The Huron Expositor, 1958-11-14, Page 1Ninety -Ninth Year ,Whole Number 4736 ONTARIO, 1RIDA, NOVEMBER 14, 4958 - " Single -Copies, .5 Ceuts -$2.50 a Year in Advance mn.clors ssessrne raii Tlie Seaforth Chamber of Com- rce_lis_behincl- _the proposal to grant' a fi.:Zed assessment to Sea- lerth -Shots Ltd-- with respect to the new plant nowunder construetieR here, it was indicated at a Chamber aS. a Whole is.; vital Y , in the welfare of .local. '.iirduStry-anclfs,,also new Industry, was :in full accord with the pro- bo,Sal. :A committee, -including Mrs." "Wa1ke.11 ,Hart, A. Y. McLean of the adv,ertrairig commit:flee,and. PreSt: dent F. G. J. Sills, a- delegated' to provide ..nteessary, information: in order, that :the, Public is ,proper- ly" drdprrned, .as, to what 07- fixed assessment is; whY-Ta fixed 'assess: - merit,. , and to What extent:.it will --affect-the-toWn•-itseity-and"--the,rate,•‘. payer TTie-exeCtitive •als6'..:,disettsSed Olitistrii.as:7--: decorations,' " Several new ••-ssuggestions ,were "'Made .;Witic, 'the' thoUghtof,. adding . More', to What has, been the ,usual :scheme Of,..decorations " for -the past' •'..few. "years. One. Of these new ',:stigges-: .-tioni..4 a s, --the erection of ---a popu lar ChristniaS' story scene such .aS the NatiVitY' scene, placed in a, perhapS more ...inteting of .the. executive of the as- sociation held FridaY. ' Seaforth Council alrea y has - given, two, readings :to an enabling • by-law and has taken steps; to place the,,question on the -Decem- ber ballot, seeking 'the apProval of -the" /ratepayers of SeaTorth:- The: by-lw is to----7.previde-for--a--fixed, assessment ,for the , new .Seaforth , Shoes factory, equal to the assess - :anent on the present plant, The :by-law will require the approval wo-thiids Of the voters. The- •fiked assessment of $7,300 would, rentiriue for IQ' 'Years, and is• not; zenewable. - The executive discussed_ the pro- posal leir-th and since the oat- eafor niuriesAreFatal trJ Funeral services were held,Tues- _. _ day afternoon -for Kenneth Durnin Mowbray, who died as a result of - injuries received in a freak dent Saturday morning, Rev. J. C. :Britton;.: ,Northside .• United Ghtirch,.! can,dheted the ' service. from Box Funeral ',Home at thre and interinent, follewed in rxriitlandliank *Came ery. :PaIllidatera wereDouglas, 1:1011-4 Sterling' Ilabkirk Cecil .Lem- D'Orleen-S,illSlack:'.ca'se -.and Scott. Kerr, .Fiowerbearers were Frank Case, Frank Sills, .Art'.Par ker arid, Robert Smith, • „ Mt.., Mowbray ; was :fatally irtjtired' about; 8:15 a:rn.: Saturday, when". a boat . was 'helping . to ,hOist into stotegg' in a 'barn. left, , lo feet arid. landed on fop .!of. . He was removed !cett. Memorial 'Hospital after the'acei-• . dent.. At two O'clock:Sunday Morn= was ten:toted -to Stratford, General 'Hospital, where Ie.:died three: hours " later, - : . .'Au employee of George A. Sills and Son-S-,Tial;dWare-STifire,." he wa. hoisting the boat into the left of wthe•:...barn- behind the „store. The others -were • stand- : ing scantling '.a.13eVe‘bigi; when. the scantling•,..broke,. aTid•tbe , attached' toi. the boat, .also broke; -"The corner:Of.the boat' Strhek knocking him to .the cetrient:floor. The other- fell, but were only shaken up, :fwo.,suffering cut fin- • 'llecognizing that the Canada motion prepared by Dr. Brady 1and Temperance Act was outmoded, proposed by Councillors •Baldwin. ...--Alarmed, by the Spreading rabies menace, Seaforth 'Connell Monday night instructed • Mayor Christie to a--p-taclamation,_ prohibiting . dogs running- at According to Dr: C. MacLen- -nan, health of animals SenfOrtii-, 'theretire.-three,;confiritt-: • ecl_ea'Ses of, rabies' in 41siten. In ' eachs .incident n fox •-waS ;involved:- e cases occurred •in the Shipka, :1117-• ...•,6'111E AND ..Sql6C1L:' ii.".S.S6.'qtATE'01'.?of-Hannah, Scliedllin 43aYfietd und Fert•3'ic,. are s..; ...._. . • , 'Council agreed:appritinetit Of. a• TueRersicri'i,h, paid. 14111 1. '., f0 ' th OS (.'5, fr,r:I.21 Or' 'S'illdents. who' h•adi ser '.4 . dog catcher WOld." peel:rine Deeps-, ..ia, wario , was/. Er, "ivherf-,an uppr Roll ..i.Ves' Unveiled Wednesday eve,- , sal,,y . as wauld,i..g46..,...,th;e„establishm pAng.s'irs,,B, ac.dfocit unveiled the,sroll. of honeut, whichwas •, , melit s.a. ,a;dog„,..spoltd, --It Was felt: stcrefrent displays. SsIt ds :expected, .-..dedieated-by-.Rev;,-,J, 11'.:-.:Tariles,,,Se'aforth Legion pAdre. .-Mrs: „Bro.? d.„____, ..„141tt'_, Inc 1. 004 animal. Santa Claus .7t,co lost a son, Jaw,s.:x.azhinl BrO ci 0 t,.,who.,w_s"ta7Dnidavlitelt:151.1 U6dnf4:ierf,t7;;-a,arrt*-ntg::-: zcif: ss_i•K'ilg..„...__(&Pc sitar' Phill u 'tins in mind the Chamber felt , eQla be- IinPrclved-if--- arious oii,tanizations Would- -tak part •by participating in a monte parade. It, was pointed out organ- izations could assist 'greatly in im- roving the annual -event by decor - P ating „floats with any of the many Christmas themes. This, year .the Chamber of-` 'fer prizes for the best decorated - homes in Seaforth, as an Former pupils of Hannah. School thfe, to, make the town on�fof th.e who served in World War II, were 'best andmost a'ttractive places in honored at _ a:nieeting _of. the Ilan - the area. There will. be three priz- Home' and School Association offered.es First prize- is $15, sec- WedneSdaY inight.,_when a Roll Of polar containing, their names • idents can participate and there was unv f . . _ ... , ..,, . „ _ . . ., „...., . . ., i•P'Ss)l ••,' . .."" '-'.----"."'".: ---..--'.---- -"pientcrlif werited,Ituit '-b-Y-..-thel , .. , . . • '- property •.committee. , i.,., In:diS_eussing..the atitbreak,.°.coun-- ; cillors'emPliasized Inc necessity ,of , dogs being :brought under-,coritrol as. a. .means' , of preventing the spread of the 'disease: ft •i.Vns, sug- gested 'the danger ,woincl. exist for St, leaSt a year. . ,, , •,, , . . . Approve permits . , ., ,,__ service, iii- 1044, ' and is buried 111 :s..Couneil approved the granting!of, Flanovet, -GAnian3r.,.• : .. "'• - „, •,',a taxi license tO-George : e , . . The roll was dedicated s by. ;Reif.' Building permits granted granted.' included J.•,„. , H. _ Jaines,,,2Seafortli Legion.' a -garage, ',13x36; , Wain& $1-,400, to padre. A 'color party front. the Sea Edmund 'TialY, and a• residence';of. forth • Legion took part ..in,. the :Veit -, ' 9,611.;:a0_air".e: feet ,onlAnn.L.Street,,,Va*., • ' y • - . ' r, .- ..'. ", -. '„ - .,'-', - 11.16'.$0,590,. to :W. G. Neilig*:.'H.', . iii . iieeve,,sooins • raised Ate. niattei, Seaforth Connell Monday urged and •Hal:Adrk. ',The regolutioni af- Huron.:.. county to .investigate'the ter :referring tO 'flip Exeter,' pro- desirabilit .pf -haVing ': the Pomiti- Pesal, read: ion" ,Gove,t-tiMent. take action that.. • 'Thi' Cputicn: go .on record that watird.• plerrnit -the" Ontario • Liquor wa---. do notfeel this. is, the proper Control Act to mine- into force,in Solution to the -problein.- of aloe:. •-. the comitY; The...'action: was -Pre- holic con•sumption ,h1 ' the: munici- Cipitated byca resoliiti.oriTfrom Exes. palities:, ter Col:- oil seeking support. in hay-. ' i'We respectfully' sugge'st ' that Mg amendments .made to the Can- the 'Huron Cotuity. Council appoint ada Temp,erance -Act. , • ....• ; - .• . a committee to, sq_eics legal' advice trips gas . consumption. for the and invest/g att., the, desirability Cb_oetninicii1101 Baine sid ie,aatil- stahoeorit,e-e-hPlae ,eand. - c s I ' 7 priohIexcifteeronPsruonpiopstaiol z3vv c, )o,ci have rocognihs- other diffiT•Tri.ties that -ar-T-d adopt •the • `Orctario--L-C.A - • inolitii° WI dkaking 1,6-795 miles' Der irf -public petitioning/ the Dominion Govern- gallim.:" In,'Presenting -the report, ' and in' Vehicies.,s, It didn't ,ment to thdraw fram the .C.T:A., arid thiS.coUld le' attributed to -the haYe ,beelsi• iMind it? the C•T.A. b3r • ' Ready For Election, -:- • L '1 CO Linen took: Steps. 'do establish' _ , job which; the -.police • dePartnient. -cIll°•reeltillt..,.egerlele,s• • ' - l had dime. During' the ' month 3I Dis".eussing 'terms of the C.FfsA- maellillerY s for' niurri cip al eleetions.. whicn permits cOnsumpt..ion with-,, Nominations . take place on .1VIcin-.• .:,• riil!,..st,igat,ic'n's'i,._.iac.:1.- _beelI''',,carr.i.:,(.1". out restnetjan ' cannel? learned day;"November 24,- 'with •-electiiins .from the .Exeter reso ution prob. on WednesclaY, December 10, • , lems that have. bee.n met' in en- Named /as poll: officials are: 1 ,. •, foi-cMg the sackt „•-• • ... . - 'arm 2,. eall's Garage. C. A... _a , irilson,,-- ,-tTirieghat.,v14 glifoill.l&Ple. IlIe ''illYil'si II,.1%;aWryi''..s.'1'i',:..T'‘.17"tii?'Iril.117:1'71;iss3. Iifil.'c/1304.1!-; .• •- it and bung_ m tl.t On. ario. Liquor ton,- an fC a ,e s.Gar ge, D.,.•• • Control •••Act, which •has teeth 111. L. , Reid, 1.‘ rs. Mae, lhat er 4' 1'. s it !••' slieeve 'Scams adviSed... . C-Ciuntil---ai)* ON e d' -. -a. 133-laii,----.1in- '- , . • . '. (The C:T.A. is .in force M Huron creaSing •the higliiva•s- maintenance, ' , the ' L.C.A., -which woi.41 become -maintenance-, gpants. . Elrid-TeTilliffies--017-1Y;17rii:e-re- -estyniat-e.-by: 2.00..„-The_.move...-wass- -,-, ' .• . - rnainder of -Ontario Cables under lid*,6:68,4Ey, to clussalify for additi.onal, , 0 St ein... rou ., , --"'effective in the countY•rttie C.T.A. No decision .'i"vas reached on a . .' -' ' -"--"------.'" , ---- - wes eliminated. -T-he,-C.r_A.:.__prar. request ',.fr.PiTI. fl,te '.Library• Board --7- ' Peter Simpson, . of, i Seaforth, a veteran Holstein breeder, NY as while permitting ;sale ...under cer- in' deficit Action . had been de- -, • - 7 ' , • 1 ILI:AY't,S sale only,' While7the L CA: for assistance to -meet . an op.erat-s . • . . • „ _, , ,.... , elected. president of the , LI -furor! tean conditions, • proYidess regula- ferred-at_ a previous, rneeting. pend- County,:Heisre, in: • ,,Clmubee., .I\snlon, ,deaY:, alcoholic beverdges,. aii.d,,,gehei:ai- _mein. kowever,. ,,,,...hoti.i. ii .1as not lions governir,g:the con.scaniption of ing receip,t of a financial state - right 4 •i -h amlual' it 's n 'a ly is mere, restrictive). .' '. :•• ' cleaRr. from • the • state/4M. just ,. • in' the -agricultural • offt,ce barmd „ Con ser.SUS' Of ' The, ineeting •was what v,-as"--resqUired, .., council , in - room, - • -, . • ss...s, that an amencliatent to the C.-.T.A. Structed-ithe finance' coinmitfee to .. •. . ' .. Mr. " . Simpson • .... in on. ,. . • was not the answer: - .. meet ..with the •Library Board. The.. , Succeeds William - Hough, 'Clinton. Council unaniniously adopted. .a. board , .operateS. •on' 1.6 mill rate, . . , , ' Which produces $2,593:08. HoWev- 2 • s,Elected-..as s vice-, :srr'n'"ni.4e'dirte.r'geia-a'snet,.i.ha‘td11:!. - -Qntario Gov - presidents': Wtre.not been .n Glen.-- 'Walden' Of ticinated " • '• • - varice will be no entry fee or entry form. The roll o honour was unveiledscheck CressWalks • Judging will in all _probabilitY take by Mrs. James Broadfoa, ea- R°11 'GI 'Honour are G.eorg, Stew" of tr.e" hospitalization an an Luckhew, and- place between 'Cliristinas and New forth. Her on, IJames Graham 8it, Gr_aah, am Broad- the extent t lwild affect Betties, Bayfield. su obsted ' it would . ' treet -committee will re- eneaper _ter the town teprovi e Hume Clutton, view' the location of Crosswalks on . Years. Broadfoei, was killed :on -active f.cot, wham -Jowl -c Ter.,0 ,„.Ar - the town. He thur Albert Cairieron George 'At- - su ance coverage, for --indigent Gi,°d:ceterdic.:11socwreatsarryeMain Street. CatchbaSins _located --In the barn at the -time-,of the - accident were Arthur Parker,, Case, Carl 'Feeney, Jim Morris and D'Orlean Sills, " 0r. M. W. Stapleton, Who at- tended Mr. lVfowbraY, said no in- quest would be held, imleas. the Workmen's Compensation Board. „asks for one, . • Born. in Seaforth, the deceased " is survived by his parents, Mr: and Mrs. George Mowbray, Vic- tnria Street and by -three broth"- ers, Robert, Stratford;- Charle.% .Zugland;„ Gordon, Seaforth.;_ and Three sisters; Mrs. -Lorne (Janet) Biles, Atwood; Mrs., Charles (Mae) Filunell,, Stratford," and Mrs, Earl !Irene) Sippel, Tavistock. One sister predeceased him' in 1936; First ,SnOw.Falls On :Friday ..First snow of the Season fell Friday morning in this area. Al- though :light, the snow heralds the arriyal of the winter -season. With an inrush of warm air,. the now soon , turned' to rath, which fell in- termittently ,thtetighout the Week- .._, end: By the middre4 the week , clear skies prevailed' once 'again:, The, -"weather --to--date: has been ouch better than "that of a...year ago.' At: this tittle last year, The Exprisitor reported a snowstorm fivith_a 'snoWfall Of 10 indhes, , - " the, _crdssivalks have ted haiard's . for. pedestrians,' Iron which he, has vis.ionoipaysuch 'costs but won- Or t(in- CharterS, Grant MacEay. "nigan Stuart .IVIneDenalcrsFirinigan, Reginald Duncan McGregor, „lames: 'Collie .,McCrregor,..,ssRobert '''Arthur Mennen: 'Allan -RObert...NiCholspri- •.Harold, Arthur .:Nicholson, .Charles ea -0 MeClYment • . " .Inipressive. IF,ternernbraiiee SerViees, were held Tuesday; on. the, . „ :46th . anniversary. ' .of the Cessation, of hostilitieS,,,,1Voyernber • .).1, 1918. • • • • The: services . irif.-SeafOrth,: under auspices of Seaforth L'egioii Bi1anch 156, -Were, held' Park.L Veterans, . Scouts 'and- distribt of- ficinls Pdra to the :Park; Chead-:: ed .by "Band, The. parade:: was rn alraige. �f- McGrath, While George Hildebrand led , the ,.barie, Y. -At the Park" a .short "serVieeT,Pre;- ceded:. two- :minutes' , silence at 11 -o'clock,•and . included -1 remarks by ;-11eV.; C, Britton„ :•dis-:. eiissed ..s the -Challenge' of.:,4Renient 'brance Day, Taking. part were Dr. J. SetriPte; . Rev. .D...1..,•eslie Elder and padre Rey. J".1''H. Janfes. -'Last Pest. ani11• Reveille were .sounded eainra.de•-"Jaek. Mabre. Legion PresidentHary Nesbitt -'. as in oharge of the sor - District, Wreaths , laid dining the' service,included. ,Province by Mrs. Mae;',Dortance;,;• ToWn '• of .Seaforth by Mayor B. Y., ChriStie;. ToWoship of McKillOp by IteeVe Dan lieitermann;.:Township of Trickersinith.by•ReeVelVau-For- Syth2, •Nerthside ',11.rilted!Clitirell by Don- ':Woo'd.;..,..:..First ...:2resbyteriah_ chitrdh Scott, chim,:st,,Thiqmas' Anglican . Church' by 'E. e111 St. J a inseS Church by R. C.' .Silis; 47kmondville" _United; Church. : by .Roderiek" MacLean; Canadian -Legion, Branch 156, by james'T.• Seotti: .:Seaforth 'Liens Club by William' A. Heft; King,hts- of 'Coltirribus' hy 'non 1ViacRae,, Sea-. ferth•and :District High School:14 Charles:A. "Barber;:- Ladies' Legion Auxiliary,. by Mrs. C.;.Derinis";:, Sea - :forth Women's' Institute by Mts. 'Sandy- Doig 'Public Seheal :by J.:A.:Westcatt; Rebekah Lodge. by 'Mrs. Scatt•Habkirk;: St. james' Separate School by..Peter Bannon; - Eastern 'Star. by Miss Thelma '.Forbes; L.0,33.A,, by Mrs-, Smith •!-Seaforth.,:lcinsmen Club by Clayton Dennis;' •by : Chas. Reeves; Carnegie Library by Mrs), A, Munn; Britannia Lodge by: ,Mts. -J. A.. MacDonald; : L.O.L. by John. Oldfield. , Followitig. Service, all th 6 1,4cathg,:: except those of the. Previnee •af. Ontario, Town of Sea-,, forth ;and the .LegiOn, were `rernov- "Ed.:-The three. Wreaths,'will'retnain on -display until the, end rof Novem; .ber' when they will be, replaced by Iwo other Wreaths:. In Succeeding., weeks the remainder of . the Wreaths' Will 'be _on '' No Card PrObtern -The xpositor,Way No matter how early we start our preparations, Cliiristrnas.is an occasion that cotnes on us before" - we are prepared. This is particu- larly true of selecting Cluistmas .cards. , It needn't be, for here at 'Ent' Expositor there are hundreds of designs from which to chooSer Just selecnrour card, and in a few days your order Avill be delivered, corn- :plete your name, all ready td end to Yet& frletldg- And the pleasing feature is the economical cost. 'Come in -let Us show you, but hurry* as the selec- tion Will become srnaller as the season progresses, the Province •.of iOntario, Taylor, Sr:; -Legion: President Wil - ham :.. Brown; . Ladies' 4uxiliary; Fresident::,-,Mrs: ,Williann --Brown; Village of Ilensall, Reeve N. Jones; TuekerSriiith-,,Tovitiship,„. CoMicillor Elgin,..Thonippari;:- Hay 'Township, Becker;Iheeve V. Scents, Leader John Baker. •• ," • • At the service held -in the Town Hall Chaplain C.', Daniel chose' for Ms „theme,- - The_ praise of the. inen;'Of;the pa st;•EeleciaSties, 42.' :Three•-'!".ClibliSTWete represented 141 the. service of praise, ,with Mi a Greta' Lan -mile, • At :k.the :Conclusion 0.f.„ the ,service in, the 'Major .q. •0. ',Daniel took the march past, .assisted by PIO '!".".g4d12'retired• ,adjutant from Clinten..,!Parade'rxiarShal. Saxii Dougall; Sergeant of the celer, par- ty, Taylor;. color. , party.' for the Leg,iori,..:BYran Kyle and Hat- -alti-Lterithren;-,Legiii LaclieSLAuxil., iary;r :Mrs:, Harty •Iforton-ahd!IVIts.:' Howard Smale: .Coffe,: hotHeloce.i lite" and doughnittS Were served 7 in the • legion' Hall, to ,_tho"Ses., talung. part ,In..the parade... " }Told Church Service Alargely" attended Legionshurch service was held Sunday morning when veterans paraded to St. ?I'llornas' Anglican 'Church for a service conducted hY the Legion Padre Bev, J. II. jarnes. HENSALL SEItVICE " „ Honoring the dead 'of tWo world ,wars, •Hensall, Hranch. 468 of the Canadian Legion obServed Remem- brance Day service on Tuesday. A parade, composed or,the Legion, Legion Auxiliary, Girl Guides, Brownies; Scouts and Cubs march- ed to, the Cenotaph, Where a ser- vice '.as 11°1(1 bY. Char" • OE SVAFORTil LEGION, led by the lain °•• .,D• Anglican Church for their annual enurch:patade oii Sunday morning. Here inembers of the Legion, wreaths were placea by: For EgmondVille Honors War tend- ., • • , A special dedieation of hymn books took place at: Sunday evening service at Earner -Wyllie tfhitect-tChureli. --The-hymn books were dedicated -in nierriory of these f.rein the 'church who, paid. the aupreme-sacrifide in, the two ;world The folloWing were those' ix; whom the 'books paid . tribute: 1944.1916, Ffank Weiland;,, William Hart, 'Andrew Arehibald, 13ernard... ,Brown 'arid George ,Weliand; '1939, -1945; James Broadfeet. •, Harold Cheney.'; "• District Teachers Meet At S.D.H.S. The, staff of S,D.H.S. played'host . , to sheginning teachers fr,oni.. eight diStrie-t 'Sehools Monday „...e.tening; when a diseussiOn-on problems was held.: :There Were 60 present. The , gueSts were -welcomed-l'by. P. Piumsthel, S:D.H:S. Princ1,- pal; who acted 'aS.:.'ehairrnati. As-. sisting in the .diScussionS was E, R. McClellan,: of., the Ontario De- partment - of Education `inSpection DiKussion topics were introducf ed as follows: Problems arising from the variety of abilities of pupils•in a Class; W. S. Hall, prin- cipal Wirighani. District High School; The bases' of .tliscipline, Mrs. Farrow- South Huron. Dis- trict High' 'School, TEX0ttr4,---,The -Art of questrenIng, D. -P. 'Arscott, Listowel District High SchQcr14, The 'furiction of ' liamtWork: i•assign- rnentS,- notebooks 'and other -re-, cords,. W. B.-'01de, 'Clinton District Gollef;iate '.';'Institute; Planning for review lessons, C. Dainrnon, ellen District High , School; Stan- dards tests. land aehievernents; Boysce,__Vice,prIncipal, Goclericli District Collegiate :Institute; . eluding reniakks, Walled°. Lunch was -,served by the ,SDI -IS staff. High -$Chools, and Collegi- ates represented' 'included :`.Gocie- rich, Clinton; txater, 'Mitchell, $t. 'MaryS, ,Listowel and.' Wingh a • ' . ''.fOod made women beautiful: ancl now they - , put itherrr in potato sacks.1''. ' , t --e e ft.e• a a posi_ CI k:VVilkal. agreett!there WaS, pro- council'.'.asfoto.. er derecf it":•WO.111(1' bc:i9gsible ' to s e LiVW . . •:-/1"` , who is, 'going :to.' 11.•c•,e•ipti•cj•41 Planning for.tXtended•;,Sea, .. L.iOnS :DISCUSS ; be' b".rs,I.,)/elfare case; Reeire .„Scorns. ,suggested - he .in- , Vestigates-:several", cas:es to deter- mine whether: thOge 'involved had inSurance.'eoVerage. • • '•Councilagreed .the court' Of :re-' •yision on the'dSsessrrient r011 watt& meet on WecitieSciay; November )2. There Were but feiii"appeals',*Clerk Wilson said, • ,zSeaforth-poliee • drove- 2-,220'- miles he7' trePort of' Chie .E1Mer Hutchinson, revealed. The. tolal:ineluded. ' threent-biLt6Wif Narne ,.Winners Of uron;.copnty Stholorthips 'Marilyn: 13iley,'1U3:: I, Lendes- bora, was a wiai'ded a , Huron- Cotfu; ty ,.bursar.' - at 1,.theD•University I Uf's Western:9Afarl'o1'..,She. •ja.. One ,Ibt five' :1-Ittrotte-inity12-Sttiderits .receiVed uttiIar awards. ...• The 'a Ward is in'ade t -indents: ,elniSen- by:a comnritteetappOinted b the Huron -"County Connell....MISS Riley, .is a gradmitolpf.:,$e.aforth pistrict High-Schpol., • • • ' -. 'Also . :Winning .bursaries" ' were Thothas: BrYdge-i„:Belgrave,- Gor- don.' .Teb.butt.;.„... ,21 • Clinten; G.WendolYn"Waish;, x11, :1; . C-cTLaidlaw, : •.... SeholarSliiPs-' are ' alSO•, awarded to the 'tidy and ;:girl-,frour.:JItiron". Cdunty. who .,,attained 'the'. 'highest standing, '• Thos e awards.' Wenti. to 'Lorne :Afriaelier„, .Zurich, a. student ko• thirdYear Medicine,i and.,Kath :exine:Dirdresjicka, Crediton, a, sty, dent in: ,third-Ye•ar Minor Mod:ern Languages. •• DireCtors forth ..;g..e3Aret . sic.; 8.t,:rn a d‘i. an Ce,d:- a ; "f," .6 A I.:. od vNOrtsh . .• • , stage . further' Monday 'night when't'es :1•11.ixori;? Lee' Biitta.n,-..Goirie;. .endorsed .•. a report -. Bradley,-,:i=e.R.1 5, -Goderien; -North Sewer conimittee,. isSeafOrili..stions;:i'...linieting.. " Ceritral:'Vernon-FliiriterL'PlejmOW„ diScussidn -rePreSenta-l'-.Thoin:as?' 'Churcli,HalL.,M,Onda,y .and.Hatold, GaUrit,.:.Ltteltnow.;;Soutlr ti yes ..:of ."„the O. \V atich: the vi owed ::,slerallOWe"en -.frolic'..„_: Central: ' EIOWarcl "Feagan, '• t'pwn,s-,engipeering ..actyltis,p.s,.. The ..-nleeting was' "in :• rich, ancl Wilbam Boyd, Walton; 13..epreseritative5;h4f:ii?nt Mcn charge • of ..,Tolin.-LOngstaff -and ,,H, South' :".11-Rfron ...Wellington: . Brea; daY in •.8.:eatorth., Granton, Ind 'Ll1-ieS:t-27:geff,Csthe.. :,.;„..A.:!;report Of the. frolic, ':PreSented'.-;: new -shoo," facterY had.' been :laid by'..Chaiinfan Was':riamed direetor. at Iarge. 60.Tand •IevelS.:-'deterinbifett 'The; -eated..a. defleit' of $46.12, _The dub ift; • agri6u1iu1il re Cornipittee Tecoinnierided. WOrk • be-' .cOncurred in the • report -which re-- _ presentative as . Com,mended :that in ,views •of brogues' so akcr .said.= • -,thsatss.Iluron v;tork` permit' Constrtiotion' of sited :interest • in the,' frolic -in, -its 'county _With t, 38 000ioe c. t formhange n ar, fonith'..--slargest•'..'•daIrY ProducMg; Oe..,preeeeded h.' 'The, ,w011:('-7iII-, ontarid: ;.L., ti•Yo• reports :00Vering-the iiarn ,:NerthL2Will be:included' fn the and Health and Welfare were" •' Warned:'tie bieeder's net te'. let. sg•entimei-it dntnt.fero. 88 ' fa'r. hc 'average.) system ..,and..". -shy.. awray.t 6' 60. nrczE10.1.*-' todge,-. studYI:the...BCA.''(better - Th cost s- est ma , ,44, hy- the ' eriginceis;. hut- the co *lit': : • I • 1 0#ti,: ' t. 'egt.i..dr c: btl,:3ii.____--c t),,,r,---=,-,c1 i rl g—It °--: -•-,-r ° r d s '''' .' '13.:* a-gree's•d-iit:'''53.11:°Ipilla-11--riiivIlen*P., eicfL.‘crir:scit .:-t ' Sea-fo...-rt'h1-:-PYal C:rang;;TLOdge i‘Nio,.. *OM the, aneticincer's iingo:-'7.-,r7”44,-, ,./(„...6 . Se; ..?eltS,1z. ,‘ je.a...4., , , , is -,,,.rgho fieldrnan . for . .t.lie". liotsteill.- '6stitriate .1f,or• the, larger, scheme, • . 793 heis„i : ifs ', a,nrnial meeting in,,the;. Friesian •Assecia thin of , Canada.; 7 Certain .:cliairg'res-., in the.' : earlier' ornge' 11:tif-,ons'ItIondaY, 'with. 'a.,'": ' ; • ' :672r3c1771?nI3inleial;114telgi:earieYseitillids'id'Y're•'tPesiiiie:‘,;:ahGtit,isoq:Ii.loltssti,'•,clie,,l,:ilted:ri t'Setl!),.ilen:soe. Wil:0' f .:aPrortfieh60,ed!le ,:cL NT"otirt tat 1::t ,' .f.e.ai est2,1:/„...10. a. it. Ttt...;'n'Iti dna ad, 101 61 icien.,f'set',._41' Al; al-o0ucconductedrxi(ft to, etf fl il'el _til.is,..ci,:ae;,,,s.e.t• eafi hi,. .3i,ear,,s ,mera_ ' berS1•410 1'04 firicie.aeCI b.,y,-Pight:- 1.Street, west to West Willia:m.:, and -..,.-Deinity 'PaSt'• Master,: ''',Berilen cent,land% that ,the " eXPur L. h7 4'19P'''9ver.:trtha.date tlf: .,..,,,,, o41-1. 'ad "will ' drain, ,north ' to WeiSh, •,cors, which resulted. aS; folio:Ws:: "breeder's that. the ifiseciation: had , ,,, y ayold,.deeP aric -,:i-nere-.1costly ex- ga-, .,,.e6,.. •(3i.,con-tagi,n•treports.; _ ..., increase during the same -period: . The' re:ViSed S, .0S -0i.11 ate,,s,,-,ipS....4,1').:''..e''.: :Srta-17ctth711,, ..1)We°p1-1)8thsy.„.-11);t4.1:1134thal•s4t:eriLii,s_trir(aey.n.,„, the H.S. 'has shoWnra':14.. per :cent,. , . Pared by Abe e,..n.lkneer.‘',:..',15r4Wile' He ;Urged. the 'Hurcin ,Gluh,•:whiCh. lor puipp,o., ., 0,66,0;,,, jaguin06u-ss,:..,,,usd260i00:14 -,,,,611'aipni;i1:g•--,.1.,si]1).1colnit,.ea, it.,::;:r.',,:S;RmolsaSrrillmiethorr:aar.sTic r. 'Ilh'i.aesn' et 11)Per'lenttetli'shiglii uPcitw1•41se4": ticItellii-; 'mann ' $76,'000.,- -and: lat0.41S,.''$:.3:- 'treasurer:, John Uta id marshal/ . .111:tal :'814ek' as4C1''Whiti-S13°: and 000'. :The eStiffiates:,ideItide'in 'addl-:. Jahn Crozier; firSt:-.1eCturcr,: Dave- . for, the' annual heifer : sale, •both S,tables.. and ' he', '.suggested ,„"tirat - for proper ventilation system in ..1•01:iti 0 1;:eoeoty,bil Lech eisedtaar''to le.,10ett 1,st C, .. si' oithei,6that ' i': irie s,. t ii le (110 714 : .1'.11:;6 an : ''e eclit1:: lecturer, . .4.' A. eaeh breeder 'phriosclical.ly • cull his wllf be ,1'.'.° 'difficult:v."1U 1116: r-)6D'atl-c' Man '13.,- JanieS Walla'ee- ,'•• ' l'GPoV:c()Slia' vin..1;11'oecteirIC.IalitsitieneiTtaele- : held eaCh fair ' He Spoke -Of ':iieed merit ot Highways pr,occeding with herd.'. : - Goderieli. 'Street] Paving.::' This sec; ' ti:rii;inhfrj.i?i,,,atilliii„,;,e.n,o. 4!,,aeoii.pse:rt: vt.ced. , '''' , . Council :reviewed the .' itiforma:- ittioend obtainedlpperm.as hwih:gno (5 inn eirimsbt aeirisa tivoins ,.. .L. While, preliminary registration' is ,' • fluevgleilloPgatee°ds..tble?slitde... the lagoon. $1'100 ech1' •1s - ex.pected • that nt least seven'. not aS high as in prbitiou.s yeats, it, • ..afIonF•feo.Seoetah,:f0a,1,..it':11,s,,--.I.:',','.471.clicib,eofne:beostistars.3.4°', .:citeriertisecti.,ri 7,11;g: itivoti 111.5 , c' rbn; eno,e0iAir:a: aL,n.' 'i. i. lis^R:„...3,1,ers.:eA:.;1:17,,:,..„:, to pump. softie distance:- thrOugh .. .It wtxs. ,elpt.opiir. ,dA,...an.ta.• doi.,.. fa . :Three -courses.-..,t7.- Dasic'English; • IT Near,t_ Mator Mechanics • and . Sewing -T -ore a gsured. - - . 'Enough -.',.registratiOns are ex- pected ' to--nrake7posSible,ceursesr,.- it cooking, publie ".SPeakiTtgt 1 typing :1. ' andoilIr'aintirit'-ClaSSeS "Ake.selie:',- . anted for each ' Thursday everting. ! . . . ocn1 cc DwFor Nig s s es _With standards .flying, are. 5lti.6, rf•as'theY1' APProach Main Street ; (11141e -of rain which fell earlier had,cleared by the time. the 'Service' i•as 'ended', (gXpositor photelly • ' •e--takety,of .the Federal Goverw. merit offer 16 p*Thalf the cost of . wages involvbd works urider- talen •during Winter months: 'En: gineers ;Were to advise the tom- Mittee in -this regard 'Study was going ahead- as te the best lo.ea- tion,„ for. • lageonS. _ Dr.•,':',Tgrrilltill':diScussed one • or t.WO.leaS4,s.. where -St -I -Vide could not be -provided. However, 'as the area involved 'becanie bitilt UP, provi-, Sion .for puinps Could be made. Ile said the estimates included back- filling and proyiditt .and laying one fookbf gravel.. • Pointing out the necessity of p):e- feefirm,i. areas, . Hr. Turnbull 'asked what.pragress was being made in Preparing a town Plan. Clerk WI - soh indicated hew difficult such a proposal Was: and suggested it per- haps waSn'tnecessary- in a small Reporting for the street eorrimit- tee, Councillor liabkirk said Work Wag well in hand preparing for winter. Gravelling had beet' done in 'many , areas, catchbasinS eloan- ed and patching done. , lia!ance. !In fur Irong :II At the time of the Hungarian up-. risine„ the thenrMayor K. A. Mc- Master •cstablisheci a Ilpitgarian relief fUrid, to which contributions totalling some $800 were made The fund served'a rnost. useful purpose, assisting a nUMber 'af refugees v60, came to this area. Now that there. ,no longer 'was need fat the fund, the balariee„ $211.92, has been turned °Vet to the Springhill disaster fund, Dr. McMaster said this week. ,