The Huron Expositor, 1958-06-13, Page 2oe 1860 Serving tize Conmimity FirsIJ at SENVORTH ONTAIII0 eve17 Thursday 1)16E1'6 .1) McLean Bros., Publishers ANDREW, Y. MeLEAlsit-Editsr SUBSCRIPTION RATES:. Canada tin advance) $2.50 a Year" United states. (in advance): $3.50 a Year $INGLE CARIES - 5 CENTS EACH ntherizedalmSeeutul-class MallPest Office Department, Ottawa' 4.95 'SEXFP.R .Action '.Necessary 3ARI • . Member of - Canadian Weekly Newspaper Asseciation _ raval 'lay, Council of an appli- guarantee of encroachment from un - op; for a building,permit ta erect desirablebonstruCtion. rn on a SeafortIrpropertk led to - Seaforth cauncilr las recognized. l• iortdiscussion - on building per-. ,this situation for sometime. SeveralQts' and planning generally' at the.. months ago preliminary- -action was ing orSeaforth Onday.. taken when repre,sentatives of the Ontario Department of Pram -ling ahd Development Met with Seafort e 'the discussion resolved no' cand d Seaforth and the -fact, long known to the step bystepprocedures that nmst iigding by-law is badly. •‘iti need; -of :±lifough ,y -ears. nickersmith_ "mug. did serve to emphasize . once TuCkerSmith gOgneilS :alld 011 In.e nrth. councillorgf.- that Sheaforthig be taketh ictalirateet-the-..oiuniCIP-aliLy Council Since then has -taken the ore- by--IViS And plaiiiiing go :7 imularY s ePs• , is esirablei, that geafo and in hand: .A.,proper. plan deter.: rth ,da-Tilteidse at the earliest *Ties in s'LlY'Aliee the purpase to possibleInomer.lt• Delay'can 0111Y fch ,articular . areas of the .coni: sult expense and Per- pnpti1tTcvn of undesirable' conditions- WinnitY in-dyTbe- pritOiaving.regard to • Ih over-all requirements of the':. ratinicipalify. A prioper building by-. :4* ensures' that. a blinding is ' pro - Orly eanstructed m -accordance with accepted building practises, and that ;. fAecProvisions a-nd limit of the per- - it& a,.re followed. A proper by -1w 06-ans Proper applications, together' iv,,ith sketches; itmeans the Mainten- Once- of proper records and Provision. follow-up procedures. Only when eh a step., is taken by ,Way of pre- p.aring anti adapting cbinprehen- • Oave building by-law. can Seaforth citizens " -know they are protected ;tragedies ,of businessis the customer oni Costly and improper building Whosedissatisfaction re -Mains' .- ractises: Only then' can there be 'as; - ,Wlfich otherwise could be avoided. Complaints , (The. AclA.Taince,, GUll, Lake,- Sask.) _Thank .YoUr luckivstarS,for,peope who conkplainr: Their complaints- may seem , their, attitude exasper- ating;' and: all that, yet ,there is every reason. why .YOU. sholikl, feel grateful to. them. The only way' you will' ever oW the weaknesses of your organ- izatton , is . to‘thaVeiAllem-zefea,led.-to . • you by the pojile. whose 15atronage 5u seek to hold One of the 'Costly urance that new construction is - own to --municipal officials, and tit* it is reflected in assessments Equally .important, yartiCula4 -Aline- when expansion' in vanions- reas is a possibility, is the provision of a.' proper communityplan With- pressed .e :,person "*h�. falks-out and -does not .e011* -back. - ' On the other hand; the person who "kicks"„ about your service and .DP0-7- duct,S is-doink you a favor. As com.! niimplace and -trite-as- this -reasoning may scent, it is surprising how many rae/Liook iipn c0111piallitS-SI:raPlY: as-, n approved plan as a guide, deci-,zource annoyance e-rigi# at- tsions 13ased on expediency are avoid- titude 'tOwarcl, complaints—tOlerabee, ied., Wasteful duplication and re-: sincerity and.'el:iergy.is rummig, them 4placement, of services—hydrot water 7.. down, to their source, and a disposi_ and,.roads—are eliminated... Losses' tion- to ,change the Conditions that In assessment are . prevented, or at *, eause complaints will do moreA0 help a .,:blisiness function properly than anything else. 'Fortunate' -indeed is the man who succeeds in cultivating in the mind of everyone in his organ- , 'ization the right mental attitudeto- ward complaints. . - least, redueed-to-an.minimum, „..-, ' Worn the standpoint of attracting 'industry, planning is essential. Re7, .sponsible industrial' organiz-ations , hesitate to construct expensive plants' - municipalities in which there is DO !Pld_31.13..0 it was 2).1uunti course!!! ig Attractions CROSSROADS Will feature Graduation Air force Day - Y JAMES scan' Thousands of people from All , • „ Thi.sr is time of year for .:wrAnitinci.,gdaell:ytehUis,19iie,wm, wIsibtii:virneeg.'‘ifnat,analTair; ,- .0gIrdatdcifeaskthcwrinhoffutcseed, M., he in grandfather's house. I sleep , the bed was born in, and, I :tell the time by a -clock . whiCh.rnr .great-grandfatlicr Made by hand, . welts -and ad,..carVed out Of_ \Vand. ' In other words, I art) *right back where I Started froth. and -I•wa never,haPpier -iii My life. • . Theris an 014 saying, „:"You'Ve triedAtielrest; new try the hest."' surPr,Asing how often the • best 'otitite be- what- you, - Started - with. .:1311t7everY man has to find . it out f,or SO , the. gradik- ates.had better go bat and...find, out for theins'elVes. it's a good' Audi who knows; he Might : , :find,. that 'blonde' goddess On the., • : Seafor'th Midgets Win' Twc). over Western Ontario are. exPed to throng tarmac at, RC. Static* . Centralia Saturday ' when Stations Centralia and Clinton cont.-, bine their, efforts to ,stage one of the bigget Air. Free Day shows, ever., ,The,latest and fitiest-RCAF. aircraft and .4, host of ' ground dis- playsLcovering2th.e.funetions .of tho' two stations be view from I le- 5iti;;:. When once again Air, g‘orce 'units throughout:Ale-country, play' • hest* Id- their thOusand$ ,of friends antoorthe:geperal public,'- : A. star- of the show -at Centralia, is .expected :be the giant cart-' adair Argus maritime reemina.ls-, sauce.- aircraft, the biggest; ever: built in Canada': Three, of these aerial 'leviathans, vvill take 'part ill , -the, d,ay's tying prograrn.' :Also included -• will, be aeroliatic's, formations flying arid ground-, displays Of Most of , the types of aircraft now. in service in "Ontlingroued, besides the Many types ,of aircraft to he ,shown, there will.. be a host of exhibits "ranging from the' radar :equipment of RCAF:: , Station Clinton to the :,flYing, :and equipment„inaedi....._by 'men, from statitons „ . Centralia.; Twebig hangars:at:Centralia have bketet -aSide-fcir'greinicITe- 11)-11- , :Another -star,of the show will, be,: Sergeant Electro", radio , :controlled. robet. ionstructed. by. the Radar and...Communications .spread xiy Cdr Wash.' Pays Off ; -planning and .deVeloPment, during ,'SS'e61;1,g°e°1anotf,EllleCetAfFee•.--OSettgairi6liobgecliiiiielQclie.- :twiniliggstilYaehacjhaak4ee!fligtoh'i. to fara\say e:ineMbetS.'4,the -Zuri.en. Lions. the ,Peening: of '-the 'John ;Writ -4 tO.:,,,pommand radio..co_ntrol places ..aady. leave this S,'Une'ltO-rs-e: held. . another suCcesSfiii:-..`car -.A.6:v,ance-Times.-.NyStern, and will--walki--talk to-- town...behind forvr wash ed,,,s'art$u6r5dafYI:'.afthteeirr-. ..0.. y ,R; mrs• • undlto his 'friends' and even .It Wasn't that7-I- noon,L :on , . •pen at he pretty. gals who pass ere „..exactly ,. was just that .effOrts.' Altholigh race rain. hold:the Operated' by the ',Lei:far/14k, ;:fpr. by!, - , . _ young', Man : figured .1. :was:, Wash up fel- some lime, the :same alb:test...half a 'century, the , Another Clinton feature will be too big for 'a Small town So amoUht.. 'of ' ears.. ',as • usual . were s4 Hotel opens.- PO. "A an exhibition' of field coo'lung_by graduated - and -I sprea *le washed., Many.-Angerieatt.' •visitors da'Y'-'10th' a. new °WI:lei'''. William the tlie.seheel of_FoodiServieeS.• RCAF. + Well, .they tonk, me a' 'long WAY; vantage .of,the chance' to 'have. their from kerne.... BeforeT was. through who were the district- Wok ad- Pav111 fermerW. etKite.herier: fiefit,kitehen,,units „willAdtion.' cars :cleaned, and :helped, tot,make the .event.'.a Short �uieijot - 01.114TY PAPERS graduation balla; convocations. and other '.11he . ceremonies which: 4r$, connected 'with a' young Mah. , _ . woman having passed another; edu- eation,a1 Milestone:. ,Ar.opo these .parta..allAhe high schoblS!. are hav- ing ,tkeSh., eerenuoineS- and I bet a' lot' :of yOunt ;Mea and women are having.,;,Serne ,' rather serious ,thOtighta:oS bigh„ .scbnoi graduation- .• • -• the :hoYhoed.-fenfaiieethe yeinigetitinle--wha.fell*eer.11111:g :steady t• hrengli, 001, 'Next fall, she gehig,'fO.te1erS': v011ege and he iStOing to uxivers- it. ,Theirintentions2are goednow, btitthey caret laeigbut ,Wonder how, long 0*k will hold She, i$ very gehig dashing, yiJiig Lothario Priday' night When' her :old „beau: .hundred mileaway :and -there . no doifbt :that down in the.. city he Will find, blonde' goddess , the, old steady .baCkherne look: a 'little. doWdy.:, faet,,,..althou,gli: they PrO, bab,ly won't : adride it 'noW,,. the, 'elialices are .exceIlent-that grathia- tion :407 oi.he. the 'last chapter to ,that:Fparticular love. Story; Or maybe there,.is a lad-cq,;-ra'§: in thegradtiating •laSS. Who is. feeb ing. tlie7way I did When: graduatiOn came thought it, was the end of: ;=, chapter-: tdo.Oh yes, 1 - -rennember: well ' what my fee1ig were. This was ..the...:gateWay... to: freedom::: .BY-gradnating. t• Was get;:,. roug out' e ernoonshowing.21. h44 net only. attended. the l arg:. the ',Metnodi. used. to. 'ffeed:IttA.F:: est, ithiVerSitY. the BritiSh personnel when .-they are ' but t had travelled- to frein. :their , regular bases -en,' field, ;foreign countries and lived in some exercise , Powered. ' hr,antonfobjle: 'the werld::, ga Soline; :the units : will be to rha.tiv.a.s•,.cinite a 'change .',froni Sea prepareTeoniplete, Meal's, from Soup:: ferth''s Main Street, , to diSplay.-.: addi. Then. Started ' to ,. exPlore, My lion; ''RCAF food. hygiene .OW11..iconntrY_A,WentTnik_tn'eVery wiltbe;RluStrated,:and 5a:in:Ws-will, ;mink and corner of, it.: Down to the ive41'.iliainsPglaiteldd_Zto;,,N;tk' fhe.thevreapdiedlhyyaai,da:, ,:Atott:atilhefie,4%.deso!.1,..9titethe Pacthe Upj axfles Bay By .tion 'and :Preparation.-....,' • that,..-ran-Onlonee-a week -,-2 by .fast bv car 'along super-hignWays . and down trails: that hactneVer:known a loact Death and :a resignation.: -lid , , 'caused' two' ,yaeancies-: on the vil;: rage conriCil that. will exist uiitii ealyu1y-whenan0mmatiOfl' :ineeting-Will: be ,heldto:nancle:- Can- didates for the two . spats..Thevae- Uies:w,e the sudden Webster las,t ThfirSday morning; and by the resignatioi of Council lOr -,:iietVeloOMetit that 'followed' the ,reicinding!Of"llie. •by4awf reqUir.ing. :dogs' to con- fined, Summer , -ttielmoW,'. Sentinel., , BANK Idanybantring,problerns require special. care and skill in , handling. Estate settlerrient.s, many loans, bonsiness traxitactIons oftelt bring up probleins that only - experience and a coinpletely' sympathetic understAnding can solve'. We believe- that you will find the intelrigent reasoning and the friendly, helpful advice you need at any toiotit'o'bOttlinion bralieh. The 1V4hager and bis -ifori;viii, be plea.sed to discuss yoUr banking 'probletrise,- no matter how large or'srnall, or whetheryou are tin bid .ctistonier or a new bile; !Why not drop in and,talk it over.' TOR.ONTO DOMINION icANK Loo,. M. SP111, BANK •ASI".-4-foi-84gestious Premier Lesbe FreSt. has ..„ro, Undated; the peeple of ::11iiren 'to Make sPecial'representation to iii government -if there ..are -any inn'- . _ , mar requirerrient.s _they feel should be hicorperated theneW. hospi- tal for retarded• 'children. He 'also indicted, theliesnital is -receiving -fop priority. ,The premier's request Was revealed Wednesday . by -;Ban. minister of Times Monday opening will, lie- for. reoms only: .- Opening Of the ,neW,,,dining: : net take .plaee' nnt.il Thursday, June 26th. The nPenitig :•the Sunset, ,IlOwtel this. month Marks the first Al*e thehotel will be operated en :a:.year round basis- intad: of just in., -the sin:tinier _months. '. Wark:.is...no*' proceeding' en tlin-ifistallation ;of dllcompletely n.ew heating system and also new ;dining :room. Godericli ..Sigital- Repaye,..kath. Street:, Members :of' the.4inghaiii.: town councd, '‘ meeting 'ory lgonday even- ing; expressed Corniolete- satisfac- tion.::With-. a ,:, contract which!: has been, negotiated for the pa,ving, .of streets in town this' suninier. Coun- cillor Ehnen. Wilkinsoiii. chair' Irian �f the public **kg ceminittee_, Said:that:for a charge .iinif.7„, siightly higher thariAast. year-Ithestreet.S- will';he given twocoatofliotthix - rather'Anan,'one;....aS" has leen, the; case • pre,vious , Paving jobS.. In addition te.....:the, extra .coating, :the paVement vill receive additibnai will guarantee a inticir-moother and More 'enduring surfaee,' Winsharn AdVance- ' YE 'Int..erestingitems gleaned from The Huron Fapcisitor of 25, 50 -and 75 years ago., Two Negroes' were isctisSing" gamily trees, - "Yessuh, -man," said; Ambrose', cair„trace -inalfrelations back, to a faniffrtree."- “Chase 'em back to, a, family: tree?” asked Mose. - race "Naw 'em -get Me? . 'there , ain't but two Rinds of 'things dat live in trees -birds and monkeYs-and Ye' she' aint From' Th" ' ' 1' Seatortk atid:Mr, Druee. 1r 33: .e°d by'19.'tte.'17Fe'ef*r; 4'ev- A cOninaitte4-appointed.' by • a,-neti*,n- . -Meeting of citizens called by SOZ MT.; J 1gm Tom, pififf.le school fatly'. Golf. and') OPurtbyT'C-1.111).'i'.4°' itisneetar 'for :West -Enron,. m .bis: consider a net' ,80E. • courge. site, fetort to thei.couneil. saysi. ,!There piirchased .th.e.f Case ptePer#: were -122 Waelte;s...:•iit :West Huron: the', lur611 4°a4" E.h.t. lire Price at. the 'CloSe oft1.007;,-1.2 holding tinrin Wattg 0$20;7:w0,.'..calnuclis.onThe shsaerafeOerfthstlr. dhtlidinassg: and'. Country clnb, been Jo- Thirty-otht.,1penLviere. teaching at crated:10r' the past 13years on the an average, salary .of $5,08, .arid.•84 DoddS' feria: inMelcillOP.i .women at .an , average salary of . The .w.oidstorm. inn„,pagt week Km., helped bpsiness for soma ea& spo4: The jyriSses kennedY; -fOrnierly ed the,'!Work a Years :for .Z•thecs,--of•-Ttiekersnaith;r, ,who :with: •their N..' 'Cluff...&' sons, Seaforth lumber ,mOther-,,'haVe been residing: in dealersp. sold 4 cat and. a' half town since - last t&11 have pui Shingles M Within, A ,day of the. first, thased the reidonee.: of Mr. storrn:.• In Constance, r. Leslie tiami Taney, West William St.- TaSker had• the frame built for a „Mrsizrparou isAaicl tip With new. barn ., tO:replace one recently destroyed.' by when ,Siindayls storm levelled: it to the ground'. • pr: Charles 'IIackay, and , phi]: MacTavish were: in St; Catharines Oda,- Week: attending the convention .a sorelniee, the result of an acci- dent:While playing football. .' A pretty wedding cereinony celebrated in St. 'Samos' Ch Seaforth, , last monday;:- whe eh, James Plannery, son of Mr. !eh - of district Lions, • , .; Plannery, the Enron. Road, Mr. 3.. 0, Mills,--reeentit 4)110110'7 Ttichergiiiith, , And -Miss,. Annie- ed.'iaanager. ofthe-1061 branch" of tUiidaughter -of Mr. aid Mrs. of gravel. I lived iii a part of the 'Country ...-whete the land, was bh*- ing away ,right before': Your eyes. 1- Went -to • the capital eity..of..ene: Our.proVinees and found it look-; ed Just about like: Seaforth on Sat- urdayight. was in places where, nobody spoke any :English; , and in:. others ___Where...:_nobooly.:,..Apoltnany,_ language at all to stranger.': There's 'Bo doubt about.'1,1t, Seaforth Midgets came out on' top.. in two tilts during the past-, week. -Th c --young baseball_.-L:lads topped Clinten _8: to 8. 1")1:_°cinesslay..„,: night, and ,took -.8ebringville-1.1 to •, ' 8 on Thursday night. ' Wednesday's garde saW. .four rUns scored • by' the. locals, M both. the''fourth and fifthframes,- to,: stay in front of Clinton, who scor- , ed one 'run in 'the third the fourth -ahdthe.tep of the' sixth.: Drager.'Reith .and, lfoMe olate.tWice; while -other runs • Were- '-'"Dred7by , For: CFrdon.., runs...Were scored by - Dales, Idartliff and. Pickett:._ . . • Thursday nig ht • .Sebtingville-- 'Started withjhe upper count- ing twice :in .the first, dil unan- swered by Seaforth.-Seaforthcame-: in the :SeConct with,, five runs and carried 'through into the thirc/.1 three more. • Sebringville counteli onlY three 1 - times in the :second., and were scoreless in the third and: fourth., Irv. the 'fourth Seaford) get one,' more---Man.-acroSs -the -plate. c: Only runin the fifth was: -tallied, by the . visitors, who also.. c -punted one in the sixth._ Seaford' put two- more'men- across the Plate in. the. sixth„to_LM,ake.:_the: win decisive In : the to of the seventh the Visi- tors tried hard to regain, but ,PuStied 'only, two. irtel home, 'to Make , the' seer& 11. to .8. . A. Canpdi,ari :land ..waS,..soineWbatAiSturbed... the .esthelle_enthuStasm; of a guide: who Agek him inountatn ..especially carefuL not" to Jail „here:;!"......the::::guide ,•',Warn- ed hini.,2_`-!...beeause.this is a irnghty: dangereats.place...Riit -ytiti:de. remember.. tO. look to the rigbt The- -VieW is ,extiaerdinary." • "7 • - get no feathahs on yen?' , Spread ray • , the C4sactian Batik ,of 'Commerce, Tairieic TT iith; were whey, succeeds -Mr. MIPielay thadelriart And coninieneed his''thitieS Enron C,ounty Counci'l *included ' , :4' .1 the. Jtitie meeting niklay,' tip Front. "The HuronFallogitiir chided in the business ,Was the fix- %lune 15,1883 ing Of the -county rate at six mills. ' .A little boy, abut six years nf Miss Jean Smith atid Miss Belle, ge,,ison of Mr, .Airchibald, Scott, Campbell are in Toronto this week met with rather a serious aceident attending. ' .the Rebekah Grand on Friday. Ile got ioggession of ,a Ledge as delegates from Seaforth ' mt. Ken Ament haS.. §eenred. a, position .with.. A bond firin in T- nto. Fithai llie Enron Exposithr _June 1908 During. the Wilidttprip. wbich Passed 01 here Monday evening last, a bn being erected. for, Mr. Peter Taylor, of Cenatattee, vicoa:sfolbeIerv:tie. o'xtearmy 401g ea.t, 6;bAY,1 netutiatI8billegr of fruit'tree's in this vicinity were .dovina, ; Mr- E. McVaill bavingan, It& dition built to tlie back Of hie st#re, to: , be :USect as a milliner;Work rdtgAi 'ail4 the present work TOOrct wifi,bp taxon into the, _store.. . litr.•.1OlovNfolisgeatt, Of Ifo, Y, iias a -fine lamb .whicli at birth weigh., ed 131/2.. Pounds, its,,girth titeh- es„. and ita.,hoight ioohon,- and at ::one itionth Weiglia nearly SG 'At' St. ThontaS! Church en Wed- nesday at high tioen,. the inatriage MiSt..‘%mentine Ethel, datig,h-, '1V4.6viti tThis.,a titd-r414k Jr 2 .11.111i AM& whip and making his way into the Stable made it dead set upon'one f --tie horses. The anitspL.to silo* hit disPicasuid, of gueh treat- inent: Wired, stril 'Wig the child on: the face and cutting:his 'Viper lip clear. through. . couple of large and elegant heating furnatesyare being plated in St. James' 'Catholic...Church in this. toWn. • "2":: ,1,1k. George 'ffabkiik, of MOM. - lop, has Shoivir -Us -A, Mammoth; heresegg which measurft 61/4 hick- eg the, one ''vtaz, by 8 :the Other. It was laid by, a. Madan. hen, Al. igh. alt. her eggs are.not quite So large as she has a hahit of laying. very large eggs. Mr. M., D. Counter; *to, ilk CM- $iderable, ef a floWer fancier, has ti-geraniuro, which is over 14 feet The following boys le,ave today at 1:30 p.m: to-rdaY tor atolimfor championsbip in Waterloo this af- ternocn:-. Theo Coleinank, Gi Dewar; G.tatdoon, 1...X01.6rin, D.- MO,: Dotiald,,I. 'Malone,i.Cressw.ell, A.' Willson, .1'. Dice, W., steWArt and NV, 'McDonald. Me. Harsiont ft, 4tAr4.$0 1. •- . • _ . , ' ••• r I' •. • . . • • a as time,: HE e insuraue Everyone knows What can happen -to the.,perforinan:Ce of la, car that isn't serviced regularly:. The 'sainelisk: of poor . _ performaiiee holds true for your life -iesurancc if you neglect 10 keep it Up to date., Time brings changes ni your life thatinmin create.the-need for a-, review ..Of your „policies: Perhaps new beneficiaries ' shoUld., be appOitited Perhaps the method whichbenefits are to bepaid * either by ineprne or by single atriciinii,:is new longer, in your family's best -interest. W1intVbu1d-4 careful teview,,Of Tyotit,peliCieg :reveal7--That.you4aveniore,than..,enmigh:_, 'life insurance ,-or that:time-has brought new needs , for protection and saving' ' • By keeping in tench witli the:gan from Mantrfactuters you can be sure 'scant' lifejliatitance is 'arranged to do the job you .waot it to do.. why oot nail himk for a policy ' "Check -tip": today? , t4-56 THE .. '. . MANUFACTURERS LIFE ' INSURANCE COMPAN•Y' .•,.. 4 : . 3, • • S' ; re, 'J. 'Cc4rdno, Representative' StAFORTII.: Tell 765s • • e. as o niony folk ,invest. at British 1. ?rho know. British Mortgage eertifiCateS, are SAFE, se- safo :that .Oritaria law states that trust tnoney _ 'Can be :invested in them. , . They appreciate the GUAitANITED. rate of ;interest. " Not only is an , excellent rate paid—at 'present 4% for g to 6 lyears--,but the rate' is guaranteed for the. full term. . ' 3. They like the CONVEX1ENCE Of British MortgageertifiCates, . . Many Reople wake their- investment by Mait'and then , get their interest by tpail.British IVIortgage 'certificates are as convenient as your. nearest triail4box.':,-, L.,.'rtiy grid, it:WIgg to invest for a Short teriu. r. Ili these days of rapid changes Ws .c)#eii wise to invest for only- short term. British Mortgage certificatee are iSsue for 1 to years.: At .the end- et :the. tern'', the can -he renewed'', or cashed:. ' t t - to investju a British Mortgage cer Ifica Mail Your your cheque—$100:•or more—it's ' as easy as that or call. the British Mortgage- ageut.hi y�ur atem 'Don't,,delay--,enr, money starts to earn interegi,•the da you *Ake the luitizstment. .„„ „,„ idritigh 11CirtgAge . entonina in, STRATFORD rust - 4 ,