ivas., Nt *tock u Y 7IM-9 e' e, a. 2,6 v andit'sL - P. 5� 361' �TZM M, 07,e. -C .11 - -:,:a 77 "LuAnow, t bS' -k- uc Wht-Z_ 16 ts 't. tiow, KiffiT ULD !P DW ro e urvyj.! e NoA lijilf"I'lot FaIr. Exte Sion land h h . .... les lalf acres ..911 w ic 7: 0 AL 96 efizil ig. "Pa Tur 0i Aiejvtoe, fgilinj spri ars: 6 an. ur portleu C C�110w. orrigai.i, the PE Pht L '.t-u`.ATTtN e '6r Feter Lu' ike fi—t1act, zvo have, _1e_ 2. YP e, 3 (U 6 N be 7 'OPE 2 T it W 3 Z , I Lo 7 lambs 7;6 SmfiDstnan wnd-Yisitors, Fia,'& Profitable to Go'. i r pr ............. �urve& a. -Pie, as. lo7v cis, 7) Wn er a b' ly, a F01 -E -AIRUIR REN SHU �'S KNA dw 06 r 0 io' S w th p, i 16 f Ma le., . irewbrks 11afid (4 0 ty. 0 Fit' u 0� r 1 e s w , m, g ilIX1 OVCII.i Vv 6,4 laru�e st.ock �Of P1 tjj'e d' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u n, g. -i 0 e, e eve h fr e y, Aer programine 'a'.h jiln&, 0. AClu a wit Mid adjoining 00u., represent' I t! —of -GTBILLTAI�4 gr–*iYd MG13 .. ... ..... u wri O's I AGE Sea ela ftjjatid� foLt�'';' M 'Or an P t si, right mn for whoW ALL RATAI-RO AU56. he REDU rite f !�t tho CW kATES ON t !bf 00 e 01tritory -will bo resorvM, Uds j Prog) tcwlnea on I ribat 11, .... ... $6nd Ito 4W AM d, all: '11fo io 'S AVH wa Oro proint) ujib Alto k c0i es out. t STONE & 0 LL C 4' 4': -N WE 1.0 T it' NTU' ARIO 0.0 :ONT kO