Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-06-28, Page 2IT "A � �21 t M. it jnidu5try�' p0d. 'On" Ulu . .. .. y invested, M f -,'- TO TERM 911600, actuall S loss, Operatilig- V Btores, that �310,Vtg .4 d bries were OIL 1 ILI Food SAW ;s, on tile oth ith, sVamP6 Sir #e.-- Af- riallatt MilWRY action, .1heir �CIU;t`0146�5 to eom ot"'llik ­-_�A�l M." I , , e people who hayebeexi RT, HOW,, Ala 0 r rar -()R .; 1) A l -1 . �1, :, 1 1, 27;000 hotels, Thairs, Aft) exis F, N'V�ff $451),QUI), kb� no jlleth�efirigllaxn, t In A OWL Age, �00MS �jake-out 0. lie MEXT. and Licut�nant-� -, I I I ''A NNOUNQ, rinting -110). - ( �,, cciistom:0. to ­ getting ll,,� -PqRTA1q 000 P, -the a .1 - I " '' -i VitY, skit "Zi. CitY7 C-, BAHR` ptjn.'�TQ.)V4il n now -�,gO �$1 l,UUU TA 16nisoll; "IM - 0: a .. C! the , 1) 1— �"t' � 41 lt� 0 nearby place IC9 a eng to 4 W,,UUV,, ", '':., 'ting W Y, 374 dXe -a--a ere Office-- Or Ao -60 ", ". a , ­ 'I ' The action,' lie LjorS as itb� -the� "CAr-ack' its--alinotiu), -QUEENJI ad enilio?�' ILL. thc�bq,)IIK TO,,; on �.,qi�ptaiw* license, IT Cb"mPU4q.,gL, I lli�ve o but­pq� one dollarax; atIOT1jL '2' MdbaTth 01 M wi t g to. cjeatI6 �,thia, 5 egard,'Ul d l6lid rularrin lew �Iind I t b' I nkell citizens Government A the 06600" -�x a pii any i ur th �t SeOOPL�06Wn� �sV 000' has , 1� iOw-qfTosta­ �, I P 'ficeAW b en diverteO, 4�sin i d ever"here. i, -jiep6Tt' Jhe diflefeAt T _j�d � V MAUM a a 04 T P U t44Z I I I I Ulu 800;11. - an - S 2S 529, rikks a I I �:­­­.:. , 1 10"0'. -, —1 �, -.11,-1- "11.11,11-1 -­­, �­11411 �— ­" ---"--;1-- i:­­�­�'­ -21'.- -.-i :D, 01'aa i1eaf? this a Oil, p U RIA1 I I I -- -§ ' B, A ht, t P ja 0 MUD, MAGYAR,7 E' lwtflttit.�00, Men rou Rd 0' t4o�Nri HORRIBLU" ternooTh URD y,- F-, MU1ZI?E-P--.j-.- 7, - -- ---- 7' 'T'W M�-W hg ­ R" C 1-4 r MRK---ST-9AXGI,,F r 60s, IN E 'RIVIg TUI%, with UIP DI AST ; ii redubtion N Alt" ETWEEN'"'A 'ARREL. B jun(i­25, After ing el—Amcn, of �jisi� Emp oyerj,,,� t ie, HA ho6ti ni�azl ee� The -S 44clIST an 0 r -I -�T of ip"P!,�;'t'geon woilld be rge , f Tpml 2i 11- at Frobjslaq� men ti;4p t',Vd ped' jO "i -F ave Tlead-&'- 1 -of the ,.'D'Diilald;:Campbe -S I ':d --th P �,Tlct -he hoPed ]killed WORM 111111111MI endly, �,Sliiii egxna-. Qile� -7 !-,He ba -LL 91'","' The Indian,, 3, bPTPu5" a, 1. 6f to�Take P ace, at blow,011 t t Spari d then kill Vincent men'. AV P Cornpany15, Eas bj ttention:'td �thie�,( in WidUAXKUt9d1 tji'v,er tunne 5, w. I It f vorable His, Fee an e,d 4� Guide," juric 25.� Mag- Toronto es atch: -�Jq-�qlltll `j Canada W9, lfte� Waneed"to, 'd' o�e,HOXSP the raoes tor�'011 covelied yes er. aY, t1la ITe wh .pg -Ld usi L; StOO CS' into "the al arm- tilet: either' I yester ay. b ag blown :�nqbtded `-%vit1i`UJ11T`ea a 11(l 01 It, shgfp� 10$011 jnste� ViM.ous, His Escape. 4. -Shot- �liiS'emp �t�,�Siaami fight, ln� , , I I f S`- This Was te lft- V L! a,1, lyerjua-k-, .7 to-diCy- 101311� k" rivcr� un'' conisterml,.tii 'the �,bredik at� the V q 26i�T-'A I x-robisilux" la',s ere� wao .801"hel d, br",6 I to "hang �4. � - -, d to jrfl,* central 15rftigh iiin'7 in jil �r- and Sen. t11-1 as,'ha's been- SUPP015"' � tn('Y;� ticiently".'roblist ; the.)jistorylp. t 'at ed -bucket-§40P�­,l the 4 ��,e suf! . MU E twe �e, V6 Cana( I LiFtlilty o -'Vvoul Affended by, E hinclitT, fj,rOm: lit' �'ber 6 "I'lle, L-Tila�ljjnc� e�fablis tand. ..1101 P�P murd lit by i 'iIiiials. but 1111'aily briixtali, One'. I in Regilaa,'-Z��P�em Ing 51 line,, ti�, bi y5, , k 'y -,.AWinP46r %, - 1 .1. Va` viii, to,isee�fhent telv 'i Q -010-011 Ps'. M d i I on, MIN - M, M NO AW 01-1� 90 -14,601 'M I eMfe e had -b t t1i 'ge . . . . . . . . . . . . 'd Ter d *0 :were. an ecr �any a d the mll� e, e strang f ��t� _and n6ther--'* and Their, --they 'indicat, of g, eepc�rs-or f r6quen- -there`-Veie- "he'l,14"I . ted iPTed lease - ­ , t� I I .., relj e on &P�iirat.e, ef fort of. Imperial .7 P 0, sr Kispioy. -tri e,L d 'houses. Fourteen blild' made Si wer j�jr iller a gf�, McIntosix-and-jobilson, terS of common 9 0 -bre.qd hain : 9, Ight: was, one'. of �the best kDOWU Yaming Both ll dc when" -til( a -half The inurderl a'llegeil' bucket-ShOps vis- ;wu 1 9. 'd night, and ale ot� t r that district' an ourice;wu e6terqqyr �in: t n or$ of taidding t by ce. e Alon a y rf atei he dct6d in g:elf-aefte he.mid ern Wa 0ea-tha . I 'had Atta, tjrjrt;e-a,cl, Ol',11alf & by thp,,officors were Is is ag rOlrI c ck �SF DOT t the thai-CalliplPel R IN:LON­- Court on ilight-to,ap fork. 0161 ia 1, PO IcY - r, for, any,cor Willro "eik. 'the drilling - -,Xhe Ha ------ F odVm'7, at itoHh f e 1�0 ired :�,t�): elimin, the roa ifiing. peari.�in tile once point 0 the at oppoTtunit3 gard lan. -into P. ridin to'niarch: steaall bon, preserving feil e sent. on Aed� only trerj6bl1ng:slj9MlY- mcultural it, wlsintore 0 -repoit on. ag later an excited bst, A�o,me tA 'an was at one under arr oloinas 1,111* ur. it al I British -.0 f I I 42 f, 110 As 1 D I O;USOn. t but� of .. . ...... . eY. An nflq*&d e For . ef it Of 110 unl, Dr 'Folibes e t"r. f fRA( a 1,, t IIY-' Xii dilln- -rode- a utO -body.--- ,,th greattept'.. th� ben afternoon Tecql coveroa iino b 'tak hejaad dis glel u the thA d' I ti'69PSt" -Ii� 1bu6k0t:shOP­­­ ij§tl to ngpect- in the his ory- of the Calla 'a e eXp aineL ited sev- j to, I�Arhqe�. anT �clieme` WTI b �IE factories'. all 'bee'. ng, W �bhe 0 d� 9, AR 7 --of -b "d -but-,& - BPewt,, the flank j. T-,ie,thodis�, grant aid to enllgra, ve! rsale, of, stock ti of U -es ci hie. 4,e is slaW Inia r k,- ...,aiployed. commi'it, g that, ce d' ar 0 so :,—,It 4!4,1jjjj�jW,bad, -big I I'm ..".1h; -trail of tbp' AW -1 t es tile foi.ces dep1q. Of in,, Who: t6i. �bejng- the partios­�O 'thtI!i'b�t oa� 3) d w6m; ved'UY, Me &a] Oori -tle stwiet 0 e -,P'O&IA e� at hall be a' a the mOnU P r A iivere piacea, ine th tWO,-Appaytentl lerer.A ertizeht� MK- rup ly ordixe&,by-A toy e,% (I alonc, t a we on it. on. :4v London, hriea. other fea er of) s ply t be luillL ili&,,,,,�up ie -W Dads, C - - - - - - endt WOrl'eCL i�l Ll -:R. S$ none,,.0 Dp t If the and and :wIT, AL� ROV 'd sb silueire h FAT 1 1. . F, EA r,: ON STEAM�j w, b 116 of unty !,� . 11 . . .. . . I., 4em visib Cl� . . - I �.' , Or- an", in h1ron C WCLIVU , ..s. -­ . .. 2 , . I . the P iciuiar, Prcivin6al�,DP W jll�juf in ALa�duttlI'vIll), Is At t'he' letectiN made t the Vo QoNt� Attorn' D Af ter xecervin CY I ray in t4- banuurO ---vulacam QY A en" eer, U hd tq� mel�t of outside as-sistance Nvc�� cavencilsh ;��,quare this Tio C -6v t ;and lialf I . )bit- at r- 4illiam to tbi! gun$ 11yin' "15�111 Ift, 4 desPaIch-A-0iii Fa Film' ina A !I blater rm, of AA Sji­�Chu �"St Oia pan inven� tIlLeir.; nigaged--to­ secUM, U A micirni tion Towns ht d less, Legief fhe'ii*,��Toom the, it while sa"r� [be:,mjjj,,thetr,1iqadersiwer arrested lailL evidence.' Do*er t rog was, eir'. P05,1 I Y . J\lr. 'oil n& The voll Bll,-', corif ert 1\1 ate, W eamer t d' &Llice 'station; dail ta IS -d h -re both a the 1�-ei, iEr-on- 0- & One h ragged --,.,-,edn' agy. 1Nff —roping a -It4rrms whose, cajhedrA1.,to-rI utter ail e, the . bill lington waa, ristable forllead wirl' 80fiV6 *PaPon, togetherl with �&Lgojng�to- -Pjiae�S'L W eA 'jb. Swoop down passag is si�Lid,� ]KILUX abe expressed -the in - landscape, SOM , etime A ailthim Illhe 0 v"as�g9ing,te ere .��of'bedoinlng a lVilliain, TOm kro . cornx yes an inil- 4xiigett of WhA .1 Inhictiiig a:,se.v 4c tit vineyardsli Born teiltioij L 6tructu� 0 �thb�'other eas first li�ep taken wheri lip tly !jiftietwatds. onv 'fence or man I died: shol k' ' I , , �ji tile iberaticl� parish. church, 011v Aji liess. Th d the r 011916 an Showed' Or rity giT on -journe f wa-rde&-to�-W.1i n& �thte POS e, in dejo*hlgi to sumption' �an. The 10811: eT1 an lit used as ters, alineet f Ord -an 'aPP jea ion. f or, aivill b t t �e t.ha. a� sho.NvIi-by' t ventured. Ill -g tothe affair. at: and� p.cne,,,. V t It for� eatjjuaWd� III, -, . weapon b . , i - I lg,. � A ToPl­� %jee hundrd, -distera ese were -'suffragm, TWO alt ceed:,agftlnSt bave ee kee. OT Ah- Ir rW Liberal lt, eat 0 TOR "and Vie emu -016f Stark r- was'arrest, irthe C icke'd is She, ilas! t n the advau to Dep, d. e. not' is leading some; of the -80-6 officers placedA e but. executi6n. All =nd e, r tile 1 01 VILL UP, ecam 'UIL --J-- - f ill ---b -:" t- -�, kery d 1. Un( there:. pA, in- h �lldren­*120. 90 a, Vailil country 'S -gt., uncan, 6' x 0� fdr ab�Ijut �j or en vitli t iveip I, 'the 'hought -�t liatid' anyi.. -onucciioA rF tuna liolil the p reDU( t d to� I . - l . stellhen; Grego#,, "Te teisguided V�allaen-' spe Davis uU jtVlk III%& t6tur the fire brigill. aow. figaide vw*t.7io� -searching io as, Acting IrI 6t T its- tst., .The- nre': b in oth.6 ditf ere INDIAZib, AAA Gedd, I . 1L ­ ': 411'r an e. aC RM the I -.the j- aSjiFtance. MRI X, Tit. R 77 7-601-ers; were o-- iy.eg ana ine heMR hlring:� R,§i , �Zie, Bou 40 ju ip.-� 2 tile re 060ony -WtTe� partmept to ac Y, Tbe fo ow I lit Aft north, torn. part of tlie 0"Ur Of the rai, -Ei6yator TorontO'. ''The e of' res fr :tue bg--Instructions. tU �iw ii1te., t dlyjai5ing:;�f6lN ew thr 'wi n inted �crusbed' betvveelk,+ ffv,T. I - - . I I in Untry reglql P., to-tef6re; Ole oc WA itse cqid' Me Iluvrixig 0 hthe bouilt,11 Of he e h narii. but ry . ..... . .... instru6ted 'cd WM3: t- -- 'IT, b O-dY, &-too-goo vrit ---y-'Ou- e(louMd-v M . �t, b ric-11C th Ud -UdL U ex all t w 'th; " , h tiffte lb Li4 S b r :(�gh IE tO6.K TOM, j:u 0 origive �Ule, gantly jtji ote To d otime th tyAlfrce r W�e -b. aron police off _iCn _jj"64 Ap-1thkie In this to latr WS ble but ioul Tapt. Das -1 �b at excitelnient-' Pai u re. hookmaki the fco6ipt of,paymerif iiij,kil ri ra, in r e� objects in baD60 Th-cleW tor at A[ tb -In r )I fS: laced on t arly. -pt, the P"aceg their siphts f r,o gun t a.. F1 ell have been, carr ed tiA and t6 �tc o ugh, -a hh was believe (). - , e ILI rece, -S, ic -PT'O!duc'e- hWAS thic -�Lppronchcd_ the� . .... . f 'the t �Wfiii' an The. stockbro -ers in T DESI ITS b.or. 'A o'.0e a, JU ge ( -y a�a,tirne pf"the slay- lett TOTS Th 5, fir st, tr ily lot, d' )i;6tb6i MTED ..�A J d in: P -X- ta,t IS 6nd flat '011 tile :� as ng at h�. or' e -I -013'Pa the 3X99th-, w4ere one. to 14E! T11cre and tr d to 7-7, -the ears,- neeaed to, ria t , con- H0jjSE` IN PA threw It ll -k, -11'e, K1 "'ailgk . AN ACT' lk§ SuBuRBS. fl U rflai�­ 12th Oi t�V.6 w1j6 'for permission 0 d The, f tirvVilr4ed 0 40' t landing. to the 39 Ine- here b(,- car still descela d cu-. )Tacr lin t the: neek'-be-- ick before the 61�OS$ 2� -Tbeie. ability ly sairTqunded, I , ]'I , ' L 4 we -Paid-, � , , I - qu une trtick fore thelUounflis TkOOPS Paris �Icl T�h y were lbelbg Pre ,s: ALI I , ,, -�-Tll('6 n!, wr,,UATEIAT -of, n hlives," 'ection?. arid car- SqrP4m.­Sav -, . i .0 U . .. . k - 1. fore Q 9 -were '�ALVADOR' i ent and, ted" E'6M'e oh an� b l3lianc a or t au'the elic It RTj. It i,t­ Teiiir, y� -tile the', cic,� rif�d but- their there to-, let tb e my, jeci Ul y une- u Ring" by w S.e V, t 'A, little .,hot fir of' babies. .'A Those taken -.6s§cd over ri, P& 'I live, took plilce Oil the -1 :r,o'%v hereby jT the: 37tli, 'bi 1q* into" cu� - a teorili OJ A&Zed Itars are saia� to 11, day j ied in - rep �Zaladorl' b III, AN. IM ORT 'IN, B th. e Of terri P 11,;11 befoqjAi vag: P0 SO . LDIL I x pOUND.Ab), r-. any hear. etfor into C ti�riltory of 9 Korontol gtr�eb. 'S le oge, itil Pr a,nt d a of 4for I if teen-, tg,*,.Itl,, -. , 6 * ''the Anniouncemen h Itiered the,. phice fg the., Indian cWPanle Fire asdorciIxii Gei 'd 'a "d d yea rs Credite'd to Dr, t(hd se,: form -6d, P%Tt �st t Aread-b-, as, kille 6i'd - arain Se . A Milf oia'. q -S., Julie �0; ongpj, 17!fv, X11 �were ore the '.t h1�& fevolfl,�ion, ainirig Haldiman - d� 'battle- had. the niountain I PP, cc jolne beew :-An, mportatit: Ong beit Frmikla) ed jono -b- 'C' , :by Dr. seatil in' th, the line'al Ori,�InAed in 'tb e qdarter.s, ler de ell dstocK,.,,.Ju11" , A str s6M Wants., I . . I � 9, " - tit 127 e T- Irlicr c "'Oubt -it "thp:, we.ro. 'hun --conternPlation lu 'Blue S gi .1,66 to orce of any fi, tb q 3' oil_ Sj _d _Q and is St 'Xi6aii 'officials e Pc -en-, PrIn, ifia otheirl nultnb6r, gcOu Tet:1" 'litial, in bV-the.2%lL- ilet bie Ma.dou tb. tron- pd,n rwk,6,a, t h e. N ki: + t tli�l Trf- STUIU 'i aWut h recelit'visit h t* 'ree 011 -a stile... 'ju io� t0adhor -1a tho;, t t f r 6- C: the 4 UT A11601d, Duc. :of the licivin t-hi4k, tin er, f,6 13 raezxt�djbdt st.OneS. Daniels 1, : - e care of "1311,11iition, fro J.'A Cirni w.1hp 5 id . , hephilanthropiC,, it at, tile e conipany" p., . I . 0, e 8 0 t (;'-w rs' gtjc�gs, sebol cc i- ii any Tnen street.. om- TRO 0 d f will be, Licit( ell' Abbe. She' th at roal se 00 6i . . . . . . . tile, 11AU'it e ona� . . .. ........ firem4n, pi, liere lt1iT:`W' IMNY ze no tjr�A, 25� 5.'0 rxj I h the -hi t V A IN I r, b he 9 the u t T 7 At Chea: po ul. 0 �Buitton ep ERTED. TTON e I_ V on, Mos li'gr C 0 p This iv," t 0, S, C� ostal Rater to tanak. oLL ON$ �D �o,.f the SIT ho 8p�aks'T r6 -Orlalidb� Ig chase Tel= MCI IT 1) r rITY t' -.ral way ti A I �ont6ncqg in, 3, P1 1�qe'.41 Rin,� str(etr- n, ".9p , 1. , 4 16Wres, are VOLIVA. TFLLS', F z 6�fL the PoStO11100 `4 1 lt Ajid th e, atta is :d "Gibs NO serio 7 othe -high rate li'nv a Vi I IN !an( of In ��Sfrj�jeq lie ace- PLq( im�s t�, �j T�aj&up apl�a foi rte Ittw L citi -001 t e In tace Indiis r -all re� e% A.. PE 'L ed V�Uf� , te�d: hi the, t ta �ooii TV NIP< OC F, ZOT V a"s t eh'dli, atl,� G'aiT ilt; Millions P-'' �GR �, A Q I TA ns, 4 i6tist 1)'A p T&Otil" June 0 JV!�ii TJ F TORS, AQ t"th i S, -7. P", n g, �pt On Y 'on R t . �an. 1�, Ti And.,Praticli vl,(�114 tr Cifli i6i� liel, of iq 6n, the -f i, oi, *e d; hea. to �eig 0 tfi� WeTe P, -low, A digo Its j)YOP6ti i)ostag - �.' Ba ance,.'" led it; 0. (1, Iq n� IUr t -AN AD A 11 14) V",,Ag 0 at th, lip. i,�,.,woul ' ; ' S . I l) ar V P -tifo tj ' �i a fdtl Illy, Orr 1 o i&t of- V-40, the AgItiVill itAfL '' � U- na, Uperally&f 611A dii, I �U, bag" �-i. vei Utim IS b of Id ashore' .the pO We 7A, 9 of �.ontrol of tile 'T, Ito I -,v If 6111 6-1 "t, �f Lq,.000 it, th ll 163 b1l fe"v S ta.,Tn P A nu6r ill F9, city D ve, I 'al 0,1 rde� total OV� thc ,of (.010111a lit TAb UTe -�helnr J heM rp iyat to, The OvPl� ft6sc Ing 9,85 L U eA )o, arn6unt'' 4Aally A 'd6riO it, iftca�ai bt4 on 9 to t j illy i 4,b ani batt it for such Ptams total nation. g(blititgo 0, at M July, kte, ne,WSpape 4if f ibei, t t1k, j 4