The Huron Expositor, 1958-06-20, Page 477�:17 i'[�
aum, ONT.,
",VD $EAM. ME -,00 Im
ensa� el.,� '--:omme
0- ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
to age
W. wardrobe, tir�peo�;' eliect'r$c, atolve
las§j th
fled.'Ads Itisert t New, Low Cwh Ata r0frig
FOVNDi ETC. 0� Per W
-1 Cen - ' ' TERM$,-Cui;h� �, ...
Foo - a. rs roM 0
rd ua1rai,`t,7,,,oV, o - tto n, tor
VM" WANTE ., 0, - t . 48i Ar4o He
ee, i
--11.1t W 'Ic Rensall',01lamber ot Commerce,' Mr. and M 1 and th
r&I iaaird '�Oclde piti. :on Tuesday e, car were.estimated- �at"$l ow
Tb .;iifinual deqo n, service evening
An -'Velak, ............. %'d , ent,,, PropWetor., -WORNMAN' ay 9 a
iL V.
w"r -Harold JackeQn: -wM1 take 1�placq: at ra d's � ceme- Mrs. - J. i B. McEwan?s group in
Balpr at their dinner mpefing,Wedmd child and Mr. �lnd Mrs� Stanley To knalieNck received. lac6fation' t*
night; -eiltertaified, g6ests Mickle. were gue�ts'.Slmda�,6f ]Rev. charge of the devotional. Miss a but �Was'relen
Clerk� E, P. Chesney. from
li�iinliziuilaa. e,. eacla insertion... 2�5 pentiv- Q*U' - �2; at, a'00. liarid,; , . ,
20 ry Subaa�, June t I
tt I rea -Lat-`South-r
"Eaph figuri %blatevistion counts �si one ;rcsr
f Zurich; 'Goderich The and Mrs. W., J.. t4gers �an4 family -ildh.,M 6 tment
prray: -reside
'100 oo to -wqr4
jai Welock, under the auspices, o gr-o4IP.--he4rd-J4Q a, Fiforod, new t , inw- d Exeter,
pt 1L" Hos itala
TheRloav--S.-I�Davislin r neat Toroli passages D read
'Bruceftold - and the Rev. T.' Pitt e ol $haddick spent the'11 , o ered So
,ga 4a, on, out �' f�t vey:
1 -un . U president of 'th, ti Ar&'; E Uydie and y
--ci ds' f Tb,�Is. in�'w',arxin, )ray.W i
r, * . . I I I , � OiV6 anA.,.Deoration � rviceg - -
60 4 1 - I.. I , , - , line PrOmotion imd, salesideaa'fo ' part,., Of Ailis week with! i h Mrs, :L., Bayn a a 'rea g s 11 �, - 7�,
CC is. per vvee)c. Varild, w1ft,be.Ahe guest speaker$. d "' I " r br r§19ter . ..... Decoratiolli Day seivlce were,
Ints a the by Mrs. M. 0 a rs: Alex
"o k Tlie Rurain Expo r 'and Mr�i James, url),96 I es, All .4 Miss.-Elvira Churchailjh�,Tbrofito-
LA - aolitm, for 15 cen�s extri, the, toxvft, obje t bv Mrs
ts"ma�r )1e diroeted� to a w M held Sunda�'uiider the. auspices 4
'7 the, bilsir
iffig, Year'. 'jig With.. their 'd4ughtp
ER$ WANT ATeLaren BrAtich" 468.:
ot paid within rg the Mr and Mrs.: R., Y cGregffor;r th r
� '()- �,: TE nd'kary Ellen, of,- Port Ccob6u Chamber of ..'Commerce,, for c aired.
tsiea: e will ke ("ed'if ads in above else axe a ND th
Spen e -wee ei a , wi ar viSiti
d- cOln th�,1001?.and`
h th&L- f7
a duft og n asertIon. A Short serylice ,was eld �:a'
'., ' ' - ' "j- ' Parking -.Wa Mrgi,:Dorlarid E
Towndhin' School Board Uri, Aiscussc(l a - milyr 4 A, �'Picuic -was iscussed
totuol D. ox. .. . - , I will -liec1i Burdgoali vans and fa Mrs.,
'g -p �4 � JFIFI� �r, . receive tcndcrl� U6,10''1iiiie 30th,for'paint- ! , . I -
AR -ins, - . 1. 1 1. 1 � cehot4ph in cli6lrge of, Rev., Char es.
-h �d iegzlrd�
Mr and Mrs, ..George, Griffith v�a:s' agreed that. ffie, -inew. System kiltelietiv- Elarl'Campbell repoitoe
three �44',
g c i I fkg D. Dame
ing the interior ung 'cxterior of,
and Sfratford,� -spent , the of., parallel, parking,, should' "tin 1 rl- the kitchen. 'Prtcqeds- liam -Brown placell'thie fla� at thu"
��hqols, j anProve Tax or, is VISI g.,
-Spring a h � d b ers wer
weekend- in "th6 -Village and � attiandr satisfa from
-------- 7-7 --- --- Meetings � for, ', NY' alives in Toronto, , �., the bQ6W:at`the� p am, �,.eqlor par
or further nathe McBrideMbod wedft -an- d A --list will take.tbe: f&M, of, Mr were �'Iuost., nand rs. Goirdo Schwalm, gra, mg-' d, To 13, ConAn s4on-t-S - luncheon type imd,ill b 1&4 and fainily_ MeivVir,�BbIVAnd TO'D SiDdle,
doa ivered -the: ser -
6 lie Violet secretAry' nn� 6laroahce eid
H1QHZST Qm R for- t II c . I c . Mr.. an rs.1 oy� Brock- Chi -y,visited, 0ye gav lie'.card' report. � Th �SL�' strawligrm NORMAN S. HOOVER -r" I- the, noon hour,' ��"A ain 'Rhwalm ajid'Rai ri the Will m6lf at.��g6ii$aH,�Uuibji�'Ceiiiietery,
R. R:, 3; 13 .1 - � . .11
-lei ilk arni Ariinaals� Prompt; I Sall, were gu h f',w f - s. -W.&,-C.. Qdd
C111 -oh- F�rlda-v- June down-a4d, Alrace,� vv,as.s own inz,cnarge,o la�fineeting until S�Ptem-
terl's be
c Ur eQU8 -60 P na-Fercy', amp Ve:the
Admission 41,25, Children 11 qfio of - all � it Ad Phone 2a r 17 Corn
eek6rid Vlfb. M , and'M r a
fell hal
Tesident'Jack' Drysdale,, of�,tber Wayne and,jamily -Builingtuil,. DeKj�:'4 '-a: $ ITlid�ngrdds orthe�
1-,ITlrx2 dis 0114114 and CaW -47 loallicious Aunch 4�was.sia 4jwz%i GC .1 1 , . 1,
_85.1 a�, n-,.mem ers;,
-Wind Blide
& NNith his- Pair- passed-.,, onwerii�Lraaaab�r
aP,... in the Ortme, HAR. * 'L J. � W. Me Miss kE-,-9AL`C And w 0 are S 0 Oddfell6ws and Legid b
,'Mr t6.,Br'
K ad,,Mirs, Douglas�McBcioth,, kinsmn Club.,- cEwan's. gr6tip,'
..ent "I ��.Y'ln M Mrs, ame8, Smiffie. was �,a
TENDERS W,ANZED Carole" Rlicliards6b, bride, iFeCe7df Sanders Mrs." MetvyA Hayter, And flitprb. Flags werer
by W.A. of D', -Be'
een mu n d Mr. and Gerald Glenh Placed 'dt' bot
b, li� '66 W
ath joli, guest,, with �-461
WA elect, 6f �Friday, �Iaas a Helsall,*,aud, Mc�
Ship Boari.,wit --Kueq,,�6ndoiii and -1 A E Rb 1,an Exeter atteilid ad Aoi,, funer . 'of -Grev-To�vn, _yl� __�t Mr �, .
sev,6ml fmi64ons% in �fi4� ofTlI'ggart cemeterl S.'
e t their t -1 Thom a S C . -..'LMrs., Glen -�MCKeriAej"-Of 'bingo. Legiba � down or dl8abIfd cows UP fo , r. ;e- to June 30th, for ho. itingr with -Mrs. A. ,Mcqueeln andi, o
ntalltitioi of ��Ll loviarga r os" d'aughtci,� B'oat
Sunday: With' e I it, Saturday, June
Isi oert--Bell was --U
y and 1 Glnn,, he'lAu. at Toronto on urs-,
day- athe,,,'J�.egion:bi�gb.l-a�t.S�turda�,,
further 0 bogs, 9 6 r. 1, iaru�sea,s, Miss.: Stanley R tess, recently 'for f6rty relative brother4fi-hwi won thia,ja&
Henson LegiQu, Branch 40- 00 umple poi,of $105 in 63' caL
U ls.� friend,: for, a 'miscellaneous
R A parliculard, ontact the pr. r
IS spending.' some' time withi M d re The, lOQF and hbe'r, Rebekah- Othek winners were: 'Bill Aiistii
Peck Mt. an S;, :An
Mrs. Glenn meido .,,read tj
the- presen a I a
-doch� Miss, Beth, ur ocli 'ddress'and Cat past nine months in I n` rt� the United Chur6h"LStmday )5afbnts, 'Mr,, 'and, Mr's cen y returned, fro spen mg� e Lodges attend
eve 10-1 at t t, in. Flint: Mich.w, Eol� Corbett,,- Eldon,
Silver Star Rar2y Barn, at L N'S� HOOVER M
ties north of 116ichiart,and' Gail Richardson pre�i ert,
their son 'Bill ing., and �ivekoa a`d&es�eaby':, krini]110L�
M rys. lt� 3� BRUSSELS Is well ,,kS and d Mr�.,� Eldbn Jatrott, 9
neihv barn,, 5 an uld'like; andr'hck�
many- ourwas
east of 11, Alieinautug Phone 23 r 17- LNU gifts:. -A iocialI Horton', (2), , M�s �, om i
a:� speed (2),L P
Mottlerwe friend Sr hope, -for ty, were, a en g, universi i Chrbas �D..�Daniel, :wlio' e on Mrs. �Normau -Long e�
MelodY V Y' bfiioyo�d;and hfnchepn�sbrved. tul Boa-,
Iiarich qye ia& Arialy e: P. . Lpt I on &ntuate, POsi- , Mrs. Cowan; Exeter, ToIn Flvmi':
Very lh6� South6rii- States:, the, tbeine "A6
i 147t, Ilrecb.
Orchestra. '41, n 'ip VVI ea .,.The, staff at, Schill's Sp,
111At od fass, ample wh6r6 sheL Mrs�'Eafle foaV visl r
wat To r ve.", Fbr their offering thb,,cho' J
'41 - Ir Albert -Bedard, Mrs. Reio:l;�
22,� -Leg"al Nodices visiting days'� with Mrs.' is , e eilljoyed' bowling,� at �ly Dr 'Mrs - Soroat a sang an i anthem,' PauLrh,,
Grand B�nd, Mondayl'-., 'after', whi( Mrs� C611ins,,Clifiton, MFs-.-LMobKen
7 t -of "-Zion,"
zioa,�, Mrs.: Eeoongtoit; Clinton -hei�
40ned, at,,the home Mrs C.,,,C, 60 k -'has
C MISS w family in', 'in,
-Sir- an.,.,,,,,, they were �ente4 !h.
RL ;iftdL Mrs Mae' Aik nh d rned after Severity -members af,th Stigl' ey. jackpot-- this
S e
Mr. and Mr§-
esser a week ith Mr and clan -from' Pontia C Mich Sarnia;, in,:52 calls
FWALF, CAT, part p�rsiuvt, bug OTIft 6 CREDITO b"can,'�Aikenhead'.,
-color. " 'Tbf�Mr, an&Mts'�; Sicholl. -Dr
)� ' ta- Sle
cWn. ' Vicinity of John' tand 14.
and Dr,", William ".Aikenhead, a.mps,wore prbs6ntedjo C66k Windsor it Essex, Clinto, xe,-
fae like a jo
jaxvij 'Sts. Liberal rEward. PHONE T eamin. on, was -b6siess if� _7 JR. theL'F ton o iests atthe! hom . t e r 4' n!d joyed a,'reniii6n John ''b6itz,
,State 6f AR
2- L 6 A CHI,uALP-/McKELLAR t loan Koe 'ler.' esbytarial Discussed
r me, Tries
-homa her:h6
;F their sistiar Mrs.'T pn, lock, ente ame t A� full ibg;� Hens -USE were gi e 'Of -R A:- d .-:,Hensall en day evening-i1br th, e,
in �T bj s,B-, Bair.d..
w a ;all ka
-Z�STA .11 w and Orange be her home.� for a -in
yjj�q7LA, ru[v, pet. �e aIO�p�06�ash
: 11., iscel- �ast, f kink in s mar -were- run, GuestsJrbin
off� direct
colored cut, white bre smal Tow,hip of, UibbezL: �la the. County of a 'grea many.��peoplaa 'on, SundLay; , aneous showeri, hen'thirfy'heigh- Exeter Kinettes wepe
.11 between Walton and In., ngrvvoriavilie�,Iol d� a2 r '0& Grbvei.--316ndAy� evening Hen
tail Lost last fa' I - "'. - Fatmer -,deceased, , wh,�: c on" -1 -1, E �d b�� Mrs. Kipfer; - ri0 ton. Please phone MRS G�t Ansid rid neJa,, W el for,rth6 June"meeting ofthe Arnold- 's -all- P- ddest person Dor'ca' Wefti Mks.z M�rfbn'� Sher-
4.ouirp, , - are lidr6VT� Ai iBruc6field' -United' bers, pre�oant.- M4ry�.
corner: the � �th day �of rize or, me c
a; �egation edlebrae�d da Mock,' pres entiad the f armel Church�-� Airs atteLadhig Went to Alk Nelson'Srig- Mrs, Je anW6�,, Th6io
ingh St. toilet dovy d. eas uu-plex to i in full particulars� :.of e ire e o
- . I I . .. I notified . en torch cong.
2�9 ed. Partioulaisi, pan to Signed h� man
-th anni
69 6 ndt th el t 50th''
HAR y� of
,di 'June; Wasrti ed-t(F- Mile n
d� ar. licit
4, 19e1P e distributed.,
'Only to ai� or for, el b: aria, .
-. -- �-- - ---, - � ; � " :'r . I I eeti t
YOUN� GiRL to. help mother look after, F est di5tapg a
5tapg_ b re AF. at )c ,,evetw 'be eld at -spring
Londnn; "Vefintol home. two children' in , �.aforth this 4th. day, awyer reporte&
Apply DR. E. A. Seaforth.; 1,20 hc�es on highira, near Atri jum�, 1958, In,, e Mrs. Ve r! cL t a
sall' I - as,, E 'efit, rn ,,
iwb ires.�ure
4.16-1 three bedroom fiantio house: io .,has beli , s
syst -McCQINNE e com
'an- .0 service., :
te S:�Cai as es $3ii
:ems.""6vIernent thed-and garpveL�. TbiS & f6lly,' deed ate-&` With, U , tor 'An,
Scafoith� 'Ontrio. �o y os0 was- appointed:. k y y
to� good, ooiety n 6JU6 T� tlkp 8t
rithe dqA 'ted,b� K ear.,,,,- Is.
HELFWAN ers, -b I tilited Church th lMS-16 make pl�ns � M
.,Sdll itors or-.* the Executors�, A` . love y of -H6�a and Le. Wo-: Senior 'V I -t ", .1 , : was' aTrei, in
TED imecon I ! I i I , . ]rn �, ;, I I'll . 99 . I . 11. ' ' Robdr "' � to 's6fit6d., 'Mrs
HEND'ERsON' chryanthemums, in, emory of the Pieib�teria1 to b6 hel& in S'e-p e-� ry, Reid,'i'Exeter on Sunday xe q, Society,of 8fafft I
494 Edger St., t late Rev. W treruner, inen?s Missionar W I a I s I lChu're
r . H;:IL ARNOLD;-'.11toker. Mrs.� :TJLf C h it i c'h Heji�all., bolge& Lond;n , iail , joilbw:in� Ross ori
Male or temale: expeilenced in ath: a,
5itiad The. worshi
e ail reLni,ncr,'al*, E 'rs.! S-; Bell- pri��'ent'ed-,�.th6�':.i�eAs'I
:M' C� , di for: h,'r' gh
xppgn �TOTTCE t c e d on 4dlm-'6lcnn,:a '',, I o�tbe urer s/�,repor R
or call, Heas 1 (Z 0 CREITORS the - coMinumoti:, table,' �fhe P,-hoir.31I.& 0 t The' S6pi b th.'
.1 9" 'oi,". in. Stoaphen' towiisbip:,
BOX 738 a `�'D'ahiel � oil ClitistlAn
Ch, n. �v? e n gy,
rrf the state of Cll.,�,R�ES. I� c6,t
9GERT assisted b,�� Mrs� Airs. ""a'
r co, inedy Grand Boand,.
mrs., Haiold Parker Jnti thetroadiion;robid'when bia� held, at
ems `,Stewar s� 1pi 1&,at, d. h6 6ast
THE HURON EXPOSITOR' san, , wo :very beautiful antli d' hi b be 6UT A,pi -1 ck supper mee,ti wia-
Seaforth. brysdale'i Ced-
r6 t An, persQns having claini� Hamilton oduced h. was; serve i' iy the,' he ran in
Or pke� L ' sses --g�av6l; �kidded aid 611- arbrook; . August 8 �'Mrs', aro d,
unc d'b h6ste
y MT:.' �McGiii, of Clintbn,'wfi6`L to loose: r
o�M r, J. -
f e', Ali of, the. WMS was, s rs- Knighi*`Wo]IL thi
late .0 aiid
EXPERIENCED stenographer ax Seere-;. A-PABTAIENTS tOR 'iiNT� M-cKillop i. the of,' ,on -supply -work, an iegreat' nee im e 6V r1- tRr.y to general manager of Proiressive", ORVILLE OKE Sea fo held:- ik,'Brucefi6l&� Uhited,: Church. bf. clothing.; �Ea�h 954-mbdel,'car.bad, been A6l,'..reguh(r-meetihg be-fi6ld 'at the-
Phone,180AI, itb; deceased,, who pit
4714' died,on the 16tb day are C 1
-tf P ans. I?icm* t All h f M Soldani:-.4un
manufacturing com1panv. ut�t lit on' tiesday ew ,
T 'ternoon, June� 10th- buted fiumbers� to �'th6 0 en r 17S. Z?ri �al�rage a e
h initiative. be a ificd to,,s 9 OMF 0',
work- one ux 0
Ad i a otheir I e s- Jo n -Heal
qthan hereby,�,not end in full particdlar's, This. in'dieting �was in �c a,rg he L Caimel:'J of
st t 'ONE HEATft s.., soyce a es d �T. Dray,' .692 24� At 9:130 hi
to �.tho, 6nder�i,--ncd on, Or ass9cia e. lovi rs resl 1 ere 11 - g
d bl odern 6111ce. P e4san h w of ihe L do
27Eh d rs GIcii, L,..,,e p,rd me, A ih n
ing c.bditoris,'permoapept position, group nient� , Availubl. after gra f" h in e chu ch, si�� 01 4, e Ajamagoas: to., president, chaired the' meetin
r er
insurance. etc. . Salary $200.00 to Robert— len, '��ei've'd
A aPatole A. McATASTEW. for .1 h date th c g iv�ll be distribi;t��.
-Kilidl in cAwn
796. THE HUAON. EXPOSI. girl: -,.�*rite fall parricula nvoaziev,
liand. Box 8 SA i ng- or wl Sea -forth Woman S
aTM 0 a$
4 . . . . . . Y - -efoit �:Se F
41 a"and '9UUSL bea er-' r'
me mus3c,
0 �#d. b A�ffi-pj'6, k at tlie M 'd �E
8. alem Stopk oi Sale "'67 Mis. �,C ornish. A�, poem
b Mr&.,..:Tena. Day D I lan
V evem g.,
:'Sbliditors for th�E- utors: s, Mae W)JSdn,'1a-vbked :*Ab
-47'.'4 a idd
Tif vio d
R lin pn,��-��Accompame
N V one-bed.roo I oG
G'. Mrs. t t
NOTI Ei to,CR TTOS. 'were eti e
. Poul try lFa6r.9ale- as�-istante'
T h
rL T07.-Rnt e Island ainit4W.
pullets, 41t, months old. Api3l� PA' wme4fit,
LIN. Phone 8 1 a? 8, Dublin.. lle persons having sall United C ui6
47141,x2l om --ho: e011cland Klein feldf �Ithe�. ale �0& �,Arno cT
I . I I I , - 1. . 4 , 7
femn as,
�oVeS, Th rs- C
T -nship: or, Hibbext, in�, the, -County f L Cirl� M
".. X- - ..:-To'gi*ve--Bettei�EltetricaI eoa&'Ser.vvlode�� w4ern�--iftov, -1 9:X.0`0U
9 to Pos;esidova iku claim, against the 'lif ' d r GIV- IN 99 �FORTA 4 'Uree !oaxplameci, wha
�u t oN�
Perth� FarovacrL otio4a.- WAS
A YD IIQWAT- died o -�dev
9 : R' n r T4 PULL& S FOR SALEm
:borns�`500 are -13 weeks' old, -at S, i v e, -,,-r e b- ch-, - 1,000 are 10 weeks Old at $1.10 1, particulars of their disilima h'
-an is -3 1 - io`Wn hi Harpiirh',ey Just'' §out1h,6fX161'8 We Mis� Card -B Iffig way. on1mue 0 '9
LEO RYAN. he:ufidersigned - ori or before. t d 4th S 'rVlee': otl� leet
each, Will dellveT�. Apply op e
Ma s r+1 � I r epal ----- ---------
, S� a' R r.s.
ay:., 801,101, MrS0 E oidracting.
itn thP" tribild, of.tayriehl, pili oL i7di
Phone Dublin 40 r 4. Ndices in'MS r g' �ard Qifiiat Hour 'Many One,,'
WIDE CHOICE 0MCKS-Special H�.w 6�ly to claX then received, a.1 . li 4 - ug
-,Ehicks; pallets (some start- N VluBi�IN 0wVtMUi4'1T"Y SALE of Uve� Flock!! Mrs ':'G, Henderson, iind
Clinton. f guests.'
rials.; broiler 'Cronin Sales Barn'. DA , D at Seafo, P*`6.siderl
ornplete list. BRAY HATCHERY, SWt0c TE ed).' C th, this, I I th day. o f j��ardsoni sang a duet. a, rea h O'n N
gents�: .'Mrs. n dity night en�ing at' S.. ,all- Presided �d i1e:'llliopi
Ont- or local a PHbA 12,
g 4� 11. -to the - mer'libgs'. a n -d
Alex Paterson, Brucefield. Phon
'471 NE
. . . - - L - 0 iMrs.rSte-%�ajt _ -JVkQU Effec!
2,92112, Seaforth 19 .5 LL e� �bdsiness."Sesslon. com&
644 W4. or Walter, , -- .: 1 . 1. - � r , I'�
&aforth; dit: and � Vis een
B -B, 2, Seaforth, Phone 844 5. 0 fid MI' s S. Do T
Bouffirot �a
4,14-4 SEPTI papoo 9,, etc., oiie . it6r.� 'for an, or e s en d" progr
and -cleaned.with modit'irt.,equipment.- am,
-DEK-A-14B PUI�LE.Tkll FOR,�`S d,
'U pre e rein-
8,601or ALF,� re
-*qn-raised, vaccina(ed r6r- broi R
-4715-3 f6imed �'the reception commit
h13LAEM R.R,-, No., :'Bruaaels. -�Plobne 0 assis edln� a way. iThe
-r 6 russws&� 1 :
chitig-. aq Newcastle: 19, weeks old June d 161 i2l ils, D clu'diing .: a luv cly bit thday cake ust
,kt as an re y. n,41ning
23.- Ca)rds; of
'Which Was' cilit 'by -:Mrs:. , James'
28th it�4..JtAly gral. !Pi�.qcnants on large 'ra i I . . I . ;' . . .
orders. Free delivery on lie 'iikhC -- L-ovely summer2
'timla. to have -v6ur Iasi- ai)d 0
ZUG orlydare. Inspqction invited. Enquir- ng� N%, MR8. WILLIAM wishes�, to The-scho6l for.1eaders;, 'Call disinfected. 'i if
les promptly answered. or, write Also u �'is to, ble,� It �blooms�, decorated grain and corn� "Gall eld om FARM. 7
txeter� 5()9 ugust,,25-.-to 29,
'7� �thap4(, zilf those who so kindly,reanembeical �Collqge' 4hibh' arid: Vreats:;whiiqo a weedstu'lli't Seaforth, Out. Phone 641. i $1. -w� discia The, T ospital, 'Lon
4714-tf'— don, Was ''agie6d
to, help the�Aw6 A
RADIO RE't"AMS For Shop -6i-:South:l:luion:.Distf!6t�".W6-
'to ttend, , ibis c
gates W 6, are
n was eld in P
'mn.- AND. time, with
—I tattles, at TERRY'S :RADIO,'' SERVIC CRi and'
Alt', 04r:
14i Us C favo a y' wish to th
1 ovrite 'Dick Uouse,, Scuforth' Thone N lege. A
ars For Sale S4 R. -.s eir,,$ioacere Legi6,414 on thuisday. S.�R,.
served by, the mm$, &6ugh lk ' ' " 'JI 11 ' , '' _, r
Ad, eng. -:SehtartJi Fire Bri- George,, pr P'L
4;;. 411 ll and ovin-
�ri,�rator. meetlg�'To a G �w a er of i . S
enskill :( . al . - - ' , � & ]*tbkiqZaTeSe chr 'I,
cl coilvener,,o air
194.7 MERCURY fi,-epfkss0nger a,� eig and f,�, nd
ith 1951 rebuilt motor,: new brakes, good COMPLI IA, In "Se yt unn 'e"'n't. 0'vents,�,vonduttaad : �he
excellent fcrooh and. distri ,e in he of,our "WALT
ir *bb belped'in: any,
that TE an' � curr Ar ANC
tires, good b,-dy, wheel rings. 'et uvid- Dry Cle4viirig�.Ser- -to everyone _ON.:,WOMEN,S INSTfr.0
Mi.4� "Fiank-Wailters' d for work�S�Jqp '�gh , graVe".sugges
h n visor and many other extras. vice, WSIMS * BILLIARDS,'. SeisfortV d
g 0 eT th"
1".k Regm g foiBradY Cleat a. compilih
-ommi y
to 'exVrep-q 4 ny deepest k&n I e,. p , r I o I vffi,� W
-t WOULD in e Iiistitute held, i-6nd 0
p R A
eiaz Plin." IV Ltr for th
th C ar
kin J;aj?SScj extended to _=e
Ran on '-Monday ' eening� m1len, c nd. hit
gratitude for pitall for th brane
-ISTOM W. PRA while a patient n Vic�orz�, Aos lk
rates, We, ha* a, maarn6er s er, conimen
e guarant , , � 1 1, . 1 9 t vgtiest�,
il. Arfides For Sale spray for twitch 'grass kov, ; also. a ne sent by The . M tin on'thd book,oaach Inkitute co
wl Z s brr4;r�=l 4 it. a6ed, in the, b : ji� lach .. , t,
th it
rtry for fields s6ciled do th clover. ee 9.� was Opal
ilh er, . roug t w In ica R'C A �'Aut Aic Pokt,Ale,
Heniall Unii6d Churpli, Rev. ith, Mrs
POR SALE -TV swivel cbslraa�" to clear, Y.LOYD-" MtDl);' li'R C) ton, Phon 0 msual manner, am eMg.e
splendid 'h b ' ed'
Oiel, HeotunU -Xin4javen,Club, & H. 11mlillphries, N4ad the �,thoa-:man
of 0 o -a PLA Y
at DUBLIN ELECTRIC Dublin. 2 111111L REC
on llo� �y branches h 0 R D'
The ��secretary. Mrs. ;'Toad ,- it2 oC llRB- DDEN '3reath,' called continu y , at4. Work �bn . the. I Twee I d!
Apply GORD m,,,an,
014 WREN. Kipftn. HE arsviiiaied' with a -'Verse, fro ' i mulr' N' -NOW
TEN AtIIES of alfalfa bar for iial. 4611 Which - W. $6SO
Flenuall 6'A r S. dead -8 WISH I- etend 'our rh
-autograph bum.,: pro�ed ere,
P its Sur. ii�divig.� district for ke'presenifting #!�.br belles.
horses 0, i -c reo, pound. khdn�c�. meS
=ad con- 919 'On, C'eery,,
HEN SINK ow" tap, r nuok t& � At r C 'T
iahil(rocry tit��L -from our
2-W. Flat A6. 11.1,
aiutiotunced "Miss Margaret 4.Cked ..
dition. PHOWE �iAF WT; 48 1��aatifuy floral �t% ed hewere.rienid' 'an& discuss ed , ;,It wa S, :stifiit6-� Airs Th r Efillll��
ervice. k�nl friends anTd neig: �jn � 4r �,�e�cent
I 2r, S $15.400
Werroverint of loved old, sick I -o d aor di�*.Nala h es; ana, ateM thariks vand. I
kITC 1 4 oof ver� entertaining., Business letters' ;, Mtsl IL O'�
Ph .:AORESO X. iR. M-Pck, A rs. tho§d *1ho bOpvd "At lite Wing am, *ill
BUGta'PUPS for sale. six weeks otid.- rop y,., o,
-nt, thoiie ,1WNR 4" between 12 and 1. �ztcctde 'guesftp�ak Rundle, Httr6ndale,?�,
-P home at- the time of, be oar A -Abe July meet� the,' liqoiW4, icnV ifigi wbefi'slidoa,4 on Beimu& W* er G'a d, en& Car 8 rant
:be shbWfi.. 'A Aiselission on�,�tlI6 s. XW-TORCAN EILECTRIC-YAN 9 $15.90
rOP. 9AI&--C.C.M. bi le. in. eiid;ick, Grand
ust�� lis. -to end
CO wa -OT r( -)b B.In"Ins er, 4 Zurielt, rs�. S�d.
lent con 11 'us
]�Dittee 'charg 0 n M
'to thank our �wigl6bozs 4nd Plabs� were -made for the :Ij -DaWwod, Mks. John 11
SMOKIOR bate ele�ataar 82 toot HAR- Townsl�p' of Tuaii�inith rririd8i, 14r iheir help,, ucts of kindness
er; -Dashwoodi, Mi Emil Becket
f'rAbutea,..;AIs*-.s;Z,: party to bb, P(T"
Iss. a e Ws,' -Hen,
'M tu
Dashwbod; M
G Wa C Spftat, vau Mrs. W.'Ca . meron, Scaforth.
Fattier 'E, P. 940' r'2 ltobbib� Supper will be follow6d by;,a var-
BABY CARRIA es and itzift of. Stratford Oehiiral mpx- oa6s,*- Vrs," Carl
. W -and ba 'a, Ily- 'erawriship.. of Tuckeramith, Durnpin' 'd'& ed The dis- 7" MMON VxrrsT%v 9 tal� pallbearers' and 0, 'A. Whitnei 1%.� �lety pgram-an n Mrs T.
and the death of., Git iavpoacl,� 'Ply box .73 Ground he open.- 'Wednesda I erat, Home,, on, tr - ict. director," Mrs/ Ruse Bar- Payne., Mid -Mrs, Si -R66bol-we' 00
g ili-charld of,ti
ie Witch -
Saturday ikfternons� fiarft'� to .6 6�olock� Patrick
until KEIT�� JOE and LAWRE -,Niunia- ro ave. a, report 10 i
fiopi . '71" to 9' I ,,%vs., �0, e Mrs.. V. Bontbk6n'.attendoed the
TMTV ACRt§ o? mixed . NCE t L t
niobERT, D.., '�Tid: Ft001-rCE DEVEREAUX e uel ph in san Ogg
,=rteb 2y PepplOpEuen. wedding 4t Hanover -2141:RCA TV (yea
171� MOTOUOLA-TV4,�(year'. guarantee
SixtiirOay.. the �i�r -is �A rantee)
.r gua
FOR SALF—Asphalt ri�bfing lit bd::� cCall 60m� Used' 4.
.......... ........
RbAbM Bentletf, Wer6in
25 prfdta� 4 aft Us before bz charge 'of' e secori part -of, yrc�
novae 841, r 2. otth, ersonals d' neiglibors of Camplifill't
WATERLOO', 'meeting Whlch� -was' on Histojical four miles :east, of '11ensall,-' who� V,' GE TV ........... ......... .......... 06 2VI DMI
STOMNIC SUPPLIES, tRubb" 'barit' lod Thursday- night RAL �TV .... ......... $100.00,
11esqi'i;h.' Ws,' 11onald, Belimett lost his
TTLE DING, v.-utpoaad I. settled
HAY FOP. 8 CA '17n
"Do 'not roasist iialfied to :his . lftld
A 2 5a: � 24. Bruceflold. 'A MAil Dept.`, T4 73' )wit(o -61 many ate FO'VR
clar;cr, and alfalfa, in ftld. Vith. Hat 9 samialft ga�,e, tlh#� iw�*
-RAI SSOCIATION: - pi I the ......
es $tolo' denied teftooh dud' with Sevrltr.Act�j US] ASIIEP�S.
f h %Ip�. 2,
C6. TWO, USED RANGE t15--00 Eack:
t W �aindi tnioak5 cletnWvp','thia debrili.
I - I .. Box 91. Hkington. Pk
ere Better Bulls Are Used"
Men statted Wednesday &aVing,
P L!l - .1 " '' "' ,
resting US,
'avel for'III6, hew Win, -The ihezi -LEONARD AEV1tTG8ftAT041
town'. edaltsifts, no aioim gr
794, Sedilb oi wro, ormAti6n, telephone the Wat&., 26. e ofl,*Brussah� �91 1. -M UTOR
ITAM Plai rth. .0 rths a 0 sk-sit, g,;, vvho lielpoad were Siten-wart P
Clinotcan. 441 " b6t*6en '' 1 :30 find ;;Was. -On ec a Ernie! -Wititeho
`W of. to �uad'- and Mrs. VQV William Bell llarvev� ' and -Johii
A. AWom U,00 -,,$10-00, DUO 17W
al able property. for Ap li, of, the Aol n. Je�rooev-Ay"h ine�- Kay, Bel 'ate liappy'.to gift v4s Ia resen RRM SPACt REATEn
the a el J , b* William and, Totii, Slaviii','
G.Ili- P611i elr� E
rkiftl itie dadoter., o.. n A 11URON'ExPo loyd
i6ined) PaUll `91 Zt- MaiOita), saloi� was',beld at the clos&� of thd, Toit 'WOVer'L
I ho "a,
aBob PR4(yp ]"*M
A nnice 9,. Which $006 two it CTRIC
and Char6laime 'fir
Meow aind Diane.
k al
6��dz , jjoa�. gLj01'Djoadf0dt and 'derala
a tF--mondville. -� a son. X,
AU frii), 8alg we! mt, iifi& Mrs - - ue�ft,* rwd .0 �CASIIRKGIPTER ato AbDIN �XA
Mrs, Do CMX
Mii. and Murray Ug IS,, Mrs. 7
son Reld�, epleasantly-
c n Mrs;..]Raold Bolkei anA PAS
inton Pulitic 1116spital. Mrs. Geo Sur*
44u lt*tel- at Olt pl&d TWisday, When sonle� �25
ge X9yoi.
and hemrellifies atl th 2gh
aeOr ann
CTION StrajTei% -there, a i0rsa
py to fellow
birth, of With. 'one.. They''Were pte�eWd wi
A%, A. zl�ouiid heie nalloto
I'M 4jt�� 6 A110' Grub& 1. ? 74 ts.' A, sb6id hour' 'of cards:
Livv I J eein0
�taft:for Mr. and Mrs. Johri Glenn, Hen� ties dus' gd SAT
410arlllo 3484,60-- Ijil At 'he of Sohitortli. Janitt 'Stromt� let's' s6c; Whtt yedi ith Nvififti ladie's
r," A 6"ON1AVP1;tANftS, sc Elliott,: of
F.N AN -At s1K. _y
C h of C
�et b
e p side
u&qr4tul, �do6si, he hit oet Hftva�lltoyj, OnL'June
2 Ifoiiis;,to -Mr� 'Avid Mrs.,; J6h':Se1W9'- gentg �YE&' n
A'-. Evan A Holtman, a, John k wa-h benia. A We has' Wondered �.af- tuh�teon Wa . . . . . . . .
ftd tub� d
cinki Twovotaw ma to her� blusbonW. g -serve
jai Sa.
ter 'try maveri-
tuqA: gtnS rtw pj,,�til Ht ee Tt
oP J*LL:467.
A and
U U and- Mrs,' Collett S
nd'kilt �chklz
elid vd* fMr,