Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-05-22, Page 477 A I nkle- that 1"t� bargaim- in W110 d ,h Y01" av oi, i m for A -,u -W �6. a C Con f thg,' w n, s yo r ch' e' .0 egetb es, Dke lot of F. I . 4 1. ; ' . ' '' ' 11 L ' '' . f Alr� 96 f J 08 1, e 'O t matt6r as 6 f orra; ev. . r. Tba:' y id d grower d Lo Ij R"' b 'Of bunwicli��or AW Id"'s- Colle for 614' Culross; Rev. W O ing day of thq,,,,Aew ob,ifrp'b", and w e �.a 1, t .,,Biell FrOsbyteriisn d*e The, ast maihod', 0 'at _, " L, -A 0 .'r � M I I �:� � ies :gT 0 in d e P I�b 0 d- fits t b set led —the ChaQ �now t f er Urant becatue d t min. L �_Z * T F R, W G b ar lst 'eityoaffe ru ty years a z n,, 7: L b and con"ti ued in; 6 ;�kg i�ntil 1 84- and,: d A -b ths simpliaity 1 -ot'-Utle, pyw R Ale-andi in wb�h year, ,e,v, -Tilly _b ......... ... . d t t presepf w4s�--in up c(. old' e, rs c are �as, rubFu e itf sh-, 0 on I;ne Ahf it T' 7' wiiifo -,oe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tV -,Ala -d—* pift. in, h t W_ a ba d ur shings W--- f W --by -w .-The stained:s li"� ni E S U -I 9 r, ed. /AT�i� OL Soni -,prerents -�e, -:60arci, f-7 n 'a C a 11 te Silkwith so� M X, M"'t"'13e�vg6hosening tJ44i , �he Ler men V-1 enzie,'Livichalsh- Donald: Mbl).onal -:,brin I K t g q ���l _1� The SeA I - ,I, " it con-- e;,d h b� eS h the 'aid thl. tbe'aid'!O ­,benc es. In 60 n; 6 si g ath6son, �2tjl., 'Con,7 COrldidofts Aout, ti t t, n __1)6 b a I 11V b Atiction P Ale*.� ce _qaY f i "ni� -a— A-1 d - w f I I -ib VFW Itting-is �by,..9�cetyle and A was, - tkative.-4 to- M h "li, n t t) b e,-;,oe U t ltprice -we are S retaine Mg HIOUSa.'k,UMIS I D r- h ),S el: oice,., Apur thought e q sY M 0, its �dikiuctivb It olie Coib- -be lie a, o Modi us o andL,.Vg*S used, ff6rd 0 sh t yart of the4inter.:fot: r be wit out the u -cm sserve as t e proprietor is ?A. ea.vijIg �66h uring a groa, 'd o ' . - � ' �: k I I I I- , ".. , 'L.-- T � 't' . kI, �Abath'sei�ic'ea W'11110: t e a d �eq beA4� d a itoritin! for feat alls, Moioitana. ne� erfus ptio� eanl their, Men 8". settibm a the old W, the buildifig v; as: over ��,7,000�� and. ittip" IC19.11 Fo r� F,,artic ulars s66 bill% IC7004�� *0�0*1 �Untu a, uien 's dee t6 a1h6unt is fuilly �Congregatioa bein&,LUu.Wf*1,IJ*lg to e ra 'e lets a seryief) is still helii in tk -hutoh', how-, V C hiike �:-a �rtedialq-o sir rami Ld 4;IM�y4-8 th --to -M e.4,xrA h.Yor tber opeiiiig:day the:. servi B A', B. y es array; w 0 bt6r­ch�hgei; too, have A Tht Toibb I F. V38 Wf8 D r. . Murray -.7 is.A� , I 611 oT ' es,;yterip;n hIV er n, 004db*000*0 r le: resi e 8 'd td -he 6CO10101111 -w ich niprW,. M -it ;were' t 1. splendid,fiLriiis ",and well'to, th b 0111116g, in, e Re of 'the dde&4, well doing.,, peof;LL a e le -grepi 41- Yo I On W 11 �, I. �. � oA e I �i, t lit u Jad MUw—,(JQ U -toi-of -rhe-cffirttrc; r-91 It--fdff 4��,fi daf 1 o ft s _o r'v 8 by tet .. .. i ... fait and`t� old.fo th' arge- -, 0'11'." I., J�� , . . I 'i J1, lit Vi �brdtbep T' , 111"g - C "vit di,,., .0 'Water hd"MM , i � .4., r,p r,a on. tend b fgtpitles, fri, 4114,iifld, 140MB Y 'e oilf3ds 6 t 'e�dbbgteg ration t -Age. 0 Join t3Q It 6 t in ViCarift t b, w X6 'Was crOvo 0114 Wl,tli theti- Iflait Of Mr., J04n Alec meMew. ''C 1 MoStL . ......... 20 ois bhe;d Thd wpg an ig,p %,m ope� IL d bl' kiw*jl 16 � I . . I I j' 'L M; � V W� se 1:111; 131 I' 16e, of the tongr4ega, ton IybO40 'th h' PONo led gluti AU r iy . . ..... vii, wi s i V or was bed-rikldtb�' -Most Mu! do'ah Q1 44 YO O �Iisk,�' U " �; " . ", PP b9bY J�v ry gay was a mg. ii u up ar i 6 S f'i,) I I I Tit ea w" ry of Sctittish, sebt)�,tn so,ifear, 'it g6 'theri �y tgljj.. 6W JbS't t liflg� In- AsiA old .1, I tssefd6rA, �y i: k , . . , E Se S Surprise W ell he tic 11Y lift ffi, i,8 4*,_,b ':O, th y �lih Ail Alexand- , f' &Ope C�� mofitlij :i�141 tile old;& rp , j 'fit) 'are now V IW til for Am k Ti Wkft one knows 'of such A, tiv6 'fi kogilizu 6ne of t TI jig" ii, ii e of okArii) OiLirx0bys 11 O in fhe ey P1 33 ft 3 M "h 0 j$ti-Ju, bi�bd to,do all the �vork.. N ty Mr. ii Y "ING of 111111(is O Z. f, Oi. 1 i� Ov. g' W QfJ t. g r:� eg alie, fa CIO P do�; not tJJCtj rCCU�er�te )4� udh6p. `S*M,,,,M6,tbkh191k- I aMJ4 Y. I& otie can, affo A Ird' toln�glei, the ild ser) It; When"i 60q6i ,G T� _d t 'WftSr �t ew r'ight,� wiih 13 n -Jo Odd , f"d a a, a U'd vir bes c i 0� U uuugLt7 a J . oin gz�dyj we guarallIce kv Iglou Wgioti ti6 tho, i6i-i is no exc'use, WHO Is, m,,ore, we g IAN . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . i......... ....... . .. I