Huron Expositor, 2016-07-27, Page 5Wednesday, July 27, 2016 • Huron Expositor 5
letters to the editor
Get you behind off the couch and give some blood
Seaforth/Huron East
A rhetorical question,
"would you save a life if you
could?': Of course you
would. You have the ability
to save a life on Monday
August 1st and it only takes
one hour for you to be a
hero. Roll your carcass off
the couch, shut down Face -
book, put the thumb
exerciser in its' charger , and
come and donate blood at
the Seaforth Ag Society on
Monday from 3 p.m. to 8
p.m. There is still room for
you to book an appointment
or you just walk in.
The Fisher family and any
more families in this area
understand the importance
of you taking an hour of your
Beware, scammers still prevalent
Dear constituents, are imaginative and manip-
ulative. They know how to
Every year, Canadians push your buttons to pro -
lose millions of dollars to duce the response they
the activities of scammers want. Below you will find
who bombard us with some 'Golden Rules' to
online, mail, door-to-door remember to help you beat
and telephone scams. the scammers.
My hope is that by send- Remember, if you spot a
ing information out to my scam, or have been
constituents, you will be scammed, don't be embar-
able to stay on top of scams, rassed to get help. Please
inform yourself on how to call my office and my staff
recognize the various types will be glad to assist you.
of scams to protect your per- The Golden Rules
sonal information. -Do no rely on glowing
Scammers target people testimonials: find solid evi-
of all backgrounds, ages and dence of a company's
income levels. Scammers success.
time to make a difference
and be a hero.
Call 1-888-2Donate
(1-888-236-6283) or down-
load the app at
Check us out on FaceBook
at Seaforth Blood Donor
Clinics. Questions? Call Bob
Fisher at 522-1394.
-Bob Fisher, Seaforth, Coun.
-Do not hand over money
or personal information, or
sign anything until you have
done your homework and
checked the credentials of
the company you are deal-
ing with.
-Always get independent
advice, if it involves money,
personal information, time
or commitment.
-There are no guaranteed
get -rich -quick -schemes -
sometimes the only people
to make money are the
-Ben Lobb
Member of Parliament
Huron -Bruce
Pro -Am Seaforth Country Classic
Winners of the tournament
Shaun Gregory
From the left is Dan
Bowling, Stan Connelly,
Jan Hawley and Terry
Kramers. Along with a
dinner everyone was
given a pair of golf shoes
along with several other
gifts for competing in the
For each group
of four, three
and one
golfer joined
together to
form a team.
From the left,
Ryan Corbin,
Tim Torrens,
Ron Murray and
Glenn Kramers.
Obey stop signs because you could wreck yours or somebody else's life
There seems to be an
obvious disregard for stop
signs lately according to the
OPP in the area so for a min-
ute I would like you to imag-
ine the results of someone
running a STOP sign.
You are driving home from
getting groceries on a
Wednesday night and you
are just a few miles from your
home when your husband
says "he is coming through':
You see a chrome grill on a
full size, white, Chevy pickup
truck coming at you at 99 km
an hour. You regain con-
sciousness in a soybean field
and you realize you are
trapped in your vehicle.
There are many voices and
they are talking about the
smell of smoke and for an
instant you think your vehicle
will burn and you cannot
escape. You look down to see
your clothes covered in
blood. A stranger is holding
your head, sirens scream
from every direction. Your
daughter races to the scene
and she comes to your bro-
ken window and in tears you
hear her say "Mom, oh Mom."
She will have nightmares for
months afterwards.
Firemen arrive, ambu-
lances, the sound of the jaws
of life as they extricate you
carefully not to break any
more bones. More sirens on
route to the local hospital
and then you are airlifted to
the trauma centre in London.
A blur of doctors, nurses and
then just blankness.
The trauma unit has four
beds and two full time
nurses. You are in the midst
of lights, sounds and tragic
circumstances. It is like
being in a scary movie but
their battered bodies are
real and you listen to the
doctors tell patients what is
going to happen to them. By
now you are hooked up to
monitors, oxygen, a catheter
and so many IVs that they
have lines into your arm and
your foot. They insert a chest
tube, give you blood and for
five days you receive no food
or water. Your lips crack and
you have sores in your
mouth. You will have x-rays,
cat scans and MRIs and you
will have multiple surgeries.
You will see the concern on
the faces of your family who
keep vigil at your bedside.
You will think about dying,
God and Heaven and saying
goodbye to the ones you
love. Eventually you will be
transferred to other hospi-
tals but be rushed back for
more emergency surgery in
London in the middle of the
night. Months of rehab will
follow, you will faint when
they try to stand you up but
in 72 days they will let you
go home where you will stay
in a hospital bed for two
more months. Ramps, wheel
chairs, bed pans and
physiotherapy, first at home
and then appointments at
the clinic for at least a year
or more. You will have pain
every day and you will won-
der if it will ever be ok again.
You will close your eyes
nearly every night and see
that chrome grill crashing
into your vehicle and trap-
ping you. You will cry a mil-
lion tears!
This is just a tiny glimpse
into an accident victims
story. This my my story.
PLEASE obey your stop
signs. I do not want anyone
reading this to experience an
accident. When the air ambu-
lance flies overhead I always
pray for whoever is being
rushed to London because I
know that they are having the
worst day of their lives and
that their family is rushing
there to be with them.
- Janneke Murray
painted. The article states,
"the project is expected to
In a previous article cost nearly $250,000 with
an additional $15,000 for
about the water tower being
the 2.2 metres in diameter
Huron East crest. The
$15,000 crest was not added
and the project as a whole
still only cost $250,000.
There was no additional
cost of $15,000. Sorry for
any confusion.
The Huron Expositor
welcomes letters to the
editor. They must be
signed and accompanied
by a phone number for
information clarification.
Itis important to note, letters
will not be printed without
the author's name attached.
All letters are subject to
editing due to possible
space restriction.
Letters can be dropped off at
the office, mailed or emailed:
The Huron Expositor
8 Main St.
P.O. Box 69
Seaforth, ON