The Huron Expositor, 1961-03-09, Page 4umgvitoN EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MARCS 9, 1961
1 rill)
1. Coming Events
BINGO every Saturday night, Can-
adian Legion Hall. Seaforth. Jackpot $57
in 67 calla; 6275 special. door prizes.
LADFES 010 ST. Thomas W.A. ere
having a Spring Tea and hake sale, Ap-
ril 1.2, at St. Thomas Church. Everyone
welcome. 1-56-1
THE HURON UNIT of the Cancer
Society will meet in Ontario St. United
Church, Clinton, Monday night. Dr. N.
Jackson of Goderioh will speak on can-
cer of the lungs. 1-56-1
2. Lost, Strayed
PARCEL IN a flat cardboard box con-
taining aluminum patterns, etc. Lust be-
tween the 13th concession of McKillop and
town. Finder please PHONE 339M, Sea -
forth any evening. 2-66x1
3. Found
BLACK HOUND with four white feet,
white around neck and on tip of tail.
Strayed to the farm of HAROLD BOL-
TON, lot 15, con., 8, McKillop, phone
Seaforth 850 R 6, 3-56-1
STRAYED ONTO the former Appleby
Farm. con., 3; McKillop. on March 7, a
large black dog. owner may have same
by paying charges and proving property.
PHONE 836 R 21, Seaforth, 3-56-1
4. Help Wanted
WAN'T'ED- A nursing assistant or
practical nurse at Queensway Nursing
Home, Hensel'. Livi5 in if necessary.
PHONE 222, Hensall. 4-56.1
FULL TIME housemaid; two full time
dining roam waitrteses; four part time
beverage room waiters, Apply COM-
" MEW AL HOTEL„ phone 227. Seaforth.
4 -55-2
Seaforth, Ontario
4 56 2
To enroll Farm Service and Motor
Club Memberships. Pleasant, dignified
worker, full or part-time, repeat busi-
ness year after year, Rush your name
and address for full information as terr-
itories are going fast. Car needed.
Box 817, London, Ontario
Avon offers an excellent earning opp-
ortunity for housewives. We have a
part-time income plan to help ,yon. Re-
liable, neat appearing mothers of school-
age children' can qualify.
No experience necessary.
Openings in Huron and Perth Counties
P.O. Box No: 86
Owen Sound
6. Teachers Wanted
S,S, SO. 6, McKILLOP Township, Hur-
on County, requires a teacher with duties
to commence September 5, 1961 for ap-
prd0cimately 30 pupils. Apply stating qual-
ifications. salary expected and references
to LESLIE .1. PRYCE, Secretary -Treasur-
er, RR 1, Dublin, phone Seaforth 850 R 14.
8. Farm Stock For Sale
in March. ERNEST STEVENS, Walton,
Phone 830 R 22, Seaforth, 8-36x1
SIX STEERS about 850 lbs, Hereford
and Durham. ALLAN CAMPBELL, phone
837 R 11. Seaforth, 8-56x1
TWO HOLSTEIN heifers ready to
breed. One stocker steer about 750 lbs,
Hereford and • Durham, DAVID LIV-
INGS'rON, R.R. 2. Seaforth. 8-56x1
THREE PUREBRED Holstein heifers,
vaccinated, brucellosis tested herd- arti-
ficial bred Holstein, due arson ; 6 grade
heifers, vaeeinat.ed bred Herefords, due
soon. Apply .JOHN REItENIaSON, Kirk -
ton, 21 R 4 on 83 Highway, leg miles
eget of Farquhar. 8-56-3
10. Used Cars For Sale
JEEP, fully equipped for snowplowing
and garage work. Hydraulic Lift on plow,
JAMES BROCK, Supertest Service Sta-
tion, Seaforth. 1056-1
11. Articles For Sale
COOK&HUT NO, 11. 13 -run fertilizer
drill, grass soder and markers. God
condition. ROBERT Mac LEAN, phone
684 R 51, Honann, 11-56-1
USED Westinghouse refrigerator, 8 cu.
foot. ideal for summer cottage. PHONE
0, dean; or 479-W, evenings. 11-65-tf
QUANTITY BALED hay: quantity of
-mixed grafi. PAUL DOIG, phone 662R2,
Seaforth. 1156x1
GARRY SEED oats for sale, grown
from registered need,. Apply HUBER.T
JOHNSON, R.R. 2, Walton, phone 46 R
25, Dublin. 11-66x3
POTATOES -75 -lb bags of Shelbourne
Potatoes, at $2,20 per bag. Place your or-
der now. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841
R 2, Seaforth.
OND DINING room table, 42" x 10',
with boards; 1 Rogers Mageatic radio,
cabinet style; 1 Setee-antique. PHONE
Brussels 4194 W 18 or Seaforth 57810.
DELL PIANO. upright; extension tab-
le' metal bed, sponge and mattrean and
Painted dresser and stand: 3 -piece walnut
bedroom mato with springs and mattress.
GEORGE McART13UR, Walton, Ont.,
Phone Brusaela 886 J 18. 11-66x1
"Ted HOLSTEIN HEIFEJts and two
eprltigtng Holstein cows and calves, aatt-
able for raising. 1951 Plymouth car, like
• now.- Will oxcbttngo for lirottoctc. Apply
L01114''S TYNDALL, MEd*, 0116fle 1 IJ,
11. Articles For Sale
HONEY FOR SALE -clover honey in
- Ib. pails. 52. WALLACE ROSS AP-
IARIES. Seaforth. 11-56-3
QUARTER of beef, 85 to 90 pounds.
Contact ROSS GORDON, phone 835 R 21
'cafurth. 11-56-1
STANDARD SIZE bedroom doors 'and
windows. PHONE 87 R 12, Dublin.
GOOD CAs'l' iron bath tub, in good
sheet, large size. Apply LOUIS HILD-
F:BJtAN D. Seaforth. 11-56x1
CH, H.R. '3, Seaforth, phone Clinton HU
2.32:37. 11-56x1
BUY'S TWEED sport coat, size 16.
new condition. MRS. J. E. MacLEAN,
phone Seaforth 665 R 21. 11-56-1
FOR SALE- Choice shamrocks. BAK-
ERS GREENHOUSE, your garden cen-
tre, Seaforth. 11S6x1
JOHN DEERE model 60 tractor, used
only four seasons. excellent condition.
PHONE 580W, Seaforth. 11-56-1
WHITE ENAMEL cook stove in good
condition with reservoir. ELSTON DOW -
SON. Kippen, phone Hensall 278 J 4.
APPROXIMATELY 1000 bushels ex-
-ellent quality pure Rodney feed oats.
Reasonable. Call COOK BROS. Milling
Cu. Ltd., Hensel'. phune 24. 11-56-1
FREEZER SALE — Brand new 191
Freezers, Deluxe models, with baskets and
dividers; full warranty: low, low prices.
12 cu. ft., $229; 17 cu. ft., $239; 22 cu,
ft., 6269. Delivery $5 extra. DRYS -
DALE CREST HDWE., phone 11, Hensall.
. SEMI) FOR SALE --Garry oats regis-
tered and commercial; York barley, reg-
istered number 1, fourth generation ;
Alfalfa, commercial number 1 and2 ; Tim-
othy, commercial number 1 and- all
from our own fields. RUSSEL BOL-
TON, phone 840 R 33, Seaforth or ART
BOLTON, phone 850 R 41, Seaforth.
12. Wanted To Buy
ADDITIONAL section or sections for
Macey 23B bookcase. Apply to 130X 979,
13. Wanted
ELDERLY WOMAN to board and
room, PHONE 475 W. 13-55x2
A NUMBER of cattle for pasture for
summer. JACK McIVER, St. Columban.
14. Property For Sale
NINE ROOM modern home on West
Cockrell Street, Available April 1. Rea-
sonable terms -phone 750 W 2, Seaforth.
FOR SALE--$30,00.0-Lorne Villa, 90
Godereh St., Seaforth. Solid brick home,
twelve large rooms, oil heated, eight
marble fireplaces. full basement, coach
house, 2S x 30 feet. Lot more than one
acre facing on two streets. S. S.
CROUCH. Box 981, The Huron Expos-
itor, Seaforth. 14-56-3
Wilfred Mclntee — Broker
On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sum-
mer Properties.
100 acres near Exeter, modern 2 storey
,rick house, Oil furnace, bank barn 45 x
70, good stabling, silo, hydro, all level.
100 acres of undulating land near Clin-
ton. Fair buildings, listed for quick sale,
100 acres in Tuckersmith, level, well
drained. Modern house, 2 large barns.
100 acres near Blyth, 93 acres workable.
Balance bush. 7 room house with bath,
oil furnace, 2 barns -36 x87 and 36 x 55.
Hen house, drive shed, cj; miles te village
and school.
7 room brick house in Seaforth.
9 room f ran
newly decorate
softener, built
'Theme ih Harpurhey,
new oil furnace, water
cupboards, ''t acre land.
Please send 9,r free catalogue on farm
Apply to Amos Corby
Phone 598-M
Seaforth, Ontario
• WALKERTON, Ontario
6 Offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you.
15. Property For Rent
TWO BEDROOM apartment, gas heated,
BOX 981, Huron Expositor. 1555x2
FOUR ROOM apartment, upstairs,
private bath. PHONE 261W, Seaforth.
THIRTY ACRES land to rent for fall
Plowing. B. WESTERVELT, 952 R 24.
Seaforth. 15-56x1
FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three
rooms and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY
forth Branch, Phone 13.
THRF�-REDROOM house, with bath:
nil furnace and built -In cupboard, ; 3
miles west of Cromarty and six miles
emit of Hensall. Very reasonable rent,
ROBERT KINSMAN, phone 690 R 5,
Hensel'. 154582
THREE ROOM gas heated apartment
on Main St., unfurnished and a four
room apartment on ground floor in Mc-
Master mat end apartments on Highway
8. Apply to DR. E. A. MCMASTER or
JOSEPH McCONNELL, phone 266. Sea -
16. For Sale or Rent
GRASS FARM. 100 acres in McKillop
Township. BOX 982, THE HURON EX-
POSITOR, or phone 266, Seaforth.
19. Notices
ELECTROLUX Sales and Service.
Cleaners and pollnhera, also reconditioned
Cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS, 409
Newgate St., Goderich, phone JA -4-7917.
Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners
and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for
sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone
Treenail 69682.
Septic Tanks Cleaned
Modern equipment used. All work
guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS
BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels, "hone 442 W
6, Brussels 19-56x28
19. Notices
for Brucellosis
Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig
Centre Street
Telephone 446
For all kinds of upholstering.
One cent per pound paid in surround-
ing district for dead, old or disabled hors-
es and cattle. For the fastest and prop-
er removal of all animals, day or night,
seven day service.
Call Long Distance and ask for
(No toll charge)
Plant Licence No. 62 R. P. 61
Collecting Licence No. 103 C. 61
A11 persona in the Township of Hibbert
are requested not to park vehicles on the
township roads, during the winter mon-
ths which hinder snow plow operations,
The Council will not be responsible for
damages to any vehicles parked on the
roads in the township,
19-48-50-52-54-56 58 6
Township of Tuckersmith
Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Town
ship of Tuckersmith are requested by the
Council to not park cars on township
roads and streets during the winter
Months in order to facilitate snowplowing
Council will not be responsible for dam-
ages to any vehicles parked on roads cr
Clerk, Tuckersmith
will be held at Goderich, on
MARCH 24th 1961,
commenceing at 10:00 a.m.
All communications in connection there-
with must be in the hands of the Clerk
not ,later than Friday, March 17, 1961.
Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron
Court House, Goderich, Ontario.
20. Auction Sales
'of Farm Stock, including high grade
Durham cattle, Implements, Poultry equip-
ment. Hay and Grain, in the Township
of McKillop, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH
29th, at 1 p.m., at Lot 6, Concession 3,
11.4 miles west and 11_ miles north of
TERMS- 4Cash day of sale.
No reserve as the proprieter is giving
up farming due to ill health,
JOHN J. WALSIH, Proprietor
J. L. RYAN, Auctioneer
Of 120 heart of cattle, hogs. feed and
implements. W. E. Nairn and Son will
Kell by public auction on Jot 35, Con, 4,
Logan Township, 2 miles north of Dub-
lin on THURSDAY, MARCH 16, at 10
a. m,
CATTLE -44 ' registered .Jersey •cows
rnnslslinc of 5 rows due in April, bal-
ance ern milking: 20 Holstein and Jersey
Mr's of which-' 10 are milking and 10
rows clue in April: 3 registered Jersey
heifers bred for early summer: 5 Hol
stein heifers due in summer ; 32 Holstein
steer and heifer calves; 5 Holstein and
Amens steers rind heifers: 'Holstein hull
18 months old; 43 choice western year-
ling steers.
HOGS- 1 York sow due end Of Meech
1 York sow and 6 pigs: 1 York hog. 1
year old.
F 4311)--1000 bales mixed hay; 500
hales of straw; 500 bushels mixed grain.
IMPLEMENTS- Now IHC model 275
Deisel fully equipped, only 600 hours
stork ; Ferguson tractor recently over-
hauled with Freeman inuder and pulley;
new IHC 3 -furrow ace bottom hydraulic
plow; Ferguson 2 -furrow plow; ,J. D.
model 55, 12ft. self propelled combine in
Al condition ; new New Holland model
IHC 3 point hitch 17 tooth cultivator:
68 super hayliner baler with motor; new
4 -section spring tooth drags; M.H, 16
run power fertilizer drill ; .1. D. 100 hu,
manure spreader; tubber tired wagon and
racks; 1. D. 3 ton rubber tired wagon
and racks: Fleury Blase) 8ft. double discs
36 ft. Cardinal bale elevator with grain
box; Letz P.T.O. grinder; 7 ft. New
Idea power mower; J. D. side rake
M. H. 6 ft, nil hath Mower; 1943 Dodge
3 ton truck with racks and grain beer
circular saw : power rip saw; snrnp
pump; Leland 1 H.P. motor; four y4
R.P. motors; nir compressor; set of
sleighs; fanning mill: 2000 lb, scales:
electric fencers; grain blower; quantity
of lumber and timbers; cedar poatn ; two
250 gallon oil tanks; oil drums; steel
water trough; drill press; tractor chains,
12 x 25; truek chains: lagging chain();
vine: acrap iron! electric clippers; large
Fess oil apace heater; tools: forka; ahoy -
eta etc.
TERMS --Cash No reserve. Thin 1n a
clearing Bale an eroprietor is giving up
farming, Lunch booth on grounda.
W. J . FERGUSON, Prop.
W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers
20. Auction Sales
Of High Grade Hereford and Durham
Cattle, Hogs, Implements, Hay and Gra-
in and Household Effects at lot 7, con-
cession 4 McKillop. 2t,_ miles north, ilea
miles went of Dublin .or 1 mile east of
Beechwood on SATURDAY, MARCH 26,
at 12.00 o'clock sharp.
Auction Sale'in village of Brodhagen, on
March 18th, consisting of 14, storey, red,
brick house, wih bath, hot water, hydro,
six rooms, with y., acre of land.
TERMS --On property, 10% day of sale,
balance in 30 days. Sold subject to re-
serve bid.
Anyone wishing to inspect this property,
apply to the administrators.
J. L. RYAN, Auctioneer
22. Legal Notices
In the Estate of JOHN A. BEATTIE
All persons having claims against the
Estate of John A. Beattie, late of the
Township of McKillop, in the County of
Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died
on the 19th day of January, 1961, are here-
by notified to send in full particulars of
their claims to the undersigned, on or be-
fore the 23rd day of March, 1961, after
which date the assets will be distributed,
having regard only to claims then re-
DATED at Seaforth, this 1st day of
March, 1961.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Estate
In the Estat, of ROLPH HISLOP also
known as RALPH HISLOP.
All persons having claims against the
Estee of Rolph Hislop also known as Ral-
ph Hislop, Gentleman, late of the village
of Hensall, deceased, who died on or a-
bout th 23rd day of January, 1961, are
hereby notified to send in to the under-
signed on or before the 30th day of Mar-
ch, 1961, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last men-
tioned date, the assets of the said estate
will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which the undersigned shall
then have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not be
liable to any person of whose claim the
undersigned shall not then have notice
for the assets so distributed or any part
DATED In Seaforth this 6th day of
March, 1961.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitor- for the Estate
In th„ Estate of CATHERINE A. MAR-
Ale persons having claims against the
Estate df Catherine A. Martin, Spinster,
late of the '('own of Seaforth, Ontario,
deceased, who diad on or about the 4th
day of February, 1961, are hereby noti-
fied to send in to the undersigned on or
before the 30th day of March, 1961, full
particulars of their claims.
immediately after the said last men-
tioned date, the assets of the said estate
Will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, haying regard only to
claims of which the undersigned shall
then have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not be
liable to any person of whose claim the
undersigned shall not then have notice
for the assets BO distributed or any part
DA 1 EO at Seaforththis 6th day of
March, 1961.
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Estate
V 4** x'
V qty
County of Huron
To Wit; ,
By virtue of a warrant Issued by the
Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his
hand and the aeal of the said Corporation
bearing date of the 17th day of Sept.,
1960 sale of land in arreara of taxes in
the town of Seaforth will be held at the
Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 3
o'clock in the afternoon on the 10th day
of April 1061 unless the taxes and costs
are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given
that the list of lands for sale for arrears
of taxes was published in the Onterio
Gazette on the 7th day of January 1961
and that copies of the said list may be
had at my office.
Treasurers' Office thla 17th day of Jan-
uary 1961.
22-50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60-6
Walton Community Hall
Friday, March 10
at 8:30 p.m,
Sponsored by the Walton W.I.
Lunch Served — Admission 50c
23. Cards of Thanks
MY SINCERE thanks and apprecia-
tion to all those who so kindly remem-
ered me while 1 w113 a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
1 WISH to expsess my sincere thanks
to the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital,
also Dr. Malkus, the ladies of the W.A.
of the United Church and all those who
sent get well cards and treats.
MY SINCERE thanks to my many
friends for remembering me with cards,
treats and visite while 1 wan, in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Special thanks to
the nurses and staff of the hospital and
Dr. Gorwill.
23-56x1 TED BROWN.
I WISH to thank all my friends and
neighbours who called on Inc' sent cards,
flowers and treats while a patient in
Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks
to Dr. Stapleton, Rev. J. C. Britton
and the hospital staff.
23-56x1 ALEX MacDONALD.
MAY I TAKE this opportunity to ex-
press my gratitude to my neighbours and
all who helped in malting my sale so suc-
cessful, May I also sincerely thank all
who have been so kind to me during the
Years 1 have been in the area.
23-56x1 HUGH Mc.MILLAN.
WE WISH to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our friends,
neighbours and relatives for acts of kind-
ness, floral tributes and cards of sym-
pathy we rc'eeivcd during our recent sad
',ereavement. Special thanks to Rev. C.
Britton, Box Funeral Home, Highland
Shoes. the Canadian Legion, Branch
156 and the Staff of Maple Leaf and
Exeter Daries. 23-16x1
25. Personals
mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope
with price list. 6 samples, 25c; 24 gam.
pies 81.00. Mail- Order Dept. T-78
NOVA - RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton
26. Births
FLETCHER—'red and Lorna Fletcher,
nee Ellis. of Gravenhurst are happy to
announce the arrival of their son
Stuart William, at Bracebridge Hos-
pital. on March 6, 1961.
HORAN--At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on February 22, to Mr. and Mrs, James
Haran. RR 2, Walton. a daughter.
LASIONT—Norman, and Ruth Lamont
wish to announce the arrival of a son.
Robert Neil, on Manch 2, 1961, at South
Waterloo Memorial Hospital, a brother
for Leslie and Sharon.
LANE -At Scott Memorial Hospial. on
March 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane,
RR 5, Seaforth. a daughter, (Stillborn).
MALONEY-AtStratford General Hos-
pital, on February 26th. to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Maloney, 74 Nile St., Strat-
ford. twin daughters.
MOORE -- At Scott Memorial Hospital.
on -March 6. to Mr, and Mrs. $581
Moore. ' (nee Agnes Carter), Sebring-
ville, a daughter.
MLEGGEr-At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on March 3 to Mr and Mrs. Gordon
Muegge. Seaforth a daughter.
O'ROURKE—At Scott Memorial Hospit-
al, on 'March 7. to Mr, and Mrs. Jack
O'Rourke, R.R. '1, Dublin, a daughter,
Miss Janet Watson, of Aylmer,
spent the weekend at her home
and visited with her father in the
nursing home at. Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squires
and children spent the weekend
with Mrs. Squires' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Allan, Sr.
Mrs. Betty St. Louis visited with
friends in Toronto over the week-
Mr. Robert Allah, Jr., had a
tonsil operation at Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, Last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson
are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs,
George Henderson, Florida.
Mrs. A. H,oht}er visited with her
sister, Mrs. William Smith, Exe-
ter, over the weekend.
Mr. Ross Scott and Mr. Ken
Scott were in Toronto for a few
days last week.
Guests with Mrs. Ings on Sun-
day were: Mr, and Mrs. Ephriam
Clark, Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs. Mel-
vin Stade and daughter, Dashwood;
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Horner, Sea -
The men's choir will perform
at the Brucefield United Church
on Sunday morning. -
Kippen Family
Holiday Bound
Hurt in Tennessee
A Kippen area man, his wife and
three children were admitted to
hospital in Chattenooga, Tenn., on
Monday following an accident in
which their car was forced from
the road when in collision with a
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hender-
son and their children had left
Kippen on Saturday for a vacation
in Florida. The accident in which
their car was demolished occur-
red Monday as they were driving
through Tennessee.
Mr. Henderson and the children
suffered cuts and bruises, but
were able to leave hospital Tues-
day. Mrs. Henderson received in-
juries to her knee and is still in
Successful Blitz
A total of $316.40 was raised
Tuesday evening when 16 mem-
bers of the Hensall Legion Ladies'
Auxiliary conducted a Red Cross
blitz in the village.
Mrs. Andrew Houston has return-
ed after taking care of her cousin,
Mrs. C. Stevens, of Exeter, who
has been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Mr. Andrew Moore is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital, also
Mr. Stanley Gray was removed to
the hospital this week. We hope
for a speedy recovery°and return
to their homes.,
Cancer Society
Plans Film Show
The local branch of the Cana-
dian Cancer Society will present
a sound film, "A Doctor Speaks
His -Mind," in St. Thomas' Church
Hall on Monday evening, March
20, at 8 o'clock, There will be no
Blyth Man
Injured in Fall
Leonard Cook, Dinsley Street,
Blyth, met with an unfortunate
accident Thursday afternoon while
cleaning ice from the eavetroughs
of Mrs, T. Kelly's house,
Mr. Cook had the ladder on the
roof of the kitchen, leaning against
the main part of the house, and
was on the ladder clearing the ice
away on the main part when the
ladder slipped or spread, letting
Mr. Cook down. Fortunately his
fall was broken by landing on the
kitchen roof, instead of directly
on the ground, 20 feet below.
Dr. R. N. Street had him re-
moved to Clinton Hospital, where
X-rays have revealed two smaller
bones in the hip broken.
Hog Producers
(Continued from Page 1) -
ert Burchill, Dublin, 709; Andrew
Park, Mitchell, 706; George Eick-
meier, RR 4, Mitchell, 704; Dan
Brickman, RR 1, Sebringville, 702;
Joe Semple, RR 1, Atwood, 695;
Norman Coghlin, RR 4, Atwood,
694; Clifford Miller, Staffa, 693;
Floyd Smythe, RR 4, Stratford,
689; Sheldon Hall, RR 1, Shake-
speare, 687; Robert Wilhelm, RR
1, Shakespeare, 687; Alex McDon-
ald, RR 1, Gadshill, 685; Lester
Cardwell, RR 2, Stratford, 683;
Lloyd Morrison, Fullarton, 682; 0.
C. Zehr, Sebringville, 681; John
Worden, RR 1, St, Pauls, 677; Wil-
bert Henry, Sebringville, 671; Ken-
neth Dowd, RR 1, Britton, 668;
James Murray, RR 2, Gadshill,
661; Aral Seigner, Millbank, 657.
Group 4 of the WA of Northside
United Church met at the home
of Mrs. A. Riley, with 18 mem-
bers present. Mrs. W. Hay was
in charge of the devotional. Roll
call was answered by giving a
Book of the New Testament.
President Mrs. J. 0. Turnbull
presided over the meeting. Plans
were made to have Dr. E. A. Mc-
Master show pictures of the Holy
Land and to give a talk in April.
After the business meeting Mrs.
Jean Wilbee gave a demonstra-
Members of the Hall Board spon-
sored a euchre party in the Com-
munity Hall Friday evening with
17 tables at play. Ladies' prizes
for high points were won by Mrs.
Jim McDonald, first; Mrs. Jack
Bosman, second, and Mrs. Ethel
Hackwell, low; gents' first, Mur-
ray Huether; second, Brian Tra-
vis; low, Bill Murray.
Donald McDonald acted as chair-
man for a short program,consist-
ing of: duet, Ruth Ritchie and
Mary Helen Buchanan, with Mrs.
E. McCreath at the piano; solo,
Gail Travis, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Herb .Travis; read-
ing, Mrs. Alf Anderson; solo, Sher-
rill Craig; duet, Ruth Ritchie and
Mary Helen Buchanan; readings,
Mrs. Joe Ryan. Lunch was served
by the Board members,
A meeting of the Institute mem-
bers was held during the evening,
when plans were made to holda
progressive euchre party in the
Hall, Friday evening, March 10,
with ' the following committee in
charge: Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs.
Jim McDonald, Mrs. Gerald Wat-
son, Mrs. Ken McDonald and Mrs.
Roy Bennett,
Walton WA and WMS
Twenty-seven ladies were pres-
ent for•the March meeting of Wal-
ton WA and WMS on Thursday af-
ternoon, March 2, in the Sunday
schoolroom of the church. The
first vice-president, Mrs. Gordon
McGavin, presided for the WMS
meeting. It was opened by all
singing the hymn, "Come, Holy
Ghost In Love," Scripture was
taken by Mrs. J. Bosman. Com-
ments on scripture were- given by
Mrs. McGavin. Mrs. D. Watson'
and Mrs. A. Coutts also took parts.
Mrs. H. Traviss favored with a
piano solo. The topic for the
month was taken by Mrs. R. Mc-
Michael, which was very interest-
ing. -Mrs, A. Coutts led in prayer
and the hymn, "From Ocean Unto
Ocean," was sung.
Mrs. T. Dundas called the roll
and read the minutes. The mis-
sionary for prayer is Miss Joy
Vickery. The M'easurer's report
was given by Mrs. H. Craig in
the absence of Mrs. W, Turnbull.
Delegates for Wingham Section-
al meeting April 6 are Mrs. C. Rit-
chie and Mrs, D, Watson. An in-
vitation was received from North-
side Church, Seaforth, to attend
their thankoffering on March 28,
at 2:30 p.m. Walton thankoffering
is to be April 10, at 8:15 p.m, with
Mrs. William McVittie, of Blyth,
as guest speaker. .Ladies from
Moncrieff, Duff's McKillop, Con-
stance, Bethel, Winthrop and Eg-
mondville are to be invited. Lunch
tion on hat -making, and showed
several hats she had made.
Mrs. Jean Dill thanked Mrs.
Wilbee, the lunch committee and
Mrs. Joyce Riley, the hostess.
will be sandwiches. squares or
home-made cookies, the McKil-
lop group to serve and 17th Grey
to clean up.
The WA is to pay postage on
bandages. Mrs. A. McDonald and
Mrs. C. Martin offered to pack
them. Benediction was pronounc-
ed by Mrs. G. MeGavin. -
Mrs. Nelson Reid presided for
the WA meeting. Mrs. R. Bennett
read the minutes and thank -you
cards. Mrs. A. Coutts gave the
treasurer' report. Mrs. Reid thank-
ed all who had helped in the pro- s•'
gram Friday night. It was very
successful. Mrs. K. McDonald gave
a report on the menus set up for
future weddings by the supper
The kitchen committee was giv-
en authority to buy equipment. A
discussion was held on the pur-
chase of a coffee urn, but was left.
Names were handed in for Easter
lilies. Mrs. Reid closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs, John McGavin and
family, of Owen Sound, were week-
end guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McGavin.
Misses Catharine Buchanan and
Norma Hoegy, of St. Maryl Hos-
pital, Kitchener, spent the week-
end at their homes.
Mr, Hugh Campbell is at pres-
ent visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Keller, Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, of Kit-
chener, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. T. Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. "Martin Baan, Miss
Rose Mary Brown, of Ethel, and
Mr. Joe -Ryan attended a Review
at the Ontario Agriculture School
at Ridgetown. on Friday, John
Baan returned home with them for
the weekend,
Mr. Frank Kirkby, Doug and
Herb attended the funeral of the
late William McKay at Hamilton
on Saturday.
Mr. Joe Ryan won the special
prize of aluminum ware at the
Case demonstration, sponsored by
Rowcliffe Motors, held in the
Community Centre, Seaforth, Mon-
day evening. Other prize winners
from this locality were Donald Ry-
an and Frank Walters.
The third meeting of the Walton
Willing Workers was held at the
home of Linda Bryans on Feb. 28
at 8 p.m. Teresa Ryan presided
over the meeting which was open-
ed with the 4-H Pledge, followed
by the secretary!s report. The roll
call was answered by seven girls.
At this meeting the zippers were
checked. Several members cut
their patterns out and were taught
hew to do the stay -stitching.
The roll call for the next meeting
is for each girl to demonstrate cor-
rect standing and sitting posture.
Home assignments a r e: Write
down measurements; bring stay -
stitching to next meeting; work as
far as you can on your dress,
Wins Prizes At 'Rowcliffe's
1961 Case "Showcase"
ThODtL 430 • 3611P
moO[L530 41 HP
ODEL63O 5211P
A LARGE CROWD attended the 1961 Case Canadian "Showcase", sponsored by Roweliffe Motors
at the Arena on Monday and saw the line of new Case farm equipment. A highlight of the pro-
gram, which included movies and refreshments, was the award of a number of prizes. Mere Car -
mon Rowcliffe (right)of Rowcliffe Motors, presents a set of kitchen cookware to the lucky winner,
Joseph Ryan, of McKilflop. (Expositor photo by Phillips.) (Adv.).