Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-20, Page 4d 4 LECTURE On the 22nd Mr. T. P. Smith, this place, one of the most experieq opticians in the western part of Ontario, delivered a very popular and instructive lectura to the model students on "The eyesight and how to care for it" He petented an eye for practical examination, and explained the different parts and the particular function of each part.. Special attention was drawn to the defects of the eye and bow these defects could be remedied. The defects mentioned were- short sight,_long sight and croak - eye. In each case he_ showed what kind of glass was used and explained why that particular R1asa should be worn. Some very practical hints were given to the students as to how these defects could be readily detected. If the President of our County Teacher's Association,ceuld prevail on Mr Smith. to deliver this lecture, at the next meeting of the association it would be of very practical benefit to teachers in their regular school work. --;-Guelph Mercury. Lh the Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County,. Frl`da 'FREE of CRAYO•N1L • BORN WEBSTEI-In Ashfield, Nov. 6th. the wife of Mr. Richard Web;'er, of a daughter. FYI,cif Mr. William Wilg.'n, of a sell. wife IIAD - INDIGESTION ! For a Matter of me Forty Years or More, 3dSepk Gardner, stove dealer, of Bath,• taria, is a great believer in Dr. tn. base's kidney -Liver Pills for indi on; Constipation, dyespepsia, Bright's _cease, rheumatism, and kidney, liver ad stomach troubles generally. " 1 was troubled for civet forty rears ith indigestion and cozistipatio' he writes- "At intervals -I suffered from evere headache. I spent dollars and dollars without result until Mr.. our druggist, advised sue to try Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I'did so. and must p:ay that they are the only remedy _€ t p=ave me relief. I would not be - but them for anything."_ , Many people suffer fromrheumatism. rad -blood and - diseased kidneys bring it on. Dr. Chase's- Kidney -Liver Pills will remedy all ,this and cure rheuma- Ir. sefat€ea and all kindred complaints. e► is a sample case : = " My boy-, was all crippled up and buffered awfully with_ rheuiitatism. writes. Mrs. H. Willa. of Chesley, Ont. " He also had a touch of diabetes. The Rectors cotild do him. no good. but Dr. l`hase'S K€ ey-Liver Pills ' completely !cured him." . Bold by all dealers and Edmanson, Mates & Co:. Toronto. 25c. ' ' Wise al} other remedies fail Dr..Chess's L:nieed and Turpentine will cure the ;worst, chronic cold. 25 cents. Lucrnsio Y MARKETS. CORRECTED EVERY TRURSDAY ' Tall Wheat, per bushel .82 to .82 spring Wheat, per bushel.........:.82 to .82 Peas, per bushel .......42 to 43 Oats, per bushel ............ .21 to 21 Barley, per bushel 25 Potatoes per -bushel . 28 Butter per Ib roils 12c.,. tub11 to 12 Eggr, per dozen... .. ... ...... ........... 13 •q;', per ton --- - 7.50 to 804 Fiour, per cwt $1.75 to 2.30 Dried Apples. per lb 3 Tallow, per lb .... ..... :3 0 Lard, per lb 85 Pork. per cwt......... .. . ...... - 8.475 to 505 Wool, per lb... ..... .......... ... 10 Chickens, per lb 0 Turkeys, per Ibfd Ducks, per 1b Geese; per lb Apples, per barrel - Sheepskins . :shorts, per cwt Bran, per cwt ...................... .. Oatmeal.. per cwt $ F2 ,.0 to 300 Sheen Wood. per cord • 1 00 Dry Wood ........ 1 24 50 to 75 .50 -to .67 .80 BOWMAN & DOUGLAS. NEW LIVERY. ADAM BOWMAN. Manager. FIRST -CLASS -HORSES AND RIC8: Prices Reasonable. Bigg delivered to any panto! town omee aad Stables Just south of Wtared'. Carriage Work. TO FBRIILERS. AN EXCELLENT ,OPPORTUNITY is now afforded to farmers with small capital who desire to obtain improved farm of stock ranches, with irrigation, buildings and fences.in the District of Alberta, North West Territories, on easy terms. The raising of horned cattle. horses, sheep. and pigs is rapidly developing in the District. The unJersi$ned.will furnish information -or answer enquiries (address) H. W. C. Mzruu Q.C. Calgary N W T e BOAR FOR SERVICE itt& tT PURE. BRED BERKSHIRE • L bbar. 'Pride -of Huron." sire "Pride of Brant" (3529); dam, Forest Beast (3692). rs both bred by Richard Rive. of Walkerton, and tracing, to imported stock on beth sides for generations back. Terms $1.00, strictly' cash. -Saws to be returned three times if necessary.' If not Droving in pig the money will berefunded or another sow served. A redaction to parties bringing two or more sows thy same season. I also offer a splendid Leicester ram Iamb for sale. R. E. LANE, Lanes P. 0. BOARS FOR SERVICE num UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP I. for service at lot 12, con 10 (E. D.) Ash- field, a thoroughbred Chester White boar and also a thoroughbred Berlcsbire boar for ser- vice. Both animalsareregistered in the new swine herd book.- Teams -U.00. strictly cash at time of service, or $1.25 if not so paid. For pedigrees and other particnlars apply to JAM ES ALTON, Belfast, P.O. POR 'TWAT VALUAfl E PROPERTY SIT- _mate in the Village of Lucknow and'ho. tng 3 sores near the station and 13 acres on - the west side of Lnckoow, now -occupied by Peter Watson, and that part of block - G, on the corner of Campbell and Stauffer streets. Tor particulars apply to - 11-18 M. CAMPBELL From now until the first . of the New Year, I will give a large crayon protrait free, ofyourselfor .anyoneyou - wish, with every dozen of Cabinet photos. T1LTRELEAVEN. DOAN'S Kidney Pills first -proved to the people. that Kidney disease is curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pili form, the' cures they have made, and the fame they have attained have opened the wayfor a host of imitations and substitutes, but those who have been cured of KIDNEY Complaints through the use of this won- derful medicine, those whose lame back is now free from pain, those who now have no headaches, those who have escaped from • the death - grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease by the use of Doan's Kidney - PILLS are the ones whose opinion is valuable. When scores of such people come forward and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney'PBls cared them after other means failed, it is evident that the only _ CURE for Bldney Disease, Bladder and Urinary difficulties; Lime Back, and the number- less results of disordered Kidneys is Dosn's Kidney Pills. Be sure to get Doan's. Price fifty cents per box. Por sale by FOR SALF. BY BERRY a - CO, Druggist$ MoKENZIE Baker - and Confectioner. - Dealer in all kinds of G. ccerh s, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc. Bread, Buns and Cakes CURES INDIGESTION.D17 ZINE SS. ERUPTIONS ON THE SK IN. BEAUTIFIES k?'' COMPLEXION i,•, OIt l.S - IY Wi ..NO t 'i An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists Or sent by Mail. 25c., 60o. and $1.00 per package. Samples free. K0 HO The Favorite trey fortheTesthaad For Sale at Berry & Co's A.RE Y'OTT The owner of a watch or clock Then it is to your interest when et ting_ it repaired- to - place its in th hands of the moat skilled workman you can find. This you will de by bringing it to - R. KNOX, Watchmaker, or Lucknow. - The' goods sold by bim here and. in Wingham from 1871 to 1879 are giv- ing iving the best of satisfaction still. - Ile - established in Lucknow 1894. Please renieniber the place, in the old - stand next to Mr; Lawrence's and the . ex- press and telegraph office. His stock consists of - - Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamond R1amn. Wed. slag it Engagement IRtU&$, Charas, • Brooches, Ear -rises, Sraeelet,,WiRe 'Cutlery, Violins, Strings and Sows R. - KNOX, - WA'I'CHMAKER MCLEOD'S System . 11e33.0vatOr- And othor tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -EOR . - Impure, Weak and Impoverishedn - for Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, _ Palpitatio Weak Heart, Liver. Complaint. Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis[ Consnmptin, . Gall Stones. Jaundice Kidney and Urin wry Lis aeees. St. Vitus' Dance■`Female Irregularities and General Debility. - SI per half pint and a2 per pint bottle LABORATORY, - - OODERIOR,024r J. M. McLEOD, For Sale by A B Congram and Harry Days, Druggists WESTFN AOYEBTISER For I888-7. Balance of 1898 Free 1 CATTLE ESTRAY ONLY. ONE DOLLAR 'fa January 181., 1898. gTRAY1 D FROM THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, lot 37, con. 3, -KinIose, Sixteen Pages Each Weok Witt the middle of October, 3 yearling heifers and 1 yearling steer. Two of the heifers were -wim- red and one roan, and the -steer was spotted red and white. Any person giving such All the Newsof the Peek• information is wi:t l e suitablyrnmsrded by lead to their recovery RICHARD CHARTER, Mantet Reports,- Morse& Eta. Whitechurch P. O. Exce;lent reading for Every Member of the Family. CALF -ESTRAY TBAYEU TO THE -PREMISES OF Sthe undersdened, lot21, 1 R. S.. D. Ii.. Kinky*, *white calf. -The owner is requested - to prove property, pal expos and _take it away JOHN HEWITT, Kinloss P. 0. SHEEP ESTRAY TAXED hobs THE_ PREMISES OF theundersidned lot 4, eon. it,. Eastern Divi-,Ashfleld nn- or about' the first of tea, sit abeel-,, two ewes and, three ; ...st a vearli'ngt ewe. AvY611-liviag itgi esilfit 7'fdgei,. .T: . �.• - on shor. notice. ._ We offergood inducements to agents. For terms, eto., address Advertiser Printing Co, LONDON, ONT e1r. TAfTy ASTIMALENL A HMA orate= TNW. 817• all night gasping for breath for fear of inelhestion. Send yy, earleFDEE sddrew rwill rfnbottl RA. TAFT 011004_00 ADWlpEJs idPak- Sib -4tt- aveis$'Osc1'op;;;; JAS., 'Rv. Ieli4 i_ is enorivotj4. s k, .. Fresh Daily vernber 2 t fa° People want some goods this fall - although - times are hard. We have a large assortment of - goods left at Bard times prices as we are: GOING` OUT OF BUSINESS. Our -stock is well assorted in every dapart- ment. All kinds of goods going very cheap as we want to be through selling by Jnuary 15th. Our goods are asgoodand our prices are lower than any, others. : -Prices later on. e For our New Ad. Nest 'V eek. . EL S N.B.-Clothing our specialty. Peo must Flour, Oatmeal and Corn, meal -. plea a Wll}S t� � 1 l n hall i GREAT . _t J Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will -sa.e from 5 to 10 cents -per pound if -you buy from us instead of tea The great question is where to get them.:We -keep the. beat qualities to be had. We don't. pretend to 8e11 them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin.-• '' in BOUTS and SflIIFS at PEAIIT'& i have decided .to sell - out my - summer stock at a;1 -eat reduction so as to ready for winter stock camsus in. Any person! .va u . in,. li JL)LS and Shoes c an rely on getting them at right prices. Call and and secure some of our Bargains. John Peart: SM,4ART, OUSTQM -TAILOR. 811ia's Mock Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods - store-;Ij am prepared to turn out n the ineatest manner and lat est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. . Satisfaction always guaranteed. - A cell solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of AIlin's block. GI-.. SMART Modest Makes thousand& of women sager in silence, rather than tell their troubles to anyone. To .such Indian Woman's Balm. is a per- fect boon. It cures all womb • troubles, corrects monthly irregu- larities, abolishes the agonies of childbirth, makes weak women (strong, and renders life wolia living. 1 1 1 1 1 FOR BALE BY. HARRY DAYS. Druggist .A. L DAVISON, NEW FURNITURE WARS ROOMS. Having secured_the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furnit are Ware Roon?, I have recently fitted it with the newest de sizns of all kinds of Iloneehok! Furniture, As to quality, they are unequalled. The price is- away down. •'AII goods are bought for spot cash, therefore I eau- sell atas clo►e a price as any Larson in the country. - Why buy in To- ronto and pay freiubt, subject to damage, when you can Pave this at home? When at A. T. DAI Vat 'N'ti inspect and be con- vinced. - - ° THE UNDERTAKING. DEPARTMENT Is co 'ducted at the oldstand. vehich has been entirely renovated.. �..tF - Embalming, - Plunging anti _Taking elite cf Bodies -a Spic- - salty The Embalndug Pini4, matcrisi ap !lances used- bavr proven to be the toast Qeetuslihstbays ever bacc u.ed imbibe pest Wenty years, - -- Picture Training and an timbre( Re' airing• dons sit the old'stand.. peddlers. - -.Compare quality and trices: CROOMMRY We have a fine assortinent cfdinner setts, - tea, _- Kerry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. - LOTJR' 8t - EMD - - a All kinds rof flour and feed kept constantly on - hand. Goods delivered to any part ofthe.town. - Me4lure awl Ma1iougb , a sii C-ROCBRS_ M. OOR-RIGAN'S Isthe place to make your selections in CROCKERY; GLASSWARE GROCERIES & PROVISIJ.NS I have in stock the following : - - Apples Dried Apple Blacking - Extracts - Black Lead - Figs Bine ; Fi,,h, - anned Baking Powders - Fish, dried Barley, pot Gelotine Bath Brick - Gingers Hops Broome- o ey - Baskets Brushes Indigo . Biscuit Licorice Coffee - Lime Juice Confectionery Lemony Canned Goods Lamps Cocoa Matches Chxolate 'Corn, canned Mince Meat Corn meal - Meal Currants . Macaroni Currie Powder • Mustard Cream Tarter - Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour a Nutmeg Oil. olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor. ranges out Meal: Pails Peels - Pipes - Pickle Pearline Peas. canned_ Pepper . Raisins Rice ' Rice Flan' Sago alt - Salmon Sardines Senna - Meats, canned ' - Seeds Magnesia - Sugar - Syrups Iways -- on hand. oda - Soaps ' - Spicas torch ` Strawberries,csnne Sulphera - Tapioca - - - 'romatoes.canned eau Tobaccoes Verniicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysts Woodenware . . Whiting - Dinner Sete Yeast Cakes Dinner Seta Tea -Sets ' Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts - Toilet Setts - 4 ¥uriiiture Rusi�ess . We want to make November a month of large sales. We give close.pri of waiting till people ai e supplied with BINDS OF WINTER es now instead The assortment of furs of all Rinds is -- - y the largest mer carried in. Lucknow. We sell them at prices= that compete with the cities. 9J Lu4kno ood. Range is as essential to_ a home. las a spring is to a clock. ACTIVE, RACE Inas proven itself capable for every purpose. , . . • AS ALL USERS WILL GLADLY TESTIFY., P 'eThay do Perfect Work and Save -P •S eCial Features. - O Thermoaetos In Oven Door showing exact heat -without opening door. - P orate8•DoOr continually drawing frealfi, warm air and carry- ing,fumes from baking up smoore Ba*ti>lg Dna to look at baking and no -allow all the heat to escape from the oven. Heavily cemented bottom, allowing no waste heat t� floor while baking. Duplex Coal Grates. Cast Iron Linings. • made is 6 sizes for coal or wood.: FOR- SALE BY LUC Having purchased the Furniture Business -of Mr. G, W Berry, me have moved the same, together - with a large stock of the latest styles and newest designs of Furniture, Curtain Poles, . Pictures and -Wind -6-w- Shades, also a full line of UPE SFR ED in Turkish Eng, 'Silks, Plush, etc., richly . trimmed with fringe, Nest Door to the Post Once, Luoknow. r. f 00.0 `% And Buy 'the Best Wringer-` a ^ Low Price. -- POPUI.9, 'CASH HARDWARE, LUOKN"" Uiidertak a Speeia1ty, Charges moderate and calls both night t and day promptly attende-d to. We solicit the patronage of the village and .sur- - rounding country. No traub:e to phow. goads or gnote•prices LAWRENCE & JOIINSTONE. WHAT'S THE SENSE -Of letting your Apples go to waste when you -Can get them diads into delicious Jelly . at my -New Cider, Jelly and Evaporating Works, --Havelock Street, Lucknow :.'. ; ALL THE NEWEST AND MOST PAWED. .A1 BUILDING. ALL WOiU St;EUARANTEED r RI -as JLOTV 1 ricactaaRGAIRRaCcGait a _ - This is tie Peoples' Clathiag Our air: is to give the best value going and we believe we are . succeeding; • u e have sold more eluthing this year than ever-befoie. tap Our prices are telling They are rock �p bottom and spot cash., Bee our range . cc -cif overcoats from $2.95: up. We are t offering great values lir mien's and --. boys' suits arid•nre ..giving, at present; - to'eneh rosy ptiicfiasing as snit, a Cab- inet Photo of )iimself- in his new -clothes 7-iige'. °See lone aty'es end prices tie%re purchasilig, This is tbo >lace to y .g001011rnishui . Ifinj mom Kir quos os n4 e. 1110 tosti Id- 28 oa3r; krs wi ;pugtii irer alt!