Huron Expositor, 2015-01-14, Page 504" Wednesday, January 14, 2015 • Huron Expositor 5 IN THE YEARS AGONE In 1989, General Coach workers locked out Jan. 18, 1889 ■ On a Friday evening of last week, as Mrs. Dr. Coleman was walking along the side- walk opposite Cardno's block, she slipped on an icy spot, falling and break- ing her arm ■ The skating and curling rink is now in full blast when the weather permits, and both skaters and curlers were having lots of fun ■ Mr. John Hannah attended a very suc- cessful and interesting meeting of the Ontario Creamery Association held at Picton last week. He was appointed vice- president of the association. • The rain of Wednesday has had the effect of considerably reducing the snowdrifts and improving the roads, but there is no appearance of sleighing yet. • Mr. Josiah Irwin has sold the north 50 acres of his farm on the 2nd Concession, near Alma, to Mr. Alexander Jamieson, of Huron Road, for the sum of $3,300. It is a very nice lot, and has on it a small frame house and bank barn. ■ Mr. Lewis McDonald, of the saw mills in Walton, has sold a 100 acre wood lot in the township of Grey to Mr. Querengesser, of McKillop, for the sum of $7,000. Jan. 30,1914 • Mr. Walker Haines of the Dominion Bank sprained his ankle while skating at the rink on Friday evening and has gone to his home in Wingham until he recovers. • The January thaw set in Monday night but it has not seriously impaired the good sleighing of the past three weeks • Wood is plentiful in town this winter and is being more used than for several win- ters. The cause of the unusually plentiful supply is, no doubt, the windstorm of last Good Friday, which blew down a large number of trees ■ Mr. D.T. Pinkey, formerly of the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, who recently sold his hotel business in Berlin, has now removed family to Stratford, where they now reside. • Mr. Govenlock has purchased the gro- cery stock of Mr. C.S. Andrew of the Post - office Grocery, Mr. and Mr. Andrew intend on going west in the spring. • Mr. John Dodds has leased the McCal- lum residence on Goderich Street and now occupies it. Jan. 20, 1939 ■ The public will have an opportunity of inspecting the addition and other improvements at the Collegiate Institute on Monday and Tuesday evenings and Tuesday afternoon next week. • The annual Lions Club ice carnival is being held this year, it is expected, on Fri., Feb. 10, according to Lion E.C. Boswell, who heads the committee in charge of the event. Arrangements are being made to present a particularly spe- cial attraction on that evening. • Members of the Public School Board organized for the year on Wednesday evening when J.A. Westcott was named chairman. • A check-up on hockey players reveals the fact 211 players are taking part in scheduled games at the local rink. This is an increase of four over last year. • The annual meeting of McKillops, Hib- bert and Logan Telephone Co. was held in Looby's Hall, Dublin on Wednesday evening and records one of the largest attendance in many years. • Edgmondville defeated Winthrop in hockey with a score of 2-1. • J.M. McMillan's rink captured the silver spoons at the Seaforth Curling Club's weekly bonspiel on Wednesday after- noon and evening. Jan. 16, 1963 • The review of the Christmas program, as arranged by the Christmas activities committee, will be carried out this week- end when results of the program will be assessed and plans set in motion for the next year, according to Chamber of Commerce president W.M. Hart. • Additional books, valued at $1,294, recently have been added to the large library at Seaforth District High School. The wide selection of books has been made possible by a bequest from the late Bruce Scott. Each year the Scott estate provides funds with which to purchase additional volumes, as well as scholar- ships for SHDS students. • Installation ceremonies at the Legion Hall Thursday evening attracted a large attendance. Jack Eisler, who was installed as president, succeeds R.S. MacDonald. • A total of 53 confirmed cases of rabies have appeared in Huron in the nine months ending Dec. 31, according to Dr. J.C. MacLennan of the Health of Animals Branch on Seaforth. • Children from several classes of the Sea - forth Public School sharked some of the Christmas with others less fortunate donating and buying Christmas gifts for the Children's Aid Society in Goderich as well as CARE. Jan. 18,1989 • Since employees of the General Coach in Hensall were locked out on Dec. 30, 1988 there have been no talks between the union and management. The employees voted 94 per cent in favour of rejecting the company's offer, which included a $200 signing bonus. The word on the second day of the lockout where that both sides were ready for a long stop- page of work. • Public school students in Huron County will be getting more French Immersion - if instructors can be found. At its Janu- ary meeting, the Huron County Board of Education passed a motion resolving to strengthen the core French program in its elementary schools by adopting a goal of 20 minutes of instruction per day in Grades 1 to 3 and 40 minutes of instruction per day for Grades 4 to 8. • South Huron Youth for Christ began 1989 with a talent night rally Jan. 7 at Brucefield Public School. The annual tal- ent night featured a variety of local talent by both the young and "young at heart" each year • A cash donation of $275 was given by Paul Vander Molen of Lawnmaster to the building fund of the Seaforth and Dis- trict Preschool Learning Centre. The money was raised through sales of Christmas trees in 1988. IMAGi ?1: THE DIFFERENCE A WISH CAN MAKE. E.. TI -1 C I I= D UE N. 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