The Huron Expositor, 1959-10-02, Page 74.. IANK.Yi Ic0 all those who patronized us during oiur'' Opening Days. Thank'also to ,those Who advertised on our behalf and who assast I..in other ways,' as, well `as to all our friends and customers: who :wished -us well: JIM BROCK UPERTEST SERVICE BRtDHAGEN NEWS O. W Mrs. Mary-'Dittmer is visiting her ,son; Gerald Dittmer, and Mrs, Dittmer in Kitchener. Mrs: Louie H. Bennewies -has been transferred from Victoria Hos- •pital, London, to . Scott ;'Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. • Mrs. Lloyd McLean, Elbow, Sas- katchewan, has been .visiting ' her sister, . Mrs. Ed. Scberbarth, Sr.,, and Mr. Scherbartlt and other rela- tives. Mr. Ivan Eickaneir returned home from Stratford Hospital: ✓ A number from..here attended the shower for Mr; and Mrs. .Don 'aid Wolfe at Russeldale . Hall Fri day,eavening Mr.. and Mrs. Russell ,Sholdice, and Beverley attended the `baptism of Jane Frances Binning at. Knox Preshyte •an Church, Mitchell, and were goes parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. Binning,, Mitchell, on Sunday, Mrs. Charles . Ahrens spent. -the; weekend with her sister; Mrs. Chris Leonhardt`and. Mr, Leonhardt, Mit- Schell .: Robert Douglas :Bennewies; in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ivan Ben 1.-1957 Dodge 4 -Door 2 1955 'Dodge° 4 -•Door° 1 1955`' Dodge 4 -Door, transmission 1 .1953 Dodge 4 -Door 1•=4.953 :'Dodge 2 -Door 1.1951 Plymouth 1-1951. Dodge Sedan„ Sedan•1.T., Radio Sedans -V-8 motors Sedan''-V-8,autotn atic:'r, DODGE - DE SOTO SALES ,and SERVICE Seaforth Phone 267 ►'NE. C T Clearing All LINTO. are WALLPAPER STOCK :NOW is your chance to decorate your walls :with wallpaper. We have papers .for every room in your home Washable — Plastic':Coated and ; some ..Prepasted • ALL" S1t3NWORTITY'- PAPERS Buy one single roll `for,regularprice and'you get, the second roll'' Also At This:, Sale, : we are introducing Roxalin Products----EI --BIGGEST PAIrT VAL UE `EVER _! UART FOR .A.:.QUARTER A GALLON'FORADOLLAR with every- regular price purchase of ROXAZO E Multi -colour Plastic Finish sh VELVET Acr. lie Latex; Paint ' - - y It >4 s m ESO AC Semi -Gloss . Enamel el' J' Sale be ins"Frida Oct. '2, a atur S b y,til:' � S daY, Qct. 17 DUBLIN Mrs Leo; Villeneuse and Paul, of Parry Sound with; Mr, •and Mrs.. toe looby,:', ; • . `Mrs Kathleen Feeney in Toron to with .Mr. and ;Mrs: ,Dick Cun-. ningham. Mr. Ken Oldacre left on' Tuesday from Montr"eal for Scotland Miss- Cecelia Feeney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Mary Feeney. Messrs:, Rocky:and Bobby Staple- ton, of 'St. 'Jerome's High` School;;' at their homes Mr.- and Mrs. ,H. Kelkman and family have moved to :their farm; at R.R.,_ 2, MOnkton - Mr. and-=1VIrs,, Frank ,Evans, in.. London. Mr. Danny Costello,'Sarnia,with Mr. and Mrs. Dan:Costello. - Miss Lydia Jordison, Toronto, _with_.Mrs ,Ec, .Joidison. Mr. Louis O'ReilTFhas returned home from; St Josephs' Hospital, London, where,• he has' been a patient" for the past two weeks.. Articles. won at the Penny Sale in Dublin may. be had by contact- ing the ontact-ing'.the .caretaker. of the:- parish. hall. Volunteer help of the parish is. speeding the progress of Dr J B. Ffoulkes' Nouse under the. super:: vision of -Mrr.• Frank Lamont, ;of Seaforth. ,Dr Ffoulkes is' 'remain- ing., in Dublin, .having retired • as pari h priest here 'in -May. Mr.' .Frank Malone, • of • R.R. 5, Seaforth, has joined 'the Bank . of Commerce staff. 111uIi11 ! ;ill1 111 IIIII1111I11{tIIIIIIilflll' For, the BEST in PLU MNG -BI and HEATING NEEDS EAT1._ E Contact:: :.E.�. J. .RO1NLAND Phone 6t"r 1t 9 Dublin IIIIIIIIIIihllll111111IIi111INIIlllllliIIi.Illi RE;C.EPTION, Mr. i and Mrs..Ro Elliottfor- M • Y nee >Gertrude Smith) OPEN FRIDA;:EVENING UNTIL 10`" P.M. ' ._ H - 33 Huron Street,Phone one U 2 95 42 Fray Oct. 91th ALT . COMMUNITY ML' ],YAL Music by y Rh thm Ran ers Y g Ladies' please bring Lunch.. Have MOLASSES' mixed with st \. Ili j, A\ FEEDS SWEETENED WITH MOLASSES GIVE: • Greater Production:. • Less Feed Waste • Less Feed Cost • More Profit TP You to extra charge for Mixing - Add up to 400"1bs. per ton MOLASSES IS, CHEAP',T EIS YEAR -=' your ; owvri 'grain ' through. our M : dlciSses ' Mixer PHONE, 775• LI11'1ITED . SEAFORTH•, "The Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar" at, T�#E EEK newies, wasbaptized during the Sunday morning service, with Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey Bennewies • •and. Mr. and MTS. Alvin •Sehellenberger the sponsors, along with. the , par- ents. • - Flowers were in the chancel from the. funeral of Mrs. John Gloor, held. on 'Saturday.; Promotion Sunday of the Sunday School' was held on Sunday and the teachers 'were ' installed. 'They were: Mrs.. John Vock, Sharon Prueter, .Donna Scherbarth, Carole Wardell, Lew Ricks, Alice Heim- pel, Mrs. E, J,, ' Fischer, Rose Sie mon, Clayton 'Ahrens; Arthur Die - gel, Edgar Elligsen, Ruth ; • Ann- Dietz, nn Dietz, `Elaine Rock, -Joan Muegge, Gary Hinz, Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, Mrs. Martin, : Riegel; •Mrs Mervin: Hodgert, Elaine Bennewies.., (sta- tistician) ',Russell •Shaldice (super intendent). - =Members of the°Stewards of -the Christian Home held -their monthly meeting with 22•present. Mrs. Lloyd. Prueter, Mrs..Edward Scherbarth Jr., .Mr and 1VIrs Russell Sholdice. in.charge of;devotiOn.S and the top-• ie was "Thanksgiving and 'Thank- fulness A donation of $5.00 was given to four. Sunday Schoolipupils and two Luther. League members, who . at- tended Lutheran summer• camp at Edgewood Park this, summer;; '.• The' next meeting is to be held :tbe last Tuesday • in, the month from now on, and the October'. meeting is,to be held in connection- with • a Hallowe'en social with the families, Ganaesnwere played; and lunch' served with the same ;cam mittee in charge. , WALTON Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin, and. daughter, of -•Hamilton,- spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc - Gavin and: family, Mr. Herb Kirkby, of Toronto, and Mr. Murray Kirkby, of Port,Credit spent'. the weekend' here with rela- tives. Mx: -and Mfrs Roy-'" plaitke,-- of Toronto, spent the weekend with 'Mrs. •E Ennis: ' Miss Olene' .Dundas, of Tor"onto,. visite& with .her parents,. Mr; and Mrs. T. Dundas, overthe, week- Miss Barbara Boyd `has returned to London to. attend Western '`Uni- versity, where she will begin her third year. i. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot visited with Mr• and Mrs. John Henderson' and family for a few days last week " Mr.; Ron Ennis left on Sunday for Western University London, where' he will resume his thirdlyear Miss` Corrie:;,Ruiyter and Miss Janie Van ,Vliet, of Stratford, spent a few days with Mr. and rs. Jan Van• t M Vliet. > . Mr. and ' Mrs W. T. (Doc), Cruickshank, ,of. •Wingham,. ,were guests at the home of their daiigh ter, Mrs.,Ross McCall, and Mr. McCall and'family on Sunday. Mr: ° and Mrs. Frank Burke, 'of Wingham, visited with relatives on Sunday. Rally Day was observed in Duff's : C c las Sunda mor -United . liar h.. t n Mg with the junior classes forming the choir and'Mrss Iiarvey'Brown. at the organ. : Others taking part' in. the service were: Rev W. M. - T Tomas, Martin Edam, W, J, teem= zng and Miss Ma ' yn .Johnston ice the Durin • ' ser ` During v the f o how= ing infants:were baptized:Julian Aileen;: daughter of 'Mr, and Mrs. R n obertS0 Ross. McCall; 'John, of Mr' and Mrs.` Jack Bryans; Leslie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin;`Sandy 'Brian,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc - Clime, ando` are, David ; Arthur, son . of Mr.: and Mrs. Wilson. __ Church serviceswill he > .held at ]A,:30 a,m.; Standard; Time,during, the months of October and Novem- ber. ;Win Prizes At. .-Brock O " enrn '. A feature.-£ the spacial opening; ceremonies at. Jim Brock'' -Super :test Service Station;1 st Week was the drawing for a number of Prizes:' Prizes :were :won as'follows: fry ,Ing pan,: E. •Malonn,.:RM. 2, Dub-. fin;. six -volt battery, Dr; W. Dren- nan, Seaforth,•. toy tankers, Jack Webb, . Seaforth, • and Steve' Hart,. Stratford; flashlight, 'John Powell, Seaforth, sparkglugs, Frank Case,' Seaforth; vice grips, Ken "Etre, Seaforth, and, .electric toaster,. Don MacRae, Dublin RED CROSS NOTES' Seaforth branch of the Red Crosse will meet in thee Library rooms on' Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. •. Iitl1111111111111l1'lllil 111I1i1111111111Ii11111 BLUE WATER DANCE LAND DANCE CANCELLED on. Friday' October 2 Orchestra will be playing a't Harvest Jamboree in l NETDR.ARENA 61/2 Hours. of Dancing DAN -CIAO' Friday, Oct. 9th • ANI EVERY FRIDAY' NIc I1T : LTntii November Music by I)esjardiii Orehestra -- 'JOIN THE CROWDS 1 AR.� COAT aATPus • .`� 1 n1' wewomistoso AT,+ rrerc c0/3,1- i oal T'ktk: BUR:pN EXPOSITOR, SEAFORT , Olr1''C'. • OCT. 2, Choose Your New i"oslums" -CAR- CO AT,,, AREER COAT COAT d by IAV ING POSLUNS At These `Down -To -Earth LOW PRICES OM R°Mt 0524 AR CAT to a AMP,* .w_J <T - r OUNA'RY'. m „1,• �F. . ARPER COAT THE s.c C 0 AT IR.VING POSLUNS 1 2 _takes _yo everywhere Dowd to the skating rink, perhaps .....,,perfectly • outfitted in your 5.0 Coat'' Imported sateen poplin styled by Irving,Posluns With a luxurious „ , ,i3 collar: Nice detail those interesting.pockets, •and that warm quilt lining. '. •Sizes, 810 style No. 308 1: .50.: 112 ?lI/3me rgei.{/{9i �Ay/.SC� K :5'.�"iLG'/,': b�" aJ.¢ S.+.d i>, Y+-+4 gab Yo: USWdiQ 4?4 'EGAD. ,�a�x"{ MANY OTHER STYLES AND PRICE`S are''available at K 7.912 alas Wl., :.:.....5 55555 tales you ei erywhcre `` All-time favourite for casual,or country living. Th3s 5-C Coat styled b , Y Y Irving Posluns, in imported sheen poplin; with cord trim, ,huge carry -111 pockets .. and a cosy quoted lining: Sizes 8-20. ' Style No. 03, A 3����,,�/ n:? ,a i ..•..3 #rn •'. •L'P•.hY' Sad. 2 IIARLOCK M r. aril ` r , J= e e :: M s. W 1 0 ' s.R d Y a family, visited ori' Sunday with 1VIr.' and. Mrs.- Billr Orr., of Milverton.' ,Congratulations` are ,extended to ..the pupils of S:S 6 Idullett, and• their- teacher, -Mrs. I averne Gbd- kin or' i f Winning ;second; prize for 'inarching',an'd costume 'at Seaforth. 'Mr and Jame Mrss ,Scott, Mr; and •Mrs, Harry. , Lear and; son and, Mr ' and • Mrs. Nelson Reid, Wal- ton, visited last. Sunday`,with.,Mr. and Mrs: `: Nelson Lear' iri Landes ' lord: . Mr James :McEWing, of Winni• - peg, has: been'visiting at the home of.bis.nd:phew,-:Mr and,Mrs: John. McEwing •• and family. • -Sacrament"`services• will be 'ob-: served 'this. StifcTay, Oct 4,• • in Burns', Church, :with Rev. Fun'ge in charge; . Mrs, Mary McQuaid left Satin'. day for. London, where she will ;re. side. Vitamin D is the rarest among ordinary foodstuffs E IGHB RS O ND '••PRI E SC COMBINE 1 NOR MRS. MIK .: .L E W.I LIA� Mr; and Mrs ,Mike Williams cele - brated tigr 25th •'wedding° anrini- Versaryon'Sa•turday'at their.:home.` A buffet dinner was 'served. in the earlY evening.: ,ISIemb, s . of both-. the; Johnson and Williams families, numbering: about 5Q ,:were ;present. In the evening a reception, was held. at the Co•minunity;Centre; Sea:- forth,- .attended by.••35o,..neighbors, rel'a:tives- _and 'friends.. Harburn's- orchestra suppled.•::the music for the 'dance. At lunch time'., an: address •vGas read by '.Warden. Haney,and the:, presentation:of a .dining room ,suite was :made' „by Gordon Reynolds,. Maurice . Melady ' and • tinier •Cam- ,eron. A Jitting reply was, made •by; bdth Mr .and. Mrs. Wiiliains Following, is" the address:'; `Dear Pearl and Mike:, .Tonight a fele of Your;friends,rneighbors and family have gathered `•here to_lielp you'' eelehratei your 'silver wedding, an.: niversary,• and to - give 'you in ,a small way.:sotne idea' -of' our ap-. predation . of your friendship and neighborliness- Both .of you, have. added many friends to your -al readylong g izst:n the Inst 25 years, and no one has ever asked .. for help from' you that 'was not forthcom- ing, whether in ,time of trouble or Toy. Now >' may we ask :you to accept this small remembrance on -your-. silver':anniversary, with a :hearty Wish wish 'for •'health: and long life, that in Another. 'twenty-five we may celebrate .again,' Signed on' behalf' of your friends and neighbors: •At 9 a m. a High Mass•of Thank's-, giving was• offeretd••by Rev. C. E. Sullivan of' St.,'James' Church, in" which 'Mr. and Mrs Wiiliams''re- newed their mar age. ' yews In attendance -were the . bridesmaid, Mrs. Joseph Ryan; R.R. 1, Walton, sister of the bride, and grooms- man, John Williams, Detroit, broth- er-of—die roth- er of ilie bridegroom. '. Mrs, Williams, the' fornIer Pearl Mary, Johnson, is.'a','daughter' of Bride -Elect Is, Guest Of:Ho r no Friends of Shirley Bedard and y Be Mel Cooper, Seaforth, .'held a so-. cial'e.:en v ing in honor of the couple who Wille n e wedding xcha ., -. g. in St. James'. arc Church on October 10;' The ;gathering: was held at the "home of- Mr. and Mrs. John Aubin, Seaforth. "Jelin':;McCue read the address and . presenteda card table .•'and chairs to ane, couple. Following' p the • .. - euciire"lunch cvas.' g ames , served [y.Helen`Walters Jeannine Bedard' and Mrs. Rose Aubin. Mrs Johnson, Seaforth,;: and the late Patrick Joseph Johnson, Me- - Killop iVIr Williams •is,;a" son of. Mrs.,Will'iams.,, 11ilibert, • and the late Patrick •Williams. 'Mr' and 1Vfrs Williams have a•faniiiy;•of' two sons and a:' daughter: Joseph, of Whitby; Ron;' of Kitchener, and Joan, at home. Why envy rich people? They are only poor •people••witli. money: YOU SAW! FAIR >'S: AT THE • FAIR 1811111'n11i111111111iu1i111liiuiltLlkMllrl. s• ,; ;,r �.... Baa VISIT US AT OUR STORE WILL CONTNJE• ALL ..`THIS WEED: !. SALES and SEIV'1E one .5$ Sea` oral