The Huron Expositor, 1961-11-02, Page 5DltIVER'S 4 ..when you ride • SAFELY • SECURELY • SILENTLY — an SUPER-LASTIC HIWAY-BYWAIr • ,may � � � \ tie, • • Al • • • • 0 •' • • • Mor -Power BATTERY CHARGER ... keeps battery power loaded Charge battery wherever you are . all you need is a convenient electrical outlet. Mounts neatly, quickly under the hood. Complete with cord, leads and clips - , . moa -POWER itA7,EIY ;IMAGER .75 6 or 12 -volt BATTERY WARMER For fast starts in coldest weather! Prolongs battery life, re- duces current drain. Easy to install . fits easily in tray under battery. C.S.A. approved, 63 - watt General Electric Ele- ment 5.95 Electric ENGINE HEATERS Gives your engine (A) Electric Motor Warmer — Hangs under the h o o d. Keeps cooling, lubricating systems and motor warm and dry. 51/2 -ft. cord (B) Elec. Engine Heater — Fits in frost plug hole in block. Form-stpopular 489 to 6.6'3 With cord, plug .1 3.99 MOTO-MASTER Ignition Spray Seals out troublesome moisture f o r quick, easy starts. Puts an end to common igni- tion gni- tion troubles. 6 -oz. Aerosol .94 bomb WINDSHIELD SPRAY DE.IOER Defrosts, melts ice on Windows, locks, lights ,instantly. Prevents misting, fogging of in- side windows. Easy to apply. 14 -oz. 1.29 summertime warmth (C) "Dipstick" Elec. Engine Heater — Replaces ordinary oil dipstick and keeps oil at summer temperature. Fits any car with 5/16" diameter straight dipstick opening. With cord and plug 4.95 CHROME GUARD 1 .44 16 -oz. I dispenser Tough plas- 1 t i c coating ! seals out weather, corrosion, moisture. Protects grille bumper, etc. Auto -lock De-icer & Lubricant Thaws frozen locks instantly. Prevents sticking, ru sting and freezing of Locks, too. L-oz.34 tube..... axiom _.m1=01 DEDUCT EXTRA 5% DISCOUNT From All Prices Shown 5% CASH DISCOUNT NOTES ON ALL PURCHASES OF 59c OR MORE (labor excluded) Spend Discount Notes as Money at • .. Canadian Tire EIfUEEMd1lE14�!EPCB_tiNtlSlgsrdfNdNCNGOS G. S. and W. V. SMITH Phone 792 -- Seitforth 1 DRODHAGEN N A miscellaneous shower Wks held at the home of Mrs. Mer- vyn Hodgert, near Brodhagen, last Wednesday evening with 'about 40 ladies attending, for Joyce Querengesser, of Strat- ford tratford and Brodhagen, prior to her marriage to Bernard Clar: ence. The event was planned by Mrs. Earl Bennewies, Mrs. Ivan Bennewies, Mrs, Mervyn Hodgert, Mrs. Ivan Querenges- ser, Mrs. Howard Allan and Mrs. Merman Leonhardt, and they conducted contests and games, a mock wedding and provided and served a delicious lunch. Audrey Hodgert and Beverley Sholdice received the gifts at the door and placed them in a prettily decorated pink and white wishing we11, and also assisted the bride-to-be, who was seated in a prettily decor- ated chair, in opening the gifts. Mrs. Earl Bennewies and Mrs, Ivan Bennewies also assisted with the gifts. The ribbon bows on the parcels were made into a fancy hat for the bride. Music for the evening was supplied by Mrs. R. Sholdice. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Regele (Laur- een Scherbarth) in the Brodhag- en Community Hall last Thurs- day evening. They were pre- sented with a bedroom suite, Mrs. Ronald Beuermann read the address. Edighoffer's orch- estra provided music for danc- ing. On Saturday evening, a shower was held in the same Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs. William Gibb (Grace Wiet- ersen). They were presented with cash. Mrs. Kenneth Riehl read the address. Lorne Muel- ler's orchestra played for danc- ing. Mrs. Eli Rapien fell recently, fracturing a bone in her wrist. Mr. and Mrs. William Hinz, Jr., who observed their 25th wedding anniversary recently, made a donation to the organ fund of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Mr. Ed. Wurdell underwent an operation at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rock, Sharon, Judy and David visited friends in Chesley recently and enjoyed a trip to •Collingwood and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brickman and Barry, of Brampton, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Hinz. Mrs. Dalton Hinz attended the graduation of Mr. Glen Brickman at London on Fri- day, when he received his Bachelor of Arts degree. Mrs. Rosine Miller spent a few weeks visiting relatives in Stratford. Miss Sharon Denby and Mr. Gary Tremain, of Brampton, ac- companied by Warren Sholdice, of Brampton, spent the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ShoIdice. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kressler, Strat- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser and family, of Mitchell, at the same home on Sunday. A celebration of the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rose (Irene Brod- hagen), RR 3, Mitchell,- was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose on Saturday eve- ning. The couple were present- ed with an electric fry pan, el- ectric grill, electric lamp and electric iron. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Watson, Centralia; Mr. John Watson, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tur- vey, Danny and Beth, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and THE WEEK 0-04, of l tchei>er; Mr. and Mrs. George guincey and Martin, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Martin Riegel, of Stratford. Lhtr Stewards of the t brls- tiara Home held their monthly meeting on Monday evening. Their families also attended In Hallowe'en costume. Mrs. Ford Dlckison, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pmeter and Mr. and Mrs, La- vern Wolfe were in charge of devotions and lunch. Filsn strips were shown suitable for the children. 'Prizes for costumes went to Glenda Dicklson, Aud- rey Hodgert, Douglas Watson and Paul Beuermann. Recrea- tion was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann. Mrs. Ronald Hinz played for hymns. During the business per- iod it was decided to hold a work day at the church sheds on Wednesday, Nov. 8, and tickets were given out to all members to sell for admission to the minstrel show to be held in the Community Hall on Nov. 13, put on by the Anglican Church, Seaforth, and sponsor- ed by this group, the proceeds to be used for preparing the church sheds floor for ice. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Nixon, of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Whiteman, of Bel - grave, were weekend guests of Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Henderson. Hold Anniversary Services Large congregations attended the anniversary services in Brucefield United Church on Sunday, when the Rev. D. M. Guest, of Centralia, preached at both services. In the morn- ing the regular choir and the male choir sang very beauti- fully, "Bless This House," Mrs. Fred McGregor sang a lovely solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple," and the male choir sang, "Song of the Soldier." In the evening the Harbouraires, of Goderich, sang three num- bers, which were much enjoy- ed by all. Every week more people` s - cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. and Complete LUBRICATION CHANGE -OVER Drive in We'll check your car over and get it ready for the hard Winter drive. Don't Be Caught Cold ! Have your car ready Neil C. Bell Shell Products Phone 452 — Seaforth Prepare for WINTER ! ! ETHYLENE GLYCOL ANTI -BREEZE $ 2.75. Gal. 1''FF''FEEDS LIMITED Seaforth — Ontario COMPLETE PROTECTION . • • is our motto ! WINTERIZE YOUR CAR NOW ! Complete Service FOR ALL YOUR WINTER NEEDS VISIT CLEAVE'S SUNOCO BF GOODRICH TIRES Phone 592 — Seaforth Rik • Free pick-up and de- �SjNOCfl' livery of your car, • Mr• '*n4 Mrs, • W. *dor, of f Pasliwood, visited with M. JNeweli Gel gerr ?o MY .t n4 R* ert, of .Zurich, . Mr. lIalrold .Molal ,tinct fain: iIy visited, with. Mrs. Edge 'i•4r- rell and Fred Herd, a ibncar dine, on Sunday,. Earl Oesch and Archie M1rs- tard spent Sunday at Banmilton and district. Check your ANTI- FREEZE Now ! A CHECK-UP, IN TIME, CAN SAVE YOU $$$$$ THIS WINTER ! YES, an ounce of prevention can save you a peck of money, and a pound of trouble too, when you're dealing with cars ! The trouble we discover to -day, and repair at very little cost, could be a major problem to -morrow . . . and cost you plenty. Why gamble? Drive in Today for a Thorough Fall Check-up OUR COMPLETE CHECK-UP INCLUDES: • Brakes and Tires • Anti -Freeze • Radiator • Transmission • Differential • Battery • Crankcase • Lubrication • Spark Plugs ROWCLIFF MOTORS PHONE 267 : SEAFO TH PLAY SAFE! Let Us Overhaul Your Car .Thoroughly For Cold -Weather Driving ! TO PROTECT YOUR CAR, SEAFORTH MOTORS WILL-- • FLUSH TRANSMISSION AND REAR AXLE and fill with Winter lubricants of recommend- ed grade. • DRAIN COOLING SYSTEM—Tighten all con- nections and prepare radiator for anti -freeze. • FLUSH ENGINE CRANKCASE and refill with lubricating oil of proper Winter grade. • CHECK AND REFILL BATTERY—Tighten electrical connections, • LUBRICATE CHASSIS at all -points with Winter lubricants. • INSPECT and ADJUST BRAKES and add fluid if necessary. • ADJUST AND TUNE ENGINE COM- PLETELY, including ignition and car- buretion. AMAZING SNOW TIRE SPECIAL DOMINION ROYAL WINTERIDES • 24 month road hazard guarantee • Compact and import sizes available PURCHASE ONE AT LIST Get Extra At HALF PRICE No trade-in required ! ANY SIZE — Whitewall or Black — -- at -- Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth 750 x 14 Winter Treads 25.50 Pair Whitewalls $1.00 Extra Each