Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-12-18, Page 4Y ac. lei) ADDRESS TePatheriColecoran, of ToeswaUOr•. On. Tuesday last 8th. of December, et a great festival is the Catholic church, Father Corcoran was presented by his parishioners witha costly cutter and robes, also with a handsome purse accompaniad by the following address: Rev. aaj Dealt >*arHt it,—PThiio assembled, here to day on this important feetivar, we embrace th' opportunity of presenting you with a small token of esteem and to express to you in person the 'hep sentiments of reverence axed affection we entertain for you as our ewe Sogarth Arooa, You have endeared yourself "to us no less by your si igular devotion -to the cause of our Holy Religion than by your man- ly acts of disinterested kindness all irrespective t of class- or condition. You came to parish when it was competitively disorgani a great number of the Catholics, owing to outlying posiiton, were but. inedequa supplied with the spiritual . conforts of H Church. You hive labored well and trul the removal of all these hindrances to spread and perpetration of Christ's k -al amongst us. We h ave our `bane/tome a commodious Church, a fine Pabial reside a beautiful cemetery, evidence more t mere words can express of the at.o + and enthusiasm which- have + o[ic tns satisfactory actuated you, this zed; heir Lely o1y y the om nd ove Olen REE CRAYONS rhe LucksloW &&inulol, Brum Unt Orldg From now until the first of the New Year, I will give a large crayon protrait free, of yourself or anyone y you wish, with every dozen of cabinet photos. zeal L.T.T'RELEAVEN and fun- manner in which you ha e . re;._uiated and disposed ,:f parisfu entrusted to your rare- meets with our warm I - approval. You sincere guidance in tempo me hers comma elle of ods life w,:riue,t exvrt.s:,.0 e't'Ptittide front us Ah Father, 1 _ s o _ s a weary and fatiguing j enri.a have lur, msnq through much and rain, Ernest and snew�,`i,lmade'Is the place• to make torni and snus}uue yeti were I ...Ind your selections in in ERY, GLASSWARE, 'GROCERIES £ PROVISIONS M. OORRicLtRi'� poet, acid all thisi.'._ a� Yerid 1 CROCK cor.scde us. to visit our si k end comfortratheta for the journey front whence no traveller ' departed friends. But. returns, and to consign to the grave our dear overall•• da e teem you feo thekind such self sacril 1 Apples. bring disposition yo bayo ever evinced towards Blacking ns. Ne trouble, no labor w-:.; ever allowed to l3tack Lead • restrain you when ' Lb welfare of your flock demanded _your atteOr n tion. n. Then, dear. father, um•rateful wonlii we be, did we allow a miserable m;;rtber who dared - to insult cr treat you with inc iguities to go unnoticed or uncens.ured_ In this counttay our churches are -built and sustained by voIu$tary moeetary contribution. and p. ;this is the came way supported, and wli-n . a delinquent - fa this respect hasto be vole ;tended tot da bis duty equallyby othere. you fheu usually apl•eal to a miser's pocket and always touch the inner cords ofthe heart. But we are all well aware how capable you aro Of discerning and how well you can understand how to blend the stern justice of the rifler, with the ben:tkindness of thefriea4. and havaffectionate aenti'. • yourself in every movement which would tend t to ameliorate the condition. of those whore 1 Divine Provideince has placed under your carr..! The aspiration of your heart would be to see ! _your people advance in comfort and h I Blue • Fish, anned Biking Powders Berley, pot �Fisb, dried Gelotlne Gingers Hops Honey Ink - lmligo ijLicorice •Liote .Trice Leruonr Lt.? Lard Matches Mince Meat Aga' Macaroni Mustard - - 'ienna Meats, canned d - [sSiel;tarls Syron always h f -have in stock the following • Dried Apple Nutmeg Extracts ods Figs Oil, olive- Nutmeg live Soaps Oil, sweet Spices Oil, castor - Starch • Oranges Strawberries, cane Oat Meal aulpbers Pails ['apiece Peels Tomatoes, canned t Pipes Teas Pickle 1 obaecoes Pearliue Vermicell Peas, canned Vinegars Pepper �ti'aslehnarels I it linins t4 ash it g Crysfa 1.ice• 1'1uo Rice Flour uenwsre v 1� Citing • !Siert: Dinner :Sets Salt - - Salnion 'est (lake_.. 3ardires I %inner Sets .ilea Sete +Water S, Lbs . Create Setts 'Berry Setts !Toil,- Setts Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes - Bi,cuit ( tl e nt tionery ('a:iaefl Goode Cor..^. CireC. date Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Carrie Powder Cream Tarter' Cocoanut Dates A.-1 Flour appinrs,. old be for their social, moral al improvement. +� e admire :paternal benignity, our wishes would ami lntellectu still more the kindness whi, o y. tae lot i lee h=marked your every act. In testimony of these assurances we be g 3 acceptance of the accompanying piles: nt. tide are consoled by the assurance that yeti , ill value- it not for its intrisic worth, but sole;y in penance of the spirit in which it is pre- sented, of a sincere though faint expression of the esteem and love in which we hold you, the spontaneous- tribute of a. grateful ani affectionate people to a truly goodiand noble Priest. we sincerely hope and pra • ander Divine Providence you may be blessed'' with a long anti- useful life anion -At us and eternal happiness- in the life to come, the reward of your faithful lab.�re. Your devoted parishioners, Signed ed on behalf of the congregation, lit -tin G1LLUEa, JOSEPH BRIM `PATRICK KELLY WILLIAM( Dow\s ALEXANDER MCMILLAN - JOSEPH OL'IIEISER, REPLY :DIy DEAR FRIENDS: This new demon- stration of - your kindness. was not indeed needed to convince' me of your attachment and places me in a position that i- cannot expect to repay. I fail to see how I deserve to be presented 'with such a flattering . address and accompanying presents and fail also to find words to express ll�;iv I appreciate this fresh outburst of your kindness and good -will. From the abundance of my heart I sal exceedingly thank- ful for this substantial proof of you- persoaal regard for me. Tr unworthy of thein. I acc the same spirit it _r.1 r–r, ough them in tern# .a ., nlch they were d with a lively gratitude can. never forget. In you I ..id natural- and social virtues, hich indicate the good heart, whit according.to the Holy Scriptures di poses a man to hear God's Word anti - keep- it to bring forth good fruits. Reminding me as you have done in your address of our beginning here, now close on a score of yearn ago, I am beginning to count my self- a pioneer amongst you. No doubt a great -deal has been accomplished since, brat I am wholly' undeserving of the credit and. share you have given me in the good work. It - fa to yourselves the credit is due. The good -will, faithfulness of . the- members have accomplished everything by - your co-operation and generous asf(istante, in. promoting the wellbeing - of your parish. - - My aim and desire - was 'to cherish, union harmony;- aid . good feeling among[ the different national- ities of which this- congregation is com- posed and can with ail sincerity say with suecess. , Nor did I limit. that to the members of this congregation alone. I always endeavored to en- kindle within .your hearts. a similar feeling towards our,separated brethren. la this Dominion all men are free, and with little exception eivil and religious liberty have full -wring over the land in which we rre sheltered by a grane constitution. I will s1w try to emulate in causing good fed 111:1-.Jseiinga to exist amongst all cl : ---__ r people -and I can ■.1 •' a 4Ul1tl1RN one o r^ .- Qil'/All- - INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, lrt,- - GUELPH. rr,eaiie :to s9 on m _RT ge Elam Baker and Confectioner: CUSTOM.TAILOR. Arlin's Block Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, 1 am prepared to turn out. it the neatest manner and lat- est styles all, sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. call sulleitc(i,. To enter my r(,.onls please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Ailin's block. a.._ s- =-.RT Groceries, Flour &- _ �! �...-.- -" 'Feed. os. Agar intends open- LUCKNOIY. -ing out in a few days, a now grocery, flour and feed store, in the _ building formerly oc- cupied by W. Johnston, next door to • Gordon's - butcher , where he will. keep in stock a full supply of . choice groceries, etc. He has pur- chased a -car=load of the cele brated Ogilvie flour and also intends paying the highest market price, either in cash or trade, for all .kinds of farm produce. ri call solicited.. T AGAR, LUCKNOW, 1 iP Dealer in al� kinds of Groceries, (',-piled3 (rr,et1s Confectionery, EU.. - - Bread, Buds , .. and Cakes • . Fre"s h Daisy - ( /at1 .tr.(1 (,01.1, meal al..,:;s (.n hajl:l - . G-R��gT Clea i PRia BOOTS and SHOES at PEAHT'S. - I have decided to sell out my summer stock at a great reduction so as to be ready for winter stock corning ,in. Any'person- wanting Boots and Shoes can rely on getting them at right prices. Call and secure some of our Bargains. John . Peart, MAPLE - LOGS &•LWANTED Upwards of 900,000 feet of maple logs wanted - at Mitchell Bros. _Roller Mills, L- ucknow, Ont., for which the highest cash .price. will • be paid.. •Mitchell Brs -iDit-Newton; L. D- -s. D, I S Honor Graduate of Toronto School of INiltistry and Doctor ofI NPA.>L SUIt4ER fnes in Dentistry -nan endeavor to doalllo L. • DAVISON, FURNITURE WARE ROAMS, Having secured the premises lately occupied by G. W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest, de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture, As .t, quality, they are nriequnlled. The price is.a vay down. All goods are- b i"=cht for spot cash, therefore I mansell as eitgvtr.�;i h$'UTiII Any recon • i Lawrellce & Johnstone THE LEADING Utdortakds-atdrittaittro-I641* Have the largest and most complete stock of Fine and medium Parlor Furniture, Bedroom, Library and Dining. - Room �y i11{� ` Room `Suits in the Town; `� • Also a full line of Curtain Poles and Window Shades. THE UNDERTAKING - DE PaR rl�nE�:T is complete in every -particulars. Calls promptly attend ed to day or night. . Shop. . Next Door to Post Office. Campbell st., - LUCKNOW PREPARIN-G- -- HRST-MAS. Along the way we— Find niany things which— Would (-11.5(:i)ltrii a-.— lauy pec,ple_._ - Il�td weather— Rough 10;161A— And hard -tithes, but -- We are going to (lr� the_.. Best we can this month- -By selling cheap _ Dress - Goods- eellen Goocls :inti— i\Iantle Cloths away-= Dowit in -prices. tor-- Suit o— Suit the times—. - - 1lillineryat cost -- A few of those lovely._ Jackets also at -- Cost --A great— Reduction in Corsets n -WQdIS and Sibs in all Colors - for` Holiday Trade. .- - DON'T FAIL TO SEE_ BARGAIN -TABLE. - C-1 k ST ALL LIVE.,-- To live honestly we must When the *wards- of labor are small the .chant who wants' to do business must be willing we oell on small profits: - Close cash prices are what ffer at all times, but- for December SP ` CAL PRICES ON FURS of all kinds, M give aI' BOYS' OVERCOATS GLOVES HOSIERY, 'HEN'S etell (some and see. -what we are offering, • MENS_ andAVEROATS- c BOYS �� Gloves, Eosiery, etc..` Li. . f:. as Arquimbou's best se1ec;-tee —Choice lot -ot confectioner- ,= -Try our Kineora. tea ill Ib —25c. -Sure to -please -lover `• over- -Thur lit f'l lb. Our s� is alio ;yg merry Xm raisins tckage of tea. , WILL SOON BE ,HERE and we have been preparing for the wants of the public. We have_added to our supply of --Cleaned Paradise currents - -Nuts, figs, dates, lemon, orange and cit- ron _peels, icing sugars and everything in —choice groceries for the holiday trade. of good teas . from 15e to 50c a ck of erockery and glassware w .o1Taplete.- - Wishing --you a a d a happy and prosperous 64 JOHN f'N-o. 1 'Flour r !LL-iOTTT:i send Feer} alws kept on hand and -delivered to any --- part of the town. kate WE HAVE A FULL_ - LINE. OF SKATE E AIRS AND STRAPS and s�. Now is the Time to purchase Your -Skates As you will - BE READY FOR FI TSE. RST ICE e have a large - Stock of all sizes and - Prices, and bypurohasing Now -you get the advantage _ - of alar a nt'e g assortment, - - !LOKs • i of.. eau/it-2d, table, al eofZ'I : ou Eyed Fee have ‘ ie rand ric -s Th - e lie for ithoui fa ardner, Q. f e - as i j Cook,. 1ADE on the :ra Avg Ir mails, 3ceeds of fority of - nn earth _ptild lee slitities - upon - taken Io$e f -punted of 2,- o,000- Iperiod jiase of firs the nim itaia the Which - and ot4o _am- utted fromass Marie Loadort tilt; be nd in People want some goods this fall- although times are hard. • We fhave a large - assortmnPnt o f goods left at hard tinges prices as we . are '� ner In the above Counts two votes.. ballot John. , Brown ballot Jobe_ In the following Brown counts one `end Wyo. Henry ono 1 0 James Jones $ GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. aetion out the electrical power' a and of -. the say thata theyplant, The writers the arenowconfident that ableheroadto win go on, and expect to be a few da ke definite arrangements in Ontario! R. Rah ! for .the' Heron and A St app A young iinarried ga"Pan" Adair left b:�,-$° ni3$�lttivr cornercvaz; tvhlctr. with swee -.L -�-e> almost on the „Arm oat. The divines child re 0 ger on silken cushions, e beginning to pub_ L and embroidered wi feet arecloths of the cushion et projecting t memory o presents suitable for men re no presents suitable for man- knows fust what kind riders and..:'. "wants, likes to select lis o -A An Easily Ma d ' 2 A qty iieve.I-tyhn tho rchristmarr gift tv Melt do-tne y t're makkg IH. a wllitii Hit and ' the tt k i Thrazy stitch sv se with t'th R tette fankets. the atyle o theta , ix ned him head." They. ix til deed item , . r • eau' �vt�1;eoi _ light an lair. ..- - .Our stock iv well assorted in- every dopart- ZeilInnt.ot!, fill kinds of goods going very cheap as we in the perisal lin b ' January 15th. Our who nr..�- residence, Stauffer street, q ,ga ni ht, ��.:� dower than g Deceased had be '�a. from a painful. sto er . - t-.---- — ,t I scone montbe, �, And 61 ecide a• y t.b.e Best :Wringer Low Price: L BAR CASH --H 1: