The Huron Expositor, 1959-04-17, Page 2UGAR AND SPICE
By W (Bill) B SmILEx
Since 1860 Sej7vin# OWt7omnity First •
P9bliShed. at •SEAFoRta, ONTARIO, . every Thursday Morning,hy
.McLean.Publishers ' "
• ANDREW Y.: McL.EAN, Editor
Ca10,41,a, adVan6e-) $2.50 a Year
1.1,nifect States (in advance) $350a Year.
Antherized aS:Seeend Class Mail,. Post Office tiepartment, ditaWa
1VIeiriber of
Canadian Weekly
224 c9Q/11c vse Cali-
PLETEL.Y FAIR, 13080.2-22.
Governnient Presents the Biil For s romises
. .
hill .covering part of the Diefenbaker
• promises which they. beught in two
-; elections.. , . Tax increases, totalling
$852,000,60 in'a fulfyea;and touch-
' mg -every wage earner, every pen-.
sioner, every ,farmer, every business-
man across the nation, as, annotineed
by Finance Minister Donald Flemini.
M his budget address Thursday, tell
but part of the story. The- rest`Of the
story—the part that.
Canadiansoryd'ais to -doine7---1-.-re-
fleeted in the deficit on ordinary
erations which in two btitigetS all..
milted to exceed a billion -dollars.:
• ' .
it is this that demands the payment
of interest totalling 'millions year by
year into the fut-ure, thatcreates in-
flationary pressures, resulting in a
depreciated dollar and corresponding,
higher prices. -
. '.;firianeing, uniCiPal :tak rates con-,
Finane Minister Fleming ,,was
faced_with_.: difficult task rn.. bring,
ing-d(*rn his second budget. But the
tilifnelliti0',.7Wetet Ofhis own Maldng.,
and that, _Of his colleagues .' The diffi-
entty arose from the GOVerninerit'S.,.,'
lack Of any conSistent,financiaL,pok-L,,
;icy,. and the fact -.that decisions,hve
been:Made 611 A day-to-day bass, and
• for the most Part baSedon expedi-
The :Midget ,.indicates,, the troubles
Mr . :1)ieflenbaker• "Mr:,
_ "
ale havingBut when one reca]ls all
their' talk ,:and ‘,:proiniSeVaboUt,tight..,,
money, , .balanced., 'budgets:, cutting
„government expenses,and reducing
taxes, it is prettyldifficUlt„tO'be sorry
The taxes are•'being. levied and -the :20rIts_
---dgficilgThaiire'Neen ' Cteated by, -:tlfe-77-
Conservatives, whoduring the last •The present-day .practise of driv-
two campaigns were lavish ,in -their ': ing a few blocks to church on Sundays
promises of increased serviCeesand and 'then .V;7alking almOst.. as many
lowered taxes : bloCks-frOlt 4,:i)aiking place, causes
the St Thomas Times -Journal to
Wonder -why: pe6ple, don't rwalk in the, •
these±mOtorized days-theTgoOd
Old-fashioned habit of walking to and
frem_ehurch.has been almost entire,
lyforsaken,", the Times -Journal say
friend the other :•day was :telling.
us how, When he 'tvas-a boy', the father
andmother and their -children -walk
Certainly the Surpluses have 'been ed morning.and-e'vening from their,
. eliminated with a, vengeance.: -110MQ inthenorthern part of th-O'dit-y---T
• stead of surplus during the year just to the. church. Of their choice On the
ended, the deficit was the highest eV- south side and back again.. In the
er recorded duringileacetirne,istead: ternoon the.young: folks made he
.of "slashing'7 the costs of achninistra,- , extra trip, a mile each way, to RIM-
afon,,- the badget----iTroVRH.
. highestexpenditure in the histaii, of .`16day, some people living two or .
the nationTypical was. the expe.ircl' three blocks' from the .. church, feel:
tare of more than, $71,000A00 -on .prt*' " that for the sake of Iceebing;uptheir.
Motion in the government's reConver-,, prestige and not to endanger their.
sion campaign last year; Annual 11.1- dignity they Must go by Motor; And `
terest costs were increased by $ _
$0 oftn;wheirthey reach the church
,000;000 by the conversion.' they have -to 'drive an extra couple of ;
blocks to find B,:parIcjirg: place., By the.-
timettiefy.tvalk.bacItto the church and
return. to the 'Car after' the 'service
they have Walked. as grea,t 'a distanee
as if they had eft the par in the gar-. -
Oge. and "hoofed it", there inethe first
"-What's tO done.aboutit? Nbth,
To 'Many, that's incidern-daY_
Still, to Marry OtherS, :walking to '
One promise, however, has been
partially kept A large advertisement
which appeared in The-.-- Expositor ,
during the 1957 campaign, under—a:-
picture of John. Diefenbaker, said-
"He pledges:- Lower. taxes — reduC-
tion of income .tax by eliminating
huge surphisesrand by slashing costs
----of administration."
The same advertiSeMent told ait
a new deal fo.r the provinces . and
truniCipalities, and 'promised "More
revenue for local • governinent, less, 4
municipal.:taxes''.. ••
The budget did nothing -for the.
provinces an& municirialities„ other. •
• than to draw attention- to ---the 'fact,
- that high interest makmg
inore, difficillt the task of rnunipipal •church is soMething to: enjoy.V.-
, A weekly article contributed -
by a •member of Hthe Sea -
forth and Pistrict Mirdst,erial
Associations •
(By REV. T. J. PITT,. Varna :
• ' •• United Church) ••'
Simon Peter_is...a..v..erY.
oils. figure -in -the „Gospel' sterY: Of'
• Jesus. • This is true right to the
endo f that story. The young mad
whorn. they. Sa'W as they stand., at
• thel eget tomb in the garden -that
• firSt Easter bay gave them a Ines -
'Sage . for lhe'disciples, and •
ticularly mentioned Peter by name:
We. linoW the reason -for
was. Peter who .,had., denied his
Lord: ILI should die with Thee,
I Will, net 'dor-Thee any. Wise,"
•.he :had -said. . But, 'Jesus • 'never
despaired a Peter.' .Following: the:
Aestirreetion it.. wag to 'Peter,
and the "Kingdoni that ..Jesiis • sign:dd.
• Meet. him. Their, eyes had last met:.
that fateful. night as 'Peter warm-
"7'-ed•hiniself at the fire in the ;court-.
Where better could' "they. Meet:
than 'by tbat lake. Which foryeter.-
and . his "Berd-aWake. So many. preL,'
.cionS-nrienreries.?: lii, the. last Chan.;
ter 6f • the , fatirth thestory,
is , -told: of' .thart meeting., as
that writer: cm:ad-Jell' Seven
men' :Weht -fishing '..fiane night,' and
-aindrigstytheni Teter. ‘.‘They, toil -
Name Assistant ..•
. ,
For:".the -firSt time iii:,the„history
of Clinton the ..the
.public sehool is to have an assist-
ant. ,AccOrding:to,_'llateld
Soiii„ se e retary.aLth.' eilbilard,L..Terry
John carter. lids been: tiit.c4in this
CaPacity',and will begin workgt
•tethber 8. Mr. -Carter, Who isthe
'O.B,Rehert, .;•Carterc,of.". EerninirSt.
Glen, , ha beeri'
teacher of Grade .8 at .•Anillerst-
On the task of physical. training,,
• at preSen.t. being -handled -by -Frank
IluiSser,-Seaferth,' whO•hak"accept-
ed a -Position at Whitby. Clinton
News -Record.:
•.,Gilbert, paw, 28,Year-old Exeter
dairyinam, 'facesthe, prospect,. f.
to..,eight' weeks' an. a4ractgre
bed.' in"Sont.b.Huron •Ilaspital' as a:
reSUICOLinjurieS•hereeeiVed:i.n. an
aceident;early, Friday morning Hewas ravehng west oii No 83
wben le. see the,' tint., at.
er,beard '.signi;':Cragfied".'e• , Censider,L,
. able: distance intri!nlield ,whre 1i'
was-AhrOwil from the:veliiele... The
aecident happened, about 15 'a.m.:
•Bretight to..,Santh ,Huron. Hospital
by -T. -H. Hallman- ambulance,
Grand 'Bend,the driver,. la. -'suffer...
ing from a fraettired "skull "and,
cracked ' The car,: .deinoliSli,
ed,' was vaned, at .$1,900, aecard-
1ng7-ta -1iarry Reid. Exeter
Barrel;Over .Pnin ,
The barrel.-1Placed ,-the
abOve. the INteKenzie-13fid0 by the
fire brigade...earlier' this: Winter,:
wexit ever •the dani, aV-5'..14'
last Saturday 'arid as a. residtthilee-
indky tieltet ,holders won prizes.
In :first ,place. was Alexwho
wan $25.; seeond,..John StnrdY,":$10;
andthird,;„ Edward. B.auer;,'•$5.00.1
All three had made Their guess '-as
to thedaY,:and hour Wn.thehebar-
rel gd,iiV'er the 'dam when'
they :- pnrcha:ked - tickets, soVeral
weeks ago., 'The first prize
her ' was Only. out,. by , 41_ I -limn es,
with the' Otheri..57„-f,and;.70' .rniiiiites ed allnight. and caught pothing,",
'Off the .ildbial time ,.:the: barrel Went Making : for the '.'Shore, littligry"' and,
down .stream with the ,ide.' ',Thelitieais,.,,..,i,Jesus,. iri6t.• them as they
proceeds;-froni the •barfel,guessing
.fund..".-Wingliaxii. Advan.eed'imes..,-.
racoelin,;_t..:::t*.a,!oe.s.,, _at;1_:„..."))...piiniaiy,m,....:txh:_:,.eg,:.,::!:, ltth4enr.eai.,:e.hoarit They 6h. 7 inI. as hadejix. - pbt .2. ."ritti%: , . ,. . ',Ivi:°0,: .4a. .n., des-'.: ..,,
'''' ' • . • " . . ' -' L. ,-th-GY,--ate.--toget;hert:;
t4n • iniagine. Peter's :`•‘thciaghtS,'''' w
. .: Then Jesus speaks; 0 Peter an ,
:More:tnan."200-rePreSentatives of .iour addressed . him ,,,1:67,. ,hi.,,,
stY,tec)thr,ialailittpenagsd 'a, -
Of . old name ,nie; ;,,,siition,'". he..:Said; `, `de.
you love ine:?.-" Three times this
Leyalty,'•Dinner at: the.,;,Godericii,.,.qiiestioh : was • a-sleed;Zandi,..,„tlire. '",
Pa-17ilionv':Tir00;01;'-eYellitig-; asT a tith6.., simoll',..rpt.10,...:',?.-.Tes',:', Lordi •
1,pte1iide. te-a 'CliriPtiaii-Ste.WardMIY: you knOw-I4oVe-OnVot--1"2:etcr...
progratty,'te•, raileheeded; finid, for . was to 'hear nipre.,:.•A`ifull. life of
the WOrk,of, the Chnich..iii the Pres- , Christian witness, and. '.SerViee..lay.
bYter-Y.;--chaiiniat,iof.:..the .banqUeti. before-,bitn- It.„would'stretch--intO-
:Ineeting- :.wasT-Irtidge-:Frank•-• .eld -age; and -then .a'cress-',on -which
land ' : general-. chairman ' of the
steWar.dShin „program ,whose object i on. ti"PeN4
Peter Then 1,h°ei'e'tn,.
. eventide,:i
: t.ifort..;thefltiin1
'is" to .raise.a.minimiim Of, $250,000, , II. ...k.i ii. •,31 ,, , yes, ' • ..
from :Hurciit ,Presbytery, churches
in 'pledges over the next:, three
YearS..: `Sa'Orifiee the keystone -
f: the -; 'Christian' life," said .Judge.
Fingland,M his opening renars
exhorting the rePreSentativeS,pre4
Sent -to give leadershir-intedietoi.:
speetive elitircheS in the 'drive for
.the -neededAinnISGoderieli,
• .
iOOth. Grandchild,
. Canada's ,"„rgest' - :has
again made histOry,"•„'Iastg Week
the. :horn
fainily. Of Mr.' 7•Alit17.-1!/IrS.
James `Ma.sV" . of the Bluewater
_highway, three, miles West' of Zirr-:
ie1T1re-bhiid: -i the---riaughter,.ef-
Mr. and: 'Mrs.': Leo Masse,- Lridaii,
and .willreceiVe a.'eheque for $100
from: the grandfather, Who .sOnie
'years' ago had.,,made'the pr'ornise'
of. 'the' gift' te, the', one,bundretilli.
grandchild.: Mr.,,tatid:' Mrs." Masse;
who, haVe • had: 21 Children, believ-
ed to be the . largest, family in -all
of Canada, are both MI very "good.
,health, Just this ,past 5umfr1ex' they
-saw. the last one .of their children
. .
married.- Of -their '100 grandchil-
dren; -90 are . still living'. Of "the,to--
tali 54 are girls .46' are :boys.
On ,tcp: of thirthey' also Haveeigit
great-grandchildren.Zurieh Citi-
zens News. .
Interestiii iterns gleaned from
The Huron Expositor ,cif 25, 50
' and '75 years ago.
began with -incorporation in 1910. In the 40 years
Since then StelCd ha: -
tons of steel,
Paid $93,000,090 to employees;
P,aid:W4i000,000; f,o. government in taeis.;,
Spent $1765,1)00,000 for:materials and
-1 •
Inve'sted $330,000,000 in -plant and ravi
matorial Sources:
„The aboVe figures show how .Stelco has con-
tributed to the Wealth and progress of Canada.
• From The Huron- Expositor,
-April 2(Y, 1924 .;
. James' Ballantyne; eeve of Us -
borne township -for the 'past 'eight
yearS and, ox -warden of Huron
County, Is a Liberais;PregresSive
nominee for 'the Coming election,
• Alex Bethune was elected *esi-
'dent Of the Seaforth Football Club
1V1r. W. 11. Armstrong, Hullett,
shipped to -Toronto market on Sat-
urday a Shorthorn cow about eight
year old, which. weighed 1,890
• potinds..This is the heaviest pew tO
pass. over -idle' Seaford(
The Bowling Club held their an-
nual Meeting ort Wednesday night
in the council charnber, Hensel
Dr. Collyer -was elected
president, and the 'other officeri
Avere----re,plected-r-The executive
cOntrnittee- for '1934 will iemAist of
Dr. 'Collyer, C. A. McDonnell, E.
G. 13OrithroniA„ Clark, W. 0, Good-
whi and George Btock.
... Miss Jean Stewart underwent an
operation for appendicitis, in. Seott
Memorial. llospital on Tuesday.
R..S..-11ais, Mrs. Hays,Miss
• Mary and Mr. George Hays, who
have been, in the Old Country and
on the- Continent since the new
year,, returned home On Tuesday.
• Mr. Alvin Sillery, Miss Wood and,
Miss Bell visited the "'sugar bush
of'Mr. Wffliam /3-uttog, on Tuesday
to see how genuine maple sugar
was made. - •
From The Hunan. Expositor
April 10, 1909 '
T g „
, .
• Mr:G:- M. Chesney IMO purchas-
ed from Mr. Alex Sinclair, of Tuck-
ersmith, his fine heavy draught
chestnut team, for whieh' he paid
the handsome Sum of $600.
Alf. Baelter, Of Btu -Saes, is hav-
ing a 14-fOot additiOn built to his
stable% in order to inake ram for
hit ever-inereasing .iittinber of fast
horses. 1
On Tuesday afternoon a con-
siderable ,quantity of snow fell.
When, -,g number of members
were returning froin a Meeting in
Clinton' on.• Fritlay,F .one of -the
familiar 'tall . for ',Peter! He had'
noVer. forgotten it', since first. he
heard ,it by' that same. lake;- But
three years'. had passed; : and: s.b.
nigh.. had happened. It was, the
old.' call, , a.rne,;to ;Peter.with-
a; new . hondur--to,
him, he went forward, .never again
t�,' turn back. "
-When we. first hear' .that call its
full ' Meaning and--itr.implicetiona
may. not be -undergtood:. The pass-
ing years; hOwever; if We. arefaitlii.
fill„ wiImakthat •, Are.
we ready, like- Peter, to match
igh't:on?,-The, ;hymn, JesuS- 'calls
o'er the: ttinifult7,.waS.,not writ -
Think 'on • these
. '" day HI sWeet,voice..
soundeth, '
• Saying; 'Christians; folloW Me!'
• m/cpyf
. ,oTTAATvA.,—'yrh, big 'ships
'starting to'break through' the ',ice
packs On the Great l',,akes.smash-
ing inth the "floes ti :their efforts
• to open tie Shipping •`.-.„
The story ha S :been :the same on.
the.. Lakes for: ,many years.' Spring
is the Signal p.r: ,hurf.dreds'of lakers
tcitatse up: steim hi., their beilerS,
and. start hauling .cargOes ,of *heat,
r I dred leser items of:freight•teross
Coatpi:dol., and .w•httn,
• the Miami waterways, •
teams got .balKy a shett 'diStane_e
This 'Year there is a 'difference.
out of Clinton -and' it tOp/c.
.p • • ver• - 'Phe St.,Lawtenc'e Seaway, a dream
an neinto gat them going,-
two centtirieS old, hes beep 'corn-
Moffat has aispoed Pleted ,All along the seaWayroute;
of hi residence on Goderich from --1Vfontreal .the Lakehead,
. St.
'to Mr. -.A. Chittenden, and Mt. the Pace PrePai'ati°11 quick'
Chitten'den has 'sold hihome on
ened,. there is a sense -.of exeite!-
' "s'
High st. to,Mr, H. •Edge. ni,ent man aware-
-Porty new 'telephones are. tieing. neaa ef. the ..epe'llind 'ef a new era.
installed on the extensions to, the The 'ideal of the Seawaf is as:
Mcllop TelephoneaSystem,.old us the first hesitant exPlora-
tt°,.* Oohs of North Anierica When the
eTinhgeboyinidlt.b'r•iek .hotel building, at earlY,day ekplorers'vandered into
ROdgerville is, being ,pulled down tha' St: Lawrence hi' their 'search
by the proprietor, Mr. S. Marshall, for the legendary Northwest Pass
and it is,rehioved ta ,HeriSall
. ailed -their -4ittle,1 up:
lit,,416;;;r,,,tdreat6t1-!th-1:re as t'ara'.7- the river, o past the- of Que-
bee, to the -iglaticl of • Montreal.
Then they had to turn back,.'for
'• their way,,was.blocked.,.by,the
From The The tillt0j1 l7.1"p0SitOr
_ .
April ts it tri-ders.who Cementer por-
Mr, john. erecting an taged over the Lachine, brit lound
iminente*.shed, 120 feet hi length, half a dozen Other -rapids that pre -
in which to store lumber, vented them from paddling up the
' The new hydrants ordered some .riVer to -Lake Ontario,
time age '13f -the fire, and water , As early 'AS the year 1700 they,
committee, have arrived, started hacking tiny canals around
• The Mitchell • Advocate of last, the rapids.- Canal and lock build -
week gaysi "On Saturday last the erg have been busY.,, on.'"•the
SeaforthrbnYere-toek-fronr-thre renee--ever;-s, ince-11--had--but
our merchants abdut 300,000 dozen one aiim-to by -pa sS tith dangerous':
of eggs, which is evidence that the rapids, au& enable •a free flow of'
National Policy is operating tOn• -frank uP,. the river. to. the lakes
jieneto • •
-Seatorth towe council will .pur- •The St, T4aWrefice SeaWay,'. one
chase 206 trees ' and-- Will supply of the largest conatruction,ptojects
those whooagree to pant them pro- undertaken in ' the' 'World is the:
perly at the nominal price of five
cents each. • • . •
- While the late rains have made
the roads hatl,again, tIkey haVe
had A magical effect upon vegeta.
tion, and the grass no* looks 'quite
green, and the all wheat, in most
places'promises well. • , Reel/ e, of ..Clinton,. has old
his farth rn Ifoliett• consisting •of
Porlern-day equivalent of those
firat little canals.', Its'seven big
kicks, five in Canada and -thro in
the 'United States, replace 22 obso-
lete locks that have Amen AA, Ote
since the ittrn of' the tenturY. When
the Seaway oPeus for' traffics (and
the first ship .is ,scheduled 'te enter,
the locks on April 20) ships from`
every- corner of the world will ,be
100 acres, to Mr. John. IL Medd, able -to sail over 2,000, miles inland
of the same 'township; for $2,250.
Mr. James Turnbull, of the -14th
concession of Grey, had a• ewe that
gave birth to a lanib on. Monday
of the week before last, Nothing
to the head Of the lakes.
--The-Seattay-- Can -handle ships
drawing 27 feet,- -compared 'with.
the pld, limit 'of 1.4 feet, This new
limit enables 7 per Cent of ;the'
'For'the paSt couple of weeks .the
majority ,of Canadian- women, have
gene through a harassing, bewild-
ering experience. Night after
light, they have Wheedled, coaxed
-and. threatened, trying to get
,boys and grandfathers to
be'd at a decent hour.
Night after, night, they have re-
ceived only faraway, uncompre-
hending _stares from their hus-
bands:- and received these only
when they shoved the nightlY TV
snack into their. hands. Night af-
ter night, thyha.goneto bed,
nerves twanging, eardriuns still
aching from the penetrating,. rae-
,OnS chant -cif Eanada'r_rfrvarrite
hockey announcer.
, Buthold, ladies. •Reck aght
of the;: scowls of,yoting -the
.snarls ef, Graridpa. Don't be fazed
hy the utter nothingness of • your
bitter. half,..,:....4.,Bear -"with -;111ieni,
'playoff. 'tithe is,.:107-..them
what -Paris. is to" a.' middle-aged
'teacher of, what.StratfOrd.
is to. the .large ,lady • *he. belPed,
paint"the. Scenery for the 1VInelyi11• e"
drar,ria.„feStival;.. _ "
,Stanley Cup tiine is a wanderful.
spring tonic. It i Alice,. ie:'Wom
derland and. Peter Pan ::fOr ,the
males' of your, faMilY; front 'eight
to eighty 'Wher-e--you. See -only. a
lot .'Of • large Young. men. rushing
:at bach *other, they See a ballet,
ere- yoli--see'Only brutality and
bloadslied. they .see- the drama �f
a brill-ring.When. you shudder -at
"the .bestial.roar of 'the -arena Mob;
-they-arethrilling to the 's1dl1 and
.gallantry of the.,gladiatorS;
You see,‚ girls, lio&eY' at,it-S'best'
poetry in motion, music -
flight.: An N.I-I.L. goalie's has all.
the grace-and'delicacy 'of a.- to re a-
puck,":on .his stick, is •,-nb. one
more. than Captain Ahab,. -harpoeii
poisett-for-a. -bulletlikerthrtist
very wonderful. ill 'that; .lant on the ships .ertusing the ocean laneS
following pionday she gave 'birth the 'world, to 'climb ttp the locks`,
to a .second laplh„;Bntli mother and ort the St.' Lawrence,. and the -locks
' - • at Welland; •andSault- .Ste.
, .
tant s are vmg.
• Nfaybq we don't think about
these comparisons, as we sit - on
the edge of out chairs, .vvatching.
tbe Leafs_and Canachena -5a:ft1e
outri-but_v0.e aware of theta: It's
a national disease; ,pretty well re-,
strieted.- ,to the, uIbale species; :and
it- makes" the-StEcaller'"feyW
the: World -Series' or tlie,'Grey Cup
gam 1�ok'iikk 'id eaSe 44 the
sniffles, in comparison.
HoW,did :we get this:Way? Well;
'it's a little entharrassing to explain.
Biit nine hoyS:16iit Of. fen in,this
to bring' their. cargoes :as 'far:West
SDiiluth ". 602 -feet abere- s.e a lev-,".•.,
eLT Possibly 'More : important, it
Will. enable the giant .lakers; many
'of 'theta OVer 700. feet long, to run
doWn. the. St. lavvrence Mentreals
'ancl'Afie-,-Oeean parts On'theylower
reachesof •the'river.,• ' •
The lake' is the •Werld's Cheap-,
'est and most -efficient form • of
tranaperthtion. , Until the 'temPle-
tion .• of 'the Seaway, •: theSe, :super-,
terriers , were bottled: UP' th
.Great Lakes...•'•When -they•'.heided
across the JakTryitli thelf, loab.
of grain -they were forced lb stop
....L.(Continuedon - page 2) -•
„country are eXposed to hockey -
early in life. ,And eight out of ten,
of them have, at one time or an-
other; -had adesperate desire- to
become, a truly grea't„hockey play -
e. The nrge might have lasted
five years or 'five minutes, but it. •
was so powerful it hurt while it
lasted. , _
' * *
And about 90 per cent'of us know -
perfectly well that -if it hadn't been
for sheer bad Whit or bad. man,
;agenient, we'd have made the
N.H.L; • Some of us were' too,
heavy, some too light. Some were,
a little slow,' others couldn't hoist
the Tick. Some started to smoke:-
others- to - go withgiriswa
just sonic lousy break like that.
that kept- us out of .the big time,
'But even knowing this,. we're -
not envious. We vvalch the best:,
playersin Ithe worldwith the coin,
placent camaraderie :of a. -movie
extra watching the stars at i1rONCi
with:, the , friendly .concern of
burlesmie stripper -.watching a -
`prima ` ballerina. We sit there as -
'they flash abOtit-the ice and -Muse:
"There„ tkit _for .. the fat that I
always- went over on. My. ankles,
When I was 'a, kid; 'my bad used
to tell me of his' litiekey ,,Career,
As a y,oling man, hewas secretary
ofthe Stiawville-"Tontiacs. , One of
.his -job's waS teanis". and .
sleighs -ont-of-tevvn games.
About 20 years 'after' he 'left, the,
great Frankie Finnigan, and' an,
other 10- -.years '1. after that,: the
:Mighty --Mill:ph ChaMberlain; , btith
top pros-, came out ,of Shawville;
To -hear Dad tell. it, the three. -..
• them ifsed to iide the sante sleigh
to games in Renfrew, 40 years
before. .
uring... my own hockey career,,
,jti the -days when we wore Eaton's
'catalogue .for one shin -pad, Simp-,
same kids' league aS Les DouglaS-..--
Ten years later he was a pro,' -lead-
ing. scorer several times in the
-up to Detroit .Reel 'Wings.
I , still 'think it was only the fact .
tiMeS faster than I couldi that
artadeTtira outdistanee-me_m_aur
hockey careers.. .
. Go through any fami1 y an you:
find they have some great hockey
traditions •.like this:- That .fat
low matching 'TV once scered:thel_L_
winning eight..',secOuds'
to., go if
baek for "Offside. That;:erd,-.gentle,
iiian1n'".the.',radker 'renfenbers..th6
1.10Wie ',More= searne tb•tciwri;
'when-,4d4aSistillan.ainateni2 and
h;Seen, plaY.,„ if he.-
haddena:been4erkiiig'in,the bush
that Winter.'-Tliat,youtigSter, gnaVr-,
his 'nails • in 'front . of the Set;
:Why- was the third higheSt.:seor.'
: qv .on,(5the- third-bestteam ,the
Scpiarts' league ...this .,ver3r...wintet.
,ChildiSh ;to;
you.,...women: But 'part of the
•simp1e .gtrong:„.: poetic .; heritage,. of
•the 'Canadian 'Male; Have patience.
"Tho 'weeks, '
7A lid 'yptiql: get' your own . back, and
your -ifirtings*at the TV set, When
-the-Royal; yisit ',starts. •
Arai lb flit CI CI BIN
CiNieCtillii416611111) a
lb 414 ilk IN CI 4111ga ill 4111111
* Has,ears-cthead stiiing and Oirritructionl
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of a Standard office ty'pe. wrifert .
;TWINcPAVIIIIIION CHANGER -,Quick, easy -hands stay clean
MAGIC" MARGIN' sets- bothimargius inttantly, autornatically
MAGIC.!cOktIMI4 SET, Just,press a koy to tabulate figures..
FULL STANDARD KEYBOARD,Same size as on,office machines
Plus litany:tore exclusive Roy rin_dalite features!
Come in and test-type'it yourself—soon!