Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-20, Page 1V- r z r. Z 4ifflltz OR r Ir 4 I LTO N A 01 - LU4.�KNOW- Will pay for the - - NXN TIMIL and Weekly vVill buy tle BXNTM Advertiser from t!ow till V and Weekly I JiL17 Globe 46X dipital paid up il,26o,000 Janusry 1898. Suberibe 21ow to January 2898. iaserwi Funa 10675,000 now and get the basace of the Tear free. BzxT- 250 Otal A-1sets $ 7,866 12,XL 0 894 ne 91-00, -w4kat them till Jan, Ut, WIN ereoident .401INSTUART. Subscribie:uow. 11 ius V—isidout--A. G. 1"mSAT. !!MIN had than xqisir styles- af DIRECTORS: ell *atj a V 01 XXI1i1— 46 I t, -IIOPIiOO?02,WX.Gfi3SONM.PiGno.RoAcFi LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20th,' 1896. WHOLE NO. 1189. 99S in A. T. Wcoib, A. B. Laic (Toronto). S40 ;1trhU;9 - - - — — - . WIng., - Cashler—J.URNBULL. that for which he bad no author- POP Thankiialvina 9.11'11VGS BANK. -Hours 10 to 3; Satur- doing interesting games, interspersed with —The following will be the clubbing ASHFIELD 0 S in sivve to.l. Deposits of $land upwards Grand itY. If a letter has come to a certain The Canadian . pacific and music, both, vocal and instrumental. listof the SENTINEL this year: SENTI iWillanik le -Jived and interei3t allowfud. Trunk railways announce cheap ex. clustek Offl.ce, beinR plainly directed thereto, 0 One notice Mr. Bowers' will On the 1fthon. is DEPOSITS also received &tour- TIZE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUZ ursions fat the Thanksgiving holi. th , able feature of the evening, NEL and Westein Advertiger, SIAC, io. busy no* aswiDg up the rmainde �fa*quise i r-otir rateti of interest. province being elso specilied days.' Tickets at single fare for'the or ra erlof those asiembled was that SENTINEL and Weakly Globe, $1.9. , r of di FREELY ACCORDING -TO T11 DICTATEB the proper logo and making shingles. q I...1 FTq n Great Britain and the United GY CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE AB in the address, then nothing short of trip' will 1�o issued, good- to everyone seemed eager to make it SUNTINEL and Weekly Mail, 81,50. _fiearl, 12_�iquo, OVE ALL Pleasant for - everybody else. The' ise an4 v 3.;Mts liught and sold. OTHER'LIBERTIES an order from the addressee, or - pos.. =n November 26thi and 26th. The —Captaia Sweeney. U, S. A, San revival services at Zion are xald-Combina session of and good to return up. to growing in interest. the 80th. brido was the recipient of many beaut,iii Diago, Cal. says: ,Shiloh's Cats They 410fts JOHN D. NIOROL. AGENT. positive and certain rrh will he et us beltive Remedy i� the first medicine I have ecil. information These tickets will be good on au'of iful and usefulgifts, b�ut I continued during the w -.I. that the letter- was the regular trains. it is the warmly expressed and - heart- ever found that would do me any S-0fitares g diam LEGAL Li%*knavNov=ber2oth liege- intended for another office, can justify a postmaster in redirecting it. felt good wishes of the friendi,'.which good." rrie 50c, at.Berry & Co's. Goixindtted SU101dei. MAPLE LEAF _0 sho Aals, gramts, tuiqwo- A. ALnOMSON, BARRISTER w, more than their gifts," however iiiiitiimmiiiDon't f4rget that this (Thursday) wul U GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT. James Bro so, who committed costly, thatigh esteem in which the erening Sepoy lodge holds itsconcert We ai re golicitor p9avevancer. etc (late o -It is said that Mr' Unlock, the now suicide in Toronto Bay on T Cameron, Holt& CAmaon, Godericil. Offic I re pleased to state that M-isb e1c. 080'"Ng stork uesday bride is:fi6ld.�Co tow Annie -Smith, con. j, is ZS ;204S I I X. in the n -hall. The programme is much improved up -stairs in Allin.'snewbIdek. Mr. A. W. Campbell, Provincial Po tmaster General, among other morning., was in Lucknow on Friday simyfiap,_ I excellent aiad you will have a good in health We trust to hear of her from a ge -in his department whic I . t to Inc 'at ;time if yu attend. Admission 10c. total recovery -in the near future. MOJJ:RlS0N;i BARRISTER. rodd instructor, has returned chan ' a h he- last, and was well known in Western OxCellee. Solicitor, )mmissioner, Notary Ontario He wai a. jOi ' vial follow, goed A paragraph unty f has 'in contemplation; has.a schei the round to -Rarl's dover Root, the great etc. Money to loan, Offibe over Moodyi, week�"ip through the Cc Me story -teller, and alwaya� is going Mr. Donald Matheson has returned appeared the e Jelualler ARM t according to a new act blood purifler gives freshness and Bruce, says the Globe� Previous to 'to have to his home in our midst after i pond- Barber Shop. for scaling down'the sMaries of the big happy, although he is known ffect tha had trouble in securing remunerative passed thie year all muni�-ipal councils clearness to the conlilexion and cures ing the summer fishing i PPvOUDF his arrival there, the coin-ty has been postmasters who do' their woik by employment since n Tobermory. ARROW OOT, BARICTS lowing routes will t.3-rs, Solicitorx, etc., Goderich, Ont. mith & shall expire on the Slat of December. `conurniption, .25c, 50c and $1.00. Mr. Matheson looks hale nnd heirty also be let by o he left vit6ted by a heavy fall of snow� and deputy, and the soiling up of the Reighley, Toronto, He w This is incorrect. The councils sti ne )YM. PROUDY00T. 'Sold by Berry& Co.., druggists. tract: Between KincaTdi e and Go as Grand and bis'mitny friends are pleasel to this having melted th not stipends, of the rural custodians of Treasurer of the Grand Black Chapter eretofore until the new �The annual meeting of the e roads were hold'office -as h Orich Kineardine -and see his return.' Pon Elgin 31 r. Cam bell Iffer Majesty's in many Of British America and Past provia ouncillors are sworn in January, but teachers of �Vest Huron will be held om-Goderich 'i)ostoffice toTail MEDICAL seen at their best. ails, who ii fr from- Goderich to Ben p cial Grand Master Mr. %nd Mrs. John'S. McDonald, station; R. TEXNANT, PHYSICIAN learned that some ten or fifteen years cases no munici -perform the duties of their office Pal council can niake any in- Goderich -Collegiate Ihstitute on M.-P.P., visited their daugJiter Mrs. Belfast to Lanes; Belfast -to St. er." D 9urgeon and Accoucbdur. Surgery ago about $230,000 had been expended for $1 a mouth and board themselves. Now Mlitillistep linancial expenditure after the 31st,of Friday aud aturday, Nov. 27th and Andrew Stevenson, of Atwood last The Postmaster Go ver J FlHott'd grocery store. Office urs The Hon. Clifford Sifton, ex- December, unlear for matterd - of 28th, commencing at 11 a.m. on the that fcom, 9*to 12 a. m. ; fiom 2 jo 5 p� m. and from in the county on the in This is what should be done, as the emergency, million dollars wili 'nera ss ain roads. firqt named day.li week. �e Bav by roji 7 to9p.m. salaries of many of the a' Attorney -General. of- Manitoba, was 16 These, fie said, were in fairly � good Ity-poxtwaster awdru in a member ot the Privy aipect . to be. in tow Progress Association still hold its lettitigcontractsy tender. are now antirely o �rtion to n next GORDON, A.D.. GM F.T. T"* Table Chanires Tuesday and Wednesd V and any rogular meetings every Wednesday ]PORTY YEA13,4.; AGO. ny condition. Very little in the w' of th6 allowances e edo� nasters Council and Minister of the Interior Last Mi6n venipg at 7.30. The any farmers ut pr 'O �ay witn a essed some rad. parties watim"rig to see in on busines's In -)n:. &u.1 Accoucheur. " 1�pstair� in Wm. improvements, however, had been done in small -towns a arn urs ny sti ts at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning by C-� ' d r I ditric A'1ln'A new blo'lak. Resideuce -Ross street. ical ebanges in the G.T.R. time table. - will p of the locality still retain their strong, It is. just forty years ago since U o the other roads, which were 1 in a Sir Henry lease call at John Hildre&s. now -)n, Murdoch & Co's store. t hitron% Chief Justice Of The early train for. London, Hamilton sh6p early Wingbam. was _RrA surveyed. behind Ca . mer . - The gospel -of good toads - i Canadai is Wednesday morning. patrOR sympathyancl hence the lodge very baa state. While in the county 11 gaining. aputy. Governur- Toronto and points emp, is-.- not -S'01 continues to boom. The installation Zoverument surveyors intended tillsipp-S. R. D. GEDDES. V. S., CALL qrounde'ncouragingly on this cout" -General, acting on behalf of Lord T. YOUNG, Walkerton. inont. - early, leaving at 6.06 a.m. instead of the town site should be in the plsA63 promptly Mr. Campbell addressed a meeting at of officers for quarter ending Dea. 31st either by mail or telegram mAberdeen. After taking, the oath of Wilson, of Ripley, was now cilled Lower- Wingham, ttended to; Charges moderate. Residene Reports from Ontari 40. The former .1(148 aim. train for A and i ent, John B. was laid -out as a town Paisley which was attended by, over office Mr. in the village tht other day; He is- 78 Matheson; Vice President, Murdoch Outram strept, opposite Dr Elliott Sifton took charge of his Palmerston leaves Luckniow at 8.09, years old and 'Plot, hileka visits of the new road -commipsioner departm6nt. Hcan do a good day's work - Upper Winghani -was surveyed - ­ - - I tecilad d I oar* north of 8914TINRL Office. SOO -ratepayerft from the surrounding left by the kfternoon connecting at that J. Smith; park lots, John 'Taylo 0 - -train for Winnipeg. yet, and vrhlk ten miles afterwards - r, of etla appointed by th . local government _point with the McKay; secretary, John cl It. A. J. GIBBONS. V. S� V. p., lion township, including the Coun"iflors Wiarton andO'wen 8ound,86uthampion treasurer, N. A McDonald; guide, being one of the surveyor's as is n DGradnate of Ontario Veterinary ("ollego froin.sev6ral adjoining townships,. Mr. Cempbell-ba' not only been and Durham branches; also with trains and withA �;an give the "Arkansaw 'Angus McKay; Sentinel, D. �4_ -Me- and helping to drive and Registero4l M,�mb-�r (if the Ontario At ve the last take Office an,� the close of the -meeting expressions valuable to the Wedding Annivemarle for Guelph. and To I roato. The mixed Traveller" wa well as ever. Kenzie; Minerv,. Minnie Smith; This was in 1856. In tfiat Vg 'a -- 0 Ar 0 eterinary me4lical s�ociety distrists favored but Following are names of the variou's t of R 3 C` mercvn a raddence. one door eas immensely popular'w -1 have left my books and pa ith the people. wed1diog soniversari or incardine leaves 25 minutes Per$ demetar, Mary' Matheson. Cornyvandhis four --sons Im shop, Campbells street, Lucknow. were freely made in accordance with es First year, with Thos. IV obster for a few ,days, and Moved -to en&try and Surgical operations svecialties. Mr� Ca The Ontario farmers especially are cotton wedding; se' earlier, at 12.10 p, in., -the mail train this neighbor-bood and in 1859 built mpbell's views- and advice, and cond year, paper for the Same place -leaving here at 1.53 1 ask all pax6es interested to call on Calls promptly attonded to night or day. the -first house in the- coming into possession of a lively sense -wedding; third yea' leather vredding; ]NEST WAWAIMoSH COUNCIL corporate to motion was unanimously passed in r, -r than him and pay their acounts and past site p.m., being 10 minutes late. of the present town, on -the fifth year, wooden weddia6 eventh SOCIETIES favor of the Council'is taking imm of1tbe cash value that better rosds under the iDld time table. The mixed. due notes to "ve costs for collection. Meetin ' opened according tX) ediate 9 the Queen's hotel now stands. T1W *oul be. to them'. A -b rt, year, woolen wedding; tenth year, tin goin , gaouth, with terminus T. YOUNG. adjournment. first settler in the town Plat f step; to purchase the fieceshary, ma- wedding -at Palmer- Members all present, twelfth year, silk and. fine ston, leaves at 4.54 -, i tead of --6. I 5. -The Tow at present ea Wingliam was Edward Yarl *h i. 0. F. chinery for improving the prFmant ens- the life of their vehicles, cripples linen wedding; fifteenth -year, crystal us la of Wiarton is ve in the chair. Minutza of last moved there in . - ff�. their horees, and lengthen The evening trair, from London runs suffering from -an outbreak ofdipthe.ria. meeting read and appro, 1858 and who is A ULTC-�NOW 1,01)GE a the distance weddin 9 a vod. The- '"vinginthe same place, roads and for building now ones. io'the nearest g; twe4tieth year, china wed- through to Kincardine,, leaving Luck. Thirteen 'cases are reported, three.of Treasurer's statement showing bala Next to market. and all these ding; twenty fifth yearl. silver w- lice e ing; arrive at the new town walf' Milward things mean'for the former' now -at 8.25, and there being no ]at which are 'niagligant. The, public on hand of $490.78 was received and Foley who Or&r of Forestirs I cash out thirtieth year, Pearl wedding-- fortieth a - SCHOOL SETTLEMENT. of pocket. - Hance their interest in the yea�r, - .1 train from Palme to� p%s_ school has 1,,(�en cosed. a led- conducted Ivatore, sna. Meets in- the oddfellows' ruby wedding - fiftieth ye rstoni Toron nd prom�t was followed soon by Peter -a I — g at, liallonthefourthTuc good road -making. an W!Ugers :train - at measures taken to stamp out the A communication was retd from Present Postmaster, and study of methods of connect with -this gold wedding; seventy-fifth year, C, disease. Garrow A Proudfoot, askiing ds Archibald. These twoenter tiav of each month, at The Winnieg Tribune, the official inton., 740 o'clock.- Visiting diamond wedding. organ of the Greenwa brethren cordially Invited, y Government -An auction sale' of twenty acres for JAB, Bailey, who lost a steer thers built -the Uw Winghain AD 11140 And ail .1-OLA14 ITEMS w �el -er -a:. H. J. 1,7111PSAT, W. A. LAWRENCIZ. publishes the following outline of -the' Maip of Bruce of standing�--bash (m1ple, beech and on the roadway, by getting intc, a hole. ing mille, one -of the- best.mills tl Chief Ra n;;or. Recording 81!"'t'ry' school settlement, which is regarded We have received from Mr. James -Don't forget the concert this even- hemlock) will be hold in the bush, on Oouiicil agreed to. take iso action in Part of * the county, then the log are to of Ing. the matter, brothers, Thoas sad John UCKN.OW REBEKAH DEGREE as authoritive :-"All schools Court of Rovisison Warren, pTovincial 14nd surveyor GroMfforir- eflows, lot 13. con. 6, Kinlo3s, on Fiiday,, L Lodge No 22, meets in the Oddf -be- national, under Provincial con A Court for. the Revision of the Walkerton, a beautiful now ma Help the Temperance workers November 27th, at 2 o'clock p. m. For Matthew Woods and Goo. Ward who built the millow y C4trr- Hall, on the mocond and fourth Thursdays of ial9 u p of ran 'b Voters' Li t Of the X- nicipality of the 09unty of Bruce. It is the this evening, terms, etc., si�e bills. John Purvis. asked to be transferred Son, and Tbos. Abribami- ucknow, will be held in the -town the county we ha - —841t fol 131110 by tho banol Auctioneer. "ro pach ' month at 8 o'clock, p. m. V; ' iting -and subject to the same- regulations L finest f O _SA. --to. _,who x cordially welcome. sisters and brnthers are -day (Frid ), at 9 a. m., by ve ever seen X tow. S.S. 13. the first bootand shoe gang. in tolim. and inspections. The same textbooks hall, to ma 0 1 Tha� Mrk was� in- ay the prico of thia beautifu'rwark 'At Z. EMOt's -Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, t tr% , te X 00 Has. T. RziD, Nlua. A.B. Co. ansas, structed to no ify' -Others followed in quick - will be used and all teachers will, be His Honor judge Of said - emonj �o a Tenn.. says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer saved scho( quite� '­ 7 ap po P� Secretary. _Barret, of Walker. Noble Grand of art is within the rea�li'of all, the -Only 10c for the con 4 Be ns a t next 2ifah Fro ton. cert to-nij For. a number of years q -lified by- passing the prov- rht my life. existed between perly ua p should be plac I consider it the best remedy 'meeting of co il in conu t* upper 0, F -COURT ed. iii every sAool Be sure. and go. t eq ion wit uwer,� n6al examina�tion and taking the pro- Thanksolvilrig Day house, public library, ' -Dr. Gordon, cf Ripley, was in the po em, I ever used." t6e same, on in Ce post office, hotel, for.a debilitate syst on of' 41edd and Town, which finally resulted in r tho . M96 Thanksgiving D Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney Webster. Accord g to 1 W all con rlaces throughout the village on Saturday. 9. l,ucknow. ANItitts scribed Normal School , Ccurse. ay f?.Ils this year on andothsrpubli�. business being centredat every first and third 'Mond'ay of every School work of a pnrely secular chat- hursday, Nov. 26th, and will be ob- county. The workmauship is feet trouble it exl�ols. Price 75c. Sold tracts with the ow ip ust be eet- ham. At this time Bluevale -and Zo per -Your time will be well spent at by Berry; & Co�, druggists. monj;b in the Oran servedass day of tlianksgiving by and , contains a full an tled in this year. All p t' shavinbills land were thriving hamlets', -^ndn;i"y Hat acter will occupy the whole of - the the people of the w6le Dominion. record of'the Complete the concert to -night ies 1. Visiting bretr A chattel mortgage sale will be to settle with the - for the new school day, except the 1A lus, concessions, roads, nici�oxli wil of the UPPI ty I town ren are cordially in- Pt half hour, this if' as it should be, as there T. Grenache is Visiting- held at MeGarry.'s h1tel, Lucknow, on govirn themselves ordingly. to be arought from these plims, vited. Is no takes, rivere, creeks, b whenthe representatives of any Lre. country in the world 14 which the p towns, villageit, etc- friends in -Paris, Ont. -'Zist, at 2 o'clock p.m., obuO T0H1q SCOTT, C. R. 'O- in the county and c,tunot fail to be of Saturday, Nov. with the advent vf. the Great -West"n ple as a whole enj - th On motion o e3sr.9 Webster and e same priv- allowed OY D. D. VULE, sec. ligious denominations will be Mr. John Denholm, of Blyth was when a large air Railway in 1,873 the. to ileges, libertv and prosperit�, y incalculable berinfit ah 'parties . p 11 - iount of farm stock and Cameron the following -accounts were wa began to to come in and instruct the children in the village Friday last. implements,- includirg 4 horses, three n gro-a dor a -few years everyt LOYAL ORANGE LODG6 belonging to their own denomination, do in Canada. interested - in the g ordered to be paid bing boomed In 1874 it w ical construction of Bruce county. -Jim Burnside. of Kinicardine, was of them young ones, and a good driver, al incorprMed 0.428, HOLDS ITS 'provided the parents are willing - to in town on Wednesday., - 6 years old, will be sold by John Wm.- J- Humphrey, 283 yds gravel as a village with 13. Willson County Ca�waq Vatins N regular mopthly weet- Purvis, auctioteer. at,7 $19,81; damage $1.00. Job Me- reeve and in 1878 -it w&s.mSda. a nirs,n the Orange Hall, Camp- have them remain. In cases where� There seems to be more. or less Deav Shootinc -You will get the worth of your 10 c bell %treet. Lucknow, on Tues- the people decide not to have this. misunderstanding. in some The Lucknow party who - were in to -night. Be sure und go. -Business zhen - should net ask Lean 166 yds gravel at 10c, $16.60; with Mr. Willson -as the first niara day evehings, on or, before people's Angus . McDougal ditching and the ful the Parry Sound Dittriet door shootiti 11r. John Ritchie, ofv Wingliam, publishers to en -dose, hand bills, etc., -in The phenomenal growth -01. -Win .1 moon. Dewree n' ht religious.in, I struction, the regular work minds in regard to voting for county 9 repairing road con. 4 and 5, $9.25; F. Rglim on the seennd Tuesday evening followin91 their' pu blicatiotis as an y un at A time of general dipreSsIon all OTer- will go an until the close o f the school councillors. Every voter has - two returned to the village on Thureday, spontue�day in the village. authorized - Glean� gravellilig on west boursdary,- the Province, is a lag moon. All visiting brethren cordially invit- hight last, after havi enclosure rendr-ra the wbo!e issue liable $10.,50 -- hours. The principle of -loca ng spent, a .-This (Thursday) evening tingtribate to the od w the meetingt;. option �,otes. He can " h to two Sepoy D., Kennedy grading hill con- ubiity and energy of the citizens, can give both , pleasant two weeks. There ate plent lodge entertains in the town ha 1. nary nogpaper postage. Private and &XaUs,51oXZ.%Z1Z, Wm. TATLON' is recognized throughout. "The, pro. candidates,' or hog votes to Ordi 14, $4.00 and gravel and damage $6.'05, considering its age, ib stsu&in Secretary. W. k to one candidate, thus giving & of dear there, but the. restrictions this- post card undi,--t- gflis-ei of ornamental $10-05; J Miller-plankina bri4e on Viso that is intended to make the favo r -We were glad to see I r. Alex. printing, are considered to be taking tbeLfry�ut ranIr of -towns in point of 0. T, U. -The regular monthly schools satisfactory to -the minority red candidat . e two votes from owe yea against shooting the Animals in Headley out again on Sunday.lat. the form of advmiscusents and will be est ttqundary, $3,00; Win. Took, two commercial influence."-Av%nee. We me�ting of the, W,mun's Christian that the districts havi Is 'voter. or near the water, made'it a "very -make �your arrangements, for days shovelling gravel, -$1.50; Wm. held every second ng an average difficult ms'tter to secure. them, and as Thanksgiving -Thursday, Nov. 26t1i. prohibited. DANG--PRS Op_`�A Temperance Ustion will be Syminkton-gravelling on pputh bou WadneKdair of each mnth in the Odd Follows A November Bee. a resu nd. SCRATC21- of 25 Roman Catholic 'It fewer deer bt�ve been killed ary, $21.61; Jos, Smith ditiehing con Hsll,Lucknow.at3p.m. On Tbursday, November l3th, there his sm iimmmmimimmmiomi. J. P. Doherty, the organ VILL-1WE COUNCIL ely a d TiLtz, Prefitieut:. Mas. Hoinr ELL, Secretary. beentitled to have a teacher of their oa--than for many years past. man from Clinton, was in to w -n Mo 4 pl nk Scare ay was a big bee at the farm of Yr. G I _ I 11- arid 5, $2.00; W. H. Wiison, a passes but eO. The Lucknow party, however, -*veto day last. Luck patingin culvert, graveinInd datuag,-, Mons do not., in o - wn denominationj . who -must be Burrows, of Asbfield township. Some now, Nov. 3rd, 1896. pei *pine way Or other, I. 0.0s, F. f very fortuate and brought home with $9.23; lVat * Cathpbeil 25 yds gravel at get a scratch, a sraaft cut or a brul" ully'qualified accord- ing to.provinci I thirty notighbors of Mr. Burrows ar, which is mor6 than 9 a them eight de -Mr. Thos. Seli,ofEarriston, spent The regularweetin of the Council that may break the aldn� Xn Moab U 6 K N 0 W or national' school standards. In knowing that. close attendance on his has been kil few days this week visiting friends in -wao-held on thoobove date. All 7c,81.75; R. Lockhart selectingjnrors ' instancesnot the slightest.attention L Lodgp, No U2 led -by any other party of the $4.00; W. S. McOrotie do, $4.00; John meets every Frielay evenine at 8 in ere the - children speak districts wh threshiog machine prevented him At hunters in that district,. They Imcknow. members were present eueft Con' Thompson digging and 'd to this beyond the qmPorati-1- pip b their hall Campbell street. All brethren French'wholly. they ate to have a tending to his fall plowing. organized Mr. J. G. Anderso cillor-Taylor aod. th con. 6, $3.00; Thom. Todd -lumber and oya and thepouible cordially invited. hot four large bucks, two does and t a -is at present e Reeve was in an, no V610 e of the pain teacher speaking - both French and the bee, and with thirty teams -did, the fawns, and repacking his apples in' the chair. irritatioii when the ban' WN. SKINIxEs. W. WILSON. work. &,i every man in the crowd Air. Graham's gravel account, $69.33; Win. ilso'JA do are,pub, Into all . w . . - .11 I brickbiock. The minutes -of the previous rag- gravel -$2 -IG, two y�ears damage .90, ow.in the ANoblelgrand. Recorder English so that they will learn Eng. succceeded in killing a deer eater, or some subsequent bi lish as possible. The read. Lightninc.and Tbunder. ing ular meeting were read and approved. 8100 J. Redmond an. qxclamAtioin= AOUW as rapidly - returned home happy, -kris. G. F. Tennyson is spend 35 ydegrvl at same spot'brinis ors used in such schools will A heavy -rain storm,accompanied by a couple of weeks with friends. in Accounts preiented 82.45; Tho3. Nicholson 144 yds -account of the hurt.2Thil 'Whaer 2dechantes? in 7c, be bi. U C K 'NOW lingual, so vivid lightning and loud' peals of Kincardine. )mmon"practice, is by LLodge of the that the children will grow thunder, passed- over t is section on The application of the ii;w act e- Jacob Miller, graveling, &c., 8.9,6.30, gravel at 7c, 61 0.08, and da mage $1.00, 1 no �We�=111_ I wise one. The air In] h -Mr and Mrs. D. Jacobs, of Tara, H. Morrison, selecting jurors, $3.00; 811.08. 1 --of RO& Ancient Ordcr if up from the first accustomed to Eng. Wednesday marriing. ThA weather garding Nechanics'Institiftes has had spent S' jurors, $3.00: -Council adjourned me disease germs, aspec -Unitt.,d W#,rk men, lish unday-with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. J s to st on Dec. ially 'the af mec, I the Odd the effect of reducing th f�ll, on the was almost As warm 4.9 summer 'e income Of Our Ross, of this village. D. Campbell, _�electiug jurorit,� $3.00! 15th at 10.30 o'clock. cities and towns, and an Injury ond Hecond sys work, $9.27; T q few rary below ics 'ordinary rate sort, last T TOPICS old residents "y'it foretells a public lib __There was -5 nice 11 hop " in the 31. Meteani 7J d be it ever to 8 1londay I-Venings of weeks at leapt of fine eather, or per. of expenditure, so that the continua- Cale Shoebotbom .1 salary, 425,00. . Win WN. MCCROSTIN, excellent' bireeding gr I '. for -sun tion of the present equipment was sari- donian Hall, on Tuesday evening 9 4 Clerk. deadly bacteria. It oun' each month Fit chcht chance an open winter. To -day's o by the harpors of London. street watering, 851.50 (this is a -good d0a 1 weather shows what good prophets oir 0 V� o'clock. Vimidng Britai . n _does not- propose'to up usly doubted, The directors, and no last. Musi Ifood, always to keep a'� bottle of re brethren cordially invited.- -Afr. Norman Matheson had his account is subjiect to an order to W.S. CANADA CHEESE TAE BEST i ALzx Rons, a single acre.of the territory which by- old residents am doubt the public, are anxious t carbolid acid and - hat a wrist broken on Monday last by falling. Holmes for $1 9, �5); D � R McIntosh, glycerine, or Master Workman. Recorder. war and diplomacy she won n Egypt free reading room should be maintained A U. 8; 0121clal Compares It With freqtjently touch all bruises suit of clothes for -.bief consi 0 -the Amsivican Aftleto with it. This is one j6t thd Royalty to V11fidt Ono of the institutions of Our village, off a lumber pile in Lyons' mill yards. table r and . Cyprus. She wou4 be the - $15-00; Walteir Stewari, electric light, convenient and affectira The following -arrangoment Its; been -Bit. D. W. Hayes, station agent, $109 -85;' -Walter Stewart, lumber, Washin eftlWeo, OLD LIGHT LODGE laughingstock of Europe if Th Duk r she made: Mr. J. Murchison has provided is spending a couple of weeks visiting gton, D.C.,Noy. 13. -In the imaginable. Itis belie Woo are riding to a cable dispatch# $3.86; Caesar Perdue, gravel, $7.44, yed Atst, Ma V A relinquished a single foot, of her con. year, book of -the Departmen' arranging to visit Toronto in the fall store. sPam for -the library and will acC friends ia Chicago and other western 6 Of cases of fever a4g&o quests. British rule less Dcost of spi4ading, leaving bal- Agric ther.setipim Au has been of next year. ThAir as .-ibrariart, issuing -books during busi- cities. ultur*, Henry E. Alvord, chief can be contrvAect-by G visit '-will be ance of $6 50. of the dairy division, takes up at:some -Once.gn 1. � & UOUS ugly lodged in -1 , invariably for the bonefit 'If the nations associated with the opening of -Toronto nos# bou ro. A publ ic , reading room is -We- are pleased tv learn that Mr. Moved by Councillor 'Davison, see- conquered; and'for the highest interests n ma also pro-id'ed over the -Bank of Hami 1pngth the comparison of Cainadianand geni P ace t;6 arkii full inoon, in th al dwelling, 'TS EVERY TIIUI(,%DAY NIGHT ew- nioipal buildingi rather then I. Aleir. McKinnoit is much improved in onded by Councillor Holmes, that the American oxport trade in ch a, IVJL on or 144re the of civilization it isAinveruive that ilia the meeting- of the B rifish AssAistion., tOmi It is OiPedted that the chafige health and --is now in a fair way of eiia multiplies with aniazin es ova accounts, lie passed, ex g 1-np ler hold. ected and eve cepting stating that it.is h do nat rel' seJ will be eff all �Jdit The extension of their tour I rything- in recovery. uaii"ting to know I rom the soon overruns the- -,entire. -,I JAS. DUTAX, HARRY DAYS, readiness by Saturday. Theme are that of Walter �tewarb for lumber, that Canadian cheese has such a good Theref6re, whone Dominion to Australia, and home- ver there is. Worshirful M2ster. Secreiary. As allowing the value of apples this- wards via Indial is under conside temporary arrangements for one ye -Amobal has eighteen schools, the $3.86, and ordered to be paid. -Car- name, that' more than 10,000,000 or scratch, -or any ar. 2qJur pounds of ouF cheese is bbipped across germicidal applica season we may state that a few days by the government. ration The continuance of the roading room, greatest number of -any township in' tied. - Of the county. Brant comes next with Moved by Councillor Murdoch, see. the bordeir every year, particularly froni r.e rted to. tions ago. 580- -barrels of apples had drifted will depend on the desire of our citizAns so f waffitnuron 1rapme2w Institute as_.express6d by the financial- support se.renteen. onded by Councillor Holmes, that the Wisconsin and Now York, to be ashore near� Amberstburg from a The West Hurbn Farmers' Institute received. Any of the directors will be' ' . he petition of the ratepayers regarding a Ported- from Canada under cover COUNTY COUNCIL _1Q*T*dW, -Mra. Ross will be at home to e r -ex steamer which had been wrecked.' The will be-beld in the village of Kintail pleased to receive your dollar for the bers and many friends of the W. the building of a bridge over Will mew ough- of the -superior reputation of her pro. As the time gets short-theintem.tin referred a ad ct- ted 8 the election of -county- authorities of that town telegraphed on the afternoon and evening of Nov. Yost beginning Novpmber st. Next 0. .T. U. n. Tuesday afternoon next, by street cast, �bc to tb ro du In 860 the Uni tat" re T. Osirrow, M. of the now books that bale been -Mr. Dora, relei . ving agent of the- sessi6n is beco oun0ilp A,�'t _!Eui to the Underwrite - Ing persons will week we hope to publish a list of some Subject, relief work. and bridge committee and report at exported over 15,000,000 pounds, of under the -County J0 D. -8. D, ra' Association at Newton, L 206h, when the followl Chicago, asking what they would d deliver add' sm.--4. next meeting.�Oarrisd cheise,and Canada but 125,000, in Ming, greatOr- 1�.-ths Honor Graduate of Toronto School of .0 F.P., A. McD. Allan, P. H. McKsuziq, recently added to the library. Grand Trunk is -in . c-har-ge of the A by-law to raise the sum- of 8500'. 1895 --Canada- exporfed 85,500,000 infOrmation of our ro Ve Awai pounds more than the United States publish:the divisloxv%,of, t - gain Denilstry and Doctor of with the apples. The insurance A.X Cameron, A McGillicuddy, and Lucknow station during Mr. Hayes' for current DEN rAL StrUGERY companies considering that the salwaige other . 9. Suitable' music will -be Woddinir BOU-110 ond expenses was reads, first,., Canadian cheese fetch Absence on a pleasure trip. sec- and. thiM time and finally' Besides, "s a �uuder the Act haulingand freight would amount to furnished for the evening. All are One of those: pleasing,ovents which better price abroad, grade fGr grade, 1. The first _eounty All o rations in Dentistry performfd -Millineryl -Call and see the now passed. counda -Xvision, w1treare and about as much at the apples were invited, to attend and take to prove. equally in than ours does. Mr. Alvord ascribs to ,consistf -the -towwg Ad i=s an andeavor to do all work art as seem tarextiDg to line of hats . and trimmings Jusb to- H. MORRISON, olerk. the falling off in marle, Eastnor, Lin ury --ft worth, telegraphed back to 'the ample time. will be allowed for Young - and old, took pincii at the res- ceived. The priies will ba right to our f0eiga,trade Amherstburig people: "You had better- discuss- ion.. Come everybody. idence-ofMrg.-D.D, MeKinn cbpase to four special causeg.-,Virs'n Edmunds and pollini, VILLING-With Gold, Porexialn, Silver an I rot the apples." Ont On suit the.times. 'F. Hambletov. LUCKNOUt 48CHOOL BOARD of', number 5 of the townifi! caliper amalgam. the evening of Now. 10th., when her Restrictions placed on the Ireedorn -Farmers' Institute meetings will and thw townof Witftou Guy B~ lidlinatrals eldest daughter, Minnie, was united in oeting of the L. B, 8, B. trade between the Uuited .8tstes nd be hold- at Holyrood on January 9th. A special in 2., The secpad,& a- -to �oornslst�-Of TEETH-Mada with a view- of prepwrvfbg Typhoid is very prevalent throughout Guy Broi. presented their the bonds of mtbtrimony to Mr. IC h-. Canada; (2) the energy and succe the natural appearanoe. and of the bebt grand P and at Dungannon on January 6tbi met in tlie secretary's office for -the ss Of the, township f Arnabel, -eioopf 'At most every town, entertainment to a large Audien Taylor, both of-Lankside... Soon f sele0ting" tw assistant the Canadian Government in develop. ling sub-aiv Ontario. ce, in raim. -1897, and at Ripley on February 19th. purpose o 0 ixionnuiuberZ, the the town hall, on Fridiky evening l"t. after the guests . had sesemblid, the pl ing and improving the product -ion of Tara, HXTnA�mANG-An a,plication made in for its share. IJ careful -a teachers to take the ace of. the two shipof Arran and.village-,of f nion; (3) the short- 3. The -third,4iv1AiotC`tO co - naist'�V xhmiD This troupe is well'knowit in this part hour inted having dome, Mills When little Be Peep had lost her retiring the first o the year. ches�e in the -Domi tho gam for painless extracting. it has tion were made the typhoid can be of the Province and is acknowledged Kate app sheep she needn't have been our ad, been tried. withouccess. Burge" played the wed sighted Policy of cheeseinakers in t6 the toftship-vf Eldeial From th n .-Lot, lnpo traced to impure drinking water* to have the best staff- of performers March. 4'09 had the sheep come back with their G-manY applicatio s to hand, comp were tails intaott if she had only advertised. Oxch 6c anioi with very commend y -pe -the v f and to give the beat and cleanest pro - being tendered, the Rev.. Mr. Walker, Poor goods,'and ignoring th.6 tastes and- Greenock a, v 'OFFICE -In Mr. Allin!s new block While the Ind notes' United States in- turning out -So Ltn�u -division iuuibe�r _-the_ wn .-Letters of administration to thel able testimontals, it proved not an eavy s and P6,11516y. - Many ople are very careless of the gramme ever presented to & Lucknow of Tesswater, entered, followed by the -dma:ud of fore'igo -customers; �4) -the upstairs. sup L V of nald, pf the Tp of, estate of Ann McDo task for the boami to detertuiue as to h atiow PI water for their family and audience. AlbertGuy actedas-inter. grom. The bride was given a exportation of no much 4. The. tort P, 14'—will villit Ripley, every animals. Effect must.follow & cause; rogator, which part w way Huron, were granted to her husband the applicants mQso suited to fill the Ohee low ar, jide Thart4ollay artet 1100 formerly by her uncle, Mr. Obas. Bolton, see thotonslilp OfAran 0 takeriby their deceased father, and r 116kima;11 and of adulterated fW a- nian conubt drink water,from, a foul Francis McDonald. Personal eats positio 9. After due consi 0 n der&- 0 -irkert n. he did his part well. the County of Feel. She was -becom- goods -or cheeze, in OBERT CUNNINGHAM. The jokes were tion it was final ly -resolved that the 0 0 - 5 -The- thitlilofl,_ -to; t ad a -03 JSt' 'i -splitting.- whHe the sing.- iD91Y at ir . i r in �,ishmer6, t he Britibli'm dirkets well and hope to forever escape the. now and sidt fif INSbItANCE following ladies' be 'engaged, the tom0bi �med with silk lace and ribbon of, the -.;-Mr. D. W. Hayes, G. T. R agent M. -and FIRE AND MARIN19, immunity from discaw. He cannot ling and dancing# andiiithe instrumental vi "antltlio conseque -P isi Lottie Armstrong, nt -degradatioit. of �a Su ' b.,diVbionVL­_b, 46 I , . In prio .,U inicoe QUIELPH. ay coa- f tilic, hill cow to drink from a selections by the orcheotirs, and other "me As& and a.clitster of white cknowi was here yesterd iell-aiirn�4 reputation." The -.tr eounty, salary $220; Was H. M.. r, Dundas, salary .6. The of the performers, were well r6ndered -17lossonis in bar dark hair, 1eight4 'n lost �to-ug.Amoiitlj to polluted -fitream and � expect bier to iinea dicting a party of six from Luckilow thRt h1s:b#0 and heartily.appraciated. Hunta least $5l000 remain in goo(i condition and give a Vaneroon, the pretty effect, The ceremony was who are - bound for Sau Franouco.- Meeti $225, 6 yeai, ng Adjourned. best tatisfuctory supply of milk. on the. horizontal bar, is a marvel, short bub im zoomed .London -Free -Press. Ilid in U-mited _0 whfle McDonald, who oleo ezeells 1). R. StAtel touched- by the solemnity of the -now M. NOTIOE OC. -we regret to learn of the. daiiiih rft4dili in Lou& casion and esp .0 ughter I_b "b o� v�-_ m- - t6 inded -ths) y aivielbli*u Postmastors have, been rem his role as & contortionist, sets the ung bri-do- fr6m diphtheria of Miss Bainj di d , - . *0 ra . 'RIBER HAS OPENED AN that they cannot exer" whose'eyes were with tests as '&Kr. D J Bain' a f -i ie ot P fils g ,wor rite SUBSG part of the clown, to perfgotion. BUly , .. itik office In the building east 3f the cue too much Lyons au&J.J.Herberti &to excelijit 3 namovw to U . e. - - o Mrs. :As , A, Yong t OV OWS on isifingitends, Nocep 8swTINU Printing Offic's. caution in redirecting (i. npiform in. their par she turned to roceive the. good wishes- '' Th-64edeasid. wa's A- viery,poplAr GREEMENTS. BONDS, LEASES, chan impersonators and the - bat4n swing-, Aare of her- relatives bad�_ friands.. Of. 17 Y _"L�to thin A allid lai 8, MORTGAGES'ND '-WILLS have coma to their offiamfor delivety; jug ,servics,46ne, a company repidr64 i6t, send pose h a DZED giug tihe addresses of),Ietters th&6 Ing, in= swinging, jugAW WQreL vuv -dining-room, whetio� �ek *W . th'6 0AUXFGLLY PREPARED. All JV41-1 received. ifthur' abilzil A , " era kit wi in- a: ce�: L figs, mills, rl ff. ate., furnish -.Applftie In their irfe T, ton h flon cretta area Guyl, IfeDonald and Va lidations and estimates for Ity loss occurifth no Ily and id Flans, sPecif inRsmucli as it a -9 :Ajd_jll�o �ued _to_do _119� ed an erioneous or-uAho cassai-y redit k tabefulko 0 einip on -Abor. botice. and the Un&v1ded 4h A b it will fall on the pckitmasts ri TDO MOIC Dvided; Th JA f$ W" -Wit they W,6 -6 the r"ponslbilfty -,of if i f 7 Z 7 t7 oil