The Huron Expositor, 1958-10-31, Page 1Ninety -Ninth Year
Whole Number 4734
E -A -F0
Single Copies; 5 Cents
$2.50 e Year in Advance
tertainmeet- highlight at Hal-
lowe'en -time for, many- years has
been the Lions Frolic. And if plans
which the cerninittee: is making
mean ' anything at all, the, 29th
Frolic Friday -evening will be fully
• good as any in the long series.
Emphasis, ,as usual, will on
entertainment for the children.
This year the frolic will- be on -ice
andprizes are being offered for a
series of race events for boys and
girls in •all age groups. Topping
off the children's events wM ' be
judging for the ,best costume. Here
. again 'prizes are being offered:in
a. wide range of "classes. There
• will be free candy for the children
attending the frolic.
Between judging; a series of fea-
tures' will be presented by 'mein:
bera. of the Seaferth Figgre Skat-
ing Club, assisted by members of
the Stratford Club.
. Throughout the evening' bingo
Will be, in progress in the heated,
*Community., Centre, With chickens,
and turkeys as prizes. s •
As a special attractiOn, those- a± -
tending Will have the opporttmity
of winning an electric blanket,
which' is being offered as a deer
General 'cha.irinan of the event
is Wil.liant Ball. With him on the
committee,- are John A. Baldwin,
H. O. Free and John Longstaff.
,-,Egitiontlyillet!.Sehecd.- „was well-
filled- Frithiy evening wi en
• the
Tectterstrittlit 'School, ,Area' Board:
sponsored the first in What it.'hoPes,
-wil be astaerieS to • consider ' the ,
processes width 'contribute ) dem-
ocracy. ,
Thetnieettegtheard;addteSSes by
.FerSittli Judge 'Frank
• _
Fi4g140144, ,Clinton, and Dr. J.
ExPlaiiihig- t theideat'behinelt the
Meetings.. Beata -.Chair:Man ,Ross'
Forrest, who presided; .asked: "Do
we . eppregiete the ;ballet Which' we
enjey? Do we know -What .it, re-
presents?" The 'meetings.
signed to ,answert,thetqUestient_..he
Reeve- ,Forsyth; "-disctisSing niUnit
CipaltEgoverament, 'briefly etraced
.t1ie'teveltitiOn4of -government froni
smitb had its. : egtaning. on.
ar3t 3; 1835, when :the. Crown :epe
pointed administrators to .govern
the'areat. The .first 'eleetiontWaa,
in 1854, wheritDr:-Chalk was
"The: municipalityt creature
of th Piet/ince e teed • deritieS.tits
authority.; from; the eOntario Munh
tTlie act gives the :tettent.
:ippen Shoot To
t. T °tilos, Man
- ,
jack zelhs,.St. Thomas,.with 46
, out:of ta possible. 50 targets, took
top honors Sunday at , the Kipper'
. _Gun. ,Club ' annoaleri.turkeye sheet.
Lorne 'Smith; ;St: .ThoMea; John,
Anderson,„:,Ileniall, and Jack Gil-
, bert,.., ...Got:Tench, ...,ahated,.,sesond
plate..twtth-45,out.. of ",-51/."-.In the
. 75' ,dieisitiret Anderson and Zellis
tied for. first place. ;
,Anderson and Gilbert won
'three. turkeys”. each;,.. to .the
'..snipers, 'Lorne 'Smith, 'St, Thoinas;,
.F.Tordon Johnstonn Chatham:ft Nor-
man Harburn- CroniartY and Ted
-Horton, Goderich, ' were Winners
• two turkeys.; each.t.There waeta
large 'attendance Ot,
, .
FU Plans
nformation Week
ship newer and at the same time
, _
of democratic munici
government is the equitable as-
sumption of the cOst of operation,
and this is the responsibility of the
asseQseii" and tax coUector.
Tuckersinith has an assessment
of 28
Reeve Forsyth said.
'All property is assessed and s
able, except' certain i
in bush, church
Property .and ,crown property. In
the case .of crown property, as-
sessment takes ' place and the
Crowe pays a grant in tlieu of
The, procedure 'followed:in strik-
lag a,tax rate were explainedas
weatthet waY in. which' a .voters' list
is tomplleci.'
„ GOVernMen.t is Coracle* ;
t -Government is teorrfplex_tandha,s_.
heen.evolve.d over many centuries,
Judge F., Fitigland.
CUSSed 'adridnisteatien- of justice.
The British • conceptof go.verriment.
is the .most successful and is .bas -
.ed art law..• . •
:Ge,Verintient _eeti.Sists -tor' " three
branches' - the legislative, the text,
' ecutiye .and the judicial.'' It is the
:judiciary that 'guarantees' .a con-
tinuance of the freedorris: We, enjoy'
--the .' right' of asSertiblY.,,.,,of free
„Speech, the speaker aatdtt as, he
sWertied of the necessity ertelief-
ishiffetthe SYSterii ,that Made ,Sueli
'freedbmS: possible.,..
"There are _not 'toe many in the
rights..which itite here take- for
granted,"..he said. ,
The freedoms have been dear
bought and therefore we finest -be.
inest.:diligent iu, seeiegthat these -
things •don't t slip-threngh our 'fin-
gers by neglect" ' .
J,tidget.tringland. described , the
various ,.,courts and.. the place they
OP,eupied in. the .administration: of
justice.: -t"
The Ontario Farmers! Union in
co-operation- with four , other, pro-
vincial Perth T.Iniens,-Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, 'Alberta and British
'Co/unit/at—will: embark on a Spe-
cial pregram, for the Week' of No-
vember '3 -8; known- as . National
Farm ' Union Week; The prime
'function of National Farm Union
t, Week acquaint urban, as well
as tura' people with the '.fact' that,
there is a Farm talon,- and im.
'press Up,On. them the aims of On-
tario Farmers' Union,:
' Farm. Unions try to keep their
inembershtp and the farming. come
„inanity in general informed on
things which are currently hap-
pening trt, all fielda. valich-rnight,
. affect agricultureqhrotigh the med-
iuni of the, Ontario thiion Farmer,
their 'offieial publication, • along
with radio, TV and the press, ' •
, Regretting:, a tendency on, the
Part of eertain citizens to -regard
the courts „with, fear, the 'speaker
Said: it Ives' eSseritiartoethe titeser-
vation of our freedoms that . there
7'corripl'ete eiconfidence. fn the
courts,. There „can be no, room -for
fear and mistrust.
Congratulating the board ore its
decisien held -the 'meeting ser-
ids,,Dr., J, Semple said gath-
erings were most effective,
-Previous civilizations:had -failed.
because the people had become
torrent in their home life.' They
;had no moral 'character to resiSt
barbarians. The power of religion,
is vital to the maintenance of our
waytof life. , "
..'Drt' 'Semple, said the teaching of
relieibn ill' school should be the re-
SEAFORTH SCOUTS AND CUBS worked', hard all day SaiturdaY to -.make their annual Apple
Day a succes. Here, applying that little bit of extra polish ,that made sales easier, are, le R to
'right, G.arY ` Gray,Bifl Barker, Glen Coutts and Gene Kruse, while in the background looking
on is Bruce Brady. The day netted $1-4.00, which will --assist in carrying on\ the Boy Scout :and '
Cub program during the "coming year. (Photo by P.hillips), ,
t"..mbort Trustee:
A..St.'cOltnnban'Illan- *as .616ctcd named head atthe conference, at
president of i'llie--UricInn-i-HioCeSaw---the-).r.Ga-tholie-i',...Culture..',Centre. Lon-
.TrusteeSi --tett ---
annual conference SunclaY;.A14:014e-Otherofficer are R. G, Laid
Dlicharitte, tDebliti;.., Was; laW, Chatham' first .vice-presidentt:
Wilfred Laprise, Paincourt,...,second.
`-,VieettireSident;. •Cletus 'Kelleher;
'Delaware, treasurer, and Reginald
W:ticertitedytt,Leridon, secretary. ;.
_ , ,
About 250, Roman Catholic school
trustees were :told by ProfesSer,
B., C. Diltz, dean of the Ontario
Collegetof ,Edimatioill"that they are
silent; partners of the 'teacher 'im
the, enterprise of education.
,= "The_iiiiStee'S as -silent- partners"
are.assistirigthe teacher, the 'actor,
on the stage to give meaning to
Itfe,''., Mt. Diltz said. He added:
triatttrestees,-:. teachers and Pupils -
.all Must set their. sights nev-
er , .
giving ,.up or. 'becomtag;._self-i
sa. t,iSfiede "
,Diltiedeplored- emphasis, -on
What he termed -.the iffttillst".„Inew,
taught .in.:".Schdols and, urged the:
trustees -t to... remember:- that', the
'stttclent, is schoolprimarily to.
"develop:, his, mentalY'facultigat and.
this. can beat ,'"be attaited' through
ers,,r 'emphasis- on. langaages, inatheznat
1111-..•Honoand • .
.. "Our 'schools •can't he • expected
. Waste -tune : teaching children
rea e -rnts
how to ,clean their teeth or how to
e a
Ores's' :and: beittiVetProperly: ,These
„ _ . .
. should. 1-..'learh'ecl,:at
'A. surprise family dtnriert, Was Said; 1' , •
held ,' on, .Sunday - 'evening for Earlier, in the ,day -long confer -
and. Mrs; 'ThornaS".prYce, who had ,eace, delegates from 72,, seParate
celebrated' their.' 45th, weddirrg an school boards -in the Londondie-
niversary on. Wednesday,' October 'cese tookpart, in panel cliscussleps
•22.-, Prior: to .the, dinner, ,Mr. !ad on school probletns.•', .
Mrs:- Pryce, hae...spent..a, week. ,at One. 2•panel • presented different
Sault Ste. 'Merietvistting telatives,
.They have a fatally f two soas.
and two .daughters t .Mrs. Earl,
(Olive) Papple,-Mysttllatoid (Elva)
'Bolgert. Harold and Oiver., The'
farrilly p,resentedtthern with a tele-,
,sponsibility .,of the teacher, not tit
- --vision -set. "
the church. • He -Was. sorry- to 'see- , •
separate s of seheols. Unifieat, Mr. and, rs. 0. owson,, ,
tion of education and religien w -as Mr. • and' Orrift sDoWSon
nenesSary. Religion .cari be a ,de t marked the 25th anniversary of
.cisive influence, :Whereas it should their wedding .airSattuday evening
be a uhifYing influence. the4rhome in Varna. A turlty
Ile saw no problent iii the teach- dinner was held for the niembers
Mg: of religion if the instructions'
of the Department " of - Education.
were followed. There should be no
'comment..that savours of a deftem-
inational The. problem is to
eesure that the trial gets 'into -the
hearts and minda ef.people,
°Between addresses, sops we're
contributed by.Mrs.-Cleave Cdorribs
and Miss ,Sharon Strong. Accom-
panist was Caroline _
Seafor hy; Lions welcome two
alew members at 'their meeting in
the • CominimitY t Centre/ Monday
evening, When Lloyd Rowatt and
John A. Cardno entered the. club.
The members were installed by
past president and 'charter mem-
ber J. E. Keating. .
' Walker' Fleming, Kitchener, di-
, 177.S. ional 'manager taf Union Gas;
told the elub of the extent to which
'Union Gas Served Western Ontario.
'Mr, Fleming, who Was iritroduced
by John Baldwin, described the
problems faced in providing set -
Vice in a new territory, such as
was done this year, when gas was
introduced from Stratford to Gode-
• Stressing the fact that 'Union
Gas' ;was primarily a "service . or-
ganization, Mr, VIeming 'said Per-
sonnel were trained to assist with
any problems pertaining to the Use
Of gas. He referred to the horrie
„ , •
ecenernies ,dtinsion of the company,
whieli, in Lonclent head by Miss,
IVfary Lou gills,. of •Seaforthe Who,
he -said, is !`doing a wonderful
Rib:" The , cOmpany, 'which until
this week has, used Texas,: gas and
gas from. its ,Litiwte field in South-
ern' Ontario,' will now use :Alberta
detivered through' the trans
Canada tiansmis'tion lines.
Appre'ciatiOn Was expressed to
Mr, Pieming by'. M. B. Clarke.
` R. S. Spittal told....the',c.lub. the
Lion's spOrisdied Scout Troupe had
held a successful Apple Day. Pro-
ceeds ' amounted to- $213.00,, •for a
netfresult of $173.00, , t•
-Reporting for the 'paPer drive
held lagt Week M. E. Clarke: said
settle I§ feria had been cellected
tend shipped. ' . '
The meeting was arranged - by
Dr. J, 0.`Turnbull arid E., P. Ches.
ney, With the latter acting as.,chair-
Aspects of the topic, "Who :runs
yourtsciteel?" The. delegates 'then .
discussed problems fated by teach-
ers,. boatels and • parents Of separ-
te' sehooltehildren. '
t'•Activity. and financial rePerts
read. -to • the general tneeting evi-
denced a .great increase in school .
activity 'within the diecese.. This
was POinted.:'up., by at increase of
abotit- mop stucionts ever last
.year's figure throtighout, the ; tito-
'ease, thettorniation of two new -m.
8peethrafes and. the .formation
a e S
Mi Sandra Doig, RR Lublin;
was again chosen to represent
Huron in the Previucial .Junior
. , .
Farmer .'publie. -apeaking,,eompeti;
,Miss a Member. of: the
SeafOrth junior Institute,- Will -fake
part in Toronto,. on. January 10,.: at
the Junior- Farmer 'convention. She
was , chosen_ at theta - debate
arid., -public _sPealcing corrtest held
.at •Seaforth District High School'
last Wednesday evening. ,
_ .
During...the-evening three debates
were halcireaadtLfrointhe-'speakers
feet were, eliosentto represent the
county -in the provincial debates,
at the convention. Chosen , were
.Murray Gaunt,. Rit-'1, Luaknow;
.George Ribete• Lucknow; .
Larry Wheatley; • RR 1,, -Dublin; . and
Laurence Nesbitt, -Blyth. Alterna-
tive -chosen-was Strong; RR 1,
The.first delia'te, "Resolved' that
riiitaTtatqi-fitlf-1.1170TilariO is
aderniately:-trained fore-not:tern ag.
rietiltare,'.', was won by: the 'Af-
firirtative side, Seaforth ' Junior
Farmers, debated by Bill Strong
and Larry' Wheatley: Defeeted.
were. Ilowick timers, debaters
Wilma' Haskins and Murray Mul
vey,... . • •t •
t. In the tsecond . debate, 'Clinton
Junior- Farmers, with'•the:"negative
aPProaeln 'beattetiorth' Ilgrent3un-
lots With the, affirmative_ Debat-
ed wast 'Resolved that Daylight
Saving Time should .Continue .under.
the present. regulations," For ":Cliri-
ton, Ted Dunn and, Jack Dtinn. took
the ,debate from Jim Bowman and
Rosk _Smith for the North gronp.
COlwanash. agreeing that ."Small.
fairs sliouldtbe discontinued in faY-
ohr. 'Of one largeoeunty fair," wen,
the round..from..anothertNorth.Hur,
9n team who. had the negative side
of ..the question... ' Murray Gaunt
and :George Itihey we're. the Sue"-
cosSful team,,!with, the -loser be
ing Lattreace., Ittesbitt and ,, Bill
Cotiltes.!' ' ' •
jticlges for thetcoinpetitiona were
Glen Gardiner; 'public school in
spector fo,r. Central,- Huron,„ and
'clreorge.:,J,efferson, 'Chiltern. • ,
Of the inainediate family., nine new separate. :achool. hoards
Mrs. Dowson is the. former Flora "since last S•ear, ,
gouter, daughter of the late IVIr,
and Mrs. Alex Souter, Tucker -
smith, The .bridesmaid, Mrs. El-
mer Townsend, and the greonis-
man, James Souter, were tamong
those present.' Mr. and Mrs. Dow -
son have three daughters. ,
They were presented with many
gifts of silver,, including a silvar
tea service, candlestick holders,
bon bon dish - and a copper pot.
Many friends- ealled during the
evening to- offer their best wishes
to the couple, • .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Keyes
The family of:Mr, and IVIrs. Wil-
ber Keyes entertained a large
number of friends and relatives at
at.dinner on Sunday at -their home
on the Mill Road, in honor of their
parents on the oceasion of their
30th wedding anniversary. -
Mr. and Mrs. Keyes were mar-
ried on October .27, 1028, at the
home of the bride's -sister -in Gode-
richtownship: Mise Annie Durnire,
it,ucknoW; who was -bridesmaid, At
the cerenionye And' Mr. Stuart
Keyes, Orillia,. best man, were
among the guests on Sunday,. Oth-
er 'guests were present from Var-
na Clinton Sarnia Windsor Lon-
don Woodstock and Rtchtnead
The honored pair were the re-
cipients of many gifts •and flowers,
including a rocker and trihght
, Mr. and 'Mrs, Keyes have a
la/nib' of three:, lVfertort, at hOme;
Mrs. Vends' Carter (Ruth), WOod.
stock and- Stuart Potent° and
one granddaughter, Linda, garter,
...Sunday was marked. at Northside1W,.. C. Caslick, of the Wingnarn
United Church as Laymenls San;nfjnited...,ChUrelipreached the set.'
daywhen at the morningrserVice .` •
• „ mon on in..4-tattneW 6:33, "Seek first'''.
Winthrop Store
Changes Owners'
The "Wee Store" at Winthrop
has changed h,ands. • During the
paSt week Lloyd IVIcClusky,, Dray
inn, took over management or the
popular corner stpre. •
Mr. .MeCluSItey purchaied the
store from „Stanley M: Gihiei, Mr.
Gillies, who- bought' the store in
April from.' Austin Doh -nage, -has`
returned to the Mount Forest area:
Local Directors
Attend Fair'Meet.,
Attending the annual meeting Of
District 8 ,of the 'Fall Fairs,, held
at Brussels on Wednesday, -were
Arra. J. '.6-runinaett,- ,Mrs. - Alex
Boyes, Mrs.' Mae, Dorrance, Mrs.
J. M. Scett, Mrs. Mae Hillebretht,
Mrs, 'reward Wilson, 'Irvin .Tret
wartha and R. W. Campbell; • all
reptesentieg.tgeaforth Agricultural
Sacrantent of.„Infant Baptisni was
'observed With the following babies
being Presented by -their Parents:,
John Steven Bennett. son of
aticl Mrs. William Bennett:- Janet
Elizabeth Bolton, daughter, of Mr.
and Mrs, Arthur ',Bolton; David
Keith Dalryitriple,* sen,. of-Mr..and
IVrrs.. William Dalrymple; , Dianne
Elizabeth ...Riley,: daughter of Mr,
and '.Mrst ' Alvin Riley,; Kathryn
Elizabeth Whitely, ,.daughter . of
' and '.pri,s• Richard 'Whiteley:-
Diwri Maureen- Wood:. daughter Of
Mr. and Mrs Donald ".'Weoci; JO-
anue Kristen Schenck, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David gcbtenck.',
The evening service 01 worship
was conducted by the Yeung-Peo-
pie, with the: presid'eat,
ty Muegge; in charge L. T.,
steel gave the address on '"The
Resperisibilittr et Christian Parents
To Young People" Th'e regular
Meeting of the Young People's Un-
ion was held • after the evening
serviee, with:about 35 ,present.
C.:131'10cm was -the' guest
Preacher , at Turner's Uri ite d
Chureli ,ariniversattY services on
'Sunday, .
Seafoittiv.Council, 'in a s 0 ses-
sion Monday evening, agreed with
the recommendation.of -officials of
the. Ontario Water -Resources Cem-;
mission and reqnested. approVal.fer
the construCtion of, the Sewer
advanced, by the, toWn'S".en.,-,
gineers. • At the tearrie'tiate,
asked , OVVR C to , undertake the .
affeirig-Of t-tik--pi-f-)Sea;--otf;ihatedi at
.about $259,00, • ' •
beeisionAo....inidertake the entire
project,, rather' than the so-called
short plan favored- at a meetirig, a.
week earlier,..•caree. about -as a re-
--7-The-proposal' aSt-cericurred
.vide esre all..residents,
Street and east Street..
council ''wil4when 'cornpleted, .pro-.
,Cludes.inearly'..,70. Perteent,'.,of the ti
population.. wiltalsotproitiee, for
atperinieter trunk -line along' Colo -
man -street, pump-
t on at theclisPOSaTt,fitailt
and ' .creation :.of ..diaptisar fagcons-
It wasunderstood the OWItC would'
consider„ the town's application- at
.nieetings' on Wednesday. and Thurs-
tOM' hirn-t.lie present' prim- plant, they 'ceuict not:be .handled
ary,-"treatreent plant was "barely- by a 'primary plant. Such 'Wastes
sufficient- to: handle thepresent' in -4 require 'secondary ;treatment,as
put, He said lie 'told Tire Berry- of, well, •
Councal's'concern that ,A treatritent His 'conclusion Nval that the rea. ,
pliant,approved by the, ,depart- .sona.blething to. do' was to .go
ment 'four , years ago, was ' now ''.ahead- With. the original prograrrei.-
fOundirtadeqtrate.: ..•Wlille °Witt o icials could `Aire _
.,Dr. Berry. rplied lie saidtb at i• no .guarantees, the feeling was that
,he .had. definitely' indreated:to '1116'111-07.7CoInThiliSIionlVOlild'fifiarfee 'thet--
Coancil :of the -day that a, second Major plan, but net the short Plan, -
.treetMeritplant wbuld'be..reqUired',' Dr., Bradyesaid:-,
He, saicr'that if We'went ahead and 'Referring, to streets under.' don- ,
added .More load on ,the -present' --strtiction, • he wasassnred,. it was
plant we. N-itould have, to improve ,in, order •-sewer, providing
it. Within a' matter of titeinthst, :Dr, ',engineers' had deterinined levels; -
Bray said the '0WRCE-Was dtsterb-. and that, the bOst, of sucb. work-
ed about lack, efearrangementstto weuld be -included. in the prejeet -
proyjd'e. fer-tcliatiesal of eteamerY financing. ,There ..Wouid, be no
wate. Even ifethesewere taken .fietalty-in.arranging temporary dis.
' •
direetlY' .to the 'dial I • lr. nv,,Teheirti.e,c,sq„ri,.a.stt,rli
e derprogress,'
scene $256;000,, if V.,as the
feelingithat ctu,0 . 'costs':
ubStantially.. 1owef77-7
Pass Bylaws
areding to a tilylaw to provideifor
tt,fixed assessment for . the -"nevi. .
,Seaforth. Shoes- .-factory, equal to .'
'...the...,asSeisinent 011 the present
A. tptani.. Agreement ,to 'present such..
a.jby,lawr for . approval of the rate -
avers ,Was retched when-liegotia2
: If, the OWRC' takes on 'diet pro-
ject it will becemetreSponithle for
the construction of the 'plant and
sewers. .1-t will alSo..s.uperviSe -op-•
eratiens during the .life- of the de-
bentures, expected to .be 30 years.
tiens: were tintierwaywith the- eotne.
pany.: Some Months - .ago-: :Ratepate! -
-eelr.eeSielte"WilrlOinbitir'YrTr6h:'ell:Idw'l. thliTeels.tii:°:-1'1:13-ineYslu:n:lh'C-..WiP'°iallni 1 '
' Toronto Meeting _
. Dr.-.- Brady' told 'councilt' he: had: A require the .apprOyal -of two-thirds .
ed and, .had ...diactisSed.,the the' -ton's 40,7fsthocte..\-1„"i'v,piltecrosn'.,t.'iTiilinee 'faos±sel,sosinyeenart,s'of
contacted the 0
:1VRC, asf. instruct-.
thiii,eeatn• sanyo:i piniropmecsdailattteshiyOul,. ache, ivnitaltuinclge
'erect' by a ':Court. of ' revisioit,, the -
meeting:of ,Which'.rria y. or may not '-',- , for the short Plan. With : At the same time; Council gave
Dr., Berry,: -general manager, and ,
neees'iSliY., readings i to " ai 'bylaw to,
Mr, ,.Orrst :Xis. first .inteetion -had make:Possible :Consideration of:the
been tett arrangettattater ineetingt- .... . .
factory fi.xed asSessment •by.. the......_
ter could 'betdisetiesed at:once-foe_ VeterS: ' -'.:,.-7-.-..-
t AnsWering a Atiery,:byttewnts,eliee '
buttheofficials indicated ' the -matt
permit .t. a . -re'fereireet,,to7-thetnertt fert-Pt-DtThreCtiiiiiell .-as-tto-7-rattef'."
zOniliaiS-STOTI'Meetingt't '-.-•, '.--.:,'; . '' trITV'':....:!!"114EtS.:..'$ "I.JVAN, thPaeyevrosterthe:_‘'lltisattl,,,,'bceleer.rilit-nritmrtittl:.ocin',f,reilicd-..- I:
Referring to the 'Short plane' ,Dr....•
Brady , Said the officials, :while :not. the resp,onsibilitY was en.the Voter. -
opposing -it., to the extent that .ap- An appeal .ttnuat he entered.. within
provaltwoeldt tiecesSartlYt be .Witii.,
"held t t did not favor it. :They felt 000 Pci$:16..t • 14 days- of receipt : of, :an `,,asseist. ,
rnent. notice... Appeals are ,bonside.
contaminationiiiSilver, -.Creek.. , he tiannoneced by: adVertisement.. .
Inig ',in the.:.Short• plan, it .was Mit. ' Rev.•Fath r • Chariest tStellt.Y.rtattte _of-reyiSiore not be advertised..
,,, _ , , , I . Mt - Wilacire said bounty assesSor
Nett, Alexander prefers that -courts
Since- prOvision..WaS not:made. for • .
liltelY.'thet Gonuntssion- would 'ecul; 'Whe'tretentlY has been .aPi'>ointea ,t..''Octiiritillor :tHehl_tirk,LaskedL-whY1 -
sider fieaneing that proposal. : . „pastort..0,fttet, James' .Roman .Cattit there need ,suCh. a ,Ieng. Period,.
„7...f,'.Dr'.,„.b.,.di-INTent On't67.ayttiO-of..,.. fooliroth,t 0,,prottric,ft..p...,0eincete.4.. dcvtiiii,,atet :,'Htde'_.,Sstieca:',..tic'dloiitveSnie-,bbeett,W2e4e,;.ria:,rinderiteilit?Attiio,indti..ddaayy,.oehsn
coeds ,Rev. :Father. E. 13, ,Webe4' 'December 10. _ttP,COple get a -bit'
Nryho: died in. August., , - • • ,- ,, , 'keyed :up t and interested at -rierlani--- .,
' -Father Stab:van . who waS. borriTtiens; :but .they forget Acta it bY't :
in .Stra4litOY, .served .,adven . Yearat election,"• he ,said...
in the 'Canadian '. Artily, including :-. -.Clerk' Wilson: said it.:Was.'"too. late '1 ,,
severat YearSe OVerSeaS;ttand. laterl tin S year, to ' change ,' the .•dates. , ,-
, as,t-commathatalaiii.:inetgentral-tet---Thetese-War--,. ,_.-ccurintitta, . was in-
Ceternartd;.'L Oakville; •tanct: 'Prairie', structed tO,Prettide fill. to a ',rate,'
orning ras
'' FiVe .-ceives were killed . earlY
. Wednesday 'morning . in .a • crash on
the second eoncessiontof Hay towe-
ship,-, one ',mile ,aorth, of ' No 'S
:1..figliWaYi, Apparently a Iterd of 15
calves were ;grazing on the „side -
of 'the' read, and five; of. them' ',Wan.'
ered onto .the road in front of a
1 truck owned and driven by Harry
Arinstrong,• R.Itt.' 1, Exeter, .• -
• 'Mr.. Armstrong,"was.:travelling
north . Oil. the ,,second, when his ve.'
hide. struek ;the arlirrialS At about
3:30 ant. Damage to the truck -
was estimated at $400-byt itivestie
gating .offieer ' PC Cecil Gibbons,.
of the Exeter .detachment.. The
animals, :valued at about $400, were
ONvned.,isy Stuart •Triehner. • -.... -
Ccentractor Encs
Pi --
pe Lne. o
Canadian Bechtel Limited, who
hall- their headquarters- in Scaforth
While they completed the contract '
for letting ,-an • eight-ineh gas tratiS-
miSsiortr, line' .fronn Stratford- th
Goderich; closed their operattons
here ,Friday. The coptraet, under-
way since early summer, was cone'
pleted early this month. ,
Dining the progress • of the ,work
the company employed about 90
men with the number being in -
encased; to 1_15 for a short period.
Buty„' Beavers-
Name Officers,
The fall project, "Cereal,Shelf,"
was started by the McKillp Busy.
Beavers at the home of Mrs., Gor-
dan Pantile and Linda. on Satnr-
The new officers are as follows:
president, Luella Moylan ; first
vice-president„, Eleanor, Keys; see-
retary, Freda.1-lant; treasurer,
Janet McKercher; press -reporter,
Lirida l'apple; leader's, Mrs. J. V.
KeYs arid Mrs. G. E. pappie;
Mrs, J, F,' Keys cliscessed
'fill', eating habits , with the girls,
Dorothy, Keys' and JuneSrnith gave
a demonstration of dry measuring
And liquid measuring; and the dif-
ferent abbreviations for same.
The next meeting: will be held
at the home of Mrs. S. F, Keys on
November 8, at 2 e'cloelc. Joan
Pryce, gave the courtesy remarks.
A Democratic Country: :The on -
1p plate where you can say , What
you think 'Without thinking.
• Patience: The ability. to idle
year motor when you feel • like
stripping yOur gears,
CoiarnatidtWietnitiegt,refirect,,payer who- hed.beett paying- fttiiit-':
in .1952 with the reek Of Major:. age :tax since,-tlie: 'sewer line east • ,
'Subs.equeetly he served as pastor Main 'Street was Now that.
of, St.` Patrick's Church, Windsor. " a ,:eeenection was .desired, was
for tsix years, and .:*V7aSt, in -Point fenrid the sewer .WaS: nettdown
Edward• fot at short time ..bef9re ..enetigh,'.' necessitating the .
coming . to t,Seafortli. • coveriret of theretinitecting line. :
. •
ame..,.,ed_ or .IV
- WiII
• Rev. E.: G. Clarke, son of Mr, in the near future would qbalify".
and Mrs, M. E. Clarke.-Seaforth, for . his doctorate. • .
tv,as. inducted recently as professor Dering the "Past --tWo„.Years .
of -Hebrew and Old Tost'ament crit- had occupied the' chair' -in' an in-:
icism at Queen'v Theological Col- terini .eaP1leitY, "so successfully •
lege .of the United Church,. Rev., 'that-, there ' wasno.- doubt in our 't
Clarke has' occupied the chliir ini nfirids that he , was _ the Main we._
an interim capacity for the past Should choose."-
twci years. 'Commenting -Oa -the hp- . Others taking part inthe service;'
poietreent, the.,, Kingston Whig- ,tvere Rev`. Dr. James Lt e,. of t
Sstt:ttlycl:ard e a '''°:1111)".1,11g.roPNa'artritlh'S rteliaed.'E'tPr°1inlesiaSnts'''
In the presence of staff, student S tcaU:lta-,eth:.,\?vihsbt ieehdaPiten..1:p.orfa:ter,.tr_ohil:
''.11,,,Criorldlisebagyietti.en,riallypidot)fmt: ;'sa ItA611A,d%r.e13:11.1s-1,5GY8-,t7 eettLt.;:lik United -
theney' Ern matiel •College of ,which, Pref„,.
''-fliest (1' Clark." 'Clarke is at graduate,, was rettres-.
n,siasetou'lltloghttet c.leff.cietl/et°0c1f. pro -h1 ented*lby Dr.William E. Staples,
.feseoe of meneett- and old Testa. ,q Victoria University,„, and greet.'
merit criticism at the college, .Ings 'were_ sPut. by Dr. Kennet -
'The ,tetint, Canadian scholar wai-Dr, A d. ,a.wPsiblinelmPaalthoeft,.onnin. Ina ,i1101=11nol•
inducted into th "sacred
..Pgraattronc,Ilachrgaeirin'baii theEof th*e‘cp'Craeirwsb:-: lenrig-Psrhin,-ePiPrami'e'''aPna(11..'D°fr' QVvu'....ee4n4 sMTjaeukl:'
tem. -arid, was then duly .installe-cl versitY: ,
by .the Rev, 'Dr: 'George A. Brown,R, otrhie:thseortviienie algveass , given byhyl'Itehve,,
eonft. thie:eollege board Of totirth, n
chacellor's' lectare, "The
'Stanlev R, Hopper of Drew
More, t 130.. people ettende 'University.: Madison, N.S. Dr. '
the C°T111*atim Hall Service, whieh Hopper concluded.the series with
was the principal ceremony at the a ftfth lecture. "'Tie Transfigure-
-I annualconference '
delivered by . principal Elias A41- n service 'of worship conducted by
app'ointment of Prof. ^Clarke- was
AssOcIllaejonns,, tl°n "of the 'Theologieal Ccmtext" •,
tian World' Mission." at ..todayts
clOSing session, •which began with
Theological Alumni,
The four-day program of confer- t -
this 'mOriiing. Rev. Ti E. Floyd
ence lectures ended at noon- today. Honey 'also •gave the last M a Ser,
ieS of three lectures on The Chris4.
The narration of the steps the
rile6"re'coailethde:ihatlilhi Gegi:haalirC. .°°:fil.e.Hg 4e -1:t• eAVi- Long,tBhaesilann a Ibusiness nOrs smre.' g • •
brew %and .0Id Testament cr,iticisrn of - the Aminhi Association yester..1
and became Vacant three. years ago' day, the executive for the cOming.
year was electhd,, as ,follows: -
president, Reve,A. M. J. Gray, tOt- •
tatvat Vice-president, Rev'. George, t-•
iPet,gdot.e_tihain, Trenton: W. E. secretary
tt6a81.1rer, Rev.
ginith, Queen's Theological
eont,,.piopert; ,diangthrougu,
Property "Changes .
.ttes'llethael e's'ttiltret6hatfiekOef';':U'rt-
MrS, C. Hawley, Egniondvilles
Ivan Carter, SeafOrth.
with the resignation of Professor
Douglas Ttishiiaghann
:Noting that the chair had for a
long tinte been occupied .by •men
of very great distinction", Princi-
pal Andrews went onto say that
the search for a scholar in the
field of oriental languages had not
proved easy. ,
The college had been' "very for-
ttniate" to find Prof. Clarke, who
Obtained' the master of arts de.
gree in oriental language's at the
University of Toronte, later pur-
_sued peat -graduate studies at the
IThivertity of Chicago, erid' the 'gni.,
versity of Leiden. in Helland, and
. .