The Huron Expositor, 1958-07-25, Page 8HURON F.)CPOSITOlt, SEAFORT utitnolininmul1111,111111011101111111 - We Specialize in All Line's of • NSURA N E NEW COMPOSIT4 DWELLING POLICY. • ffers full fire and liability. coven. 10°4 be/ow. regular rates to •.330.rne- owners. 174:full inforinationi ask 118, ATSON ;;Opiieral bistiraittee !lone 214 „:‘ Se-aorti• c: Agent: , CARDNO • -'110111111110111PWIIM111111111111111111111 . . • cocd DUNDAS chanwiwk. Stove.zind Parriabe Oil DUNDAS & "LONEY • ..pliono; 573 or 128 °N1*,.? 3IULYI 2.5i 1093 WEDDINGS Chtsrcli Notices: PeutecoSta Tubernade.-SOndaY 730 P.m., aid- Titesday, :Wednes- day, . Thursday._ f.11(d Friday. at, 800 P.-m..Rev.. H. Kendrick. Pastor - St.' Thomas'. Anglit4U Mitch."- ' Morning, Prayer; 1.1 • Communion, the first,,. Sunday of the month at 11 a.tn, and the third Stuida'y. .of the month,' at .9 ,a.m..; Sunday School every...Sunday morn ina. At 10 a.m.-Rey. J. H, James, ' Egnamadle Vnited J. .SempJe •-'11(thrister; Hain; mend, organist, r. •elipir %leader. •Morning -'subject,' '`,`Our ' Lord' $ta•... *died -TWOIDibles-'''1, 10 a m Churelf •SebOO1 and.Vinister's.Rible'CIaSS; 11a.m., Niirsery Class; 11:30; Jun- ior •Clitireh.; Megillop •Charge.=.4aly 27: ' One Service „at, ,Cavan,, 11 a.m. _Service wil be' takercl:iyMr, Herbert Dm, stein; El_MWOod 'August 3; -All serViees7.-WithdraWn; Serviees,-, resumed: Usti,hours. ..pp TT. Minister: Joint, 1?res y er7 'Northiside'•United Chureit 'in- First* Church :, Rev. J. C. - s • • • • • • • • 1L3V,K11111C-COCAltEU.4. n setting -Of white. gla.dioli,in St. ,John's- Anglican 'Church, Sal-, may 'Canon B. II, Farr perfOrmed at two' b'elock a daubla-rmg. ere- moiiy when • Jane Frances Cpcarell',and"Throtia.S., Leslie Hab- kirk,-exeliariged wedding vows, •The bride he daughter of and ,Francis. COeprell, East Sarnia,'.. and ,:the...:grOtan is the Snii of Air: -Pcbtt, ,Habkhl, 8eaforth;. •••; • , , Given. in =Marriage: hY .; her father, the bride .wore a 'fiber -length 0110:1 of hand embroidered, nylon • organ- - dy trinid. with pearls-Aed. thine- YrAitdOniF•:Tkrincn,i'da4igtt- StorieS'.•: The'L"fitted bodice . featured ' ter- Of Mrs7; rieeldine back and Her fin- Pethle15, Seaforth, will teaCh' at - `gertip veil was gathered b.) a crown Innerkip in, Sptember, , She trimmed *.ivith seed . Pearls.. Slae• attended. Seaforth Public School ' wore elbow-Iengtli gloves an.d-car ,•and- -'Staforth' District High tied a:cascade bouquet of pink and, • Sehool before2ittending. Strat- white' rose8.. • • ford Teachers' College: .1 -ler jn- Mss Russell Sarnia; 7,terests-.inclUde-sPorts• and read: -Wastmai1 i-of-7-lioner. at-tl'ie---callege, she-, beige puree s1lk street length. -gown was merither of the sqiiare fashioned With a full skirt and:bow' d4iting -club. • = *at waist with inatehing Stble. and • ' • ' hat 'with: ,sliort JJelge • :gloves and inatehing:IShoes:* -• ,,*' The .bridesmaids,: Miss -Pauline i.tathersLandMiss, Diane Tade;:et, Visitors Over • the weekend- ,,Vith ivir and MrS., Ilugh y.- Chesil-CY; r• MIXES. George"1,:ddisork were- --d:angliter'-and-Lsoitinlaiir,- Mr. -and - 'Mr: , and Mrs. „Tames De- oit, 'Were weekend gueSta.of Mrs. Mr. -and .1kilts. j•:- Cleary- at- tended Abe.. MattheW,aMeEllione Wedding -.V TillsOiPtstrg. on Satur-.. Mi, Wrtford, the -former Edith NleMichael Gri.E'Vp, Was a -guest ot Mr„ and- Mrs. Willis Dtindas..r Thursday ,of last Week :and attend; itiougseau tea in.lunior of Miss borrarne.SV144, bridel-f •Saturda-y, at' .the home Of; her..parents,. Mr.' and. Mrs. Gilbert -Smith.: Mw li Stnithi:ofCalgary Alta, is, liereoWing to:the serious -illness of herlather, in Scott Mem- orial • • • and -MrS„-,' JaineS' fro-gg-r COV lingwOodk, , .were ,;gnesta .., at, • the Fowle . at Cavan Church, Winthrop, ,on Saturday, , and Mrs. ...Adam Dodds,. ..of Listowel, and 'Mr. .and Mrs. Wm, Elliott, ,Listowel, attended th,e, ton retinitin•- at Lions' Park-. on Sun.: :Mr. and :Mrs:, Douglas Keys,. of Chatham, , spent the weekend , with their ..Parents 'I..,11/TeKillopI.,- Christine' Pryce who has- vis-' . . . , . _ iting- -with Ahem .for .the. past weeks,,.rettitned to her -home. = CONSTAN School panh, churniffe; and'S,Miss.,Ehgabeth P" t t f th 'Mr and Mrs Alvin. Shine 'Violet Mrs. Henry 0. 'Baran& and o •-• • • - kirk, ,oin •Edward,,e. , , f 1tm. Acret. a good JOAMY Sell. fiticv— • .groom worezdenca1 gowns . of and of tort Frances.. who dreri Robert and, Janet 'o . ay ' .tht65. Well painted „(stable Air"; Reyn*I•nidS.„ .tifirguto.ise,And-tah.car.rie, d ea, seades also att,ended • the Tebhutt reurnon -City,..1gIchigan were guests of . Mr.. • k Saturday in Seaforth and Mrs' EdWil. P Chesney -this 49,head of c,attle). Drive -01ed-.10r Aru,od rst,,,y,,Gueltili,'. announce ds, "; , - • - •Mr.-- and- -Mrs: --Roy avatil--,and..PaSt week. -- • I „ Sarnia, brether;.or,i•-:thelireSzcator and family. ' Mrs. J. 'Cleary arid Mrs I Henhouse holdsi-100 hens, Ttirci.- :tiie_engagenienf.'of their -,daughter, oar garage, and good 9-room•houae. 'wary' • .Patrreia2Tte -Mr. Groomsman WaI-sI GerrY Pressel, family of 'Exeter, were Weekend I , Ronald Walton- and ushers were Robert' Visitors of 'lir. and Mrs', .-Howard Cassels sPerit.' a daYs AY: .,good state of rep*. Priced to ' mrS. Qh.aides Seaf•arth;•nrid hr#1.0.;... Gordon pburnan; 'and Rob f *iVbedS -and I' ,ithur and Midland.. , James -Hogg an 'The buildings and fences are in --a soli. -of- „,05-en-eu, r. gre)°311''' bie Of A"sa:k eerrit •the H4g.II, 'el Cel-' ;341, 'With 'low; down -payment ;to the':late ',Mr. -Sills; 'The. .niarriage cif ite• . right party. . will take 'place: August 23, at 11, • - f Lb • 3 rlin wood and 1V1r s Barney 'VV 1 In Village of t'uhlln, 1-1-r°Gia °'0)ck, at-,ChlirCh Of Our...Lady, Rennie, Sea or • end with ,the latter's parents, Mr.'ley an daughter,- Jane of Frame; suitable for dwelling and. Guelph. WatsonerD:liviTitgs t4,Theangit nin °s1 t.hea regls: Is- ran Riley and were .0, --.„;, store. priced to_sell.ted over the weekend Mrs: Joan S. Watson annOurmes "me Lord's prayer," acni.coln' spaaung.. Saturdayagilallestosnae Fo%avtie-inithwed-. I *Lwft-h'.'14-;. and mrs, Bedford Do.o., ::37°------ ied by NeilDalgety-,-"-Whe- alSo ptaY:: - g - •'-'1.,,••.,-, Winthrop,• 2,,.4e.ia‘,•-i3senda'.. • _ ,eagagehiencif-ter-- on_goAt- datighteri.II*Aliee,B4iabeth-; ;to, POn- ea the weddblg, ,musi,e; , • - ' Airs:400fani -T5aIle and clangh:I4'...:Thlti,i-**I1Viarglifall'* SteiVait --IretUrned. , -of-,11/1r•',.and- , the ,hiittes-__„incithe,t,z_Lre-e-burm-Ahe-__ ters, - -iffr*,,,Frank: Riley. and-,--IVI-rst ttie _Weifiaaf.7afternoon after a Mrs. ,F. Iv. ..ithdr.ov_i, .c_1100.13,.: Itm.:._ gu_e4s__w_e_ ari4-, a =tte..e.t .., length•Nr-errie--Dtle attended the treusse4iiii ‘i,,,,e--eii---;-;y--.1-§-1t; ‘4-,--0 ffi----e-w-e-s--t--.66"a28-t- ayr,r.,i4a2g4ego. - .t. 3',6,1..aate,3j).pl.ame,e, InSatEurg: sheath gown of pure silk , Nit'', 37:er, tea TinnidaY in honor of l'aiss. tor- I * Mavor,,I3. F; Christie and MrS. P101idv1:11e Illifiliftel C.11 la V a .riP•no -Smith at. the' hcome ... of her • ,.,.,-..--;:-..----:',,-*-'-g- background' 01', white; With white , ,,„. ,,,,_. ; /1111sat;"e''''avif?:tel-d-iii-13.1g-it9noereluienleffiallYe.pc,itt • Phcine 458 P R 01):U CT Prompt Farm -Deliveries aiden Broutifoot Phone 686.W. .Seaforili atiViiiative-print-- against Sinith - ,.. 'the ".',I.ate .Miss,,,T,ean :Christie. Tewt:,:rese.s; • She: was.: aSSiated. by the ,1/14ria • Dale„ of ,.lfairtilton- :`..,T7Vekert "nPuile0:•th 'eng4g0t4Prit -(4efr Mother; who spent ...the -:weekend With Ilider4i-ar:.:.147.Ork-Wayne•,:Indiana are visilrng danOter., liranehe MOice.lit4:0..Mr;; lie& Mier; pink taffeta' With ents,.Mri.,*and Dale and; his parents . Mr. and Mrs: j. M. :Gerald,. II: •Weber;":, son,', of 14t,t...a,-.-,eor.sag,e,. of ,attended- the- fowle-;Sinith- wedding,' ,Eeltert.•••.:Mrs, ;Eckert' :and datigit -Weber, of StratlOrrt.---.Iand*I7'theiTi.afe. blue carnations and:p4ih,.'roebbds'. on :Saturday, ,. I. Carol are holidaYing at :het 'Herbert,. Weber." •The,'„wedding.iW4i1,1 :,:r.robnw-i-Jig reception •,, Mr. ,anil-Mrs.-Williara Dale. and. home in .England., • take place Saturday, August ish lia=11;,- the 'left oil:. a; wed- farinlY :attended ,,the'edunty Pat:A.4(1'1;1.1th .TtleladY: Goderich,,: 1958; at 12 noon 'dint Northern Ontario' and 'Picnic ,.Ilast Thursday' Goderleh spent a. few -„day.S.." with. Mr. a.nd.• ed Church. • I t'Algen4iiin ,For travelling:the arlict;' Were, luth.y.., in,: winning • ',fonr. 'Mrs. !'Arthur 'I'Devereani, and' fain - Ur,. and mrS'• bride chose Nirliite.-76rePe',:•sheath, Prizes during the supper ..haor• trY • ston Clinton; the: -i-kithr..•hriiitei.dii..• tdti ;and.", Warken;', Lyn, ., TortifrtY arid 'Angela . Devereaux ,w'ore•,.a eorSageV.of: eta t and, Helen,: -of London; -.after Were .'holidaYing 'at,the..lielne' of Dr.' ITeleat Adelaide;-:ItO,I Mr: Grant,ROSS •pfu.k...reee. :arra . <Tobin §-Pending *.117:511.daY,S.' at Port "•Eigin•. ;and Mrs: T. R. 1VieladY Goderich. :Pf",•-...London: spent the weekend • with. Mr.': and MiS=. Ed ; Me'Gratti:. are , the ..,tharii40 take 031 'r•esIideII.LItI6II;v5IoPriaraeiIiridts;i1°M1 d11..Vaneouver Island Patsy ansi John August the "Oritarid :Street ,,a,1 „344.cath.i.eon,•st,„,,,,sarniai'..,,,„„ 4nd Mrs., 45-1.,3'er.t.orni.nic.agd., are grandpar_ •. . . • . • , r". the; wedding., were : familY, of . Chathanii, ,„„spent: the., ents,.-"Mr::':, „and. Harvey , Hinted Church Chapel; :Clinton„ Ont., . Mr., and MrSi•-S: 11.abkirk"and,prian,.::.Weekend With the..fornier!syParent,S; 'Llwain,' •.,Whi_le. their -parents. "are. NCOS',•;.•"', .Miss Vera IludsenhlvirS. H.. ;Dale' ..4.;:aiicl,',-Mr.S.:?-•BaSir aninick, - .away:, -• " - The -bus for.': the s Seaf,Ortli MiSs Minnie lHabldrkZ-iNITS. Norm- and Mrs Ken .}lidley and ' Miss Marian - 1-1VICLIWain„: who. 'is IriSifed',Sunclawith-;•;11I-r-arid.-:Mrs.: attending"- Slit:nil-ler - „To - :•at 'I sharp, ..on TueSday, .John: .. Mr. Gordon :,P3.111•-• Charles Wallace : of: Bayfield,.. And rento; viSited (A•Ter the .:Weekend July 29 The group will viSit,pentts. , Man, -:Darlene Sills), ": Prof,/ J'Arnes.- X 'd 'Mr ' tt G the home ,of her •parents and" interest atRidgetoWia, • Chathaitt0Seott KAtY,', Mr.-- and :Nfra., AL; 1Vrkfs- •TiOvey'.111feldwialia.. .,WallaCelnirg,.. Sarnia, atid London:. IIiidSottiMr., 'and .11/Irs: MeV „Mr: •Murray, • •• Dale, commenced:, MIS!, Helen MeKercher and 'Alias . MAY be ; ,:on.Sont'4,0,,,, Anne-, And .,„-t,e anne; Mr.,. new , 'duties, 'mOinlay: , traffic : co •-• Nancy • Conger; of f'..Toronte.; . inent. date. a..fe-w..,more.;,.. children: would :Ron.4di-Itennie, „mr., J..et•oT, pressel....orclinator at Ikarerine..,TtlbeT-',L0-.. n-' the:, weekend . with .•.-Misa McKer-: be • at reduced rate: , • ..• • a.-06.' Out . ; climes , lather,:„. Mr, :11 if.. MeKer 7 , 'withs; Carl •I and diet; • t ,Are Yon readY,Iii rent Yoni. spate :toomy A .classified_akirertiSerrient 'phoned. te7,-The-77-Htiron -EXpositar, 141 or *ig.bring•a tenant. have a Complete Stock- of - Chkrs ;fp Shoes and YQIJ CAN"1113tAT 01:TR VALUES ANYWHERE ! IL S 11(}E S and FUEL _OIL Hart - . Seaforth ,1,1otie 784,, . , ..,. , . Susan of: Kitchener , and Mrs• 'Hoy ,:: 41and.-Mia.,-..ft...•. Tate' - of "Dear• ,.• ..,.,:.„, ..„ •,,...,_......,.„.„.........„..,...,,..„..... . ,,,,,,••-, i !, LawsoiL of Seaforth„ -ea-lled, .:Surt- born; Mith.i':-Were recent . est& of . •.> '. o &ET itiogrommummtora aas, 'at. the 'heel, es .of Mr. ,and Mrs Mr; 'Mr; , Geerge Dixon, andlandlY. • ...,.' . , . 8. HARRIt ..OHARTER8,;..,-.;-;;. James ,..'Dale • , and Mr.'lund. Mr$•• .' 'Aiir:: . and' _Mrs. . J.' R,' Mason' Of ' In .'failhig,.b-ealth for' ' genie.' thire;,- -Earl .•lies011'z'. ,." ''' "'' :":!..' r'. • ''!'-,-: Windsor, - .:risited.';Orer '''the • weelt-', Mrs: Harry ;Charters 'teased Away • :11/Ii... and :Mrs, .NeiSelf".Reid, . d' 'end. With,' Mr.;....and '11.Ars,„I'RoY.....Mc•! in ,Scott ,Meniorial Hospita1:,'Satn4 :Walton, -visited :with ;Mr-,.,rand.mrs., GonigTer--,.. - .. ,-. ; . • : • ' daY,..,,ShetWas'•iii,her .81st year., •-•,': :' Joe .Riiey on•§uridaY. • • !, .':,•,„• r. 'L ,' ; Mr... aticl • .1VIrs,,'; 'Walter. Gee,- of. Bora. in' Hibbert township, • she ..; .',Mr. :and ' Mrs, i Allan" l'faff - and London, visited'. recently ' With;;Miss was the fernier 'Itle.'.Viateria Fill; family, of • Crediton ,- V;isited,",with Mae Smith --antl•Mr.: Robert Smith,' ten, ..cialighter_Of the late Mt- rid .Mr,... and Mrs'„ Ken presScater: oti ' Mr. ••Jack''',•Dbson,;:Of, ,VaticetiVerr' , ..1 A/4,s. Tau ••Fulten.,_, She 'was inai„......,..a..t.t..0,..da.s,.:,....,..T.....r.:-. ‘ ,,. ,. ',. --, .-.."",,77.: iS'gliending- some ' holidays' 'at ::', the.- '_Ntit.iitg this. week with ..ivti,, 1..rd; home ..,of.. . his . father,. ' Mr.'. :George lied 7at,:C001:0.rty to ,:,'HarrY Char-. teri„:. who ..stIrvirea,- in Dedember; Mrs, : George Addison. are . Mrs, Dixon.. •• ' . ' ': •• • ,, ;';' ' ''''... ';.,...- .,.- ±9 2J.:TheY. farther.forHanntaber. of Hairy Tebbutt,.of,•: RedlAnds, Cali- :•.--MiSS..:Mary Anne McLean' Was a years in, • ue e'ffinita--ToWitsliTp.,:oxi• data; -'1VIrs;TI-Cletatt131-,,owt-p:- --ok.:-.kue,st..-1-6.6ek-;--at,..dt-hatile.-of- th0---.Mill::.'•RoW, retiring, 41-;• year* Modeato,.::California;, : ' 11.1rs„ - ,. May ,Mr, and ".M. rS: George . Parke,. Lon g•o-, ',to...se:aortic.: ... ..-. .,. , . ," ., .' . .01intor,... of'atiiado.r., • Sask.;1• and . &M."- ,. ' , • . • ,..... , . , .,,,, ,, .. , 'Mrs.- Charters Was a ' Member. of Mr. ',and ., Mrs. LOWIS-4ebbutt; : o,f. .. • Mrs. Viffre-ci. • Glene;.• Naney ' aad. First Presbyterian- Church; Sea-. forth, „and, almeinter _ofj_ite Ladies' Aid: and Barbara Kirkman-SoCietY :Besides' her . husband she. is; silt.- viVed•by - twO: son.% :',4obert 4... an& '.George, -and • orfe dattgliter, ; Sidney,,(EliZabetb.) 'IPtillniait.-ali Of SeaTo#11.:: AISO.-- Stirvivitig: are :one brother, .'.:Jack'' .FuItOti, . Everett,. 14aSE...,',.. Orie: §1.4.tei:,:. Mrs. S., M. • Gil; liSs. Of,''Gederith4 '.•feur'''grandchil- dren 'and: two. great;grandeliildren. : 'The botlY. ,rested :.'At 'the, .-G-,. • ;A. VItitneY Funeral Hoine, where a funeral service; was held Taesday, Rev, , J. C. 'Britton ;officiated.: In terment fo46Wed. in litaillandbank cenaetety. ".• • • .: . .. mr, ;and .11.1ts. Anstin Dexter, of arratIged by CICNK.TV.., 13a.,lib4elrer.O. were Pears-mt. that, Blyth visited with mr...atid-. MrS., tit's, ,Harry Chesneri E, - P. •Cfia.s.: Charles Dexter..,on 'Tuesday, • . " trey, J4 ck. Bruce, IteSs'ell Dougher- :Mrs:, 111".., •WhYd,'.-Mrs, Flizahtth " .10MONDVILLE: : ty i;inif.80-.tE0,it.Coltarlittec). init•ED6_,._ ,‘ Ilmorw.,:n•aandtil:sr.:Kaeno%:trtsie:.:aenftd-vv,fah:.., iz, ard and fatidlY,. all a L6noon; and Funeral -Services. were held .Wed. Pliairlie. have rettirued home _after nesday„ jply 15, for ; Mrs; 'George ,11Y, lirinthroP,•• Wet*: all StiadaY. vi5- ZsPe.11.'t-t-ile'Pas't. ''w"k:1:14: 6.- h' ' itoutledge, ' gg, at _the. •Latiatord 4.01,10114:Mr.'./. and ,Iv.,s, -11,-6-11-8-,r1:- -1 ...,iyfra; nafteo,--is-Veniiing a feW . ilaero, ojt6dIgytiailizre:i:inf4liths.;serAami.fvoarod,6ssXp46,iir-;!.; . .,:lirliai ss,tefiri6:4d,a, rpilil. • PEre:ta:s7, 40:' 7,t, , • ,. i.!. illd,a2:7:,:M.W.1_ artioi!l' ah„nd'iia'arit' litla;artli$:h.'aElarr,14.,Nulii4gati.ss()tilli:gi.vrise:', at the' ,hotne • IAStoWel,... : • • , .r... . 161I"tiilg'• 4 .*Igertrig iiiii'SS'''''' 461: -13.::::rigal. abot;s*.'alnladY:irIS frOth here., • z ... . Myrtle,. C. ToWasend • was. horn -• ---. attended 'the 4-11 Cj t.„, purtuase:d the .Weilatid ,propertY 114iiorttitglist_30:",akS.; ott?4,1,1Q; ..a:0• tiPvkaaul.tgiti;itebrr,•, , and leiciets. tout „tlabil ma,tieniei•ga-',", „and w,iI.1. shortly take ,peasesgien. Went to the,Gran000ttutitinity. with .r%,., hTeolois.:Ullo(a36setrile, at:rtalreb:.:3nw: e*s.e'rtk:tgh;d1:.t;4tit:11,.. ' 01 lathes. .nd APna'11/!118-4n4'' 4144 ,thhre°tinigalll.3prul;ceeotttlienyvirtell14' wale her father in 005.."-Itere.Btre..,,reaid,.. the .•Plg. rain; TeesWater,-.-. Berrie; ,anAt yisA. .miarre.yro...tg/di., faittill' y; 0 ed.:until ‘lier rriarriage,,te, ',George Z°41,,,_41i,•,31,.‘621,3!,r.a.,„,,,,,,,,,:: ,,,l(in,,,,,471,,-.;;;:a., Itoutledge, ',February 20; 1.907,',..Thest ,i'-u.:'n lir .;e17i•in:i`,1''Y ''''''..".C.1 .:I'v"47-^ __Vtit h, ...arr.,0„.., 0000e4itniggh.Vot Settled :on his homestead 'southeast . Mr. and.Mrs., Willia,nt Jewitt aiid; ra. . Y. 7 . .-:. •.,,,-:- : , . ef-Lantfortl,, where theY Iilied 1tatli, fatally and tgrs, matx.,-.j,c3,40,..sr.,4 attended the 'county :council mettle Mr, and • MrS; 'Lionel' 'Roy': and . ;At aUci ,M64-7'.'GCOrrge. itentledge farnilYi*Of Trenton,- akeirisiting at, .10:6erveci..,thh, goideyi weocting ,a47, atl.sir.G!dsearleckb, '1,pailist,or'Th,reggliiia3e:. $' . ,vit., ti .00usteit, heuite..• . : • tit etsary in June, 4951. . • • , , Mr0.- .(ttev..)- A'. -EL lIttelauxie and - iting With Mr.' and Mra, ,WilliaM. i; MrS, -RentIedge, was:, a.., 'inetallet- W.8.:0S... ,werk„ a nierebet a the lanailY spent the weekend with Aft, a 'the, Methedist Church, ,active la '16'64 Tall'cl-'4ther-frielids; ' ' ' ' Miss . Relent MCII‘Valit,, laiirSe-iii 'arid Mral'.1.11.1gh IVIcLaChlan and Mr. trairibig; left.•Stinday tot. Tarorito irlic)1144"°*1:4114'(111 .414 41114* . ;c4Di;w.enxii. iird . Honte.....m4,.. Sahieekial'Cilil....d'srpeenrisgri,,gs(3eSv:Peirtt4.1.1nwohnefir,g; ion Are Ilt:toP... Plate in.:. the south 0 M.: . :Chapter, .Past; Matrons, • and. • .SurviverS7 inciticie. ,lier, ,huSband training,: . :' . . . . , „ fibel:p. ; (4ttlittenant.9ta.int . Bk*ot(dvillo 'Young,' ;People's' t Um,' .. .. .. . . arirl h.Ve children,' The cifiditti-are:. . , „ Tuesday' .tdglit they. toPped -': the . Mrs. :Warren' <Rosie) arble, •ot ,_irly, judge ••*ei6...,,atrest'ext 'or' Rtncefi. eld-sguad 15, to•113. Monite, :Utah; .MrS. kiYme.tke ipe'eding, , When thy arrived - in. .Murray Picnic 4rAntenegl thWlitt; -Mrs. 'leri (-14:1-' that,,..tio other jUdgo Wet .present ' The families,' deseetidant 'of the, eine). TergiiSeti,-and"Clarence'and.. .-.,i,, feTtnOy.deelded to try eath• ether. Willlaul -Itoutledgi. all of Lart' The' first ludo went, up orr,''''r.ue •Ipaicit:e3Aerr're°sIliddeNtrntSa'of:AilgStinT.°04,11TrtertritaY:f ,ford. ATho aurviving ate., twa:t.hro' Iierieit atia.41dt .1,V.Ott.* ar0 eherg- shipi held their AiitlIlla,-/ZlielliO at them; Arthur; Tow-1180nd; 'Of Gratin, .,,,aaa, lohii.vowns.dild, of... motai.!.,, leid; h'woimill d'eolt,seyeeettai:aitdhl'e!,;a.p., 4, e_d. litn, ': ,lowett's, Grove;` Hayfield, On Safer- Tbere....'.are...k.Pantlelitldfitt;„,:-4.116 ', ."GuiltY,"4 WAS the anSwer., i ' 'aufdYe.st'-'111tirlerthw4,!61;'Itiaeltret sweliaat-Ple:: five gOat-'&4.411"1111c.1rell sti'''''''llg' .."3/1ou are hereby /hied. five ilar-• Radeitak Mutray; 87., a :..Chicago,. Th6 .46'ee4e4: is 11 sister 161 lars:". - • ' ' ' and the .youngest. Was Carel Anii;-,. iirth,„.11LIIT,,,,*Uitiba„„e',,..„,4.„14,1.4f644•111..a..;..rt," Then: -they 'changed 'places. and- datightet of 'Itei, • and , Mrs, An --""1-' -atir - '.--- ...----, .s.' ..-' akaiii 'the pleas- Waa `%iiit4r-2!.. -, . drew 111,•Malcenale, of Acton. - 13eattili. M' ` z., and 0,,,,, `111tirop 'saidthi:•'othet• Judie, 'The -third Saturday' in 'July 'WAS. 7°1114fra.76.u.. 0.8euttrIge.;Wa's praea'rted bi- 'Thet4'eases: are beetnnipg far too ,itarned as the date of the next pie,, death iv' °no. sett, her parents'. And, Oommon., This is the-7SeedikUre:ase line: ' Oiesfa.PX0Seet4efe from 'Oti.:- of,this. 8ort 'We'te tadlhit'intith.', taWi,' TatontolAeton;•,..Loridon,, Et, tvViGhtbit‘"er:Was of .I.,ansford COO** kli: 1 hereby .fiYOd1: fe. . tl,11. Often.: ,Cotehire,agDoe.tr,140' trite. t4,,u, ritwiArnab. 0‘11r.,. unity. Cemetery. ' ' : •-' .ott,teo days; in jail'; .." Xt. and Bruce Gelmu and fAmily,,of Osbavve are Nisiting her. mother, Mrs, Southgate, Mr.', and Mrs. D. L IledVer And . family are camping ,at nmerwash 43711V.L. and Mrs. Eric- AlecU e are noliclaying in-Peterboro. • .Mrs: ',Ernest Geddes and Miss ary , Gedd,es visited 'friends for a few days at Lambeth atul Lenden. . -A/faster Alan.,MOLeart is visiting in Markham. Mr. ' and Mrs, A. W. SillerYi Peter,- SillorY and Rabert' giggs hare returned from holidays in the Bruce , Peninsula, , -,-Mr. and- Airs, J. IL' Grant, and family, of Waterloo, were "Stinday visitors in town. Mr- John Gi'arit, of waterloo, is a guest, at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. W. , and Mr.. Orville Okeand family are visiting 'in.' IV*Tichigan.'• - -'--T2-/O-I-Robertrmarison, ermanson and'ininily left. Sat- ur-day on a t ip td the, WeSt,. and on their return. will :i:eside in 10t, • - T II tawa, Where ...I, /0 iierMansini ilas been tiosted ForAlie- st year he has been 'on*edurse at RCAF ,Sta-, tion, :Clinton,- 'and •.gradtiated with ,hotiorslast_w,gek, . •Miss - Susan McLean- as. return- ed frorn a motor trip to Nova Sco- t . . , Mrs. Hugh Sproat, Of Cleveland, and Mrs,. Vralter Bai,r3„ an fain - _of „ De troit,',_,Wlio spent *Seme_ time' With *Mr: -and Mrs.'Presten! Tabor; have • ,returried 'to their' homes. 2"MerS, , , , „T *.-R. Brodie ' Toronto is a gues of Mr. ,an Mrs. anaes JA. ptir tertiel cease' Aaltdrj, the ea rihdoji:e1r. os dtly Mr. an :Visitingills. John i<ellar were hercousins, iilrs. W., , • - arg e f n All s'AL4 tt THEA Thursday, • iday • and Saturday "0i40 YELLER!' — Dorothy McGuire - you are looking for unforgettable drainal - If you are looking for the kind of action that makes. picture great! , - If' you are , looking for truly heart•touching entertainment - DON'T MISS "OLD YELLElft" ' TIIITRSDAY,-'-FItIDAV and SATUR,DAY Two Shows - 7:20 And 0:15 p.nr. omin 6‘11[ py ROAD" .„!L Clarksinirgi--West--Virginta. Miss 'Dianne'-'Fr'ee is spendmg ten days holidays ,at*ifurEin: Church • . Cpl. K. T, Adam's *and son, ,-,Ger- -ald,-of the forinees parents' -and 'sist.er;;. Mr. andE. Adams ansi pot• Oda.' • ' • * • - Mrs.' Gerald, Hulbert and' daugh- ter, Carol ,Len, and.,Mr an-d-•1VIrs. 'Frank .Knox, and son, James.' spent the;Weeliend .homeof Mrs. A. Bethune. • ' . John, Patterson is attending, the: Presbyteria-n Boys' Camp ';'at ;Kin - tail. • .• • • , - • ' Miss Sharon -Strong'. will appear' an a television ainatetir'contest Friday night: on Cfcl\T-TV.. -Jarnesqlelcibbon is criticatz ly, ill , in Wes tininster Lori - rfryii "' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson C. Smith; of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac McDonald, of Toronto, were guests, cd Mr. ann Mrs. Percy Little over, the weekend. r. and ICI' rs. 11, Little And sons have returned to St. 'Cath- arines after spending two weeks with Mr. ;and, Mrs. Percy. Little and other relatives and friends. , RAIICEL SERVICE • 'Alt;Passengeri Insured --PHONE8-: CECIL DAVE - 676 675 AISENINE6111101111111111111111M10147ft Tfifs. table for ,$L$ withe4t**4‘:SttiC'hair orderedi ttEN04:1', CHAfft -.Ptetenft bfflIce feitigue, , linpreves 'effEcieritY- '. 'own rObb et' cosh ian • 4400114r-; ectsfer.5,, table .$ecit 61./ei x 131/2". ,BrOWn,,green„; grov TABL5- ',Use' It as a scresnnin's....ttesk where' space is scorce: ideal far the -student Th the 'family. Center ,drowee,•for sup- , plies Ond d• -shell for books:: Type- writer. desk, height, 39" wide x 17", • .. deep, .Fiecp.ty. steel. Olive green, or' , r Cole grciy 00-745' Phon • •• ..„,•••• • : • •• • • 1•4,1 or142 Seaforth. , , Linda, of Dunnville, are spending Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and a few days at the home of her. family spent:Sunday-with Mr, and parents, Mr. arid" IiIrs:"..7.BeTt- Mrs. George' Weir and family, of Broome. anover„ -Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Scott are in , Mr. andivIrs. Ken..*Preszcater and Cleveland this - week attending famil3r'spent Sunday with„ Mr, and meethigs. a the Ameritean Poultry Mrs. ilawrence Crediton. ;Congress anci, •rtlqiesition. • '- Pa. and Mrs, Robert Grimoldby Mr.- arid Mn. Regier and, visited Monday, with Mr, and..Mra, "faulOY, lOssell; Ont., have re - Rosa Mann_ and family; of wittg,' rnovea 'to Seaforth and are occupy -- ham. I Ing :a residence on. West,...euritre Mrs. Art' Bromley, of -Kitchener, $t,, visited Tuesday With her parents, ,,Mayor B.,„ F. -Christie and Conn - Mr, and Mrs. lames Dale, and 04,1or A, Baldwin, were in Mr, and Mks. Dale and ')ViAghant on Monday eiiening tak- faniily. 144g part a '''Salixte,,,to. Seaforth;" lVirs. Robert Dalrymple,„ arid • Can 'you; think of a better, %easier, more eedtonitealf: ;WaY,'•'Of:-., gelling; rentingihr joh7filling 'than , a ...01aSsi-, Bed . ad,?' Telephone: .1417er. 142, The Huron 'tineSitor...-.:, pipliimoloommoloompliim.1.01.01100Ros: 'HEN.tAIL..11BRARY . ,• • ... , . the first two ,•yireek$:in 2, wili roen Tuesday, All book new du August .2nd ecia PRICE Console 'Reg'. $37900 Philco 'Table Model' - L1GS. $299.00 . r Special Sale - $215,00 ARTON PORTABLE — _-Special4ale- mote. otafte4 p have a 'Complete-. , Stock of Childri!i.wul Mitsesi: Shoes:. nd YOU CAN'T 13EAt OUR VALUES ! Phone 407 Napkin,9 Coasters Informals Stationery - 'THE HURON. EXPOSITOR No Nei:V.- Stoat Has AddecT The Kiddiei seaforth Ontario No RtrUNDS OR ExcHgNogs usiness a is ia. Complete, S,ell-Qui OPPOTIlgit-grOCIi NOT' SPECIALLYgKin Nze.a. 244. _.11e4,2to SAW,PRICE 8 - 245 4 4,95' al Pu rs, horts undlets— To defir, tit 99c ��s Sliott VIT*6 ..VinlitA PANTS . P :§1.2`os a -an-ci 4 - gnu lACE 1.99 volt AL BARGAINg See Our SOC & 2Se Boxrd3 IVY() ONLY Eirisses 104. ,$6.95