Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-05-17, Page 5T 1; 1? iC Af .7_77 w 10 LAI �41!n da erinan of toebla.14,1i oVer'Sun, Sy. 5 �Tiss. Annie Bue-1 arn- uit., US ri7 ------ 7, h-- 'd In,,Iucknow pmqdi� -.9 "W"I on . ........ Laurier,., r to V The, -people, el - d Tgr�i�_ . wqkM I � I �tate thedeath of Me;,. Dan .0)f Loclialsb. 4-, - Dy AN IN U 'Quite a nuAo�f­ 6f th`�-','b s' 'wer6* cauk AR Saturday 1, WA "f t —AL, �WJ PAOIP� -*k '14 e /,4 Oe toyd­dn' Y, rv� 114, Alex. T 91� lumo arric spw i All� e;' th" f "L. k k tin ay4iffitheirsistet. agi, DOW j o er arric,� Q i b tC' rkfi-i6if, wenf out 41- orij"-' t is week' n Tne�day�.of h e w 0 -ce,, e-ge goe t t" dAbes.' a�'._:the "TO 0� a lng if­cf. D. -T&DoDald, Ais is,a c an T� TI h e & g i, 40wai' _L h 61 ay..,p9rhing i:9 z' kh­diell, Sund t Gor t sC 1,: e a, S." Illy S uck-ji,Ir .6 j,, L denx pFe re�i7 ear he station *0 � L. , , . I �. I 1� I buy iil MV . -6 -Agnew,. is rass ki Jnds 0"firon FV.48;. old cop b per, -or, wh, ch"le T � was wE t I otalliffids, f 'me a will H19 U, LUM:13: "FOR SALE, Vay th b g e8t '608t.-PrI 7.-77— I b e 'NOW S GL EA 7 ---------- I --- 7- InIVIR 1� I. - . I , " 11 " - I . 9 NEW ild' do w�l to ca, on -pneq of r UP Bec tay w -a - V �7, t ewt dude, a% w p—art,01,T? F �y *Ao- 'grmwilia .ow - 111 1 'as V "a's-.. on A it 8,6 doors - b 7 Adl'fig,'t -1� a b -h et6; al Is too, ista J_� e P t10 I 1171 1, at �:�id in, OL, REST FOR k �Cb `� !, Pri Ij s Galateas Dxills, F V FASTUR e o es H Iom r -p X p fnes: are gbing pid1!y*,,,ajj! s z rw _0 46,� lu,. "h Lot 64. N 'i '+' n tr 13 iik-tbe Bout qww Ses WNV am jL "4- .7 .4 _0 '0 -777 A �i ai a and- illdii 'or, ore her'�pam 6 f art' u Y on, prei 7 A- k1m, or A OLouablin, 7jw JU U -'assori --mairt 'St�:ibp 6316d A n 4] q, 7— -P �;U; 9�,/ E:71) _7 Z '00 e P Ashil I - t d c.re§, -,94- acr6s' :L q 'YIN! Be 6'a6�es�,bf b 'k: 32� ace goqd �b fiVuse W4 f an n., . 'M �d e 0,16thin M- e' u d kitolie d al) 56b.11% iiterled by aii o.VLQrfl'0�Y'ft Y SULI B wk -.an& y7V�6.-, U��' - lid - _f Vf �0­c "I �­t LDa� :"�es - f jr f .-,IL . P 0 'ff .0 Tle S. a dt­j; e� _gr6un t ra� 6 4' P T, nle 1 _7t le: ns D 6 A V_ COURT: OF RRY in oss t at", t 0 n oss wilt Roll f6ii.:th6, Towqshi2o �i -51 f K., I—' dat o -c be fo� th:o Revision of -A iz .0 4, 5-s6d Y 9i r: assorthI911 Nl3ticai'is net h tool b' :7 owns if or e held &L e� M -o1`T-M-ondary-- appe-arago ro6d' 7 W _.&nd__-ffl1_dkab. OMMI c V �qk 8 0 Lwin c, a n -A-the 101 41- - -`.1-.1: 1. 1.. i + --'7 t a: Ag) -J n --e- �Ofi f7 MA% &k 7`7, 2. _49 'j i's_ zif ias w t lie h sa ART. n 6- '0 -URT -7 Mi 7. :),N waivani)A, e., t 'R W� s� V o ffer -this-. :e W-e I 'G- A . . i ' . Ii � r 6biy, ffiVeJ2 .,t g & our, lit "to tb e'' R-e---�i- f6r-�Va, ffg re T esT6 A, to- E 9P.,ecia wrilkill- W. 0, i.acadi h H S N* .,�,are: di, ffimnk' i They 25c,"'ra.5e, h # Ion 6WTjg -1 o or P naps "S n REPAIR A 2:__ :Vtav,�n6st kt" tb TP �INEATLY D PROMPTLYD _e On Tali�bii Wediaeadi th, -90.6 1- �"_Cojnjn�ucjn'�'at 10:01616t:k in,1fi6 UPI neg oi-en,66ft 9 Sal I cour an �9,ver,n C43 !V fqo�ico 0 d 6: take % 06 At AlAg,,; b j. f Vafii'os:haV.j� 08elveaz the' w '4�,Ccos�te, cd erk. 9.0'6-. 4110�1 - RLJ > ZK1 S� LE RJE, 1k .�Fppp w TALE T 2. VW)ngL to.,ill';hea t depidd. 0 -sell. my oa� L-"" D '; W- �,`L� 'N. V, J .0, f "UIj, ConSIS IjIgL 'of "Ib %1 i�'L _J. acres.,on hd 10bh".Conces8i6ii 61 weit t . ...... fixmilbs: roin in jjfL lng�.& ifig p1j" . pne- ine -lia 0 Add;ffifte, s ire' now,.,� 011 a 0 0 1 ST 1, 7fijT6t%�i,1­t W �"Sa�b,efok�-YOU""have'��you &%t r min 11S V d o­ wp'ship W- to CL'" 11, f LU' e To lip Vqi�a'%rg, inebts in the; 'o 1,4aLTLOAA 'AL. I i '',pay y6u a 0 %jI,­0B;tbr6 96d sdit&b e� Ings, am 1§. we bVe d T 94RANG-E IR ry A n pr secon a�, 01j: 6k ..., L, 4 .. 1 .1� , r, t:1 I . 'j,jLi�ing..­WiII. sell. b �-,eaSy termS. .0 V"'t' V4 'HAV 00 39 !clo��k "In daYL�.Cf-,--e9,ch­hi6ntb for g i, f6w W g - or,��Stq URE"L �AND AINE �eLforeiho.tull-'inlit6b 1a,th eit ef o1L, it 7� 4 sueet; Luoku re�g I aro,,cordili 1'�, A tly in :,.GUE. q. furthei f6i Val ot, wtite,' 4 1". 'E. �161)on*ld T 14,. -Thomaij, ov&: ti­lileto�% . e 01na UP ii� GO F" S Q �u pstj37 116 dAte4 P.Ain UCKNO .:.L( DOE eveirk"TTHdAy eve ing A m6fisik., Lim, of th6 or o t 8 '1' in� -T6- e i'�e d' 11 t t-t;AIi­bN ';'a A00 tg in ncr..' LX, U Nokioson w.L.LjJ3 Q: . . . . . . . . . . W..0 r, 7" T Fin i b R V MORE' on he ge 1i a J, G d d 0 MAdtioa 60 K 3AR11I§TPR, ec"r P' last Monday' ',to,-; (late of CAME lfigB of each naoi.— qi� airs o S. W* 0 06 ho�d iilbt,16s 5, 4 putt., . . . ......... at eighi b'6166kL., 'i � , 1, " 11�! I '.1 11�­­ ! N C_ -do _U� now. jn.map o 2 - ----- IlinIV -k, i hgjn.m�iip r i J3, OnRjsf)l 11STNH 4- X., _,_,N(JtarY, F Mo e of Ch, TES -0-" - intin 9z ren tx"I LL )rder 6 TH r 48 first' 0 .8 an es� I third Tuesday Master, V ,tlgfj 0�. OAC 4 at 'enj It or inL,the Qdd, *,s re i ence j 0,9� . t dots -,i-fl 6 'kg�ing '10 ., .1 . . I ' ' 'I, �j - ' ' , � �4 1 � k;U,'' not, di ou,,Can t 'MEDIOAL- 16� --eas ib,� we lLt -fifikul I Sentillo'l' 0' C 'bel 1) k. �A. 'Yf. . �SPE NCE IL IL:" 0 bof lq�� tb��1'20,jn668. across and,,ixi�� orq, are i P. un d ifivited. . , . , . I 1 1. il Pig' d ce �T- and SICK! PuWP !ii,, 1 1 S next doo to , "Ad 'k t i - logs out of,,, 6.1 A 'id d !1,�E SS POLIC moe a eyery Am Chri§. lick -well. " Re V­�, Hr-,` filling, up old well. k,. d J, 1 ­ Alto, il,,,aO P 099111 Tl' (3�4 Yru It SRI G 1 13tty and sell UdovininwitJ'Awes lir t'h o'. 'It -- To PAIM,900'd I Oranp,jHj 1 131 ...... d., i0dre n are cor in �,,n Coon 8 an i e( an 'E '01 A 'k koi�tosh �G b 6'- L Monday of every Tnon.th i 1, . - Pen ktate and'bukini§40.,Atoe�w. , reittik,' Vfiifink�brdtbro 11 j vited PAINIM K'A A M ran IV THO.,PATE ro. v U 4 '477" 4, mtp ;%