Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-07-24, Page 3,;Zi�.R! 41" !$Oil A A. 11 �:---77 V" J Z, - - ----- ----- p �"V. ellditure Ica; -214.�BvY' the, 'face Of' the ­11W,ePi 7i, 7777777 through thq il`0�11� UK most effici.en�, app ,1o.vAtb r operator At and: eve penmv, bi,� car shot UPwaru6 amaii !T 0 00� ed� -w-34 . . . . . . . . . C,p �Alii&­ �A ito� ithell T xm­ -1 V - (her, that shiilmd f ellovile Que., iii) 1,00 IN DESgRT. tVf1)T' o'th�r,-§creiinisi from aboveiiaA4 then CRI I I , ­Ze i, `­ he�uo.d 111911tep hpie F pon tIlo :,eitil elp C Wl@1 ls;ixq hPiks, ul neetillo. '61 thet, Wanderiisigs,­'Vf', p4by QVer �,t grueborne ghosf story nurse ' ' ' Q ' " V 'Nirs. .4s. -daughter, her Co RD -M, T--2 NlY ..dra.wn-by. two.: Tril killed,'evorybddy in 'A eepial i -f -d 'drowet laifis of Sout h I e I p I 7 �fieads pf , which ,vpre also blaCk Plumes ybo& See in it was tin ii I tile t In a few 11101110fits, 'the TOiicle 'Milst, 5 1.907 at 4, ii'e cir btlierwise, whiciij. as held -Ou J UW, f 'jq:bor own h,61113o, for,. 0 ale, tlie'dijver of. (Ue 11e.a A�,bciatjosi w 'Baue ng tUe1seTe1lTRV4,.f"­, p e de 'eviem, ilege, � Sto." "Amn Yl- 1 -.0 Il--- ­­­� ...S, v r aeuoriaLUL t- 7,' -id .':Sara�­Qraud tell to, �].�,e'ddy b6cit'stated, the,roa UVRe In* � . z -l . - 71. wi� j�. ' �. ' L!;"� -; IN, , ii�seui­ 'here - 4' -d- e Qu6q, for .yllit: i- ­A A I n ner­­N-1A PanY.: Jpe6tihg�tor� Of,"h�, "teq'. �*P" 3 -to the a 3-'busin;ess- OX 0 the AispeiAtiga -DT"A -7 �h6, A*O: "clos( MOND, ear. ending June 0,1f, P& 'l-te ��bled ill the. rAwing 4E�spondetnt 'Of "i James: rad*, FD,' e,r f the late M. frorn:­ber �vjndow­ ojpr out oon fl()o is! - 19,07. ns�ii resting Of the ja4,u, A. large nuln!ber in erE -Carried ots �at 'Heretof Ord the--sami -Woc 4tq- "reh;�,fter 'Alit J ey City, A. iTatcheath4fi,pait,of, the the-:N#O carriage- Wquld�. . ........... at once tq�'q U A— here th, _en V .1 L. V MO Ass t this "P'' 4U11 of,aider. trees �Gieatest Mitkes. oviation-has it . '' . i. . . i .: . And el bab�' t C th�qf;Jiihe, PAP'', ih,6, &mrch "In I 1 0;161 f ithe-night vM5 re ier arge from f ­dJ-nn- d on'. c, e qp.lo �ke, PU I -4.d-., tiI in for hold _49 AIM.b � Ad figli'tp - e I—. --:j � , _*ht.. The.'eatrif 9 dei U., ge 2was A aiptirria _! brightly be .9d't , , . _ ' Atud lall.. 'Mre� ZDU�: di �,Liitae One., 16f., she watched and waited n -kme- t Co -of the inidal stages t egan two zeneraltioits 0,90. V Ing thiS to ieolpe herle own If ;t 'partyi RA . la A�d ;rantis- 11od out Of `1JAVA, would be,U1 'were'usled,,btlt 001rd. -died the 11011A ad witL trange t of initoiiilv� w4en-p',liliament "sation. CaMe h;,the L other -good )Arty. cOlIvel. ei�n . 1. . it t Wsls�lcl&f 'to S;3ape for I the 6hi& heard a 99411 hen. to vle"V In d a k0ion,and"w hianities,were. few momen k5l All the preclouI3 614' ' . � of tile carria� it w tit '�'broinld011 the or ocsh �Aed her more eL �oi 1. ii has. a 11 Owing ed; all, the Vkte, - all 6fli,�Vhje PU2,. I �'� "Ovih xe '�e h $o, h r ON,,,n* 9 UP316 ih. il�.Ullary traek wQSL 401is . e y ould sies' hoof oonvontiQnAl dinner. I ex- :fhat tijus -far she had'�Aot writer la T Id. b egrablie. tP W thick sh4dows - 1, )f�,th� alkrs� thinking tile )116 ot � SIE�ttli r��tab Of. e more.'(] - a, , _.g' day utiornipg, 'is s not To The next regular me L !II L ing. pfes ' and �PMA� t** b, I -art, -pOhtks,%A1* ,came-.— -WA ie e in 1169 in eXtelit! pt -,he - -%�701tjf-into­-ffie i0pel" �6re be: Ile L AteriLture oic �t Ile th -,ther-, en W, "tit last A o. I hundred., IL roll the 'e - S faInG M41es--1TOm­ , I iea:t black hour Y: �h - ai or'FebmkrT� Ko� h. piai%4 6V. '.r, In 1Le­-PrbcAd1uS Thee, menibers �Of the btit�fh,& tired Seav di �ndiir, her �*jndOW, t Q 9 -IO� ne�,of hi'll fill 6:i .g alice, witI1,0011711 e W1 sman �i ­ b�, QO-� -Were f ery c, Ith 'ith its tot a d over .theifL­,­d,&Ug r ii:: Sbkdbw fell,.Upoh,-'the�,-�Oprell Oil the, Q i bl* 44p# , A." ouq� Slirf" er o 1.� worelpl e hoii.ses,- their. hemd rezeni;­at, tlle� ed, odi&til, ie �VVA� alid,ce � as fillo'� -tofnqr,'tbe'big black, Ja$ "I -W.' XLQDert46*; rity, �F do, And, :yy lea -011 j swell -.88ors - d ill a bIg --r W Wi; -AP ly- rang to, Bte 'h -r bl' and -3 qt all t i& -"Y contains the ' ­fHq till esp; -t ie g'loitds'q­ud`�� di.eviiuJthLS- little- claim -4- J, .6a,t, plume ­Cap Lir� Ablouf`4aylighr a; ae iall- - �Wv,��,,. XO ezlo� I 1v -2 into, gonisi.` -,r'. 6 Cars, I , And nee took nJ 7 11� —?Iyn 'T �oraies­§ epped his &aljdL w1th" by, tliat tdme' 7h6se iwho had:Lbes, A. ZaVit*_. �ijjlt in an.,sirl)p J e&A sp n(A 1,',io, WitLy. a --W L DdVI - , I Ica en y, 'will ehilt& therni roll len- -br,ass but oned iihiforni' ai fear Real �A T, , "I lAi�. "ellillaten, �M�o G, Alit an hunt t walel hq� ZI 'the author Q' 'The- - Ign -whiell'i Mrs,-�; A Reld' Messrs'. r Mr G- III lie from S��p od'-. 'e" the -box sea. the little, 0 VlLU I 'k -:thlb, did ll arLSe, "Upon 'the r��hs-- 96iltIT, �f!V`b­ ­'� - e, 4114, onlY tbl� PUJJ'�Ld­ itid �oing, f 0' t,h t S. `J e park a bi. t inan-AlL kL C &p. ol, -uj�py. li�,d� ­1i`­,0Ues.)yJ,EJl I e, Te: _the ripinea t" * ' " L e_,�bat I `ai11hjbJ",L,.and fhe�'�Ioilowl­6 3- , , �-p t sCld -Branch; were eas .soru, andL, at Me time indink. her -startled" be 'v a 7' Pedi AP big, 4 a� e 1114"'4L IL V, 4, UW tb,� fii)�ht. �beftnip _Lt� oa 'Sh r st­ a 5 it Iny her'ii ventionsil'b of, a hear5 at filis r dl & bi 7 nt,.,.as, 'were, als*o Wve SJ I I j!F,?n pearance e to a)w, tb:c. negro. g4hiped uJ­LCJ5Ueur,idg ent hitid s,re 'I Mr. A's W4p have bee.n. 00�1==, I P colleLle is, a, t ik= �17 A the�­ rw t s oil eL it, irvo y ear a Ja w old,�van Ne Ull nigh, er 0 . i� -Illy ygriyK�Th Major, Pond no d IT drew up U lie, pAgffelitl we' IA y �"Aitiq ;-en( � I . tore * and dr6W their - grueson, er fiftj . �en InIllUt" WT tbeologkal . dis, s on, liair and pa4s ihder tile gijare­of-the' once 110 116: alders. itkoked Out Of the niud VUA. of tile ASSOU�"L followed,, and at in, M % '1110it'S Thut S, of. CerS 5 a to". 1vIFi '.by fre��ht into -tile shadow of t tile fanfol 4. s, e T1 Du f r ve-ned y q with -a' ItimplijIlt 'that ati . College a L . I q , -f , lid thm6�10it;,P 11,Tt- A wait, to for W;QW. nd 'to_ SO, t -C " they 0 u me - Mrs. - A. 'did n, hJ40h' Sold 'he 01. r a, TVs the diaimacta i s5soc 11 As P ,O.co t e,e 'hol e n a, QPP,r ar thlvb'it- wsp; Th lege, Wo 3e that tb, I qr`�'P. OUI i It unding th r r ing . q. nor 91-1t�. posC He padsed,.- but just. fO mit ',Of tsi.gbt as, she bNd iiiiiihiz .6f on A' 11M.0st iridis�� 41 e, e 0 rd .0$5,�Jls TOO apparently an 4; f, t 21 , , L ielll ­ ­ - 6a&tu]s, 4i -, � 't -clay enip,1OY­ 1.5,00'. you b lil�ye in ghoS b. uld, just loUg cilou&, -ni b; t, In.; L... I . . .1 . I , ­ - I ... - -, I - .1 1 . ­ . I t f uture in 1). rt? tinguishab t h run;., in un -to! -the'vin OW rici lli�ceti.� 11 1 "L, '­ ' , ' - - . ''d 'he pr�Oouls­ 411 re"s It Jr.OM' its SurroW -b -eq to sing e out 0' 1 - aug Cate- at-AgItatiOn. V6 the, i-00 Of 'he r d h' -tw gr.e b :. tubes or neis mianY in h,6 _&�Or�'gj y.­rcty.,� tha.ghast-: ages, �jj-rg- o&seed. ok up a ler, %V_] k ever-, -.�-In­­.exten i4'Cxkny­1,oreed­UP­ upon ter �-Whonl c, ,I�tya,eie Ow. 4s el aL tJ45-li ... ­kL� . fi�at­ S�_;jel�OJW . sits pre- wise.- -Mart - t I -i— ­ Wias;'� oh 1� i ­ - i sh -xin d, ig - MS. Tepu +1 �&go'iby vPW�nc i -t Of - file, f are,. its �ri3,�s and, -66 S C;n 'tS riv or s,,. v�ce *in4d- the. 'glroulid- Ins horant answer. I got Of'' E; - - 6ting, was a. Coin- - -- ------ f. 'lY � - a 'L .., dl�' 4L tbe­tiln� th �latt4, tile -The r6pO Lel ihoii]i�,. "4 ricat.ins. gj�' Only the focIL yes p, , . - . ' . -a - d'ab�Qj'qa­ grill 6- L were tov-, s 0 r no " , n., lt�tt,­ thq--blWet.. w �in term , e negro face. Then,- the isappp e�j6l d'b&Ole� this� Mel �Io, one. b rhe b Gr�ildjs a iVi 0:n siv ort- the llcnisg had d aried 1)elow. this soverely put - thb iO4' sei e 41, reat,16� aealing A ,as ineg.-L f t,tures A, I a. -11-upturned, Ints , eu S 110 ]on er. to open wpTki�j�is �pou canie,itet an end t 0 nd veliensive tho beiiti,in the4oad and Is art di ki j� a son L Of is LI of the six tg Oli in,% In o.r. rudepeild'eat­�dlggers J glifj �&W­fie 111�-­.­Lm �­ - . . I of C ft p - -,,once more - V5F 'Oatb.4. ve ed -W -the it, mi --bor�cs'drew the hears.6 men' -f 3n (if d 1,7 -lo�s6 n y1l utl i"M 1j;f1,, 'ltnd cialyLbs of� 3, -voi eNV-T -7, —­' The ne:xt cot d I' Pdndla questio f the aidef. triks-and, me w! il.; the' dili' imawer. M.alor y -by I -the shadpii �c jug'-to'fhe village. ve.r..the. ga Ya�sse 41ating. orWitm, nto L4,uiry. `Wdg� madoe 0 netid nikes, -and he b6i6om f6l if,bllft: for. tlle� tracks Which 400��' d lead befLOTe,libilt, tir Yet been reached. tion A �g��e'�nrti.tion,�5r-canv�CEsed -the'day o 'blue funpei,­bii 'n �ih the. A46oeia .7. wb,11eL liventipil Irlifer pr -TV Cottl be, e07 erle beon, firkable own libf�uude iii, lastoliishnient� Mrs., iNtA �'blue and Yellow f t QJ�6, f.filiated. W ev,- ul vv� " M , 'd J 149.1 Ain?. 11to and ,,Ail1:qtra. ge to X "K gruE�k, pudd �tin�- ia..follows, vi� that: Mk- SW gt�olo .!;. � nr ving4he-M gry-dwe df-'whi e a , a' efid.in tile road. lUt�tlrdm"tct-7vle e e, r �. e d 6-1- -hei Nvit ed ­blue ceeding or. a -fit, Ltun;w&rra eniale -thdt 110 a -- e &§i, ever . e;V$d Ji was and 41. a" per .kr4rj to %.no lillue GJAl 6 Pik, ave bv."L-d ,*crou­­­ iris sondl expe lafei had gone -either, at­the� 11pur. xN u� bill life flona the road, Ohildren; and f�he ot�eiiA­ werd.:g1i fr 'hsil - slie -had jiist seen. t duM136d in,as; yu JLq 'If biform. them �Qf W, li')+Lsid,�Pon it A a jlCeTely b010,ved- to be p n- A. declired. s Ine in Y 'S f& -the -hi th6fi- kid. at th es., W. '7cumbO -of qt�px h:6 si thous-hads Of as nin ei a e 4t] MI rimple and tb Omn. O:C he bluo Ole -in, sea ing part' of e qo which. weYeL,reiturn ssea the niobt, w Ili th ILVe Lu tly drill f "The ]XIT-et: 01 - the occup-1, S 11 for.,.. 'JiJer -the- stc -unhqAdIlOfJJh Could Whave ground ro.=, in Tme TU Jiliter -in i oat-, L ly-was l5ei tiu�*e''I�­­­,­ e., tri .04M.P. . Gti6 .. , . And--;.Vthy,,J.he. !PArlge Y. re'T. --Hearse ti, 1- -0 C', -6 -in -try b.OUSLe,.-'�'and.triV.ell�d-*ialozig�'i:kllI st'-str C(Jufta -W, --Ai- n -no : or! y It , , d ­ -a '0 96 rt " - 0 lW e on e Ae d -ivor -1 ilendi dL t' 131" an C uld, uors a�"r. "M� ju-­".:�,-99PR�--I�C­ . .. .... at--! 0 Vne -af ��a sp jaordinatilY: arl t woy ill -fail to have do the now aiffffi4ed VVeith Of � a 4eaTse, 40 b ie e- 0 4 a :ihould, the'drlver bheyAnei an of tho:jgen- �'thji)g�j ;O�7 06stl Tatiii], -�Urll In With Anu ­- � - - .. --.1--.1- - _ L L a OW. "Iniie flod additional, fa' r& . Ce- ­', � . L "L .. - tbe-Aaaelej W 1;]i -jt --+,be- : W7 e&rL, -Ai.' C?61), , 1''. . us all even A blue, Prii pbefiornenni. -IR buttoned .+"�L� �7 6. is spread, t -\ATyJjJe ab.Q"-1MRJ1P- -4b oil -yth*, years h lm'y. ',to` e oruiiiibl& aA4. re�e /the in- :preyii - ILIT"if ifteen I �. 1, 1 ed fl, t t 0 than an big e sP, et., it was, exp ain f-M-ni e. gir.aingei �Ane,­� . F Id : - n ,he l6f­the.� nlo*bp I y Aagoh doias 'not h' * '. - a� - 1 -7. .. d6tructAble ( er f&1niIY' P Ysn I 'ISUMNIE R a. earse,, G h vea d6a; n friend' - Tid TS wby sljonl&­bs� _C �q 1;sfai� 'begs beq 4`uie1I;. i�on as airld plaj�6 which theo vor il. M1164D , ` look rescri - uiond.5� -darilets." dai-Vin , k e.: aljo cause stances 60 to the, Th6%' fidenti, 12 an sdeI.ateo .. . actuali y bed test lesser L-Ve li�prl�beuiiO I in 'an n0ewomili, Jle� P Usuallbr lotrild 1. with ng, 'ille',rural d f -gountry--ge fa-ln�li to of. all­o�� SO&WIton is taO v ....7-vi,tsiet; Y'Linforming- -`tbe� tjiq, jaost�preclot geeMe' a- grill.' Evil -tial sL nad' 1,111 vw n aii k gro L R a e- s Th RV4&ut -of, -L-a laN pM in' the ifil 41. v--- .- 0 tration;�"-w stzvo f f, -SbaLl'bere 8peik--Of`­aP­ 7 --rn VAire 21t, T.� t49 �j-O�."j6m&elives del thre -hat -had did live. ­4SLUCa�.igk�­"- -7 ear -�affg-i4tidri.4i --Vi 'eftI&-,eqrd- serVai -thro t &Yd"dOUS=Sic of 't Was -Mage. '!.qj 9XV. a. UC 1�9-]LL And vis --the. cart. -thin sAtV, AV no wlu JL 9 gein ema 401A amonds 0 r" your b1b6dgep a its%v, ne.the di QLI summer T.1111,111teir upenAhei-mystpry�­ 1- '-OIF "qp' OYU -15 -n ­r�� k siin� 46! PountrT 5j;6 was a won2an f,brilliant, iiitiakp at thP tiMe liad seen it , 6 hearse"the physiolson di tiand giave ai on, simply . wlieutte( a rs. .?Ei, Of the Inatic: d, This Kent. 'EkS Asp -the lirle5 w1ile n A.. d6serit I.atme arr .,,by A 'tAl I . of i�hat, Mrs, )4 but'a, one lucination . h " ti`@6 A84�iiti()U sought You b Am& , .. . inelied in S C&I- t dull, your 0 aind 'vOry�popular ill soci ecibs of hal. erves 'Are ir nd id. let Comeliman and U. f4t, - and '-'th6 'TAX16113 49en0es (lei :6inibuds . am" to elicdutskg�e,� fired,, worn. ou. d,,that tI 1� e . . ­�Vljole, syst is out ot 6ught nervous C ,�th .0 bountry "-and - in iJO On', o 0 verNwr, dro g in A'O 11. h. -,Ytie - lies were iitablq our th 'Ile that: moment' 0 0 'g, just, :one, .134edicin e:hq entaids - 111 '0 Ve� -�—See ere And ill us Q" Nurse where ner I designated.',,' r n coffee.. cup. not for, its "hospitAll T- dome , in from . a t 'V�4jeksf Mrs. A.. VaS ey�,,are.ta)ten Troin. �ere i0t, �ild,vDnpr�6. in&�A -stit at ll�vei -met' t During, 1 rse- -.7or,, wo- me. year; t&,e nis lvniag,�,Laira, mu �P­tly feeiS j)f-­the­ -1110710�)61y-�­,and­-Gort ......... . ­­ '' �" . .: . .11 1. Lv; - a; �-iturse,,--Av.1.IiLtd�-L�tjlg'.- SIF 641� a0orf(l­ W1191 '" Ilt'. ; ;iL -b een !Epp 't will give yo. Zllls U to, See* rk, W— 4.- ­ - - mirokinient:... 1, diciOe I JW­ t0i e R rse­ ��fe Bed -Plant�J- -%�6 7fi- W --and--tsizA -dalk­ ­ ­ , . '' J t continued 11, oh�-of 'the 4Asoda ioxi,� . _J- ­7f - ng­f­u-rtbor­- A a: single guy. to'etiftre e -hfiy�v Aoic;ap�:- ­DUT'LUg­­­- IS 'L not, Yet: Wtillialus t L -d'story W th so is :�Veo"j tr a. 0, y Ilel a until, it even the VjJ,3te,'6QTth­ is d -M' ftneCtion wAh� otio pp 0 U� ilo id F Ir iti4ed.by aj weii with�.. Thl it, tallow 'in ob� i'at,6, th -odlr' - &01�s­ - -01 ja-y�n ee e '-b Walk as -eiook i -vafed- stind-in �t Ci ;rd: had Of the ��pbanfbtm'bear 'REA. --should- -V V0100k on( 16,�,;Wffi -slike r TV i4ou�jis' b S­avv -01' hii . t Thby'r'0 t Irbui- t A!A' W�-hg,%4­14en. eark, wl th 'ha Iii1ped �t em- f6limblily a'161101v�: nur'se hear- li..whHe Is i 3 tile GYS�Conl a�` V L - ­ -�-- -!.-: a 4111l;1 results' -'T C It set ve 1�g hadiseen pai along r. - re- ov 6r A, VhiA 11%,ve, ga theblirbrbAdl ' old,Jri6na, 'wort 09, L 7.rerp that makes thaiD p:uret,flch, rem Sbo. JA repared -h had walked. home- leisur!�-: r6in. thb, .1) cQnX $1,400, Ilipa"On". -am f he'rej?rort,.,in, question ­ 01 *i and t eY sere d 'ter g- ing,'. &nd.:af4)r:` er clined, i-h,'jtn, ini rt 0 blooa* 'thvlf: 9v flie gight Wore.�, Sb@,4 had r2ilid clizir.. t -b li� road.., Part rp racts to take Whillq Aillis rePO. Cowering L,,6ndoA syndleato....Cent bAt e L' earSfk J;b-6- - -. -1! r failZla 110; t W1 - rk- 'tit "of-ItW1 -JnnneSL;, �,ncaq, 'J%fied iu­..,bu1+efifI-,--fdr-M-. tU.1-F1,71?­1- - her. -ii'l q -v thAt ­-7-fi�140i - .1 - .. ­.." ­ _th�p;-_-ei - - ... "'t-idus I If , , L ' , W db*J?. in the,0013T ida �rop% wi�W-01r;;- WM. V. e ,u 'A-.-'. Qx1riere, VIS J?QF 'P� when as s e. JW int. it, was,, or. tiag ... Club d �Vafi sibouf. to lie. doW.n iihg'undo�'Mrsi A:s. -ed thetein- wA4 "COXIM ere he ­be6utY-Of,-tbLe---miD9P,­ Ir "d berie sure enP gi T a stones �Ontal h JAcques..C.artier . h4rielf dn [­ ..,( ' 'looked' an 4.4-AinstendwA and, Aj�twe.W.? th'. p4� e. Mal . I Y th tfte, Pre�4, "VMS, 'o �elf sav� . r3 that eXtk&CtE0. ng . ears; w 1Xg:e -her,, QU light Uri Ill d I the h6use --if--with t* 6 by "For two y -th' w, a- hid, I-coac man. -.asi­ r, e�obrznouslY� iLn, quahtT anq ap . 'hi '' tile entreice gi -to Poo a� camt; -e In, $I. bU her e., al & O�6ne",Qre.to -th --­tbq-ho&rs@,', T-ij oj�fi­ . ...... .. f Agri her, i&�ig ;� L. �lroup,;ro ika:go'- -- - erer,- roin pirpta-cli-Ing seei - . a'lt,� , - jr filiOr% ;It .1, �, lan scape.,,: .6" very, little, 'leg one., iluff -f pt. ft i-eriMjil !P ­ I". .. . 4t 7 -Q-�roaic -434'.-.4 h61,64 t.." U�OUAOis .Me le igoy both lared'L in' the: ­pX-tL ­ , ' V QUiCJiLnL Mrs. A;m'Alu,11 ti W, e clear, LUVULL ISIr A: Ch.L EU 47.1W -which t p Mining, is 'wl fire -;of� a's the wl le -as yublic throug w my' 'he9A' -long- out, of the -win owl, and'.1hat, T ey� a s, MILT all. her life d' . L' . . .- ­ 'as ard declare W� found to bavl&,O�w h -n rok, is -A n X -- , stones, out - S, 1, tit, , f go MWUB won eFet­WIrw-,jhw in t Ing Be it -,V As -iden 1 a file I . I v ''. on "N, amount dUpersuasion or 'Jsffid�jvit' to of, done, -outifeeli -Pit in C. Mft` 00&T1d*Jng 348 .'titiisd "Work CA With.. tlip ripened intently. 0 f th�ae will be -ng :'that -ken on, �prevlous OCCPsl P ng, Aew :Q so cheA -Of th.6 so could �shake -.that' a-, the -dark..,P1wb I S,; su t- -thetrst!6ry . I. same great biUk Elie' �O�si4itb.?`-I'dpvist jnL the'lisitiprovem,6ut 'df Sulai ;u sS 4�,A - -.1 �g ii.,� W�rie the T, -SEX= dizzy that I won of�distsiv . V y WOO( the -.1ir 00fo -t_ & If, VILL a Ulu ;leaf r TIM— r th Ias and ill e 9 eif -refurn. walk,': and,, at] horses,.. (j­&f,ijj-&rL­w&S a--�,negrot..:-" _ Pe.Lb0'wJ - -t* -6 a trian on Vo_ 'kagoe;W 10111, ON 1 sA, !,4d Agordusly. �Pul� iflo i3i thjw,7� I . . . . . . r* A., ga T dW on y J ifed-thqrrLgverj,' --ricare ot:�wi lip�.a W 1$ .9 �up­ftrthet 1111 'nig. sp �r I -alit no -to-tryi tilt highi� --Wt­­'f­ -OJL'��,Susoicion, , , . - , 0 -9� 14u.iry.'fbr ­Nc4r�r and _k�J, Dr William W tron o t Pjk6t,:-the­ , . ,some ti it f7ltakon� d -plilled lip -the- 0 sd-&�&d�by Ltbte,�- on led dirktly., ace A �,d,;t and7 tat uti ei site,*he'r Mrs., a jew rods Nbruse OP 't],L Albauggiers have. t ightL ht the jeni Other . , 11 - -1310=- - ­ - " .. I L: 'N Everytt MO hiiRe . ...... tinj- look6d;, 941 1 ig � revea t non the negro, beiWedn cluts -U,-,PDLL 'f&te Jt,�'7 w now a e when I Jft% at t could reme e- 7-- -no' bnW 60 ftr,", 0' ng,­� , ter. ttho#t­ihe�l A yf. nurse wo-re,a %tioned ­*k'i jv'er' to, dis 11 rihad,tis abqut 25 I situft valuable stionea tutO this" d- h-(-)fft-,Jhv-nurAe- '-- I — -S,6vl - L - z 1�; ifine U, fe 'i g t4a.0 th6* hedrse, W ace jArcuuug ­ L - I . I. i'S WhiCh Mfg- e,lieki m6rnin thorn; hi's I �Of,::: 'Po J6PZ"o'V4tbehti"'i` ­11jild, n g�� dd, I cover, e -Y� king the -11�11li I WiL --w* old; lo6ke( lip hi fok th P ber frobi ILIJAUAL 0' horrible ai.i -aja .- W her end'ho into a ;I r., were rieve eyer t V­ _,q'insua, happe - upa in e I oi- ls� aniaZeLnlent 0 010r. wid a: pi sfrqnge'o . T§: - .11.1-1-11-1 Mused­�8, her e 9 ink -cou-,-, 1 7. d-- Ufted -hist`� 4.1 -­----­ - --- i­TMV7-,..­ K�Otbsli ­ ' ' d, s. strike quiet, a., Asilnlaw�r . .. I . Jr A A& d bilit-­--r r -,o 0("M "' .- ij,.� ­�­-J "Ise tin T-e house§ a; W th linpGrt alder .1 waa Puffed up W n" h e rees thron?,"l thet' . ii. ; 4 Of. -ch Jin.*eatlng A -on, the seci et, ills. AJ time agal '.L I world he uti �ejj­ ' . 0, -A'Ahe -bed9ba,'t e on y- ed that all the w ea of ��t� . . , : . Li � 'Qiii I in -Cro V!aS V 99 and - th6l' I&W-no-an t� _U 'S -grO _P- - . r s, etc, W.01M; bar, MaT .4na­ 7 wit, :� 'thj� t . ,t �seen Oag� JL ilurl;6d, es4kutibn - WS.43 y6ar,-and, from thunderlix 'hearse 'u.1141 hit ieportere would...be tbere. isseA and . from -Tes I . I lig, r. ey do just "t difference , a� that the houses. the f o they, make, neW-b- 7:7, (JeCaL 0, dc�,ade,. wd hii.wefoltb. bi �wit 'thing blij t de t OA,i' - r1hal", the 06tillidi hey. dd.,, t e Pass O"PV- good tUrfligs good and.horrie-, and!, she .1144, ee,n f to'. hear and ke, 'L VIZir: e, Ohe good Tiljagq��,-kdfs, wife, half had &�fflyeat tonic"e pal. -of holding f It - mWin bek,be -,­­ 4- , , . I I ­ L 1 (I the - blood, %Iw%ys..,W4gk lawns an WOO 11 thi�, lier; the.- tf.04s.'� And -the week. A -1-4-6h tipoil Mrs 461,erops.fuldl- eon 0011' at buried. a: te, ep, A. bilOv--Ifte utterance -k me; by�x1l'sneAiebae de�lqra or I I t. 4 d 'that a 'haii aoien houses, �dlin:es,.:do ble-.�Ot bedgi�s-­,Iiltle. older,, an tia, tile -friends- ilt untr] . sleillyi It al, i0eleties, i3ix lbokes f0t, J. in %JJCy'.'MV tt�is )is batin , ce to 11,e PCO. a] L w,hic 0a,hearse isitured, T&' DT - greenpi -road oil. f6k stjeh cpalp little A p0pt uT -'a boi,dli h tbJ,jjgL of:IIII.,was 616ex slid, tall, of theOu agncu ro on; t o to.. the: yste -But the Wange �wplj 'set,ltorth verl -arram, kediet have: lip . . . , !9-1 . .". OLT. , V . , . I I Qysir is 2mn-ac sivo P, tits -morning -L popars,­&n finne to, tinie-A 1 1-— InPRO Moans .-W i�sed O#ly Add ry .,Alat - "Sad. igaw tay.fi ..; 1. orL.en ' t . eneq, they oile bf the e -0 P�neq I dth6umli­ hnd til d- My BRY-% Bean -26d ro IM gevrth y. 0 Mrs. A bad V, �O: Witt* y -no-bod n- pl"e tilt imp V e= lf. crops. pie eltNev, -from time 13 seen had. -take 0oud hetut �early brokd; 09 couraging We J�d L 1�0,1p�ilspajet I �Afffh' this .,negro w J� % : , q V them. weib boft: all( "q : iiir,, . AL the rq�sia. isAyl 'al.go. L del? eollection ;0 almrn;ooni ' h bptt�� R eT� A k river. TilkglPS 1111 1 . be -P ." , .0 1 jo 'Itithe j., pedew- Jchi Firilt Sgrebac ar( -o d much irdquented. by CiLl the q1ile edlild-be"found. aid ELNIkLy. 11L.. that I ;1&9./ft-�-e Y, not -a'Zing e. pers �ifiion at, t to omminon Full, PIA wi�i are 0': =,Ma -Ri Ing onion, b pad:,Oir�ai pp Q a- sorvws-��Mlch ,,, -tubre - lie,-, . We ta, TUaW `--0 see ne, 'I'i very o k a ia rAeAciwe- d a - -b tit &ttbe.flYN& Is' over me �inle­ksrs: A. who Ila -halt dozen pe�- 'L inute tinamy lleOi qlicab e,,. o,, 0 tiV L .,these" P by bedt , I I I ­ 4, , , .66 -to U��r, to6 i. . 7 f '4ted libli cN"es.ss;P-.. ily-'and frien 5, ?111 � bili, inpie Inc. Ln(l, - 14tbt,� With-, 'a,, view tO e it her Wi'd.as:glie ea! keen s nk, 'Of, .,Therb, ig.,gfl� �nd if 'a L ' 15"1 IM . .. ""i L. " �. L, Wht tense for'. one to 'G a""", d di- A�M, ng the, W. 7. n �Vbi& prilitucrilyr. . had,,4 hek ;Attieildant -system, &>46 b , , a . . .91 - Its It, *%�'no Onge In I A.'s, w1ty. ;�() a %rery eininine- SOTI� iv ster,or-11 ad rstr. I Ir ago t it. shod j; PA. ii�g. jibrig the .11 iie� .And 1 Woni jr, ��at- NVpb nd;slme i6f VWFiesill on. the inbc,111YA b a hunipt, gkv �aion a Magazine ..bad,:,seen nii and-disjust-14f Mot tile Henry 'Clay 46A F- by�t I hPILTS ,o h- of --ifu I "'p-ied 'a" L"V-L'-I'I.ielt�':"oXpj�e'sbiol- hmve" .. ei; ­ .- - 't -boy bnk..�,Ss­l L -b -i �VVer llmd --suCa..-VO -1854;'On - v ( a S livel I,drfait.y 'st4 int tile litanfier in W 14rY v e ey itridi *ns. swept away P aying i1i J306 igh rei'd, it Po the W"llburhe A eircili f y'did,410t, ai Wiabster Ais the tho i n,+. it could !lot I had thoUkht, n7sdlif-, was to be, regarded, llave�i�et'tthoni. ackeid 6`� sdfO61601" by 9PJR' -9 _dLi n6Ure­­­ ire about'. it-Aluarter u Being, a Very p In -the 0 IsiA-bmeadetist that, '66 . . , -1 '1 iminediii ractiva Wull, _ L light thouo.t. his spee6hes,hatdur -56W =84 �now -911 t .0' Welbok, and. to gilperstitious lcaiis,. slie:didlnis� :: " t- I baa f '3n F I ; , . , " . . I . . . L - dmv, f6r the'first -til w. I is r -g tbs�t if, givi�n On: the I)Aft of" 'Ile 11 OW �that qionLl. M yr.�,Joy 4a Vos-hrvl -T e - ­Lariffid etv-i -a�y. fir, ---,A­!-4-i­0On -9­�`M d-after4-tsh 61 a -1 y of, it bAsted 9400rf.- 9 f ttftly b0fled - ITY—xirif . -tisirm LIM, 1i *as, the. carri ed. Tbih, tit, the it nded that and. cruel istfoke jrorl. been per orin it recorn., e 0 an �ftyL th-reO 1113 1% takeu'. 'the phy %g , LL. --E- 96 9­�.-!.�,-14­ rIg Ldo Wes ht 6he Sal all I . . . da .1 ' ' ' ' " ' id- her. -,pray. ifh- t t l4nt--1t*SZ ebt Jly-.. IV' jo­tJl10 L oil the.ibare.baek--of­ al .continen in, With or more -4� oitt.airr in r pe ellan.g. .'0 seellt5 ondol It 40 e h at---­­--W---f . ---------- tU -l'oping ork,l The r n '71ell" the last iN,bek, �or wouf& ­. 9 11% cithoths&'bte or is - ble the. hd th. . 1. . a 1�., 11 s'. awoke; as Was r. tl� t Ily accomplished thIs'fe4t, And: 111A� rn t�oney 08 With'all eor -nh-gllt fl v1s) -Iru -srsledp;-Ishe t; k' Thi� ni-bb work -a beneficial, effect, Aec t0L n h r L gtturlsing .44 `14 whic PIVW -U-te e& ts of. into her r orri all to jnod out.of the Win- wa6 strearning tw.r, acoompairled' by 6 .6 e,i A, Aewler: Ili furniture 11-1,111P arol b ra -13S - in Hey, 0 wave'! 'In 1. cxper�enc� W4.16bl& . i. . �!N' A. lel L to­�LVP b r �strangc` ss: t has, lived CotAilast joaCh.'-4of the I e -6e q; . nd, an., endoUS.. 'COhnsitiSilL in `7"i6 , Vent 0. At. # ho, ha d. b on , a Wi ips A io AbbAto al:1-4 el rttelled tit nirl't i ital ddw L an( goeil­Iie4%rse),.S9 Out -J9 V�r-��Lluar[2� y0ftVs, r 'on T�rjdge,. tildaY, with the 1presenti. whon t. eiie,&IL it appeareil and -disappeared �D�Cga,bot Jor' -r, �foln-­SusPbnsl -N six I ., i tllTn Ali, SO&OPIR 1110 win( Cdf� C1. L .., t spen! in 'AII6 . I tjAght bell� r6adii. 'the hdf. ibitited from. ui 'W "26fhL Ticke a good OP, 'J.Jje� wne Avin'tell they, t etq� s(Ablaokl, A clever' boy Call yehic ei, It 8, �Iippe heage� and was 86, Ill and -the It"liall :111, 15`dAys. of fidi�rg v LIX ind 1he' -609cly i: , I �t b ISS tind t4kij'g 'th r and dore. :rhe' following lid i. Q r _Jhd 14; t, all .4p,.- P f, us -it ntng I V ik n j adel 1 01 "I creii Over the We alyi Mrs. A. t* hiliv b ng furthee pariiplilijirs cit1l, -on or write ,*as Struck, ail(nlul ! ic is II e a IsaViligsi -wenfs-f-07 W34�� ­ov.er--�,-at­-P­1% QX At fhQ nionten find 'Tile Alibsito"'filid. -lde IFLCtL 'that e. carriage, 'moved Ifir eyo-q wwnd that, health , and strell6th: phivit oinj. or * arrivilig, . til C&,. F orofiti Oise. ri d.,Zrou e ri -,�b,g &lid rest ed for's Wome; t a, �Jia&dicii. 4urj�g,jili& l6n�o Ojfi-6e, 6-fLXillo street ti t she do Uflirstri-dis.- �hei haA by qi)ly 'A�rels vie, it lVE L t4l neare i I y xuemoryi� sseo teeame co ere P 'tier e was �d "the f he'r 'of flj,�Jn had 'eyert ron. 'nisidil' irnpre w' ill, -ddi Y P1 TO bet�' t%iIt91IizIug I tric LIJUL Wher,4 she- h. I 4:t.6 il6tuiin to E1191'aftcl.' int.,of 'the road t both."Mr.6i A. and , sty 0owly, an(, as. illieral 'h v the French manner I __t th. --n g When neaz __thelre-i -was ur be. ltifique at� As b Shap nd, & "ernent rmoona. down, e cap'lu. re 0, ta' '�Y�T ed list One mo!s sula b so6w-it-i-again-tMer- a, -,-get. ap!ylv- �Nvi,tli the exco�tlzn-�r­ Moving' S'lowly o b g'V Led -tj­� a 'tulle psyj0h al�l left hihi -a ditut .of A ouii the! N*indo�v was,jhoy� reason -ly be.' eledtlic laisnp. Ni!II of- a roya PR9 lit thougbi ne leal oxpel'i"i6" loe deaA oli the -lic, d Aft May Pr*P:eT It I - ' S *A trangel - m jpellbou* u6 many 'lea v, big 'Way' j., Sl6wly a in 1�ocrr seen *such -Juke 6r W, nd 0chtlY thOS6 8 Mudix -suffering - d, g'.1na0b4neg quid. th-6ugh the- RkOi 611 6da iit t 9tin f quL fin I qui- --r d Ana tj is gtoat'V646k e UU eligOiTig uj xisnu 0 i6�,Cr. arid no 'or. Then for,& whic)i. once in 9 IiNtinie b0ine to dett; to AA thete r r there is"Iljj�q OF1 the _.t J. t tell _q Ina pora�OM','a lue t Y WitlioUL Ale`��do-­nd -M%- L."R-1 h �eo or', fth "�degr, A inati loiLg# j, four, pi lardahipq 011uk: Ile t (I b L chAin 'i p i . '' , . times V-6 1 L, I I oji'oo op, ofit, POM reach BA9640t, lin'tvatek and eq.*ille-fit t1loY are lie 11 76's � In's owlil c Thg 4ecr6t Rev.effllc a L f thf, ease tit �r 1A r4o ir -6 It ig w"k &tion (Y". 50 p ii dent., otL of iffilin th,16 ag bf eigh-ty4ottir yd e l" pol.litsand are tile to nake WMAIL,,�Q 4" �Ug i the P inift'. letaly'' Party OJC pdt�nt­,fah \ t'nij to the better- I i � I � .;, It enja *Tdch. ;0 -1,1), is barely su,Iii tl�o a to, 'L -f OpUg, 00' �., :­- . , . ,l? I I C Vower IA, ,*he _I aft;er,dark old �bilAijdt be 16=tl 0 Jo(ilitic'n"Of nues, P- "", , _ 'y" aft t­jriont bf -WO SeVvioe �&ll t til jj�L ve.ajus ill - a: . *yflfig ing, ljo6ftilg iiiia bed.li 4fiii G a ni4ko'ii3O-lrWG,YtTiAVC aw 19 Ok , L Collvgtsa a FIR t,ho$O U1 ex. them at, One '6f tilo.Ptoln Thk No. Ili h ..-111 1. ':'L - ' 1. '. . . I,.'' '�W ' ' �', f 'fid, ffibre,,� ........ . . ..... . 1- 'd6 JI464� j* 'o Ut;- -Our sys gaged f eonifortigt, 9 Y. V WantL to -re'acb.� the-lig'llit. A*M6 �kd ji,b& id.*O�, I� Qxpensd & 1 , f ,onver 'L - "ve ft every Toin - nia "t" h6te th6 -6111 t or view, . TI i4 ti,ly, g14.' Jy6or OW Of The tjue,� U11 t n .101.1. V to bdlfj.� if. L Ito iri6(pAsit.y. o Wl$en they Artrive 'L I�tdicddl -P , i. L., --., L ., i . . , .41 . - 1*9 MiM I ' 641i Of N61 16 call g,,egfish to file dote, bf i _7 -.�Tith t 0tp4n6l%16 'eq i -p ' A i % I i in 6 "tit q adr, od''s and Ali Att t lie 1,8 an! ineteaSkA, lft6k��­ e dtifk In 0, ttd by oo gotilo. Aftrige 'Ouo efti, were eon ul; I] ired, hd t6tt, Of 1�aa,ihttlhung ritte or U r tiler b Mtp 6re 'he­ii0lev 1. i�h cro)4Vd of Pa ' hurry lid you inn -Chat on, I"t t t4 t6 ins, 11reS ty, a,11 of whom ",g Aq off to 1 & h Ars. A. by-Goifloi i trolls' LIV tich6ifitly clitt �d in o, " il, tofeated in o, 1",ty he is i1A C, pollit C6d Llvbi- Oilai6d P pprit, fill lie 5 iat6 tfie" T It y g easy 0'' dlges h' [�tl tho ()P'J�MDAV 10 ap 1. 0thrs 0 19 1 , r A, . h 164 i '001P "y tue elevator I�toro ,.;he co Id, ga" t4 b &t N11gli spti6 �afolv is ilp Ito did jJl"JLt in tittle td ha"' (101i 016" dw 6f 'Ati: I)AUGGI VO4, Be ked to. ill r R -Y" W .77t!� �,7 lRI 6 6� A'. p g i 343