Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-05-01, Page 3i;"�- fill NWIZW� EP WYIRTMITIT if r� p tp�ty R f k, �Jtl VV ,q !jl !0 BMW, 8`4 _1 7 nv­­ Wk, Slit �i,�ot' q V Or vq; ........ ... 11 �, i I :1 r K ciln' All ago. ?,:-. , Pori aia a, e e 7% k,'J? A4 -1 1 1 EN 11 11 i 7 11 - 7, "'T F, ­V�J i YA �rqw� W. I � 1141�i J. I W .. 1, .7,21 "7 i W _6 "56 to6k",Afi El f 'Jh' h" g( 'T ')yernor:,' "w r, -IIOOW� afid We(L UO_ attp 'LigAt A Z4I7L ' 1 1. 4— e was a fii�7itii�e, To i�" zsccure ithe,,prote,,fee, eiviljty� And q. t ;a1d;,oUS _Uaml tiprr�iw her_-, f�tlife er a: -'a v bak it is His. name ferp and VrAuen went'to th6 in whirli d CASi­ ,Only just. k es and then,' pq t -he dans d' A feelff4bf weaunem vou dfiscarMy and W Night 74111ftulitl t t myself about A— a my nl'l �iog th en an _�Ileouag nan received them ca m UIng ILP�a - - " After Ide, Ah6 the. TOW7 1--d P P' 'tiol .0�0_"4 9 u oand ven I * '' -Dr "lark-, "Wh att­ Wfleu� n �ln -'Dr.' Wllfl" go ti� . a the i? 'his, -Attention in esedrtin,tr_ Laura El-'� t hei -:�v -17 -to the, prison -a --bles mer nd silex�fly. doz-, ;-�WHiill Jy­r J TM -XXV;- soothed thin e-st- �-_bi most -616 uent- -fled-ILILL-- iegn bo ,ere oil GUAP -betr6t4led,-w -th t -a-_ �and conlifort4d-thein-i a us arc 0 loaPpioli (3,A 10 awq, gJah ce- iorJhga,,��cdmf ort: ­E --d e which a v �cut.140. qWg At�- L �us �.k- AW.1464 at ezw t b,t4daw-boyr -irew s ragglers o' . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ino, rrur te'd y Ah' hat " A ed d a ...coming e1K,.gRq . ..... o the column at ftrre-polatue p YSaeLIWa",.;.L.* -h my -niaid Next, lle.went"Into the librarYj and effedt of, 49� a mo, P zld thE from th'�. stgnill Pills"Nwe been a 'great ble� I he'n1gU in'to ,n U -d on can g Dr.� k �Pills Th,6.mf a pa etiers. to- -Ruth res an n u, iihe' accCLX_ me wrotia -1 ven�rL4s,ter--:­­­,t ' d` Were e :dffected :by, ous foi- ic th:e ho -v t- ------ )-i, - - I...- w-streat- of f ice, a t bath a�d,­to 6 rge�;o ilade.aR,,ascenC iii t a -mountains o� P e i,6 m_ -E �My='m I. v ear, ri-elidi-of the 1111 ffi-p-pe7quilet' an -re§pec 5 on M -er.y edici at ilarge W h JWted.L from 3:30,:a.m. to ihi-dr f III trage Y. WOre reql Li " "d, �af, the suddeii: 9, In of the bar7 e 'able for a lone yoijnd 'm6the -50 PY-OSP He the only chair n6 Co'.,- :Br doWlei Thd, but and suggestink the need of r struggiftl& in his bell liss, Eimer, ninvited -orld! od', for �er to� A P _tbx"�h the u me, 1, e pi�eSLt_,Ilc �—Xle gi. e bre ei iii7 e it or. it t e On, Tons' r their- '-h&d.d* ��t f bt�e er L.�� I -_ aied _�Je��, _bJedste!,�d_ lAn _"d_ illat�-thVha4_ _wlmn it ie_ ROPP)i 0. r ed in i i -b r n i x', t b 6 1 r= an mast 6- '0 of resme be Vo or, w, th-e *69 all of LdY b W1 ili ante ec a, -e'ctdd-- kiiin V" 7q el th �y f 6und pe. ieft �Egypi and Afiia-.s6naa ed' -d Utb; Ii iIse ktobfin 91: ajP ODUCES 'BETTER :making,�fcrtiiix & a :she was able, to d1b for that a atement CLOSE SPAlCING es, hiistr tlh�a collar OAU; nan fle Ube, I " , . 1. r, , .. 11 .. , blood and jaisi mhol:istod 'over ,hi :in ance tlf� distressed 'fa',n) ily; and mirich horror eofl�,Illsed hot; fragilp. ."form nia bidt Ae mbth,er Qf': al, Kee ng, T.H �C ld to Pu it i; to,, Oie ba)idsi, oi.,h' �counsel. He then n ornle c young U mx�y� cr4nie! - I - , — __ . ... ao�that tifers n .,es, no 'hint th asbe, set t beKt The to id i�Jtre� giet94%hJ2!qA1a,'. r-&-Cro-m- e r,�s re 37, n t, he' un ortun,,A " in y not sorry b I .. . I ..;, . 'Th ---to o obji nd 441d, the', e all -4, .that the aosen 3� of ti reco n .a Yshi inqLUiTed �anra ------ os g rat, re -,:bffenc6 !If r r r wo -,cov& of the' mu'- "Pon or r biy' t' t �s lie Ir think not, NESS 'Elmer Lady t, 'in 4�te of the, iftk itieg a t, _­ Df,. e slee nee' de-rer, iun the:..1, 69t mi 6nt ix in magl§ ra, Igo, �ear ill fo�, fnilue niarle:` n e s I naiad t0 ­b tb ter the' -post �c4iefil, investigiti6n Of,L �OWeL rful fdou Df - f Or'! f* i tion. Is or,or Qans,.-Q oin ica. ifting-O Vs er', r4n:­hi Aance, r f gdy viir o i inl+ -rib- -crOdl. k 'eVid'Oftee they g iivb: -�dcigree� 0 ora, n 'InIA"espect 0, �Y. h oor oman in an f es suallv -pu 6 his 1200 e Cro, itai from of her,tadyship ag44nsb4h'ii6b1,e-Icok Il:9,; a] enditmered iinAh eison�'bf 'on all' ci-i6d t tes. -er S.r 'YOU t part 69, ay- Ae"bo ers of Dar l ad Jpst�c( ard to Ail Tess., r; td' e i iin. "Sir t p rbl, f to, ai na--friW but, in ivii' -frontier �xs, aL 641 h i tan.ew lesa or greater tha t iis7 Ice re t lt dvocates but the, e, 00tober.' bi6t - h;g -titr6e: odse, u tfq� me 6-na. r "Er- g .the iefi. veintrip e, I ih z zlct� do' D e eaft, by r ed' bon sulthi ti OSes oAe e, e'ta h' ds of F6rifinarid-Ods9ift Iddyg1lip kilo then n 0 ek-k he are Ineqnfagin a0d :conliort,i the"Young e_, I t ti. t e. on 'debtel -W A �d T di ore.,, ed.. n lfoie t. your M:Wiv,until f -he; bour.arrive1 at- which 1 -be f t Aan er o, r in r of M* 'h r .; " -& w�anbush,. f ]as tince, ,sen CULU Itel to,,,Newg4te..UpOn. the,c a in the Of I i1ful y Prison cots oe ian'. s'win 1,d:)bei consid a the coun fr bk t ou: have .% tit is c Ou so, ngh, r er 4. r dT Ty and th6n '-wi,th. the t t as f Jrg.otten� th,e, N's-orna 'a it.] a r; Ali thos- dni ectivd' a". ritia, 'e for si� �;A, f Opling dii w. t 'la,wyer to v ba send, th -t hd �LL�L;: aw 1.06,r 94' t b eW at tne' -everything bart wa e: 9 ne4lecAcd Coura et. 11 0.0 or, -phar 0 ";1 ly 0 la . � 11 114 �'to, e wap� tak6a aa9� I e to- un 'er the circu brouglit- aWay.'L: 611,e:t hl 1QT ri t h' d Lan Daisy Cot age ' `6, Chelsea. er bUctea, Y L4 lie' 0— ------- b all, iastim 1&, ja_jk. off %�ge. M f " __ _�,�h 6�1.� 0 romAhe excite audible A hel Its. eO will �`:y6u. are e of, h GHAPTErVXXVL, li"d's �thus elf ON, I tr a., Tl J�ear to $ 5 It all"t 6� ek'di�t of "t e coroner a Certainly, Aliss Elmqf' , growi, tall r strai lit in vie of t1le. 6 was settina. when LauLra 'El - 'kind and disinterested in the A b� liorror, sar k carriagei neare -seat na 1y �;S_A M- cted'. found th.. 54, 'all until.,, gi': d' f at fa:l I ilr �L atial Wat 1111" : 0 an a 0 in Of I" th-4a' ffficef&. Their she,� Qly­--:wihen ryo little, gate t . - _. I ­ - f th the It 9.�Up, hded, walk, WAII - UIA' MULL& adin 'wen #n�l, ave. him her hand, rifefs.� ties MUSt.:. ve pregsiad. z . . . i a 4 e o I 0 thei d Mrdi] e-tif Will ne f, elf Jrune , buril a et a- 0 a ki fir l4ws�of this do' IRS thiC�,youare jui�t i' 1:� 416�:' c t WK 1 . - I I . 6es-, 'it ic o, u itle r - _d n q - and at. -thd 'day Of �tilal 'the world shfilF cPt::hei� littik it At tb�s -first.Word 13 ah for--o."e 1� Lodgings' 36U,cr.4 �'Who, have"used' ab Anoth'iar- kei water wheelS kfe, re e know it too. J -will emplo, ilLthw fine e'ves, filled with ti Y e a r. M, ''El' k I' li .1 b� - Their'. on eia Oe' no, now w Say" e tot" thL Reihad' 'As, 16itrd: of thia Airag- �cel sa e witil t o qabAetts a er' with t4l cnikm th e I'Yoii do ribi believe, rerdintind,bas f e so & 4eei0v inteieated:� -an c Axe �dy- �,D �arQ_ beffil 06filan: m4_ of h be- I6 experit I ha*ei observed: the; M.Seq . . . . . gudh-: MUr6e thi4 equal 6 the.'' _ uencds� .9 3asing. nulinl�iii;tho 'Ibal;�autliorltllev U a ong.. "and4h"- os� childhodd.-i - �44x4 prcssing.w r igne$s 16 16�:V b �But the' moment A . lr§.: ,]I e BaZy'� 0.1ta Tilblets. f& etc - for e 'Our unshaken tin iwi le th6':' tAh, P e:wO, -porar llztrq� --when7-1- h_1 egg. u 14 iis, ey IT a pqv fthe� an, a e: and :01 -.,wp,: dvi an iou. e: ar p 0, Y, on. is,,gr 0 id- wjjls, tj -suit a 0outs- of -the day The, poor. bereaved, hands pyer,edll. 6f 'or 11.1. dim!_ Tbey lit1w, ror, he first -few -a' afu olialivilig, Cahill, T WS -=4­be -.;%: ­.- , - . 11 ,, - '7 ' r ho Otis, -o the, I employ M t; ey t luuth For� iade art. h 1 rieclbs rust 4n. God 67, 4 ei Ia ed. a,' to. '-the -bitter Oft om Mail 'Rt,..Y16 .CMtS_a X�f r The Dk, a ion'. ge, of �_M.Ost: cunning:., pressja hi P a tic 'As s6bn,is, that dilty'is d real crinijoikIl and engage Joe ifle word Britiih flie performed; I ill On+- Ill 17idr'�i3;ijefdn6e--of-i-be.-.S�pp ed each WAY,.ifi,the V O� oine�') Tovinces o bcpl� inaAhe riglits, of SAY- that-- --M tected. at a rf a c n 4., tfi d, t know all' the �poo-' yo"g. The Glag ow Bgy W.as Not Slow'""", f ay. vvg� derstarid that, y*,oui n -by! goiid-yyl. aid May Mca*61 am, I' o un r. sympa. that t fee, a. iva i *nt 0" �oe �s 00 ular, n gian't 16 1 1p . t_ 1, men a fi 161eas y6u. for jo4r[',400d' 'e, iA ' " I to me and my dhildten, :,A �irankqd tourist on a lea -are en ire y with, us, and- a . you, 0 Sg; th'' t f r za r Lo� speak so �iV 10 won Ap rt -c bei assist 'us �kh� your gret with� a. famil-, for twice, the tim or I a , a was almost our only.friend- he-'w6nJd iLencoialb'd a( V p- an d" irr,. Th ongw! e, And thus tbe�:-pft­ted--C 9 e 1,6 R�kb44 Laura, cl 'h -is-1 a -0 r ifig h eman an'&U-f MrBo-y a&, ng nup oringlY, ' -fi- i's vbmerabl� fae -e'gn "W1 I us- Ove into .--the good' p iysiciar :*... � , acy, was, Iner Sing n !.he Modern. v�6rl& back to �Hiayi"W d' like' br-ol , the k' te In 41"go B.BY TROOPS. was ne r n on lbildid, yes; ft6t,oul my 4urestd to be throug uo � w ft' Lady Ledti 6i T. unip. reys, n 11 bell iarig;.and, it two -i hc�ura rs. f a, Wriove past A one afe-ady'de'a' as ore considei,it, a'duty�'Au Or tati.�tie&_ oel ty, VVO�. i,ilosfte -to Six I vthb,farnily piYsician acing t h6r, tive� asgisfhn�c. 1, Official .'Report of the. lkilitaio Asient iiBut, hope is ief t said Laura.' 'q. ta,nc hiliapy lis,no 'the iiews.,, f, fillitnanity but' C Sirris the'theori -that' t ��-4tpr etice and C brok hp L the b6y'saiti;, 'to'h' ave A verz Ing - ch hMa -the -cause -of and n t ng to Ni'lit Sol Aseeot Of 02A - Bwhxi 6k, folirlatli .18 - 611 liras relintilc wri6rigul'iy, j net:1171"O' to c1daf, Mr. Oaisin-, i6lisr ifla. d�brwhilmiqd lbr t d but - to fit;talmen� the li h Satpe n , I . oment, cold,' hard,_ unl6v.-, m n'A;, to And cbn,��!ct &6- gtdlt.? e, with an jur o 'k, Itib .. "t eit, the duel h6i tc, the grawth� of lunaej, but Aeceiiiiad,Jr! iry -t dlic6veir eicar - e ferent w1h n ;r dtidildhibla were: 'tbe-r6al And related. to W ts, R-116sell the,,' t,. reep. Of we haye eri, tv the L even 0 it la� sub and. -Jfi 1i"te to mistress to, you.. 6'r tl�e 'Rous'o 6ninnoAed *11th, 'as 'tl 410PAiin cf� trbo0s­` �fufir - atined' pui hefmakter 46itay e, eave , , . g as, I � - . It A I . nd t ninl6at -the cric i, . lufflate, Ifelen' lkav�ii a" e 6pe that.hiarb of omfoit you hav,c, glvk�ll IIAVV UA, im6d �13 d nitw. c Yeeia in a. 0111,, 1 card yonsayp to bert-ville i L 'fe4­ to bp cry I"Ll ��n the e. via -�h I ne, etords �:iji is- po Wer 1 bo.dy. of aTe n161 Id-, h6 has uo relative Nui as' only' Od, the s ib§c iWqt nlid said,hbout the" iud she lio ' r oil 64 1 gonp.T�' lipaj ibvious (0) liat know"of; lie,11 me,- -e Ilthe vIeNV_ i,re- 1, Rt bs y Al N vue-,xi n,1 that''Missl --ased wi�e - and I uiijat.go� to bifii afid .Oven te 15 17 7' let, the ba� will,". 'tig �aad co In '"0 wial, said, -cove raL-th ratwth_�. the ­6 Y maSan let, ping, (lon to -in, thia on "tit two, prtioxz Of brebd ('en6ok �V 0 are ilght A Y,.de r .0 �c an :t4at is the 11-ftitchell: saff.* but , room elf�ber no; begiTher, o i gq a, t once .1 'Newga,te is not, iaxactly, via reco veil -a orgotton­ bo ok,wi N it is pob-, oof 6&fdin& 'for y ate noilir C ma lon6� 6speciixlly� for the firsf� ti1nIO. Tber'j 4oul& not bear t 16r Lt -oi her,". 1; it iihed to, & upd 6�,cheegb, a.bok it n, a. ..or,6 � litr It wds till her"doing! tet, ere; Y "the nigl� in: A $iffrAkett6 Passive I er times iM merely r 1 i width qdno 11tre ever �Yoi must file take You t t dear -and ma ce Von polin f 'Aliss iner ve _QP I YOU WI 0 1 drup: a ;A W The tais ve" ot e t _c, -rfte 1IT- Wis un n n 1-143 a8t� it "I 6.0ko., is t3m, iii! Meter Wilddlit.., di-ty i6f, Lady h -O., wiiiiiiii. rudeness bel I I� % eeq ofit 0, atne Aibeitt* "Riand y6u'at 'four iford' jt�sl - Steel fil, 9b 6 in J atf ''to a h,uct M1r. e, veTyj one c I ou"Y' no'6h. -the' t" con I nsel to , Sul Tkiay, Ste( ffifinborl h.4,e co' e'froui. all a: In. mean ime, lily t fbr� y6UIV f, h.,this af ter tllig� Helen al 0! 6n A P*.m'.,i i-�Pt vi! 0- W let a( T. e Ila 'a, Wl 'Ile. 0 ouhad' beitit'et a'r To cro etence and all pro n::fro LIZ oudhe'3" 4 V P , if of ch4mo. no a ftibovill IJAVing _tll� 6 1 t ic it.,S it 'CA11 be ou I of, t I' wv� on, t btihk of tb6'4i�e. Tb.d;c6f;L n0 Dr. Clark, ahotaiirti Ellifier, had, ineantirn'd, ,,,.g`ehfIy -cured, lodgin,09? I -ed from Ole house for, of tile' tax herid It f t.8ho, "'infotfiled the child v6ry g6o�� one" h en 0 r. d tbd 3inove a sea, ent be Tn& Nfiiiar It Tin r A. send. Your JuggiLkcyn at On in-Aier, sub"d a in arras hietit. and' an: 6soypti Gr.e t a note 't' m_=obscivan 0 o I llad��. ThA at"U nr w rif 1ii the rmOrT, noIt Ua; f9 ei f" f bud AM A I n a 9 91& is'.- Wd 7 oked up'to oeyeq dftl d ith astornishiiia flt e. L 61)(,n. . anwhite -With On Au�gust 5 tbd­�coud'attomrpt wtiz biald . Ila T we ever and gry "d h Id at thb �oftl C 11, pt66eedcd` "NOW JNJTa th,111, Man mutt' be i�p to th4-,(i r6int k1hd Wical on nrlar oavesf6 covered,, A��d ME' elfwb� t&A dy, on6 bft, bn't h1er ey'ds tdgrou. RAM, Ifta tm, 116�.-f-"�h-",ti",O�fi.,:,4,f-"�lt� ot in nA L U Wlk 0 .......... jkt'