Huron Expositor, 2016-06-08, Page 5Wednesday, June 8, 2016 • Huron Expositor 5 www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com IN THE YEARS AGONE AThree Goderich men spend the night in the `cells' of Seaforth when celebration at a local hotel in 1938 provokes police response June 15,1888 Th e post offi ce safe took a baulky fi t the other day and the combined strength of the entire staff was insuffi cient to turn the lock. Before it could be opened Mr. Dickson had to get a man from Galt and a new door will be required. Th e bylaw to raise money for the erection of a ward school in this town is published this week. Th e voting takes place on Monday, July 9. Th e Collegiate Institute club is prac- tising hard for a match tomor- row afternoon with the Berlin Rangers. Th e Rangers, having come out at the top in the West- ern Association Series, are now champions of Canada and virtu- ally champions of America. Hensall is to have a large time on the second of July, on which occasion the new driving park will be opened. Th e following purses will be offered for com- petition: two 45 -trot purse $120, three-minute trot purse $115, running race purse $45, free for all purse $175. In the morning a baseball game will be held and in the evening a grand concert will be held. June 13,1913 Fire broke out early last Fri- day morning at the poultry farm of Alfred Baeker of Brussels, and before it was out 800 chickens, the office and several brooder houses were destroyed. Th e loss will be heavy and there is no insurance. Th e fi re is supposed to have started in one of the brooders, and at one time threatened to sweep the whole plant. Th is is Mr. Baeker's fi rst season, consequently the loss will be felt all the more. He still has a thousand more chickens, however. Mr. A. Cardno is here from Manitoba visiting his father and other relatives. A pic- nic and demonstration under the auspices of St. James Church, is to be held in Case's Grove on Tuesday, July 1.Th ere is to be a great tug-of-war, a baseball match, races, dances and other sports and the com- mittee is sparing no work that Dominion Day may be a great success. June 17,1938 Seaforth citizens will pay taxes at the same rate as in 1937, members of the town council decided on Monday evening as the rate was set at 43 mills. While the rate was not reduced, the council has financed its work in such a way that it will be enabled to nearly complete the Main Street side- walks out of current revenue rather than issue debentures. Rev. Father Joseph Sylvester O'Rourke was ordained to the priesthood at St. Peter's Cathe- dral Saturday. On Sunday he celebrated his fi rst Mass in his home parish, St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. Th e 12th annual Huron County Live Stock Judging Competition was held in the Clinton district on Friday, June 10 under the direc- tion of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. Forty-nine boys took part, the competition being open to all boys in the county 26 years of age and under. Work on the tennis court at the Seaforth Golf and Coun- try Club is rapidly nearing completion and with continued good weather the courts should be ready for play by the fi rst of the week. Usually a holiday at the lake is preferred but three Goderich men reversed the procedure on Tuesday when they drove inland to Seaforth and commenced a celebration at a local hotel. Chief Helmar Snell entered the picture and as result the three spent the night in Seaforth cells. June 14,1963 Seaforth town council accepted the resignation of Police Chief Elmer Hutchison and on the recommendation of Chief Hutchinson asked for the resignation of Constable Sam Bates at its June meeting Monday night. Chief Hutchin- son's resignation will take effect when a successor has been appointed. Constable Bates' resignation takes eff ect immediately. Th e action taken was based on a report of the police committee presented to council 1 by chairman William Wilbee. The action refl ected continued criticism of policing methods which has featured council meetings for many months, and what was described as an inability to control rowdyism and reckless driving in the town. The Chamber of Commerce intro- duced two signs saying "Sea - forth, the Friendly Town" to town council Monday night. Council gave permission for the erection of the signs, which will advertise the town to travelers using Highway 8. Seaforth Lions have agreed to pledge $5,000 to the new Sea - forth Community Hospital Building Fund. June 15,1988 A multi-million dollar sub- division planned for the north- east corner of Seaforth could mean great things for the town. Planned by Royal Orchard Homes, a subsidiary of R and D Investments Ltd. of Toronto, the subdivision calls for the construction of 31 townhouses, one highrise apartment (possibly for sen- iors), eight semi-detached and 17 single dwellings. All will be located on an eight -acre parcel of land, located north of the arena, and previously owned by John and Anne Middegaal. Another Seaforth-area hockey player is on the brink of great success in the arena. Pat Mur- ray, of Dublin, was drafted in the second round by the National Hockey League's Philadelphia Flyers. Scoreboard Seaforth Shuffleboard June 1 Men's high: Arnold Ramsey, Bob O'Brien 4 wins, Larry Larsen, Red Vantyghem, Cor Vanden Hoven, Art Sale 3 wins. Ladies' high: Audrey Hoff 4 wins. 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