Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-05-01, Page 2IT IN V 4, i V P —01 g —mm it A0 mam,"Im. �wtt m �rttj V MR W-4 il;�, g �m i 'Perkins -sy,"� 'I V A Mk ­ or,, IT '01, , 4; MAT li er h' 0.- V.. 74�1 a Ci 119 3W I . , i , I : an f 4W the TeachiliI on� t TMVIVP X, A. �on, ,ter imm" e a Th' vill be nia,,,de� the ocnsion to, 1 ion,,njI,thtf n 01, Trusus, Of phle-,H11, le dem, Prouit being�t�pronoun��d: advoeRtes. vi h:` k 'the 6jelf-goVertiniefit-of Ielgndi aw-, nished and L quarfel-have a an? What terrihl��t 5,he done,. that. she a -44 AT f t N Falebiler w 'ORGA N A "Sit o h' -1 P, jW IZA1 All' 1,111,ce EdWa4d �hown: at. t e "MAKE IT. b 11117 -other- _sW fg w7 ifer Ile —Th 0�*Ov.einprit to-, qZ Fo i�, do �4 six, IL Assembly: of me. r�Flelsp, ilaeed,�Ii�on hot, year with blikik N inem- r ge 1 1�6rkine'­d be, in. r il d 0 lat 3 B e nqwn., On y one perso Ui Toront 0, stiot. OW f at that u 7�, ey,%M- -A -NAL', S,U-Kn th: If, '�,�Nund4 ;of V 4hatibin wih, first, T110, of M Thor uti. so. this League na'L gon f in 3 b t " he" Fe .14i 'life tho 'r 7 !,6 & un, weikht of - M1 Intl ASE ihe,, lknd6u, �"tr A �jDjLjjj� C 10', BE _kNLARG Gil h t� Should Vb: Utdde jVLjt'j)ou-t dely. Non, Ii§ f n I. SE --receut y-enaided.- a t OLL, U, we RCI & Y 'ns. ired y_ e tjjrie�*,�i ship p the su7ne, ll,atietli was see ri eL pOM f ..... . ..... icliolar _g1v" 74r" to expomm 0, h 'T tO April C qSlng­exerm,� f fenoe in criminjil triaJa to. be: b6rlior b7'., OF n Later- he 'studed a ',the U In efyil C&Seik' n1vemlT 9� reiigious, pe,rsectit R the 'Nab, 0 ege wf r�dm 10r, is', g7eio Should' liI i� 'h -Thos:e*ho'do� not: But, ord�g such are orm spring were, eld e of, 11ast r "A *'U -4re to as one e St. Pnid be'f,?,i ift Ion d46d­f6'f` een, gT te 0""V. - D " - L T I to the pr0i, 17m 'be Wlfo sal �and. ing�oiqeod* iIon - -' L , _1L._ ----t- � 1 d 'di--philds6p e ST g d? of- the -or a Y'L reee , 4y, th" Am Alli t*Vel for rk en I - - - IcAdIA si th, de&66.0-f LL."D.-fr w-gity�,of Freder, Of t1i !tAffA4 Uni t t 'N cis 'Xa HAT THE' LiI _&,11 U : . , fAl , 19R]KIN9 ;,;A9E L s e cOnscielic"e' lit, n,e 'k - P ;L fi Fe,, I's-, TughT i the,cill fle Y743- D' f the Christian, ga no rel pro ug101I ,g 6d' I "Ve R" MCI' U-'� of free .711 heL W" unmni� Lnfie in�ihs, �,m;ofit of Pkineipal' Pollock 'thy the naints d later, ill. the, day o�sehold d WL slad un(berstoq t e rd t Men, it wo, auvdt�oj� 'm f r Eel _t, �he e-ne toU d ]Lor:k ding, Jim Eel& -BF ISTS, ^x1f county $9,0 About th6L roVi fill, enio -n- e -ex re yoliEle, and-sel -tefreshmoliI th Aor- Ir cht 'itetive-in -the-affuirsi-of -U ni-�, M--Prl5WqC_ stea atiL,Xhur d e er�, oimsses�, theret JIi'kn n sru g O.r Ve pogulai lectures.:or. 4�' N Ma d ae�i ured, and vuadxi��ed 01 i; e Ach of' the rYL reeelVea er�. The ri bi f ha ' r 6o'ns 11 1rom. $2 e 'and fin ilar reere�a ions VM'LS111LdtI Whe speini m, ose �rol 151M. Ve Ve as, agre h ' been uilph bi th, il a The 52 Crown 661A. ' , ' I I d' fi -may 'btj) _t eLPtesidem Y ee� _j_)eeh_arg.ed__ & Foy �up_. to, th noon;.. IP TV tO�': P��Rjderjt" 0 en�mttsell -pe ireste& to avy in siir" i to feti re ID unii The t he --Co P-9 a eventi-7 'go ie ies. had I'll. '$SOT—Dr -an t a—. neW� po fr; an 11, &�Mp i bae -T Vol: GLt �Iijorward had:L�:hf��y,_t��g��,, -Befjotre­� d, HrI :.I Dr.. kigg'tr, 'HaMit, di� nil . all 1p,ome wire awaltI a In has -sbvivn- gre-4t tac and -:6 h nMR 3�r. T. 11' akiig, edA DlI k I 6C h b pr- Ct Ii. ma 00 C th, 154 —not intend6d to or, ATe?r=th 10 g, aided ee?qier Wo 6.4,04, f e vicim t :I11 -per, p r eL Y� 'but 0". erTAI utiiI ie. t �nrreste&' n t -1 29 55. eavyAt bo( 11, to;, J'b aeloold to- 6�rorfo� 'i, _W WOO being, the 1itu otels, hil ope tW-e�T-Le- one lei _,the "d t icider t my- e MID, �ie dim M e IRL BROCIM acquain. nee.4,: 19 e 11 L B - Ul(hif in 11 J r li d',.,.. SCOND-1 , SUEZI ANAL VIC) Ion' 0 ch, or Chur(lit Valoone *W 1 id niia app aijCo 'of MiS§ us .. ..... Wor d. rV - d runic Virgin, Whichjs'siid to wo Some.,.;* �pj p ssion.. ,L,U!;, weOtlictu-nd'Orah T we f CbU U h.'.h aI Vrenard Joe): V Uln t ivood;is vibit" mg i rougt,L U ud b Lilir 'Form li"' fimt-5 d t at re6eived. off6fin OVUM, are at the mee ing,"of the lioard, were so w, r t fr '2 : es In f Govei; Of- the Co. . INW Hftld' ed nee tesponAent,alt sent blie oI Y a oin. 'and Empero, ritly o,.,. .her dirp 0 '. Me- "noch Tliximp'son P noid, lurly -a rn. Gueloh' Vh III ro, fee_ 't S M le.'hotg(pital e. b yes eix] b &Oa ido %T11EIR t -a ilkomptle.lit-BritiAll. reii t! got the Pav�� BLACX.L h ot of t e higIA",by -wee e d.— tL ,C THE� kBARGO DIS ST. L tis m ar v Air.; W. �J. L the, P 'T '4� boon nst_' 'Pittgubiegers Ureatliffik Ap�Ar# 9 qv, IT.' 6rto, PIly r ei t in 3roekv1M- Callada" . ... .. as. Ka. Canadian constrildtion OUR C041 ooSITr 16f, �Suez CanRI;,.aU0" 6ated With b 6 was takn in. She Md'been, on tie is Ian 's haA aFAed P. f eft're, lod "'t ifi1hoI d fi 20. earne. within -April .29 has ag a nurse in tlie,hp'. ital jZow York,,, m t II t -reqeived-,`tljI follmying— e was gir" More: sgeculatiori -and aot on' ' now, a IlI 'no lit gUpp -who III,%% been iniking to all 0-Ceftsion., 5'6f the, average �.ej �eond tion 'm'dfj The' lung I ' tci��d, up6n nite form. A C 11 yniews agen ,6ould, i� I "' , -'r 1 — Pit slitTger are about t Ile ec or of,b ne udcrri�poildent ok' The. PRIF!a 1RII The ge 6iowlis rhaiter Of­&��JMr W ufor in Englial ys the -cattle embargo is'p6liti6ally 4is- Corleern '26 bet',ween - possenge s an reL nd bla�k Ink aftet, it ling,dried on li� blotter, &ni DW., �,Ir nest., slill"on Caadian �catil Brown, 6is er,. was. to have Iiere lift View of tte 11tet thtil , , wk 6 en redrthe traiii 'for the,pur., whji� hi moie fortunate neighbor living fte bt file -of 1fie, h th �o 116nag njh6 bleant country distrid§ Call boast iI "Y's 't ey fire mease at alining pap adiniI ; Mejgn"paperSL ree 0 _ 4� 1 n d aC_ he In ule, U oj e U could, not be --a - _'T - _ t th f f .01 nice pink. br�mthiltg 'appalI T to, a , 'L I - 0' :Oer�TI�4n oill, � TL or Y ing, when a r ly .0 A ter t 6 di t " e( OIL I . �b � . . 41 tu�s the 8hit'S jn4trjj� 'Of, the enee n' sidered the (m w —Ou f 'Cie t, Co, Q_B, -Schildecker; oerf6rms FRtb c II �-q n Ito 1111, gVI llheflow:. 1'elegated, sa far _r nd-4-A' a Olin sto, a" see 11-t. ty, a 0 ority for tho� statefilefit, and. he �Ijlho, 'fiuri§4 kvho tsaw her phyejeal CoM61its.ttJ abelis4 fhe' British profer-: it w6uld.�in pog, I end r rs if did no op of 0 has: been eitanit tho lun& Of, all. of it, until- .1 0 C fi'66 -it 1111 110-', nt -i d herati9en OU d, Am I. n -6r �ever on fe if PEID ILL POES QT. �jouId upport su6h UTION aL Moti' i1f;rfdA 'the :oPilljoiji tbat" 8jf4 ',IRISIJ, I)B'VOL oilw;v ung Xillerl_ Ra' or P y e n 60ES.T0 KINGSTO a r y Will e Ont., deep 40 Qb. dt Ro A 'Peter or.4y 0 d Ar eight "train. His jqtitionalist, PaTT.Y­ cas"I tO Chambefg, �Rllllht ill 0ire rand he � fell -under fhd, be Inttoid-amd- 07T May 7- w le ploul� overed - fifil, 4 kouridlitlIg LOyi- To ;e ftrgOg o I liddy 'The "d ' it am Stop hReef ex, ort -13 AM 6 t of G: give London, pr A' ft' -'20— ISCUSSIOnS are sDi' goir""', :on Royal 110�61 ih t1l Aljri� bd t Ig J( R - 0 r & t I's 46w ice �fijtj in the the st�llI Iy I ed' Y., oy rish by:', her b f i ide I of the tei'1114- am - P1 t§ h" 1, b` 6A -of 011iniptil bdweol, -ttie,d6v- Ue �d: th' It atists on t Ile III � I - , " n t- Aen io�t: 1, that' o -sh, 'be h(I"tte d6fif Ing 1p� Roilte Irelazid Nprell, iind v,,Imt the Xmti6nAP, fi,40M, ej)a Io n 'Obtahi by' be prepimted. �fhL� ILI 11, . , I ' _� % , ", ' reIiiiAla ti I" TY it t1lby. y'll to ,,,d T'. I'l, a NO IME, ffyqy, afh61' Clie, 01�iftet to bO 'On�, t � ; . 1. - 661TOdde Irian* y of: thLo� of, file 0 0, io, otit f abTed it ro bz� Im_­ I . , 'L , WX 103W -W 6h 'We" T ormy, mid arty..... . . . . . . . -Y