The Huron Expositor, 1960-05-19, Page 1010,-411g- HURON EXFOSITQR; SEAIj'O1 T 1, Qh1T., MAY 18 1960 L. BE PROUD OF YOUR HOME... YOU'LL ENJOY IT MORE! Seaforth Lions Club ANNUAL PAPER DRIVE We're Sorry ! ! But for reasons beyond the control of the Lions Club, it is not possible to hold the Annual Paper Drive in May as usual. The drive will take place in the early part of June, and residents are urged to co-operate by continuing to save paper and magazines until that, time. Announcement of the drive will be made as soon as possible. Seaforth Lions Club FOR A HOUSE BEAUTIFUL... Outside White HOUSE PAINT . • $4.95 Gal. We have Paints for every use! Try this Low - Cost Paint for that Exterior Job this year ! CLEAN-UP, FIX -UP YOUR YARD ! Grass Seed - Fertilizer - Weed Sprays Everything to brighten up that dull lawn. KEEP IT CUT WITH A POWER MOWER—As Low as $41.95 WATER THE GRASS WITH A PLASTIC LAWN HOSE -50 ft. - $1.79 Crown Hardware Phone 797 -• —Seaforth LET US NAIL A NEW HOUSE RIGHT OVER YOUR OLD ONE! s 1111111114 .� Mt R -111111111f with Johns -Manville PERMATONE COLORBESTOS Johns -Manville Permatone Color- bestos Siding goes right over your old outside walls. This is a •low , cost luxury sidewall with the last- ing qualities of asbestos and ce- ment. Colorbestos Siding will give your home a "custom built" look as well as provide full protection against the weather. Come in to- day and see the seven luxurious new colors and learn how easy it is to beautify your. home with Johns Colorbestos Siding. SIDING TASK US: $4ee Value Only $2Q Aak us for free coupon that entitle you to get this handy home ne- cessity. Fine nnpring steel, unnsualtvalno. Manville HOME RENEWAL HEADQUARTERS FOR JOHNS -MANVILLE 7 -STAR VALUE PRODUCTS Seaforth Lumber LIMITED PHONE 47 : SEAFORTH C of C Promotes Annual Spring Clean-up Campaign -- Clean -Up, Fix -Up, Paint -Up is not just a one-week program, but a guide for better civic living throughout the entire year, accord- ing to James A. Stewart, president of the Seaforth Chamber of Com- merce. "The future of our town is de- pendent on the traits shown during our Clean -Up campaign, namely, energetic interest," the president declared. "Through demonstra- tion' of these qualities in the next few weeks, we should set a pat- tern for the rest of the year. The results we accomplish and the Fire Chief Scott Urges Clean -Up To Prevent Fire Don't let fire hide in your home —Clean -Up, Fix -Up, Paint-Up—Fire Chief John F. Scott advises. "That old box of cast-off cloth- ing, the pile of newspapers in the basement, the oily mop in the clos- et, and the storeroom's flammable• liquids are all hideaways forfire's threat," the Fire Chief explained. "And unpainted wood is ready fuel for fire," Chief Scott continued. "For the protection of your fam- ily and home, get rid of old cloth- ing, magazines, mattresses and papers. Protect wood surfaces with paint. Dispose of oily mops and rags and all flammable items. Get rid of dried grass and leaves, especially those near the house foundation. Check your wiring to be certain it is adequate to meet present - day electrical require- ments. "Fight fire before it starts by getting rid of its hiding place," Chief Scott advised, as he urged 'full co-operation for the C of C Spring Clean -Up campaign. FEDERATION NEWS By J. CARLHEMINGWAY Huron County Federation of Ag- riculture directors' meeting was held May 12. We would extend the appreciation of the Federation to Sgt. Barker and Constable Hobbs of the Ontario Provincial Police, for coming to the meeting and ex- plaining the law governing the op- eration of farm machinery on pub- lic roads. Here are a few of the things we found out: - 1. All roads for public use come under the same regulations. 2. Operators of farm, tractors or self-propelled machines must lie 16 years or over, but are not re- quired to have a motor vehicle driver's permit.. 3. - Overall width of machine must not be more than eight feet, other special permission must -'be obtained. These can be obtained from the Department of Highways. 4. Trailers with a gross weight of over 3.000 pounds require a braking system. 5. Farm machines are required to -have lighting similar to any mo- tor vehicle for movement on the roads at night. In reading these things you may think that the law is pretty strict, but let -us remember that these laws are for our own safety. Since our county federation con- stitutidti was last revised in 1951, marketing of farm products by commodity groups marketing boards has become quite contro- versial and it has been felt that the position of the county federa- tion should be clarified. The Resolutions Committee pre- sented the following statement of policy which will be presented for discussion pt the county annual meeting in November. We hope you will take a little time out to consider the question. The County Federation uphelds the right of farmers to organize and work together collectively for the benefit of agriculture. 2. The County Federation sup- ports all commodity groups in their right to market their produce in whatever manner that group de- -tides, and will do all in its power to persuade Government to provide the necessary legislation. 3. The County Federation will do all in its power to dispense un- biased information on any com- modity group problem at the re- quest of that commodity group. 4. In case of a vote on a com- modity group marketing plan the County Federation will do all in its power to organize, assist and encourage all producers to vote. 5. The ,County Federation sup- ports the democratic principle that the minority must obey the will of the majority in whatever area for which the vote is called. Reports were lacking from the affiliated groups since at this time of year activity in farm organisa- tion is at a minimum, but the dairy Princess Contest to8befherd atathhe Clinton Spring Pair, lime 11, . habits of cleanliness and beauty which we acquire will persuade teurists to stop over in our town, will create an environment .which will attract new industry and citi- zens. New industry means many new jobs, with special opportuni- ties for our youth," Mr. Stewart ZION Mrs. Mary . Malcolm returned home on Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gor- don and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mur - die, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, Terry, and Ray, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin William,s, Bur- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and sons and Mrs. Albert Roney spent Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde and family - visited' -'her mother, Mrs. Alexia Malcolm, on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold De Clute and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur De Clute and Mrs. Will Murdie, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. '2nd Mrs. Dalton Malcolm: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Williams, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roney on Monday. Honor Bride.Elect About 69 friends and neighbors gathered at Campbell's basement' on Saturday evening to extend good wishes to Margaret (Peggy) Hig- gerson, whose marriage takes plac- later this month. An address, writ- ten by Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, wasp read by Faye McKenzie. The bride received gifts of kit- chenware, linen and china, She was assisted in unwrapping and dis- playing them by Donna Barker, Gloria Ann Pepper and Betty Ann Barker. The program consisted of a sing- song, readings by Bonnie Barker, Diane Rose and Mrs, McKenzie; an accordion solo by Wanda Moore and a mouth organ medley by Mrs. R. S. Aikens. Bingo followed, with the winners handing their prizes to the bride. A.contest con- cluded the program. Mrs. Lawrence Barker,Mrs. Lloyd Barker, Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm and Mrs. W. McKenzie spon- sored the event. - Daughter: "I'm sure you'll like Tom, Dad. He's a very nice young man." Father: "Does he have any money?" Daughter: "Oh, you men are all so curious. Tom recently asked me the very same thing about you." • said. "Clean -Up, Fix -Up, Paint -Up is; in reality, a key—a key to health, beauty, safety, fire prevention, new business, industry and citizens. It's up to every citizen to help unlock the door to a bright future for Seaforth." Grey Council Meets Grey Township council at their May 7th meeting considered three applications for a loan under the Tile Drainage Act, Clerk Edythe M. Cardiff was instructedto ad- vertise for tenders on the Lamont Extension Drain, to be in on June 4th. The following accounts were paid: Association of Assessing Of- ficers, membership fee, $10; City of Toronto, nursing home care, $48.60; Twp, of Arthur, relief, $14.66; Twp. of Turnberry, Hyslop Drain, $11.34; Mrs. ,J. MacTavish, printing Lamont Extension Drain by-laws, $14.50; E. M. Cardiff, La- mont by-laws, $20:50; Town of Sea - forth, debenture payment, High School, $969.25; N. Young, hens killed, $26.25; N. Hann -a, fox boun- ty, $36; The Municipal World, sup- plies, $63.71; S. Alexander, dump rent, $25; repair .fence at dump, $17.10; S. Sweeney, level Sellers' dump, $26; level Smillie Drain, $52; Canada Packers, warble pow - dei, $492; Fred Smalldon, warble inspector, $265; R: Cunningham stove oil, office $30.67, fire hall $28.51; R. Marks, towing fire truck, $5.00; G. Rowland, gas, fire truck, $5.90; Firemen,. $163.50; roads, $3,7.84.69. At a special meeting of council held earlier, the council accepted the resignation of Stirling Hood as maintainer operator, and the clerk was instructed to advertise for ap- plications for an operator. The ap- plications are to be in by 5 p.m, Friday, May 27. SE PROUD OF YOUR HOME... MOIIU MOT R MORE DON'T KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN? Call on BALL -.MACAULAY To Help You "Fix lip" Your Home For Spring ? Here you will find a full stock of everything you need for Home and Farin Repair ' . • LUMBER • ROOFING MATERIALS • MILLWORK • WALLBOARD • PLYWOOD • INSULATION EASY TERMS AVAILABLE! Ask For a FREE Estimate Let us show you how easily and economically you can improve your property! MakeBAI.L-MACAULAY Your One -Stop Shopping Centre For All Your Lumber and Building Requirements. fl Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Builders' Supplies - Sash Doors - Lime - Cement SEAFORTH — Phone 787 CLINTON — HU. 2-9514 ,- BE PROUD OF YOUR HOME... [YOUL ENJOY IT Moan! NOW's the Time to Think of Alterating Your Home :! If you're thinking of changing a room, think of . SEAFORTH by JAICKSON ALUMINUM LTD. SLIDER WINDOWS LVUE The Perfect Window to Modernize That Aged Kitchen or Bathroom ! Aluminum Fibre Glass All Custom Made Nothing adds to the attractiveness of a home as much as Modern Awnings. Awnings protect from the ravages of sun, rain, snow and sleet. Eliminate repair bills by preventing damage to doorways, window frames, drapes and furniture. THE GARAGE DOOR DESIGNED TO LAST FOR `THE LIFE OF YOUR HOME MORRISON Jo1jj»or __ma SECTIONAL DOORS Seaforth Fulvue Slider Windows Feature Fulvue Track . . . The all-new rigid vinyl track, engineered.. and designed to as- sure lasf ing tight seal. Will not warp -and is non-conductive. The windows have a lasting fixed color and are equipped with rustproof hardware—turned solid brass pulls, die cast lock, brass finish, easily adjusted, rubber tipped and in modern design. - Seaforth Fulvue Slider Windows Are Available For Brick Veneer, Frame Construction, Dry Wall Construction, Cement Block or Concrete Walls Check with JACKSO.AN--ALUMINUM LTD., or one of their Salesmen, when making plans for alterations or new con- struction. They'll show you the advantages of the FULVUE SLIDER WINDOW. Your Home Deserves the CONCRETE STEPS BEST READY-MADE UNIT STEP—Designed for safety, Strength, Appearance! A one-piece hollow concrete casting. No sec- tions to be forced apart by frost or settling. Only takes a few minutes to install. - - Jackson Aluminum Ltd. • PHONE .74 - SEAFORTH