Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-06-07, Page 21, " - "' � W -1-1 , '7�, �1,7777 `47 X _4 4- "T ilit - � �:, � X, 'r 'm . . ., �;, ­ , � il , urf, tin 'M" N", ;M Y, W-1- g.� , � h 2 ............. 0, 7 it f ASSAS�ii�. 'n "RI 0 A �DN$OA -i' DL i, As,the royal Uli- iu-akill)c. 2 9 c.: �J:. ­­ r - - _7 _b6fnb-:-but, mi 7 _d Ebel. -b,Th­'-J---­-i­- -a de.;� W ft fiifti�i or n th' ro­%rM arri to "`R� failen�`,% foot furth kN 1'r, N -the roifi� 1�'j ;kJLQXjy" the famous rweif[ding�,.of maidetljr daYs Iq 4�vls prevent �J to 4 dread lul: tri As, bo"in '-iexplodpd,,' killing A number of'spec-, V X� but tatoi,s and',*q,unding dther�t ,JK E At �lfhe'momient of I pers .'n'b to eg,raphii)g the ex-, 8 so intense th tr, Kfljr'�� cu a dd "and 1S.1ig n� y'' sible tio r obtain urateq ritli'' Is 'In)p')�� w. pa that -,16 �_w and -25, injdred;..,- cre, killed st �t�j��j 4gi 5 Kin �,a q iB ed 'llim, p­tP-",0ffib7Wa­8tl1—r6!- —Wi TUILIDitails'of tbiaTij Seized and ,waa, � taken tb OK - -s.- 49:wn. �staii A he.entered, A, I& d ri d', cist I e Alfoh§oi hi d f t the Uhg� _theniselrv`6 eirk, 'the "th "*e f d t t Wood ead- a or itirpegiing ,an v�i on erh 'a tb6 inountea nd rouipV.tj d TF b �yen this Abkifir­i­S�Eijq�,.,,91� ed w t 7t awily, will e-� h tic Owe Ion The IC It v ight `AE; 4uickly,. iccover6d- himself: andl,s glVeli fro m9 e. El 12, and the wounded from 20 "to - �o through a-brb1cen peaking 'S lunof tb -0 ro) -,da g i�h &IJ f "carrij g� hiat rn�i _e a It royal! h, aV at' s� upon 1 e one e Immediately sent an. ordcrT -The it equie, fri t6ji Storey inaow.-11y �'scadi hisser, to I,,; mother 'a AJb- ToUng QtIen,' Jilt imfeigned dei till �another "versibil..is hain 'TAWO Ilieflryof Ba'tt e Th en Ili'-- )1 7 III '41'R'CL left ackno*l- bombs were� thrown f tile T19 T 0 which raisiiig.hia vol 7� IWILE19, cc, commanded adgment C, deafening C balcony as prqce��- Sim k a from i ye� K NG iLl�o S eOon. I o nicive on. Unending t Q _qjj. Vic . .... ..... Above while -the secoiad"r-', S�q_ tbl_r_,i t6ria. . was N Q�Arf.;).;.VEEN VICORM 0, 'SP One, wa lvii-t-she siniled'courage—z- of W come an( 66"gratuia- thr� d own Ijej3tly jn�:r qnt_,Cjf the iy.. �li Ah and ignoring, the mul--, Of�1he roy 1�- I . Wbeels it carriage. It r .. 4, �. _ .,ArS' al'', gaars, b ent!y_were astily hP:,dd JOE: lier� t1ide ej,,-,poIljful,engine,,of-d eaving- -the Ilousib' -were" t V6_fif.tllS 'of, glea. c . urpse It of hiibrii When a bunch of 1,,poliShed a de' i tintIoUsly all tbro, lvay to. th P I nise d 47 ressd. in�' e a ace, �lynch'.. the 'priOners; and 'th9 loision, instsntl UP911 t eM con-' es, ff" the AD"I 0; heri'arm''Ond ' 'thick spoki& T, Marl' Ong hose arrested. Tile' crowd ARA kill "ing JITUffibbr es Its, erKp h' iw ched— I U, ensin ed. �by. t newW of.: re at t th were s'ova, ;jIlo e.L I arriage -vame hem. beiiii-i ei w 'or - revenge, w- ni 'en, bfi th Aiist--b erk,,, , El�_pp�%, 'until 6�irnb" ;i- St. 61 no n 61kind 6d_ consternation e ns.-Aere kill I" ives, 'tilt t1ley, seek OUr­sQ -P r, .1. ­­ ., : , _ . - I I I i bry L f U, R':r LAR D' _S` llilli as th, � - �ein a ace at the King 5ple hurried to tile scone: to made of: lead, Ia& been MUM. -Lnd of- -the At D iceman Th 'f is qxp,qrion,,, mo e. paission a sq, great e. pergongl. and' military build-ings.,ilTh6'Mar�'­ Th t er t e among tile -spe'ptat it arose f; e r s' -,-s c ro Muth forej Wd oof -in-nand on,a'balcolily ox, irived,:and the e, cirs:� h f i ere r Anarchists. of men an S I ing an owing, ir ua i at 'first ed t d b i� response d Ith d litic cheor \ I - e was ipan in rt i y 19, :P a -mut allowed --1 f, ilatd, e, 0mor Ort ev. and, a. I e of !a nt. d'' oment parit ysiS It IS, sierted. that the- ads"Sjn' Li t R scene 0110we YOU Tgut, Fren It. Y. 4,�10W,Arga he -he: pe All: eyes tUrnpA insitinc-, apprehe XUrderer Kills Hhlis�lf' e nded, t r5pn �:of a 'a 'k it Catalan— "Was the ruins, Italian Aiiar .�aces amid yie a; 4-'-' f 0' m lCh son d Ms­niec6 a tred. afid�rin valUld, irst, man to "nine-Jil'a"yS ago., 'Ehe c Iftom Ileing -rescue t w" onfusion oo - greiit-� to;.),),e, -able to k r e in � ja re her -,One --f Ocauelq§, a r -di -2 the r gin -Wx9­tbT-0W—n-- Inning larque'sa, de, -Madrid'.6ays K' Im, dragged ohad'all to door 'Of foyil carriage passpd� along Uis ei allii'Mayor, Q a nd'., her daughter andi fell int ti the public'. tifeen Victoria o, .tiie,:., n.- ne,s r)r, 'is tri 3,s - naMe even. more. in ira eu op cape, an seetie' appy n- e ragment. or Vita tr ti -fd -6 Y, ail -.Ma;t,e 9 n &01no other, officers. fell'. diatl; Unit, the , r \% d the The �60ni g f t,hdi Chicao u 'waving her fi-am- Bi ri o' Chariitia eerixig �Oco-, rqya coach fattere'd: td, An a stiouick 'his' breast. blit the force Was� re, led pl, One� Of tile bo u' 'back� lazily mulos wa& kill lf '�A. lyrokie ::ThcL. quet; a by, the'lebain of the Pd waving his) hand, not t kifi� hj­ otioa.-aud- ave A, als- 0 cLbfal -ago 1 ch -'-h e-wat 14 inSar-r-44ge-werewoUnde _,Ierritied h bfi e," kklae;w )at r w 6E, as E4 I piece of 1. ry, PoAtet,:--the- a" ­76f taken''._'up" to and Qtloem 4ligh-to&.'and'e pe(I .1 h'i -Tli 'hlight�-Othor, 0 Cars e expiOslon. 'It'wd's ;then 2.20 A terd ffi& "to h and thie ce, which was only hi,,,ive plierddd the Ki!�g's.� breast. . Ile e�arlporary Alt, ave.. n,6ws.`tjjat ii'-didb6licilil" -1 _O_ of i6spect and grove came­__da6hing�_ pa , ... .... ---r The, ciy,a,,l _,pr.ov brad' Pg Ing th�­terriblc, '4, is r4morea that 4, 8�'�-hiiurs a . go tho h Ill th� th�a, :ridyal T.h Pelft was huri, ldthough 'h attempt � had been.,maN u.o e youg King. was coo, riess . ot th eYi` ear ii 'the IiVds, King received opp6site� the ,ape seems �L 1 4 anonymous., wArnin&.' house, when: the Of' of the King and I . :, The -cap that 'cam"ef On reachirig,the palkee-after U in I ii ader,: mirac T-h�� r6yal.pr6.,I,So e days. -ago th I' bothli was thro wn., fell f be, f 4,bg�L.:LQ a brave, -effort, 16 'the" ` p, i6n;had piissed gh, Carlo Alcql 0 OUS. cess throu a, warned .the..S,l talian Gibvernment sTh 6 �,Iuissjle "nk,, adjut4n.t�, filh made' -who tbe,xploskr! notice Weio t carriage,� bet I ween tlie` hin( jinosp: cd densely and 'bad ;lost track "t, , and J�iter sent: office I theo wounde feelings b -i--the-lear I , Ult had sed. the �Puert. -del, Sol and ibli- of ,a o rs old and the, child's father. Xhc� boy' who w� joy llair. es� oL,.T, aio his. f4ther's ilinne to, --every chiit.' amorli h to, �hortrpr_ ic IZE sit rves, to eye; t it, I t his tered Calle 'May Al on ne so wa j V nt y -4b f all the n ow, -I ti n osbequit 6--bf the - car- oljif _1filfly I) tile �affair i-Ahei.-Prince and ih6 es, I s narro.wnpss,..a jig w.,.. eat x e, dii. wg Princoss, bf, e, rchank so liret and pved�'and in 01 aii or. �FaLISHEV_�l =-'aral is S a A ------ r the EL. -needed by, gies; co §io And 00posite :thd' Tly, 4irowd 4vftefi. tit', rebliz :a Qu iv� came in na I e t 0' lors house it'groiys. yet 9 06 d e o -b J; it lbe .:spot �iinl .6.�gssassi n., had poi;t,., aculous" melt cm b, p6king4he paldo Issl(�l the� aNver, w9A U , i Ma n eCable'says'. re, t to s tea I be en pan h, tiiiindies, bofo geAnoe U )r of the r e'llcene. in e, 6i�t;&g6 had ',6e Wince of, ales a'Tid the I tta ;ic, t nAt f 6 ohoix! n y- t, ie ntfifir' on anice; bec of street a but, f -The,-proc 7j c distnt'lied' ew wee stre,eb, and was f. aft r mor 0 -4yl L 'ro3 th�lioved Nvhbn t ev. s&*t .1stunning'a l4rge.nurnbeiof peo.. �o, 11ing ir S and'if4tieon areive; and Queen- Ch' the artl� utter6d. ;get. Tb6 't- t their cs6apq: The PHn -I hit a of -IN tile V t lie 0 %-- so ,that If Ad ecn ins groiks ofi th in 3 8, n Sol on the Eind.bf. telltionOto: Ireep i:lp- th D_ ';,that ct in IT f J-1 asc can. 6 effort! led f c, n the I& to 4qI e I r P--, E. Ut- 1e. w tne, �te;re'd alnother o t 'Just a aibi]V. Were." to b6i e t Coach --an ariven non, fal,16 h a d, f a 116 gloo teeP Pc o rlivelific'ss' and wot to Of A R I Ell d'e-d t�orc c, f ll't, L iill, am- lee MP &1:74 it 4-111 b 6 d a of� 'Vol' corn,- FOR Yi. NG' M' LY&CHI `i`.p are'.. Th proxinni,-y, of tj�_ ell of' CArand-.1 itto :the:, e Iva's j_Ll a th " ip , i ine aiv '2 a <on 11, a mn itti:0- 0S2 who I 4�reLproved. P 0 b Value of tt A cstiltrounsled Cc(, P i'' twri g1ror Cam'eron� f ail 'd ".; % -Un ��I. t �iaa t'; Toronto, Aftr­m7 ca,littmod:7 or mwo t er lini, ftlatch, t'vltll J. '-Mell6r df-'Statcy� Tho - col.1fay t te U'll' Ava$ W 10 Ij .0. not vot T1 greatly ;,it flio. PP lie 0 dUsly,thdrt;time the,r, my, avorite a mij.2 am Btu and son -in- aw 6 r6m; r' �a �T, bt!6 bf brldg6'At iliI6 CryStfrPalac' the.x'p'o*fq of'holl F_njji�nd 1,jor.tfte, Iiiiernati6hii Cffa;�p itiiliwe­ ij�, as:�covered-,Wlth CUtd:and'-br6isjg.­ k and Lbrj -- -1- . fit-aled­and' -r, ime" tb-0 wa 'a PICCe of es rn cbmpj6i&ejy nit it had te t b :a1i1jst to S FREE ofiling- to all of totlic. five r olle, �jr fti,ore I I off my rm a, o,v6 the-'elbo*. 1, antiCipAti-d bilihi u' snot\'' b Ili anc -the arm, or along ti:n' 't �tbld to do anythip -With o, jkr: $ . . sber. f n, 0 my delight; h' Z warm till OWever'. 'am-Buk, clic 9 Or them In, thr6d -days it haj�. v the voilliff" 0 i I e (I &�Up irnpossible b b' in tylo days.. who tl�� r6 l now �k --tain -tit the ell' ,there was 'no tr'Ac" e. Of the I n-jurWaS covered wit days� ater h in' and.. a. i�w the Qu. it' ­ )" - -11 . t:'�: 1'er, biij( dT-J� OttP' 3 a -visit -to 0 me,a e 4 Ira, On Ls,' 0 r, t bilootly pool.4 on tl)4 th4t -tile '-:ZAm43Uk was1fitro'ditic' t Iw years, �kg Wh ill th I' -rib 3 ric era or �than tha, 3i' topriii� in F-jig'land S F. - h f the: ad,k ul' that it b'�iic­a �.of the tot le: * lousq, fl-roit 'the,'bomb .- T 11011 w116hi 'a dnd.abrasibns th braZoodfdr-bri sesj�eult cliarged an"an, wn, a M. re. in 5 ii:n on er: I �t e g an y_ I fs j;S u am-�E 'd hc ith"o" Vi f blendi 0, rj( 19 c, P and . �inQO-5 , " wherev th C' et �clpipd that lie piiofoimill� iimend it f6i a gooa,,n a T'ieic'or. 'd or: j L1'r'j6Sr '6f 'd' fA Yowu6inx_� this- lany�jan, ,an 8 ers. f T LT CO, T ri n1c Prdp_��_ rp A -an Postal with C-6, s,es: �O HE WHEAT raii le t he Iflaili Eat, ficldi A Mitdri(I , c n am.-IiInk 13 a pure, ri;flne ee.1 le. It to or 4ki drto, obtai� b tht bombs. Will d no no RofrnW:fat ulAter., t arlid 6otal of bdglini t' e fp�� agto it Lie, 1 0 JA� n., r indo' 0- . f le -b!jrjji, o!jx.pbn rin&-.�xphh, ppos� ohkk2, '9'5 - . t c r y 9*oIldrj j0Uj`L&1j wire inri Amin -fr6hiithe- I feat, opraing, rellm txpir��alid all herve, 0Rjhf (�efito a box, or v*sV trod S IA P11eq Colljdrjjo� Co. ro Me N-Zliamplouorsorld in tu od cotl �c pt", IT W4 efo�10111("(l vai d 01. 11� 1) e nrdvit 0, cic 61 coo! Ulz, tt hOI08/ Ili tile of of d ri 16 11 C, ou �ii)q fit -At do�jy;, e, gi t fp c . fa� r h g, fol 0 T1 tor anNfidd, jonA f all, t1Q liparb itpty -Wf: J116 a r. ss"6r �g.Tpss; 1 peviona ity Jt' di ,.;covered the U Pn on. tho W1 A t6iiiin't on tit, 10 11 rl, hepce.