Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-05-29, Page 4niiWar'; A Hig cad rou U, M! O." 'Pike -b tirough� t1 irk a by 60 -B 'A lV. in in, A t t,,jilieti or hii r overy, On er Ait, and his bodir, 160s being badl� S LYN 111 R N 11' 40i )r dilli 41 the a d anAM' -n A :F Iire its'764 AVIN, UNIMENT �N 4 t e,6 tti UuIps able etl n Nvork.' 16i the' simp o reason omes OFPO, U $OU d. '-w ae oYa e I 81:1 -Amami �i4i. �e use was master, I ... �. :'� 'I .1 I QF1 "A' iSport or Cam 111 haye-" T&O 'Win most nderful, -B M1111, rhis. t -no! su, M116t)p no' utc WO about, ti� sip YO th Cure sex�. too 'n 'bU­ fNU0Ws 6ach lliorn;n the- gu ever. known. Sold b ­ 7,A* Bo wamp as al. eta --outa tj ppeegge U%�,', ide., 92 216 r kIM A`tht ­Jighteis P 'to b" -0011qS-­ N-FACES� 0,N THE -expli are, t.- a 0 elend of it :we E able to seLe� nest -9 -m. -R& oil V `dnt�of .Feitures of �Rujqxk.,At;iroA4jt# th� StaftjL� be an by pli6togr6phlzig ,7W fg g9s; "M .1, 'b mble -o hezn�, tin it t on b d'th t em' fi�e, 5: f 6ii In, we Ald 'began on h t unit CJ14F �th LOW lt St rhas f ifi, are= 'bird &�;sji;in in annost all' 6f, Libe I� a oil t Out from B The fir i ek after. th fl ea for -this. purposel, the utin6stIk im. e, formals, 'tion ,.,the fi the� be ed%il*1,,Union.�ko.rq the: face,: pi o, litter -,secon 01 sg --­disfap-proeid---6f --the Custom, -�ind-` : , * va�vieww,- 6110whi 'g, it was -Ardplied., it' 64, ney 4.:b6e -reaw' 'as �of birds. QAe ajiOw� a� patiOntIU!,be waked bu ''tops and,tk6.clo The N&*La'U BeAM'"I e as as 1?�I, eithei )r accide tl-, -Y Parti�it' of ,ww AP Theri .;groups, ii, Ian& :i t BC�Uhilrly painf no ISIX, .1, to the,sick� '�Intl it 'ha's been the CUstoni. oh the 102-ine7h lens. o the: Ill, Vt",, to �Jeiiji where, to lbea; R in iaL give the bird WOUI on,, ako', or even :touch' the b6d, upt) e.,$ nch do e of fi4ing--nien tiblik Which h' the curr6ey 4id th' t 'If"in 9na soon to'be )evn "8liCqebddd';Queu Victori tbw hifil�-wateh the. ­­ ­­­­ I -- 4 M I - , ;'. jace -gave-wa a," ages, t led_, . hi 6 on a m Mma put T f _niler vould=d mo 'ell. aTe -ch f, at� ted, in his. The t 0 -cal rej r ive win f, tate 115, to� be ice'. o no portrait itica emblem � of jibirt, 0 1-I'de , idin. lhe ar,:: tell -the, - ------ es ri lietooddesstifii, n4�an Jn iin head =12'05n, fiarli o git, utraoter A"* n it -the elLAt­.L,--D anig iwi­pf- h AM WD most-! I7 lead v ure. -0 -00M.-- a ing gij " I be.� Staff: h �h en'-CO116ged,, was, a M S E� ]WIL and write'like er d 'Indian. Herlather- its, t, wsib,airnueing to vnitch mYA46OMpAR.;': bile Kipplix ens. NVID CAIUIU UVVI.V Wil'an extor. he, , d ree4i t. ' t6 a &U, I e,. Ii.., the� lon OT .: - Winen 0 I Y dy, i e .,eaeh'. 'I 9 'g4rft ncsA' ; - I ..- L�­ I � . , t ir . ' , "I , ient,,And A for good. Read' Nliffilber, I& lat, kzpw to 11=14clousues f �r( him it 'fi t iii * :� 4bilpaiss,,:t1ii, ofq Id 0% h i, f :­The*,Yst�zl-�*, 7— fold, tb a- wbet r vnve or robb., il1ve'.'--'tFrorr W PUT OL'i is' h t Amble linens in new way if possible, as CT. atnoa.)- ions" �15 IT rtr* r o. fs,ft li 6f Jn 'o De W, a IL , r 6� an e U 't4eir lot thO A Oad lwi� Ifty M =,,,*, CUT, 0 le is ings -this Gwoe;t pohalty for. tr ­Wrlec . ngr, 0 III& IR7 IUZ_ Hour' 0 AtrUL 'YV*oh, 011m has S17111i! 0 a on Of its PU I, id sely. the or an as a', eep.jisez cable, is nA w2wm men" of OR" eye ve b by 401's, r as given 7 Tf -d I 'k it is. doubtful, that b owt 'and ou ed, -it -At On" gel My' woM V Id, W Ioa terlydg�;u apt, is tho M sWel6tr 1 , .­ : ; I Oti -up tbA h�Baldng bbi, More da 0 a �&n -an&AoiL­:like:i, -A 'S& ------ ite4R--: gfii during-, the- ayinc, of tj C Me Ung e bidi ''Jonos f! is' it daric. in - the everilnX - The st W IMM i-rellevi di4, neir. MS. IC Ourag bo Ita vmlao, ahA to 'tent e6fi4derittle length "of it.. in dr'jiws 111#eU drl�i &y he d m,64 he as 1hdt*h thay� wer* "jo is�ed�, ils, the t iSwellings ii' The GM3116 AiRd � 04intftMt rig 4ou i let't, h a;vvi It r A I a.. lif Rest Day brlzi�p: On oi� t1he : , AM .1 1;tk irk d a �t Abb !the� and oleve d4 'h & t!" fabb dardtfon's Tire, e nergy,e nd6d in the an mother's pole e II V#Ah; I ef f . ok`r1o.`fre6-i6;if n I I av ,1 t t hiv6'iheii eventri 10 or: the i ii�' bC ylished her, hil�dker W: ether �,ou` a,ve,, que., rse trom, lofty tolrb e I or, wenty, 4ftld Or een, �i i ents are'llable MVes, *1 40 r. :.bfe�k :610f Up ber'91. eyp. . ..... . tol o, appedany 'Ifi, c or", lea e eVen 6 re e8- kh -tgp *d al Its Mmo� ther sheittbil a ease V Qs hj imbitterAheir"idids ai&, lIMaki 0oxisiblelI. Ulake �the;�, old beii6ie their (if stio'kifig pl t bottlo Be0aU6O'th4D R46t' PjjV,:U a* ihison' K 7 �ditatioiilq 1inbiiIiAhe. To 9,1,, two ,hoin4b bo"101" trd, JUAt � glid a sil v�'er� ellowit! The rest that ds, desigged so . 'mile; it 'as to 14N I ha�;e lln Mel 'a otI6f S QUL be ifinked, il'�on Us? NVbk 's 11 0 and 99'en f 'd lj� it w Vr= iVI sin V so. Can hair e -i Kordy, ont, Iof I9" M -over ti- iu a 11Y,Ct�at n6e i b�ttle.. kt daltifs, Th b6ilbd od 0 To. Cat , I* ''I I , V or full e th� W_ M I'M a 1 L Plant "On.ji,flit LIMITED, MCRT1F1iJ;,Q Fill. a 4t fir bo"X * plant Iltdo'cl t Ontir AVL 6u milictenii I I .4, 1 , , I I r. , :j'n't , firn d,- in 1h :6 66irt bd.bft -to, 'd .6y in UUTIOW -title— -M Y; A'd1just!Mint forallk PV:%V1L 1'b ivy Wi6l --eud-m-a-a ou4turday will '*.,oil F' liftsolf 11 chot till No. Mord� whoels to takii off; Ainy 0 "A ITT' 1S, t Ofit-third put n I o 5i 1113 Ilk�vy tan—. Is theild'! -why, iily [ilk I WJrjjire about RQ4, l',Yr. rrafris uriitoiie� OxIi ivb so igt &ItA ! r � , 1 7-141-1� . " r ryfli-I'es don t win $6,000 A far' th 'a IX1M1U#AC*UREb;8V b MtI6 liol, e h t A ver "orn h 1,ven the f0e1q,that he OU - , ,;t " q -y , � , -r fxlr�' Ula, tl q, r4�,- r P, flovw�, Obtritatic, Ctitielafti; in, Rkiels: " h IU N to, ji� akley Ulitj� to ik,p fr);obn- dis�&V&4 jhi6' 7' ar *egf. it'.Orul -------- 81=0R , S LAUGH:A:T. RAW' n't iv�o for nothillk t, Is, our opinion night U ".Bast, LynO*l .4 too f d 0 nejV IIIIIn,a LX ifew t , doubtles& urnq ovqK Ia jn&js or.ia: �te ntoIb6oj� as i0mobbil Od thift'l 41 6, cm- tA L". droh'' an o1a Scal m ab� R61h, 1tank P L v 6ft DblJ d, wlwi &M, It& ld&t off r IWwr Put Mail t a jp porm; wif to ey are r j, nI4t ae . fiA liiy MV Y6U' n, lit Mid itv object :t�b, IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..............