The Huron Expositor, 1958-07-11, Page 1'Ninety -1'qintli Year
Whole Number 4719
1, 1958
e COpies, 5 .
$ A Yen "Adv
' =Natural ga$vift be available in
Seib:nth Some time during the,first
two week's in September; Walker
H.Fleming, ,district Manager
"pastern Division of Union Gas,
, ,
told- The , -Expesttor. _Wednesday
norning.• ' . •
. • Work ' is: to. commence .inirnedi+--
ately • OTI.,:the lb,ying of distribution
syStems in -Mitchell • Seaforth and
r ,
en ar h
e'• Continuation- of the, St.. , Pat-, .Croniar -.Ronald ;-Murray,
'cies: garden:: PartY;,,,twhieh: had lin; Theresa".D-wyer, -Kitchener. '
, - • • -
een Pristlioned .the prevlousweelt; '-.:Shovver
S -herd= en Wedijeglay,.- night0 ith fifseelliilleadsiillieWer-ilPhaffor
good; attendance.. 'Vainous:,bobtbs 'of ,Miss,,IVIarg,aret .0?Rotirke, 'whole
and'..,games, 'were in' progress, ..111- "r0fri4ge,'to Mr. Ed -Ward Bow -land
' • ,iS event of July 19, '`was--.sPon,"
The draWing 011,t,t4t; t.lektS :s:ored lay--;- Miss Joan •;McLa-uglilbr
stilted as-InlieWs-:'-first?pritie.;;-,n calf, and Mrs. '1-fartleib' of -Kiteh'etier:
itylgene. Donnelly; -Dubin}, ., -wrist About fifty friends- neighbors
- 'cif- Donald Smith, iElliot Lalte.,, assembled to extend felicitations, to
-steafti ircia,-,Nor,valFlliOtt,-:•Dliblini: the proSpectave- bride. . An 10110-1
:1.440. Pon'MacRae,- W?:'s 'react ' by .\1I''- .1210 Mcoilactiagit=
Delle, Stratford; erald..qare:Y? lin, and the guest - f „lion r Was
, •• isSisted'in openi o
Of -china 'arid lialeir bYt'Mts's
vt• Ba!rbaf-a-"H"Keilly.: • ' • . •
4 S C
incti serve'cl bY thehs_ponSeis
and -their, :•t_ssistants.
.,.. • _ • -Altari-Society,--Narees- Officers,-.
ono er
The ---"regular -annual -meeticao ,"f
'A: dinner :party was-held.ln Ldn,-
.. on Saturday to 'honor d
Mrs. 'Brightrall: The party
, • was planned. by the. staff, of the
•Canadian Bank of Commerce' Mr
Erightrall, who •retires from bank-, next --,weekend,, has spenti-the
llast 14 years • s manager ,. of file
: branch.
Miss Janet 'Citiff,"Preiented
withi•a,.white and Pink'
varttatiOn -corsage,. After. dinner
.aecented': silver
coffee percolator -froin.".the 'staff.;
,Murray ;...reed -the -,felloWirig
Brightrali!.': AS, the
occasion of yeur..i.etirenient/whiah,
jeu..have,.been "-for-Ward' to.
-for time, ,..draws
• ".laaie,.;amaiTiged iet,-tegetli--
• expression 'of 'the:,esteerri'
in whieli you are,-held,by the stafcf,,'
`.6.0ur • aggoeiation;.bas' heen'Iong:
.nierriberAliat the-gotid,fOrtitrieWas,
ours fe-•haVe-had,.a.:•',Manager ,WhO
was 'always • congenial: ,wil
'Init7TfOrget, YeUr teed huniour and
,.ready;Wit gave. 14: p40.4.
light and happy inorifeirtg during
the ,inisbiess of :Fia,'routine,
'We knowthat.Your -retirement.
is:going to :Change. things, but we
have, conTidetice .;that our bonds of;
friendship are not going : to: be•
cfiate, to ay 'what -we Lcd at tlds
time; so wnwant."-,to 00,a tangible'
rg_t_nembrance;!n# ,that
Brightrall: and yen- will 'accept .this
gift from US' with.,'our 'best' wishes
for many long and happy nyears.',.
Usic Pupils
re Successful
k h • h Alt S 1,1
held recently. The appoint-
ment -of -office's for ,the current
yaear resulted as follows: pre -Side -lit
.ent,, lVfrs.. Fergus Kelly; second
1,(irs... John' Nagfa; vice,presl•
vice-president, Mrs: ,Joe McLaugo-
lin; 'third ;via e-presiclent, Mrs". Dail
.Castella-t treasurer, 'Ali's. Ed.-
'• •
= Mr.. and.Mrs", Edward- FIallinan-
an r. an . rs. Fergus. eynolns_
of Detroit,, attended -the -ThillterS-
Malene. wedding. on Saturday,
Mr-. , and Mrs. Fred ;Over. ulve
and children. 'Hamilton', with, mrS..
Slary FeeneY. '
1Vir. and MTS. Pete:Groseeh ,arid,
Lehildren, .Patricia" ',C6Stello";
•rente;-' and Mr, ..and,.
,Krauskopf , and "DahriY,',Costello, of
Newcastle, with' Mk,. a•nd Mrs'. Dan
Costello. • • -- '
.Mr.. and Mrs'. John .T.,raPpier,,--of„
.1Vieliefeal; and-art;;..,-,and-.---11/1-rs.- Ed
. --
Ward }Tolland, ,Torianto, , wdh
and Mrs. GeOrge- '
• ..and 'Mrs. Vander 'Walher,
with Mr .-,and
Clinton; ' he said, , A ethitract fOr
'oda], distribiitioh,"lines, will" be
awarded -within::1 daY „
, Meanwhile, a. tethporary, Held
Office is being' opened 'in Seaforth
in the -'stbre reeentIY vacated by
Dennis Electide:,, in the, Chainber-
lain block:' The- office Willprocess
inquiries received frOM the dis
AS. as serveas.,lhead-,
quarterS- for local Construction
;Work....:11,16derri,-gas-"applianceS7, Wille
pointed .-th the .office_ staff .for the
sumther 'is;Roa.ScoinS,-2cif .SeafOrtlf;:,--
" While. work ,on ,ther
'nussion line. from" ,Stratford:' to,
Go,derich,S 1 not ,comineiine'
a. short e. inle, 1\11%. .Fletriing, said
the --.1hie----Would-jfe -:,'ecarnifleted
Goderieli in. thine „lot. the- ePtg m
ber deadline.This eontraet also
,sca, CoMPah.Y ,pffiCialS Said: .In , the
-meanfairefe;','; 'tratismission,..i pipe- as
-.of.„, the line., j.d is beitt'itg•-lhnlo (1
d.t ''Id- bv 'Titatik
-Seaforth ' •
. A line-, .serve-' Seafortif1447ill-
hrlincli' off the Main transmission"
.neint west of the Sea;
. Seal:Ortiz:- The has' been .graded
an a \ et e , an a e moment
,tight 'Music students of IVIrs:.
'WiUlain Collins were. suCCessful • in
ruid--Suntriler .61taininatiOns; ' 'The
music. exathinations•s- are' -'corid-Uct-
ett the, "UniVerSitY. of • Western
, thitartO Conservatory Music.'
• These passing",,Were: Gracle 11.
Grade III, ray, Matheson, 'honors;
Grade. Di "Oodkin; Grade V.
Mary! MeIcercher,... herfors; Grade
V1,, IGWendolyn'. Storey, • honors,
„sndi"'rhompson and Joyee' RreWn;
boners; Doris:Walker,.
. the , theory exarnitiations •the
were. successful:, Grade'
It jiidy ThempSen, lirsf-class
•ort, 'with 95 marks; Doris Welker;‘
"bettors; , Sat* Fat, paSs; Grade 11,
.Joyee-Brown, pass. -' •
e DilL • ••
Miss Barbara Kelly, Sebringvilie,
with Miss, Margaret O'Rourke.
Mr.• and Mrs. Bill Diturptty, ,Port
Colborne, vvith 111-r. and Mrs. Chas.
Kisttier- and „Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
with Mr. Matt- Murray. ,
, Mrs. 'Catherine Ryan, Stratford,
IVIrs. M. Schulman and Mr.
Pat Maloney.
Mr: and Mrs. Bill Stewart, of
Kitchener, with. friends.
Sgt. and Mrs. R. Zadou, of RC,
t ensal
AF Station,' Clinton,, have rented
the home of Mr. -Peter lVfaloney.
'Mr. John Kahue, Chattain,,with
Mr. Matt, Coyne,.
IMr.,ahd Mrs. Frank KrauSkopf,
i'illsontuirg, with Mrs. 'Catherine
.Mr. and - Mrs. Hugh Benninger in
Owen Sound, . • 7-
I Miss; Linda Nagle, Stratford, with
Mr. arid Mrs. Michael Nagle.
Sixty.).sed, school desks like-
ly be Purchased.- from -Iterisall
"council by the Stanley Township
- School Area Hoard. Two mernhert
.-of the bttard. appeared at the conn--
sesSion Monday night and in-
quired -concerning •the , purchase `Of
the desks. '
The ,desks .are part of the furn-
ishings still stored in the old ,Ilen.
salt school. Earlier in the meeting
Clerk Paterson was'instrhot-
'-.ed to, ,diSpote of all the furnishings
if possible. , , •
' Council deckledto order 'a
ducer fir the firetlepartment and
260 'feet „of 15. -inch hose. At the
same time a' charge -will be made
-to Tifekersinith Township for :i fire
at R. MeNichas on .lune 3,'for
two hours), and. at 0. Egre's on
Juli_e 12; for two hours.
..tteeve Norman --Jones was in.
strutted to, -declare Monday. Aug.
pulalic holiday. • ' •
.E, R. Davis reporte(„, that the
_Parking lot at the rear o! the Town
hall is now ready_fer„use. Ife alSo
told ceundil that Oig Street was
,marled for parking' and all sigrts
are now erected. •
tavis and Elliott Contracting
CoMPanies' at Clinton Will be con-
tacted regarding prices for -aSpligit-
jug, grading and filling the streets
of the village, '
!being USed ..ter the 'sterage:-
Learn -
o; Swm
. Children- of Seaforth and
are priee again enjoying the bene:
fits of 'free l\vininfing=„instriaction.
To date, 455 children, have enrolled
Lor the instruction provided at th,
-Seaforth Lions :Pool, '
Adult Classes; too,' are underwaY.
Tuesday' night ten. adults she ed ,
for the first lessen. In. all, 16. are
registered: '
• ' the Present bine,. Seaforth
Lions 'Club are:conducting- a cam-
in the area for funds to *re-'
-tire--the,..indelitedness of. the new: -
'pool construction. ,.Denatiens reo
ceiVeditp tb.this•Week totalled ever
$600, Treasurer E, Keating aid
The campai'gn continues,
• ,
p an
For Xnios'.., Tree,
• Despite the tact that Se_afortli
. . ,
--. is enjoying some of:the:Warm-
. est weather ef .,the •season, the
town:ig.leeking ' alidad'.te win-.
ter. ,
To.Yi;rn employees, along with
..-trienthers of-e-the-Public;;IjtilitY
Corninissioni „recently corriplet!! •
.ed Work viva perniarient
. The' Stand, -in trent Of the, Town •
Hall; used each ;winter"-
' to hold Ahe annual, Christmas,:
tree '..sponsored • by Seaforthl,
,,Lions Club."' ' , •.. .
'IJntil,recent years-, the -tree
was jLdated-at .the intersection .
of Goderich .and Streets.
- This createtl'a traffic problerri,':
go, it:. wag. '..naoved -to the; front ,
of .the t Hall, where the,
',new stand bas now ,been
'All'. this Serves,. to
-people there are just 140 shop- "
-ping days,
'til Cbristnlkas,
. ,
-Increasing interest is aPparent interest -officials said. iciencY, of, in arketir.,9, o t
among district farmers as:the July A fina71 appeal to the 'Farm. Pio- er place in North Anierica
25 vote bii continuing', the Ontario ducts Marketing -Board, can be total cost of -marketing hogs as' low,
Hog., Producers' ,mark.eting, "Plan_ made July 14, 15, and 16, at- Toro..- as in Ontario.. The current market- .
draws near.' In • the six Ownships to., After. that, date; no changes in g sYstem has also reduced -the
inthe Seaforth, area, 1,821 prodtic- inay be = made in the list and ev- operating costs ..of the packers:15Y
ers are eligible - to vote for or eryone -pn. it can' vote. 'There are eliminating `uncler-the-tablel
against -the plan.. ' , age:or citizenship reouiretomits ..inents. to, the -transport "
-Preliminary voters* . pre- lei voting. All that is reCluiredtts Mar,ketinx'Con
Pared- by:,township clerks acr,ing. as. that a-penson•be a Koducer'ofliogs proc_e,sTsbi--- so -in -re -times' a
_ _ , _ _
returning officers,, were revised at for slaughter, transporters to . get t no
sittings held in each township , Voting oh the abarketing4 plan livered to his -0W31 pirlaTrfr,t;
,Friday. With • 'the exception of will slart at -10- a.m., local tirne, than elsewhere. lArith 0110 02
Grey Township, where --names July 25, -with' polls M township, of- system_ of marketing "Ya -t4
,were deleted and 10 added,' Chang- fieeS Upell UT1Til 8 p.111. , open, bidding.' -this is eliniin
es..Were. routine alid aroused little The. 110 '.111 be' the second for and that money can be s't4
- - 20 011-2 ollijoegr atPirconglin'tair.l.ilts\Fai,1,a'erhi_o`uhsaSfo'br%11. chobri4f_ilorerliceca-Ssetestattilees,:p.fo_d:11:
since 1953, The firlt vote wa.s talc.- • ..State„. Objections,
en in 1945, but. it was several years,' In the nieantiim2, oopah
before the marketing Plan started, the plants growing -in swat'
operations. . • • .'' , Southwestern'Ontiirio
1-11girls at the annual Achieve
_girls _who completed, " 4-11. ho"
- tarh) -reedanition Were Ruth ,Cr
i'ehieved by Seaforth District - 1
',Day held at. SD ILS The
hag projects to gain -Oa-
ra r
aireietil'a"rs' of [he liSts'in, aa.cli, of a -forra lette- 'b
t.hetawriShips' .as" 101 1.102,.
re :Nursing a horse,that was thought i'''FFCKERSIVETH-L204- 611 Prelini- the+ Pr°virice' "
to be past the racing stage:paid inacY list; 15 added; 21'9 611'final I' is 5i24'gr""''''''
, paced to a top '
S°ftfr.a. LtharsolY,'eJealkc. 'Jake Baroo.'rapteirel,g 2oen5-o:t'larathobmtle‘ei so hohvg(}':dgic...1. in:'POe:la'g.b.116:13.1a.'1,an811:3,,, e-
1 win 4r11-Pc-seeCoadt'clivision of the tittl'
c,D7-:, pate, ideRILEOP-31 5' 911 preliminar board -the...sole,,and;',,'
421 vnra1'honCrES were_ presen
. ,
National.„}lan r Shelf Helen
'0 :':fl Sealorth.4-}I girls Thurs,-
day at the ann.ual Achievenient
day "at Seafortia District, - High
School.- Agnes, Hicknell,
and Ruth Crozier, Seaforth,, atong
with Mary Skinner, nd le,
....were each_ presented with. the hon-
ors- for completing, 12 4-1-I home-
makine dub projects."Fresetatation
1102, made' bY Sir:. Emery 1?e,S..jar,
dins, president of 'the Huron Stint,h
We .en s "trite..
Particitiating in the event were
132_ 1-11 club girls; 'w b.o worked on
• is eat rotec- , -The- -G 1
Stands on .Gua,rd." , -
During the .afternoon sesSion
'county. honors 'Were also,,presented
to several girls 'who haffebinpleted'.
„s_12.,,,,...p_rpjects. They vicre ElSie
Co no,
Grace ,Doig, Sheila Malone, -all, of
IVIcK.illop, arid Haugh,' Sear -
forth' district. The t ir 14 -id on.
diSplay: ;their -record 'books, safety
_Charts' and first-aid kits; .-.
were -made -throughout the -project,.
. _ .
- .The .mOrning program ,,con.sisted
of judging of .a. class • of.L,rnenns ,hy
the ,;girls.' giving 'oral ..reaSoris also
idernitying''.haards;:Tan ng,a
construetive? comments • were-,giycn.
by „Miss:Shirley Patterson; Home
'EpOnornist for }Turin?: ' •
• . The 'afternoon' pregraan'cOnsiSted
of work .being- presented by the:,1„.1(
were presented' by Clinton on,' "It's
;Great•?,:at-paiiadian,"• -Credi--
teri presented; ;`,..`,One.WaY, ,To. Geed,
Health," with Jean' Kreuger.,cerri-•
„trientating- -:.11‘urinidale presented,
"Six' Books 1- Have..Reatl,"
:ineatated by -Bernice Strang:. Sea-,
forth „presented,' • "One , Way ..Tp -
Good. Health," .With Anfenette, Van
Den :Henget .Coninfentating; and
Seaforth: District', presented, '12A
Enjoy," with Janet Mac-
Gregor ..,corrinientatitig.--, ° • , ,
-.Skits and demenStrationg were
presented::-..-Da'sliWoOd, First Aid in
the, Home, 0Tan Regtemyer, -.Jean
Guenther' 'Anne. Koehler,' ::Lynda
Tienian, Carole Schad; Ehrayille,
,Sharley Jaques,. Betty Ann
Stephens, Siu o ns, ... a
Brock, „ Linda' -Westcolt; Grand
Rend Spending Our Time `Oat- 014 Safety - on the- -Highviay,
Faye Little, Janet McKercher ancI
)an P510.
lAssisting -Miss Patterson- were'
Mrs. Rob,ert IVIcKercber, ' of Sea -
forth; MiSs Mary Lou Black, .neW-
ly-appoilated. home economist tor
Bruce' County' Maxine 13ri,thtwell,
Stratford,- an :NESS Flora "until,
Home' Econerhist for Grey arid
Dufferiri Counties.
;The leaders -of-the-clubs Parb-gl-
Pating Were: 'Clinton", Mrs. C. -Nei: -
situ an.dMrs. `T. O'Connell; Credi-
tor': Mrs, -Ed. La mport and .11•Irs..
L D h ' s J
Tiemon..and Mrs..,Hoffinari;"
• '111rs."'N.'',Saques. and lyliss 11.
Skinner; Grand, -Bend: -.Mrs.. • Ed.
Gill and Mrs. D. Hendrick; Huron:
dale; Mrs. . Moir ,and Mrs. II.,
• ; cKillop :.' Mrs. < Keys., and,
'Mrs G E Papple; Seaforth Dis-
trict Mrs P7.- .L. Whyte, and, Mrs.
Broadfoot; Seaforth,,, Mr's. D. ‘'Nix-
on and Mrs. G. McKenzie. •
Deirly, 'Start On
ntario '116spital
irs1.1.:,OVer.' Of
agu, • .:. .
t7:-§-751.elet,ed-t ,
ton 'following an accident.:.Beeatise Mtn tin
of the: sarioliairlatilre".91:iia, .1-eje-fed;,-;•••,-,346 . final- :PalSior-L' heyr
the racing ccal'irtsehroatft.,:tFheoll-hoowrtieo.\;',/,),I,Q,S,f,:recrst -cStiaLnpapdoirat,n-',:,f, ar
-p..Obbas:0;--,mr,:-....,proomp. very care- js' at, tonfrhbfay always ..a et: great:. gtol
fully and --tediouslY nursed the an bor,o „ in, -lust as their pioneer forefather
, m 1,-11,-1,1,-, .to 1,2 alth; - on- preliminary, • Ase ace'
edore -'o'
itself fotftdving this ra42e: OcEl. fetfablice;i? nd gicrle;s' ni‘ if ,d1' s-p!oeret president.1 .611'1d, oraniea
oi1ts.heg.&ve- this horse spea for s1 :1 -the pre14ents4e.e,
In the C" pace at the Strath P.C. Veting • is . at To,vnahip .01- 1.10-g.- Producers' Association.;
place win.' '. .HIBBEBT-24.2- on -Preljillit try .ifiettle ,, ,. •
list; 22 added; 4 deleted; 260 011 '!'The' Ili:air-Lena/ice 0,
horse, Thunder BaY, to a thild-
,, ' final_ list Officers . .,. Foy Bnr has beeri.2 all i•-aport '
chill D. 0 , ' a d 0 Care, P C alThost' all farm or. i",arii±,
--Voting -is- at - Township Hall,Staffa. as it has in Canadian liai
MORRIS ---,318-- on , prelithinary In the face e_ o d
list- 28 ad: eed - 346 -,on f,inal list. I.1-,:nr• mesiss-u, re.: .antliAn)tui:ds,. ea, ch p:Pot-n;,;ot,_1..
.1 , , • . ,' - •
,siccecia service. Friday
.iiigiiti,. ,In :oanfid-,e7.(A;rsliFaDr_raesteGrs,-,eloi:r:IVInilaiiiv•9f014"ttiir:gB. obNelienn,i.d‘oetlifairye,iinsippellita.iat pinol cguid.hina
in ucta n r 41 1,-
int, ..,Torth'side -United ' Church at a place '61: th'e 76\kilstfil-'''' Hall:- - - - - IL tbre-odnaVeirestes„ A°sIso'eti.haet,:to°nr:,,A.Trt',H6
-, 'Rev.' J.-,:C...",--;Bri ii, was, inducted -
Ac ion ea irio- o t ,e . present ,
‘,clia.rge of the:induction were ,mem-
bers. of ,thelturon.PresbYtery. ,
BidtictiriiiWas :carried,- out by
Rev. A. E: Eustace,,B,A.; of North
.Street ' United Cliurch-; Gbdericli.
Granr-Mills, Ontario • Street
charge to the neNir'ininistef Serip-
pare was read by J. A. Sinder,, lay
repteSentative andAreaSurer of the
London cOriference;.:.
relldwing Mr. Iritteri's induCtien
be was C.o.nductel by Mr, Eus,tabe
-to the -pulpit at Which' time he afi:
vote- dates out. 1941 -w e
Ilt0713_ „I:go dbueceearuss' Ans.: Occoina tai jotnionswains er
formed, The a,sgocia tion came in-
' - rn n od e- 0.!1 12 CY ani
the industly which a pr
ducers. ecrelary- reas.
At ,that time less than . --10 par _
cent of...the hogs pre -clued . ,On: Members o.C,. Seaforth Dist -Het
tario werb 'sold -on the public sok 'High ,School Board, meeting Tues-
yards- and,-a-l.resUlt there was day evening; deferred action _to
no effective :price -setting market. name a, Secretary -treasurer,
With ever 90 Der cent of the hogs stead,. Principal L. P. Plumsteel
d d d ing elivered- o
-a hospital-s'lhOol er.,:re,tar...ed,,c il • en: 4,t• 0, er10 110,WICe --the'last.13.y.mir . and,pro,:-.J.Pe„ d• . direct t the,pack- : was , appointed to the office .Cua. 'a .
should $fia :p..lhe7S-Pring:Cli"Tsurn,--. flourited,the.benedictinit.,...,,•.„L.....--:•'-lUi,i'.',Plant,"-'.,7th-e?'e "-`,,va.8..-714rti,tal.11."..t10., -tempt) r a rjr 'basis.. .1,,b 6 ileceSSit,y2, to
..tner. 'of ..1959.,.,chariesTIVIacNaugh-:..'[... A- 1;5ci•41-'11:6-tir.lAras..-renieyed'in Tt-lii'-epeir-bititlitig;t:on -the-•parket'.-for--fill.,:the-position.-a-reSe•i•two-----weeks--:-.•'-- -
, ton, '•Ex,etei, = 1VI.X.P. 'for Iiiiren, :chnreit' SehhoL:-following.',..'the'--:Ser....hOgS::',..:::!,' . -.,.., • • . . ' : , ;ago :with -the. death of ' 'Merton - A..
announ.eed this week that .,a',. start , vide. -.linnet' .„ was - SerVed.' bY'' the ''1,1a.e.",.Ontario Hog,. :Producers, Co Heid. Reid." • : ::. ' . _-..„:
would liltelyto made. at •that dine: ladies. , ',Rei:',,.:D....:-'1;eslie ...Eleer,-1•Opi •j.l.,0i-',1Preoarillg ': for. the ',', vote; The.,board waS, informed the pro =
:Notices :*ill be 'Sent to the PrO-.,: :VirSt.l'resbYte-tiati"011ureli;brOught 1 l'-leiiit'S =:iiiitt that...the". central. 'sales grain,. of ''stitniner:'-work,"!at . the
Perty,'idwrierS • On ',the ..Site, Or , thd greetings. .-1'qr.' ' 'and,. Mit,', Bri:tton !agency '''•noiii. ,robtrus' more : illeiieY';'SeliboI WAS under'way::-. It includes
'ProPPsOd-hoOlaital,,'Mr.."MaeN0gh'-' 'spoke ' a few -words of. tho,ritis . 'owl to •' the. ''producer, at , "no extra '.cnst,-,redecoieting,',". heating alteratieng,
ton . said; advising them 'that.'the-, ,greetfog , to: tho, gqeas andnicin_. tothe, densunier'i, ,and that part of and •=changes. • in . -the Stairs. in .the
by the ProVinee;.,will.„be, taken np:::,:T.On_StintlaY.,..inorning 'Mr.: DrittiOn, " • • ' — ' '
...The' : lateness .• of the: start is • due Cdngregation,,:.taking , his text .frorit
bYjuly 15, the .. efition, expiry date,, preached . Es.' first sermon to 'the,
8:6s1014.44;''dOrie,',VY' .the,A31-4-iiiiiiii,.:. 6 , ll'elir-: in First -.:.:,Presbyterian
options on their'land,.`presetitly held!. bers -Of .the annigorra. ticiri • '• --. this'.'saying is achieved thro ef.-:::inaiii 'buildmg . .'-,`' '..‘
ject .'. and. the..:.1 act that_ all an ''-. • Jriainder/bf.':Jiily and the first Suil-,
teetural: and :engineering' WO& and . day '.in'AuguSt;..jOirit,."'SerYic:Ps." Win,
to the. extensive.nattire'of the pre- L ;Corinthians '.214 2., P-01'' the.,06i,
division .Church with:Mr. Drittonpreaelting.,'.
e ..,departmentl
I -The _aunlIth Nerris. reunion was
hel#, in the Lions Park,. M.itChell;
Sunday -with about 75 -members of.
the 'clan present.. Members attend,
ed from Detroit, Ilantilton,, Strat."-'
ford,- Seaforth; Ilensall, • Mitchell.
and surrounding district; .
.' A new. 'slate Of. Officers Were
elected. for 1959:- president', Earry.
Norris., Sr., • Cromarty; 'vice-presis
dent, Arnold West/eke,- Cromarty;'
secretary, Mrs,. Arnold, Westlake,
Cromarty; sporta committee,? Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Parker, Mr. and
Mrs. I-lugh Flynn and Mr. and Mrs..
John Jlowie; table conveners, Mr.
and Mrs. Prank Pinder,. Mr; ahd,
-Mrs: Lorne Aiken, Mr,- and Mrs.
Mr,. --;and, Mrs.' Mac
Winners - in sports were: chil-.
ciren, live years and. under, Robert
Clarke; girls, la and tinder,. Gail
Storey: boys, 10 and un -der, ;Don-
ny three-legged race;
David Williayns and: john Jacobi; ,
'young ' ladies'. race, Donna Flynn
and Gail Storey) young men's race,
David, Williams and•PlIugh.'Plynn;
balloon, race,' Denna Flynn- and
Retty,Storen life saver race, Ilugh
side; kick the slipper, lad-
ies, Lila Storey;„ men; Bob Clarke;
graceful walk, Norie Jacobi. .-
The annual picnic - of Egmondville
United Chtirelt- Was held at ...the
Lions Park on Wednesday. A spied.,"
didrepresentation of church fain -
Bios enjoyed gaines, and•tportt in
the afternoon under" the-CO-nye/lei-
thip .of Mitt Itena McKenzie and
Mrs. Roy `11eGonigle, A bountiful
ienic sur, with-, Mrs. Elmore
tephentori as convener,"Was ens
*Wed by all. •
SPortt," results., Mission Band,
Children's race, 'Paul Stephenson,'
jiMMie. Finlayson; boys, 8 anti
under,, Stephenson-, Jinitnie
Finlayson: girls; -8 'arid under, Lin-
da Forbes, Della Wallace; bdys, 11
'aint'Under, Colin Haney, Jimmie
Finlayson, PanrStephenson;
11and under„ -.Lois Tyndall; "Anita
Hiliman;, three-legged 'bate,' boys,.
J.Int Knight and Jim Royest- three-
legged race,' girlsi.Loit Tyndall and.
Anita: Ilillinah; 'Stork' race,'
Della W'allaae;'Anita Ifillinati; boys'
stork .race, John -Stoll,. Torny
Papple and Jack, .'Stoll,
n, tied;,
boys': leap. frog; John Stoll ,Jaelc,
McLachlan; , girls' crab race. Lois
Tyndall, Anita Hillman; boys' bun-
ny ear race, John Stoll, Paul Steph-
enson;'imys",kick the slipper, -Jim
Pirdaysent. girls'kick the slipper,
Grace, Stephenson, Mrs- Art Fin-
layson; • rolling pin' rade, boys,
Tomr%Y. Papple, Colin Raney; iad-
41,W race,.,••Margaret Woods.,, Mar-
jorie Papple; slow, ;Motion walk,
ote minute, Julie Chapple, Mfg..
A: rinlayson; 'clotheS, pins -on ears,
Anita Itiliman, 'Allan Hillman;
lucky,' spot, Mrs. Art . Finlayson,
Mitt'1.4 McMillan; relay race Mrs..
Art ,Firda'yton't team; blind race,
June'- MeLachlan, Gail Finlayson;
wheelbarrow race, Tommy Pap-
Ple and Marjorie, Papple, Margaret
Woods and John 'Stoll, ,
?•:•W.I. "
. .
The- Seaforth Women's :InStittite
held. their, annual, picnic on Mon-,
day- evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 11, J. Doig. There, Were
over -190 .in attendance..." -
-'Sports - .directed','• bjt Earl
Papple and :Mrs. Gordan Papplp
Were erijoyecL.- The prize winners.
are. as :follotsts:„ ;Preschool chil-
dren, -Rickey -11/lacKenzie 8 .years
and under,. boys and tirlS,
tine Sharon Strong; 10' years
and under, boys and girls, TOIA
Papple, Allan Ilifilson: 12 years and
under, boys,. and ,girts, Itoba Doig,
Joan IlrYce; young men, Arnold
Taylor, Martin :Wilts; ye -Wig lad-
ies Marjorie 'Papple, Grate Doig;
noddle racer WS. 'Wilfred 'Cole -
Man and gess Gordon; thread-the-
neele, Mrs.
Gordon Mel(en2ie and•
, • .
n n u
M'artiti Wilts;7wheelbarrow ' rage„
Arnold, 'Taylor and Reba Doig; Bill
Strong- ,i34 GraCe. Doig;,;••ballOori
r,ace, Mrs, Howard -Wilson- 'and-tes'7.
lie ...,P,fyce; . bean, relay race; 'Mrs.
H. M. iScetes team; ,dress-up..relay,
''Leonartl.Strotig's teant.
tagidg 'iiiek tfitl-sliplier, Mrs: Ev-
'erett, StoreY;;T.Mrs, 'Harold HUgill;
girit ,Itick the,. glipper, 'Grace Dog,
Sean; • McNanglftbn;. 'boys 'kick the.
slipper, '' Wayne 'Wilson, ••''Martin
Wilt; inert kiekthe slipper; .Sandy
Doig, •Harold lingill;- lady birth
day cloSest . to „picnic, ;,,firjrz -Towns.-
end; men'S'birthday'clotett to pie,.
Mei Wilfred.,Colernan;,. Wedding an-
niversaryclosest to picnic,. Mr,'
404 -Mrs.,' Eldin Herr; persofieem-
ing the. farthest,- Anne Elliott; Jun:,
for Farmer of, England, youngest rfed .couple,. Mr.. and Mrs: ;Ronald view- ark, The president' was ,
person ' present; 'Paul Storey; put. Drager, Seaforth; :oldest , bachelor, asked .for a few Words. .... ' •• :;":
tirig•diaperon, the baby, Alex .13ep? Ed 'Lefrinhardt, RR „2,-Walton;:largs - Sports; Were .run .off in the'',balL.
per; Graham 'Herr; 'guesting jelly est' family present,'' lift": -and , '14' ' ThereVereraCes -„aild contests kir
'beans ,in- a jar, men, Roger Ilatigh; ,Iteith parsons, ,Staffa: ,'' ' . . the children; a..contest for. ;the r
ladies; ' Ivy Townsend: . , ....' , , Rade results: girls ; 1-5,. ' Starr men,. who* 'Were ,P`aired. Off and'
, Miss : Anne Elliott, .nf . England, 'Elscler; Sharon Reek; beYs,, 1-5, one actedas a model While the
showed ' of:: 'interesting, Earl Leonhardt,. 'Brian, Oldfield; other fashioned a sack' dress .for
places in:Northumberland Cbunty, "girla ,, 6 and 7,..Patricia Querenges- his partner out -39f newSpaperS and,
Where:,;slie lives. . ° , , : ser, ,13,everley Sholdiee; . bort .6",ahd .toothpicks. Bill. Prock; the .P1e511,'.
A bonntiful hineh of hot dogs; pie ',7,',, jurimy Diegelyr-leurie Pitcher; ded; Was the best, dressmaker•for.
and ice cream 'and doirghnuts;was 'girls 9,ond-9; 'Heather Moore,.81iir, his partner, Mr.. Apel, of Galt,..
served,. Conveners' of lunch being ley: Vock; 'bogs a and 9, Donald ,Mrs, Myrtle :Then, .of Saskatoon.;
Mr8,.,wfified coientati.;.::Nios. Leon: Dibg4 „rfavid, Leoiihrat; girls .19,, won for the /Post graceful Walker'
ard, Strong: ncl Mrs: I.,,orne. Garter. 14.*I4,- Susan- Querengesser,!'Soyee Mrs., Wilbur, Hunter, •freiti , Salvai
. • 431E1 , ti. 41..i , • Rodkj boys 10„.11., 12, Renal Reck- dor, • Sask.,: for the person coming
\ '-15
inan',., 'Bruce 'Wright; girls- 13-15-,' the, greatest . distance, "and . mrs,
The 21.ii n al Dieget r.elinion' Cheri Kressler;• boy,s 18-15, Arthur Piank 'Coates • for ' the - ,oldett per,"
waS.-held, at prim of • Mr- and' Diegel, • Ray ! 13,04;. young la:dies, son preSent," She was :on the' Wel.,
Mrt.' Martin' pie el, RR 2; WaTtolli Mrs. Jo3ree Fitelief, Mrs.:. Alden coning = committee with Mrs. Len
on Sunday, June :29 -with a. Very Diegel;• youO• Men, C,,6.rit Wfoore, Tebbutty.op'Seaforth; and' Mrs. gv..
good .erowd attending, Games were- 'Gary 'Hint; peanut se:ramble, Dong;; erest' 'Skinner, of .Exeter,'
-played :•and_races -were..rtift. :, • Us .:.LeonhavdV, : Earl. Zebithardt,;. The.. President Was, OOMpliment
Martin Diegel; ;the p58 presi-. throwing the 'ball, Dottglas Leon- -cd 'on the nes'- 'red and'ililaite Min,
dent, conduefed the .business ,rneets hardt;' threelegged rade, .Riehard ter banner that \Vat used,this year.
Mg, , it wa.s, decided- to hold „thonhard; Patil Priestap. . There'Weremembers, :present from
1959 reunion at the l'4.odliagen7e: Leand . . .• - -; • ' 'alvader, Sas' k.; Saskatoon, SeS,k.',.
District Chainher of Commerce, __,_ - /V S
REUNI.ON, ' 8pringfield; Galt ,Stratford Ailsa
Park on the SundaY before July 1.• , The' Ilunter• family met at Itrv-; ctaig, Lainbeth, Londoft,'-'Lu'eati,
The folloWing ...are tlie. ()Ricers .erview Park, Exeter, for theirlifth, .seafortli, London, llensall, ,centra.
and committees for :next: . year:- picnic, • Sattirday5 . julY )5; s but the lig, Exeter and -Granton,. Mrs:.
Presiderit, Russell Sheldice;.. secte. Weather Was Mich that filo inov- William Diekens,. of.-Lneau, Well
tary-treaturer, Gary Sholdiera;;;bin; 0, into the Exeter iratich';'Orthe-Ilie prize for halting the 'largest
go Cominittee, 1Vti. and Mrt.• g --at. family present.
tin. Mega., and 'Mrs. George joyed wonderful -pienie supper,
QUineY; lyirt.:Gee.„ Rock; 'despite the, Showers... .
sports ,!doinrpittee, end ." Mrs, -the president, acted'.
1Yr;i1tOri; Rapien,7,Mi7. 8:nd Mre, John as inaster'61 .'eerenionieS.. 'After. alt
aPrafielel,, Mr.' and MI'S.' Don Mar- had.gathered- at the.lableS, tor: Sub,4,-
kle;• . • ceminittee,' 'Mt. : "'and per., :-had a ' Minute's : 'Silence
Mrs Ronald' Drager, .Mr. andMrs, .memorY of those: •:; Of, the kin
Dalton ,Diegel; solth411,-; • ,RaY11,11-M4
Drager; 'Irforseshoe,, ,
• 'Residts .of SpOrte, and.. eventsr.
-oldest lady present' Mrs., Jelin0.
gent ..pres
eat, •Geerge,,piege1,), l3rodhagen;
Youriges.t, present, ,Douglas .Rapien,
son .';of. and Wirs,,
Milton Stratford;., .Perseh
:coming. .farthest,.. It:Osten • .Diegel,
Perth,' Oat; longest married': con.:
. and MrS. George Leon-,
hardt' RR '2, Walton; latest .rriar.
that had nassed on during, the year.
The Grace. was then -sung, Jed' by
•pebby Jiist :15efore sup-
per wag.: over, the president' .took
'charge„ of the business -„,:•and •Sdc-
retary' Ray Lainrnieqread themin,
tites of the last Picnic arid. read out.
the slate of r.officers -that: the man-
ago:tient • committee' brought in;
When Stuart Griff; of London, was
presidentseleet Tor .'•.1959
whiCli will again be; leld on the
first atarday in at River:,
Canadian. Legion Hall and all en-
. • •
8HM11 FOLLOWING Ithett recent marriage in LticknoW
-*Friday,,, ;Tune are , Mr, and, Mrs. 'William Richardseh Smith,
The 'bride it the former Donelda Jean Nicholson, forinerlY en'
the staff of: Scott Memorial Hos anal here, and is the daughtete •
of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Nicholson, ,of LiteknoW. Mr^. "Smith;
Well-known Seaforth btrairieSSMaii, is a son of Mrs. Sinith and
the late W. D. Smith, - (Ph:OtO by Phillips)