Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-05-10, Page 114 T 4 '1 Wklll't W v �,C P 9 �.j "R it "tit ;'� 4 T 7 -ON-1, 4U PA —101L� MA -111 77 7­ Balliffe 841 -4nnel An 91d:... P", -her :�777, t t T '6'. vvjjl,�� be.. Bold -'O� McQdr I; 11ir 7, 7K? 7 1 �i �E k RA H .�T�h jSoge aWLAy A"lle dear qnqs,�, one ix�ter an egg: wa g gun -A.mee tow r9ni . , f replenish '040 'o. . A 1'13, 4,�Afh' hoUSe.lurnis WgS I& a o d -Docease& �1' W- ingliskii Lu�e UA S 'M tk er& OfL. 't h Id utknow�-,, ay `7 'or oP P. A was, te In was or,many ter glng� meeti,nx i, L � ' '. L -perp exing yeArb 'b '11' in� set 9 aset, �&,Tu PO gaL "Ren" hvdseelean�� Tj t 'fin L ',ship V" L- Op331 -be -f6j OjVjFj&, jf�Le�j� 'w*ere�� 1111l; wl, p th v illage ,b eDL 4111919 kow$, �c "P. LLJLL 0. W Y 11,11" ' _r� Y. rre,8i T. L'j GOA 0 t t 0, (F. d Le need, of arpe o6heAt�$-VqIq'q!k ft"S t- 'hio eums" c" fr, 7 C M c GA, e ry, see S�, -hint "Ing oUj_k­, vu - P id,o' nt I Bjeo, il- W W e evenipgtne P, .' "' 'L :�'. L - r _J'njar R'OCTOIV,'��', A J. d, B ED` 1855) * 'Zr� - "" '' , li ,­ - -,=. -- . - �", , NOURPURAT. 0 e aV X vaues aJ2ag1ng­-,­, b d JYJL 7H---,R-ap ev� h b ' . L - e: . 8pecla iruy-A e oewihii ­ I -7Th' "'or: fe me; Y� S. ReR no ,4 -000�"QooiL d k Vw U it-imeed nibn' CArpet: at 30q- d 0'h�.S Of T-eivjelii s 4 Doe it F 6' rile a ora, 'OOLO en J,ricard In, o t ung weeaR that are�* startmg'Orl� E.,.Johnstd� -K L IAP , in 'a,bIqrpj "'at the Lig t 9 a . , -A I- " I ' — 570c;. w, yalrd W! W. 9 yo Apsor, V 01 -ku,nd V e`P RZ7,lffl ing vy-�i n6at� pat Orns 4 t'h­'-: of ��r; ju Per 7 t 't Spit on't Wa. or f, our. ea PIJ dou le e6es- 'Of gain 130 e -l' 4teirIaL141- There.will be a goo * prog ' ram 9 t o y garden, don b d o fur h "U98 VIC y Y, rreR :P, sLy ing: d'-game�� and 6 e Yod per folj�w� Qrthrqw paper on..the .,strpets� 'i 4 increaL 't he- �Iat L'r " ee t- . . .... r dlawri t V- C (3]ij"jt�t� 'k-AX4GER A$. E�LIOT. -//trop�byw beingj 4�7�.Uver - I!P� -h AI�br overino,18 to atted of­the-�ize,ofj�qui, ing. r pp Y P W�-: MO your-. y 0 t -or -pPbj�, the,end-to .6,ffo r t put orth, 6.� air d,Zj!E:1tAL V iCP P, lmnlixret rL­ Agent RE81DENT 1� d I t P, L,L I Every rutty aroi TRANSA�dTND. D _:6�1&joRjo. an, o -BAA 6ditor-of-the- TjOWLL -§U,PT to improve our. 3 )e�rances' a witht' b4der�, al, j Orley . ..... 0 1 .1 . , AN G; -lie adhe'duI4 of,katn`es i' as'f Alo,W � 11-w. / ' - ' I � I ''.. .11 1 .13.1 41�­':�. � . A x8rx -Tu-it ed 0 0 a will..be7re6ir�ed Okd: f 9 t A ''Rioley: :F)�Pr"a has Wj 6g qu can get 'a beau Wi eArdide " - ­ - I "; , z odIti, jif -ii in. Brds -proper Y mey, e -ianjaiv ereary arvioIai the: IC' 6cardine v., A Ig t, ffig 6U -Bruce Dion l5th� T .4aqi3gL PIrr rane I EDA a -Jhia� --7 `r' are rea Y. 6�t �erament. Xq� A­6iddall -'Juite 2,9 tLh'. a "!1­'-A�0.. a 0:1. Act nifelp , al FB S * � e I -injgIpff At P0133 ate. 'j ng tw% tormL OIT.- is aP- S' bbath -May u Y. Rei% A B. K .0 I,rdiii6:at Luoinow" 7- 'A -165—ovy- Wt j) B. -Lu -`KfncarCi6C.'--­­, . J,uly Rth: in Wi_� hest,)rjj. -up, no?!,,4 w- id' a ja w And, �V 4- 6r�n �A. PIR 20t (A at. Lu4now "July SLj Y & b but 12 Z Dep -e �t-Allowe& To�odtto it' wlf jl�o 'K r4te I .. I.. . . t, " , , , , . UM, d se.rvices,t rl e "d kL Tew ( to, principta Mej? at'64"o4igii a _of a IS `W A WE P in wice &, e;Lr.,, U t " , , - � , ��N ot( , stAo'- aa� 7d d�a;� I 41A YL`27 4 an. tm intore,3t nolloWed arr' ourrexit frora., on, ,Y. �effla' l�A �Qjff d &68�S _g , _­ , I-, r doj)(�,4jt to,'dite. 6f:LWithdriW%1 Ing' Bur , L� L ­ -- — L T-�J- , I L _ _, � L �1�7 ft, JUX jx-awp oFadid Tfo W- incarcjne.,..':.Aiig. Ing am -d Of th.6" Vihole or rd sz, IN" I J*.- -60U,Ven e a Ing - w. , a eawa Wine ester -will, d9liY-g -Yis� _Y_ 'A v1U97 -depos `h At A— JaWgf clesigns at .1 -of, , , 1: "M t date x citiit6zon-L -An h 777 ont W-POWIC �fle ' 0, 1 t0met teadi,.18'gettlng in :.$qme T771,. oil, i XO 'Surk. Ily a resi crit On d �iv Chbys-for a number jo g . -M e As' Y' Alguat JAPA e. ndtbej,,0ys-tb A-'.,Jbat-- T 7TUSHIM" 011CIte(j, _rke—U00-P J), goo prof bjuSIV0. ' � . P L 7 , ' _�p d 2L5- 14 -A d ;r4ft -w1l n freater-w-i -give­u,47- P cLE L c 12th ib, for landifi� -`the­�,,ttro C�'Per. YL, -L U C. tOW.- noteg� t6C.,- ' I I , I eir 5 1 tj 'j� - ,,, VIththst -in- t= is -persona e 6. Lora wi ::§fje,some 11.1-!X�10 Y tj rork, Wi jereiating- p6*0�.. . 1, - I ' ' : � . ..... ­ �W -an ar�3:L h i�perienI;e I . 11 " . CU,� ree:9n 4pp t b good pecta at ns ri-� im 1� collect. b t i-y-ed7t aso e q4;i� , '! .�, "m. 11 -� r--laingb­�-Of aw d ulr;��� ', �kt Val t ^P1lP7.` PP 7 aces made-tq fart era ji� 7 b 2D6 uvto,3'-'7�U7 tailas. frow� 7 an -a -061ath. er. Rne U ! t bunir" ------- !!777"!!�, nt�.n: e jjji:j' 12th: 6 Y 19-61 .; S -o r i-ity- and M le It alxieg� Unexcel d le Effinganno 8 t urteoust , 0 rie of -the wl 'ded'to'Ce'ebr& SL men.bgve,variou C d nea-olq 4 �S courte d' b t t )a d Saturd Aalsat'506 .1 60 1: 50 - dell arrying,L mo'ney lie the 'I Utch6rs,ftrud millers­q*rqj� in a. wt 2,1 to place thte li i a 'verisgry 'o aeIjL Of; the j-pf n, and lo-date� �war-, of Grocerzj Up 00., d* 2th he oyne y 6ixteent at, b h on u, f� ere hi� --in Ager 8 IL e W 717 77 T M biW Iincq' don 1� hig It' p0t I -CJibt6 A �ME 1 114 - Battle of, tbq�pe�'Ooi,­ WfaTialf, 10 ­`­N�L E�'j`-`­J­'-,­h­N, 83rd an era in c Can, Th(i­6ommitti 4-&Uthe� L' �L, ft M -D- -L --J :CtoUfft f -16.& b IY7 the ON be la the e�i r wiie! se 77 T* eVr rr il -Pr I -ori ,N� h' e 1 F 711 �es, was, 40SOCIS, e �g -WU-d­7tff`e­. VeStL a rot er iq �:witlx hi' b b the BtAhtf0d e farmers, t C hi&:in'hid,trotiser packet.., Th., 'Y mug, 'and dloVerg''iji most. bnjoyab C-onri6r pubieq­u'rntl bt' V" ff—T Tt inside bite y pjck their I 5iu�& to rall trb6 in 3 Gl�bd And HA itton Or Z -few V sra- ex Z. - ­. - - i �­ - � P ol�EY'LOANE� AND, IMA 'T.iM Ilk �usu I a y carr 0 tbdira� -ih h r e Aj d 0 ORL�- vs YVoV -at-- , I., I* " , 00�11 �11i�ln �-,Po G n to , ur.- isull lx� -To Ye ton. A widow: jul .0 -7 .. ..... ... ­ - 11 , '4 -A Money rs �hUe - - J.'. d" gecbnd', ast--6f-W qhur-qh,7 tviyie� him��­-� to: loan oil �an . . 'R -D�kjL ' '' ' " Re no 44-ukifia A'�, Q .4 a6l�-�Lby­ I. ; . _00minItte - f Ch� t� Vj"W', "011—s 0 lTor; rtgag9q. t E yopin. gs �4go A Judge, Not si)n,,.w io hx,d�`,gtbide. or, eMona,bl�&, r'a;tes4 a 7­W­ent`fCr-a-- rive, MY nine 0 2 lid Ot -a- sai r r4ba, a er -,4f:jUmbbj�jOr_ ne'V Mjjdh k0beein in ilea, int 6 sh b' pure ai3v, 14 -a -t , ­, he at cen -ca, am-, If, I it his: fat rL' 1, 8 ;Oere COUStruc t P: gw*­a�d ex an 3ire insurance in. and 'Out'Ldf it" a M t d p k' b c icy w -Sin -ok nd Dar a h vatui�, in the obire'70f �Y," j W a thst b A -h fik-in )� .1 '1 -&nt-he��lif V -ffiCe-7 Yr -T, 0�:oIdzjzia t�y� - -�3 -. rit i's he4rd the ibaiark out -1 , 1 , ZL ­ ok ine Jhar, �lb a 'Elk! -0-uok' IIJ17 r,� stru tj!�:UL jjUt2 W, Vi Der k ji it'WRS 0 eCE6 V.&It. 'am only 86 b bo 7 Jewel 'N h the 6nder at all t at e 8 -'Wujo were a jl�iat the e Pi . "R, ,cease . Ar gold. VIRCO.:- u 0 onia -,were - clamoring sborter �d,fia:Vat ciY�s in ojryi� i66dde�Iaj�je: lovoed. -h pen;­-Whstbver pen w fowl, is 0,G j rd in st L .� I . �, a. , 'Up. .4ar' a My :sUIDe, W13 met, Ime, may'l)&VU beenL L on gtL .'t, tjj,;b the-tiluie d' th ge AL,r,�LLjT­"1''' hours *hen.eve :-Lac , , - 1.� : : duck is T Said p6k ia, rjke� e he th 7 puFpOqP our WOI�ey Ing a n6w. scheme V. -A from a tra*W !q, �qriDgr k i,she ToroInto'' .,.01)6 61ing :is e ATO- a o't bUyMgL' y­�,c6rrigaii-- Of L, Chicagp--J�- bil t, ''ling JC "i i appqri. ... ... rt P, Mr. A*i,qb iddibil' W b p th wor 1 day, t will pay Y I On . t !�- not only or An, eight our,: o, see t. ' `D� Lucti V. 'Th �'nite -deo VIS11 1] d -States postol ThO'e,4C0nvU:lSioI3qL' "tu�e� an' ge ..our y -out. koods 1 b�is Tice art l , �r .. d 't ag ho* itne As we 'jha� children going. eitreipe litdievess of maL And 'his so, -, . I N� for balti On a i83� j6ah , '. I a Al McLeao 6[TeeswatCr�' 'if' M�nblaa decide -watch :�go hing We ever Wargdorit& a anyt - - �0- "" ' L takes i%�:holid M- 1 6 " , 6' n6t.Ao doe Miss my), '��O�gu6'b T f to 9i ohoo,th Imp be"'a- calloa',"mighty ororka. h [t,8' Mall, L.So 0, r but -t a nex d Stye wjjL%lg�.. US, L JgOlBf�' one Gay n Fxeept; Ve repentj� ye shal 2, Can p A This is a, no clin to �vhio'is -Bn exp per. p6st6ffim.habit piojie, wpra Ges 0 .7 lag ren are, ra Fn 0, atll�., ley 10 1 say"' M) h' k. -.1% is 0 , . � J- _ I . ­ I ary MID us, 0 'IIiriie �i�e next ay, -two Ogg AN j 4 LOT.&— 'or aye an egg 'jet t elt paren f the words of -Abe!-- t 8 MCCj)l IL h4q, L selcured the, servi our'ohild-,. n MSTO I RV A business to ss� t e, egas 'perti - DO t in -our 'E Mi he Ise" &il, -L-0 R y,tho6t 'to learn:1bat Mrs.. ba%L ia.064-40 'A ­�­�-jjj , .IL 6 regret US more WICICOU L AD auY0110 13 3u:;.L.! Wag ere ej AD'of Iffils­�"i' W3,e� 19, at) 'pi, lAd jlj� public an -,thb. Poplimag. Or, 40, d""thi"'i 'an weare ruimut to t �v, Uf7r -11#6-'W �bo(hAti Grope, 0'�j Mr.. Mdit0j;, lik what "U dbneL Wl ihat du the �6rdL-L'l Judge1"nob,' depkrtmefit has and I &:tho- Words of Our I f. Pover i i n "C sion. 'be not J do d y o w ii' hat 9 om or:l)er , re t we a ge v; I ewe. by t new 'S J>iAIrl' . I h -U ng Of Brantford'.Ip6fit Settle ... .. .... nry koui dii a .1 �mo 0 gin w r. MIn. MU ..MOB -V;'&1ded; Sprin he B qP Fruf, w ho os.beonli I amai6s,of th h $uDda3 .., .11 ... 1-1 Y, ldf�nts in the,"d At On C in f . or ef of changim which has tAken at Moose aw, on. real lqOnCr: whib­Aied .13, S some line, Mrs' Vi 1,t` 'D;iIDpIiid or All -'Moulton Altl'Oug d h �aab ig,tbe�saie Mr.�: lenry, -Y, blO� or ma Fu Little Were in i4 th qght Qbderich' attelPfing the ,j�rQ- -�.w I DO"V.' Stat ft Of tb.o- Daupt rnitureXa.-bu r from to 'oil k6nday� :ni�, a 0 COL. o Th masWhitO Y, titIPIC' Ad- t6,TN16sqra -Lawrence of Ludkiio w to t1le. I:OU Be o lip t gs of -Ad cofiv�yod t 'be �ears, he had' �17, 'to And G a f of VS Litt ei, h Oliimiitow Y, 6 of 8f, and, was 415 e ---v�­. ht` L(-,, -proper", alacea, agi CE6i.. Filcone 6U7 t�q 'Thallev. gr,.-MoKoirolfuat W6& - g: A -fid-- -bL" :or 1 911L , , - .1 1 -Rdn' USS"", "e4z5u&, too Ir of D a -of, ithe 4ndS6rDb­1bri6k "'uF d�-by� the. CL r.e"d �j� CC, Y ...p 0- bi�,;d-e&;flx­ho lhetwl't b - 7�� 7 was _IiiS, 4 and AbOUtr r,$VQ --Brockvit 0111,t4a 'Co. brickj:��qqr[ n� ujivi; u. expebbso tot -A -d"aV­",1,S.1 , 6 _a, d' n !N" b�lio, and t iere married e it rOaOy ego 19 r in, of toeA§- 6jij C*WJWU� Of dent w ti OU as r -, t will; b to!. asstorti fj� hile breakiD,, In 'a co jfj a beF,.Serto :stjjj­ w611 �,asstort 6-30,ft ft"� 'tWo U6� Fo A yri idek"T ese emen, wi use mee ink of 0164't lety, i�ip years ag a)"A' around a a' Dsuiitl� is d Lthit Nis 'B�ddqn-doaflir-was- k p., ir's their -zx T" ere a revide,, up �Oemont an cojit4i. he -U -test hold 4W 4110L be h Ajjtenbioh�to -9- -BuPPose Village "of, 6n - due. tQ �1­the A 'a, ve In 1 11 1 rr­_tfie_: L- -," - arka ay PRI -Abdn die illagd, 0 Inloss, es,, ine u Ing U h d" r urboarpots '00 -�Cvefit�en d Lad a-, d' t Wej�t a llqn of the digtao't. Guady a Cbmri. 1 , , 4 71 sS of in opelA bi6r 6f,.whlim attend': id gr'o'wth.'. -bors, a arge'nurp �,Kpqpip&, w- dentf6rhibe., Cipm the Wtico purp -kv unerial, tosday to, Kinbat, Mr gtwnqude� will 'return n t. iveek jitig the, lad the f d An WaEj,, one 6n: Tq tfs V6 Let 1200 acres 0 lad e RSSOr- L�uelp tion 'alt." �i� ri� Thom p Cut an Iq I y re, -as. rept6sen e,. a H hi 0 . n may tdine litea, Sons: and M of iha inost-p'.romin, d h' goods arb Edg r. *ill M'Ai TA L ,kuj on tho., of" t1j'6 N' 4W�-5 16." 4he Or,. ri L n �Vive in the'seeti ' The Alt I a d our'daiiglitere on. te t 't 1 a, 8pected io6idq �ijire dat6si The -'rooma -6rLal 't4 -the 'K` '1088 e6motery (in and, our' pki C Will irl!" 7T -i, n d, W 0 W ft' PU .,K I at, the pres.en a, or 63 jjjtj d, flie !tPgPlC un. ALES attoid- Fare L G14 m jj�&Samqsi ..a om6. 060 heD the' -stoo , iq remove. and', CS. 0 L , I k I aesday tj, , ' , , . '-j th e -nd6perideint - -Soven,� tiag.in, r no 'Lueleno,� L. d' Y, O�: I' In' largo%tL speck cd,,tront III plate 9 asawln�,O* s- was� hbokd n pw -Th ,have �hn,,- died abou, t birdtbr�bf O'dc other ;46D f 'S, V ' L qV0 Ind was I a CC, -1 7:31 SeMfo'I'LlOany Ye%r M rs, Loesohj. of Greenock ill, make thew, desimble bus j I C,sa t6r.�6tvic�s 'ab'� tlie.'h6uae oi� , I ., , � " " , 0 '�'AeAr'jj)e Lr4i' ;%tay at ra ago. A i i" p `X, leaven V K 'of X an&gra�vd *ere �ondu�iea �Y'16 AM` % mr& N. jt� jilloii '.Mrg� A. joca�tlo n, e 4ill be k6pt.b Day. ddr-' briqg6 on 1168 sq, i 'Ing as Will", h, urnineg An asto, hial ' ature and., the 'Ag6 father L INE �t At and Mrs, am., ink:, t 8"s lobnI. l,avo 10 arnes sym. V E'�R d rj 'King f d ae Wao," and reiptl�b I t� he B� lie hs, 6 'not. Yet, 0aup (14 i#tOba) V, �4 "P, '1:1 P� iL Hera di &t 'P C,- JIL TqGRA R iaphE T, in 16n a d a Jul p L' 7 R F 7 v- 1, ,- � F�t �7- wt T -77y', 'j": A' L V L MANORK� "t� QI