The Huron Expositor, 1958-07-25, Page 12HURON STa Ai '`OItTH, 1 958 EllURON- ea art ' GRATUL.AT1P N:' On the openi# as new Seaf Orth Erancia OutIIfi Trans r° DAILY SE.RVICE On All Yiur Freight Iegeirei f is a 9easure to serve ou AlIR HEMLOCK:. DANO S POISONOUS FOR CAS Poio'.4j13s plants growing izr •pas;, hires• account for .hisses amOiig live stock •each year. states .•'the' Field Craps Braneb of the Ontario ttepartramit of :Agriculture. As the lasses •, range. from unthriftiness to 4lea#ii. of Otte. "or more animals, it is'ixnportant tliat farznars be eon stantly"on the -alert for syinpttxnis of poisoning• in their animals and they should see. that ,ail' poisonous plants on, -their',_ property are • de- stroyed, 4'tr-hen. brasses;,, e searce.au .earl slsning,. animals will eat •plants that normally would be left alone; the most eammon of this'group be ing t Water Hemlock or,. Spotted. Cowbane.. This is .a "pale green, hollow stemmed; plant -. growing. from three' to six' feet high, ,tvith a dance,shaped leaf similar, to ivy grouping; a, greenish white flower rsoinewhat tIce,Wilkt-e-ar-r-ot,_--a i vers poisonous dahlia shaped .reet which if pulled up and eaten "may cause. death' within. 15 minutes FoxtunateIy; m c s t poisonous Plants: such'. as brackeit'fexn - and buttercup; are unpalatable:, and "will be'eatetn only when., pasture is very scarce, Pond~:scusmi has•beerf knovin to be fatal .iii.Sone Gases and the.; teases. �f . wild !cherry or. °choke . cherry will" cause acid pcisonin under some: conditions. Rape ,grown. on Phosphorous deficient" or wet soil c'an:oause fatalities.and legume pasture can be very dangerous, if animals are allowed` to eat • this: alone. Symptoms, of poisoning,: vary from death within fifteen„ minutes to Aa slow • death from internal. haemge orrhaor,ingering;untbrift-. mess flues�ta curnliiafi v poisOUS ;._.... Where poisonous weed's exist; stock.',7 should be: vyatched'.for any. sign of uneasiness,: frothiug:Or infection of -tlie mouth, hiss ofTa-ppetite: or:rsth- er behavt"our. One :beast in a held; is. often; more susceptible than the: others and can as' serve a wr aning_ and: prevent seridus' Ioss. l'astiires'Siould be inspected for _evidence of poi plants and these destroyed ;,at, once., Haliliv - R stock and ;:ample' : pasture provide control measures that'-can:be shred by Plenty'. of;salt, mi�ierals and well drained pastureland,' mals-with depraved` appetities. or 'those ; extremely .hungry are. m,or`e likely to_ eat poisonous plants. THE,A,FFL.S MCS honey SONALIZE Napkins -- Coasterg Informals - Stationery, WEDDING INVITATIONS Order Then Through THE HURON ECP(ISITOR canage1' �/ JRTH r 4iT NG`- FSR? TODAY -1S -CONSTRUCTION MEANS EASE AND COMFORT TOMORROW • at��i for your 470:0 Victoria; :Street` Chalk Street Coleman Street Centre.•, Street If you lite or work on `any` Of _these streets, you'll see: these: bright,. 're: d, Yellow and blue signs. going ' i n, the near' future;`TTheill 'mean that work has started on the Natural .; Gas distribution .: • lines for the homes and. businesses on these, streets, ' They'll also mean you can: expect a "knoek on your door James Street. 'West Wi I Liam Street Anne Street'. Main Street 'Mari' frown courteous Union Gas representative who will identify himself. This work Will be Completed as_ nic .• . p ,. 9 kiy'and efficiently as possible, and disturbed areas:'will be restored to their normal condition with the'least possible delay.. Union: Gas, Company is happy to' bring the 'pian ebri.venience y sof natural, gas to the homes and businesses on these streets, AN1DA,IT gain Street ': Phone 3 IRON; COUNTY CATTLE kIP 15Q S IORTHORNS (From Clinton News Reeord)_ e� �I�flllJlllllllllll�ll�lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll(Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllfllfill�II�IIIlllllllll Congratulations to GINGERICH' ALES &. SERVICE on the opening 'of. a SEAF"OIWE BILANNClJ_ ��NK .CE'RR COMPANY Distributors of . . REPU`Clint -07 -may -became; known; as E Canada s Chicago, if recordr. cattle m shipents ch " suas that leav, "ing here ' by~ rail" on Tuesoa`y Tiecomes: the' rule. rather: than the exception.• Howard Armstrong,' Seaforth _-vas the mail; helping to"'get 150 Short: horns in_and. out of the,:CNR'stock yards here early'_ this week Bound_ for €eo gin, tI S A ; the cattle. _ were=purebred; -with some eross.ard-grade among, them "they were gathered from all' over south western.;'Qntario ant?,' a's- far' away as .>;,inslsay and Peterborough,:. by truck: to the Clinton ,yards. They- left 'uesday at .noon 'oil six, -cattle cars, and • Paul Bechtol Albany, Georgia; riding. along: with the shipment. :.Other . assist g Gvith .the job. were!Wilbur. Donaldson--ma"nager. of Louada Farms, Peferborou'gh Lquada 'is, a ,w,ell-known •Shorthorn breeding. farm,;: owned by 14Zr. and MV2rs. Lou Cad'es: • Local shippers included W R. ' Bill" • Pepper',7, Ii.R 3;;: Seaforth;. WT.' Devereaux` & Son, Seaforth;' W Turnbull,,Brussels; Ediin Woods -Blyth,-Andy Gaunt, Luw ckno, :and' ilio came "front' the farms of Bert Begg and Don McKay;," 'Tiverton;; George. ,Bell, Durham;"- Jack 14Ia whinney .• Paisley; Ivan. Parker,,;: Watford ; Walker Bro&, ..Walkers; Lloyd .' Fowler , 'and -,.`Noble: Dunn;: :Oakwood; Elmer •Mahood acid Vic; Wiliams, Omen ee• Colwell Bros., Blackwater,_ -Carman and Arthur 'Bragg, St. MatysY. It 'is 'understood that the -CNI recommended the • Clinton Yards;- fort•this purpose, as being the -,only one available: which:'::would accoin rtiodatethe -7:50'head. '''The `cattle were ;routed.- through "':Fort and 13uffalo Mr, Donaldson S' planrrt�ing a -trip" to Buenos Aires, Argentina td buy, cattle and to judge at Irvestock' bows, ,:arid will- leaVe.,Je-niori,ow. ;On his eturn, =it, -is-•possible :that,: another similar shipment may be- undertaken , -. . Mr.; Beehtol,.reported ' very -fay; orably upon :the condition of ..the cattle he had bought," :saying, "4!e jest don t have>eattl-e"s" good: as - this at-home nor nothing :dike - it ' The: red, cattle are chosen -for their ability to avoid .suffering from : ",pint; -eye" or "cancer -eye'•'., 7ioth to be reekoned with iii -eattl in the hotter State of Georgia.; lytr Bechto1•' said temperatures of : 90 were the regular thing :at this time of ye; ere' these-> cattIe are, Tieing' ar;shipwhped.:; HENSAL Thu McReath -schoolhouse, Stan ley, was the setting for" an enjoy- able event -when some 80 neighbors met to:honor Mr'. and Mrs.. William: Aikmhead .anct family; , who have - ke•n.;ug a idence at -Beaton,. near Camp Borda•f. r: • eenliead stationed with, the RCA) M. and Mrs.: Aikenhead and family- were :presented with giftss'the presenta tion• address.. being read by Mrs. Alex-IVidBeatli,, with -Howard Lem oti niakitig the, presentations 'MIST"Earllackellar, Susan' acid' Michael, of. Chatharii, ,pare • visiting with Mrs. McKellar's parents, Mr,: and Mrs. Archie Noakes. WORDS l9stBCmg Homan THOUGHTS oil! HOW Ntcr -, 4 way they live' he "m y .tea Vc,kie 't4 5041efil ng.Qii'1lie �✓l L an+ STE London, Ont. uilil(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIUVllllll(Illlill(Illllliilllal�l(IIllllilf�ll�fl tiN C!y i ermales� ervi _ingerith's Sales ;'& Service uses FEEL OIL TANKS manufae-., tur'ed by-Clemmer Welding, and also:r,sells the qualltY_,.18 inch; SAWN •.IK.ING- ROTARY MOWER,. ENSILAGE°CARTS ari :FA -RI OWING PENS; manufactured by _Clemmer.'s... 91ANUEACTURII G LI141TEI 7•- Regina- St, `airet`I o Ont. ONESTY and, the EE:N DESIRE rG SERVEYOUR CUSTOMERS ;BETTE' ti have brought you the SUCCESS YGU DESERVE I N'G;RATU,LATI.ON:S- GINGERICH SALES:.';AND , SERVICE e. are. rood io> be`, on o e f your" suppliers. serial Refractories oterk o Everything You'll Ever Need in. Heating rem ui ntario �a- _