The Huron Expositor, 1961-11-02, Page 3Wt . r Hens SII Hock I ensall .ltinsmen .at theme iiaa. liar , neetine en Thnt14sy :d ell to" toy sponsor two1040 .e•2' tearnsi. the Midget and 4antems, this' year, The cbriatmas tree pr - ject was discussed an trees will be on Bale later. Plans Al' the Hallowe'en . party Tuesday were finalized, One guest was. present from Exeter and one prospective member. Rosa Jinks won the raffle. President Bill Fuss chaired the meeting, which was held at the New Commercial Hotel • • • • • a r • • 1 SPEAKER DISCUSSES ATOMIC WM AT URO:NDAIE WI MEETING 1VIr, Arch Gavin, of I:an4en, Field Officer for Civil Defence, addressed members of #iurRnY dale Women's Institute at their October meeting en Wednesday, giving an illustrated talk on atomic bomb, and showed a film, "Home and Country and Family," followed with a ques- tion and answer period, which was very interesting. The speaker was introduced by Mics. Arthur Rundle and thanked by Mrs. J. M. Soutbcott.Mrs. Don . London, who with her motheMayo, , Mrs, Jack Hod- gert, took a plane trip to the Holy Land and the Continent, gave an interesting commen- tary on their trip. She was in- troduced by Mrs. Lee Webber and thanked by Mrs. Robert Mauer. President Mrs. Harry Dougall presided and welcomed the 35 members and three guests pres- ent. Members answered the roll call with "a family current event of this year," and the #grott(t regent swag, "According to our 'vis19.ns, Co will be our achievements tomorrows,"'. Mrs, Women Brock and Mrs,. Archie Etherington, delegates to the Loddon ,Area Convention, gave interesting highlights, ll'Irs, Leslie Gibson and Mrs. W. Brock were named - a commit- tee to paclt •a bale for Unitarian Service,. artieles to be in at the next meeting. An invita- tion was accepted from Hensall WI to be their guests Nov. 8. Mrs. Arthur Rundle gave high- lights of the training school, "Focus on Finishes," held in Hensall, which she and Mrs. James Kirkland attended. The announced a silent auctionent would he held at the November meeting with proceeds to aid Emergency Fund. "Historical Research and Current Events" was convened by Mrs. Harry Strang. Mrs. Mac Hodgert favored with a read- ing, and Mrs. Strang and Mrs. H. Dougall conducted a sing- song. GUARANTEED EARNINGS Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd require a responsible man for the operation of "The Modern Service Station" LOCATED AT SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Apply in writing to: JACK SCRUTON CITIES SERVICE OIL CO. LTD. Box 252 Clinton, Ontario PLEASE! The Car King won't let Bill Belling or Ralph Parkinson drive their 1962 Demonstrators until they sell their 1961 Vauxhalls. So they're hot to make a trade on your terms. Get a great deal—see these boys today! 2 DEMONSTRATORS Left — Save Hundreds USED VAUXHALLS CHOICE I YOUR $1399 65 USED CARS LARGEST SELECTION IN HURON COUNTY 10% Down -, 48 Months to Pay PEARSON MOTORS LTD. PHONE 78 " - ZURICH PHONE 608 w EXETER `urcb• ;"'I Nears Travelogue ..lana Peony Sole gen*. 1-1 St. Dor}iface Catholic Women's League, Zile. icb, Met in the Town Ha11, which Opened with a prayer to Our Lady of Geed Counsel,led by the president, Mrs. A. Grenier. All members were encourag- ed to attend the Deanery meet- ing being held in Hesson thls year, in order to get a better understanding and apprecia- tion of the working of the CWL. A spiritual bouquet was arrang- ed by the spiritual convener, Mrs. Harold Dietrich, and sent to Father Doyle, on the occa- sion of his 30th anniversary to the priesthood. A letter was. read from the Institute for the Blind and a motion passed to make a donation. Plans for the annual penny sale, which is being held Nov. 25, in the Community Centre, Zurich, were finalized. It was decided to sell tickets on priz- es, amounting to $175, to be drawn at the penny sale. Mrs.- J. Dietrich gave an in- teresting commentary on her recent trip to Germany. Al- though she was thrilled to see her homeland and relatives again, she still thinks Zurich, Canada, is the best place to live. Mrs. Jack Bannister gave use- ful hints on starting African Violets and using used deter- gents containers as flower vas- es. The next meeting will be held Nov. 13, and all ladies are encouraged to be present to arrange final plans for the pen- ny sale. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Bedard and her com- mittee. Small Damage In Highway Crash An accident on Highway 4, one miles south of Hensall, Sat- urday caused injuries to the driver and $325 damages. Les- lie Nice, 54, of Clinton, travel- ling south on the highway, had steering failure and ran into the ditch and struck a drive- way culvert of galvanized iron in front of the property of Carl Payne, the car falling on its right side. The driver was tak- en to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with a fracture to the left wrist, which was placed in a cast, and injuries to the in- side of his mouth. He was treated by Dr. G. M. Gans and later released. The accident was investigated by PC D. M. Westover, of . Exeter detach- ment. FUNERALS MRS. ENOS DOCKING A funeral service for Mrs. Enos Docking, the former Adel- la Beer, of Hibbert Township, was held an Tuesday afternoon at the Heath -Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, with Rev. Hugh Hunter, of Main Street United Church, officiating. Mrs. Ed- ward Gilck presided at the or- gan and accompanied Mrs. T. W. Heath, who sang a solo. Nephews were pallbearers: D'Arcy Docking, Leslie Wad- dell, Robert Hamilton, all of Hibbert Township; Harris But- son, Fullerton Township; Oliver Baker, Blanshard Township, and Wilbur Chappell, of Usborne Township. Burial was made in Woodland .cemetery, Mitchell. Friends and relatives attend. ed the funeral from Paris, At. wood, Stratford, Iron Bridge, Cromarty, Dayton, Munro, 'Mit- chell and surrounding district. IENSAI.4 N The stores lit .Jfensalf , close on Remembrance 'Day froom I:A a.rn. tol p,n4„ it ::wfi8 deeded; et 0, .ppec101 meettOg of the local # usieesrmen. Mrs. John GIenn has taken up residence in Exeter with. tier sister, Miss Nettie Merag-, gart. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy and family visited over the weekend with relatives in Lon- don. Lloyd Redden, of $t. Cathar- ines, was admitted last week to the General Hospital, St, Cath- i,ith a hstrickendii condition, chhe was wh while working at McKinnon's factory in that city. LIoyd is the son of Mrs. Catherine Red- den. of town. Glenn and Darlene Hayter, children of Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vyn Hayter, of Varna, had their tonsils removed at Clinton Pub- lic Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones recently visited with friends in Lucknow. LAC and Mrs. James Jenkins, Janet, Judy and Gordon, of Vancouver, B.C,, have taken up residence in the Fink Apart- ments. LAC Jenkins has been posted to the RCAF Station at Clinton. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church are holding a bazaar, bake sale and tea, in the church Sunday schoolrooms this Satur- day, Nov, 4, at 3 p.m. The CGIT group will have a candy booth. Miss Dora Alair, of Clinton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks, and with Mrs. Alda Simmons. Members of the Kinette Club enjoyed a theatre party in Lon- don last Tuesday in commem- oration of the fifth anniversary of the organization of their club. The November Public Bela - ions meeting of Hensall Wo. - en's Institute will be held Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 8:15 in he Legion Hall. Roll call will e, "A services our WI could ender." Special guests will be urondale and Zurich branches. splendid program has been rranged. Mrs. W. J. Rogers and Bren- a of Erindale, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan - y Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hildebrand d their granddaughter, Lori, Wheatley, spent the week - d with their daughter and n -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ok and Carolyn. The Scouts artcreabi ', looking art in their uniforms, and th baskets of delicious well- lished apples, canvassed the lage on Saturday and did a shing business, disposing of eir apples. The proceeds were ry gratifying. The IOOF baseball banquet II be held in the Hensall ena auditorium, Friday, Nov. at 7 p.m. The 1960 World les film will be shown. Mr. rry E. Moore, Detroit Tiger a scout, will be guest aker. Tickets are available m any of the committee, or Bert's Snack Bar. iss Evelyn Hyde, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, of pen, was successful in ob- ing her Reg.N. degree. She eived her training in Osh- General Hospital. r. R. P. Dougall, Toronto, a weekend visitor with his her, Mr. W. R. Dougall. gt. Ronald MacKinnon, in- ctor with the Army at Camp den for the past four years, been posted to Germany. MacKinnon, Tami and flew to England, where will stay with Mrs. Mac- on's parents. Ron is the of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mac- on, of Hensall. . and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Gail Billy, spent the weekend t. Thomas. . L. J. McCloy, of Scarbor- , son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. m b r H A a d le an of en so Co sm wi po vil ru th ve wi Ar 10, Ser Ha are spe fro at M of Kip tain rec awa was brot S stru Bor has Mrs. Gary they Kinn SOD Kinn Mr and in S Mr ough 55GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES A 5 YEAR TERM INVESTMENT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST FULLY GUARANTEED Interest Paid Semi -Annually by Cheque Crown Trust Company 200 Queens Avenue London APPLICATIONS RECEIVED THROUGH YOUR LOCAL AGENT OR SOLICITOR OR WRIte DIRECT NAME ADDRESS CITY OR TOW (Please Print In Full) Please Print Please Print CHEQUE ENCLOSED Ll Please Indleate D SORtPTIVr POLDaR osmium p 0000$ ffe b, bola ken appoint• ed vice;president of Jacln,, &. LewisFM* L,td r Toronto, where, be bas been on the Pince :staff for the past 10 ,years. Mr. Aleac litensseal was ad- miitied to St.. Josepit's Hosi?ital, London, on Sunday,: where he Will the further undergo intereststof his health. Dr. Gerald R. Collyer, of Lon- don, formerly of Hensall, medi- cal director of the London Life Insurance Company, was elect- ed president of the Association of Life Insurance Medical rectors of America at its '70th annual meeting in New Yorjt City. He succeeds Dr. Janaes R, Gudger, medical director of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Twenty VQI members attend- ed the District Workshop held in Hensall on Friday, Oct. 27, the theme being, "WI Proce- dures," Mrs. R. J. Penny, of Kingston, conducted the Work- shop, and at length discussed the new institute handbook. Miss Isabella Gilchrist, Huron County Home Economist, brought greetings. Mr. Don Spearman moved his Printing business to Dresden on Monday, his home town. Mr. Spearman came here from Dresden two years ago, taking over the Hensall Observer, which he published until the end of August of this year, at which time the publication of the paper was taken over by Herb Turkheim, of Zurich, also publisher of the Zurich Citizens News. Mrs. Spearman, Joan and Jack and Mrs. Spearman's mpther, left several weeks ago to take up residence in Dres- den. Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Gertrude Powell, of Exeter, and attended eve- ning anniversary services iii Main Street United Church, Ex- eter. During the service two brass flower vases were dedi- cated, gift of Mrs. Powell, in memory of her husband, the late Willis J. Powell. Mrs. Powell and her late husband have been members of that church for 53 years. Mrs. Scott Robinson, London, visited her mother, Mrs. Rheta Charles on Saturday. Miss Barbara Schwalm, who underwent eye surgery over the weekend in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, returned home Monday. The operation was performed by Dr. Chas. Thomp- son, eye specialist. The Misses Margaret and Em- meline Smillie, Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. James Smil- lie and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peck. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Hamilton, of Auburn, is visiting with her brother, Mr. Lorne Wilson, and Mrs. Wil- son. Mr. John Broadfoot spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot. Mrs. William Wright and Mrs. John Cairns, of Seaforth, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mrs. Brock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Orland John- ston, Clinton, and Mrs. Fred Rathwell, Hensall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. El- gin Thomson. Mrs. Alton Johnston, Sea - forth, Mrs. Jarvis Horton, Hen- sall, and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Clinton, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Berry and attended an- niversary services at BrucefieId United Church. Miss N. Sinclair and Mrs. Peter Moffatt visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Gaye Lawrence and Mrs. Bruce Menerey, Bayfield, spent the weekend with friends in Flint, Michigan. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Lean attended the Hunter and Mignotte wedding reception at the Green Forest Hotel at Grand Bend, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brit- ton, of Dublin, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dow - son and Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- er visited Sunday in Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl. Mr. and Mrs. John Doig and Miss Kathryn Feltzer, Grand Rapids, Mich., were at their old home over the weekend, pre- paring for the sale on Satur- day, Nov. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting, of Parkhill, and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Ashworth and Carol, of Denfield. In a Christmas cake draw Saturday night at Dickert's store, Mrs. Carl McClinchey, of Clinton, was the winner. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and family, of St. Thomas, vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wier - ren and family visited Sunday with friends in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl WilIert and Jane, of Zurich, visited S nday, Evening, with Mr. and 1V rs;I a glii sties. Extinguish Fire At Munn Farm Bensall firemen were called out Friday afternoon to the farm of Gordon Munn, in Hay Township, to extinguish a trac- tor fire. Mr. Munn had filled the tractor with gasoline from the gas tank and when he start- ed it, it caught on fire. The tractor was badly damaged by fire and will not be useable un- til repaired. Had the wind been in the right direction, the driv- ing shed would have caught on fire. Successful Bazaar Well Attended The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church sponsored a suc- cessful bazaar, bake sale and tea in the church school rooms Saturday afternoon, many from Hensall and surrounding dis- tricts lending their patronage. Many lovely articles, suitable for Christmas gifts, were offer- ed for sale, all the booths do- ing a rushing business. Over $275 was realized, which will be used for the new Sunday. School .building fund. Conveners were: Bazaar table, Mrs. Robert Reaburn; tea tables, Mrs. Robert Cook, Mrs. Don Joynt; produce, Mrs. Ed. Corbett; recipe book, Mrs. Walter Spencer; bake table, Mrs. Ian McAllister; candy, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase. Several cash donations were received. Tea tables were very attrac- tive, centered with varied col- ored baby mums. Members of the Auxiliary would like to ex- press their thanks and apprecia- tion for the splendid co-opera- tion in this worthy project. ' blue coal' Champion Stove & Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS QUNDAS and LONEY Phone 573 or 138 LEMON'S TAXI Phone 675 AL and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 • Seaforth TOWN QF RAF01iT1 • REMEMB • DAY F On instructions from the Council, 1 here- by request the citizens and businessmen of Seaforth to observe Saturday. November 11th I AS REMEMBRANCE DAY Places of business are requested to re- main closed until 1:00 p.m. to permit citizens to attend Remembrance Day Services. EDMUND DALY, Mayor "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime 1 SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Lipton's SOUP MIX 2 Pkgs- 23¢ (Chicken Noodle OR Tomato Vegetable) QUAKER OATS Large Box 43 (Quick OR Instant) NESTLES' QUICK 1b. Tin 41 Hereford CORNED BEEF 12 -oz. Tin 470 Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP 2 11 -oz. Bottles 37q Mother Parker's INSTANT COFFEE 6 -oz. Jar 990 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's SUPERIOR •rOOD MARKETS. Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY T 1T IT J T I T 1 T LTLTIT IT IT IT Dairy Month DISCOUNTS NOW in EFFECT On All Dairy and Beef Feeds SAVE $11.00 per ton Contact us on price OP'NOTCHFEEDS LIMITED Phone 775 Seaforth "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DQLL ,,R" TLTL.TLTTLT1? LT[TITJT J,t