Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-06-07, Page 6wim EMU 0i V, 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . ...... ..... ... . 4.,. U 0 on, Oreado d:Mi '77 IM: "RETS, zz 6S E rt Le lP uuu4V.N PU ecicd to DIGMT 6 f MCAUSE C Spap is b 0��ed m 'ihe S641� ;177 Ut is est, wnqn an sayert- In ban wriqng ,it is Maoe, 4 d' b TGERI " P ' - Solv% h LN M _E" -WhIch4sa, forged name BM Iti) p4s3l, matterto -wil 0 ap umOficitYand V. It ona-fide one, for t e pro- ess onal,forger.otIjo-iday is �an trust. Itild-41cit 16 a b T th f in' itt'i 'h, 'Y� ICA Th, all Mona r -)I' No matt� f -h 'anilffig fUe lawless 'Work,. kifty 'br sixty years 0 t , r, wa�hing�wjth, Sunlig t,h, �;4g itis an ax4 0 , ow ong st C pted�b I 1 9 . I " 1 7 'i" , T 4", ii�ef;;4.tAF 7V:J� ayAhat" 3 J I' d F37104", xpqw ,were aJLxuPntq. for whickBileaus, sir %, , r , �w4y, vy U ni. ipiti, ae vbo' wse 4A lmenls,, gra ua 7 vanish -sedr4ofAhe pence the nqW r,d are, in �V n he_s6apLrb11 ,6 d,' gtld­�Orl tho4gh Clail qf -46,,�l Ing'--on.-I iign -are �sa ll!4�_?a��Z�n��L_,.,,-_ ­` -J. cre tllqa�,Publi A 1pl 7-4111 sa h' W, AM, h;id suffe-le, !ZlSc-d� thiug,'Iplpr�_ tan� d - r 7 and 1, lip than�i er i. Pur ous4 b 't "estlOn heildaelie &iId _1 Yet. lon-sta, r Li§ 7 11 Z Profes is obsery ed J ll�vb mucli, were, Mileans ba�e`,,'tu el :am called'Upoia almost M -England, _,whete, there 'Could,- pi,"a 'T' I'llctie&lly.- from;` girlbood J ufff-red 1_0aily toi*,� ,,, SU CYRI- spirii, ..IK. b Ile r, Cul:Ious,woi-k to. 46 1 sipecla y Is t i3 tbelease, is,her, storyll'' to 411y rll�onlat_squ4b t be'f6und, a, newspaper, how'e- t." frOrn. ;'?a-" ScItok viieeks Ago -a ver scur- Judigetion, a though, it young- W42� ;,(If : 1aqy,"yro4gh( t" ", �b , -, _ I -Wouid'Ispeak' d` ii,me a. irthday 'Wous, tbalt, Is0sp qouiW,, �w.orse some- firries-- "than, �at lil King Edward- an-dione ruwlit' Walk recervea beaxlug'� Ile "ca JV, of 60:fiul others. �l w words., but or -in; t ib'sixty', i0ct to:: raeking p. It Wri'llten: T'Ith, 4 Mill Mame will:do,fts"w' �y Ite h( �., I - ; �', , ea- s e,.,wes­anxjou_ I ­ ­ I , I Minu es. lbout 4n the b and e lit s- to. pit lie, places )l§'te�rt. �11. es,.-My.hea' �,emed,to go r6 d b ­Ialn :for an expitession o , contem t ard, -know xv ethex th h. cer�.aia. 6Ur�C, 'id;', I ichad'all"loylpr,,tand- ever e sender wa�3' �ounk­rna Y 16thqi':vAFb6 Cl(ja� d-; lEerthlan W, v P Py roll; -Y th'wliblu silo ha4-'qua0oiked a mi� e h Z(Z, ny fore and � t " ioned w''4Y V. . ... .. vith­`b6ile ub] FW_,fieai;y: FWJ�i Pro rlilmllttere4 against I had' b thteeJa6liths be ME) a' letter she had 1 ant to days -of, Yore,,and r_and:ha�d such, ty hin, _o `tbiou It it - u �,l _xand,& 'thqugh it n E__ I --- come to;met ein I'sho . uld, ard--Wig, d -Ls- 'C' 40'.1ar t ��_t ' Equ. _Y_R� L46at ad -xill n A -^4 cjct Getmariy; on the pther�!,nd, KlI�rc_ fIZ6-. L 'in in ol, IF e8e; MaJeStct are h not have mind. gulsed.'i.pjo%,ed. b eyoaa a all 40w',of doubt' 4 461 and a Uffe- I pray- d" -that I -with, ibe':4eital�r,, tba' as k 14 , "'' * , t, " I on - �o it � LQV� - might dicl,� I- was"' t "'I I from ths' _�-oiing felielIA- It Is vt 77 ac. Ila ly- Afraid to Jeat, was, ver -:in, question, eil often, I have y pleased w . this 4" lady and. J[Aia4 Isine� heard,� t6af."th 1 0 aild 'a lived, for days, J..11.er. hert, I POInted ut io. tipi� e':,;ou,,no big �.but-�biea&-iItn a b 6. d een,'Patched "..aad�j" illiirtle,quarre be,ra ar r - 'i - " - ­­- �t . 4. -.Z aIsj0h:_zof-=t h 6'��o pe it in saoxy ILL, INE 1111111-AZ5 �parL- 'of a if , 40 d I bu_ t �,',t had I S. I I f e -,--a- -on eve -correctly'.." V` ot , If` reference- MF1N, ne It e in _941ve",ine any b h 11 0, l7th inclusive.'� Tic,k­. lost' f word, was wkitf6yi­ have &6 'ptibl-L a red ink and�'on, compsti, '-ets. Will be gooA going jun It I Orfibtjnics� 1, g t on't e Novelists eiten" to-d� on t the y* Intrin .�eliief fort -A day but -L .? ;this W e'.2'to 11 -in- when, looll:ting their.".stolities 1ii. pa- C usive" goor for' return to L Jr "A Whett about 2OAYe_UJ,V Of' age -P ;Ith ta usual' Writing Or the-!Plerk , .9tte subject' in 'queatlon I dZqy6re& similar Pe6iiiia llost i soon, retuffi76d.' The landl: alp riyariably-mcallii the,victims obok 4dthouseinuid In a -ph The laNi is so^ woMed 'as' to,brihg, I�ithl "Tito dobtUrs didn't;' In ]both, .ttat; the most. of Apache vengeance. As a,',iriitter 'of �od wages � %4,' gIrEs., seem to' know -guqty,pdrt,. w4s the direct �as well as the quickest 'rolite�, Pas, g"td Mrii.'Gao. fact; 6neean �ay that the Apaches.,ii ever. ny can'I b'- It t be'matter With -, me, 'One rellow's owever;,for-the. foolish, young iengers.-ilia New York. may us its. scope a k d �e t Hudion, tok scal�ps, 11en: who have beertclos6lv, hi ing an anothex said sonfe- Polating� �but to tile more steamers. 11 ifito, sin , Pth­ 1 'c%t my -knoll to-mys6lf R' le exercise Of,& b M Pectin 'if ever It b to hno si Work: th- In SUJ. or between Albany and.Xt1v . a,%Q ,with-thern for.' h' t' a mistake Y S, ut. in :sl>i fi y- yl��-Qw was making --in ',either or- both,diii6ctip yqlar � a it-, r -or person t e sovreign, and to More full�blodcd: Apac e Tile !difficult t A, no One, day -an 'eic�lleat or': fruit IA:;i if th on extrit charp.-Wrife,or call Ill insurance. Y: a, to tend Di ` C' make it, � bn,.Louis Poultry.* close to electric cars--, till agent in- IR�u he_ killed.- �031, e. 'Ifrult rago� dialapassengerA -it Inn gen. ew, Tlie cI4t*s_1v 'n- G to ncorn said, that against, '0�hoa lmitatin, -s`om6 con ro- one7s.t hand - 1u, �udse, y.,wor 'are a] Y orige. sl�reet, the Widest p6ARi e100LOut for wn, 0 a ' wa y his rpretati -acIt6ris ties. for they N- which,' -had cured on I should� take Bileansi., ter death,' and", w 14 1 !. I I Ou d" throw 'I e: mte "may be ?Iace d foreign 6 1 bar- Tor. Ill if _IlLtai 01 ' 1 0 at comp aint., vory, extent ilel -to the" h Ill, entity of the 10 tied ' it. �huiniin_�.blo­od. [on under sus ple�.! 'T bad ciue r faith in propri oreland,, th Tilei owfil dead, tbe 'heI post C i mitte& b-- sk i;:400 yer_ hd roost UL� P 'I i!C Ut owriino­Y iteprodube the han& In i0i Ixed $2, SWIM 'sa nthe speeih_r but� could first We6k'of taking:Eil' r Peple, -hing 'to k -no; a Adams. Torunto. and 'con eans 1-felL rewer than IL. �,greal t OnL .......... In en,ch seven dh9tInct!_k.dJ ' ffer friehli, or T N 46wever.�� in aTe_the­dW1-a?`­at =on alto. Ln;lo;;,i soothing syr, ell aSI wiloffin t............. rtunately4 crej'PlM-- Thiji .Cft�' ow to--CheW4' th .-an soon: eg, 'dDr PYKA Unro tw,o race, i-ro i I , . ement;..� From "that'. day .1 , never .. 032tly broved wnwilan.,.. d c an Is. the best remady ��Wrote a, u y-- wo c ews 'to'each trouthfir delicate. e R said Gi d t a private roo , number of blac '�rh - t __t' h In, 11nd I Grad�ally� the indlges;t lik. for 'k-mallitig � ldtt r me Of them. -should make remark disl womawy 'bnnd fards . and,lakil "ChQ* you, claw, tbeadaA6 �d' aind other letters asI placed -the� othe _izzino��l the halil the offlc� I tasts 11v 1110 1 re, and don't t' 40" ments were, overcome. I took, in bk. 1E, Y .7 lais all'the Bome' Office tn& the handwriting Pliscinations Of the Hetle Pinottl him t6�'the d h �­"`Vrt wriO exarAIriqd1I't-,discov Hurkt., says Fletcb6r� N'rhaps � the _wo:nd_­ d e P r 1) 17- nine` oy s Ind they cured the clIaratiterlstles t, ered b a ral olne, of.. 'I turn in his philosdphy�L�ei lairis -and .rn P Y 0`171t wi easily_be. un- $10 'a bo I pill It :C e,- -M rth y t:4, A,r omes 0* e LL wis 'had' Ore It not for the' ratri�ra �fie:, dbt- d ` I ., - 11 - Pt, M-4, that:, under this, law ana, 'of - f9m r C C vi. it, e erman eque- for,.tk�,"liu -:No uld�--h It tg authorities er. e... now- q.w 2200 _�P� asbonbred"-at, -b in -d V p enty� of em, hvd6li bank it POTIBI 1 1 a tb mg ---for- the iiiam th-' Profiled witli a expert,. w o,, 'off-An—sag- Cure head- and are in :,PrLL -'C0 benefited bk 'th roved' to fa caned,fa ex ings, vie Oft" for,'. this offense. es,;. liver lens r1he sig,,t owerfui ban -t- agreem.ent-upon tho-kreai,fundam6utlils.!,�' out But as there�is any chance -that "he, CofigtipatLion pil oiiIb ure -on. the in :'tr 1�4 findin. anythin cbequeL"with 0 ., IL e occure disoid&�§, when:, a - 6 a-igestibn 'and all, diaestiVo- tnen Dut'the c . h 9, suggestive of forgery. the Bishop and the- �ecfpil �Be �quo ,,to tbe,- fe and e. Lun ridame It, 'h ad hii;��b Ith, of ere, IOU 'Will n tt'"Psultant' egativ &-f, t t -v -ken disrespectfully' e in ,.ne forger who hadin,g�� e I- tile in outb hille there can'bei no -ou, three� years ago. �N Ot dizziness, ieaintiniti, :buzzi eril pf th .�w -i�-efirlas,bf�,uncornfortabli� ful even w d ost U ? B G�rhi fine fi foul breath eyer was bad f r9t, sk4 ch:. mand that their_ disagreement: on� the and laymen, Who 'de. -long a . go the f th h I Th, 5 ei down, strokes, after ness, ar with is, fine, ttL i� -vontr 1 11 .1 i ': �` "L "I ' . ...... the–more I ors hou 4 Journa that-th w 11 on lb`� careful cant the priest I 'of E Yp as: art o ia or lawman the more earn- ish empi ��f Lr6i kaiser re - in flebilit'y,-ete. Purbitsing fetters kc_ gt al�3� su6i� If' you deslre res and roe lirri" :_ L : cl�arl�'irdicatejha -there' Or,, appeE 6 ry o De p t Anatur.,to, 4 f, from :all drugtaii ts nd: n writing of: emilient, idin�,, '-his, nosed �t6 be in -the be d-' Ostly does' It It t ieu on wit ne0V16`tb f picisecuti .. I ominent' fit ew. state 4 , they, ts1h, rear thl ng L Some, body. qua 'the,la of I'lle sltoreS at, ��O . Cents', -per 'bo�c,,. Or L e irect Th for a na I e4 t and full: iespect--for �Acoiredl ah n TIvIl Bel b,,v.,ta Of persons lb ree tl forg 01si t'Akhran ini s,e inuies e -is no riesocc-, from L the :Bilea Colborn a fte: River St. Lowrah9i riplo -or, bid., WQ Toronto Dertarift rthte,. Mii;ard1sl'L, M LIC�Z&U. . I � , . I , . I , iiiIrts. In­6ther' words moder c, 90 Oys: Po T it, of cs1kiiatures and i9M .4umbernian a v-ki RE It ellingille uctlori lye or,� the, Thousand'. Ilidaridi i to'be ted, With e full' and ba�aars. Folders descript LI, quet th I boxels:1o' u Irfe. has r $2.50. '� : � , on the�iopend( known 'to' An Old, woman of-Reyenty-, ''mi -de as, much., n Montre �eq,. Murr B$Jj nth" I7� tb IMEP-1tot byi-.t ��10_LdjlleL fil iux1 the fa 7., A Hlj�h�.Persona in k g: e orl AU onilobili its:,Ma tieket slizent. 9 or. r6m, -rk-:',' - "ql 'A F6 f-6 nialit, each 6 F6 - ­ 1-b- I —_ of- WAWA UPLO" Iou' W f it, - L.� o���&z. KPA_4..,.� To-­,!rp , - ___Pxana6r o� WONORF1 _r g U11 ly "of theXhurqh of, &otland! Her'* e '19,lSbfne ink�T ki. toyq6f I . . , - I �. , , . t -JI, req t�rx�. a . b a 5 dtj�' affeiiWis contraiy� 'xids equal oppo It I in. session-ait Edinburgh in pub of rti xlegflk� had lhr�e�,weeks' the come�,ffo a.". all mg -t f thei'.rea'im, )(7011l - with -aceumu ation- of. 111"Ine Trililcession. the, isiaerick a peer.o all, the,.cril is.,a Sold, �prle of, fine�du . st 'r S,plu ing, 'a, pt -a' Th hold tetitt from the�Kin t t, for `Jelie g* asIbis still re r , J�(", t''th some I'M' a 8 oil hii mrl il�qam It Ve I uring that� . � , \ . 1. 1 . I mmed �olit of ea ng,,par s,of:their "UP ) , , , Way in ajestell is, Lord Hioth-Conmiti2l�;inei'.` troubled, exCUU51ve Y, d A Pirivate4as dru r to, 66 woik,i the -Apy I en, s W te tu. Wilso afiny��Art -sehienced- to,, seven g" 1— 1 I—_ � I . cars', A pl�t* w - 46'aVaid this AilirlOyr- ;'go .�_Pas§age.w.aylke� or Xlf. -Suez lit- sopen, a It r4?ily�-food�dlid­ --cam F l4 _ 011 tin. not digeist, 6 owing,., But' 9� %-Ve- 8 owed. 11 It �6�polint4 Of nua agilitudiiI al;ms *hick he: vas travelling, jit' Casj6: of tl �anli W f Most any of t die fall hqi 0 A" I Ina C vfder'-to i66"h slu e, of' the�6 in H II,� . '' I _14rocesilon It h',L Clit'i Chisel-sha d Calls Zt thi Coat of t.di tr. YA is foreve --three a!: reat --lakE �ets� in -tr6oT. �o the� 'case where, tlfd,, lid Othl _' 4 William H. Re Is o -Hol rob ed. a6i�',itt THEI 0XI d tn Me iii iefdecta;�- - us, x9rin th fre� 6. 6 Or allt Of v ne Y I -Ar hi _zan., e �a. resse d first fr6lir-the very f, f an onversfttiOhs`�W tnA unbillok Du ith \A fashion -.-M nir 4 A to' 'indeed. c1ureA' Hyl 7�" over' 111 oin m. -tlle Us,of I --hi' at -a S iy�6ff­- -6� es6iiims'when - 4�Gn poliVi 7 'clal. - 'He 'was a con,! 'belt" -b aurpris ir iit; f"o _, p q --from,, _t e, ra V ron 3 i6tic- on . nt in, the arr6y, but, these oil 6te e TS; PEOPA ne t e III had served lVe"a!mlember- of-. a-' , Patr seats,When he: enteks- 'a r6bm' e'. 6 6 tEN jmqfs of his ma n standing, until he bids th D Ic`, or the� vre oy t a secon i . . P Gill PYI;6 Qj t e tr it ro inO ce unquestionable 'loyal t� did seatiA. He lia-s' a 1-ft'r-go Staff of,, ns edL Ta Fal n, ove Carl 6'. te Our e� list. ortIE A a ea 0 ;t min from"dire punishment. , : -S In t re ontan. 3 ex on, 6 'd g on U in 6 n 4 it - wai t i ng;:.,w It i I e 4 is wi' of the in traordiriary p eq lorfs, Was th at ,against a, old, to Win er r inard s UllyI arned Out,' 1W WK -I ten.,he r namein,the�, :� 01 *Iese majeste, -by -PhisiciAns., InAlly, acknowledgment 6, ying' ­ it -t , � f-_ - .- �,. . I , must -16 F ' people :nave not visi orw made of the suoir rt with ALWUt thd'L editor, Wheel hi: DOW Of' all -Th& rnanaging botel imlined'ilittL Me Cou esy, empire can 04 1 livitich the k _t u sli cd, ely $9.00 t6 NeWAorkad Return, in, e-signat,ures Peop P� It boundiliss wealth p it"Viatton in id, ir n, rincesses. 'high ValiCy Railroad, fi. S nitig'trelatirlen Linfinefitasiredv oil . my store v 0, the, and tWo,p ­ ing of. Saxony: r . their rerypne. one met' With' lki$�iRVS :the' o Men i Wanted 'N6Vspaper a�itors �Le Urn: uspen the, ffip# In.'1be- , f 0' he ie tl%ltl sIl t obari :t nalne"d Are,4requent *idLms of-.,tb J11 sion B"66 eyes of thoSe y 9i II6.Lwe k6 or '01.�,dird6ti)JIsL 46m outsidpts .36 per Cent- nf ch ut.11 i, tfl, t'd- b- or -r. Se, ntment ere',- once off regular. I y 'is �gLdod' 15 days, Tickets, good, d vo, hem L,W �peq encied tO­fOur­month� leaving - FU V4 rip --prisonme . nt, res 7a'5. and 8.49 the Counti. 'niiiii he-great,Maxl 1W heav i;. fficin race, --the 1' nd fi � Lin ". _ 1. � L�� A 4 eria. Ja --figost in s of tellAaket, did,tio d' S -is ss niaS It eu ars ca or vie . P I given to the .%,are I rt� Ia which.:W' It I I I for Wa n iitsld onto ob- en r. e eordialifk -itird goo W, oams ipl, pod, constfitit" th -principal f I re wa, nt " ; 'L` � L e ue Th y th4t the k 10 King, street, eat, To o, n daportsm h, 0 as afrai'd cill d' 114 OWW subjects and' d' e the third as9t0teheLs in n Siber�ail. nt6t. Ing Ptr I�shcd t d, L' f L ebiliespondet.'rellorting the -death FACTS ABPVT -finger 1 L 'COILVic ed,for-hav" h TOR, le 4, direct lirll Y. at gieatm Do not rill &bou .0p.platipill. � manypairl -forget. 0 I alleged $.1tepbrother'of the knispe. t !G2,745tl, . 500. t0­BOston fpr' eh anothpir 0ecas this is the pidoerty, Of the czar w,e opening w ien a ne spa- i.N 0*09-, -of. wards iStP L incorroc IS., o YOUAet'Dtinsli. iiew. Church- of '01jt, er published, t,11,ersion, CLL %mr . i I., I eec xelh,V -'the City, �181� 1, 10th t 0 a h 0 l7th. 4 usive al roatt:11 03 4F DuAlight W** '366-1 Ttarr. W on. uffs�k Ilk tn lfne�)Fffe.,( onsi e tfbal-i or hi viri atinn "' impor 'rig and� ble,, for the 6tilital. ft�d foll-'r., of ti, 'ell ­Cjj�' 1 .1 1 trios L' in and, uun X rose t 9 Int Ilse Htid� �uild. N t,e re. ed f; 74F.44 4 Ff .1 iittic, q� a,M er -b t -w ie Y 4�tqx, I mal,-, oil- t6 h ai�itll, Will 6tt# lip g, of kx -YLR directions withoi leave had a 1 AYL Th. . I . ri�'q'uail, 156' y in Miiacle-tIII3,� rj6'y bj� the day imf 114 wh y ariy�, M it 0 faul I iforev- ra irlsignificat-Welsh rabbltl' eto' Wfigm he o Polly Pln�tlg its don't',,r6cogli�e 1, eaedS uy� n,t,. an III t 'on 0 'Pos Office it rinual. !ec6ipts, iiii,tion writ� 4 More, fit M DOW, but 1. ti�cd �t afi- old'fla el'. Prago Cd�riidin Pas0figeil;Agent, to, Whafl�.mor�"di3irii�aing.6t�-it hi in C Ing" 1jileeanig, �`S J':8 Jim. 0 pay, of his. AW'fiy� I�oojljg�ta�Whell be Ii.a& fitral Lino With' fj, d6s? 'Some li�y thii,only cure 4 the koe �'W money 6but SUPPose! Toronto a to clonipreberid. if 'You owe a, ."Y-Ppel oUL, 6Ugllt to. pay him if �voti 1p r of fit ity. I)Ian nioney -Y bad i�, ithl. fiain WaS So�nejltn"j ofler, at ou t,* I is your Duslile fi)�Olrud�d and bkd A fore igir6r, i?.!� �n Ul op e I t rectod in- 1006L inwhy 'Von cannot., Alos wit -i b 0 a r" time 0- of er�_t Y� s uffered lo's everely it wail next, Iy ac IBereb "llir t rie Kv-1.0 - t 0 0 rs ?4 c qA 9 7�46 6 r.S o � ;� r, I, �: r� I , ter When arres C(l eJ1.016, tJ!C Coll- d' eled gl�Lall�-Was al ' bit: It: is, a very 'A s'y in a t billL to expla) ti nn, I fo r (ill 1; ieds evera I renteales- p6x In -to IL the Y, aL! nask Cgrl' h e n: e di Wr _y oat',citilbot do it. and advi�ed;' r fti to, rn a 1913 a S 'Abiiurd,_ �F6 rt�f_ nwith eiij is dealYng'wit.h �a, 11, �i, as 61i i gob ei�tta tinie 'if be sirl- De maIl thing', w.r5erofthe F .im z III WxiiA nb t Connection ivith creditors is- to MaTit af-, PV( Fllinmr � , 41 t- , ''' lettor letter or 8brid. Ote.s 147- TO' to ntb f(l, .-Mark O'A ter rid.:have hl in hoti.or ths 00.rrflles;� Ignore them* appa� N�ith silent 3 the ll a '1 '2 In r -Auc -'eircumtdrices 1 7 5 let" :� h' n t.h f ieMpt. H is uhd( f . h.41 ji�ritated and: hthe Y? ;D L j, III, lift, Y, 1.4 7� DID r, rii n f ))t le, gense 'on n,e% -.9, -I' f' 'd 'the 9, th, A ", n7 Mr. OR ta. the rtecofintL perhAps to' an giv foi whe In I in world. i:iiial a, 1, !t l, , ily lind (rdfugidd Do -(Iljq to 760 fck; nri n9l 'other 6f look on It Soteh Chafi sn0i t cap, DU At drugglils of. m, cr� litor t6laAkUt his it oney f IL In 0.13 Mills on sd ite -Co. E in Tho Chrriiiao;tof d w n fk le c in t6rva [or till'tie-d oej fotLf ffh�', th�k 0 YOLI satfs.� Y fac n eVee 9 Prhper'6r to the' L U A mb in pro. J ],no hrb6r fnr HER bf 11pan. The ion was M lcor-., NO by jig & tlp� Aa#t4 f J wer a St'on? t .: It by lbd VIM` E0b f ....... . .. #