Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-09-27, Page 17, P 77,77 1 6, �77 % Jl� 41 M7 07k -7— e, Alt 7 K�l 7 9:0 - TM A -7 )6­ KNONV ONTARI t[. 7, uV 13 Tob c (s tt Y,' a Axnl Pop �FQ ''TH-F 'TT() X_ 111-7-7 W Tot,Oig�r� 4pld v 4 age, of this ­-Altr. John.._Nib. Arry Illy, Br.0131, ru,gg�9 x),90rs­&, specla, prIzR- 'Add -7 v tro" d t $12 of t�,wpw tile V'e_A, uckfi Or k rame 0 Ilse, DAYS h i -ter r it%�na b Jb. ir 01 td. Lu��VnO"F.; V P vido also HAMIL -spring FFICE, pric J.LVJ�j a* .4 PiAQ I I I � I , a 11 ... , - ;ablib'P 9e 7 '7�1 � . , . , , , , yearl I ir�g a soft vaW .Car - hard -an uil 4� 1�_Piixag.oiv, B own a, il'�r V h rd, or retired farm 71� gto�li�_Of squvepir -,.pos.A� J� $g,500".00, . . di�; "i 1, 10 T',U 1, I_� 0,7 '.'ill ta ap 44,nqxt-; � -1, zhomr , Y _ , , %I. �- oco. er .2,04 C9 or, wiedrieg y ell - n , A61 C t'D' 'd 0- T i. Oet�o 4, jails: apoly,.to,: I* BAN K..1 If we.�can 'Ohn and"his daUgli- J gaver, b6i : I , ave t e., oQa,-,mwro s, Mr. �Tre� h 't' dd'gedu fbe.Yiell"ItY OT ry0ii19': %�o "x4 -, �, RD. 01 1 . . e', A ONCORPORATED 'e 7.-' par �00 lmt And 4 dea' H Gi N W. lK. J-1 �k_ -.0 L b ­ d, _,th.p, kn Tb, %V- aUTHERF I!A� gaT! &�:�,,'renew-your,. suilis�ri�tl iiiieol)a, On �,Xon ay, A B, I ltrl� t 00 iij�, U,t�a,s �6. time tot.16ave: YoUr ure, —for .0'apita X; FROCTOA LU b R -per,, . will iA, ,,,f)r,.yvep to t ' % - ' ' , , _9� I.. - - �­ . 'A - v S 'U L Le* -spa an4. Gletil dt 'g- extilic and . I �1_ , -.i � � 11 1 _: . qd� Qon.gi:�, U 4 faOilion, boo s, 00. , Y J­"' -1", ­­ ­',-._,.,_--_­-_':� : ­ �--, �. il� Le, v a Im a -'b `tWr than gfy manager. t in, A S32,9QU 006 t'! ion,�4 id t T u Ul; of t1le-past -M WAT an rl an �,V ay LLIOTi ANAdFR as :GEx M d JA 7 th; Chkistm soN, A Tena - - bir k'Mrb,-' 6417 :or ea. early, f8i E G " � i . � , z . I 11��L . I �lb I". I ERSON MACPH uJl- er b - e U, N has bob' glib nix E�IB — I . I 11.001 Rage til :A e 0 v in- in j� . &I . gg' J�b 6 t e .. � )'' L I. t Village H.. F4vvlgG Xr:Ab, RONG 10S6i VIC �Bl AAA! PENT y6la-caii-ile ER to L'kd;r . . . . P � _ I th' Luck, Y nli� pury Y --fac1c.6ts. for back-'4is old lioi­el budlim. hiors�. Nunnsj� tAL FG S a r -W, on Q, Res s ic - 'Sale ity-er -lour-pir, TRA.�ISACTE epariii U d aref; Me. na 'is, a�.flst-clh r e Actio �mmeai�tely,aftle th a I .. I _11.0ad Offim aying b MI �-hiq mai 1,Iy, f&r.ner. _pAt r. 0 Q 9,;, e Ls en . ..g b lit h6,L6rd's:Su L In deai, e -be; Soulli- .9 inIt. E7 in ro �a A E,, v -'sery i0es, ca Vint re r" PW h n_0 Me 03 ties__�of_Llnt res g. h e. ve.—J c bt d OSJtS an C av gs epai LOST7L_,_ Re hi ac K: ep -a' ay nex twice 6, year. oney h h d tT4 ev of $1. .00 upwar 8,�Ir"cul e ..on theimarning of.,�S�Ptem on f LL pastor :,o. S durren ra es _31D A rl;to,7i,t Sul I I .. "I v ( . , . 4. L, _- ' w.n. ronen,. �;cAep.onit to as;te.6f, *ithd at 'D nfa ------- e ay. s ear date of ­ I I I . Aiiydb: %I ill prQ orth-: PvF6i)*, d I #!Ib lot to: '"Ot siai in 06 Mo I fl6u 6f �the deplol!M" w Fi t 0 r A TY, IL der L U, --eh I Salo 7U ea d r r�e A�GFN d'C14_rq_r" , " estatia.an QDT wor P er r 6m: ;the The 9 -ndt 9, 0. tes Ir er§,� d "'M 1:01-� remonable r4 e lase and'sell ar ��Y( notes for i ay. lot d rol_ ie is ri lit' uir rre -,.prope b­t�i6d the" e v a y ell- or thet ariclies. oney: 0 em�ses- e ection. on , t charg in i 'sfaritdry -6 t§ r, 4 br e 01d:ba I ,r, a B A ada-. icer. in. LL op. 4?;i7 rid d 6 aer 4. lids )a r. the bel*eavu could 6"ted., His: E he d'rein.'boy -s AS'4611 as f or rity.an, t. bq A K.1 Moore, o We offeg you abiq ute secu. '.arid' Air ITEMS. An d e% jll'be'p'. case d courteous trea P (Rb ' L . - the _P lo� Debble Q. 7, PCs Mr_' -Y F =n . . . . . . . . . . . . . -oh:7 e MaAager. and 'gli T eB -Ve he 'my �_-_t t -W6 hair ho h th-L f h -a day, dad a Ing. mare eibble. 4�,.e on. rharsday; d n on-th �e f, cor or.aue With a ig stock. of )gst� wook bal b P. S.k. -'7*. the .-'k 'lit It w 11 v C, d bl6d: 8he,*aa b4411y rowi b -Mviv , 6r rV1 8.11119,11v ou, 0 f -pitchfork;.th d lnl�tljStl i �L'e- it'i U n .(, . .1 1 1 1-1e, was gi,' �k a 4�vw.' sp t., fe, S't &-all -rigbtagalu- iu Js B e ah, a, . m LLL w�ek. - , , ! -w WE.. ii�kn but sh spriu aT in n 8T�GQODS)' bye,-etq' wi g Y. su hu C�iober' 44" stiitab e seriop -0 -Auetioll ible; Ko -u- r( -poseclit, YaI_ U UL all A ali:d dLh an owere. 'her GO t -P a. i I., -Cy, t lea�i th:' loll,. Gre --- F (lin Y�' Ho nz 6 pds sa,�ri ce yqUr app(- bpulav flu arAnce . ndwer zl� d The mbet For, a 'd? bads good asa 'arto -�4'go to- �7, 0 66, U u O,t to -day 181 bb"W11111(y, i1heml the VIgS. OBBI g,, carpa 'Clar, e, of. n,0 t011 rep par �)r suites, psfs an h stay on. qddin g ee k" r It' io` - N" YOU GA John h ti d-' w i t h Lucknow'� riell s. -e'prot66tion to -t e centuries, -secure y, :al IYA 'solL V ell the. morn- L�d a p pe 61-lic A. -i 'i IOU, turned: and add 'to British ls]69io.� h to awak. Mr t Cain TIOu sp, wiT' mo�e to Winiii�eg at dire t.froih a game- ar.e inixi ed tcv,caill at w to SM B a UOIse i ho v Tes ervp,, :; . I .. I I u Te a r R On f b ieClpek� S401 a %vi '�hiqh tagi he 199 iy�, adl 011 Spini�h �,Arm 4nd . 'o . , iqtu�v, the 'the ia�cegsary,.d cominene sit :o'clock `.p,,m. at 'th e Dt E']�:-B --ilicaf lle, WAS`- MO ru �-'qLf' I di did 'use The rea- Th:' ilay shot.' in ISP01144 14r ir.. over., rq 131poken OU ti ' " ­', at t V . ....... : me ............ 1 Agnew,,, son o gdn�. f or I 'OVU'a"ty: are' ry worklilk MY omes. evel �,Six illage, d that b jilt. he gues b S h, I r the ie�Ladiiiiii of, t1lig, v ha f JO` d fo�: tile day, in the 6p, rot. ar to 0,i .$l,V0'b.uy9,oneI; ecure s 11#01i � 0''. q1l oub"the'. t a ad -*.I K b 8,011e W o hf '011 a -T1 mrsi " � I o'! 'good Jior!14 conoe N i'gl Id gi d , r, � Do' b on oir. V39 the r 0 lag LL n 17 A will be S, T I. th%� -ef. "' b" 61 a�ge as rdLb be, o0r, 2 L l3co''in t6 0 d OU en'. Ge, b F as, rst. ap Now, olAgidaj; can A lfr hmall T.b 'OS "L� uln TOP 0, F 'I r SWit Ak,)*q?qrous. I1�1, IN seethe lghow,Pr, 106 has" 0 t M162icip T564dAY 4kid- f dr v 3 Y�Iarj- af o n. arip. on tile rovinpia W r "o OtO6 �01 jecided firtq n"at I , " " day.pf bex we T P E n tae4 ing 01 ':11 .1, of" obinge tbo, di%te t will ni ik6L a'Govern, , a Vill §a;(! Wl 70' ie origina tainment. icke h'61ding the C. aT, Ge a ;oo&6no TS' 35 ent,,l: Plan -at' rmstrOng, an. ations,ilmay placp t e that i�.� her go Al c e in'st aivo . . - A I ast row; an xtea f idio ng U! that �,,vo pqsue.the That, wa 6r� Word, it reques s �1, tor 'b be. Val 81 ill F_ '�y i'd s h, . . ......... Alto jC cAll. f rofii her. ep 7 ago'd 811191'e it has Ion g,been e tel h is undesir W r, i atnrd�y first 4N x0orn all and see bo going fishino, 8 nu jo ay in ,11661. the�.,, ilu n ry, ard - Orsd r(yely' because, �o lLu h Bla I Ie_qarpe n g th, b- t lit' '.t bil, th Ion. 'A end tva "Ie g'tronL, Was t over u; ay On is, way vv Pr, eLCL S d fiL'Il'ink, tia&j� sdaY 'us io 'i on 114 U "Ni. th! it, the boat rid Trad tl b"I 6 %V �it 0 some; qvarj, a'the'Sec 1ji �v idd his 0, e be lit. con'si, ere U HTI 'Otiatfild dtibia.,cl t in-. o&rls. T110, on th: R losit,aAd 1116st, i.A- E� onesi of'. AUblirn, IN o of e n &te to AlixiWIbUsInOSS 0 'StWk Of' ork, _O up -0 W oil d' _ 0. '0 i th-68 ZZ -7. b�o t.� u it', 0 Lvu 'NV Oth f(y, , Ard it 0 not t On, -be s[ok ti on MR, roc 9 ou, leO t t., t V el sly, en er al 1 'hii body - at An6 .Asso eof ES I 1lior Ing" Wlo' 'I Ail CIO fm Thoy are 6t. ir d! (,,,x t m cokii was An tit of t is wco,r I Itiz- OPPOF LL b' T.n IOU' ish nday,a tOrnoqIl to 1111g� this 0, w,i 6 old on Su hold ody''it �Vjjg mo -A adPnis of 1, P' t 'at we, vvi I. havo'no rog optinj, W ul q. it g It i1q. Sea, 1he I - tot; bgy:oy Dot ' A vd S., B 00ii obliging U J) (10 hore. ir, witibg� in, "e, E , ea#8d 'Whege. it itwaits T, defte p6rt1a4rd,'vitt be V1 9, tile, N1 wge off W tt tio thO 0'06"Otv VE L #4 '4 ladies TR IN 'k �A Al 1, 7�