The Huron Expositor, 1959-05-29, Page 4orm -mple, 9`* son, of Mr. fiq r BroNV ies PO'sf.ag� t Charles P*� vles, it his, Meet At Honfe Wild `W S 4 -4 -UM IM"RON M� 09IT6R, SEAFOR OV117. TH, _4Y,29� 1959' Ad Women H E NIS At L. N E 61 C irch Wk Ill A Ext come:`, RR,' test..*,ere%Chr and'.Mrs. 1'Willner -11)plryiii�le Istine �Cameron, �Inn Fpber,,,Kathie Henderson, Linda Lit S fr Kippen, and-,'.stuaet �at` die oni, stitrou,nding com n Jane4 Kipfer, . Cheryl IN -qd, in the. audit0jum of3hp.co es, Mary o ter N"-) I Clin I Little,' T inis A5 _WtAzu _ps, as Tq'e mitlt,,'underA�ent an em-, L4thilI6 �"Bienda No A ew el awyer,'a!4 Joan Slmn�bns: Arleen The, 60n$reg line. on. Monday attiernoon, -fo;: to S ergenpy., ruptured' appepidec my CAimel Pr613 SO16 adon of -21.. 'Tend rs -the MO toy at St,' Joieph's Hapital, London; PC a e PkeiSb�terian-(1huk, lle , ph', 0epsall inet_ For -night, CFd'- hX' Completed her­Browii�e nighi and 4yed e Wanted lithly meeting of Oe q CONSTANCE Mary.' , Mrs�, Folilli Saturday and at date Of test an wM be e,hro . d shortly. at the Church Tuesday 'held a� reception in, lionor Of -thbirII andville, Nyriting is �.doing_as 'well ,as �,can Winners X -I)QQ $rith -shod tail, geww 11�0p_ $ALE� in Egin Thompson was in the chair and ex - IS of Constance welcome to all -ate ladies b cted.. new A"Ply.,to'. _� H. BE�TO��_ 50Gr Tbe"WA and''WA _N1 w�6 p - oil 9 L@i,A6 TE D minister and his LWife, Rev. -Z Jdie,�.OT NLDERSWANTE.-,, APIR QGARTH.' PbPAe,:: �Church held their �'intorest'in cominj.",Mrs; gioji bin ge Vais&. They re� 2-0-1 *ood� metroh 4. Micu�;an. Wo Phone Uni 'and P, f6r lei, A. IV. B. RiemphA Lod- go on Satu were: , Mrs.pand,Mrs_ Geor the­.honie of" i0v. (1011, was 'the weekelid gu U73 Mts"AMeAdAh! g4ve.tbe- secre r'a i 8ntly took up riesidencib An th Tender§ tivill be t�,a�v� bi,the uniIfr­, At rday -og 0 up to ma� th a, good tar5 S I e. te". I M 07,;,n oit, heating systeiu in �, UIS.S. oo gave, L,; ion manse, att�#d�iiqe:. rs. Lo "L T son (3); Mrs. Vaiistonij Mrs.`Wm: piam urnhrella in front of imp.$ L 7--- . , Y'30 fc�';�the installation Whi i6iidesbo.ro, e' d est Of Mrs... Q.- Wilkiil-' e' .IQkrT, `Rga th port, and Mrs, Vi. Hab*g d lev.' �'ai 1;1�y�ug accept. I yte sT factwi ��O w1bli er Shap, FOR SA APAW,t6 STAN UP -1,Y. way 'Nlo. 8 ship "SaIiiiol A , 37ea, &iiiii6d7oVer � the, n 84widay poon" "IT *wkyorth)-, _SchiooL_, Grey-�-Townut- 7M rne� awson I the tt,�asitreris re ed a call to. become. imster of tlie .Phone 1 �d 11 WA s' At- Horton, ew POr ATr,,,1nd'Mrs. Harr) fl Sinalli;� Mrs,:'Glen, Mckeniie; At 2-64.kl, rigbt�_ Ap7ply , to 11��I-TOX� M -S pre reported'on'the church.. 741,1�, h ME 4nd, * Craft to England on ', Wednesday nd will 0 , Br6derick- Mrs. Leo Meidinger; the 4jig the bleeting xvith a y -work,21midy, , Ifionths�;,�acation_-%yich I,el-TAir's Bruce -,;N01,)tA1\1 S. HOOVER,., r . No Ph6uq, �4.9, Please�� .11-610-fiL doni& and -that they Glenn Bell'was &airm had -sold apprlpxlmat�ly $38 - an tiv6§ there'. S iValker 'ATrs William ....... pfa. lse�-_" W�_y�tT,�P� Shoo'l','A'rea� d evening and ext6nded the Wel 6itb�' a Smale Ivan Boa;.,�George_ Ca tle, -rodr, bedr-a'atus; gusino-SS ma i it hopedi to a. baza4r'..bv fall., The A- HMTSE FOR SALE: utlhx- fters -weie dea omeu'§ lissionary uciety he a�6r prize of MOO NV 4:- *' , m lot; so b4vE Mr, and, Mrs. Earl.dampliell. 10 1- ljj4 W.anted, ne\,dQqtvQra%ed* - X - . - As'won,by oil, beatI, ex� 'Con DonatV6,ns�, bf�, old -greeting Cdrd , oftho: Till Paul Bpad-, Tr)zlivt aslid 'High and ` imift�eS, formed tA4 d e`51 dtedChurch N�4,ill hold ed the. reception Committee.. - Z s 4Q3UISTIC '21nd aursing' h p PQ; BOX 5 Sea- are� y Prograrff'was., �o 41% -6 h,' catering tot s9e. at William acceptable as! 'a Mr. an em eY:raI e :June,- ineetingiat the. home of - Floyd A x ' Eas ter -1. wit ffi�k �Mrs, , ve la,$7 ali th;t Mrs: Gib Duia6an, all. Pale"'s on,, 0 �. - lie]; - irted which included'the fol- %IC4u: At Q%tiensvay 'marsing Home, AVA fortly�- repair ink �'. P PrO� ing apbq6k§, en=. une Phone gs'a-" 4-64-1 t presen, Il�= --mb de y' TW.progra, a p.in day, visitors, With Mr� 0 S. % NT.`M� Cook ±ida -an"a is, of-, M�&ton�:_w, "I V.NS.�, litit" 'o.L -nlilog p lob 'M " G A MI R., ts 0 o?:, and t ilani for-bA-ziai'�or open of riyRK.Aqr_ I v:�' I J. t liume, -and more Ng!,�XP061TCOrRVIM! -P�Opel. . + ', � Q�'�;! .,ruLl_Tmr!__ . r ty-F& Rent 110LtETT in June., There _NAraS �IS04: a dona and two e the to Bpx 836, HURQ� aRO 'Mrs, Hunie -fa rom 'Charles D. Daniel was _. rc v a oggar,, gin d, and y. mb;ved f A h-6 Sent to, hristian, Home Ell rs iss elia'Bamf6r St. Thomas: on,Monfty,and have guest. minister -at Elimvillc� and e iv Dse;,. tion of 925 e' TWO BW_R0:1 NIT - Queve musie't.;, gi rs.'. 6 adge" `v DX1 AP Ain' Will for the construc� in' er P-%5 t W eet, 'niia� sh;e� tio4�of -ei tale drain, knoNv:n az�. the Glousher q o, e: was taken��,up: rpsi, ence;,J the-Aionie T�.aixles RoadVifited Churcheslast tea S HELP ED. la;,1144 7*duuie�pal.Driiln.-_ I;ins and sp&ificatiops- -.by --- 'a Loves 0 The WAT& Was presided, ov. it-tle----- -4 WANT iiz - - - ­­ .1 - a %F41ft ZL W60d: _1t4_ ra n tenfiers must be I ac ull ay.'I r TYave a biRh- ctise- s o�t will. be leld at of the Pre I e�. Rf o. -this, wou :�y �.l R: -Bro. rV - a- '- M r-6MwiFcL tl�e .6ffieiatie& dt..the ones Numbqr of young girls aud bo5 P_�t� ffirce�"fl t, sbyte�y -aant 'ins Y'a 9-: day - art P en ie Second F�jdply, night,. of 11 1 '8 b' tertmed chque �oi the N%, ox s 111 p Elimville 'Church; Wide orld; iii, is Hands quited itninedistely.- -il"M ooni;Lof-4,500 Teriders mas�c*Ve,in,,tbe 7_\T.6ighbQthood'1,­for the', Who: ilve i:birthday'� thl�'Ihibnth, d. qnd,tennh May set ri ay', May *, at -66nditions- Permanent em lomeuL was, re redecorate P t e, �1�th.ladi4; Afiss- S S red by' Mippen MITED �.,,ice n the Alofttl4y, - j I I . im-, ii� W, �alker,Qd6en! Stre�f Brown; -vocal Ist - tit George SF -A -FORTH SHOES IJ wjth�theScrjpful�6 une V�the ne mee "Bless Tfiis,�House,`. by Mrs. FOR RENT: m4rooin, _sei�-co4taine was stricken �N wes o .:,any t,ender ellcourlaging to see.th lianlBrown; plallo duet, MF5.,,� al-.. Seaforth; Ont. t r yW. 1, iVith a:'heait',a C -eii men s bei Ag re At�,en ing" gi:a ua on. exercises. hile aii'wok.,cin Aloinday,an as MiSs Maia R from ku§hed-, 14r Bonthibn �mbulan to ebim, �Doug,01 and Mks�, Ed., Avilalile ai �ni J. C. in May,21 for oobol' After the,. minutes, were. e the ladies are,.Wkin'- c A "for -HARRY TEBIt idtoria Hospital. School. of Xurs-'., ospit0i Londoii� v joheS boys;,.,ac., he treas'�rerls. . repor� opy L&S to V , ocal duet by thie, j, few "more he' St, Jaseph?s H, AULICATIONS tusine . ss -matters Wered Ithose -Who. are a little closer o; ing a t Tha"mes Hall,,Uni,�etsit f� coMpained �on thib'gditar.b.y- m e L16yd, assmor6 4 Oiltar and, dau ghte 'Eon e I ea gfid a�b pac the end of the--�roa .than:.'' eafe is to.: be� d West6ri; io London were r,,, 41, Mai�',' of Delhi,�. the position -of Secretars-, e yone 16 visitl d, A� Sin spent the" Week V�,qise s�oke brie y,,,statmg Are iviLed -for e y,(�'. chattin- an June and a -_ .,r� T. Dodds to yone in 'M n d 'er's fa�iher, � Mr. John Treasurer o the Seaforth Publ UtilitY en&'With.Ahe fornimt Commission. �,iVA tiU end �f 11115, have their articic� here and therii-I-An te 41d Dodds Winthrop,, fie was looking 4ofward. to. his ay; lins -,an 'aitd. Mickle-and.- obi. Segeren... w!U, look ai Nvor)-:, the- -first �we is Fred. AKGregiir Brucefield, d* �8. nand to', the" Work OfAh e Applications to be in writing. addrep� evenints,674� GORD0211 NOBEL� 1 Mr. M: ings, - the o ay, in e . 'and Mrs. were , made. for open., ee and .�4amily�ipent--S-u-nffay in Toronto- ongrega ion. a the' undersigned.' ana to tndi-,! IS_63x2 on es orb urfis� r --a. 'th due , ted June, d ed, r Mrs; 9'alcol anmo'nd'v' e;�b thb Eext June unch,was, ADall kin and eing, Slmpson,,� Hen! Air �na Mrs. Mt. and Alrs. Ross, MacMillan., � 2 :'RE�Pk MS ommun TERI we ehn" Sai e to ity singinki Ion'. Seafor� "Thone lies, 111� Alberta e�, 4eaforth Public Utilitk Dick-, Hbgse�. by`,'ielaitives' mi -e,s -A, �Oij�mitt igegatherin r )eco�ating and . ont Anthony�Gelde- lid - lregafib:m WAS' 11 KLINO ,Chairman, �radios. -at ing� 9 iied.-The cong FRANK qnited.. I slal: �oEj J) were fbrmed. hi r esented'af s Sedforth, Ont in G e for,, ill 'NEWS --------------------- to the anfti who -passe ARM -fo K c Aehdizjg�'th6�,alffernooh tea at the f herei the, 'death.- of�, Mrs.t Donald ar, p ore �,nprs e d ')d awayi� in' Qil-, J �th h es' . r�sid�ne F DER -S verpr6of- writ* o uaia, Miss aia Robbol, -were­_A1i6s..,W. I bIAGIC� AlAAKERS Pp 4-64-2 hur, ned to 'plan, irLgs dur J 6 U and,., the a heart condi wn c6reai- grains, are - n arty surfa ersigaed. �and tion I I Spring. ..Sol -er Is, 'e.former However,. e at" 8 T- Dod s; Winthrop, and Mrs Fred�l FOR TIE� SUPPiLY �.01�, COAL.�- COKE i6­1et`80th Year., Th �'goo pgress- Th�e London'Lile' q�o in d p G . ..... McGregor- Biuceff�ld Bell she, ' a , ki, P -xxE 1 em ers off, ca. and M Septenibe ::ate t .15 N& I bi THE h ins havq held Al L 6 sfii- Mr D. Peddorgk­,. of d 'on", the TecenV7. F6ayy ra ottaw' an ''raise the'sowlEgof cbrii, and "W some" 6?c- E Sundav Service at,'St. Ahdrew.9 LAVZiI)X111FF4,A in; ..ses' dv book a. s.', ect Was in H 6n.,Thursday IV InsurafiqpCq, . �,S - Oi Oi4TARIO­ on anad' ensall� sodth.­bftthii.:,v:[llage:,, 'and wa's�, the', tent be ans;� ';!Jay andpastUres-hav'e, d' D� ng, rs., �as all young . y of er, I t d" 'i6st. of,a'faniil 'd after the i a4 i7eAd, a Mther� n thd,,office of ay,re�ad-. attended. X reception �161- )i's 'in ther4nrlav�, T ma e, �a:,goo recovery, ing.,- ant -Mrst, Bor en�, FP vim Harpole. Vacnciew Fdr agent f ietaxy until 3X V11t pai VA]i6 late Mr. and k td Has hen ;even.�\701mg' Ed; it is e pect Ltd., I -P reaq -_te _u, rnf the y R e it, Clilafoh.,, rs. orne- aws resi e 'th �id, -Nit 'cl ar e ce C 4E R k S Forms of' tenden, ��7ith sii"Ifi . vote of than to I� q2 sion Of ai ; d-'Fron�thE­h�e� kA z ona I TSL� 0A, a A a and o anDu a ag t�- hite. for, commdnifts�' 1117' d, I -lPS; NOTICE .9to� Garlarid il ij 0 y S Dk, r made- 8evera Iir the, �385 'White ''" I ee attd ty S eliitiv s an 'friends,. rawa�� 'Ont, Th� piistor- he_� Mae ea t.1 visit.r, , e, -AND oul hi' pal c S.681ati6h 9.1 an � wa iracker-4th:' Thwusbip,!!�:Uuniipal Dump 1��, cbo�e as�, Atti- s; ere :two years, ago" at - D n. Public'�Buildingi,,�J;oh-. _ene� pill ter B a 7HROP a,, y District Manqger,:�Tost, rom.% I . P4 . a. to 6, unch e oyed. 4d6s Toward- I e. Ore om. iftr Varda Tuesda' tdn n' the ftmeral,bf h6r.b�athbr*, :Satutd afternoons, u i mi. Ed-. n: iar 'e The er� e is' ''Russell T- B61ton__ Iate'WiIliam'.Bc and YPI-ST 7,ed, maty'people today., This has an e 41. Her, husband T :T London,. -wore t" t fS% e sei attcnde&:� e.`ser ce eir new. home on,I -the, printed assed away. severa years ago. ll�,�e_ moved ihto'� th ders muA he' een bifflding. up for4eat� and the 'C-hieh u? P h 1 Don�ald' e Iivin ThewArt a: at �k P HESNT', b of Mr. 'a r St VPau �..Surviv, Y.�hb.b'epiitmeat.aad in home on'Ah U-neasy an is & �6re one' son -so., wivh:'HIGH Glerk. ai6.rdin�e,ivith ditil a Wrddkesse li-JS4 ili:7-T-oron to PrIeferably. ages 17:' to . .1. :�n ift-.for de ­ %, _�4 :1 . er -. - , I : : . . I rs.on. 0 &a ay,. evening. and d V, -57-tf th 'an '' : - � What n6xt-'What is �going t a Mrs. 'Bren e . ries. Afissl� attendl -NIT.. a ace om. e tion? the ReV' F 96rvices held from this -week: n a:-hog,proddc-, by SCHOO G R."Ll) t AT I ON The. lowest or . 'any tend6r,vot rieces� and-fan�ily of. Ex.qter,1. were� Satur- the uman r Jean :Henderson -was' soloist C ti " , , , , .5., . I 'visi- oi I I - I -money,, e on, orgams ers, conveli 04. arily,-'; 4c�epted-' -s of Air-. and, Airs. t t CIU- STOM.- d ay: Mrs.',R. iL Middl t" or. oi mbs' ------ ar pos sesions�,,by, atollibo DIPLbMA' �Grifnoldbyi' Mrt J..Roc�ers hile on'Sunday 6f'Eriridale, C.0914, PLAXTIN G'� or -nuclear wea :P0 mcisi4 'Chief of AImizd-strati�,e `Rp ss, fam� Illy; will'"be special Ne;t�.speaker at evI_: lab pportu -an - -,Qf - ry- for ad" . nicemen� Imo Y , I I 1 1. � . a , . I. pessiln sm, e in nited' RESTLING 0DE anMr. quit" atnniv6rs�ary 96rVi -the T! Day Week JN AO-IINCH -ROW ecietary. of.Wing ain' vis dbqt in, m ��:of life. petp ent 'of 1' :Wor" ab'y� 'w Ot a 1959.- .1 1 - I ex� Alsa �;ome Grain a Mrs. RobeR.6r Church, Sthd9y;,june.7. 0' ent (wr eon si�ed d MIN,: BOUT vers�a ions e served C on tbe� face and'sh6wli,,clearly in fetri. r- re�reatfouzil 'Mrs -N but J Presbyt ewitt, won t1h '=or 'es HAT_TGHBRQ e.iac. ons :and the objedt1ves%.of y ins� th' ti -,c6mpe4 On, on, livestock ind 'C ukch, Sunda Afay.31.�.,.,Speaker S�turd I 1 11 1 �on "c beriefits Bru: the' many..':., ill �be -kev., erS,' of Al- b t and e a, 3-� ho� h�.e fe,:'w Yukon: E ik,�� i �The, Gre Phone: n 2 C dre'those r v aWEI son oo 1z to the Personpel Depart3vent: WE . WI H'T �eadd� -Ross M�cGregbY* �Van� th6V Br4 in .'!laSter'Bob:,Munn, of -S.S., N6'' 7 or CALL at ithe Head pufferin o ft elp o'&,,who,� h da I Wellington. London. W_ th so - Hibbe'rt "was firs f6i a per- put,,qut atit fire�' &-&ea y� apprMtea, the,hi gain awarded' ful- Yplace to' morro ear y ays, sonal irit ervi4w. w In the T C lk'TtRLOO. win, P11 , , , 1 1& pri2�e a't_','the'­M!fcheIl, 'music. fes� . ; a�e tMse.� his was.L very. he � pla d MID09TS TAGIEAMMA H 4� j :'I' 1j:tS AN iva year ce first, CATT L E BREEDING e dent,'in the liires in is- wi�h:- 82 ;an Mrs.. Benli tt 4%1 -he church;-. kS­ are visitinig,theif -builders of.:, mar . e is:4 f Mi -Gre LITTLE BEAVER an( e Open v in th lolin class 2�4 tian� .�fid I RE�� 4jz;!.) V _L JL V.L-4 Vocouy.er tiani y Airs -0 vek�.An, GHTY SCHULTZ, Cons ins ul-el , , 11 Ob 9. Poultry F0 Had: it' not een so. C Ns N�*ISH TO THANK all thb8e �Uaiffi� r. a SKY'LOW'LOW. an4 ifie: Mi to niV,and, gifts. bb? "o -at as, o.tlier second. in fb�e'*o6,�I'solct for cb OMPT sMPm:KNr Bray dayoldi deision �"�nd: Ge rge'.� PR n Clint6n Public-. Hospitah Oj have done, a, century� � . ed: voice "at the same fes Plarpose'punets, Breeds -re glbff some started ual 3p6dial th� to Dr."Newlamd, a.nd',the 8eafoith.' t N all, az. roNNm'e Imetin -on Aa"Id heavy breed jLof andlci�nlvrolzn.� -77 led Cost- Mi. a' I Mrs. Bo*rd� us� to' le life a'n� At.'ibO re�-ul j3 June4uly brcdIei:-_ Some . ;� 1, 1, � STEWART BROADFOOT 'tt '", '­. Ame Use of. the Joyce and advent,ure., to, A -r a tiendiad 6u Mrs� Walter Spence passed DA. ARD 'Elaiiao" I-' I . N 1 INE, 2. W 5� Pullers. also Legbor- I I in: AN� 60TCH" gh e. liv'.ed �,'not. a, Pz6ble. WALTER M�CTPM R -R Geor-_e�-Anb, can� hall throw�.: P fn- or" 1�hoze S441 R 5. Church f -London- Tout S or ers, c 'Instea df :safety,... st,� let us sister Mriry Da afek bettei.: L anne Je' 1Z Bell Di-nan, Joyce �F *%,:,more 0 d- WEDNESDAY.)PNE, 3rdi: 1 7: F M n..idv6nfure'f'ir# for 'S "t, Pa Thomas Griffin tondue'ted hi tielit, I i's ston, S Ringside �II.2� a- all 10. 'Used Cars For Sile T ecial t -ice., World' -th at� is -Uffrl allenge. He HospitaL:'Sp .Communion' Sen' "', 'Rev. G11 I I . 1 11 , ather Reid; ..'B ara and to, 8t�pietou,:: 'every manI I eep mind th Dr�' K e iWo MORRIS OXVORD for sale.' AZI Between- apprecia- or'merly Seafortfi; t,wa uil.'Donfia W ief A 41fe� d e oi'today,*-.rathef than,the I - - - - --- 7.90 and N ve Ys ola n fst�ble'E R Da�- ve a ply to W. 0"SUEL�%_ Seaforth� Phne ed* Priek'On. May� 10A othe, Golde 'B�ar­-- r les'11.on'., ev in dst.'or th�� dangeri ---- n-id -�tur I da .. $'e r of'the.futur6 .-a n ;-Bishop :and: reside aa ezI n�in mind, 'e IV served on Simd4v morning, �ne trl�ats, zLL�� Ildertoti lajid 'is respqnslbi -future, ib�� w. Bb xOT =11 patien, eI for t: in heat e,pas and the prs- and y,'we n6,t:..,fear The ­ladies of Aheld, IT' the uture,' It, amd Paterson;' L Articles Fok. Sale perfiinces .6f:'tb until iree, char&s.', R CEFIELD 6hf- and lherli n d6n�sfance W L�-%I)Y?S all- tZat� like b w� size tzeri._ GEO E �-H Al LER' RG Ttidsday afternoon e, f 'Hdvt� a wor Y,cause,, o W. 41 j. 243 -NF. BETTER C, nii �at th ! A. th 't 'Ifich. bf axian_ Lon nt, the v�eek6l�d wi�h 0 anO at-: - withd BLUE t"'n-Parit S=i, aite -34 ft U S, Mr.. P-. 'im, , m3rsa Can be seen az FLAZ I IN- r, S -u-, TOE thp� ettivice. U77e it es, S Sed6rfhi 7KE CL xrayss I ery ,PQ monp ace,,. tended. the fun hothe qu xbop5, arid life earl. -be eralof.the late Mrs' 4,uc#on 41es. aThomas 1 1 find',R6y Leppington. SPSAYM;t oue aNva AP-- ohr to BRIAN HALLA-1'e. Fboute 113?� God, m" 'on fhe� TEST 1. iqi� the, hDSP, hin �-,44t to-do' is aldwell Red _N -Of R E WN E.E. L" BALA that'ithe t g I,w is �Uce,. C rs the-kaff and ebar�nts' erich, after 5,p -m..' or .- ': H -scovery, and d es, 'SAL-E� vergq ��Of a,,,great di write !Box 1204. EI OMAR �71A, UC� V thus the --challen2elAd nappen to us drop- sale, 6v P-,Vl To'You' tt 17. arid o=- A rOcm iable,; Peet great things- It "t her sdstef� Mrs.., o Be. blb'ne Qn'th'., Car CHINA CARENETi diniuig le:%f kitchen table I and 2 me -gaze of waitom, 'd� on Tuj�davije h TO: t%TF611) . &a�, �e vi�ning at the- 61110! of fxo Hini. living room tabze,. PHOb7iE SEAFOR-TR in the'Vit n SAT- Walter Aloffatt.,� tbgu� `a4& gi,?� -zo -�i nisay 'rel- Wis_. Jbhh Miller. frs��.�Miller pre- rij I nshaken' faith� in for the the 'devotions. The noi _i11r 't , ", , . , h Ir and Jlid, Af'm R i�xtdk And e--mresMons ea. cups, or., orri- Gib frie,4&, -ind bl:ar-- sided and 'read �God :SAVES YOU TIATTE AND:T OUBLE FING, asphalt roofint 11%reo-.pice cl I 'son ezte�ded to dtiritig - the as. given by M-rs. Sam'Mic, ' , 1, - , ;� ­; L ., . : I I"'., I, ­: .: I , siz- Bef-_ you tB4)-.',md tnbll�vtw_4`1 I ­ Sebpes, or fortune tellers,',or i-il, uliday N�Jth,': Mr. 'and'M 41 r ?_ Czird�-.. . The. study., b Iw,in spept,.S. rs-. siding. cedar post. an it Savia -Yo r L oar litsbiama'and. fath.4t. oo- was Walter Moffatt buy. Phone Seafoith S thin�s but', in Whom an ndr*,on6 li-60-0 dkrbm,. - kkqhqn, echariro� of'Mrs Bibib,Laing", With ul anw1l;'e6i Placed their faith 'I bea Il m Georgene'. At cdaiifie�, o e", q re nur ov, er e T4i ent n for -they th�t,wai upo e rd ts,� r Equy sion tubte ve -And' Edon, Allen de cEs-i. enck,frir Bonny, Keh-inator ref iOr. bea,%7� duty aug 11, t 1, , ffi! se -mw ammg; Stratto We", USIOCInly e BARGAIV FRI chairs witli VNIU41 was'fajIed',or!went: 4nd olanza; �earlr e-tievm4ite it, any *'ay and iLirS. Calder McKaig assi I .. I ,n the, M�eek6d'with her paten $MAP 0 N arid N. LONG. Kipen. eaectric was M late MRThe-busitess Period Was conducted shall eneiv their -,:strength anyPbone Hensall 04-15. a, AR -D FA -MM.: ypeuds: 'Gdld.Bo - beiiich. ra, ith'the lok-de and, We ki nX Stamps urchase I beIts. Wesley Russell., �Ilkgl khobse and, Mr. with ev Afr.' W, Wroxeter,' 'is ery P Stan WZ,:W1,H TO _W1 m'Si hiks qes,, . . son � werii � guest 1-1 THAN 'Mrs'i, 51ae W Of" OUTDOOR GY SET commsting of one i'ladder;­rAeko lidder 10, n outward circum, swit, bar x,��d t of rings.,;. i16w mikeas�eii; t et� vi a.- trapeze ornse. ma e t',Xr. and Mrs. �B. -;NIcXayi Lon On; U Gus w a� "d to uaezit,, �ister, may; gr inand'tb lea lr�i strongl-� constiucrtd of steel tubing. Can rzleodi And oighbors the, remein- a012 -the. respo 'd - to'' BRING DIVITH YO -A iuh - and,� and. -Mrs. Gordon a 'or�'Sunda�, be seen at ANG S M Adaughirg, ts, Bob '1 oein__1GIIS' SyMpa foi Sit. PMTX &-,Eight-r6oru bou�4 d t elt" �,� self an , 'see- 1 W �oth' �aiid: Vrs� RoSr� Brock"'.Hen- or t ;eVpres ell10r4s gre�at ,,h ' -today -41311' dinir L W room suite. nlu . d douXwzdrz9q1, iq N and illi a Caf W.41. - et -to,, om need tall, we"ie' weekend vi�itori` �tith ng be of BruciMeld'-' .-Mr. and, .. *I - �N* Mrs' and 6 cliairr, Price& dare,th" he' Chfi, tbck-1s:pai6nts; 'Air. and Mrs. ,6=tensIdo table. tpffL saMr�.� B itk W. T. Lain,,� J X_ Gornis for qW 'th the ,, I tion des% -and, bookcase- PU0-9 btlkari;e 0 sage an tdi Carev., accampanie(. On Thur� �ylori and, At' -da ening 0 i a-fter six. her mther,,�A i iss El 0 Ing day.. or 39; OHV 'A SMIL D tbe�Cliatot� R- f last ETAorg,,, to fo' Visited with ideLlids E, TWO' week Mr,,, �fid; Mks, Trieb,-, r, n, aeoand 01 'nn't initoroW IaSt iveek. SIA.-ItF-n KrMQNS for sale. phrebred, oil ackson e little'kindriess �xftany, e Cultilte like cutardi citrdle�,, ne entetainedtt.the r �bf the house trained: loveable.oet. Frided 901 2044.4t, Mm d Church,'When, John frant.her,p1stev Mrs' �Fith Mr. baid Mrs, wm,� reas6nabi leaving for the Yukoia. C iins.ivas present�d Nvith. � maga- e. o. If Hadltonj�n Sunday!. NIT. and Mrs. wlien s overdone. a Ap -0 &LOCK. Funartob ply to MRS, L V1 To-- 161�s. e rack. �The address was Phone Kirkt6u 113 R 10. A EL Egar. and little son, of 13ad ta:ste is just bad, ieducation.,' read Win Air all Mr d ' s. 'Tbrn-43allan- pres ls5ale of ty the, orpnist. d�d 2xS and L J bv, 31k, J Cornish,,and the VCTIPNSALE ham 5.000 used lumber," 2xG. entatibli, made Is -10: all kindv of boards. ie' of fi�k6s: Rodd; LillianiBal- , . t h Distric E.1earit, Atctior John iirdbch�, two bakding lot -s Fe�r soed potatiies-ft*u, 6 -tntYne­Mrr, -&Xairbairn,and Xr� GEOPAM Sfth, at amilable. Call aAy evening, . in 'an, h1te t. Mrs� Cairns i leavingii-next Week [d, -Mr � Win, S6116ry, bf Exeter. mP ar, S. afoith.'-A vgry: dain�7 F Congra ationt Feaffesues's s 'lunch iFig',,S&V�ed by Mrs. ITicb- to r�side in Se chbinet, ec4ital, 'brabel rock=- pasted M -:T A 5- Xelt McKellar On: ih Sc A8d:e notttros Iare extended to ALtaa tul H10 001 the mother OfJN Scott i'-grk D RM. N M e All isses -b6twnb* 1. st of, lidd;i4bier in'. an..,Jt.,,.and'M d. her fo! 31ary and Jean Broadfoot. 'nd W ­ Her h MerAarial,, Hospi�� zSL Ev6n'a.tbm ill.,say �goo Of I can ibt, Luenn d Mr. 'a rs Russell Ford, q� a;t and Mrsi. Wll�� baby, -*I !oil. Mr.' thins LTD. 'about A guy,when he% down 'siebfingville, w�re ueSts_:�f ONTARIO sl�e ank to Ed, a sister for Aich -`MdQueen'on,'8uhday. ay bed. �mp�pretei'. ro±�kry tWe'. Re, Charles Dunin; SALE: F0 io EGMONDVILLE' ;sc si -s, ana. mi eanot Md - Mrs Enman, .11- lx�irdy gatilen raaws. tiad'tvtdt�L­ and �rile!i mt� taftney Spent the. weekend.' a plete Ime of !Rcrwer and or anMat ion'. er BAKM'S -h 25* Persoilau ndMrs. Clarence 'Squfrei. GREENHOUM ti_ tfi6ir,h Ine- seal ecd . ;a�L , d d 91 d� mri �rank tagg, who' is all, I dal Nitadit ozrk cE!.rr EACH- hot -bed at ih,8c6tt memorial Hospital, Ex -in A tomatoes, I sv�eet �t laift reited zvela�oe patio] Brown. OiLTH SWM C% -UB efc, ses e OrJUML. early and late 4a;:ibb,"ge, a , �# anmt, bro&oli, braiseh� ;�Xovft. - effall- 4 !, is Convalescing an Vci;t� T - -Mrs. Thoma 00pular vuriety. ation.. We 4 Barton, -who has The, first meetin�'*f the Seaforth, mblfths -4ith' rv;&e. Chib wa�' � ire4 at' the la�m Pro r. Irks. 10 ef� sons 'Bien, of -Cornwall 'and . . ........ Queen st, 0. $peare,, Mxs. 1 inem ers present. The��meetbig n oto her ll'ome on, Wednesdiay of last., lass, U drineth of Alfithitowh r;6rneA I' b' Frida ' Stffi f., Frank.8peit6 and two childi . I. I .! ,,. s6ritediwith the'judging of a.11C P.1m, �,TXON 12. WAMW To ofiy with MIS peare� week, Of Y&� 6� mature'i6its. Th6n� at .10 S, Olivie S Mr�. rmp!16'alid Charlie 2�i`th�e weekend IVARr RABBIT and an 411,,*111W kit� Mrs Aw Chppe the �mb is judge& a Class of j Addh Thy theft*gave tea- fdrth and' Mn E drace gilM, di 11 at Of Cromufy;, visited last s lot their after which me C. '0 A 46eak institu 9- Mrs* Ge"or-1 Peir& �nd- ti L c:��116ore: att.Olde I i�y 1,f JaW judged Yoswre guts cart'- 't. 4) OA-: and, MrS ach-lik', a d Shown by th�".ass'6­ MCAMST (ASH PRICE Se �gd toe tkk. ±k �hu. iil� Carlingford' M;' day With A:,filjfi was, �: Mr. aus M S�,_ lit Tepresenta ve ftd. ate ti �'B D' a�bkd faffti iaftiu. 4kha ftbk s#ove; 1, f A.: Is. BOlteh" -which wa8.en'o eid' boil r. 'ana, Aft arl! Hai6gs 'o n Uni z 0. '1 4t4x5b cc2ffip sfaay an Mr, and -Jack e Mr.. a ks�. Leonard, byia. D'a of, 0 Of Waterloo rs en, is Mae Ste*art; videtpresident,- and 9r. Bob Bartoft,'of Str4tford, �,Rewp, ..o itchell 'and MrS U, 'ad Sharon,'. of Tuekersmith,. Mtow thefil ledtion ..e tedar Strong. ai of �ffice i0as ficild. The 'a t C AdOgh d lief ;dary; over With Mrs. T. Batton this jack E�I,64&6ot 1!&W me- t5cc's 0�1 t week. bara Turnbull; press reporter,� er� o clklgrAll #tktion� are it ord Deaths' ND, FR ,NDS OF d� wiv" COLtol Am Dow and'OardUfie provided by LL PARENT" 2& 1 - i , Ait In Winnni& stiai � fine; i HOUM ?riZes at owned' by, R J, Stoiej and; batre Refreshments were right f6v qukk W&I In Iii0t, 8al- Ve -Robert McMillan whith were t4e .3111ehell 'Musical. Festivia. moved infb 'their neW,hotfte�., M t i by J du ve G an c I in F oo in., POE olo tta Wil it -,is d w ter ce in �Do M b de Offi 'k .e �eft ith6 welcome thea q a INVITED AVP�&W t the 6d ack, t�'oadfoot THE STUDIMS ARE 96vbrg!" Ilf"the' niem ,gL joy thanked W17,e of lor use- 'Of ild''Mrs, Chakl!6111ir�t And RObierf" McMillan To=g Pedpite's Socj�o;,attended Mr the,yonng people".4 rally,4n Atwood ft. Mpt; Floyd Wakk of NvW1 bis,fttln of th6, ee. *i6d oun�, . - 11 �� D�. . . 1, 1. 1, d ton aft of t :AT, eveiuin- I Next UM6 Your talking g &Rald with, Mr� and. MrS.� ad sfioxlldet'�­#y abilt ll�gh6r, no.