The Huron Expositor, 1960-04-01, Page 4rOrdOSITOR:S7RAE' critTFI, ONT., APRIL 1, 1960. RENEATI1 THIS BANNER ARE THE WORLD'S BEST BARGAINS qftming Events '• PAW.* AUXILIARY Penny Sale 'Pe -Dead an Box Furniture S,tore, April ,taa 'MAE 7. 1-07-2 fraa X% & T. Committee of the 100F era Manning a Paper Drive in April. Wattelt foraferther particulare next week. 1-07-1 • TrAPIES1 Keep frt and tern. Join land trim olasaes being held at SUMS gyna every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Aairrne interested Phone 131, Seatorth. 1-07-1 EIGHT CANCER-Jeln the Cancer Cru - elide in Huron by giving generously to the house-to-house caanottign in Seaforth. Mc- • KilleP and Tuckersmith, from April 18 to .23rd. it 1-67-3 4, Help Wanted MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH , BUSINESS. Sen to 1,500 familiere Good aProfita for hustlers. Write today. RAW- • LEIGH'S, Dept. C-363-3, 4005 Richelieu. Montreal. EXPERTENOED OPERATOR for drain- age nutchine; 52.00 per hour; also two labourers. Work to commence in two weeks. WILLIAM G. CAMPBELL, Drainage Contractor, Phone 486, Sea - forth. 4-07-2 WOMAN OF ACHIEVEMENT - The ' Avoh Lady. Country Women -Ile a hit with your, family. Buy for them clothes TV or other extras needed by earning $4$4 selling Popular AVON PRODUCTS to Your friends and neighboura. Write MISS MOSHER, PO Box 86, Owen Sound, stat- ing telephone number, 4-064 APPLICATIONS Will be received by the undersigned until 8 p.m., Saturday. -April 9, 1960 for the position of STEWARD-CARETAK,ER at B•rarich 156 Canadian Legion Seaforth, Ontario Dirties 'coinmen'ce Monday, April 18, 1960. Nature of duties to be performed and bours of work may be obtained trout the undersigned, Applicationa are to be in writing and should indicate salary re- quired, ARCHIE DOBSON, Presideat PO Box 232, Seaforth 4-07-2 5. Business Opportunities A WONDERFUL SALES career will be offered to several salesmen and women in Huron county. The principal repuire- menta are honesty, sincerity and the abil- ity to become a trainer. (Jar essential. Earnings are inunediate and airtong the highest in the gales profession. Write stating age and past experience to BOX 906, The Huron Expositor,. 5-054 6. Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER Required for SS No. 4, Hibbert, En- rollment 17. Duties to commence Sept. 6, 1960. State salary and qualifications to MRS, GRA' CE 'BERSLAKE Staffs., Ontario 6-06-2 8. Farm Stock For Sale LATE 1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, black, custom radio, other extras. PHONE 41 R 14, Dublin, Saturdays or Sundays. 10-07x1 SIX SPRINGING Heifers, 4 Durham and Holstein; 1 Hereford and Holstein and 1 Hereford, Apply MORLEY STOR- EY, RR 2, Kippen, Phone 672 It 8, Sea - forth. • 8-07x2 – 10. Used Cars For Sale - 1952 PONTIAC Panel truck. BALD - WIN HARDWARE, Phttaie 61. 10-07-2 11: Articles For Sale QUANTITY of *Peel mixed' baled hay. Apply MARTIN MALONEY, Phone 401122, Dublin. 11-06x2 SEED OATS, Garry oats, gown from registered teed, Apply FIUBERT JOHNsoN. RR 2, Walton, 1I -05x3 QUANTITY OF Alfalfa seed. 1959 era)). Well clearea. PHONE Seaforth 846 R 31. 11-06x2 GARRY'SEED. OATS for, sale. FRED HERBERT, RR 4, Mitchel], 'Phone Dublin 76 R 11'. ' 8-07x2 DRESSED BEJae by the quarter or half. Apply ANDREW CROZIER, Phone 667 .11- 22, Seaforth, 11-07-1 712/LIPS, Daffodils, H.yacinths and Sweet Peas, BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth, I1 -07x2 1948 FORD ONE TON TRUCK in good condition. Apply KENNETH MaoRAE, or Dublin Electric, Dublin, 11-07x2 BOAT FOR SALE: 15' Peterborough • Lakeside. in new condition, with home- made trailer, J. C. CRICH, Seafortb, 1 405x3 OUT FLOWERS and potted planta for ever/ oceanion. We deliver daily after five pin, •STAFEEN'S PLUMBING and HEATING, Phone 49, Seaforth. 11-96-12 19521 INTERNATIONAL W-4 tractor, faily equipped, exeslient condition.. EL - ON BENDER, Phe Flamm!! 699 R 12. •" 11-06x2 QUANTITY OP HERTA Barley. cons- rnercial No. I Heed. certificate No. 49- 8990. KE'N CARNOCHAN, Phone 6681122, Saaforth. 8-07-2 . REGISTERED GARRY OATS, cleaned ,and begged and treated. APPIY SPENCER :EMERY, Sterna, Phone 11 R 10, Dub- lin, 11-07.3 CALF FOR SALE and alma a Wood.» Oat roller and 1 HP motor, In good con- dition. Phone Seaforth 667 R 4. 0015.. 0013 REY13OL1)3. 114E-1 • ONE GOOD 2 -wheel ttailer with (Meek • rack, 600 X 16 tires, 1960 licenee platen. • Apply KEN0 STEWART, RR 5, Seaforth. 11.07-1• ; G a••l IBTERED GA16RY0t�,a, Ontario •Arfalba TI/11001Y need and Red Clover. AIVrIntit B0LT0111. ,Phone 850 tt 41, &Worth. 11-07-1 ALPALPA SEED fen; osale, also• some Bemire grass seed. LEONARD ,..1.AMM. .1110; lot 68, eon. DI, Melnik* twit, •.�n83j R 12, Seaforth. 11-0//sel AMES- ;MP vVEt& jet Immo, pitta a 804031100 tank. controls, -56,-111, motor, and 05 leot twiti.dult line, four inenthS old. teIji1:10,11tuttrIl Ma.c.RAE or' Dublin ' 11-07s2 Durable and mat- Stitabf Ditperial AhMaintront windows and dixtrot, frOrtt $20 ust ftm combination tmreen and ntoftit,- Let na'.oh&s, STAIVEN'S .PLUMBING ma' IfEAMO, PliOnst 40, 410.00th. • 11. Articles For Sale • OLIVER PTO Baler, like new; corn piaker, ocie row MIS; two forage boxes; Farmhand beet harveeter. like new. An- PlY R. FABER, Phone 672.R 11, Reunite, 11-07-1 GOODISON THRESHING Machine, 20" cad., 38" body, with Ebersol Shredder, larnar bJt incruded, in perfect condi- tion, Alen 22 feeder steera, ao.erage 600 lb. APPlY WILFRED HUNKIN, Exeter. 11-07-1 A QUANTITY of choice baled hay. timothy and alfalfa, at 40e per bale: alao dome baled straw and a soaker steers, Apply PETE MALONEY, Phone 64 It 10, Lublin, lot 15, con. 3, McEilloP• 11-07-1 FARM EQUIPMENT aPd grain; Shur - lin hydaulic ptunp ; 2 -furrow Ford Ferg- uson plow; weed sprayer PuroP '' upright Piano; Rodney oats and 500 bus. seed barley. CARL .1. WALKER, RR 1, Crona. arty, Phone 12 R 13, Dublin. 11-06-3 MAPLE SYRUP EQUIPMENT; 3 foot by 12 foot Lightning evaporator; two 100 - gallon gathering tanks; 3 supply tanks; aPiles and pails for about 900 trees. CARL J. WALKER, RR 1, Cromarty, Phone 12 R 13, Duann. , 1146-3 12. Wanted To Buy HARDWOOD BUSH WANTED; We are buying standing timber and logs, Pref- erably Hard Maple and Basswood. Top cash prices. CRAIG SAWMILL, Auburn, Phone Auburn 75. 12-05x3 HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for sick, down and disabled farm animals: Prompt oourteous collectaon of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides, Call. coil - lea, ED •ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd, 12-07-tf 13. Wanted W ANTED -A large -size crib . PHONE 336-W, Seaforth, 13-07xl ABOUT 25 H• EAD of cattle ietanted for grasa for "season. ECORD' McBRrEN, Phone 187-W, Seaforth, 1347-1 130ARDERS WANTED in modern home. Male or female. MRS. JIM WALLACE, George St„ south, weet of Logsdon Hatch- ery, Phone 241-J, 13-03-4 SEVERAL USED 7 and 8 -foot tractor diaes for trade in on new Fleury -Bissell new models. Contact V. J. LANE, Sea - forth, Rli 5, Phone Dublin 46 R 12. 13453c8 - - — 14. Property For Sale PLAN your home now; 650.00 down will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Harpur- hey, Lot. aurveyed. 'Land suitable for V.L.A. projects, Terms to suit. CLAY- fON DENNIS. 14-074f FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of good clay loam, all Work- able land, 18 acres of fall wheat, 57 acres plowed, balance seeded dowh. It has a brick house with modern conveniences and an L-shaped -barn; with good atabling• Located six mi/es north of Zurich. ELTON BENDER Phone Hensel', 699 R 12 14-06x2 - TWO FARMS FOR SALE FOR PRICE OF ONE! PARCEL 1-100 acres grass and, lot 2, con, 5, Tuckersmith; water by wind- mill; will pasture about, 30 head cattle; about 40 acres could be cultivated. PARCEL 2-100 acres ("Auchenhay"), the farm of the late Wm. Sproat. lot 6, con. 4, Tuckersmith. A very choice loca- tion. A large white brick house, slate roof, water presenre, situated near bank Bayfield river, a lovelY setting, Bus runs past gate: close to echool, churches town and highway. A• new barn, built two years ago, also a silo, double garage, implement building.; about twenty acres of young bush with a lot of oak trees; good pasture or crop land. These farms' Will be sold together, about one mile apart, or can be bought separate it you wish. , Sre RUSSELL, H. SPROAT High Street, Seaforth Phone 742-3 14-07-2 15. Property For Rent HEATED 0N -BEDROOM aaprtment for rent. East end. DR. E. A. Mc - MASTER, Phone 26. aeaforth. 15-07-tf ONE -RED ROOM APARTMENT, un - heated . Aimly DR. E. A. M,cMASTER. Seaforth. • 1547-2 HEATED ONE-13EDROOM apartment for rent. Eearit end. DR. E. A. Mc - MASTER, Phone 26, Seaforth, 15-03-tf APARTIVIENT POR RENT. New, mod- ern apartment with one bedroom in the Regent • block. PHONE 101, Seaforth, 16-07-1 SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE with modern bathroom and kitchen, recently decorated; Goderich St., Seaforth. Available - April 1. PHONE 83 for further information. 1546-2 19. Notices moray TO LOAN -Buying a car/ Parrn M'achinery7 See us for the ?nailer required. MI loans carry life insurance. 15. 1.1. "Sheirty" MUNROE. • 10-07-0 TOOLS DULL? Bring yotir shears, act:sore knives, edged tools to us for aharpon in g SH A rtPE'S M A INTEN A NCE Phone 3351 R 5, Seaforth. a 19-0.0-2 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV rennin and small electrical appliance repairs. Fate aerates. SCOTT' RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Phone 250, Seaforth. 19-07-tf - REVITALIZED ,cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners. Mount Porest, More mota and stnins removed. Garmeta stay clean long- er weer loneer. Agent; IWILI,391t'5 01,1A,..k5_TNurDRY SERVICE. Phorle 247 for 19-07-tf MOTORS ANT) PORTABLE power tamla orewound and repaired. Parts for all Popular makes. Rebuilt motora for anIe. NeW Leland and Wagner motors avail- able on short notice. ART LEVETT, 139 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone FTU, 2-45640. 19-07-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERTA in Sea - forth and district „and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice, wnrors tunzaannS, SecIforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, 19-074f DRAIN TILE -4", 155 Per M. dent: 5", $16 per M, dePt17 6" $110 Pet M. derd; 8 , 41175 Per M. dell!. Prices for IV", IV and 14" on requeet. atYDALL ERICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield. Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan• 19-98-61 M1 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK • SERVICE Higheirt canh pricea paid fri surrounding . district for dead, old, nick or disabled hom- es land cattle. Hornet; at 60 Pound. Foe the fastest and proper remoVal of all ani- mate, day or night, Cell Long Diatence and oak for krwOon, =tont 34990 (No toll charge) " 10-96-26 19. Notices THLS WhWalf.'S SPECIAL. Household brooms, 41.10." BALDWIN HARDWARE, Seafurth. 19-07-1 SEPTIC TA -NU CLEANED - modern equipmen& quick aervice, all work Cuanza - teed. Write or Phohe LOUIS SLAKE, Plaone 42 it 6, filt 2, Bruesels. 19-01x16 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckeremith are requested by the Council to notapark cars on town- ship, roads and tereets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operatione. Council WUb not be responsible for dam - agar to any vehiclea parked on roads or etreeta. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckeraraith 19 -07 -ft WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all /free& of Cat. Farmer Owned and Controlled. , Call us between 7 :30 and ' 10100 a. ra „ weekdays and 6:u0 and 8:00 p.m. Sat- urday evenings at Clinton .HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-07-tf . . FINANCING . AEW (JAR? Either new or used, our rates are LOWEST in the car finance field. W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334, Residence 540 Main Street, Seal orth 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farna Machinery at lot 3, con. 1, TuckersmIth twP., la mile south of Henault on No. 4 Highway, on SATUR- DAY, APRIL 2nd, at 1 p.m. MACHINERY-Allia,Chalmers Mudd B tractor with pulley and power take -off; aeuffler attuchment and been puller for B tractor ; 2 -section spring -tooth cult& vator; Fleury Bissel Modena disc, 26-piate; drive belt; rubber tired wagon; combine.. thin 16 -ft, rack and grain bus; Cockshutt four-wheel manure spreader; Cockshutt 2 - furrow plow; 9 -foot steel roller; Cock- shutt hay loader. No. 3; ,New Idea No, 44 4 -bar side rake and tedder, used one aeason, like new; Cockshutt diunp rake; Minoeapolia-Moline combine, engine drive; 5 -foot Frost and Wood mower; fanning rnill equiphed for motor drive; 2 crop boxes ;cylinder -type root pulper ; fly wheel type root plainer.; 2 grain drilla; 11-1oe fertilizer drill; steel gathering barrel with sleigh; 3 -section harrows; Holland electric brooder; Massey Harris 6 -foot binder, in good shape; 2 pig cratea, 1 lame, 1 sma/1; Fairbanks -Morse hog weighing atm] yard; syrup making equiptnent, evaporator, pans, ispiles, buckets. syrup cane, two 8 -gallon cans; metal pig trough; 8 -foot water.. trough; forks; shovels; earth seraper; quantity 4" tile; 2 hay fork ropes; slings and fork; 2 chicken shelters. Quantity of Household Effects, TERMS -Cash. MRS. ROY BELL Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer 20-06-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Poul- try and Household Effects, at lot 21, con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., LRS, 114 miles north; anci Pa miles east of Kippen, on TUESDAY, APRIL 12, at 1 p.m. MACHINERY --60 Oliver Standard trac- tor with souffler, in good condition; 2 - furrow tractor plow; spring -tooth cultiva- tor, 3-seetion drag harrotes; 2 Bissel trac- tor disc; 4 -section diamond harrows, new; calitilnasliarl, fertilizer drill; ALIA Chalmers power take -off side rake; hay loader; 2,000 lbs. cales; fanning mill; wheelbarrow; lumber; PIttnkg 1 posts; 2 - wheel trailer; acuffler ; harness; rubber- tirtal wagon; 16 -foot aymbinetion grain and bay rack; pine feed box; forks; shoo - els; chains; quantity wood; email syrup evaporator; 600 foot snow fence and steel Posts; lawn roller. POULTRY -250 laying hens; chicken crates; shelters; colony home and equip- ment. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - All White enamel cook stove, like new; sroall size upright piano, walnut finish; drop -head Singer sewing machine, like new; exten aion table; 2 bedroom suites, mattresses and springs; child's cot; Coleman gas stove; Iritch-err-chairs; ,rocking .chairs; • occasional chairs; small tables; seglers; crocks; quantity of dishes. • •• Other articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve. Farm sold. TERMS,-aaash. EMMERSON SMITH, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-07-2 16-07-14 20. Auction,Sales CLEARING AUCTION 'SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Mach- inery and -Household Effects at lot 23, eon. 5, 8tauley "Iwp., laa welt and 2 miles north of Bruceiield on WEL/NES- wAY. APRIL 13th, at I P.M. MACHINERY - Massey Earths 10 -foot No. 26 combine; Allis Chalmers tractor, AD 46; bean puller attachments Massey Harris 13 -disc drill ) 32 -plate double- disc; 8 -it. spring -tooth cultivator ; single -row scuffler: 3 -section drag harrows; 9 foot steel roller ;'3-iurrow tractor plow; walk- ing plow; pick plow; Massey Herris 6 -ft. mower; Massey Harris side rake; dump rake; rnanure spreader; wagon, bug'; bob sleighs; cutter; root' palper; fanning mill; DeLaval creana aeparator; circular saw; sup pans; buckets; apiles; barrela; hay fork car and motel; hand grass seed- er. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Square. mama ebehaelicrexr, na /al:mit-um; cradle; crib; high Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS --Cash. JOHN A. D4cEWAN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer aa,a, 20474 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects,•at lot 13, con. 2, Stanley tarp„ west and 34 mile south of Brucefield, on TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, at 11, -p -in. CA'TTLE--6 cows, milking, and some due 50 freahen tame of sale; four 2 -year-old steers; six 2 -year-old heifers, open; four laa-year-old steers; three spring calves; ?I4'30-10 chunks of pigs. .FIAY and GRAIN -600 bales choice hay; 300 bu. mixed- grain. MACHINERY-Illasaey Harris 44 Stan- dard tractor, five-years-ord; letairatay Harris 3 -furrow nip -bottom plow; Massey Harris 7 -foot binder; Massey Harris spring tooth cultivator; Massey Harris Boot double disc; Mosey Harris 13 -run seed drill; Massey Harris dump rake: Massey Harris bean, acuffler and Puller; aloop sleighs; Massey Harris 6 -foot mower; Cockshutt side rake; Fleury 2 -bottom plow; Inter- national hay loader: Cockshutt manure spreader; rubber tired Wigan 'with I6 -foot flat rack : 9 -toot steel roller; I Gehl for- age harvester; 015 forage blower with Ptoeit,- 2 heavy duty wagons and forage boxes; Cockshutt power corn binder on • rubber with loader, 16 -foot auger; Beatty 6" grinder with 3 HP electric motor: hay ear and ropes; atone boat; root pulper; tractor wheel weights; 600-1b. platform scales; woven wire stretchers; block and tackle; cream separator; 2 set of 8-trec. tion diamond hnrrows; fanning Milli 2 rhkken shelters; pea winrower, 8 lifters; -Stewart cattle clippers; 2 water bowl.; logging chains; forks; shovels; crow bars: 50 cedar posts; end posts; lumber; gas barrels and Jarmo; gratis seeder; lard press and aausage grinder; grads seed; grain bags and mein; ; barb wire; 2 elec- tric fencers; emery and 1/3 IIP motor; 14 HP Motor; 2 cider Imre and spigots; steel pokte; milk cooler; 4 milk cans and strain- er; 2 milk pallor fattening crate; 10 cord furnace wood; Freon, Plow; garden snuf- fler. EURNIIIIRE - One bed: 2 bedroont suite.; 1 highboy; large crib ; leather couch ironing board, table, chairs, rocking chains, Krydner upright piano and stool; small range, 19541 Chevrolet sedan, in good condition, 82,000 milts. TERMS -a -Chattels. cash, Tractor Mar Ire purchased on time, if aerate:fed with Proprietor before the aale. No reserve, natem sold. JOHN AIEENHEATY, Proprietor HAROLD JACRSON, Auttioneer 0E015433 POWELL, Clerk ' 20464 CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Clearing Auction Sale of Farm- Stock and Machinery, at lot 24, con. 7, Hay twp. 334 west of Hensel], 1 mike, north or Via east of Zurich and 1 mile north on Parr Line, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th, at 12:10 p.m., va CATTLE -71 head; 35 cows Poll Angus and Shorthorn, due in April and •May; 2 2 -year-old heifers, Aberdeen Angus bred; !bun, Aberdeen Angus; 83 Poll Angus calves, 400 to 550 lbs. stock calves. MACHINERY -Allis Chalmers WP 45 tractor, nearly new; Allis Chalmera com- bine, 6 foot, nearly new, PTO driven, faille equipped; 22 Mammy tractor row crop with manure loader and 2 -row scuffler attachments; 1962 Ford sedan, low 'mile- age ; •, John Deere 15 -run fertilizer drill on rubber; John Deere manure spreader, 70 bu. ; John Deere 7' power mower; John Deere wagon and rack; John Deere 4 -bar side rake; John Deere double disc; John Deere 6 -section (harrows ; International western rod weeder, 14 foot, new; 2 -fur- row tractor plow: 2 blowers, 1 suitable for grain, 1 for air circulator; ai•ool steel drag buoket; 1-3 HP electric motor and 6" Gem grinder; 1 Letz feed grinder; 2 -row corn planter; colony house.„10 X 12; 400 chick electric brooder; quantity spruce lumber: circular 32", saw; new tattooing set; Stewart electric clippers: steel water trough, nearly new; spruce lumber; Red Clover seed. HOUSEHOLD E9'FEC7''S - Bridgewall coal and wood stove; Congoleum rug, 0 x 14. Other articles too numeroua to men- tion. TERMS -Cash. CHAS, A. ROBINSON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk- 20106-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Clearing Auttion Sole of Farm Mach- inery at lot 10. con. 4, 'Tuckersmith tem., HRS. 1 mile eolith of Egmondville on county road, MONDAY, APRIL 4, at 1 P•In. • M ACHINIERY-aFeramson tractor, like new, purchaaed in July 1956; Ford tractor cu lti eater with scu f fling attachments; Ford tractor plow; John Detre 2 -disc plow 4-Evar John Deere side rake; 8 -drum steel roller; Massey Harris 1I -run fertilizer drill; Ford tractor double-dise; Massey Harris binder; post hole digger; 4-sectien harrows; 1051 John Deere Model A trac- tor, hydraulic ; John Deere crow -foot cul - ti -packer, adjustable with hydrauBe; John Deere Model FB 17 -run grain drill, fully equipped, like netv; 12 -foot spring tooth John Deere harrow, nutannatis trip; 8313 foot John Deere tractor automatic diem, 7 foot No. 5 heavy duty power mower; Fairbank Morse hammermill with endless belt; John Deere Model FL rubber tired tractlor spreader; 3 -furrow rubber -tired John Deere hydraulic plow; International electric cream separator, like new; 2848 Goodiecm threshing machine with shredder on rubber and a 120-abot drive belt; 250 - gal. gas tank with pumps: wagon; 16-4t. hay rack; anvil; vise; tilt bench; rip SW; electric saw with motor; McClery white enamel annex, new; ih HP electric drill, like new; leg vise; stone boat; air nom. pressor and tank Forbes shovel.; chain» txmin, etc. .0ther articles toe numerous to mention. TERMS -Cosh. MRS. E. P. CHESNEY. Proprietress HAROLD 'ACUSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 2046-2 Box Millers' Names Not GivenOut It IS net possible for us to -divulge the" name or ad - dross of any advertiser using a Huron Expesiter box num- ber. Pleaae do not ask u8 for this Information. atnaaaatarataarrarmaaan:taaarasa, 21. 'Tenders Wanted TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders Wanted • For the rental and operation of Town Weigh Scales. To operate same on own regulations and conditions. Highest Or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be In Town Clerk'a office by twelve noon, Thursday, April 7, 1960. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 21-05-3 Separate DRAINAGE TENDERS TOWbaSHIP OF lacKILLOP 'For the construction and repair accord- ing to Eagineer's specifications, will be received until April lilt. 1. BARRON DRAIN, 34.534 lineal feet open work, excavating and spreading ,materia), 766 lineal feet of 14 inch tile and' pipe to dig, lay and' backfill, one catc13 basin. 2. STOREY-DICKSON DRAIN, 8,553 lin- eab feet open work excavating ahd ley- ellting material, inetalling' and' field atone protection. 3. LEONHARDT DRAIN. 7.164 lineal feet open drain work, excavating atid lovoblng material, 2 field stone pro - 'Township to supply tile and pipe with - 0, approximately one tnile of wort, Con. trnetor to have Workmen's Compeneation Insurance, . A marked cheque: for ten per cent, with a minlmuin of $100.00 to aceompany each feeder, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ten - dors to state when work will be done. Plan, Prefile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J. M. EXERT, Clerk, McKillop Township , R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. 21-07-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of '301-111 BEATTIE All persona having claims against the Estate of John Beattie, late of the Town oa Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Re- tired Merchant, deceased, who died on the 28th day of Jareary 1960, are hereby not!, Tied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April, 1960, after which date the assets vvill be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. • DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of March, 1960. McCONNELL & STEWART • Seaforth. Ontario • Solicitors for tire Executors - 22-064 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate or AGNES ELIZABETH -• SCOTT All persons having claims againet the Estate of Agnee Elizabeth Scott, late af the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died mi or about the 8th day of December. 1959, are hereby notified ta send in full paytice- Idrs of their clainas to the undersigned, on or.before the 22.4 day of April, 1960, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted, havieg regard only to claims then received. DATED at Wellahd, this 28th day of March, 19611': DONALD H. SCOTT Crown Attorney's Office Court House, Welland, Ontario Exedutor of the Estate 22-07-3 23. Cards of Thanks TO ALL WHO so kindly remembered me with visite, cards, treata and flowers my sincere thanks. A specie) thanks to Dr, P. L. Bratty, Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr, E. Mallrus and the nursing staff of Scott Memorial olispital. 23-07-1 MRS. ED. FINK I WOULD Liag TO express my thanks to the many relatives and friends who sent flowers and cards. My appreciation to the flumes and ataff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; also to Dr. John Gor- will and to Rev. Dr. Li. MacKenzie, pall- bearers and R. S. Box FuneralHome dur- ing my recent bereavement. •28-07-1 MRS. LOR.NE WEBSTER and family wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kind - male the lovely floral tributes, and mes- sages of sympathy, received during their recent Bad bereavement, Special thanks to Rev. C. Britton, Dr, Stapleton, the staff of Scott Me -merle] Hospital and Mn, G. A. Whitney. 23-07,1 I WISH TO THANK all those who sent me rards and gifts while In Scott Mem- orial Hospital. Saecial thanks to Dr. Gorwill and the nurses and staff of the hospital. Many thanks to my teacher, A. lainalyaori, the pupils in the Senior Roam of the Esonondville Public School for their cards and letters. They were deeply amarecfated, NORAH BROWN 23-07,1 24. In Memoriam TIME-- In loving memory of a dear huaband ant) father, J. Landadoavne Dell. who Paased amtry six yeara agO, 'Atoa/ 6, Not a day do, we forget you In our hearts yon are always near; We, who laved you, sadly missed you, As it dawns another year, - Fondly remembered by wife and sons. 24-07,1 PARK-/ts loving memory of Mrs. abelln Peet whe passed away ' ear year ago, March 29th, 1959. 'There la no parting from those We love, No distance min divide: For to -day in memory's ;garden, We still walk aide by side, --Sadly missed by her daughter, .laneG son-inalitw, Mac, and grandaorM, Donald. Ronald and Bill MacHinnon, 24-07-1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed imatpaid in plain aealed envelope with Price list. 8 trampplen 25c; 24 satn- plea 31.09. Mgr; Order DOM, 91-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box. 01, Haniilton, 28. Deaths SCOTT-Tn. Senforth, an MondaY, March 28, Robert II. Scott, in his 8051. rear. MENSAL Mr. and Mrs. C,' M, MacMillan, of London, were recent gtiests with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs. Jim Mc- Allister, Mrs, George Armstrong, Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. Al- bert Alexander, representing Hen- sel AV'.1., attended the daffodil party at James Street United Church, Exeter, in the interests of the Cancer Society, on Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Mickle assist- ed in serving lunch. Mrs. Ian McAllister has been ap- pointed home economist for Mid- dlesex and Elging Counties • for three monthi:'- Grades 3 arid 4 of Hensall Pub- lic School held a white elephant sale at the school Friday 'alter - noon and realized $4.80, which will be forwarded to the Lloyd Wright Bunny Bundle for crippled chil- dren. Charles Mickle of the University of Western Ontario, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann. Mr. And Mrs, R. M. Peck return- ed home on Monday of this week from Tuscan, Arizona, where they spent the winter months. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Traquair and family, of Woodstock, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Norrninton. Mrs. Ruth Carter, of Clinton, the former Ruth Hedden of Hen- sall, is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Teen Town (By Sharon Hume) Hensall District Teen Town held their weekly ds(nce in the Com- munity Centre last Saturday eve- ning. Spot dances were won by Jerry Chapman and Gail Farqu- har, We would like to thank the chaperones for the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes. The dance this week will be again held on Saturday evening, April 2. • „Guide Corner (By Linda Noakes) The Guides began their March 22 meeting with the usual opening exereikes. _The Lily, patrol con- ducted a game, after • Whiek the Gu4les separated into groups, wJrre they" learned new work. Campfire followed, and the meet- ing closed with the singing of the "Golden Sun" and 'Taps," Rebekahs Hold Dessert Euchre Daffodils lent a glimpse of spring at the home of Mrs. Scott Hab- kirk last Wednesday when a suc- cessful dessert euchre was spon- sored by Edelweiss Rebekah lodge. Following servings of delicious desserts, euchre was played both afternoon and evening. Winners in the afternoon were:" high, Mrs. A. Bethune; low, Mrs. James Hen- .derson; lucky tally, Mrs. Harriet Barron. Evening Winners were: high, Mrs. Russell Dolmage; low, Mrs. Alex Bees; lucky tally, Mrs. Mary Felkar. Assisting Mrs. Habkirk serving were Mrs. Keith Sharp, Mrs. Ed. Andrews, Mrs. Roy McGonigle, Miss Minnie Habkirk and Mrs. L. B. Melanson. Forty-four dollars was realized., Lodge Meets With Mrs, Keith Sharp, N.G., in he chair, Edelweiss Rebekah odge named Mrs. Wm. Dalrymple' s representative, and Mrs. Ed. ndrews as scholar to attend as - ern* sessions at Toronto in une. Mrs. J. Hillebrecht was amed alternate. Representatives aped to the district meeting -at ensall on April 27 were Mrs. A. arrison-and• Mrs. H. Thompson. An bivitafion was accepted to ttend a meeting of Ruth Rebekah odge in Stratford April 1. Sev- al members plan to attend a nner and n-teeting Hensall pril 6, ,honoring the Assembly arden, Mrs. 'Helen Bowman, of gersoll, at the time of her offi- al visit. Mrs. Ha'rold-Pti•ker, of Hensall, D.P. of District 23, is to pay an icial visit to Edelweiss Lodge.on pril 11, with members of Amber dge, Henson, and Majestic dge, Wingham, to be guests. Mrs. William Dalrymple was med to convene theosocial corn- ittee for the next three months. The treasurer, Mrs. J. Grum- ett, reported profits from a re- nt dinner served March, were , and from the dessert euchre, arch 23, $46. Following the meeting, Victor e chaired a meeting of the CPT mMittee, during which $50,00 s voted to the extension fund of IOOF Home at Barrie. A paper ve is planned in April. a A 16 16 a er di in on A In ci D. off A Lo Lo na ce $96 Le co wa the dri BLAKE Mrs, Mary Manson spent the weekend at Kitchener, and on Mon- day she attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Ada Boshart, Mr. Archie Mustard, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with his wife and family. • Mrs. Mary Hey is spending a few weeks in London with her daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Burdg,,,,, Mrs, Lizzie Oesch entertained a few ladies to a quilting bee on Thursday. 26. llirths BLACKWELL-alohn and Orma Blackwell Inc. Stevens), of London, formerly of Henson, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kaith Steven% on Mercio 16, 1960, at Vint:yea Hospital, London. A brother fer Laurie and Robert. DALE -At Scott Meinoridl Hosital, on March 28, to Mn. and Mrs. Vernon P81., Seaforth, a son. HARGREAVE-4---Vic MI Shirley Har- greaves, BruceDeld wish to announce the birth of a tan, Garth Michael, at Clinton Public Hospital, on March 17. A brother for Brenda Anna Bradlee and Gre,gory., ' McCLURE--Don aria Joyce McClure wish to announce the arrival of their daugh- ter, Cheryl Lynne, on Monday, March 21, In Clinton Pub/ie Hospital, lrleCOURT-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus 0, bleCourt. Seaforth, a son. sTavrroN—Iterh and Norma Stretton Lunen, nee SangSter, 0.00 Dimmed to an- nounde the birth of their daw3hter at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, Friday, Mareh t5 1060. A sister for Pggy end Mini*, and granddaughter tor Minnie Snnanter, Henson, WIN, HELSEA NEWS 00 OE WEEk The Wmchelsea euchre waS held at the school on Monday evening with Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs. William Walters as hostesses. There Were five tables Playing - Prizes went to: ladies' high, Mrs. Fred WalSers; gents' high, Colin Gilfillan; lone hands,- Mrs. John Coward. Mrs. Muriel Miller, of Farquhar, visited on Tereqday with Mrs. Nel- son Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Glanville, of Staffa, visited on Friday with Mr. and Bars. Bill Walters, Mr. Wayne Prance has returned home from St. Joseph's Hoapital in „London, Mr. gnd Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Creditola, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan, Randy and Wendy, of Exeter, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilffilan, Grant and Barbara Anne. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on. 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Eric Carscaden and family, of Exeter. Mr. Philip flerd,'and Mr. Bill Walters spent the weekend fishing at Lake Simcoe. Don't Forget Our • . . , FORAGE. MEETING to be held at the New 'LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH on Thursday, March 31, 1960 at 8:30 p.m. • • INTERESTING SPEAKERS • SLIDES • FREE LUNCH • • DOOR PRIZES ()NOTCH FEEDS PHONE 775 LIMITED . SEAFORTH •• "The Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar NOTICE! As Dr, E. A. McMaster has announced his retirement from partnership in SEAFORTH _ take notice that all outstanding accounts with • Seaforth Clinic must be paid by MAY 31, 1960 After this date, Seaforth Clink will continue under the partnership of Dr. P. L. Brady and Dr. E. Malkus This Week At . . . Seaforth Arena • and COMMUNITY CENTRE SKATING CARNIVAL SATURDAY—April 2!• TEEN TOWN Hall This space contributed tivough the courtesy of UNION COMPANY OF CANADA,LIMITED SEAFORTH --- •ONTARIO lite Beans • Wanted .See Us Now — Top Prices ,Paid FERTILIZER AT DEALERS' PRICES? Yes, it's true — 14 different analysis of Fertilizer •at dealers' prices or better! Free trucking on 5 -ton lots within 10 -mile radius of Hensall. SEED GRAINS We have a large'variety of Com. No. 1, Certified No. 1, Registered No. 1 OAT & BARLEY SEED available. Treated and packed in new jute bags. SEED BEANS our stocks last, we are offering Reg. No. 1, second generation SAN ILAC Seed Beans at $8.50 per cwt. By trading your present beans you can have the best for approximately 85c an acre extra cost to you. York Barley Contracts Available We are now contracting some York Barley for malting purposes. This barle3r,will yield from 50 to 70 bushels an acre. We also have some Mont - calm Barley for contracting. WHY NOT ORDER NOW? 1. Prices are very attradive. 2. Spring is very near. 3. Seeds could be in short supply at sowing time, (00K BROS. MILLING CO. LIMITED Phone 24 Hensall. , o -