The Huron Expositor, 1959-07-10, Page 5-ee • Closed For Honda –from July 20 to August 3 Last pickup, July 16, a.m. SCOINS CLEANERS RECEPTION for Mr. and lefrs..Stenlei Johns 'BAYVIELD'PAYITION Wed.., .JiAly :15th: Everyone 'Welcome:! for Mr. and Mrs. Ruder Penner . (nee -Alice Brialter,, daughter ef Mr: and Mrs. John 13riaket, RM. 2, W1toin MONKTON . COMMUNITY CENTRE -e 'FRIDAY,. JULY 10th Ladies, 'please bring LunchEVERYONE WELCOME •CE'PTI-0-14 fand.„mis• Joh* )1inns' MC.O.c.,4);-. July: 5th _..CONSTANCE HALL -dies' Please Bring_ ench,...e., EvER Friday • Nght' BAYFIELI) •PAVILION IAN .WILI:3EE'S' ..ORCHESTRA mme Reunions, 4P.,.RICHiltDSON tte CO. -REUNION The C, Richardson ..gc Oo. Ltd., St Maree, held their annual picnic 'Saturday, jelly 4, at 'the Lions Parlt,• •Seaforthe with 30 present. The annual picnie of the company .wae organized by Local 16,;Deire Uteileil • WoekeeS' aael. _the. following -officers: p r es id en t, Phates vige-president, • Fred Pedley; eecretary-treesuree, Spence Reid. ' Winners Of the events were:" chil- dren ,up 16 lour years, Glen Him - burg; six to eiget, St,evert ,Stacke eight to 10, Jackie Parkine..10 te 12, Feed,. Cowdrey e 12 to 14, 'Joyce Parkin; men's race, E.: Vaettat-ter; ladies' reee; Mrse.e: Sealy; ladies: sliee ",ideltinge-Mrs.'-J. A. Richaid- ,Soeeethree-legged face, Mr.. and Mee. Joe 'Sealer; balloon -bursting :eenteeet,e Joan Parkin; children's - three -legged race, -Jeery and Toece. Parkin; velieellearrow race, Jerry and Joyce .Parkin. SSe.1.4 'STANLEY PICNIC "%The:Anneal -School picnic of ...SS .NO.'14; Stanley, was held Friday Of last 'week at .Seaferth Liens- Perk., The Winners in the spotts_wete ee-foleaves eeepreesclieotee-, 'Gordon Wright,, Ricky Gibbs; eix - and un- der, Gail...;Henderson, Donna C1if ..,tem.; eight and, metier,' Gweinielli teereirick; Bine' Henderson;. 10 and •underi Larry Gibbs c Gwenneth lien- drick;' ;12, atiele Bill- -Fergie har,, James' Wright; 14 end., wider,' eTerry Johnson; Mcl3eth;- ,yeeng ladies,Crailelaequher. Lore •raine Talbot; .yeeug enen, . Jerre: Jelmeaneetoss IVIckeath, ' Kick 'the. sliPper" .10:- and under, Brian Triehner; 'Gwenneth.'. dricle; kick the slipper; le- and' eve _eie_Gertrude-e-T6OnkeeCeeile-Fearque tar; . gathering clothes piriereLeb0.-, Clift6e;...ter,ace. Fife -Oat; gather- clothee pins, men, -Dick'. Mee Cabe; Allan Johnsen; • nail driving; mere., Cliff Henderson, ' Ernest „Tal- bot ; „ eel]: driving; ladies, Doreen McLachlan, DerotliY.:Talbot; Pess;. ing beans, Aubree...FeirtnieF.' FEDERALL-RUBBEE-400e-PICIVIC "The .Federel- gabber' Co., 'Strat= ford, .held their anneal picnic-, at the Litme Park,. Seafeethe With 140 in, attendance. ' Those iti .Charge. were Eleanor IVIcArthure:Jeati.Pete rie, AnnabelleOehm, Pet -De' La- fatier, Marcella Meyer and George - -The races were held as 'follower: pre‘schOol age, Jeffrey Balley;Kev- in Brown; Debbie Dehme girls, six. to nine, Dietefe. Salter,. ;Susan Teel; 'Janet McArthur; boys, .six 10 nine,Rothe Ricky Brown; k throwing girls; eti nine, ;Janet McArthur • Serie, throwing. ball; boys, six 'to 'nine, ; ENDRICK•iten Teethe ' 'Bobby:. 1):'1.,alnier; girl's, nine to 13, Jill Waltee...0aroi Bredliagen' baireing.peands- Gail ATION LUXE WAX - WASH Complete Lubrication TIRES— BATTERIES ACCESSORIES CONFECTIONERY For 'Friendly Efficient. S rvi e VISIT KENDRICK'S • 13/A STATION inmumiimmimmunnnimumma PAINT • NOW! During our Gigantic •--SPECIAL --- •'Ext ior HOUSE 'Pet Gal. LIMITEle OUANiter ""`'' an Be Coloured to 60 ColoVre ublin Electric °aim, Sendra lefoWee wheelbere roev, rape; jire . De Lafeeiere Arne DavideBourne; 'Ken Itotheeed Bab' bY De. Lafarifete blowinghalloons, boys, nine tee13,:erolirei Hartiee-Teec-. ryelitigeiee;. blowingballoons, girls, nine to 13, Carelel3rodliagen; Bey, Lowe; ; peanut , ecreinble,' Oehm; kicking shoe; ladies,: Sane dra Bailey;' ' Walking. ..rOpe, *Doug MeAither; .stocking , race, Edith Listrieen 'Helen Bredbagen; Bee - trice• Lowe; „theowing 'ballooneleab anclejeare-Wheal. • ) A:delightful luncli was .served by 'J..M.Schneid, of'Kitchener.,., BENTLEY.REUYION.. . Seafettletioni-Park-Waeetheesete ting 'foe -the annual Bentley 're -tie -- ion with' 'ebotit. 40 in attendance. The officers for •the picnic were: president, Bert. Vincent,,Belgr aye; secretary4geaeineeee Mrs.. Frank Baird,. Mitchell; , grounds -commit..., feei-Mr: and 'Mrs; Stuart ',Bernier- naarieSt. Marys; sports coinmittee, Mrs. Ken Ahrens, lVlitchelle and. Miss 'leaeie Baird, London. der, Jim Kyle, Ken Jones; boys, 10 and eindee,e:Geant Joaee, Dennie Littleton; girls, 12 and under, Gwen Jones'. Gvvenneth. Hendrick. boys 12 and under Robert Cooper; Bill McNichol; three-legged race, Mat - eerie Turnef ehd Gee= jonee,.Gary Anderson: arid, GranteJenes; Wheele .baretee -race, Robert- Copper and 'Bill McNichol, Gary,. Andersiefi mid Grant' JOne$ e girls. kick ,the slip- per, Karen Littleton, W.entlyelonee; boes kick,the slipper,. Robert Coop- ..er, 'Bobby, Gridsek; Marriedladies, Norma Deitz; -Mona • Alderdice; girls kick the slipper; Norma Deite; Lorraine Coopere paper plate,rate, Lorraine Cooper, Meier Aldeftlied; 'minute race; Marearet Jones, Lor- raine Cooper; laceyeeeith ions, Mee: Aleir..WeeMintri.ee llo0la- li6Op relae,. Lerreene.e Cooper's tea;' guessing the emints,„ :Wee 'A,Iderdi'ee and IVIalyel: Kyle: (tied). ' • ORR REUNION • The-210the-Orrereurieen -was :'held . on Sunday, July 5, at- Riverview Peek„ Exeter ii A-picnie luec:.was. enjoyed for dinner arid supper by 38'membere•. The eotnenittee. charge , for: thie : year •Weee Ms: John Currie and Mrs. .Win.. Lapp,, Whigheni. , ; Sports :winners Weee:, ehildree, 5 and lender, Olive Leere.Duaine Car- rie; .girise 10-15, Betty •• Ann TAPP; ..Mary Joan Lapp youee''Iadies' race, ,Betty.Ana Lapp; Marilyn Rite .chie; mareied women's . taee,e.Mee. Wm., Albright "Mrk.' Claude, Doe';, - ladies:. kick elle leettyeAnn. •Lane., Marilyn' Ritchie'; men -kick 'the elipper;1),ouglee Oseeald Rudy;; tieing the necktie, Claude ;Dere ariteleetty Ann-Teapp.; emistee- :time Douglas Lapp and.. Marilyn' etteteldeeelefeeever-reley,--JameeeEe ,Otr's teanie eeeneolatieneeWelieni- --Lapn'e .tearrre, eldesteledy', ORS ent; • Mrs: Abeline Orr, LangSiclee .eldest .gerit.present EL J Qrr Hens all; 'faimtle -travelling tile' farthest; Mr. and Mrs..A1bright,' Detroit. 'Members Were pieeerit froM.Dee • troite London Parkhill, 'Elmwood, •Wirighame .Laegeidee, leepley- and „ .' • The committee for isqo Is. Mrs. Claude Dere,Ripley; Mrs. :David Henderson; Ripley.; Mrs. Eisen. Arnold, Kincardine. • UNION SHOBBROOK RE...; • . „ • ..Sixt-jeeetien...; Members ,;.• of e.e .8lielebreek".eaffilly attencied,.the efteal, reunien on jely,;5', at ,Seaforth' Lioris , :Parke eTlie Officeree fere:the PiCeie..-*ere .-president. Mrs: Laura Sainitiercock; t ry; , Mee, Lorne. Sholebtookeeteeeetirefe Ger. don' ':Shielebroele; elerieleeceinntittee„ Mre. EeeCeeeelorde.mrS. E.lehee.;: ePorts .6eininittee;.„ Mr.- • . • Therestilts.Weee.ae folleeee:.bey$ . „ under, five, Donald. Waltling.e.egiele under, severieVirendeelffeltlinge Con; tee ' Gibbingee •Aeletie ;Andrews;; ebbleee bend: taees,,,Veene: Gibbingee Myrtle Knee eehoye.. iiiidereleeeleeeee. Stung, 'John "Albert Seueelercoeke. -yeeng.....men. eCraWferd,;,•.beys anclegitle'..,oVer :seven, jehrielVlan-. fling; ladies aind.girlseehoe kicking, ,Baebera Josling,„BethKriox;', eating' men's -ball. • throwing, eGerdon Seel)? biookeenieeeeehalleore bloWing 6On- feet: Bele Seithderceickeledies" hall throWing7Verna :'Gibbings;,)ladiea eating . soda biscuits and whistle; Verna. Giblairigs;.".' farnilY,Who.,tanne .•the'fartheaty: Mr.. and Mrs., Cotdoe Sprung from Manitoba.; ,oldeet-pere Shobbroek; peanut scramble for for cliildreneuedeie 10, eleihreeeManningee-Margaretee--Sefehe brook; girls'112y.eers, .brook, Donna hiabbrefalt; .youngest babY","• Paul •Gibbhigs, Months; baby ',them .farthestedietaticee Cam len .Josliii, .from .:Dertmoneh,eN.S.;,-; :bees, .a tide gerle callireeetheehindegi for' -their mother„,,Iohn.,,Gibhing?,;; Wendy e Waffling; thee, eali4d, con- test, 'Charlie -CraWfOrd';anaall:beys'' and.girls'.' races, 'Brian. Hunking; • :Winners were:H. guessing number 'lucky number -.between..1 and 1,000; Of, jelly. beans in jar, Mrs. Katie Jack Andrews;. age, 'rade, Mrs. L Stewart- Teeewatet eegeriseeeneetn Shobbrook;"'7,1adies"--efulibere bend - five years, -Wanda Stock; boys,One. race, 'Ethel Shelobrook; nienrs'rub-,' to' five years, Gerald Ahre,nS;gthls, her band race,.NorMartiltacifordi . .SiXeee 10 year, Mary Joan Ban Th.n:OffiCers fet. the. 1960.: ieun- riernien;..beye,eix to 10 years Ger; ion. are president Gordon .Shob- den M cDoirald; bojs 10 to 14 .brook, secretary Liiliaa. Carte Herold'SWitzete wright;:.1.reasUrer,.',BetlieKnex;', etre iel Switzer, r".Inne Thacker; young, 'Cie]. 'eominittee, Key men:, Tem Wliite.i)teani, races; aine SaiiiidereockeBert and Dore Shob- Thaeker; Picking SlipPers,-Irtooth- brook; sports " :. committee; :Lorne pick e and life-saver race„Clirence arid ',Birth. ShOlebrooke ; 'water team;bdttle, and ', ' ` ' • ' water :rice, Aiyin Thaeker'S team; STIEHENS00.• KEP'slIfON Tee:bele ganie was stepped mieeee :The 30the, annual. Stephenson ree donne a ram anion...Wee:held at .Seaforth Liope. . 4 • Park' on July '1,'with a record ate MORE.NZ REUNION - tendenee of around 140' relativeS . The lylorenz refinion was• -•held -attending, from., -Toledo,: Ohio, De - July '5 in. •Mitchell Recreational .troit and Marlette; Mich., Lions Park with 'approximately 130 at Head and Winghairie Greetings: also. tendinge•A nice time' was spent 'by, were.. received frOni..Mr.• and Mrs. all, with garnet arid races conduct- Reward Wylie, of',WroXeter, feoin; ed by Mr. and Mre..,Floyd Clark,Liverpool, England,. Where they are of Mitchell; The oldest. lady pres- epending, a, see.Weeks"„holiday.. 'ree .ente was Mrs. .Sotiise Motenz, , of ..A. shorthesinese Meeting; Pres-id- Mitehell. The youngest , baby.. was ed over lee: Allen Arinsttong; leap ,Valeree:Lecroite daughter of Mr. held atter the dinner: "The , follow.' and Mit. Phil. Lacroix, of ...St. ing Officersarieleeommitteee were IVIatee, Mr.: ken, Kauffman, of elepted for a: tWo-Yeer .teiernepreei- Breslen came ;the farthest. dis- dent Allan Armstrong, Varnae eice knee, and 'Air, and MrsWilliam president,. Ralph Stephenson; sec- Jefe'iy RE, 2, : Stratferd, received retary, George. Stephenson; table the ptizeefor' Abe largest.” family. :committee, Mr. .and Mrs. Elmore The reunion for 1960,isto be held Stephenson, Mr.. and Mrs:, 'Ralph the first Sunday in July at lEtiyer- Turner; .sperts. committee, Mr...and view„ Perk, Exeter. ,; 'Mrs,: Garnet elloesseau„.•.; Mr,.. and •Officers elected were as fell6Vis:t 1Versellareese Keys: At Was' also 'dee president, : William Stephen"; secre- Wedtoliold next "year's reimion tary, Mrs. Jack Corbett; treasurer, oft thegenie date: and pleee. • .. Arthur, leferenz; lufielie committee,: •• .The restate & the sports Were as Mrs. Sohn kleckrnari, Mts.. Hugh fellow's chilciren. and:. iindere Morel* MrSPellojelVIOreez and Mrs. Deborah `Stepliensohe Bonnie Arm- Lealie Adams; &penis coreimittee, strong; ;gala, • 6,9 leTareey Coneitt Phil .Lacroix; Lorne „,Wolfe, ..Roes Cheryl, 'Mouseeau; hoes, 64, 'Paul Corbett and Connie Corbett. 'Sterthenson; Preddie Arinsfeenge • ' girls.,, Or a ceM , ' 'R1PPEN EAB AND in#, PICNIC Turner; '042betealfeMOriorie 9 -12e -Paul Stephen, • The annualleippen Baby- Band son, Leonard Metcalfe -;;Young lad - and Mission Band picnicwas held lies'. tace,,,Shirley ,Metcelie, Grace at Seaforth Lions Park with .abOut Metcalfe;. youngmens e0 in attendance on.Tuesday. 'The Stephenson; lim eneitt; Married leader of the .Baby Batd.ie. Mrs, ledies.e.eece, Leis Armstrong, IViona Ross troadfoot, and of the Missien: .Stephenson; married.'rneres, race; Band,: Miss Dorothy • . Corisitt, Win. Taylor; ladies Itesulte of the races were: . pre- ldck the slipper, Merin-Arnistrong„ gated ''.61iildrene ,Brenda ',Turner; Dorothy, Mousseau; niOn kik the 'jean Pinkbeitier;ix atidi ender,. seipper, Dee :Caninbeei, Wm. "Cen- DelebinAfidersen,Mthy Ifendrielc; ea; three-legged 'tate; Wm, TaY- •giria, eight and 'under,- Geeenhelle lor and Consitt, Keith .Stephe ifisen end jini Cobeitt; relay raee, Walking on .paPer .platee; Mena P,Itone.70 r 2 — DUBLIN. 11.00146k, Nam' C°11sitt; Pilse 10 • arid tindere GeVenneth enendriek, ilitiiimmo rin icnics present, Mrs. David Stephenson; oldest gentlemanejohn Armstrong; youngest boy, ,Gerald Armstrong, son 'of ,Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arm- strong; youngest „girl., Judy Steple enson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson, Ilensall. , McAllister Reunion .;The McAllister reunion was ',held at Bayfield on Sunday, July 5. Dr, Arthue 'MeAllister,, Georgetown, lionorary-presieleat. Prepared book- • lets- of the:history of the McAl- • lister clan. Which were presented to 'various members. Over 70 at-. tended from Toronto, Georgetown,. Grosse Point, Detroit and Apple- gate, Mich., Ilensale Exeter And. • An invitation was extended to the .Canadian members to attend: -the American reenion eat ,Applegate; •Mich,, on Labor day. President for 1960 is' Ruseell McAllister, Toron- to; secretary,-treasnrere Arthur Mc- .Allistere -”Jre- Georgetown.--Dinner- wae served, and the afternoon spent in reunion with the clan.- , . BRUCEEIELD WA PICNIC, •' Approximately 100 attended the B.rueefield WA picnic on 'Tuesdey at the cottage of .Mrs. Ross' Scott. Mire, .meT7p,raliagi and Mrs. Nics, menleeird" ie eeeege. Of Peq. , el'he reeuite the ,races were 'as folleves: -live ...end under; '-.‘leetlier,:: Robieson Sandia Graham.; . six to' „Brenda eie -Brenda-eAnneetergreayes.e. under,. • Garden elendeeeon; LaWrelice: Elliett; ..girls,eeight And :ender: .Sheeoie,.Baird 'Linde'Rehinson; boys, 10 and. tin,der ,B�nnie•. 'Seett':.Gertlen...11enciereOri;.boYee 0, eeggederaceeeRonnie-e aleaul and ;Pillee'Releinson GeraleAldwinide. andefeeLebbeegirlee 3-leggedetaee;„ Sharon Baird and Linde ,eteleirisofe Joan Aldwinkle and. Bernice, leeleb; •.Gineer. ;MacGregor • Of. .Owassk Mieehigen: end. Brefere,. Ann Harj greaees,- • ..: Boys' " Sick. race,: Jiminee .sen; Gordon.Henderscei; Sack, receeSheeeneB.airdeBerniceeliablee iniked racee Graham., ;Bren- da An Hargreaves,,. Joe Lobb; ghee. teee, Bernice Lobb; Joan Aide wineflee•Searoff Saitde. .throWireee hall in umbrella, Gerd= Hendee] son, Joe ...Loth; Yonrigest„. persoe; peesent,'Cliekleeel3reedfOote count - Ing. catillSgiijariLOye.Elliett; Iad- les' :raee,:.BettY. 'Gratiaine Iteigteave's; idekellieeelipper; Shir- ley ;.elarg.teaVes; Tend,. 1VecN.aughe tone, notion, Mes.:11anie Nfrse Wm. .Fotheringlienee,liick Spot,,Barleara Robinson, a votopto,.;-.; meet geend-, 'children ,.Mrs.. John:: Aikeehe ad; :.lieeeseringethread,..:MrS.:Edgat .A1,, Jere ; Mre.,, „Roes eSeette. aidestenere sere present, ,Mrs. C. Heng14,.efere;.... Douglas; cIathee. ;pin ' race, Mrs,. Ruby 'TTrieletieti.'. Mr's. Edger: lucke. tee: Cep/ Mte, Shirley' .1fargreaves.:. ", ':„ • reeepteeeeeekeeedetite Mt's: eWiliner BeeadfoOt Mrs. Scott for hereleesPiteliteeandepeeeented.herWith a gift' ' HUNTER? REUNION ' -The; reunion 'Wee .helcie at leivereieveePark EXeter. Saterdeee 'Jule' 4; With about Kleet theellenter relatives sittiegedown. •toe setopeie aftee eall: • remaieed :standing . a niotheat's: silence eit.• memory "of - those wbene. had. peeeed :oil during 'the' year, : .felieleedebee 'ell .singine • The president,. Stewart Ceriffeed. Teeidoneteted as.master'of,..eceree- Meniese. anclejust before -the' supper was over he 'took, charge :of 'the husinees. The: seetetary read the minutOs of .thelast fithnie,..and .the' executive brought". ni :the ,slate eof toitte-es- :for ate :Plonk eat -the _same; peaae "next 'Ye.er jelly e, 19.60e.-eeee ' ' eeee'r 'fee President . will be ..,Stewart. Ge.dee Londeri; immediate :PaSt-president, 'Bill Brock, London: .viee-president, Boy. Hunteie: Exetere..' Jaek Del - 'Wedge, Exeter; •Frank Dickens, Ali see Craig; ' Dickens, Lam• e betheOrtte. 'secretary,. Mrs," ,Herold Iiiintere :Exeter.; aseietant eecree tary, Lammie;:.' Centralia; spOrtS.„corrirnitteerl-larold !Hunter, ,Eketer; McDotaid. Exetee; ,1VIrse:.pee.... Skinner,. Exeter;. Mrs. Douglas Exeter; teble. eceiamitteee Mr. end..Mrs,...leessell Snell; Exeter; Whit-' neyeCoatee; eCent,ralia; .:Ana Mrs..ThOrnas Brodie Granton; Mee end: Mee: Win.. Dixon, Clandebeeree " e The Ptesident'ethen turned the. reunion over to the epserte earefriite tee and while ,:thee. younger .:: ones - 'were having'their:sports thelardipa .cleared the tables. Mrs. LOttie Coetes, reeeived the. prize for the oldest lady present Mid' she was' On the • welcoming :committee. Mrs. 'Jack Hunter reeeivedethe Prize for coming the greatest 'diatance; Mr. :and Goldie Glenn. , wort the prize, ,for having:the' largest..fain,. ilepresent at .the ieuniotee 1VIrS Eeterett Skinner • won for, having the 'inoSt "Mr -aims' on her dresee boy. or. Man, with. the most coloke in bis.. ecicke, Larry Brintnelle There were the regular races, but' one contest 'that created k lot of. fun was: the novelty. contest in which' the, ladies 'and men, as competitors, made.the longest line with their clothing, shirts, ties, belts, . shoes, etoekings„ and 'even slips" were .added give Athe, ladies • the .'edvant- There were.letters of regret -re- ceived from members who weree, unable 'to attend, from Vancouver; BC., North Tonawanda, N,Y, Ito chester, N.Y., Corona Del Mar, Cale SaekatoOn, Sask.; Calgary, Alta„ Toronto and St. Catharines, 'Members were preseet from Ot- tawa, St. Catharines, Lainbeth, London, • Gra/lien Ailsa Craig, Woodham, ClandebOYe ah Centralia.. ' A public addrese` system added 'fetich to the everlingeas each:per Was.' able `to 'hear all the tarsi- ness,, as' well as the sports. The president, Stewart Griff, ably, as- sisted the sports committee by' not billy calling out the race Or con- test but bee givitig such a good resume Of it so all could enjoy, (contilDnueUd BfroLmitiage !leMwrsYork. C,ostello ,at Ilifalton and Toronto. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Malone and children returned to Winnipeg Fri- daMyrib. y an'rdCMAr's- fr. L°erlinniMeaGit°affnen. y and son, Brian, of Brockville, with Mr. Carl. mid Jerry Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McCarthy in V'erndale and Pontiac, Mich. • Mr. and Mre. Frank 13mn and children, 'of "Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans. _ Mrs. Eugene Geroux; of Thor- old, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos- ftaell• mmori".6, .ha.vicehornla,..0_sveed__-Kri....nallosktohpfe hone ,of of the late Jemes Krauskopf, which' she recently purehasedefrorn Peter 1VIaloney. • • - Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, of Detroit, with Miss Monica Byrne. • Mr. and Mrs; Jack Parker, of Houston, Texas, with 1Vir. and Mrs. Frank Burns. , Mr, and Mi -s. Fergus Stapleton - at Clairmont, with Mr, and Mrs. • eT,at McGrath; 'Hamilton, 'spent the weekend_At his_bome___h_eree_e_ -Itiff,--iii-d-1171rs.—Fiank Rowland and - children, Oekville; vvith Mr Louie McGrath._,, „, ' GARDEN 'CLUB NEWS ',The .third Meeting �f the 'Thrifty Kippenettes Garden Club was held at ehnhoniee of , Miee Sin - elan' on Monday' at .3 'pale'.. -10e.: • McAllister eatterided the . Meeting. `,Thitteen.egire$,:anewered ., Tole `e.all..afid: the Miriutes- last • nreeting'2":Viere.'''aPproved 'aa read. rieXt'lneeting Will, be held: .at- Mrs.,.:..-A,...SliaprnaWs-',0i7-Aiigust The leaders. gave more enformee lion eefi .garden Weeds .MI0 ltild hew to e.teke :toinetoes., Mrs, McAllister. eleenemetrated 'an; infoeinee flower Irrangemente eneXeeee-You woad: 'Set :a.e. aelniffeti;neeigainet. a well. 'Sinclair- and Mrs. Cliapreen , -gave., useful pointers cooking vegetables. . ' • .• .Honid.aSsignments for the, .next 'meeting are: .. (1), g.aedening, (2) bringrecrd up,to ,clete (3) start reference' .file, seethed ye'are. icerninne4itly.;,:WOrk begunjuLfir,St: year, year; . work-. tawards ebrepletitig arrange . fleW- ,ers • for a ..dining: table . at .least once e -(5) ;peepare and serye eriy, two .vegetebles when. ready. ; -'1"he roll: .eall Jot the next . meet,' hag bringteee vegetable's of wee kind to the .meetheg.... • ' ' Win sor Schoo • THE ExposiToR, SEAFM111, ONE., , JO; Pagejj .CO11—eg(Ceronhtleirit'lebereontn. career at a4iiral sehool .near Dun- gannon Thee,'• he, tau'ght' seyeral years e in Waterloo Ceeety, : and ,Tifinninse 'He Went Ad lArindsor•in 1926 "and in . jaffeeree .e929e:When ,TeaeielMeeerell Scheel Was- built, he Was Appointed as its :'first prinCie. `The eetiff ;Of the .ChleelSti e3" 'teachers. Under -his leadere. , eliiO, 'David MaxwelleScliool-has ef.7 -ways been in the fOiefrent in ac- tivities • of educational, atideticat :and community interest. Many out -L standing epepils graduated frcenthe..echool during this. period: Mr. -Keyese4.haseserYed as,Presi= dent:.of the Tedeliers'effiefitiite, and, has been actiee ie 'the men TeaChe ers' having :been orese "defeetif the Essex -Kent District and eepreeenting..thieegroup at theepro- eineiel'hieethige,. for. several yeare. Fertile...Past 20 Yeeis heelies been e-fireniberedethe-hOardeefedirectors Aid:.Socieey, 'bet' .Whitlebt, niktEssex CoUnty.,lee'has been president Of bpardetwice dining:, that:period He is .also a :Member, . Lincoln. Road united.. Chiirehe sereriiireae-sineeritedeet., ef..theSenday,Seheel for a ,nemb.ee .of.F.y.eare.e.At.preserit •fie isrecotd *Mg steward afetee' 'of the .church. •" itia Mrs. Keyes, the:fernier Ella Sehweitzeee.Ehriira, and. their 'daughter, loan - reeide. at .2282 -Hall' 'Ave Windsor. • CROMARTY . Miss', Margaret. A: Walleee spent a,few daes at Bruce Beach.. ' Mr: and Mrs. Harry Elliott and daughter, Susan, have retutted to their home in Windsor after spend- ing their, holidays here ' "with, eVIr. -and Mrs, e. Wallace and. other rel. - Mrs. M. Houghton, accOrrinanied 'by 'Mr: and Mre. Ress,,Houghton, Mrs. Kemp Of Mitchell_And Frank Stagg were guests_ at the wedding. of her grandson, Frank Houghton; to Helen Shirley eGrant oe. Satur- day,' July 4, • at the. npAr Station in Aylmer, , . Mr. Anerew'' McLachlan Mrs. Grace •Scott, ,Mrs., Sadie Scott ende Mrs: Ken McKellar enjoyed a mo- tor trip to Belmont and Fanshaw on Tuesday, e.eiefe • Mise Alice Sorsdahl has Tecitre,d a position. with the 13 ell Telephone in Landon. • Mr. Lin MeleellarBola and Laurie were guests at the Wedding of 1VIurray Miller andhis beetle in Brantford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. -Ward Forrest and Margaret, of Zurich, visited Mrs, ,Houghton on Sunday.' . ;Miss Carol Adams., of Metchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Alex' Gardiner. The CGIT' Girls'.witlt their ery Mrs. Larnoiad;visited the Prof „Iestatit Orpljanage in London:, where they ;treated the children to a hinch and other amuseitients: The ,gthls also. ,visited Kellogs mutt- • factirring building aad,Stbry'Book Gardens. VVIVIS lefeets The WMS July meeting Was held at the' home of Mre. Frank Allen, with; Mrs. E., Moore presiding and taking charge of the devotional period., Moll call Was answered with a verse on, •'Service'. Mrs. Sorsdahl, assisted by Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Lowed, •eilre. K. IVICkellar and Mrs. Boughton, took the study book on "How We Serve "Throrigh the Cheire,h," • Mrs. Will 1VIiller read a paper entitled/ "The IVIeasures of a ati," 'Current events Were given by Xis, Jim Scott iffloteeimee Nancy` Consitt; boys, eight and uri, SteriheaSeri'S tearn; Oldest: ;IadY even 04 of sight of the tontest, „. by EASY, For Warm SUMMER D pousTTED coTroNS cOor. CHAMI3RAYS • KRINKLE- CLOTHS r • RAYON CORDS *,DROP STITCII COTTONS ‘. COLORPM PRINTS .98 FASHIONS' • Choose from: Sun Dresses Bolero Dresses o- Sleeve asuals hirt Waist Styles Bend.... mist stretch : or. sit—and. - your supple Grenier Acrobat girdle• moves rig wick you! It's the softest thing • since velvet ... thanks to Bruclea Ilelanca stretch -nylon, yarn. And se flexible that one size fits evetYole UP • • - dowl t • • and all the way''round-...,you're cotnfortabli streamlmed in an Acrobat! In. white, pink, blue, black and red—$4.00 Light arid dark „prints, -.checks, stripes, dots and floral. prints, styled in cool Sum- mer fashions to see ydu through the hot 'days ahead • WO1VIEN'S SIZES -- 12 to 20 HALF SIZES — 141/2 to -241/2 TO THE EI)ITOR STANLEY NATIVES VISIT LAPEER; R[ALL BRUCEFIELD DAYS no West Park St., .Lapeer, Michigan: . Editor, The . Huron Eepesitor: , •... , , ; • . Will McQueen and his wife, froM 'Cass. City; Mich., 35 rhiles enerth; 'east. of. Lapeer, dropped. in .recent: ly. .:Many-L.well, • a . 're- MembereWill's' dad', he. farmed, on„ the. second. of . Stanley ',years :ago,. then, c'arne, te,the Sta.tes. not -eine; belt • I thirikeWill was -here . in *Staideye....AnYwee. his- .dad ' and George .Baird, the beloved Sehool- master,.,George F.errest,,,.1VreeTjaM.- eesoe 'and.sorne.,othefe, to sing: individually and, in , egeoep., Most- of them- had,' at one tifee, or, another, the esinging... Ile the zeld_cbutcheatBrueefielde •evenebe- fore -the. organ Wes. used in emelic Worship.: If erten-tore _ serves. Me. cerreetly,..Jeck Snider,...andeelern, iGeorge Baird and Wife, „leek 'Sleari Moodie: andethereeSaiedeelless bays, patty..at_.JintelvIeDiniaIds tele and wife, me' exii,? /c ,were:tetered by theee men I-teirile night. in 19.1e; •Wilen . &Ice Queen, Sr.; "Sandy'? Ross andWifee Ierecallee about. a year go now (MY;Dael_wee .tife,eeeeep , he •wes , East on a..., buying .trip)---, parting alljoined hands in "Gad Be ,With. Yen' Till Weelefeee , . , . . ZION Sympathy is extended to 1VIrs, George Robinson erici larhily in the loss df a loving husband arid father who passed eway last week in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. • Mr. and Mrs'1b Britton vis- ited Fi•iday night with ler. and -Mrs. Norman Stanlake at Grand Bend. ' -and Mrs, Dalten Malcolm with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald.Gibb on Sunday. • ' Mies Gayle Lannin visited •with Mr, anceMrs„ Bill Stephens in Strat- ford last ,week., . •Miss Joel.' Britton and her girl friends spent' last week at Pott Elgin. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Rosrdon, -Don- na and' Barry with Mrs, Mary Mal- colm oft Sunday. . Me. and IVIrs. George Pepper, of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper on Saturday. . 4 -II DAIRY CLUE • The second regular meeting Of ;the Seaforth 4-H Dairy. Club was held at the home of William S. • Storey on Monday at :20 p.m. Don Grieve denlonstratede the good pointe about a- Jersey. cove. The members 'then • jUdged a claSS of Holstein coWs, With reaeons, and another lass of Jersey coWs were judged: The members gave their' reasoris to the leaders. Mr. ,Grieve gave the official placing.' The 4-H Pledge was repeated by the mem- bers, followed by the minutes 'of the last meeting and the roll call. Mr. Grieve discueLed the 4-H bug tripand the members purchased their tickets. Dennis Jewitt thank- ed Mr. Grieve and Kenneth Papple thanked the' Stor•ey family. Mr. and MI'S, elgarry Horton are attending the EdWardS-Mallin wed- ding at St Sohn's iknglicanChurc ,Winoria, Saturday, 4fuly Again." Now, of course, so far as I know, Martha and I are the only two left Of , those' Present " that Well, ,anyway, WiIL. and his' wffe 0-ereehere, and I• said to him: •"Will, Tom , Baird aed some oth- ers were here 'last summer, amoeg them Mee Campbelle- Something •was said in refer,ente to herebeing IVIrs. McKenzie." I didn't like , to ask, "What McKenzie?" :But ,ao you know whe she married?" . "Why, yes," he said, "Simie." "Sirnie?" I dame back.- `Teti mean Shine from the corner there in Tucketsmith?" "of ,course! 'Didn't you know. "No, I- didn't," I eonfeseed. "You see-Sintie and' I- were evegy goad friends and one evening as we sat in; fronteof Seott's stare he Aoki lue„ -he -guessed -he, would always re- main Single, and f simposed he meant it:" eWell," said, Will, •.f 'when, the right—woman came -along you see citecklylae,charigecf his mind." Then I toldhim about pacldrig apples for Dave Cantelon at Sirree's urnmeetdW:eh:%lng;waeitle fogna,rlpem- trod, then Drew Swan arid I, and I think - Wellie Wilson genie carrie to the bern,Where the apples Were, -told as it was far too cold to work out teere—"come on into the house by ttle ,fire," he , said rather core: maeding Well we did just that, and there We remained all day, 'We discover: 'ed just 'as Simie had said, it was farbetter for our healthe.in._the house. Wbat.did we ,all deer Why Play, euchre"; of course.. We found itmuch more stimulating than packing apples, and besyles Sirhie's good- mother and sister. served us two of, the- best .ineals we ever bad. I teld Will also. that it was at Sin -dies farm where. Jack McGre, got- accidentally fell into the thresh- er one ,day, oh, maybe 60 years ago,' It was , a terrible aceident. • Yes,, I remember so, Well. seeing S_itnie at every Brucefield spring show. 'As a, :young -boy, he was' much intereeted in horses. I grew up fee know him well later. A very, veryefine citizen and a credit to the good, old County of Hurea. And his wife,' well, the CamPbelles rank- ed among the best, over there .on. Stanleys. second, along with the Bairds, the Gilmouts, Grahams, MeEwans, McGregors, McCoevans --indeed, all' a thene-Land 'toady others --Mae had a ,brother, 'Tom, •and it seams to me another broth- er, a dentist. AS I, write, my mind •goes- back to one day we were getting some seed grain. at John Gibson's farm,..and he was telling Uncle Jack 1V1eQueen what fine neighbors he had--wIliere's Jimmy • Ailtenhead, your brether-Jim,. John Ketchen, Mr. Collins -and Tom Pen - found; you can't beat that lineup, John," he said. - I remember .Tehn. Gibstm well, as I do Mary, and Bert and Mur- ray"... Man yes, it , great to 'visit agnin,, even is it i only imaginary and on paper. But it sterna like real.' life,, to- ,ine, anYway& Very, sincerely jig O'NE NSTANCE • Miss Shirley Little, of Manitoulin Island, lias returned home after spending two, weeks at the homei- Of :Mr.- aridelVirs, 'Clarenee 1VIont-- gomery and family. -• Mts. Neelliam Simmons and chil- thee, ef 'Toronto, returned home' af- ter visiting last week with Mr. and Mrs. Doneld Buchanan and fam- 1VIrs. Edith McFarlane, of Toron- to, visited with Mr. and'Mrse-Frank Riley last week and Mrs. Robert Woods, and Debbie returned home to Ajak after spending holidays with her parents. Mr. and XI'S. . Mrs. Mabel Snider, of Sarnie, spent a couple days witielVIr. and Mrs...Clarence-Montgomery , • Mr: end Mrs. E. F. -Warren and daughters spentthe, Weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. aid Mrs. Earl I,awsen. Mrs. Warren and daughters are remaining, for holi- days,. Several from heeeeeeterided the Shakespearan, Festival ',last week •in- Stratford and saw the Queen and .Pce Philip, as well aS see- ing them at the statiott. - • Mrs. r. M, golden, of Gibson,- B. C, • is holidaying this week with her sister, 1Vres. Alf Buchanan. This " is a happy' reunion as it is:the first visit in -10 years;-- Mr. and -Mese A. .c..-,Ilawson, of -Calgary; :Alta., and Mr. and Mrs: • Clarke Lawson, Tommy and Steph- en, of Richmond Hill, visited this Week. at the Jeterie6of 1VIr.„and. Mrs. ' 'Robert Jamieeon., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and sons visited .Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Alyrner Hart; of Brussels, IVIrs. .Pollard and Bill IVEilfson. visited Tuesday with Mrs. Glazier; of Hensell, and Mrs. Luther San- - „dere vieited with her brother, Mr. Williarri "Stepheason, also 6f Hen - Mr. and Mrs. l3oreen Broene and daughters spent Sunday, at Port Elgin. and IlanoeerelVIrs. Brown, Of Hanover-, returned with them for a Mr. and 1VIrs. Wilbur tadell, ef Newton, Visited elVfentla.y at" the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jewitt and farnily. FIARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sprung, Ruth and Ross, of Manitou, Mani- • toba, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox and family. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mercer, of •London, visited on Sunday with Mt, and Mrs. John MeEwing and fain- HY- Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Roe and • family' visited on Sunday with Mr. • and Mit. Min Krueger and Joan, of $t Agatha. • Church and Sunday School ser rices will be held in Burn& Church this Sunday, July 12, Mrelten Ash- ton, of Blyth, will be in charge of -the services. ' • HURON EARIVI NEWS • Haying operations are nearing completion in !nose of the .county with a better than averageOrop -being harvested. The lrarVesting 01 • early canning peas is also nearing ,completion, Sugar beets are teak-. exeellent grOwth; howeveele eollie fields Of corn and white beans appear to/beat a oandstilt. Vol,* • barley...10 [ripening" trickly and fR Wheat atiPears to be Ening vert -