Huron Expositor, 2015-12-23, Page 15Wednesday, December 23, 2015 • Huron Expositor 17
Cont'd Santa and Jesus letters
Dear Santa
Thank you for the big truck
of hot wheels you gave me last
year. I love putting a car on it
and zooming it. Could I have
an Optimus Prime with a
trailor and a weapon? I think I
willleave you a beer to drink.
Love Devon R
Dear Santa
Thank you Santa for the
twp cars you gave me last
year. This year could I have a
mouse in a tree please? I will
leave you some flowers at my
house for you and some
apple sauce
Love Joe N
Dear Santa
Thank you for the Butter-
scotch, the horse that you
gave me last year. Could I
have a Barbie that is wearing
a pretty dress this year,
please? I will leave you car-
rots for the reindeer and milk
and cookies for you.
Love Adriana D
Dear Santa
Thank you for my baby
dolly you gave me last year.
Do the elves want to give me
something this year? I will
leave you chocolate milk to
drink, Okay?
Love Lacie W
Dear Santa
I know that the elves make
the toys, not people. For
Christmas this year can I
have a puppy set and a pep-
per pet? I will leave you three
cookies and hot chocolate.
Love Jolie M
Dear Santa
Thank you Santa for my
monster truck, I always play
with it, I like reindeers and
elves. Can I have a TV this
tear, just like Mommy's. And
some zombies too. I will
make you muffins and cook-
ookies to eat, and leave you water
to drink.
Love Xavier N
Dear Santa
I am thankful for your pre-
sents. I am a good boy. I
would like my own IPAD,
waffle blocks and a toy elf.
Please may I also have an elf
hat? I will leave you some
cookies. Thank you.
From Mycah M
St. James Catholic School
SK / Grade 1
Dear Santa
Have you got enough sleep
Are the reindeer ready to fly
on Christmas Eve? Thank you
for the presents I got last tear.
This year I have been awe-
some! I would like drums.
Christmas Eve I will leave out
cookies and milk.
Love Dean
Dear Santa
How's it going up there?
How are the elves doing? I
have been good this year.
Thank you for giving me
rocket shoes. This year I would
like roller skates and a snow-
mobile. Please! I will leave you
out cookies and milk.
Love Carson
Dear Santa
How many penguins are
there in the North Pole? How
are toys over there in the
North Pole? Thank you for the
remote control blue truck.
This year I would like an iPod.
This year I have been 110%
good. On Christmas Eve I will
leave you milk and cookies
and carrots for the reindeer.
Love Thomas
Dear Santa
Are you excited for Christ-
mas? How are the elves
doing? Thank you for the Elsa
and Anna dolls I got last year.
I have been a good girl this
year. This Christmas I want
an iPod and an Anna dress. I
will have cookies and for you.
From Bree
Dear Santa
How are the elves? How is
Mrs. Claus? Thank you for
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my giraffe I have been awe- Thank you for my motor bike Dear Santa
some. This year I want a trailor, my costume. I have How do you make the toys?
dress and a huge stuffed ani- been really good this year! How are the elves doing
mal. On Christmas Eve I will This year I want a Nerf fun, this year? Thank you for pre -
leave for you cookies and another thing I want is a sents last year. I have been
milk. Also some carrots for paint fun. On Christmas Eve good and nice to others. This
the reindeer. I will put out some books year I would like a pink dress
Love Abby. some water and some and a doll Barbie. Christmas
I love you cookies. eve I will be leaving milk and
Love Quin cookies for you.
Dear Santa Love Maddie
How have you been? Dear Santa
Thank you for the presents I How many elves do you Dear Santa
got last year. I have been very have at the North Pole? How are the elves? How is
good this year. This year I Thank you for all the pre- the weather? Thank you
want a Zommer Zuppy. I will sents you have me last year. I Santa for the big Nerf gun last
leave out cookies and milk. have been a great boy this year. I have been good this
Love Carli year! This year I would like a year. This year I would like
DS. I will leave you cookies another big Nerf gun. I will
Dear Santa and white milk on the table. leave out milk and cookies for
How are the elves? How Love Brayden you and for the reindeer I will
many toys did they make? leave out carrots.
Thank you for the big tram- Dear Santa Love Nathan
poline that I got last year. Ido How many elves do you
flips on it. I have been really have? What is the most pop- Dear Santa
cool and good this year. I ular toy this year? Thank you What is happening in the
want a Geronimo stilton for superman shooter and North Pole ho are the elves?
book. I really want it, can I firetech bow. I have been Thank you for last tears pre -
please have it? I willleave you very nice this year. I want a sents. This year for Christmas I
gingerbread cookies and car with a helicopter that want an iPod touch 5 red, I
white milk. come out the back and I Nerf also want a snowmobile and a
Love Simon. gun and a remote control dirt bike. I have been a very
star wars fighter jet. I'll leave good boy this year. On Christ -
Dear Santa out cookies and milk and mas Eve I'm giving Santa milk
Do you make a lot of pre- reindeer food. and cookies.
sents? How's the North Pole? Love Colin Little Love Owen
r December Deadhnes...
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Expositor 519-527-0240