Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-05-03, Page 1a'. gg" i'7 71", 4 'i t 7 I" w z q d, A V d- 0 -3- wi­- 'D ­-W]E1-0LE-­ 90�­1-602-7- ..... . ... �­­. , 1- ­­. ­­-�­ J7, -Lu -0-N-T-A -10, 9- AY-- --M W til b 1�10, to "i q §i tiable.J 0 _P, regretyery to a 9 � ­:"­., 1, , eac r, tint Ip Ass 'in. the V6rv.qerIoq J 3st'O re, S b RA- 11 0 record Lvi P NM Y & %alwa it 0 1.-G- WAraj 1�.Ung,&nn0n, I for 4EAD 0,FFiCE,`*khh'i;T0W UNT f�s 6ou --SU Is derived— e F 3-`d le-,firount 7� JIL her- ut his F 1, 1 9A b ad �'Jf the'hanie.:-p Your; visitor wal in An yv. riendi', re -a ou.s -will Aipollg- er. Circler bleltn� of Th o.pro his gc6id�ii'C, and 'of 'fri 9i not, ia, the 8eiitin6l. o UOV, ame rogfet th barri, 9f e 0, 111ga Isa ingthe'house fuhlish- -Tot&L �ill bw very,p eased' 6" h;ar'16 '6130to $20;6*000,00 yo6ks6lf'lor' not' pup,.- 0, h* k paper biit�,Ohide f I is re�, was,; pown as a r A yorke. 111� -at thi per is season: h, p fxkpg, onl,o� r:.,'w on housee, ean- arran W 'C M 'ie 'W. ert6W Oyerll the Westit,wh I, 4rp V wiltsh4tly-i g4d,tidiDgs ofl er deat4 qti;A, ig s ows-th 'N h E a kARP 01 Ug us, witli,..t is namel�.!Lad. &dross..." covory; right'- diqosifiop..'aina k-` YI­ i4d qmpat y W h ­ BA, jr 'ON genera, oom r epoedurv.dyin opertt.jigns. 9 � ! ", , . - "L', 4, of Ch i -`R4 E", J.. PR ),efoR."', as, td,.!, , , Q ArB h k q 41qs; jAnote'un ni�mberIsj overi t e 6.l OdIbmunity. where %.flATW:-'­*, t he, j 'S �'HENIJAiliI'G IIEUVORD, YT r 11 9 ara 4 -r­,jW�61­­UhItie.- wit J-- M 7 yi�� piet as b symp&v xg e- 4 00, Pn ing, W 777� ap e,-�,; r". 7 n oronta, rgs, UR; RU,LL le -P T�­ i-jjjj� �vl "d' M000;0 e day 0, in �9 an thei IDE iller ine-inber esory �390001'0010' 04, 1pth ��'::92- o Cl o6y, tT on i.a d in, .,�spr* 'he, 't S�of i ino her. an� 6 he' JJR 31.t W- WW T, X` , - - .: - - - -- �­5 � a­­ya �7 �60,381� prijig a& -be' ecessary rj.,cI0tkrI it' ou 1. a thbi d nw 000 00.0 Ui�kes� Flo famll ir a r UV a -it y ftv� u, � I.' I I a V� Salt W: -the land ��xqr hold at Dat erns. A kill'' I be- insect --life therein' It ne S-. ELLIOT y, '"full,atten aneQ is 4 t'tb Society, A, 'd �wa; er, ase Coun, I low JA ifie's G NAG)kR7 al the Viii, The !.for i� Rugs n -P' ']&'OLSON- WACP#,XRSoj`l Xnit F reque%,.ed.,J6h he -rogj- Ak bf1h,­­V`11­-- -f1o6i,-4co1V-0r1hcy I,-, ncreasz. R P k -D E N T WiL ii: r �T... ary- �-�T a! i` ., . I I a el io-paoing- ie i "go A GENE]iAL' ]��NKING,tiJSIXFJSS� JK, In b he� es Bfy-an,'Rres , i( on. 0,111 ouncil;'Cha supp y - ViCH, PRESIDENT -S H. E ING mare "Do 4ie' C." tqi� i Wiii�Jiim C acil was beld in thq�07 in ,e, Can: ea 7 Its - ve !�:�ou­,-W­1, 4 6)� BRANCHICS. Ai DvRNroApr trao fraining.., al be l'bad�y� �=ir "­ates dirj6ouItMd-':MW­, bel! k for �­ -, I lil­ ­­­ 1.1-1, 1 . I .. : . I 'r . - . arge:o --T t 'C lair, an f :succel he. d" &JI th- '-d t bord6ii al around !N -S -P- E -0 -T -0—R, A d )rson e w.i d her AAt a. Ing. qn:will, vi) aiii h stock , , .,'4. 1 . — - - -7 —.' � f qdle t--x,,JJA,,2, bt'' ekd .6 bullelin I tes t e fol 7 -holdmw­ V0 g�o his=yefir iid' U&, �011`- 7 I I . I . 4VOra .0.', . . T H lie: bas issued. ..,f the hima ow niz so - I I . �, . :.: I.. can:ge a, June 6 trh , , 1 - , tog 'iuo.d6X�aj04 -cliase' .-the-Tank j! �nd ­UatsiIij beau- h,4'vlpg pur property Wednesday a 7 L 'k A FT 8, ISSUe -.P0 _Y:.,.COM I U & the ;,,of Geo A-Siddall, Are:ready� to-tricas Pg- eb's g 1. 1 r ent ;�J " , . .1 : .. 1 -1 "", I ID .:go�,,�progrsm 't x-melpw -p Ja-t%jA-Qa;nadA.-&nd--th44 A C di� W -$pe tk­-LL­� I I - ... 7" hi e irif�'� -two -est. 7- b1z n 2.1VM"-U.-d-9jL , - .. -y-- 1��6 k A su. 11� a � lr.� 2, as ew -6un Lots rd6r�all I. 9P 0 % And he, se ond',Aay'ilier are beiwb 5 73 re6g,-A aoroige of �,-' . . F. . Fe ewar aving, 66 ., 1; & . a, S' I I eum aving 480 Tll lid, er' 'S Hi -40 per4 T'.AcMaloo .2T 5 -1 ttol ar sal cleri 6. L glibst rktt.0 of interest-al'I 'be 1 6W 'qeconds�. The 9,w W. 0. i -nos' wlkd. ''a 0 We ts,­olf ',51'.00'�and tl , i�..iv�d 2 h —139, f h J He .2 25 aji, inter �,,�rer, ll ork A ded' 6iilfi�j ineeti 12 e.—a,, new. d" eqt allo'Wed at Lt ratellijr eposi S and Ad to., principal. eatries� will clog" and Vid 'and. b A. '.�2-_ 0,0�" t th tp, )-bold- 4w�i ­home,-�of- design -a -t-50 10 ea 'T osl or is,,nov'su, UU' 7 6U -�--788 7 7 B�Sm6ltz n next, M.s. TM 7777� ep ear'a t OR V -_��Jjo ftl -fly P0 Ott took." 11 —1 it k-on-drain� 7 ri W. of. fa Y dabe,,6f,de -osit tb'date ..Cx ##Ch &y1­3Jlit-, ­aU&N,07- 777. Qm.- -j _jjj-jj� I Alit -;-;�bope �that th n d rd nlembe'rrsr�'.6f dMlowA s:WI 411, _j�lj 6 .. le. Od y §:WIL �h, mb�l 'fiftj" Me ol rqsj: te test, di j� 70 LA 1�01 Will, he Vrekoppe. --L6dke to, the nu or..4 'C- �T­ 7,; aming.,­ d- S 2 -a OD -dn �A NT �Usiliess ofibitl8d - A:Lrural�sbh6oltrus J. G t '�*60,d .1 00l KNO 98 ortil , I .., : � I . tjng�. LUC Iodgfilboai ou in _g apa.n Ett g -:-digeount6d1­,­­---8a1e- Wit 7 1546 2 t -j&gk--.j�dd7 ­ L as f- -IG6 g-Ksba' are as. flit4d e. gat C­04"Ar in 4 7 infit-ghl '.b at;" 7notes,'supplie ree�on app. ica ion anA un *6r4 .(j f o, y lo OL e wi, ou e arge.. ees, vnpwpiqw,� wo a ry n t att6l 6 'll.ect d t 'dher6jwthe co nt W. L . I �` �J"! 06 A -lid hL t b Oh ngla d e ched.'.by;t - d alli t f f Xane6s xi�adc. 0 e b d I h unIdert%ke to Select Cq,,,upic�tidp, rom Library. oar ring Was -p 9 f,:'r their - re� "same. 0 Tin W r.. o. 9;., 00 0. -w6ornm 64 'CU. f ALJK so Sir boal ii6t swf�epl'49, Y di-juVri 0 0 L -7 Ul onf fiXL� found unct to Appoint -And old his, to- & the' ieacUia' x,price for, Mr. .84tinder A;ho ur rang(i.,ofi ae d, 'with-'.1ibr Onction. -,h r0Tn'.25c,'UP4to3 64l5178. 'an -n:lfir- , '. . : tainsI lie eso�t #�h ;-'W(��o'ffei��Y'04U-�a;b-,oliite-, security -and Ah6h-ther vould­bq�no- — -"If- _4_ - . . board�­was­resdi-��---� 6 prfta Aoill rax-y- Eark-That.: & ol 'ILC - V cour tand *ill'ber pleaded b -a L l4s� been bett6r,than h �60ustroaimer' rural tragtj ea�­ U 15 w 1C v helf-" N� -A!l . I - � - � 1 7 L ­:' Apill iesofan _ a, C C 6 . yuuts 0, Pa S4 a' 'te' �'D V - a, place the f �up J M, i a s M th �'F el t, 0 you ar , a, , erguson, near .,an- -a x ept i posa : -. - .. ' ­ � ' . w t%th d's Ps Ina appreci-i ed by all. Bell Special gannon receivill a ll Pgra: u6te e wart: ose,�Of the spralt fit6� W., S t r C --d t hot' and 2 b, tiful solo, d Rik ULn" 'je -j-0 n-. erguW6 hfidtf ew--.dowji-. - -n rp and - was .0, S poconnill arriill r-6tir ng--te-M, e-10 Aj ­­­- "': - ------ oynt Ts W,4b: ebeiteti- N. -1 -Ui do d znibteele' T Ell) Ac ed:,&nd­deC6n�c&`&nd: natalmous jqries. He.1ived.onUhe:'-'61h- ou.,­of- oin 00tilit.arit, _p N: car od­bhs�- lot --W-Awanog -e-Libi traction Vl(' bst h at, one t mo,, led,- to th 7j :B j Y*. P'J,oa tdered r to the ChurchL Waedbnq and' :L BUkrd o Pon P .0-0i Ala-SIDDALL Mrs. cr. W. Berr faniily; alwto iheMov�. Mr­'�9aundbrs,�for-hii­�­ _a, -a ye, the 601al he h OtYL X911 ire through, on, COWWItt06-to,166k'Laft6r-'* eri lWat;sermoni, coninift ti 1.�q, 6X , h a -the. MdNEYL LOA E* -.11 ; 411a, -Y �qlr,q . -­ . - .... - - E N R AND, REAL ne -es�� 1!4- P:�F�!KT. -pr --ito ba 7 -77LUMSAY. ii �IESTLATE- DEA-LER., -iitio nd�---tha- 0. 'evo --- V110 L %--- t --friond4- And, i -M -8t ­­ -,by_la;L -depeftiddiif Drde a V. i he �Ifi Ir of- 'The: f J. xd-�iw-see df�tlqx�i -ei 6nd Old or -NK' H 6 4n ,,!on. rst;­ M .---Pr 9;1 L I I . and­'SyMpath r, s own them -in- their �ge y� atten(led T' �-Lon' stop -V 'cliatt6l: inort g4a T V,14 ren.periJil to'erect .4 T. :es dit the house 'a' n' 4 0 �,'gonavlEi iiiei grave, �vere c ar d.gl' x e - "other' 'Mi1l*ard----of ;p0s oppoglie-hil pure ia Ae'L and s6l.IfAf�71i�id' F- sural n properdegl;L � i'� alf itg� the L Methodist,,' Chii'ch-,, ------ The,;,brAherh, '9­-.-7!,7­1�FFl11 In �P,uq I neon St � 0 d Ire tj L r . L ddfdljov ie, ---by lic .4� M, T hi h e1n 1139 -d-, W th 71 premises. bag, Flu h'' f -yeiijige -for f re ase a. genera S ore in a ;eaaed Ad mberjorL 9r,grave - o stme Ad eet A trial o.'rlcter NVi1"--0on:-' Give 'n�le ;i call. de,, (iVeL W h- t or rs. years,� U's;' e, a' a"', 'bo y Waltham Y 8 IT f'H nin 'And. Villa gS ?AijjS­ N1 he fill in g. and-teamw6rk- by�--Ae day,fill-k, 1W a -b f reli'd ji you 4' and familly le to,& to. be,- satis actory t6.,,LC6M ad: it er VIIIO& you Inat lit, U li�t ihe' bodybild been 4H Y, for C mittee emeterY, a, 40A 113;6�a et tU,.,best 116re� that pla a with the bbst wishes 'of d47a id ges, ancli stipplied% OCAII, IT 77 Em§' 8.00 an up.. Pfittaiii6o and' i, clerk.-roportle'd teta -D. D :-new,hoilne WOO I f6iiVi6eg-of the Order�-w4liiq--ri 7h - - ­ L I . �L 1�oir b ifi`,61gi _in' Id e kp�jw, anted fille jo�Ferofd into the the bel �,w watches go .host ffri .......... .. . *00- ­ ­in�i !� q age.-,. �n --K ead by Past Granidsi -o ened tx'�,'Tues-" enbRoll. Z T cll�. ttoii.b sea ow., P 0 C. Tiyi6r: 1he'pSjllhjajefl-j �Pdst in efore se ding your money to ore Suddarnik, d a S Rob e' orontoor'ibily�U'g"' rom,s tray.e, r opf ames Gran 6 j cil'theilL adjou d I J)jEll taier is 7 ji�ag­ 'j_ 6W it -YOU. 'to'' F A L'V W The stildd th 'of Miss Mary- _.Will pay A. a '11,D� Ma1loug4, D.R. moln- M lcomson Clerk., the Caju House.' 'Odrogor, I - 1 11 1 - . 0A% lllli A A A at 'M Whi� - . . I I � r our h 7 to A place t, �g oGdg aq'& get' r pricei.` iides­ AL, 49�� tosh 'and' Ak.l. Be -We. the 7xii6t1fer?d -jr6sioshep e Sont1j, all A �M Smith j W rrant every . watch: sold"' Mr. A.' 'th nlon&r�, Of the 4 Orde'r0ithere was pres no rowink, Colonel Hugh ClAikof cal Sh4 had bne' ig`�pdbr h6jalth for, a time a fly. r G 'T was a ter ib 0 L shoick: to hot friends. -xieijbbors,'wbile t . he'llo'. 1. Ar 0 that on K'Injo§S'LC 0 01A a - large, op 0 - Urb, o 6 g "fur, P rt hurct 'on. o , dy night IsA dolt W j: Armstr n l6ft ]k nd! frietildS and �Ki USTRUJI n o Mug X ,sent to., h' V, & fr t ed :d0a Walle 'getiln1j''p, tiv­­ e in, t it, I hkg ble'! appol :doinm�find of -but"' t', not considered dangerously. :to'the, WA! om syraps hizing rion S an& to a h H I L DIR ED" Hnr re inelit- and dro o ,Is 1pleasur 91, `b -- W I Mon he-, re-, Add. iheiil' es were, eau I u pp Mis'A"Donati A nk'of ter.' plain ing, ives rom a istani d 0 ;College "Asi-v; isiOn �­h �C619'0�'1?4 , gc6ift, dri wa re. werie� Mt. in' 4 botore%you "have Your t W&'] g,­er pa t wil ay yP4--'to'L -oli rg A. mith, T r. 'illa�ei Onts i�� ihi� 0iii For blidl '0 K erry,, or, r dr; d -61 -P'rr r A the 31nd RX..'lMiller,' of necto J�rfthr 'ft�16am - -B- r rl Fcon A-V461-bablon�r-O., 0 ong1l' TO i er Z , ., ­.:�. " ; W. Arinstrong-, find.,Aqui�tera �n& b I : '' i irg-'t6 Idst 16r;U6 Iagers6lk- j tL�' noW in Mr;, TACT`- indigestion in, 'LuAnow�on , Saturday but rediding' C61umb ff t, 6 t Xes.`. i -J. I rawor j o er Bpi, i6h 9 n. 1 T 8�-A d S N o COS I)o Du offered adiiv6r CU ngf'�' 6b,L and M.r d,��of p no $50, fo ong.,left on Jesis than of" oronto. CobstAbIll H. Armstr competition nk, T S �'S o: �o r A 86Y a 0 S ­ a ii themo qy, JIL h'an�i.ngs of, aturdayl f6r, e ing 'he' ,t e S U Onipan le 3' C�'L t J'SPI 0 'given to TIV, t deshvIlS an proper.. grisonor who ig 'Charged 'ith seduc 'will b the:, ObI uziTlly 'p t .1he tto h f 61 ty,iAhi k ol ) 441�j p:jly6jq lironiple; the eat4'oii,A�pril- M D ill and CL decora -'-iia 40. A:, �B and dr` d tbrail r -&st-isid, f h an j on the e -o :,t t af(er, illn`686, to e ..the, A ricut a;.- 0 P -he lie al -AA' w -d' 4 spul' L' I 11� .11 . -04- sto&710f7iii d' Acres Jro'm� il't I OL� -'B.eaton,-,ofC.F.oit1.i. ilia .-9 alp �qv, die hali t 0, A U -6w 'SIS sis And dull weeks follo*i�g'tho�%" t lr 0,0 0,0 0 0 edr.hat "fie, T 4i�� d d i- b The'chitd' d J­ � P'l �hgf ­,� -7 7 _016 eeti ag ­of7the e L �-"W ih L re s on 'writes to e Mot S a Mrs. 'A' C6r Is I pond t Ah the hoe by three. "Y AL XAe Ik or held'on 14 f, league id: to" b U x _3 M 'will, b r--lal �y. -A gram 1z e6ntains the" lat-08t gbod,pro .`G6e. f6iiiiietly Of 6'adville but., 'borii,iii. Kinloss- Townsh! I J: Egm and ois now 1 011, ftn,at�, his rek, 'r. Y �an se&,h h ving with� dsijl'ghj�rl the third datughtor oi- IM 4�6d �trs , . �, ) MOL f tj 'S ":gent* "L — 4111g,o, 'the le'" VAo( q,- taftde�.' - I'l-, � ''� C oll ofid V - n W44- me, Af fer:. h Me on th-6. rket-, Lou un a rij Id ec n V. very -s u ed 'n ij b� riago on t a 2,181, Dee.,,'- 1904, ,Jhe er oug y inj r 6" ow hald. d Bi �Hami Qn,and ntford: fi no assor - -6f,D4 f Ili e, li;i�,e ay.,,'Rqv.� Dr. R()s4, a- *eeVoi 0 t ei. . 1 1 oUr­1 . ... .... about �g ook:up her, regioenee in Fort William, ol ponvine6d that', -NF We ower, fend� When it broke sad the' oldl th o6cure6do,of her�fl iMrs. T E all sefited -t of, 60, 1, W -E, 8 Mr. "Me 6a W Hie), housio: w.," oectl Modeliator. G As leal against where She co&jinued: �66 r�side until 'S 7VLi S and Whi'e a] 1. �h�fi It 1 k of ele6 tri P� g00cls.aro eao r-epre ro 11 iw&q wpars 3n of on jus !r,n to thb' groun& Be 'to is gping 6 fhiak 'Of t6L" fortune, . gentleman *o,' th :, i One �chrlsti4a-:, 6u,�to se6,tli.o E arness TER I that l i "he miflin w"ho'cria,'1I rUdk fih PAM V., Is ea t d c israo er. an our prices r A C t in A, ow arly, in a el ecame,A a go a 0110. P, r re, in-hes 6fr A, I ide membei o thb It the pbiiet'�f A. wortiali a tonguc.�. ]jig �Jofb st 16k , G t J.'ShelwaS a .00 W L n6i ent ready, t&pjant those, ii�fiplo I I U, as badly'�'brtii old ad. Aa en, up Ch are 1. of whi6l i ; was A onc 0 ''atioll with nil .8priog L At noL the I n it w b611es� C W, 'L , -, , MISS A C f)V Me'die'al, fi� d hay 6UfL- for'"Is einterided,to set �e ininin6n memb�sir.', Diiiiing"her e L 61 IYII� L, V era, 3 Tif THRE I i S. 6ril, your­pko� be V6�6 li� Will, Ad % H 0 G to,,` In, broken ii��She wad itdiiv4,L �ongat:e, in, KILIANER'i� ER And help, Ake ucknow ,werldL i I— ii ir "d re years o is in a dritica, J. jo I. I r's �-w 4 41� '4 4 A