The Huron Expositor, 1958-06-20, Page 2• Since 1860- Serving the Camtriunity First ' igAFORta, ONTARIO every, Thursday morning b McLean Bros, Publishers • Awaits* Y. MclAtAN, Editor susscunwricol RATES: ,Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year _ United States (in advance) $3.50 a Year SINGLE COPIES —5 CENTS pAca, ed Seoud Class Mail, Post Office DePartment, Ottawa Iterriber of ' Canacliaa Weekly „. Newspaper Association SEAFORTA ONTARIO JUNE 20 1958 H -oro Efcien Jili.stration Pays Dividend i s n n - OR County Coll:mil :last -Weels year by the 'construction of:, new p first step leading to a new brdges and thelaying'of-new'pave- ition.at the Huron County Home inents tby, 1,.Istructing the County Rome Completion- of Huron's new Court Mmittee to obtain , detailed Pla4s, Holise .1r$ provided the, county with. estimates Methods Methods of finaneing, .building thathasattracted prov- ie outlined; and it was iridiCated - ince-Wide interest, and at .the sanie at:definite savingswith respect.' to tune ,made 'possible 'a more efficient maintenance of chronically ill people and economical administrative pro- wauld result. cedure.‘ The fact that Huron can cOntem- ,411 this has 'been, accomplished, at . . 4,:.41.1ate an extensive bundling program little additional cost to the taxpayer; 'at the ..,C,o-unty Honk is a tribute to True, county rates have increased, ,the plannrng of county officials- and, __hut not to, the extent that the cost of embers of council., It is further-evi7,,,7-7„--Materials—and7=1-ab-or---Iii-S:in_C-reased:' enee- of the extent to which their: t-.-HaVing regard to the T'fact- that :the ffielent consideration of County 'Province today is providing by way r9hlems has resulted in the creation ..of grantS a smaller percentage of the '-iphysical plant in Huron unequal- total oast of the county budget than •,-.1,1'.).3y that in any other comparable previously ha* :been the ease, makes' aunty in Ontario. ' ' -the-accOmplishinent .all' the More --re- - - Few many years Huron'sroad sys7, markable." Ce,rtainly-the, Citizens of tem has been regarded as one of the 1Iuron owe ,a debt of 'gratitude to ln.ost extensive and efficient in\ the , their county ,officials for 'the -Way rn Province. The Highways Depart- • which they plan and' carry out the anent through the years has develop- day -to -clay operationS'af the connty-, ed methods and applications that and to members of County. Council have become common- highway 'con- ,for having created a suitable frame- struction practises. The system is work of- policyii :wthn whleh the Olt- . . being_ maintained and added to each dais 611- operate. Is 'Trade Embarrassment To RejIi inCBC,COntroi? • Probably no subject during the two ,Tecent federal elections- received as -much lijT rviee from Conservative - speakers, from Prime Minister Deif- • enbaker down, as did that of increas- ing trade- With -Britain: vert 15% of trade with the. TLS. -to Britain was the way the prime min- ister put it.• • - And probably no subject has cauS1-- ed the Deifenbaker government such embarrassment, nor is there a sub- ject about which ,it_has..doneless.___ Certainly there was a loudly pro- claimed, and expense -paid tour • of businessmen to• Britain. There was , an offer from Britain to discuss free • trade, which was completely ignored by the Government. and lately there- • have been indications that instead of encouraging trade with Britain, the ,- ,Diefenbaker Government proposes to • increase tariffs against British tex- tiles—one of the few fields in which trade with Britain -can be enlarged. -But-even in the face of the em- barrassment caused b,r abandonment of its pre-election proposals, there wis-surprisethat the Prime Minister - • would have recourse to telling • how news concerning the trade pro= pbsals was to be handled. But that was what happened dur- ing the recent visit of Prime"Minister Eating Habits Tend To More • Each year brings a change in eat- ing habits, The oatmeal porridge that not so many year's' ago was a re.gular feature on every breakfast table, now is a rarity. The rows , of pies that• - mother 'used to make several times a, week have been 'replaced by products conceived in a factory some*h,ere far removed and converted from the coubents ofa cardboard box.,into dessert. In fact, in many kitchens • mother ra,rely is present, her place' having been taken by Betty Crocker , and others. cd her ilk. The weekly- magazine Market,, ing points up the changes that have occurred in our dietary habits -andsays: -- "Honey an the.maining, honey .in he, eVening;'ShoUldliaVe , been a hit tithe in 1938, 1943; 1.048- — in -those years' CanadiariS cousin:I:tea more than three PoUndSo horleY per head;, now 'we UsejtiSt eVer pound and,a half. isandia-iot.of other diet changes hint up in:a new D138 ,,Study, of Food. sumption 'Canada, " AMong herI:a drop' in bUtthr alrisuniPtien Wow -the old. wartime, ration:' - pound per,persort per week.' inie,consurriptionl,211:lb. ; ure (1955).19.2).. Macmillan to Ottawa. An Ottawa despatch to daily papers tells the - -story: • "Prime Minister Diefenbaker day intervened to preyent_a CBC in- terviewer-fram--asking-P-rime-Minis,- ter Macmillan of 13ritain, a„que.tion about, Britain's proposal for an An- 'glo-Canadian- free trade area. „ "The CBC asked -Mr. Macmillan for- a brief recorded television interview after' he and Mr. Diefenbaker con-' ldlIC16d 454ninute discussion in the - Canadian prime niiiiiSter'-§Toffiee.----=-- int,erviewer explained te, Macmillanr_before,the_actual ecord, ing began that his - first question would -Concern-the British free trade proposal made last fall. - He said the question would be: 'Will Britain's free trade _scheme be discussed at the Commonwealth econ- omic conference' r. Diefenbaker, standing beside Mr. Macmillan, said no ' and -a , , whispered conversation among the two„prime.ministers and tifeCBC tervieWer ensued. -'Whei the recording began, ,th first and 'onlyNuestion asked by the CBC was what Mr. MacMillan 'con- sidered the ..main achievements of -his .visit, to -Canada alicl the United States." Meat, Frui ts— est Fats, Sugars Beef consumption has been climbing steadily in the fifties:489 ib per cap- ita in 19511 71.5 lbper capita in 19,55. We're starting -to eat_' 1110re apples (those. school-age kids again?), 45.5 lb. -per capita after a drop to 304 Ib in 1953-54. Fluid milk consumption is down to 0.83 Osper day from its , peak of 0.98 -in 1945 (other forms of milk are up„, and ice' cream ” is soar- ing). Canadian fainilieS 'didn't hold back on the turkey, and -hick 1955. 5.6 lb., of turkey and24 lb. of fowl and chicken per'head (nearly ce prevar consumption). Total impression: Canadians are eatiiig more meat, fruits and vegetableS, less fats, sugars and starches?' Modern. Marvels (Virden, Man, Empire -Advance) The last ,foitr decades have been very ainazing on in the field of sei.A , , ence . . But there is a danger that the Wonder of our modern age will become ,corninonplace, so -taken for anted that they ,tease to be. ers ... Let's not ,beconie to blase - abotit the whole thing, but, rather, - retain our feeling of Wonderas the - neW mantis become a part of .our daily life. ' S.EEN.IN.TH.EC LINTY Ili!tr'E S "].111urder 'At , Iliiron. Park :Evidence Which may indicate nitirderf has been' folind,Tri, a „. flower Park, RCAF Station Centralia. ..But,poliCeolon".t.;planto- lay,,Oraxtes, The .:61fridthit-e. is ahu- rnanskull du up by 600. .'ot,:06; Married pers�imel at n16 -staff:01 It has ,"b'eeit ideplcified..as.the suij Of an Indian Woman, probably -kilt, ed,' by - bIow-�ithe.sid of 'Abe:. head from a blunt -instrument Dr. J. A. Peniatain, Stratford patholo- gist, estimates the skull.' has been buried --`,.`for.;-'seVeral 'generations."' It has been sent to Toronto to he, SU:idled byarch�listsat the thtir. Verait?. of WeStern,,Ottario. "It may :have been •-murdety" coth 1i -tented Constable -Hank cif the Exeter detachnient,:.`tait.irs toe late,. to daT'anythijg abdut it now.". ---Exeter Tinies;Adircteate.' ' ..,Truck 'Catches Fire , : Ziffich fire hrigade.-- responded quieldy,to Monday night,. when 'a dry-,Heleaning -truck, Owned and operated ' by Ed. Brad*: Exeter,caught fire ,two • mileeast Oft -Zurich -',1h-liP4e-t/•:, C:onfined to -the.. rear....of.the_truek„ Where ;•,theTinotor -lo:datedr:Was so�n darriage -waa. Several 'hours' • 1 ater :When the 04., came' 'back IOW': the 'frit* home the:lite' liar" 'started, all"„OVer again. Mr.Brady came to Zurich to:.eall 'Ter help, .and several: roeM-. bers of...:thtire :brigade: Went.; out- with hitnto. the ;fire,. -taking 'along an extinguisher.,• Once:. more the. -fire.;-wds...stion, Mit ,out;;:kut:-Consid-: done ifiY• thia ttrite%c-aiise,.of fire -Vvaa !believed- , to' have. been wires- leading, limn the batterY, shorting: Loss is ;covered by iristir;; anee, ,•atcorelia,g' to IVO: -Brady.-- Zurfch Citizens: News. ' .;• , -- 'Trade -Pair Huge -Success • The first •I/Vitighani Trade Fair, spensored by the local, Kinsmen ton News- Record. ,-- Club,'"" and Staged in the,_areim on. Thursday, Friday,:and.. Satiirday7of: last : week,:was. One of the -13110,St completely. f.eVents, :the: tpWri has. SepiL,'Vnlmitiating Ininiths1 the,orena;•the Interior of the ing . buiid- presented-„ottraCtive. aPriearance."...Wlien.':Viattoran:arriVed on the; Opening.iiight:.• The:RCAF TrettiPet Band --front StationClin- tan • got 0111gs-off:hi' flYingstart , , -When. , theyparaded'. ox the slreet'and ledai-eayalcade'ef,:ears: tOrtlie.4onA::00..ThiltadaYTetrenirig;-;, Speakera:.•:clitringthe .oPentrigCere, Mony,;.'wereKin :President..Jack Walke; who extended. -a,weiconie ththe viSitors;;:'MaYer :E.;,Me.' Kitinek,,:and,Ilt. effleial.'gtiest, 'Pro-, Vineial•:TreaStirer'.• jaMeg.-X;.)Allait, Wharepened. thelair; :after -being in- trOdneed by the -,inayor.Wingliatir -Mlvance Times Travelhng SaIesinai.„, , Thetravelling-'paleSinan-has-been, the Mitt 1 nianY a' joke. ;However ..WaY..;ot!:=11fe,,,,the .ealesineti, who make. regular ••ealli; on, business 'people,' be.COnie. Very. -interested-----in . the 'eellittilMitre the - Legion, has. .a.• find story to tell of the aalesinan,WhO .noticed::aseason tickets!' .for th virniitaihg .pbol."1 sale. Th: cotiVersatioir,ite-,-Jeartiect Of r.the higk' degree i co-operation shows by ever:Y.:club and..tridiVidual ;town inrat4ing..nioney,te. build the -4.0oL--,;Thia,,,kild'L.Maii.: Wag -sa- pleased, With What he: hearcL',And so, since he lives "bY'''the ;Water Teti -lenge -in -.getting „A, , sWirn,.-'' .he ,hotight one of the tickets., Then he' aaked .PrOctor•give it, to innie yottngater,iii,•tovin,r :Wit& nth:: erivise .iwoeld have „feundit...diffi-:' to liisit the. Pool •very ,often. There isa happy young, lad in Chit- ton,- and .aniencenraged'etecirtiVe on the: SWini..,,pool'.conintittee,:be- 'eatise . . Front The Huron ;Expositor. June 23; 1933, , Albert Hildebrand, baker for Cardno while at work in' the bakery, ,bad,the‘rnisfortime to have his arm, caught in the mixer. Be- fore' the machine could be stopped, his arm bad 'been drawn inta the bladesThe arm was brolcen ' at -the, wrist and badly bruised. , • Gradtiation exerciaes were neld, at Scott IVfernerial Hospital on Wed- , nesday.' Six 'nurses were in the graduating etas's this .year, •• as fol- lows: Mrs. Mary Weaver, Sea. forth; Miss Gladys Donglas, Blake; Miss Grace Forrest,Kippen; Jessie Cleland, Listowel; Miss Mary- Flannery, Belle River, and - Miss Edna Bremner; Brueefield. Miss Bremner was the valedie- :Mrs. JaMes • Beattie was the guest Of honor at the -47th -fvergary celebration of, 'the .Wo- men'S MissionarYSociely of North- side 'United Church on Thurgday evening.Mrs, Beattie is the only charter member of the society now- . . Pioneer days 'were -relived and revisualized at the memorial ser- vice on Saturday, when' the Cairn, erected in honor of the Webster _ , pioneers, was unveiled by Lieut.. Col. _Harry McGee, of Toronto. Recent university , examination, results indicate that Mr. A. A, Bur-, rows-,-- Mt"... FrancisDeVereatit, Miss Muriel Ileattie,_Miss lVfargar- et McKellar' and Mias Elitabeth McLean were succegsful at Wes- tern 4and,-Miss Elinor Eitatis and Mr. -Earl GMespie at Varsity. ; • $ -- !. min ,-.7.01aiousonExposo it. r i- stewart Bros., dothiera, have had a large andhandaome eleetric sign placed iii front of their ritore. 'Pug is the first of the kind in Sea- for%ealeinfs a yen': attrac,tive Mr James Watson, SeafOrth, was fighir4 the matialict RiVer-'at. Ethel the.other day, aild ought 4 fine black bags, *Melt Weighed Interesting items gl.eanedfrom The Huron Expositor -of 25, 50_ and 75 years ago. °rimer Blyth Minister Inducted At tiensaii-txeter The li;er.-nreifife .Vries was in- tlUeted, as rector of Trivitt Mem- orial Oluireh," Exeter, in an induc- tion service held at Trivitt Church WednesdaY. TheVenerable Archdeacon F. G., Hardy, D.D., Archdeacon- of Lanibton and rec- tor of St. George's ' Anglican Cliftrch, Sarnia, officiated. The Reverend R. A. C. _Mills,_reetor of Trinity Cluirch,, Watford; was the guest preacher. -• The following clergynien--OSsiaff ed in the; service: The Rev. Dr: -K. Taylor, rural dean -of Huron' and rector of St. George's Church, Ocid:- erich; The Rev. R. Meally, rector of Trinity Church, Blyth; The Rev. E. C. Attwell, of St. Stephen's Chorch,.-„Gorrie; The Rev.,R. A. -Carson, l'ectot Of the Church of -the Ascension, Paisley; The Ttev. Y. P. Prest, of lioly Trinity Church, Lucari; The Rev. P. L. Dymond, St.Ps ,PauChurch, Kirk - ton, andrthe Rev. K. Y. Conyard, assistant at St. George's Church, • After the service a reception was held at the parish hall.' Rev.. Brea, de Vries will -also serve St. Paurs Anglican -Church, ffeifsll:13-efore-liia7-- appointment to Exeter and }remelt, he was rec- tor . at Trinity Church, Blyth, St. 1V1arks 'Church, Auburn, and- Trin- ity"Church, Belgrave. ' era Wect 25 ears. Mr: and -Mrs. Harold Sherd quiet- ly celebrated their 'silver anni- versary at .the'.horn, e,..of, her Sister, 11.24Crogs,-Andtitir.--Crosa-;,- B.A., ..at London. on Sluiddy: ' Those attendifig.:Were'lifr. Keith; Lcindoir. Warren Shera Mrs:: Preston 'Dallas and son, Jimmy,, SedfOrth; Russell . Dallas , Brucefield, and 'son, Bill Dallas, and Miss ,.Kathalene Turner, Lon -- don,; . and Mrs._ GlenWood. Nel- son, ,.GO.cierieli;'.-!•Mrs. Ida Jackson,. Henaall, Witligrariddaughter Doro-' thea.Nelacni„;`,'.and.Mr. :Donald Jack- son, .:11exisall.: A delicious buffet hincheon Wag- served. :First Cowboy: "Yeah? Well, any Ousin's so quick on_ the, dravy he's sootin' bethre the gun comes out of the holster " Second Cowboy: "What's his First Cowboy: "Toeless Joe." three pounds., • Mt; Thomas Daly -met with ' a Painful accident the .other da; He was working on a shed in the .rear of his store, when he fell and brake...his thurabz. .; Mr. W. T.. Grieve •,is going through' the township With ‘hay pressing outfit and a. -gang' of men. ,Major Anderson ^,-is carrying 'e- very soreband these days.' While doing Some ;work; he-: caught -big hand on 'a -nait'-and tare A -gash that required. several 'stitches-, ,to Mr. IVI.Williarris ,has purehased the old CaSli-store-on Goclerieh St. Mr. Jae s Davis- has purchased the ,house and will convert it into a blacksmith shop. , • Miss Margaret -Beattie, daughter of Mr. Robert Beattie, has passed her 'final examMation as A pro- fessional nurse. ' , ;Prem. Theifitron .,,EXPOSiterl , :June, 22, 1883, • tufeliers'e, now. •.charge 15 ,eiit Per pound for beefalmiisti too dear to taste good!. .----mh.-."Ja#Ies. Dickson .and MiSs Diekson left �n. TuesdaY • for the Old Catintry. 'They; tan front, .Que- bec, -and Ida ant exPeet-tO retili'ri Mita October., • . The farmer's. in this are Unable' to get:. their turnips • sown - �n accetint of the cOntliftied rains. The land is Po,.:.soft .and wet that they:Ciare: not piit,tiiir horse -a ,on ,it for fear. Of jalui:Ranaftird„ secretary:cif theCaiada Salt • ASso eiatioh; .inet WitiC-quite .on Wed- nesday Morning4lien coining frOni. JiireSidenee.•at'Stapleten to 'Sea,. forth.' was •driving' down itt , a covered, iniggY and Vag actornpan;-, iett by a ladY, .When oppoSite the residence': of.'; Alt,' Whiteley, ft. the, littroii:Road a _dog frightened the borse;, eattamg. it to Jump' sideway Into the 'diteli. 'The ',IhiggY was- up set arid Mr."_1An.sfctrd..4h4-bia dtrnt- 1athon: Were. 'thrOWn oUt . zud. Mitt watkt..LruithOLthall''' a Iltatcomk *tang, the igte4. ' FRIEN S S LATIV P sUrPrige-fainilY 'gathering..Waa he1d....attaffa• for -Mr. - and Mrs. Wilbert J. Pell;-&-ftlie'OCTenSiOn;. of; their..40t1i. wedding aiinitersary.• Tlibappy Couple were Aiarried by. ..13;ev: ,R.• '0. IVICKay, 'now, - Tharaesfard,.., cousin of' the ;bride,: On •Jane, 12; ipls, at :the hOrne "Of the-bride't -parents,the tate and MrsJOsepli Worden • • _• The', honored: ,.conPle, attended iriorning 'chuich"'Service and 'wein. dinner. gtieStS' at the home .of and Itira; Lyle, Worden." They re -7i' turned '. home in .afternpon,. and. Waiting their :arrival were Mr. and :Mrs. Aloe._ MacDonald, Bruce - field; Mips Edna Pell, ..0oplerich; Mr, and. Mrs. Alvin:, Wordert and family;Mr..• .ancl,, Mrs. ',Russell Wor- deli: and family, Staffa.;• Mr. and 14rs,„ Arnold , Alton (Lois pen) And June; ..Lucknow; Lorne Fell;'at. horne.•, and.M.ra. 'Lisle- Warden arrived _shortly' after..:', , • - , Their granddaughter,..-Juee Al.;; ton, and'IVIargy, LynnWorden, pre- aented the' guests:Of 'honor With carnation corsage' and bOutt"ortiere„ Ato'clock theY...Were..:Oshered..th: the dining' room," by. Joanne. and: Billy Warden; -.Where a -long table Was daintily_ decorated for the' oc., casion With: a three-tier wedding _.:1tbig - DISTRICT • .ALL--Lois749.y-• Cottle ..`and Arthur LwisRarris exchanged marriage ,vowla. a : dOuble ring ceremony at Thames nuad..1.1nited Church SaturdaY:liefOre the IleV. Thigh! Wilson,. -The bride la the datigh.ter of itifr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle,. Thanes Road, , while the, -groom .is -the son- of Mr. and 'Mrs: Leonard Harris, Ki don Mr. Ern- est Harris,: Of -Sarnia, Provided wedding „music and accompanied the o1eist Mrs William Cann.- - nylon pet ,oveiLtaffeta....with fitted The' bride,' given ,in marriage by gown �f - wjiite- Chantilly - ace. and point . sleeves,He:firigertip; veii Of Silk .illusion:Was':•lield by a :seal; loped bandeau re-einbrinclered with seed pearls and irrideacentieqUiria. She carried a -White. Bible crested with lace aad. deeppink 'sweet- heart • rases,. with .white. -streainerg,--,, -------- 'Her, attendas were Miss Donna EXeteri-ag maid -of honor, and Mrs, „Ross Cottle: Leona Ike,. Stratfard, bridesinaids, who Wore identical .ballerinalerigth govms," of powder -blue nylon over net,' Caught up with rows ot.blun roses- to forth. a skirt. They. carried- bouquets - Of deep pinkros•-: es and. white. pnins. . . . , Ernie 1.1-larris was . 'his 'brother's gretomsnian, and Ross Cottle and Jim Harris Ushered., For travelling to , Northern On- tario the bride changed :hi' a now - der blues. dress, -and matching' coat', •a.ccessoriesliii,. white arid -pink; .rose. corsage. . They Will, reside.. an , the grobra's farm near ,Kirkton., Guests were 'rife:Sent frOhn Tortnito,-- Sarnia, London, Stratford, Blyth,. Science HilL and 'Exeter. VENNER---DESTARDTNE, - ll'ENSALL-;BeV. minister. of s'arod. Bend•-".Knited Cloarch.--offitiated-atTtlie' Wedding, Of tVfarian7YVCintie-Desjat-7,-dlide:and_ Murray ,Roy -Verner, of; Ileriaall„n. Saturday; Jinie--;14, at' high•neon,. in, Grand- tend, :United Church. - ',...Thebride..is':the „daughter of Mr., and. •Illis?,,Ilerinan Desjardine; Grand B_end, and ,the groom is the,' son of Mr: and Mig,..W,e,sleY,Jaines yenrier,• • The bride; -,given in marriage by her father,'Wore ,a full length:IC:am: of nylon -net. and, lace over- satin, faabioned with laceSoyer satin bodice, .indbolere•witli tiny lace collar .and long -lily,: point sleeve. .The bouffant skirt Was in four tiers,.of ' net,' each. with a deep border of .Iact. The ,fingertip, yeti. of siJi1Thsin was-beid, itinti•-:' tweiaxahrirtpai.e. baiiy mos e.sa.orifd re,pcie arrglsse.;- cie:;•,• cake occupying the centreii.--White candles in silver holdergon either, side; iltiral-arrangements--:of of -the' valleyiandral- hell-s-'13re-- vided a lovely..settingwith__,seat.; ing -sp0-"-iiit• all members of the party -lo enjoy 'A, delicioaa tijIey thnner . Roasan„ Romcina a hd Kaye.:Worden acted as 'Waitresses; '• The happy cottple were the re;. . - • cipients of.. two lovely, porch chairs- and- manY good; wishes for the future. . Seaforib WEDDINGS. The attendants, 1Vlisg'• ' „Orae• Johna,. maid. of hon.or,and 'Miss,1 Barbara Desjardine, sister a ti-4,,fr bride, as bridesmairl.,. wore „Waltz - length bouffati.t_goWns...of, .aqua lon.net over taffet4;and Pink nyloa, net osier taffeta...They carried bon-- , quests Of pink rose buds and White.* and yellow • Groonfisnieir Were Rodger Venuer,_ brothel:of the groom; and . Gerald'. e11,' both- of 'Henson. .Tlie 'were Gilbert Johns, of Exeter; and.L, - Raymond:Latta. ,of ; Grand Bend,, „siSlers 'of the bride.; 'Linda,- • - and -Heather,., sang ' "The,. Lord -1s -1Sa . .1111Y.-.8hePherd.L' . The wedding dinner was, held tke,dhurch parlors with M. Des,: jardine, Mother of 'the bride, peiving ,in Tose lace overtaffete,. and assisted by the groan -1's,-; moth- - el' in -forget2ine-not blue lace: , --For travelling the bride wore blue taffeta ,dress With white. ae--." cesaories. The .cOuple",-will reside - . , PEPPER -41A- WiL-EY ; .-7.The Rev, C: •thin- • ister of Mt: -Haire. -United-C.4111Th,, Dobbiaton, officiated at the, •mar- riage :Saturday, 'afternoon when., , Catherine, ,..Ann' Hartley,' ton, became the brideofFredeffek: -Henry Pepper,' RR 5,, clintoa. The bride is the daughter. i Mrs.. ',Wilsori' MiddlPtotr, to , n, and, -the groom., s.the only son - of 4no. Mrs. Walter Pepper,_ , The ' church waS decorated with, baskets; of White lila.c and' s'piraea_ Mrs. Nell Pone,. Dotibinton, " ist, aeconipanied ;the .soloiSt, Geo, Turner, RR.3,-,Seafortli, Who, sang: "Bless -This Bong e"; "I-..LoVe • , You' TrulY." ' ,_ Given rn marriage by 'her lather,' , the bride wore a.,. fOrm al gown of: Chantilly lace, over 'tiered nylon. tulle, fa shioned - with snug bodice', with the•'-neeldine enerusted-S-witis.,- Sequins-centered With'seed pearls- , tiara -of sequins held her .fingerl-- tip. veil of tulle illnsion; and she, carried red roses. . Miss. Audrey Dullier; Clinton, isr,- bridesmaid,. . wore a waltx-length. gown of pink nylon over. net;,_ inatehilig headdress' and: she. ear-- '• Ilea 'white- mums. ,•01encla.. Mathe:- soh,, S.eaforth,.• and ;Jeanette , dleton, Dobbiriton,:: :niece_ 'ofthe: bride, :as .flowergirIS , Were pretty ; in blue nylon 'over„erinoline. Their' headdresses were ',matching ,and.' they each carried ',nosegays • or. dwarf 'yellOw„ _ 'Tom 'Venner,, -Hamilton,' -cousin., of the gratin's; vvas • groorrisman, and the ushers Were Louis ton, of D'obbinton;:•brother ,Of 'the. ' bride, . and :John Fotheringham, oE Plan Anniversary Seaforth Women's Institute: are Celebrating their, 30th anniversary on Wedoesday,..4ime 25„ Sea - forth ConiMunity Centre at 2 P-rn• Mrs, Emery Desjardine, the dis- trict president, of Grand Bend,- will be the speaker,. _ -IiiVitations have been sent to all past members,„Of, the Institute. If anyone has been a member and not received an -invitation,. --please •:accept. this as. an invitation, as., your name has been overlooked, The lunch conveners are MTS. Les - he Pryce and Mrs. Ross -Gordon. ForLthe„..Wepidirtgreceptia.itandt.,;:: • dinner whir ti followed at the' .bricle'S;..; • heane.;_the'bride'ar_inother,:;reeeivecIV.. wearing -twO4..Piece;, green taffeta; Matching aCceaSer.---; 't• iles and': a -Ear -Sage. pf...nifik,, carria-• tiona.''' She was assisted 'bk;.:1116:- • groom's'inother,wha. wore , ternoon'.dr.ega Orlittie nylon, abeesserieS. and pon,sage- pf -pink- ' '• • -For traYelling'llie:hride,. change& to a While .;-anctblue i:ensemble; ' Wliite_Accesgorieg.-and a corsage Of white,carnatiOaa..'Polloiving a .trip;,, 'Buffalo, 'Niagara Pella,' and Fort Erie, they will oa the groom's farni, s; 0,4t94.' 'Prior to' her weddingthe was . on' the 'nursing ataff :at the .; Ihiron cour07floine, Clititon.. - Guegta. attended ,the .• Wedding"'[. from -Clinton;. Seafcrth,Hamtlten, . Paisley, ..D,olabinton'and',Tara.' • 'Assiating at. the Wedding dinner - were' dVira. LoiiiS, Xiddletcin, 'and -- Mrs. Margaret MeArthitr, -both Dobbinten; ' and Mrs.',Atistin„lyfathe- son, ,Seafet'th. " A to ge your wash cleaner than your neigiihours! Fords :002 cidget-- ontia;v:-. 2 WE WILL GIVE HIGHEST .ALLOWANCE: FO THESE UNITS s. Trade Today On One of Our 1V1411..Y ew.(heirrelet. I• Chevrolets eteors H kAPORTII and IILV1114' ' LL Andy Dunlop; 8alesmat„, G.°XrCli°tchrt °Mar 1:1,1Sont's1m811- , Seareith: rhOlie 541- or 542 bis 44 _Service or Chevrolet„, coldthiobilei- Vaukhall antiCilieVrOl - Trucks, - ... , , Evet- spend a morning . . MondaY"s wash? - And ahl-.2-What. , misery When your-,wabo..porneg,.. out ,greyed- -and, sparking -white: . . It- isn't the itian,. 'saya B= • ,.•-FURNITURE, .laundry special- - iita.'Ws, the 'Washer that naake allthe difference. Thata why `''• yoU'll':want: to .see their • Sensa,,, Washer that actually get. , clothes up to .50% cleaner Mani • other' Waahers—the. new Frigid- aire ; Automatic: Washer!. In 'teat' of sitleading washers Washer put-Washed:all others. triyite,-you,to.00mo,'io anytime and'speliew much easf-r, ler this 'marvellena• Whalier•RaV-- eil.No;1*.i.s.,onYahretiitties,.tecil P-OttlY. Water iriCiv,dar yoor • NOhafsfinn Cr'. blideS, touch. *Ati.d:the• Aideinatie WaSher'eatt tote •Nizaab,:fft ,'drop intO,BOX'S'itiday. - Retnenibet; you can use your Cad„ Wisher ,a's a' trade -hi on this - niarvellons. , neW:. 'Wisher. And: YOtt credit.' tering; anywhere. ...;Ftirr Intire '•infottiagot call' BO --P110110- 4,1;. not take..hubl$Y-- '• nong Urbeit YOU -Mali '10X? ,-*Bsr 11,S*Tes raga)* estfitt Vaboratirsq'.-. ti;