The Huron Expositor, 1959-05-08, Page 2PObli4lied
Singe. 3.860• Sorvin# the Covimotity.frirt
ONTARlo;every Thursday" .1110*niallt by.
-.-1VreLea:11 BrOsebliTshers.°
ANDREW :t meLEAN,.Editor
canada. (hi advance) $2.0 a Year
T.Y'nite. States L (in. advance) $3,50 8, Year '
Antborized as Second Class' Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
-Senate Study Of :Inflation Can Be Helpful
• It is difficult to understand the re-
sistance which the °Government of•
to a Senate proposal to study
the causes of inflation. Only as a re-
sult of the support of the Liberal ma- ,
jority in the upper chamber was it
• possible to • set the study in motion.
The success ofthe • probe will d-
,perid to a great extent on the attitude
• of the government and the extent to
which it is prepared to assist
• Certainly in an economy faced
• with under -production, high 'unem-
plbyment, but at the same time with
increa,sing prices, there is room for
a serious examination. An -irnport'ant--
study, such as the. Senate is so well
equipped to carry .ont, can point up
,_isehae of the causes, can indica,te the
extent- to which .present budgetary,
deficits and deficit financing are fac-
tors in producing rising •interest
rates and tight money, and perhaps -
make possible an appreciation on the
Part of. the public , af_the_dange,04nr t•-
• herent
---'-'"----friSteacl ---being---antagonis tie to
Member. of
Canadian Vireelcir
• Newspapers
• Association
M Y ItY.K$ TOOK iQT F6AmP6hoi5' •
ouR noRiatVACATION- 13W WE —
• IVAN' HAVE A At 'if MONEY L'EAT 747 .
a base for a consistent financial -pol-
icy .which the government °could fol-
low in the future.
Voters Will -„Decide
The announcement by tsreinier
Frost that Ontario eleetors will go
• to the polls'on June 11_ vVas welcomed
by the leader of the official opposi-
tion, Mr. Wintermeyerfas well as by
the CCF leader. For them it 'brings -
to an end -a long period of hesitancy
and doubt as to when the test of pubi
In his statement Mr. Frost
cated that almost, until the time of
the 'announcement, there_was doubt
as to the actual_clate of the election.
It is the clearing of this 'doubt that
r. Wintermeyer ,welcomes, for in
is travels about the province he has
'ensed, that there is much cli.ssatis-,
futionr e_ ,st Qoternaiern
• aludouS to have this dissatis-
faction-eonverted,mto-Liberal votes.
such an inquiry, one Would think the
• Diefenbaker Government would- be
• quick -to welcome assistance -in its -fin-
ancial troubles. This is particularly
so *hen The -Senate Mvestigation
- could provide information to serve is
While the election was announced
, ,
On Monday, it wilrloe a few day S yet
before the full force Of the campalgii
is sensed by the public. By another
week, however, -,the .,election battle
Will be in full swing.
A. McDuff,
• . • .
O'TTAWA-Nineteen, fifty-nine is
rapidly 'developing into a -year of
reckoning for • the Conservative
government. •-
For Months the government Man-
aged to live happily "on time", go-
inginto debt by nearly $1400 mil-
lion to lower taxes and at the same
time increase old age pensions,
farm Price supports and a host of
other benefits... •,'
• When lie brought down his, bud,, -
get last, month, ,Finance Minister'
Fleming was- forced to tell,Cana-
• dians thatthe party was jiist about
over. He announced tax increases
• this year of, $245,000,..nearly $40,-
• 000,poo •mare Ilan, the tax ,reduc-
halls granted over 'the ,previons -
•two •years. •„Next year, when the
increased rates are in effect for
• a full 12 months, the increased tax
take will be ,$352,009,000-, , -
• During the election. •camPaign
that brought them, to office in 1957,
the ConserVatives made a promise
• of a fair share of the national inn
Come for farmers a major ,plank
in their platform.
Soon 'after they were elected
they intro iced legislation which,
• if it fell considerably-- short • of
promise, still -raised farm price
supports, considerably above the
•level that existed before
The Weekly Newspaper —What is
"(By Duane E. Dewell, Publisher Koss th C
, u ountY,
• luwa Advace.), (The Glengary News, Alexandria,.._
- Ont.)
It's a.yellowing
• telling of the birth of a baby who
• smiled but a little while, otherwise
• remembered by the parents and -GO._
It's your life history, and the life 4
history of those who know.
•° It's your joys and Sorrows, and__
those of your neighbori, recorded by
• the only news medium in the world
that cares about you. • .
It's your conscience joined with
others to form a guard againstinjus-
tice by government.
It's the difference between you be-
Jiig uninformed animal, or 4 MI -
man being, knowing . and forming
• judgment based on facts ma,de
able to you easily, quickl3r an'cl truth-
It's the support froin which ,you
• ask and get the strength,of many in
furthering- the welfare, of -your own
world --your ,community.
It's 'the only medium that shows
the .future that your footprints were .
, once made upon the shifting. sands
• 'of time. - •
• It's the bellringer at your birth,
your marriage, and the birth Of your
children--; and-tolls-the-belifor-you_as___
_you' begin the long journey:
IFS- your servant, waiting your
pleasure to be read—today, tomor-
row, or next week.'
It's a record for you to read, or
keep to read again, or discard; not a_ _
voice or a -picture for an instant and
then gone forever.
It's the bringer of news tidings, not
a carrier of only the commercialism
• of the market plac_e.
It's the record of a day when a
fleeting moment of glory 'descended
upon your house for all to rerneml3er,
arid those who come after to know.
It's, the handful- of-clippi6gs, that
• brings tears and fond smiles of re-
membrances -to your children and
'children's children when on:the ev-
entfid clay they must share what -was
once yOu and yours.
It s you on your first day of seho.ol;
and at, your graduation.
yok little yoy, _a .1:Tide-
groom, and a father: ,
'It's you as a -little girk a bride,
radiant mother.
It's you—of 'you, by you, and for
• FrOst Boil Blamed
•'A; frost boll in an T-Tsborne ,tewn-
• ship • road, 'eaused • Mrs:.,,; Gladys
.Janke;.33;iSanderSStreet, to lose
eontrcil of hdr ar Which rolled on
•its .',side ..11lendaY afternoon'.. After'
.hitting' the boil.; the 'cat startedto.
• skid; tinned over when,.itbit thn.
' Janke,Was,Lshalcen„.
p. Damage hi. the'. car ,Vvis',$125,.
• e,, accielentL„hapPeried,aboutLone
mile, east of, ;Exeter"'on Huron:
Street -ExetetTirriest-Advneate.,
„ ., •
Buys .Restaurant
Mr.. and Mrs:Laurence Conipean
have -sold the 'Mayfair Restaurant
Co Mr: and Mi.S Wirson'lLnder, of:
Whigham. The trans aetion Will. be-
come„.effeCtive iu:rnid May. Mr.
•?and ,lVIrs. COMpeau purchased the
-reStaurant from -the.,,Chin.,-family
one and .011e -half y_ears. age,They_
Jaiie_rettire_tcetbeir4iative. 41.P a -
around, Ganamique, and
;LYndtairSt in the Rideau, Lake dis-
trict.. Their plans...are to ``tiake. it.
easy"for;,awhile..=4tiickilOW..., Sen-
tinel. -
Theldeal of HOwson
llovvsOn LtcLhavelinrchased,the
farm. Of.. Mr. :and Mrs,• •, jack- Clark,
Lon.'No.,•1.11ighway;JWas Miles sontlt
of Rlyth..'.The, barn haS been.' COM -
I t ly.renovated .mad :a Ponitry
arid: experimental ,farniTiStpIanned
Mr. Jrvin.BoWes, who haS been ein-.
4‘.)loyed. With the, firm -fOr several
years; will he larni,' Manager:
Ile. and..his- , be Moving'
ta the farm.shortly.
Clark -and -fanailY,:haVe litoved to
a ' farm .Ori the, . 13th ,..,(onces sion, of
,HUllett, 'formerly. OWned by, the late
Jo aepb Vebster.Blyth Standard.'
ANADA'S Marrilfaettiting industry- began to' -grOW
7 significantly nbnnt 86- years ago :when the peOp16
deCided that more. of. their needs' should be PreVided
froin Canadian factories.
TridaY, inanufacturing is the' /nest impgrtarit ele-
ment in the' .Canadian econorny. It 'provides nearly:
half of all employnierit; it pays high taxes ; and it fis
the, greatest, crintribirtor to,. our national production.:
Manufacturing cOntinue to ,provide Canadians
vyitkthe :Torld's,second highest standard of
the -people -of -Canada -..vvillAluy Canadian. .
Set Tax Rate
The 1959 municipal tax rate, up
11.3 mills over last year, was of-
ficially confirmed at a special town
council meeting Thursday. The new
rate iS 73.3 mills on the dollar for
residential and farm • properties,
(W) B, T.
Aren't -thOSe 'People' fortunate
who are the arrangements
or the Rival Tour? They're get-
ting all kinds of help in planning
the Queen's visit this surniner.
Foremost arnong the generous
ad Unselfish assistance they are
receiving is a lot of free advice
from newspaper columnists. A
peculiar spawn ef .We - last few
decades, the columnist is, a jump-,
ed -up newspaperman or woman,
who speedily acquires the certain-
• ty that his, or her, opinions carry
onlY a little less weight than the
• scriptures.
• With a_few notable exceptions,
the columnists have an almost des-
perate urge to be the voice of the
"little" man, Their stuff is writ-
ten to be gulped, not digested, by
the "'Man, in the street", that neb-
ulous character, and the "average.
housewife", -another on -.existent
personage. - ' • e
Free of , the need for either edi-
,dignity or the objectivity al-
leged to be found in the news col -I
urnias, the columnist earl" use his
space for tilting at' windmills, fan"
ning...,prejudices, sublimating nein-
ing- has, already tried to, wiPes-his
hands of any reSpansibility for this
development_ by tryingto. shift the
-.:-ii1 of
-Only-a-few,days after- Mr; :C.Anada,
.introduced, his ',budget' h6W- res- In " tilo-r:1-rsan
• ever-, Agriculture' Minister!,Harli:' meugts.,tricebenstroble. y6n.{31 'Oe •,"
Sness was forced to acknowledge
:that the support prices for many
• prodimiS: Were toohigh, presenting,
• ,the .governinent with the probleth
eonipared tO 62 mills last year. For: Of .raPidlY rising' Surpluses: As
industrial' and bushiesS properties; result., support levels.' for such
the new'. rat& is 38.6 'Mills, ;CoMpa.'r.' , prnducts as hog's, •cheese and .skim
ed to67.25 mi11s1aatyear»Lncreas,1 milk:were ,.cut badk 'Sharply. But
es in PAY have been approved for even. though the Conservative min
municipal .eiriployees, retroactive iStry. has started to take its'''cour•
ta January ' 9. .Menibers Of council age in. le
faete upedrionftrostiomr
also gav'ethernaelVes-a,.50 per Cent of hp
ppaontY. ineicir_was7meptireas,e4; thatighthRie;skieic4Aainoes',yvlilt..14_stuieillyL„wriet eroue_t inef_othepp6NsviOtioodriset.
the timing of it.-Gociericli :Signal- ing 1956 and 1957 members of the
Star. .
' Zurich PlaUS incorpOratien .
„ It is now ,clefinite-,tkat :Zurich
Will be incorporated- a'S a' village.
•Holding' a special Meeting on the
matter on Monday night[the .trus-
tees passed. _a mOtion to theeffect
that iiee'essark steps be 'taken :to
hake Zurich incorPorefecl. as a yil
lage, and that- the firm of Bell'and
UdifghT6iThe7eiigagedlO .draft the
now: sit,"On, the ,goVernment
'.vigorpuslY':eondPinned the Lib-.
•eral adininiStration for the,. tight.;
Inoney..poliey that then as in
- the reontlis ahead, however,
the Conservative government may
find itself facedwith a new tight -
money era that will make that of
a few years ago seemmild bY
comparison. During his remarks -
bylaws: It -is the -hope -of -the trus- on -the budget -debate, Mr.-Mem-
-fees:that -all-arrange in ents-will-be -ing-pointed-tce-andinportant---factor.
completed before the end of the that could bring this -about.. He
year, so a reeve and extra come noted that in one week alone. the.
cillor can be -chosen at the regu- ,general loans of the chartered
lar nomination •meeting. The fact banks ;jumped, by nearly $100,000, -
that zurfch will have a.--reeve--of -000eSinee the -beginning of year
their own means .t.hat the- village they have risen by some $400,000,-
wi1l have a representative en. the 009.
County 'Comp - Citizens During .rnest of last .year the d-
ews. , mand for bank loans remained al -L
, , NuMber-Houses most .statianary. It has started to
•• . .
By the niiddle of May, Cli ton's, increase sharply now, with the ris-
many, hornes :.and.":13nsiness;laceS ing..terapa 'of 'the 'eConorny. In Or..
have ,a' .thiniber; assigned to :der to find the money they need
..them, and the Kinsmen to-.7.,makeLloans,_the hanks have
hers :have .accepted the task been '6].ling Off. 't1eir7: short:terny
Making, sure each household 0xi goVernnient..seeitrities., The effect
'business knows their '..-oWn number 'haSbeen to drive up almost all
and has a, set Of numbers installed interests rates- h to levels; • that 'are
Coat .of .the PrOjeet. has been esti-- alreadywellji.ew'elllaitabatight vmoney periode7..anythirig.hit
Mated at $2,:09 per,: bnilaing.•.The d
Kinsmen Club is sponsoring this; -.The:federal government .itself will
and. will appreciate donations from have to borrow,I: Some , $390,000,099.
.,tlinuer'•,iitn:'7aeliticitIt'eeYd. t.ldieisiicyjetrotto$Ppa3,0°01:
was :incorporated as a . town in Isis,: ,000 . and meetether commitments,:
but „neVer in..its,.84.,..Years.. has ghe',. demand for .credit :from :priv-
cMierete 1step been taken, before ate sources is expected to ,continne
this,,,towardS laaVirig Iminhers 'as- dinibiligk The. result may be Mat
.signed t� horneSa.nd.bnsiness Piac-: GTO a steady rise in interest rates,
but also severe restrictions on the
availability. of. ,nfoney,, from .' the
banks -finance ...ediripanieS.
•es.-Clintan NeWs-Record..
• - ; '
"Interesting -items gleaned rront
The Huron ,ExpaSitor of 25 50
years ago '
• F ,The laurou ExPesit,' •
ilay--1.14-1934 • ' -
• Officers elected for the Seaforth
Badminton Club are as follOws:
President, John McKenzie; ' vice-
president, Dr. W, C. Sproat;' 'secre-
tary -treasurer,' W,. Sillery;- audi-
tors; I. J. Huggard, and E. s.
Downey; chairmen, of committees:-
soeiak Sally I. W�04; property, 3.
C. Crich; rneMbership, A. Y. Mc-
Lean; tournament, Lloysi Hoggarth.
Mr. E. B. Gondie,,.Sifver Creek
Dairy, has purchased from' Mr, A.
C. Routleclge, two fine Jersey cows
which, he has added to his already
splendid herd. ', : • -
The resolution passed at, the
meeting of' lte 'businessmen on
Thursday morning, 'which is to be
presented to the WWII, council, is
.assfollows: "lVfoved by J. W.' Beat-
tie, seconded by J. M. Carcino, that
this •meeting recomniend to our
council the advisabiLiteef the pur-
chase of the. •Cartada Furniture
Manufacturers property at $500.00
and foregoing taxes as per ar-
rangements -outlined by the town.
solicitor, or at any better arrange -
On Monday morning the -brigade
was-ealled to, the farm of Mr. A.
G. PyinIS, of Zuri.cli, but,whert they
got there the fire was under-enti-
trol. In.some way the grass in the
yard became ignited and it was,
feared- the fire would spread to,
the'biiildiegs, but it waS 'put out
before Much damage was done.
tH E. -•
From The,Eur.fyit EiiPoSitor.
Messrs, J. IVIeMichael,' R. 'Willis,
H. Gelb, W, Hartry,
W . D. Bright arid Dr, -BurreWs
have been elected stewards of the
Methodist Church' for the comirig
Mr. G,A. has an exhibit
in his show window a silver cup
•on by the Stars of Seaforth in
1876.fOr the baseball championship
• of theUountieS of Wellington, Grey,
Perth, Bruee ancl.iluron. The Sea,
forthJearti at that:lime was cf.-Im-
posed of George Latimer, John
Kidd, George " Andrews, jamas
Ornves, Harrigan, John Lamb,
S. Hogan, G. A. &MS and . Alex
Cardrio.`' '
• Op. o ay night, about.30
the stable on Mrs. Xeil McLatieli:
lin's 'lot in Brussels was, almont
burned to_theground;41 waS-caus-
ed by the upsettieg of a lantern
which was hanging on a peg in
the w.ali. • R. 'J. MeLauchlin -was
going past; it tvitb a 'fork full, of'
hay fel his horse, When the acci-
• dent occurred. The loss was abbut
$300. , • •
Ilullett, has
purchased the,fine brick residence
of Mrs, B. B. Gunn. '
• While working in P. Ament's
sawmill last- Thursday 'morning,
Angni Campbell, of Brussels, was
struck 'on the -face by a slab
thrown from the saw, which ren-
• clered him utleortscious for a time.
His 'right cheekbone was staved in
,and his eyelid badly cut, besides
- .
other bruises.
From The Ewen Expositor
May 9, 1884
fact, ,the „government .to.daY is
in'ticks. different a position that Was
the Liberal- governinerit two years
ago' and is .as equally vulnerable
to the starni-,of protest that rnight•
be expected 'to '.clevelop. Actn?llY,
• of, course, 'the adririnistration to-
day has little 'choice but to accept
the situation, unhappy and all as imay be. t,.
. . . .
The only alternative is for the
•Bank -of Canada --to begin once.
gain-to-atunn money off its -press-
es -as it did. lait year to keep. tile
-go-vernment -afloat:. The -money
,stipply. was allowed ta expand by
• nearly 1.4.1billion or 12 „per' 'cent
•during We firSt, ten months of
1958, although real output inareas-
ed relativelY little, for the period.'
.Such a move woulde y serve o
-.further water deivn- the value Of
`We dollar and couldgav,e the Way,
for, an expldsive price inflation.
A move:. is' 'Quebec,
Preiniee DuPlessis',..Ciiiter Nation=
• ale, partY:.into -a' gelid .froei.
`bersef a iiiiiiiber..Of;:*groups,
eluding the: proVieciat
Quebee Wing .'of the- OCV, , the' Oath-.
°lid labor .;Syndipates and QUebee,
Federatichi prOyinej.a1• 1.:
Of 'the...Canadian Labor Con
gress; haVe. issued,a,manifesto Call-
• ing Or the .resterationefTdennic-
racy. in the :province. • ; •
1' ' ti '6' P
: „The irs n.serva v .rirne
osea; exposing foibles,
scabs, and champiening,the under, -
dog, eveit if he is just that -a dog.. .
* * *.
moit Of them are, eleVer; their •
stuff entertaining. They are„: in
fact,' the court' jesters 'cif the agp. '
Their sharp tongues and impu-
dence are tolerated by -that mighty .
monarch who rules. the Public
press,- the• Constant Reader. He is
amused „by theni, fond tit them at
times; occasionally listens ta them,
with half an ear. But When.he is
not 'in the mood,-nne grnwl sends
them scuttlirrg to the seuller,y.-•
!These clays, a favorite theme of
some colurnmas is a new deal fOr
the Royal Tour. They Want the
Qneen to -meet the .'"common pea -
pie", to get the-. flavor bf.the "real
• Canada" this sunimer. .They de,
Maud', these' pipsqueak propheti,
thAf the, people in charge d„ the
tour eliminate all pomp and cere-
mony, ,,cut 'out the reception lines
and bahish the Official banquets.
. •
They want the Queen to, visit
supermarkets,.fgo on picnics, take
'part. in. square 'dances., and engage
in all-'sortS„of. similar asinine an -
ties. If' the supermarket is a syni-
bol of our Canadian, way of life,
take me back to dear old Dixie.,
And what's , so great about' the
"common peoPle”? I-' know a lot
-bf- col/II-non- people."' In fact, my'
wife often tells .rne I'm as eqmmon
as they 'come. And' frankly, I'm
not -particularly impressed by
•them. Uncominon people are much
more interesting.,
• Its bad enough having to shake
the hot little hands of "a -few thou-
sand and- perspiring afficials and
their quiVering wives, without get-
ting- all. clowned 'up- with " the com-
mon people. :If Iler ..,uvfajesty was
interested in Meeting common peo-
ple, she vvouldn", •
• •
e way.. ta Canada. 'They have
,plenty of them in. England.
Another thing. What -have the
,common ,people done- tO earn the'
privilege ,of a, greeting or, a hand- ,
shake fronf the Queen? All they've. :
• done is pay their taxes, and:that
under 'vehement protest and with
the' greatest :reluctance. .
- On t.he other hand, Mayor Mal
• Function and Mt. Seldom Wright,
1VI.P., haVe been listening ,te our --
"lox-rat-lairds about sewers, our de-
• mands for new post offices., for
years. They have labored through
manY a -dreary task for us, while—
we were out fishing, or home
watching, TV. /WhY shouldn't theY,
as °lir representatiees, have the
honor---and-the. plea.sure; if they
• get a chance to. meet the Qiieen? •
They've earned it.
• Of course, if she just happened
to bump,into some of' us common ,
-types,411-a-PnrelY spontaneous Way,
that would be different: Like, "for
example, the Royal Yacht will_be
passieg within miles of our
-Minister, - Sir John A: Macdonald, use, on July 4th. This I know.
used to be flubtie,d,"Old Tomor- d by Piird .-ciiiiierdetice, I .just
row", but when. it Comes to the happen to have a fast launch char...'
„question of•appointments Prime teredfor,the fourth of July.
lVtinister Diefenbaker -can match - -Al
• his,record as a procrastinator any Now, if ,we just happened to be
tune, For .more than -a year- the passing right in front of the Royal
prime minister has been, consider- 'Yacht, that clay, arid our boat hap-
ing sheffle in his ministry from pened to catch fire, and I had to
Quebec and appointment of another throW the kids, the dog and the
representative. The appointnient Old Lady into Georgian Bay, .and
• of parliamentary assistants -• or Prince Phillip demanded that -the
parliainentary secretaries, as they Yacht stop and take us aboard,
are now to be. called -has been well, that would be `different, and
pending for even longer, much to sort. of deinociatic, and sure
the annoyance of the young -hope- we'd all have a- nice chat.
fuls in the Conservative ranks. Still • " * * *
to be filled as well, of course, is Maybe I should lint life -jackets
other -lending agencies. Mr..,Flent- . the external ,affairs portfolio. • on them, though, just hi ease.
• Duncan & Duncan are having
their' stem fronts very materially
Unproved and renovated by having,
them newly painted., -
The" Walton cheese factory will
open on Monday next and the milk
•drawers, will go Weir rounds. The
directors hope that all interested
wilt -take notice and have their
milk in order, as they intend to
draw every s,econd day for soine
time. ,•
Mr,`,Tames Broadfoot of the Mill
Road, has rented the front 50 acres
of Mr. Alex, McCartney' s farm and
pays $200 a year for it,
Mr. William Carnochan has sold
a hOuse and two lots' ad-RAW/1g his
own, in rear ittf the Catholic Church,
• to Mr. joint Dorsey .for the surn
of $509, ' ` ,
• The grounds a the Red School-
house on the ICPP,en Road, have
been very much impro-Yed and
•beautified. by I3eing planted with
Shade trees. • -
•The fall wheat in this vichlitY
• has improved 'wonderfully within
the past two weeks and now.prorn-
ises„t0 be a fair average crop.
The' large grain storehouse,
eorth of Hensall sta.-Linn, Was corn,
pletely destroyed by fire on Friday
inorning: , • ,
Mr. John Carrieron, of the Mili
Road, Tuelcersmith, inferma tis
that he. had spting wheat fully ari
inch above the -ground two weeks
age. ,
The Month of
,Brings, Firecracker. Da
110WEVER -- Owing to the large number of fires and children
'behig burnt while playing with firecrackers without supervision,
it has become necessary to Ihnit the setting Off of firecrackers to
one day — MONDAY, TFIE. ).8th OF MAY.
Please Observe!
NO Firecrackers May, Be Let 'Off on theStreots
Should a fire ,;rsult at any time, and it IS necessa,ry to turn in an
alarm, PHONE 190, and advise location and details of the, fire,
It . has been noted that schildiet: gather near, the:Fire„.1-iall when
anplant is Soumled.. In order thatno aceidents ;may occur; please
'Warn your children to stay clear of fire truck doors,
JOANr SCOT't Chief