The Huron Expositor, 1958-10-31, Page 1Ninety -Ninth Year Whole Number 4734 E -A -F0 TIL-ONTA1110_, FRIDAY,, OCTOBER 31, 1K8 Single Copies; 5 Cents $2.50 e Year in Advance tertainmeet- highlight at Hal- lowe'en -time for, many- years has been the Lions Frolic. And if plans which the cerninittee: is making mean ' anything at all, the, 29th Frolic Friday -evening will be fully • good as any in the long series. Emphasis, ,as usual, will on entertainment for the children. This year the frolic will- be on -ice andprizes are being offered for a series of race events for boys and girls in •all age groups. Topping off the children's events wM ' be judging for the ,best costume. Here . again 'prizes are being offered:in a. wide range of "classes. There • will be free candy for the children in attending the frolic. Between judging; a series of fea- tures' will be presented by 'mein: bera. of the Seaferth Figgre Skat- ing Club, assisted by members of the Stratford Club. . Throughout the evening' bingo Will be, in progress in the heated, *Community., Centre, With chickens, and turkeys as prizes. s • As a special attractiOn, those- a± - tending Will have the opporttmity of winning an electric blanket, which' is being offered as a deer General 'cha.irinan of the event is Wil.liant Ball. With him on the committee,- are John A. Baldwin, H. O. Free and John Longstaff. Iscusses ,-,Egitiontlyillet!.Sehecd.- „was well- filled- Frithiy evening wi en • the Tectterstrittlit 'School, ,Area' Board: sponsored the first in What it.'hoPes, -wil be astaerieS to • consider ' the , processes width 'contribute ) dem- ocracy. , Thetnieettegtheard;addteSSes by .FerSittli Judge 'Frank • _ Fi4g140144, ,Clinton, and Dr. J. ExPlaiiihig- t theideat'behinelt the Meetings.. Beata -.Chair:Man ,Ross' Forrest, who presided; .asked: "Do we . eppregiete the ;ballet Which' we enjey? Do we know -What .it, re- presents?" The 'meetings. Were.de- signed to ,answert,thetqUestient_..he Reeve- ,Forsyth; "-disctisSing niUnit CipaltEgoverament, 'briefly etraced .t1ie'teveltitiOn4of -government froni .Ttwket- smitb had its. : egtaning. on. anu- ar3t 3; 1835, when :the. Crown :epe pointed administrators to .govern the'areat. The .first 'eleetiontWaa, in 1854, wheritDr:-Chalk was theA.firSt,4eeve,:. "The: municipalityt creature of th Piet/ince e teed • deritieS.tits authority.; from; the eOntario Munh tTlie act gives the :tettent. :ippen Shoot To t. T °tilos, Man - , jack zelhs,.St. Thomas,.with 46 , out:of ta possible. 50 targets, took top honors Sunday at , the Kipper' . _Gun. ,Club ' annoaleri.turkeye sheet. Lorne 'Smith; ;St: .ThoMea; John, Anderson,„:,Ileniall, and Jack Gil- , bert,.., ...Got:Tench, ...,ahated,.,sesond plate..twtth-45,out.. of ",-51/."-.In the . 75' ,dieisitiret Anderson and Zellis tied for. first place. ; ,Anderson and Gilbert won 'three. turkeys”. each;,.. to .the '..snipers, 'Lorne 'Smith, 'St, Thoinas;, .F.Tordon Johnstonn Chatham:ft Nor- man Harburn- CroniartY and Ted -Horton, Goderich, ' were Winners • two turkeys.; each.t.There waeta • large 'attendance Ot, , . FU Plans nformation Week ship newer and at the same time , _ of democratic munici government is the equitable as- sumption of the cOst of operation, and this is the responsibility of the asseQseii" and tax coUector. Tuckersinith has an assessment of 28 ,$2,641,5 Reeve Forsyth said. , 'All property is assessed and s tay- able, except' certain i in bush, church Property .and ,crown property. In the case .of crown property, as- sessment takes ' place and the Crowe pays a grant in tlieu of The, procedure 'followed:in strik- lag a,tax rate were explainedas weatthet waY in. which' a .voters' list is tomplleci.' „ GOVernMen.t is Coracle* ; t -Government is teorrfplex_tandha,s_. heen.evolve.d over many centuries, Judge F., Fitigland. CUSSed 'adridnisteatien- of justice. The British • conceptof go.verriment. is the .most successful and is .bas - .ed art law..• . • :Ge,Verintient _eeti.Sists -tor' " three branches' - the legislative, the text, ' ecutiye .and the judicial.'' It is the :judiciary that 'guarantees' .a con- tinuance of the freedorris: We, enjoy' --the .' right' of asSertiblY.,,.,,of free „Speech, the speaker aatdtt as, he sWertied of the necessity ertelief- ishiffetthe SYSterii ,that Made ,Sueli 'freedbmS: possible.,.. "There are _not 'toe many in the Worldtat*illiarts,_-_-Whoe-haVeet.theset- rights..which itite here take- for granted,"..he said. , The freedoms have been dear bought and therefore we finest -be. inest.:diligent iu, seeiegthat these - things •don't t slip-threngh our 'fin- gers by neglect" ' . J,tidget.tringland. described , the various ,.,courts and.. the place they OP,eupied in. the .administration: of justice.: -t" The Ontario Farmers! Union in co-operation- with four , other, pro- vincial Perth T.Iniens,-Manitoba, Saskatchewan, 'Alberta and British 'Co/unit/at—will: embark on a Spe- cial pregram, for the Week' of No- vember '3 -8; known- as . National Farm ' Union Week; The prime 'function of National Farm Union t, Week is.to acquaint urban, as well • as tura' people with the '.fact' that, there is a Farm talon,- and im. 'press Up,On. them the aims of On- tario Farmers' Union,: ' Farm. Unions try to keep their inembershtp and the farming. come „inanity in general informed on things which are currently hap- pening trt, all fielda. valich-rnight, . affect agricultureqhrotigh the med- iuni of the, Ontario thiion Farmer, their 'offieial publication, • along with radio, TV and the press, ' • , Regretting:, a tendency on, the Part of eertain citizens to -regard , the courts „with, fear, the 'speaker Said: it Ives' eSseritiartoethe titeser- vation of our freedoms that . there 7'corripl'ete eiconfidence. fn the - courts,. There „can be no, room -for fear and mistrust. Congratulating the board ore its decisien held -the 'meeting ser- ids,,Dr., J, Semple said gath- erings were most effective, -Previous civilizations:had -failed. because the people had become torrent in their home life.' They ;had no moral 'character to resiSt barbarians. The power of religion, is vital to the maintenance of our waytof life. , " ..'Drt' 'Semple, said the teaching of relieibn ill' school should be the re- SEAFORTH SCOUTS AND CUBS worked', hard all day SaiturdaY to -.make their annual Apple Day a succes. Here, applying that little bit of extra polish ,that made sales easier, are, le R to 'right, G.arY ` Gray,Bifl Barker, Glen Coutts and Gene Kruse, while in the background looking on is Bruce Brady. The day netted $1-4.00, which will --assist in carrying on\ the Boy Scout :and ' Cub program during the "coming year. (Photo by P.hillips), , t"..mbort Trustee: A..St.'cOltnnban'Illan- *as .616ctcd named head atthe conference, at president of i'llie--UricInn-i-HioCeSaw---the-).r.Ga-tholie-i',...Culture..',Centre. Lon- .TrusteeSi --tett --- annual conference SunclaY;.A14:014e-Otherofficer are R. G, Laid Dlicharitte, tDebliti;.., Was; laW, Chatham' first .vice-presidentt: Wilfred Laprise, Paincourt,...,second. `-,VieettireSident;. •Cletus 'Kelleher; 'Delaware, treasurer, and Reginald W:ticertitedytt,Leridon, secretary. ;. _ , , About 250, Roman Catholic school trustees were :told by ProfesSer, B., C. Diltz, dean of the Ontario Collegetof ,Edimatioill"that they are silent; partners of the 'teacher 'im the, enterprise of education. ,= "The_iiiiStee'S as -silent- partners" are.assistirigthe teacher, the 'actor, on the stage to give meaning to Itfe,''., Mt. Diltz said. He added: triatttrestees,-:. teachers and Pupils - .all Must set their. sights nev- er , . giving ,.up or. 'becomtag;._self-i sa. t,iSfiede " ,Diltiedeplored- emphasis, -on What he termed -.the iffttillst".„Inew, taught .in.:".Schdols and, urged the: trustees -t to... remember:- that', the 'stttclent, is schoolprimarily to. "develop:, his, mentalY'facultigat and. this. can beat ,'"be attaited' through ers,,r 'emphasis- on. langaages, inatheznat 1111-..•Honoand • . .. "Our 'schools •can't he • expected . Waste -tune : teaching children rea e -rnts how to ,clean their teeth or how to e a Ores's' :and: beittiVetProperly: ,These „ _ . . . should. 1-..'learh'ecl,:at 'A. surprise family dtnriert, Was Said; 1' , • held ,' on, .Sunday - 'evening for Earlier, in the ,day -long confer - and. Mrs; 'ThornaS".prYce, who had ,eace, delegates from 72,, seParate celebrated' their.' 45th, weddirrg an school boards -in the Londondie- niversary on. Wednesday,' October 'cese tookpart, in panel cliscussleps •22.-, Prior: to .the, dinner, ,Mr. !ad on school probletns.•', . Mrs:- Pryce, hae...spent..a, week. ,at One. 2•panel • presented different Sault Ste. 'Merietvistting telatives, .They have a fatally f two soas. and two .daughters t .Mrs. Earl, (Olive) Papple,-Mysttllatoid (Elva) 'Bolgert. Harold and Oiver., The' AUGUSTE, DUCHARIVIE farrilly p,resentedtthern with a tele-, ,sponsibility .,of the teacher, not tit - --vision -set. " the church. • He -Was. sorry- to 'see- , • separate s of seheols. Unifieat, Mr. and, rs. 0. owson,, , tion of education and religien w -as Mr. • and' Orrift sDoWSon nenesSary. Religion .cari be a ,de t marked the 25th anniversary of .cisive influence, :Whereas it should their wedding .airSattuday evening be a uhifYing influence. the4rhome in Varna. A turlty Ile saw no problent iii the teach- dinner was held for the niembers Mg: of religion if the instructions' of the Department " of - Education. were followed. There should be no 'comment..that savours of a deftem- inational The. problem is to eesure that the trial gets 'into -the hearts and minda ef.people, °Between addresses, sops we're contributed by.Mrs.-Cleave Cdorribs and Miss ,Sharon Strong. Accom- panist was Caroline _ lu Seafor hy; Lions welcome two alew members at 'their meeting in the • CominimitY t Centre/ Monday evening, When Lloyd Rowatt and John A. Cardno entered the. club. The members were installed by past president and 'charter mem- ber J. E. Keating. . ' Walker' Fleming, Kitchener, di- , 177.S. ional 'manager taf Union Gas; told the elub of the extent to which 'Union Gas Served Western Ontario. 'Mr, Fleming, who Was iritroduced by John Baldwin, described the problems faced in providing set - Vice in a new territory, such as was done this year, when gas was introduced from Stratford to Gode- • Stressing the fact that 'Union Gas' ;was primarily a "service . or- ganization, Mr, VIeming 'said Per- sonnel were trained to assist with any problems pertaining to the Use Of gas. He referred to the horrie nstalls „ , • ert:/10erS, . ecenernies ,dtinsion of the company, whieli, in Lonclent head by Miss, IVfary Lou gills,. of •Seaforthe Who, he -said, is !`doing a wonderful Rib:" The , cOmpany, 'which until this week has, used Texas,: gas and gas from. its ,Litiwte field in South- ern' Ontario,' will now use :Alberta detivered through' the trans Canada tiansmis'tion lines. Appre'ciatiOn Was expressed to Mr, Pieming by'. M. B. Clarke. ` R. S. Spittal told....the',c.lub. the Lion's spOrisdied Scout Troupe had held a successful Apple Day. Pro- ceeds ' amounted to- $213.00,, •for a netfresult of $173.00, , t• -Reporting for the 'paPer drive held lagt Week M. E. Clarke: said settle I§ feria had been cellected tend shipped. ' . ' The meeting was arranged - by Dr. J, 0.`Turnbull arid E., P. Ches. ney, With the latter acting as.,chair- nian. Aspects of the topic, "Who :runs yourtsciteel?" The. delegates 'then . discussed problems fated by teach- ers,. boatels and • parents Of separ- te' sehooltehildren. ' t'•Activity. and financial rePerts read. -to • the general tneeting evi- denced a .great increase in school . activity 'within the diecese.. This was POinted.:'up., by at increase of abotit- mop stucionts ever last .year's figure throtighout, the ; tito- 'ease, thettorniation of two new -m. 8peethrafes and. the .formation a e S uroti ea sts Mi Sandra Doig, RR Lublin; was again chosen to represent Huron in the Previucial .Junior . , . Farmer .'publie. -apeaking,,eompeti; ,Miss a Member. of: the SeafOrth junior Institute,- Will -fake part in Toronto,. on. January 10,.: at the Junior- Farmer 'convention. She was , chosen_ at theta - debate arid., -public _sPealcing corrtest held .at •Seaforth District High School' last Wednesday evening. , _ . During...the-evening three debates were halcireaadtLfrointhe-'speakers feet were, eliosentto represent the county -in the provincial debates, at the convention. Chosen , were .Murray Gaunt,. Rit-'1, Luaknow; .George Ribete• Lucknow; . Larry Wheatley; • RR 1,, -Dublin; . and Laurence Nesbitt, -Blyth. Alterna- tive -chosen-was Strong; RR 1, The.first delia'te, "Resolved' that riiitaTtatqi-fitlf-1.1170TilariO is aderniately:-trained fore-not:tern ag. rietiltare,'.', was won by: the 'Af- firirtative side, Seaforth ' Junior Farmers, debated by Bill Strong and Larry' Wheatley: Defeeted. were. Ilowick timers, debaters Wilma' Haskins and Murray Mul vey,... . • •t • t. In the tsecond . debate, 'Clinton Junior- Farmers, with'•the:"negative aPProaeln 'beattetiorth' Ilgrent3un- lots With the, affirmative_ Debat- ed wast 'Resolved that Daylight Saving Time should .Continue .under. the present. regulations," For ":Cliri- ton, Ted Dunn and, Jack Dtinn. took the ,debate from Jim Bowman and Rosk _Smith for the North gronp. COlwanash. agreeing that ."Small. fairs sliouldtbe discontinued in faY- ohr. 'Of one largeoeunty fair," wen, the round..from..anothertNorth.Hur, 9n team who. had the negative side of ..the question... ' Murray Gaunt and :George Itihey we're. the Sue"- cosSful team,,!with, the -loser be ing Lattreace., Ittesbitt and ,, Bill Cotiltes.!' ' ' • jticlges for thetcoinpetitiona were Glen Gardiner; 'public school in spector fo,r. Central,- Huron,„ and 'clreorge.:,J,efferson, 'Chiltern. • , Of the inainediate family., nine new separate. :achool. hoards Mrs. Dowson is the. former Flora "since last S•ear, , gouter, daughter of the late IVIr, and Mrs. Alex Souter, Tucker - smith, The .bridesmaid, Mrs. El- mer Townsend, and the greonis- man, James Souter, were tamong those present.' Mr. and Mrs. Dow - son have three daughters. , They were presented with many gifts of silver,, including a silvar tea service, candlestick holders, bon bon dish - and a copper pot. Many friends- ealled during the evening to- offer their best wishes to the couple, • . Mr. and Mrs. W. Keyes The family of:Mr, and IVIrs. Wil- ber Keyes entertained a large number of friends and relatives at at.dinner on Sunday at -their home on the Mill Road, in honor of their parents on the oceasion of their 30th wedding anniversary. - Mr. and Mrs. Keyes were mar- ried on October .27, 1028, at the home of the bride's -sister -in Gode- richtownship: Mise Annie Durnire, it,ucknoW; who was -bridesmaid, At the cerenionye And' Mr. Stuart Keyes, Orillia,. best man, were among the guests on Sunday,. Oth- er 'guests were present from Var- na Clinton Sarnia Windsor Lon- don Woodstock and Rtchtnead The honored pair were the re- cipients of many gifts •and flowers, including a rocker and trihght , Mr. and 'Mrs, Keyes have a la/nib' of three:, lVfertort, at hOme; Mrs. Vends' Carter (Ruth), WOod. stock and- Stuart Potent° and one granddaughter, Linda, garter, P1TLE BANES NORTHSIDE 13 MIN SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICE ...Sunday was marked. at Northside1W,.. C. Caslick, of the Wingnarn United Church as Laymenls San;nfjnited...,ChUrelipreached the set.' daywhen at the morningrserVice .` • • „ mon on in..4-tattneW 6:33, "Seek first'''. Winthrop Store Changes Owners' The "Wee Store" at Winthrop has changed h,ands. • During the paSt week Lloyd IVIcClusky,, Dray inn, took over management or the popular corner stpre. • Mr. .MeCluSItey purchaied the store from „Stanley M: Gihiei, Mr. Gillies, who- bought' the store in April from.' Austin Doh -nage, -has` returned to the Mount Forest area: Local Directors Attend Fair'Meet., Attending the annual meeting Of District 8 ,of the 'Fall Fairs,, held at Brussels on Wednesday, -were Arra. J. '.6-runinaett,- ,Mrs. - Alex Boyes, Mrs.' Mae, Dorrance, Mrs. J. M. Scett, Mrs. Mae Hillebretht, Mrs, 'reward Wilson, 'Irvin .Tret wartha and R. W. Campbell; • all reptesentieg.tgeaforth Agricultural Society. Sacrantent of.„Infant Baptisni was 'observed With the following babies being Presented by -their Parents:, John Steven Bennett. son of aticl Mrs. William Bennett:- Janet Elizabeth Bolton, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur ',Bolton; David Keith Dalryitriple,* sen,. of-Mr..and IVrrs.. William Dalrymple; , Dianne Elizabeth ...Riley,: daughter of Mr, and '.Mrst ' Alvin Riley,; Kathryn Elizabeth Whitely, ,.daughter . of ' and '.pri,s• Richard 'Whiteley:- Diwri Maureen- Wood:. daughter Of Mr. and Mrs Donald ".'Weoci; JO- anue Kristen Schenck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David gcbtenck.', The evening service 01 worship was conducted by the Yeung-Peo- pie, with the: presid'eat, ty Muegge; in charge L. T., Pitim- steel gave the address on '"The Resperisibilittr et Christian Parents To Young People" Th'e regular Meeting of the Young People's Un- ion was held • after the evening serviee, with:about 35 ,present. C.:131'10cm was -the' guest Preacher , at Turner's Uri ite d Chureli ,ariniversattY services on 'Sunday, . Seafoittiv.Council, 'in a s 0 ses- sion Monday evening, agreed with the recommendation.of -officials of the. Ontario Water -Resources Cem-; mission and reqnested. approVal.fer the construCtion of, the Sewer advanced, by the, toWn'S".en.,-, gineers. • At the tearrie'tiate, asked , OVVR C to , undertake the . affeirig-Of t-tik--pi-f-)Sea;--otf;ihatedi at .about $259,00, • ' • beeisionAo....inidertake the entire project,, rather' than the so-called short plan favored- at a meetirig, a. week earlier,..•caree. about -as a re- --7-The-proposal' aSt-cericurred Bnosauf.ltoifl:dittc7:::afl'o's'dsfh,ta::iEad;_tT:shs':stairtldailn:_sttdw:oC_:.itw6l,:guo'e_etsnstee't:i_wli,l:embr'ej:kiP..:1:.lcLi: .vide esre all..residents, Street and east Street.. council ''wil4when 'cornpleted, .pro-. ,Cludes.inearly'..,70. Perteent,'.,of the ti population.. wiltalsotproitiee, for atperinieter trunk -line along' Colo - man -street, pump- ing t on at theclisPOSaTt,fitailt and ' .creation :.of ..diaptisar fagcons- It wasunderstood the OWItC would' consider„ the town's application- at .nieetings' on Wednesday. and Thurs- tOM' hirn-t.lie present' prim- plant, they 'ceuict not:be .handled ary,-"treatreent plant was "barely- by a 'primary plant. Such 'Wastes sufficient- to: handle thepresent' in -4 require 'secondary ;treatment,as put, He said lie 'told Tire Berry- of, well, • Councal's'concern that ,A treatritent His 'conclusion Nval that the rea. , pliant,approved by the, ,depart- .sona.blething to. do' was to .go ment 'four , years ago, was ' now ''.ahead- With. the original prograrrei.- fOundirtadeqtrate.: ..•Wlille °Witt o icials could `Aire _ .,Dr. Berry. rplied lie saidtb at i• no .guarantees, the feeling was that ,he .had. definitely' indreated:to '1116'111-07.7CoInThiliSIionlVOlild'fifiarfee 'thet-- Coancil :of the -day that a, second Major plan, but net the short Plan, - .treetMeritplant wbuld'be..reqUired',' Dr., Bradyesaid:-, He, saicr'that if We'went ahead and 'Referring, to streets under.' don- , added .More load on ,the -present' --strtiction, • he wasassnred,. it was plant we. N-itould have, to improve ,in, order •-sewer, providing it. Within a' matter of titeinthst, :Dr, ',engineers' had deterinined levels; - Bray said the '0WRCE-Was dtsterb-. and that, the bOst, of sucb. work- ed about lack, efearrangementstto weuld be -included. in the prejeet - proyjd'e. fer-tcliatiesal of eteamerY financing. ,There ..Wouid, be no dif- wate. Even ifethesewere taken .fietalty-in.arranging temporary dis. ' • .whilep direetlY' .to the 'dial I • lr. nv,,Teheirti.e,c,sq„ri,.a.stt,rli _S,cet'aiofonrth.,)vSh_ouensj e derprogress,' esti:TT-7 scene $256;000,, if V.,as the feelingithat ctu,0 . 'costs': ubStantially.. 1owef77-7 Pass Bylaws 'atiti.-Second areding to a tilylaw to provideifor tt,fixed assessment for . the -"nevi. . ,Seaforth. Shoes- .-factory, equal to .' '...the...,asSeisinent 011 the present A. tptani.. Agreement ,to 'present such.. a.jby,lawr for . approval of the rate - avers ,Was retched when-liegotia2 : If, the OWRC' takes on 'diet pro- ject it will becemetreSponithle for the construction of the 'plant and sewers. .1-t will alSo..s.uperviSe -op-• eratiens during the .life- of the de- bentures, expected to .be 30 years. tiens: were tintierwaywith the- eotne. pany.: Some Months - .ago-: :Ratepate! - -eelr.eeSielte"WilrlOinbitir'YrTr6h:'ell:Idw'l. thliTeels.tii:°:-1'1:13-ineYslu:n:lh'C-..WiP'°iallni 1 ' ' Toronto Meeting _ . Dr.-.- Brady' told 'councilt' he: had: A require the .apprOyal -of two-thirds . ed and, .had ...diactisSed.,the the' -ton's 40,7fsthocte..\-1„"i'v,piltecrosn'.,t.'iTiilinee 'faos±sel,sosinyeenart,s'of contacted the 0 :1VRC, asf. instruct-. thiii,eeatn• sanyo:i piniropmecsdailattteshiyOul,. ache, ivnitaltuinclge 'erect' by a ':Court. of ' revisioit,, the - meeting:of ,Which'.rria y. or may not '-',- , propos.at for the short Plan. With : At the same time; Council gave Dr., Berry,: -general manager, and , neees'iSliY., readings i to " ai 'bylaw to, Mr, ,.Orrst :Xis. first .inteetion -had make:Possible :Consideration of:the been tett arrangettattater ineetingt- .... . . factory fi.xed asSessment •by.. the......_ ter could 'betdisetiesed at:once-foe_ VeterS: ' -'.:,.-7-.-..- t AnsWering a Atiery,:byttewnts,eliee ' buttheofficials indicated ' the -matt permit .t. a . -re'fereireet,,to7-thetnertt fert-Pt-DtThreCtiiiiiell .-as-tto-7-rattef'." zOniliaiS-STOTI'Meetingt't '-.-•, '.--.:,'; . '' trITV'':....:!!"114EtS.:..'$ "I.JVAN, thPaeyevrosterthe:_‘'lltisattl,,,,'bceleer.rilit-nritmrtittl:.ocin',f,reilicd-..- I: Referring to the 'Short plane' ,Dr....• Brady , Said the officials, :while :not. the resp,onsibilitY was en.the Voter. - opposing -it., to the extent that .ap- An appeal .ttnuat he entered.. within provaltwoeldt tiecesSartlYt be .Witii., "held t t did not favor it. :They felt 000 Pci$:16..t • 14 days- of receipt : of, :an `,,asseist. , rnent. notice... Appeals are ,bonside. contaminationiiiSilver, -.Creek.. , he tiannoneced by: adVertisement.. . Inig ',in the.:.Short• plan, it .was Mit. ' Rev.•Fath r • Chariest tStellt.Y.rtattte _of-reyiSiore not be advertised.. ,,, _ , , , I . Mt - Wilacire said bounty assesSor Nett, Alexander prefers that -courts Since- prOvision..WaS not:made. for • . liltelY.'thet Gonuntssion- would 'ecul; 'Whe'tretentlY has been .aPi'>ointea ,t..''Octiiritillor :tHehl_tirk,LaskedL-whY1 - sider fieaneing that proposal. : . „pastort..0,fttet, James' .Roman .Cattit there need ,suCh. a ,Ieng. Period,. „7...f,'.Dr'.,„.b.,.di-INTent On't67.ayttiO-of..,.. fooliroth,t 0,,prottric,ft..p...,0eincete.4.. dcvtiiii,,atet :,'Htde'_.,Sstieca:',..tic'dloiitveSnie-,bbeett,W2e4e,;.ria:,rinderiteilit?Attiio,indti..ddaayy,.oehsn coeds ,Rev. :Father. E. 13, ,Webe4' 'December 10. _ttP,COple get a -bit' Nryho: died in. August., , - • • ,- ,, , 'keyed :up t and interested at -rierlani--- ., ' -Father Stab:van . who waS. borriTtiens; :but .they forget Acta it bY't : in .Stra4litOY, .served .,adven . Yearat election,"• he ,said... in the 'Canadian '. Artily, including :-. -.Clerk' Wilson: said it.:Was.'"too. late '1 ,, severat YearSe OVerSeaS;ttand. laterl tin S year, to ' change ,' the .•dates. , ,- , as,t-commathatalaiii.:inetgentral-tet---Thetese-War--,. ,_.-ccurintitta, . was in- Ceternartd;.'L Oakville; •tanct: 'Prairie', structed tO,Prettide fill. to a ',rate,' alves orning ras '' FiVe .-ceives were killed . earlY . Wednesday 'morning . in .a • crash on the second eoncessiontof Hay towe- ship,-, one ',mile ,aorth, of ' No 'S :1..figliWaYi, Apparently a Iterd of 15 calves were ;grazing on the „side - of 'the' read, and five; of. them' ',Wan.' ered onto .the road in front of a 1 truck owned and driven by Harry Arinstrong,• R.Itt.' 1, Exeter, .• - • 'Mr.. Armstrong,"was.:travelling north . Oil. the ,,second, when his ve.' hide. struek ;the arlirrialS At about 3:30 ant. Damage to the truck - was estimated at $400-byt itivestie gating .offieer ' PC Cecil Gibbons,. of the Exeter .detachment.. The animals, :valued at about $400, were ONvned.,isy Stuart •Triehner. • -.... - Ccentractor Encs Pi -- pe Lne. o • Canadian Bechtel Limited, who hall- their headquarters- in Scaforth While they completed the contract ' for letting ,-an • eight-ineh gas tratiS- miSsiortr, line' .fronn Stratford- th Goderich; closed their operattons here ,Friday. The coptraet, under- way since early summer, was cone' pleted early this month. , Dining the progress • of the ,work the company employed about 90 men with the number being in - encased; to 1_15 for a short period. Buty„' Beavers- Name Officers, - The fall project, "Cereal,Shelf," was started by the McKillp Busy. Beavers at the home of Mrs., Gor- dan Pantile and Linda. on Satnr- , The new officers are as follows: president, Luella Moylan ; first vice-president„, Eleanor, Keys; see- retary, Freda.1-lant; treasurer, Janet McKercher; press -reporter, Lirida l'apple; leader's, Mrs. J. V. KeYs arid Mrs. G. E. pappie; Mrs, J, F,' Keys cliscessed 'fill', eating habits , with the girls, Dorothy, Keys' and JuneSrnith gave a demonstration of dry measuring And liquid measuring; and the dif- ferent abbreviations for same. The next meeting: will be held at the home of Mrs. S. F, Keys on November 8, at 2 e'cloelc. Joan Pryce, gave the courtesy remarks. • A Democratic Country: :The on - 1p plate where you can say , What you think 'Without thinking. • Patience: The ability. to idle year motor when you feel • like stripping yOur gears, CoiarnatidtWietnitiegt,refirect,,payer who- hed.beett paying- fttiiit-': in .1952 with the reek Of Major:. age :tax since,-tlie: 'sewer line east • , 'Subs.equeetly he served as pastor Main 'Street was Now that. of, St.` Patrick's Church, Windsor. " a ,:eeenection was .desired, was for tsix years, and .:*V7aSt, in -Point fenrid the sewer .WaS: nettdown Edward• fot at short time ..bef9re ..enetigh,'.' necessitating the . coming . to t,Seafortli. • coveriret of theretinitecting line. : . • C ame..,.,ed_ or .IV ecic - WiII Jr. • Rev. E.: G. Clarke, son of Mr, in the near future would qbalify". and Mrs, M. E. Clarke.-Seaforth, for . his doctorate. • . tv,as. inducted recently as professor Dering the "Past --tWo„.Years . of -Hebrew and Old Tost'ament crit- had occupied the' chair' -in' an in-: icism at Queen'v Theological Col- terini .eaP1leitY, "so successfully • lege .of the United Church,. Rev., 'that-, there ' wasno.- doubt in our 't Clarke has' occupied the chliir ini nfirids that he , was _ the Main we._ an interim capacity for the past Should choose."- twci years. 'Commenting -Oa -the hp- . Others taking part inthe service;' poietreent, the.,, Kingston Whig- ,tvere Rev`. Dr. James Lt e,. of t Sstt:ttlycl:ard e a '''°:1111)".1,11g.roPNa'artritlh'S rteliaed.'E'tPr°1inlesiaSnts''' In the presence of staff, student S tcaU:lta-,eth:.,\?vihsbt ieehdaPiten..1:p.orfa:ter,.tr_ohil: ''.11,,,Criorldlisebagyietti.en,riallypidot)fmt: ;'sa ItA611A,d%r.e13:11.1s-1,5GY8-,t7 eettLt.;:lik United - theney' Ern matiel •College of ,which, Pref„,. ''-fliest (1' Clark." 'Clarke is at graduate,, was rettres-. n,siasetou'lltloghttet c.leff.cietl/et°0c1f. pro -h1 ented*lby Dr.William E. Staples, .feseoe of meneett- and old Testa. ,q Victoria University,„, and greet.' merit criticism at the college, .Ings 'were_ sPut. by Dr. Kennet - 'The ,tetint, Canadian scholar wai-Dr, A d. ,a.wPsiblinelmPaalthoeft,.onnin. Ina ,i1101=11nol• inducted into th "sacred ..Pgraattronc,Ilachrgaeirin'baii theEof th*e‘cp'Craeirwsb:-: lenrig-Psrhin,-ePiPrami'e'''aPna(11..'D°fr' QVvu'....ee4n4 sMTjaeukl:' tem. -arid, was then duly .installe-cl versitY: , -- by .the Rev, 'Dr: 'George A. Brown,R, otrhie:thseortviienie algveass , given byhyl'Itehve,, manage eonft. thie:eollege board Of totirth, n chacellor's' lectare, "The 'Stanlev R, Hopper of Drew More, t 130.. people ettende 'University.: Madison, N.S. Dr. ' the C°T111*atim Hall Service, whieh Hopper concluded.the series with was the principal ceremony at the a ftfth lecture. "'Tie Transfigure- -I annualconference ' delivered by . principal Elias A41- n service 'of worship conducted by app'ointment of Prof. ^Clarke- was AssOcIllaejonns,, tl°n "of the 'Theologieal Ccmtext" •, tian World' Mission." at ..todayts clOSing session, •which began with Theological Alumni, The four-day program of confer- t - this 'mOriiing. Rev. Ti E. Floyd ence lectures ended at noon- today. Honey 'also •gave the last M a Ser, ieS of three lectures on The Chris4. The narration of the steps the rile6"re'coailethde:ihatlilhi Gegi:haalirC. .°°:fil.e.Hg 4e -1:t• eAVi- Long,tBhaesilann a Ibusiness nOrs smre.' g • • brew %and .0Id Testament cr,iticisrn of - the Aminhi Association yester..1 and became Vacant three. years ago' day, the executive for the cOming. year was electhd,, as ,follows: - president, Reve,A. M. J. Gray, tOt- • tatvat Vice-president, Rev'. George, t-• iPet,gdot.e_tihain, Trenton: W. E. secretary tt6a81.1rer, Rev. ginith, Queen's Theological eont,,.piopert; ,diangthrougu, Property "Changes . .ttes'llethael e's'ttiltret6hatfiekOef'13:tht.e.lb;':U'rt- MrS, C. Hawley, Egniondvilles Ivan Carter, SeafOrth. with the resignation of Professor Douglas Ttishiiaghann :Noting that the chair had for a long tinte been occupied .by •men of very great distinction", Princi- pal Andrews went onto say that the search for a scholar in the field of oriental languages had not proved easy. , The college had been' "very for- ttniate" to find Prof. Clarke, who Obtained' the master of arts de. gree in oriental language's at the University of Toronte, later pur- _sued peat -graduate studies at the IThivertity of Chicago, erid' the 'gni., versity of Leiden. in Helland, and . .