Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-06, Page 3A Z jk� Tim V �115 A x f"Zgg A M004 9 0, �k_ 0, --P i Z _2 7 �i­:, F, _�7 --------------- s tutioli 'in Labrador, upon the author- S-- U oN D A V SCHOOL' THE WORLI)i ity of'Dr. Grenfell, Superintendent of -'HIEL19-D'S. TROUBLESe A WOMAN98 FOOLISH VIGIL, FIVE-" 'STAT dirmor filb oalso.. to wl.- tile t ralastbli, to deep-sea, f ishermen. -IONAL LESSON- INTERIjAll ARM 1? he goes. and w who comes from England yearly with being so much a,, two assistants to do medical servif* NOV...8. 1�96 found you, then wil), on the coast. He declares that we h son. I rds eventh Son of 9 -Sevent -The-Sentenoo on Dr.- Lee FormOrlY Wife Said to Have"Bloped With an- the Peoplell"-London wretchedness of the people. are inadequate to do justice to the tile Tcmfolc Dedicati-d-1 1C.Ings viii. 5�0. D1 of Listowell Unspoken- 41111at not in fVeech it fid, . . . . . . . . . . seven Days. The London Daily Mail publishes, till AdopWd Son. Aiding Her to Fortune.. Time_.—B. C. 1001. P11104.—Mt. All, pever doubt my lov interview with -a recently releasad Morlall, -ill , Jerusalem. fie 'ALI Pers ns. —'Solonion; Israel. A Prince -or, dear, I oc CAN ADL%"N. prisoner, who hail been Ili daily con- 0' ss' Poem. F annot ton it tact with Mm. Florelice, Maybrick, un- HE RICHLY DESERVISIT The following is a 11terat tranisla- My Ileeirt no language odergoIng Imprt niten A MOST REMARKABLE STORY PROPRET'S TROTa A UHARM, Commentary'. � 54. When Aomon t1ou of a kno% Live stock shipments. from Winnipeg so t, for poisoning had made an end of . praying -That is recent poem by Princess 'And still can only Yea -M and ae. Montenegro it break. Years Ago -H L ur e r "The --mother said:to her daughter But �ara very, heavy. her' husband. This prisoner said that Helene of In saence, though 'D Low water Ili the Morrisburtr Canal a drew haA twice been prepar6d for is vil- wl ell he had dff�red th p;,IYer of oft Canada Fo & 6ausin- it great- deal dr trouble the liberation of Mrs. Maybrick, but A Prophetic Spellbinder and Bis Relics lainousTreatment'of Mids Palmer- dedication of the temple. The dedl- tt you wish to see what the world not VY any Breach is known to marin been deferred Of Woman's Perfidy and Mans Ingrat- The hidden 101re of deep �ers. that the liberation had itude . for Kindness --A Worthy =Locates -Dead and Living --Just Now He Had a Bad Record - Returned cation of the tlemple is 044 pf the is like =d height; -t Le& owing to her attempts at suicide. Evi ofthe -You -must keep your eyes alw The sea has nothing but a moan, has been In session - Abused -The Family Now LivinEF at n'&s Confidence . Shamefu�ly sinco[�: from Opelu Tlw Northwe, rislature, which the French Woman and He Axe After I for Good -A Shoe' most Im ortant of tile facts aye Tlledalrk- is silent, �fid the light; at Regina for the is a Husba king Storv. P I Sir Charles Dilke, M. P., who Millions and Eighl�Br'ick Builings. Old Testament history, The gr st nionth, has adjourned. well-known- authoritty on foreign af New Haven, Conn., despat6h says The that time ii became tile 0 Welling 9110 kePt * her byes open,. and this Is, andest Muslim needs -no wolrd pa TO make its mbaning heard. The Ottawa, Arnprior Niagara. & Parry fairs, has written a letter, in which A New York despatch says: Be- jury in the ea�e of the notorious Dr. place of -Jehovah. In the act Of what was reTealed to her: Sountl Itailway is Completed from lie says. referring to Anglo-Venezu.-- sides a lamp that is alwayis burnfug John -Ed e s a lesti. onu I disputc;, that fie en- Toronto despatch says One man who ward Lee, - charged with sf,. -dedication Solomon stood &t tlj,; head Sh aw ma c m ta u, You dw-ell amWgt my dally strife, Ottawa to the w.�Aers of- the UeOrgian lan boundary Marie Annabelle Doucett keeps - a of the whole e6remony. He -,vas the She saw wonderful vales. A 'Vhmg oapart, divine de Bay. tertains no doubt of the validity of has had more than his share of trou- dUcing Miss Bird 34a' -line Palmeri a tleginnilig She saw the shining of the stars, And 4all phat'Et nobleut in any Ilfe� Id :1 tile ' Greati BrItain'A. title to the territory bles I' strange vigil, night, and day, Ili her *Young a rtists and at tempting to per- author of -everything from I sing. She gaw. tile' The schooner Danforth ran Int( u this life is Robert Wheeler, the to end --- bpeech,- prayer, -and bles -sombre waves of the Is incense at your ishrine, Igo at - St. Cath- lip to�- and includilitg I'Uat Barima.. little front' room, at- No. ;310. West' form ail oper' the place of God- §eil, For every -worthy d6ed, I,d, Terwal Niagara _Otreoet. bris lilorer, well-knowm messenger of the Mercer atiou. returned a- verdict He did not take . soirvant. She -saw the white ripple of riviers, arines, anU blo-.ke�d the Canal for half- Henry Stanley. M-.- P., African ex ThirtyTthird streetk. - 0 . Lee was king, Jehov4h, but wa4s his Is done for love of you. f guilty last evounir.g. Dr, has also writtou'a letter, in which Reformatory. Wheeler has been a Tile act"of dedication began 4-Y car- She saw the flowers in their variety .6- day. The room is very small and none too ho touches upon the same G1111jec ttawa lie, trusted � employee of the Mercer for y at once senteno by Judge Thayer irYing the ark of the.coveliant in sol- of. colorg FANCIES OF F A The Liie�msetl Of 0 says that lie has tile fullest coldid- fifteen years, and bears a most ex- warm. and l3elle�shoe calls herself t6 -five years ill the -State 1rigon. emu procession, with tile king Lt -tile She saw tJie -birds with. their beau - offering to join hands with the Lord alisbury's attitude in cellent charact' half of her second name -is poorly head,lutothe templ4b�--,aud putting it tiful plumage, LittleNotes es: ence in er, but his lot has been 4Y f Promthe Leading Modi perhaps in a day � or Attorney. chase asked Jor- -a st -the�gol ist plohibitionists in enforcing the Venezuelan question. not- a happy one. Ile is an English- Clad. But soon, into Its place," -the holy -of boll". The She saw den ears Of waving of the World. but tile julige'fefused, and I com pe litzin by birth, anti I.; bet6en 40 and . .1 . ark wa�j the root and kernel iif tile t in laws. G -a two, she will find the proof which judgme'lit, I aentertained fit alone'.19. necessary to establish 'her Dr. Lee Was taken back to jai Quite a new idea in drew t 3111gs pie Hall. Mr. Tarto -%v 11 guest of 1011nors of it European Congress to 50 years'of- age. --Over twenty years - Which a whole snctuary It coutaiii0d the Sh e gently bent ber head . and closed are those that come in ingenious de - re - re calls go -lie was married, and by- tile union right to untold, wealth, -Lee came to New Haven from Lls- - covenai' r . tho. Ma.11itoba Club tie t mber tile treaty of Berlin .1 moral law, Jehovahlo tt to her eyes, which look as if appliqued -Lu. Hon. Hugh John Macdoilil. mOl ing the StilUtit great imeiness. hall nine children. Only one of these seventh soi of -a seventh son has said toel, Candila. four Yeitais ago. H46 dwellin the Midst *at His chosoll peo- Then she saw­'�what Was io her most signs -0 seve ie bodice. -for inotailce, criss-cross children, a girl of about 19 years, This wap barely 30 years old - t1Wn. lie. le, While everything else new-,- e for Winnipeg. is she Will get. nth -lifter it thorough to -it by the 1111- son of -a seventh � s _P ets In ribbon, which would be� an 'tee of tile Missing now li.ving; but there is something On Is tight left a wife and two children ,'with, There is yet nti tr in,ky once -tile- re- tile same ark of the covenant - was She saw the portrait of tile. Loved lath erial War Departnwat, tile Zal -a wil, and kept, and. only changed its placx�. The' One, lidlo6w task to measure and sew to ­ the -dynamite gun is pron ethe far East as practice here. gether, may be bought ready to stitch. of St- C P sadder than that coimected with his hero " to 114S father lit Listowol' and, began man, Mr. Tlionia-4 Bradley ollnefill it failure' lies from which lie It &nee Whom she pressed to heart, urines, wh,) is tholl--lit to be in ta Armenians are being in placed upon Marie Annabellb's ble general subst of the dedleation canal t ThoriAd. r.be prayer was that Jehovah might She -saiv the portrait ?f tile On the waist, thus saving many an '*d Allititit eight yers go Wheeler %vils WAS SOON ARRESTED. hear' Loved hour's labor -in dressmaking. imelit meet oil large numbers at Const.-intinople till living With his Wife fid family in begin to do'business the battle d ail those.who should call oil him for One,. TheAla.aito,ba, GOvOrl the, charge -of being Fevolatitwn�st4 lill I in - tween this humble girl and.. the for- Ili lass than, a"yegr he was arre-Ate What with charaning displays a au -t school ques� I'larkdale. Ile became intereste. a �,tune f, -wan, Thurs,lay 'to WMAdOr t,110 �Iynamilters. boy 14 yers of age,'whu came here which she waits will disap- for cau.3ing tliL- death -of Maggle help or deliverance from anY-,;ieed. Wlio reigned in her soul. VAI tile terMS of or & _LO' tumn-and wintoqr dress fabrics, lovely about.A.-.' tion, WIILN11 it. ld exllect n-emigrixtion age cy. and guards a pretty girl of Ansonia, who Be rose, from before the alt r He She saw the portrait -of tile: ved vAle publi A despatch from Iterlin t pear. In the meantime site After h had erecteO a brazen scaffold pf five One, hdnts of coming styles in millinery anti t1pulousn so-wellieut will be ul IZZ , home. This lad's 11 them -well, to see that no one mars w* baroly.',18, year$ old. ge, itile 04a-mitil Government is I rofoluld- hall no nank6- was tions in all sorts of novelties in ly Irritated at the !u­tle IT Wheeler the spellbinder's cunning worli. long trial:Loeb and Jame.3 L.I. �JVhitten, cubits long (a ubit -being - '41 34 Whose love responded to her love.". _sug C. C. condio wz drew trimmings, the stores �rcsent a Julltrisonment, fit him, ged 'bits broad, ti Maost attractive scene. r 4 oklan to 0110 VMIT'S the 11finibutgror Nachrichten, Prilic,� takin-g him into hig houto n-1 treat- Perhaps tfie most important ofthe. who, it was char , aogisted_ iil� th,6 inches), five ell i tr three' hard for the, theft Of ll "prew Cb M le is -a operationo were discharged. cubits high (11. Chron. vi. 13)-ind -on LATE AUTUMN GOWNS& Golf capes axe wonderfully brillia 28 BibmareliCs organ. ing him -its ono--of*the fairrily. tile lad- rli upon arie -Belle's tab ayed - -in Nom Haven, lived well this lie stood- raised above the pe lit �he %43,04)1) from 0 human tooth that. has a modern Lee st,_ -0 Two Pretty Ones With Hints on How to -in' Color; i1vid plaids now form the packgo' - I I"ATHER but hich was wrung -from. the an horses. . The while- Pie, to bless ;;�&Instrudt them, then outside of theseVuseful garments, in station. look, (I drove good M�Lke Them. _sa,)� that the 'drotith vontinue.i. "itil and was the police watched lilm cilosely.-Ile kneeled to offer prayer, 2,Troading pay n CA)ullcil (if tile ;ui;l jaw" of a 'propho centuOoes ago. . I stead the lining, iis heretofore. -ting Vf tile lit) ,igns of nthat tille consitlere(I a guotL Loy. Wwl,' will; arrested lit year for Causing the his hands toward Heaven to, fixpress; Skirt trimmings where introduced will bt, held Upon tile table ther4i is a china Isnt It astonishing how the femi to be I Of crop Fituatian in..fn1iia is daily IKi- Tho N% h-velers 6rought Iiiin lip, and half filled with water. "Cloud Wit- death of Mrs. -M1argbxet Miller, of- "the fervor of big heart ari:(I,* the only wa to Ck�nEdder the ereetiol are upon dressy gowns, and �iimel temperature. o l j to bb IIL�,Iey� OLL, e agot. Wheeler ter I Miss Doucett says. it is. liv the- Grand avenue,. by an operflition� Mrs.- largeness of- his expectations."t- Utlplb of years oiacept in very narrow ruffles about supply Or deficiency of the fox :inine 'that �55. t56. He stoodm�T�Iiat lie- '- is the OrflelJ i1reles doulit tliv eloort tht wvl1t cpa it vjSit to) Europo, the young c!oud water lie three huts9 h bit -of Miller conte:!Wed oil her death -bed might -the footi are flat and, In the form of wardrobe 2 If.milady I 11ho 4- 1 + reJo ces in a. death Li-Ilung-Clialig has 1weli mat!e I-'( r- ti-Inporarily i,el-upie I his wood, not unlik6 halt a toothpick,, and Loo wlls guilty, but no,antptauortein Ile better heard, and because-iie spoke rich embroideries, _d1reetly upon the swagger a lot the Ili,-,t.-ry burri,killiStu- oign. Mixilstor (if _(:hh4,t. -would ti(ql at tll'_� Rcforilltilry, anti fulfilled a bit of bone, about'an inch and a statimient was taken. in the Superior s one having authority. Ble. �ed 'Ile fabric. the pattern being. utumn jacket she feels th iOrillia, sbated to hill in the air.very keenly, bat if her.- pro- of Mr. e -jury. the Lord -He gave God gl6ry, 'lot the flutes and undulations- of the 'onl imply a striking Hil-taigo Ili Chill -4- th * i- duties well. -When Wheeter got halt Ili circumstance and hollow. -Court I -A-* wli tried befor y wrap is a trifle out-of-date as re-- lea -for admiiifstration, nini4y, lit the al-li- -back fr(nil-the old country lie secured . Lee was honor, powerF viot )r been drowned the bowl.;which,by theway, disagreed, and dis- for wealth, y -to gards sleves she, finds a shirt waist Lakt- S of -the Y"ung Holmes, who Was by thiStiale 09, z5;14 � - Is- nd. has agold rim,- stands a vase, drapeA- char.ed. A few dayls aft,,6rwards tile- Israel, but - for rest.. - Not on,, . word quite sufficient for warmth; ajaubket, bTrell -A distinct reference to Dent. - M Ll his been- alipoilitol4l one (if tile fivk- _26 years (4 -age, situation kts keeper with cloth of a dead gold co'or. In.the late Tilton L. Doolittle, then. State failed7 Svo 3 evote �, would beuppressive! lul Mlse Of members of the Foreign Nard, lil�ll ill tfLL- Asylum. Tile family likil in the .vase are four sprigs, -reeds, bearing Attorne-Y, had Bustles, called by elegant modistes: "Illation a nre-arrested, oil x1i. 9-10,"wliere we read tht when -h�,; C�,trvlter Lee Llf ita faded leaf or Vivo; and one or two clia toll-knu the new Will1afn 'Like Bell1lout is not really a high position. ineatitimiEt move4.to ill both tile Schloss and Miller the, L6rd should have given �,­st to 1,11 caiies. The plea was made Israel, then a place for L _sog, are indispensitble in 's 16ag ID election ri.)ts h.-,lvv taken seed pods. The tops of - these sprigs skirts, and, . prejudice apart, are a wh� was lound gave great SfttiSfatti)n t�the Asylum, that Lee'13 -acrif eeler wa much pleaed with fife could not, (.)f -vaj-Jus kins, ill his body place in diffirent ls.�rts oi Hungar. I anti Who re inclined over the- bowl -of Cloud twice,be phiced in jeo- should be appointed. graceful addition to the figure of the here -God, Ile w tl � tiK- - over -slight woman as well as to the' d u t6yv a verdict, of -accidelitai At Tyrnau it iletarliment i,r hu.%-ars. hmwater. From one sprig the prophet's pardy, but this overruled. ' Mr. 57, 60..Lord, our a -ring tile This ddress to the people tak" tile -while tteruptingt tit - restore Order. Oil August Ist of last year Wheeler tooth hangs by a bit of string, lifst Doolittle died while prop "set" of the mo -dish gown. r, the A was timed by the -*niob. anti One wa8, much surprise -.1 oll going home to above the surface of -tile writer. Frotm case. His i4xiccessor. , State AttiurneY form of prayer in whIth Solomon ex- Black neck ruchings are extremelv 'Tile bus -wars find that hiswife anti daughter dud another sprig hangs a card, in ap- Williams, knew -little or nothing preWe& his desire and hope of four ilit'll is ukin trooper- was killed. niodish for autumn -wear, giving just tile, C.OulltV ls) Holmes were mitssing, On the foi- the innocent of tile fLicts which Mr. 1)6olittlel Pos� things, the first being. that God thereupon charged with drawn pear&nce not unlike the degree of warmth necessary.(3ol- is now int- lowing day Thi� t the rioters lie discovered a nutefrom: Sunday school card "of your- youth, wased. Tile jury lit the Schlbss case would �tontlnue with His people in 0,. )1;11.L at a eo_;t of swords. and- several of eel, hwifv..kitting-that site hu'l but in reality fraught with fell sig-; disagred. the Millar ease was deep- order that, they might live .3 cocept- lets of black Ostrich feathers, with portid from e-zlrt - were wounkled. Trimps ha-ve 1) ma d-eep, Stuart collar of tiny curled -r ton. seto) tliv disturbed dis- GONE FOREElt. nificance-what significance Marie ped and Lee cHcaped the fourth tolme. ably in His, sight; (vs. 58) ;ecoud, -t! finish to $,,�O tips�t�-Jkii -a very iintat of Perrault tricts. Annabelle doesn't* know,_,but she Tlik.; w13 last:spring. that the power--af' His. grace might For ]on- time - Wbeel6r got no dressy toilet. As Mx - lit, was retulldii� 1101ne frolu shudders when she secs it hanglg MRS. PALMIE141, HIS'ONLY FRIEND. be on them, not to enlarge their amtome The Emperor of uhin. lta� t,rdereil race of the ml&.,ing trio. Last Easter Lace jabos will be feature of -t.he�village o Eg-liville, hie: horses IA-Huti ti) remain: jwrnin- Suptlity. lie says, it' frien of his who there by.the tooth. To get over . Durin tile trials and his-iniptilson- coasts or increase their woalth, but dress autumn gowns, so if you are 9 Y, � 9 to incline ilicir hearts unto that Y boLamfo� ageable. and ilk hid ell- ently at Pookin, ;Ls his alitl d- lives in Parkdale, happened to be J shuddering at the Card she has onl Illent 1,ee lid Only one friend. She the* happy Possessor of a Ion linmant 110 w.%-4 throxii in to'look at the tooth and -begin to Ito of r and devotion gth of to s,tol� them in th saw I -Palmer. the w M. duty lifight Ile pleasant, vice -is indiz-4i ment Buffalo, tind when a. elitird shudder at that. was Mrs. a delight; third' that his -jwayer Paint d'Alencon or Brussels lace,send d -killed. Paliner, of Whalley ven 'She had it V3' the cleane$w and ha u"it, Of tile wa ias 311nistpr'of Affairs indl- Wheeler's wife- with Holines. This. tie. ve it The ebony'witig-of a raven lies, by as -a boy, anti had taught might be. answer�d, or - that 1, gra- 4uperinteildent eatet, that tile will fri ' end notified Wheeler,- who made the vase. The end of ' the wing, known Lee n be nfade to every prayer readT. to; utilize on our smi�rtft4 iii6sions in the be cowpletely rot )rlccaidzed 'oil the vnquiries, and sked the police to lobk him in Sunday school. Shq.,befriended elous reur -sa bodice. - European model. I Once the fte� theni, but the3r got wind of it which used to fie nearest the raven him .111 �hrotigh the trials, and when that should be ffered in- that cred There ill be a veritable craze for ftw tile old e9un I when lie was alive and crQ;Iking. is Ile was . which would be as a ewitinual- %%ill endeavor to Conir�ervative, who oppow;d. tlli--; ri.- sonit-how nd took flight, Through releasecl took- him into her place hand9ome gqlloone-and embroidi5rieg try" li-Wl \ bound with a blood-red.rl6bon., Th - e house because lie was penniless. 'She- during he co2hIng selitson, and when form nd thf4extcrL-;ion of t1w S!her- his vnquirle�j. Wheeler says he learned bit of bone -came from-& toullip" be gave him- her parlor for an ofilce, aii(i 61 Le;e your heart therefore Oe p6r- to take n w r to his prayer. up lalid ila ta-mvi zInd -wettle in the iag lZailroad. liL-; that his wife, who wae� 46) yo�,ars of says, and If that be so therftphas been feet 'with the Lord -t6 sincere ser- xniiad!y butrs her gown it will go. Tit(, meures taken by.the 11,,mbay ge, laid been mArritXI to Holmes in helped him to get another start. only be a matter of materialnd silk- gliouls' work quite -recentl. The IN-lille she was doing this Lee accoin- louo lit your purposes'of new ollolience. Mr. Hary aii-th. kn 1'aris, received hel'th authorities to prevvut the Buffalo the -day after they left TO-- raven's wing came fTou)' a bad old Let it be univeMI, without dividing'. lining, as heretofore, but that A)f face and spread of the bubonic plagne hve.ex- runto, the girl being -,a W-Itntits,; to plish6d tile ruin of Mrs. Plmer's.6111Y., the thrintiming as well -a most im- a 6harg-ty of shut ill title bird with a black record and a, love upright, without Alwenilin[r; nd. of Mr. Arthur cit(,tl much indigntion - a-mong. the the marriage. child. partant item in podnt- of expenditur'e. sohouitjor�,; front tho '11111 i� leaving Buf_ for dark -deeds. Miss Palm' ant, without declining. 111113 is �e members of & natives. As, a- protestt tile It ppears that afte er. received a letter pur- COnOt i Only -the wormAx. who rejolceo lin W1.1son. .riley _Z the regulation compelling -the iso)Iation of flo Hollneg and the two - wo When I called last evening I almost. porting to come from - relativts 4n evagelical perfection.- Thug haVing a slender figure should -venture U party. Who '%vOnt to "'ell bruhed the " medicine objects - off spoken to- God for them, Solow on here Sheffield, early last- September, weax� a beltf pronounced color. The rhe injured MaIl sufferers front the disease, a mob, (if wtint ta Catharjno.s. where her table in attempiting-to get past from God to them; ail,,] those Wheeler gain, located them. 'Peaks n, -her to b h3 likel y atives yestert!tty inatle an. at- TH E_ t. She threw herself before me and enclosing money . dud a.Wking Only 'Would he better for his imayers, k, ipretty ired ones, mow Foa, pt.pulp)r, ha�g tack upon the hospital f.)r infectious come to visit them.- She left home, and diiaw attention to -the waist line, RN�- guarded 'ill e- -pendant tooth nd the Lee joined her.' For two weeks they- anol are anything but charitable to litirlit" ho who, were mWle better by his preach-' tour of iut;peC,- diseases at BtImbay. They did con- Ile received it letter from. his wife. wing of Mr. Poe's friend, whisper- liv 1ng.--­Beonson_ 4iderable damage to) -the building Ile- I I otl'ln hotels between liere.and Shef- 6 . 2. The Kii one whose inclibs measure more than 1,., IltiLkos a %"cry saying that she was coming back to Ing. ng and all Twilell qffered tiOn Uf tbk.� C- tion fore tit(- Ix skirt, Or of appliques of lace and flat .--well, say just the. proper number. to tile- condi -in dispersing Toronto. She came, bringing' t161mes Mon Dieu, do not touch tliem. You x1fices-This was a burnt-Offer'lig,' bnds. We'are.returril f -rep%_�rt, as . progress of tile them. The of the mofi.. were and �tlie eirl with her, at A BOGUS isac Chmises are again in vogue and id Wheeler, would ruin all. with its accompaniments, and being _ng, however to 'by -women to whom an ex- the.road and t110 arrested. the narrow and graduated trImmirigs are worn whea,t yit,,Id in Mani- recognizing tlult they must have Marie Annabelle -will surely be 35-- ge perform-. the first Wd dii the altar of tile tem- of velvet and'braid that we discarded tra, garment is a matter of gravd had us. The sitme forec-s behind the Mims- some place to sty, secured apart-- beforie she and the op'ellbindee get her ed, nd'pre0lated the girl as his wife. pie, woo, as In,the similar cage of the 'ecil wesMe he She - is She was about to become -a mother. �m r I to ten years ago consideration. The pretty style known try'ta which -Nix. ( nts for thoul at 1.206 King -street Inheritance. . 8 is Freticb. tabernacle, consumed by i : cu 116 There are other Items that ap the Empire doeos duty both as a meet- his initnallity from Dr. Jamesmi's -fit(' nd paid all their -It cro;�s-eyed, perhaps train attempting- Lee, while . th6y were driving near, -file from heaven (11. Chroin. 'N ii. 12n) may J Ing Of- ithe Quebec are demaxidin velit-inently that lit- was on he rath of 'Sellitent,ber that to watch -both the propliet4: tooth Great Barri ated once more find favor, the double skirt short skirt- and corset cover,,. and is of th"tt QUetwe 11ro- ngton, while intoxi& The large proportion of tll� sacri- IteaAl peitting tit � tile face Of - arrived in to by this. and tile pendant Card at once.; -to run away. MIS flees were peace -offerings, and the much tripamed skir.t.-for ex- a positive boon to'those unfortunates vi it -elf to butter", & of r& � th(,3 wit, allowed hisborse wIlieh af _uw shoui4a confine Europe as Franco Fln_glarid'z I Imer rown out and injured- r am e: An indication of -a long, don-- "who deplore their 41too, too,,solld I ltivt� the Gileew industTy tiniv. Wheeler states, Holmes and Speak ow." she said when I ques- 'a was th forded the people an opportunity OJ Pi aking an, ]ges, of tho'llItimate evacuati011 Of the daughter e're living togetheras tioned her - "I -may be, heard. Hist! In her testimony slie said Lee� boat restive, elijoyment.-J. F. & B.- The ble skirt to apparea in Fig. 1, pro- f lesh." becnt-40 the J quality Of the ple" -t; Lord Salisliury shoulti frankly therei. Mien - his her -over th' back w ith- a loaded dr-- peculiar and characteristic mrk -of - duced entirely by, trimm'ing. - The t of' Egyp , man and- wife'. the girl declaring to He laced them IN t Pad in Br1de Cakes. milk: in Quebee- is E;uT*r'Or to tll�', declare that tim" have eliwigc4l hert f ither that sl and not her prayers work lie will come again and: Ing whip wwile she was lying on the this kind of -sacrifice, which distin- width at the hent remains ample and- Lates the fulness. IL Is in n the plbtlges were given. ;as thp _in 11'r had married The look nto the cloud watr In the ground. and. then compelled her to, guishod it from others, was th4l sacri- al rounded pleats. The, correct bridecake from now on Jk)hn -St. James' Gazette, ndmother supported the. story, but bowl with the band of -gold and lie walk miles,* -ficial imeals, in which the whole family The material is one of the new can- will be a -simple loalf, F;p-ced and fruited, urrest aLlout a vaseg, with black prontinently facing. iced and wreathed in - wh��. hile gt_Liuls we shall no m4)ro give up 1:*:gyl)t W-heeler spoiled it by prOdlldng�thO will read there wliat will tell me Fin -113F they reache tile 'Mansion of the sacrificerg, even maln­s;ilrvants natural orange. week injuries from than France will givoR up Tullis, we certificte bf the'Buffalo niarri.ap-P. what- 1 w6li to know." House, in Ansonia, oa Sept. 24th. a4d.maid-servants-the wlio�e house- the fcundatloon color. The full bo�lce blowoms and only -large enough to ex - the, v.hage c_, -tried to per-- t( k piirt. (Tier. vii. 15. &tly supply- the bridal party. bf that he had to shall bosparetl a. great oleal of alilloy- sho-sving-tht was the ::.Vila is I asked. -There, A lie. girl say�, Lee ends in a waistband. The double'libri- be sent -E-A) tile hospital for repairs. urope, after it. one Who had lo�ee nfarriNl to Holme, file iieventil son of tile seventh form an iontal Ilues On the front axe bordert- corse, the ring, i spoon und thimble ancte. E n operation. He beat herwhen It wais.a commoli moeal. As e -n -ting t -er to take action tlljN pill, will fek-I A.11 tile . i has STUCK TO IT. son," said - . Marie Annabelle in a she pleaded for.mer'cy,. and her -cries token Of LCOMMU I I i on a nd ed with frUling, whic 'is quite nar- will be baked into -the loraf, and the* row. The ca -collar gives great w ted the attention ofhe- (NDAt. viii. 11.' Gal. ii. Centre of the table occupied -by the hisper. "It is a funny na-me. I finally attrac Colt= 14 against and village of I,kyrt f. -r damages. - Tile younecouple, stuck to it that cannot speak It. See." liouW-keeper and tllo�-proprietor -ificing brea afigare, and the collar,7. gorge A MYSTBRY CLEAREID UP. they were inarripd, but -Wheeler Was The 12. Gen. x1fli. 32), so tho.s:�-rl ous plaster and nougat eMlce, At Man.. on Monday the She handed a card to me bearing proprietor knicked Lee - down, and meal was the token of religiol's unity �band is.klmyortably high. The sleeves mean.t for ornamentat;1on not for unable to, learn wlipn. or -re- i then ordered both him afid tile girl to of those who eiat, . trial Of Ka-Ma-E-aw-Agit and Ullailes. these. good tidings find an address i�r -among enjc1i pther, a re ate size, and the trlm­� fod. Then, for,guesta, at'tfie recep- made enquiries s to the course lie id J1.: leave. as -woll as with the, Dedty, t4), whom M jjua ctium was begun. The prisoners- �Iiotiid take with a view or- prosecut- A�bttr Park, N. _T of the wrist �1- worthy of note, tion, the confiseour 3ends tiny bridial are charged with tinving murdered an ing. and was informed that -tile Lee and Palmer went to the the sacrifice belonged, and t- whose loals. 'Every one in a mlini&t�X cake- -A Oerce Alexist near -h and Miss Clench Said to ba PROP. E_: 1IOW.A_RD PAIII.THAM station, and Miss Paliner there es- tablo it 'wasl eaten in commoit. Thus In I I toelf� -appropriately apleed� cut Indian namf post, at Island N ort kbrgn of. bigamy. against rs-' iced, 1,jerre Gray'S trauhig Ile - Seventh Son of the Seventh Non: caped.and returned to New Haven, tho dedifttion of -the Templebecame square, in -ia Cir&19� or heart fb;�!, L. Ann, (in August Wlieeler7 could only . preferred in* west td Lake Living in Michigavoi - United States. Wheelei� . endeavor- .- being -obliged at once to go to the -aJ&6 a covenant-festivW.-Lange. _y"eathed with artificial orange blos- uth 1;W_ The body %vas fOlmd ijltlle th hospital. 63. - Solomon off)ffr-&_d_-By tht, -hands wms, and bearing, in high sugar rA- ede to get the people. acroKnv,ta -tile Know Your Fate and Fortune. The polife-with difficulty Lrota_CA3iH.__- Two and twent thou- -The case :is Perfsons . not Living Hap. 6f .116f, tho'couple's Initials In the Centre. lake oil) ugu�t and have them. arrested. Married progressine, slowly. other side few�loll from the girl, ait&�'arrested en -not all in one dav,'but- in R very one of these toy cakes is to fit, 4 � on his 11611daT,.4 tit the time, pily Together- Should aConsult. Me. - *sand ox in 'tile " fourteen at costly wedding, In a box of i'�. To r- DROWNING IDEA A RUSE. I suggestul that they all go ut ought Togetjller. Lee- just -as lie wtkt3 ai-out to' escape seven, or it may be Friends Located, Whether -ew Haven.- days- mentioned In waf4i-ed white silk, having a hinged Mr- J.- i�o�s -from N venie 65.-Eenson., �ho r n r s t le ilon a holiday.' �ary across to Niag- Lost top and faOtened with white wax, if Dead or* Alive. - If You Are Owed ot1wr d, vliting tll*-' A sensation was crc-atod ira. Fall.4. They ivluc�l Ill.,- purpose, . -Whim the case 6ame.up, for trial f-zoic.1non kept -tile feast of tabernacles, ()f 2jj)a I,iOnk*x 1)f Slmmer Money, - -Come to : Ite. How to - - - f stalmped with the bride's seal. by t1le, that it 6tlf�g yesterday -the court W-30 crowded. aftc�. the feast of the dedication, both however. nd rpruseii to go with hill]. I.. mail named North,beLoilging to I - CIO 14. a crippled so" Know the One You Love is r4c iss Palmer was- sely guarded by ogether lasted fourteen The Cai.iatla�' lioticet, , fin Wheeler'soon &,clde(k that. tile nlar-- - I., ker .9- and avoied Lee's steady brazen altar was n4t large etiough to Wit for and About the Sex. Lobeorts fohl, son of the T., 11, & I' f his. "family or False. vll'- Influence Ito- _ parent riago arrangementm moved. gaze. 1ilie has all along declared Lee receivc all these sacrifices, so that, to fatlwr se- 1-cor of that name, had, along He -There is one thing I like about solrght� (AIL t-�' 41.08 1,44-11 . 11111dille, lif 4 better cured perjiii;ssilnl- to hve tho lad Young ituly' named 04-Hich, twing Ili uch 'NIS -ABLP. hypnotiaed- her, and that site did not serve the. present occasion, ttir-y Were you, - Miss Daisy. - Miss Daisy -And TEr,, REAON ttio Ut rid of tile w1iole party, so he dare face.liLhi or testify a . gainst him; forcec to offer many of theluf in the what 1s that? H& ---My arm. to for sick Cliild-� drowned in the Neorglaii Pay. i'tho furniture that had, stocked rell, �- in Young couple Iiirf%t a 1:ot. 11141 -went then toll her he Would kill. her middhi a gail­-. - othring jut- %%-a:, ieHPItCOMING FORTUN1 -is he -'had ._9f t - lie Court k L ver I 4old her I would lay the world Ea�toll I( -ft for Toronto. 1[4)- has out for )ro if she evei betrayed him, cont ng an . d at herc feet:' " What did she, say ?" tile re- ho..ird of them. 'A iightlitkuw! ket"IN-r expensos Of sbipping-it and his f-tnlilv case s The Ki all the- ch0dren of "Sbo said if I -was that 4thletie I G 14 T E t)r -oy* THL IRL'. RRIBLt STORY. bee. ripple f_ w, to FallFz, Ont., whore Ilwy is�ael d6dicatoid the house ought to be travelling with a show."- L*cl1t, 011 tile SIl0re kPat, iws ; A young Frenelim.hil ill -Ilegan to tl his -mind re now living. thell to rent called to 11P wit- set it apart for the�work. ;ind ser. no, trce or it could I.*-Ioun. it lodging hose, told her lie had Dew §tand sho told: it pailietLe. and ��ices *of God by -these sacrifives, and Elsie -Why does -your -husband speak I�koen plentiful around Some orKys lat"&r bout reivulliling, Lasto lught Wheeler, in. t1tv heard that great uncle Of hers, no- liorrible story. She told in detail ii'ow holy exercises. -Benson, of you as his right hand? Mrs. Ray ake, Tramore, anti are killing lthe ono lilreol foull-I stink till' Oletis a 'per.ion thali 11-16rke Lo Blanc, Leo struck her, threw her against Teachings. -We should dedtqate our -Give it up, unless becauie he never ittlers there. One -lets his right hand know what his left ncirasf,,l ..a allinO'nildi .111 holm. Of ti1q. youlig 11(1olil mitt(A the truth t)f tile -story r(-: haddied -and left h6r !y nilliods anti tbv wall nd dragged her by the hair bodies to God, for they are 11 tem- hand doeth. day latorly several of thc heing wro -was tht-n-uptin nbandtln­� gar(ling his fnifly, but repudit4id,the eight brick buildingi." 'Z told heri -and poundedher. pies in which He dwells now- * can- NN'm. g of -�hvep belon��illg to -Mr. Tho rathor or North nd Capt. it that the servants at tile too, that a rascally*relative of hers Lee liad no defence,, and did not not, expect Him to fill tbesj�'temples City youn man (*atchlng the ddrt- st;-%vrt, anti were spetl by -Mr. Stew- ' ostLteml - - -dancer's gyrations on the stage) - of Tusc:arora, thtit father of the girl, Morcer were fllooli'grl�ullt Owing to, bis In Canida -had taken possesslon.of even take , the wittletis stand. He is - with glory until everything'is ready. _it Graceful. ish't it, Aunt Emillne 2 Aunt 'I ttle sOn, wbo ram to his gavo thein up, lior lvi.A. itctjan In the matt4hr. lie says that Ile money, brick buildings and all, by coal. nd has never lost his boldness, Wp should give glory unto G�A for all atter and told him. that (logs were Within tile pa8t few days, f4ays tile has alway-s hxt tile FYmI)athY Of I,!-,; �roving,. parbleau, that stle, Anna. nor ceased to - assert. his nocence. H - is. Emiline (fresh from wajftck)-­Graee- c". s.ng jile. sheep, Mr Stewart hur- Torroliv) N("Wl+, rulllor:4 lla%fl- IAeik foil (;w_eml)I0yec -Wheii Mim Pa I blessings. OT ful 2 Disgraceful, 1 should say. Dound three -of s aii(j t,hat be would bp1le Doucett, -was dead. Riner began her testl- TI ouglits.-The King Iti-rael, never rie to, the P14ce ant 9 afloat that tile shi-king of the 114),It have hw1olol-over his ungrateful f,,tm'IY - "I knew at oxice that tile seventh mony jo:day he weakened, 'for * the looked more glorious than, on thioc- �'Have_ ou seen inu& of Maudthis his _,heop killed. Tile wolves on seein ut'the, remainder a nd that -tile VOUng to justjLo�- could. lie have done so, but son of the, seventh son was my only first thue, looked troubled nd b�-_ -casion. Kneeling in deep devotion be- season To, The young man to whom him appr(tach fled. 1, 1 lvaj.; hope," site "I saw film tit Eighth came nervous. fore God, lie-prayeq from a liall heart, Of tile sheep, in tile ily3a4l'time Wad and girl purlwwly la-U-nded to- lie, hd no am the question was fiddressed made no convey the ImTyrvw;ioti tht thfiy IlaAi unable. to loct te them- or Induce them' aVen1le. .1 just sa* the point of his It took te.-jury only -it few min- And prayed the sentiment of blospieo- reply, but pointed up the beach. leaped the fence aillrl run Into tho I wked chin. I know him at once. The -chin utes to decide on -verdi Cut No. :2 is aplain cloth. the bodice been - lost. The factri, howt-ver, have to. go to the other slitle. He Itnoo ct Of guilt. pie. Thelie assembled tho great Maud's bathing sult-spoke for Itself. busb, and* havF_- not been found. had Of a seventh son 'is not %like yours'or Lee was-followe with no fast - been graxlually kaking nut. rhf. father aiivieo or w-veral, of -tho,;e who d,to jail. by a great company unitedly entered i4ito the cut On a new principle, L-N.qTED bTATIrK W4 Cleoncoli states that he is iloiv been. friendly 14) him,' mong them 'to. Ahj no I enings noticeable, mTe the crossing Pompous m1stress-Who Is that-mun mu crowd. of I Mi solemn- and,,.Clorious service... Hadwe ai the bamque. - Tife plinulated *un- at the door. Hannah? New - girl -He ill at ('astalia. S. D., will gain satiuliod that both N(JrtlL -,gagigtrato fl -ugh but they had t wing? Careful, it ais With the greatest difficulty nothing belonging to Jewit4h. anti- tabs 1.11 w says lues the rent collector -m�!Am. this -inter use the Russian thistle Clench are alive anti will. Ile left all V)ld him that ho vouhl do nothing don't touch It I These thingi arb wk;rtli tlukt the. State Alim Paltner'to derbodice of..velvet Is visible at the' quity but this prayer, -it aloile w9uld P. M:�-But, -Hannah, we �o�;t pay. earned this suffice to attest the depth. the puetty, waist and tie eirs are otlered a 9�L ek, the high collar Iiilv- for, fuel, all'i fa_rm Wednesday on a. trili ill; north, from here. millions to him. See how he trusts me. testify, against I rent. New girl-ThaVs what he says, ut she and Ing pretty tabs, turning downwards ionar and a half a ton- f99 -all the whence lie will ivce(A P) Michiga .1tegai-ding the statement that he, Well, YOU,,haxe.read how the ravens. e%vning. While tlie jury lVere 6 titith of the IsraelltLsh know- ither side. w:,at4 paying -att;Amtlons at iment to -.11ave brought messages. The birds beca ' nervous and asked City At-� ledge of God �a;nd of salvation, over at e thistles they can farnishe!�_ In search Of tho girl. we Maria, hurry, for heaven't sake 1 'to him at nigl torney 1attliewman if lit- - tholight a a at r --Secretary Egerton, of the Populist . Coustablo Chapman, of ITntfor-1, young woman, "WhOCICT delli0d that come it. I have seen gainst the religious ideas o,f' . 11 lie them. *Once on a dark 'night,, w lien lie MEN WHO 11.1ADDEN WIVES- The whole back part 9f the houlie Is has a10 had a communiction from dlic-b w�as-tho (tape, waying that -lie Leo would -be cohvieteot]7 When. at:- people. ational ('onimittee. stty,4 tha:V prayink, I saw a bird conip to thewman'told --her there. was no PRACTICAL SURVEy..' gone and. the roof is blazing right over fair vote Mr. friend in Micildgan, giving him the ws nothing" more than it frl-6nd to Was our room! You &aven't a second to but the RE A -re re name of the town 4n which North wid aliyono, liirg even if lie did -desire to 'the window. The window %%-as open, doubt -of. conivio6ti6n; Afii:L% Palmer Solomon's psalm of praise ollowed T_vpes of Husbands. Who Wear --on men's Nerves. lose!" " How uRreasona-ble you are, se Of Miss Clench horw live, and stating that marry ag h- -c4jml(l eamly- got a 80. YOU will see he coald -have talked ghe rdgreitted that her story- Wo t�e- wholesale f3Wr-cha his solemn- prayer. . He -prayed - to There Vs well John. I haven!t. my overgalters but- 51ark- Hanna's ihimense the -pretewled- upsetting of 'tile 1xiat lio his wife's sveond to It. the cause of it. - - is - the man, alwa: God -'for the people, and addrkussed the toned yet! - was only a Clumsy ruFA) to throw tile maTriago "The day After"tbe seienth son- was In his lirayerhis dressed "and �barmhlg of manner tio ud. deeerb6d wife at Watf-rford Off th" 'Mrs. Lucy 1I. 0)kul Deputy Superin- here," she continued, "my dead grand- Rain and Drunkenness. people about G6d. strangers and those outside .of his I thought, Alice; that you were *r.s.�erick Gardner, -C& - Clieck- heart; Was full of desire -for In -hen he is at liome. te Refo ntory, Mother came to me In my sleep. She tile people his Ileort was ow"am"To who, w engaged - to 11arry Smith, and now I early last oveping- gave ocent... lident or the 'Mer6er rm -recent Sanitary, Congress, In his speech to is a perfect terror and bear, treat- hear you are going to iftarry bis %v-.sepresent, nd she gave lilim, a Miar- Stood beside my bed. She hold a great At te 'full- of . praise unto God. Tho hope of Ing wife and se &Naga, ji;�; childrefi. three- girls A WOMANS'A:NGER wtA-,r that ny man might be proud Of, roll of money In her ]land. Site said: Newca4le, Eug'. Earl Pearcy main- wrvautj alike in the father." "That?s right, Maude. The Israel was realized. They all lots 'Of. taindd-with theald of stati-sties that curely settled in the land. t - and salid' that'during hN 15 Year lit "'BeRe,, there Is lots and eitch, and one brutal candor of his exPreEislon On old gentleman saIII lie eoulil support g four 'C' Promise., inner ing four pounds. AJI ate "I. Wish to God I Could Get, You Out- the service of the Institution lip. had money there 4pr you. Spruce up and was built and offered to topics, from the cooking of his d Only One of us, and I - decided to be Some time.ago Mrs. Gard- had an intim4to relatin- The temple to the personal appearance Of tile that one and tooli the widower side!` She SEid. been a niost, lionorab'e, r.traightfor- go and- get It,' My grandfather, who God, *and. -the sWreme momfmt bad net vo Wth to t%v" ins. downcast woman who is chained to ga Walr, faithful and'hard-working man. Is also dbad, came on the following with the'ralufall, and that convic-. 'lien their rest and liappiness &jmeb Gry, th.�- Toronto Nows, Pt . . come, - w Mrs. J.-, W� � A110-117. ' Of Marysville, Ho hiald handled thousandi of dollars night -and said, the same thing' him for, life, and who has to preserve a very diminutive inan,with it very tions far this crime, -increased in rainy as. cOmplete. There wqs ito failure an amiable and interested delojean- TO FORCE THE DARDANELLES. ent of tile Institution's money, and his "How did you know about., lrofoes.- ally shot and kitted-her weather - and tell off - again wi th sun- on God's part, and therebliould be no old son. -and bigImpeolitnent, in his W�m at fanitly misfOrtutim were in no wV sor Partham ?" -1 asked. or in-- all he says. NO Sane Admiral Would Venture 16to -year- fataII7_sht&-her h _ - _. -He . I j- _ tile Police 0ourt this m4wning charged duo tD hie -faults'. She shared Wheeler's "Onee a young man boarded with shine. The dealth rate, it seems, in lack el' praise on the part of. Israel. And there is another charmer closely p a IW -boy. by his; wife Ellen with having lle- the Zea of 24 Solomon's wish for a blpsf, She to support her. The",warr.Ut belief that an about-to-be-digoliarged me for threci months and did not Pay.- M-anehe@Wr alid Liverpool it; _hIgher Ing upon allied to him; lie is of moderate means -a;t- m, bu-&-k-Alled employee was n=4in than in London. The reas . on for'thle, the people expressed his appreciation only, who keeps all the money -in big At -the r -resent - moment a great and wlilCh z ho was arret4td was is- _g a r�plt ' e, but said Ile went away. I tried -three I.niv- Pafte�r close examination into 'tile of - (fod's -dealings withAltem. ' He 'own hands, never giving his wifeany Immediate interest attacb tile yers.,They could do nothing. The sev- ecid e tfWn shot slued la September lap -;e when, lie de- it, would do him no harm. lowei.1 n this lils-full relince. upon sum, fixed or otherWls;e, for housekdep- defences of the Dardanelles, and to the lug iix� 6 -bead. He will die. enth son had an Office Ih Asbury Park -facts, is attrkbuted by Earl rearcy s) id ebildren nd-went tor the greaterbantount of4ain on.the od for future pros or questions of the probability tbat the sF-,,rt(xl his wife aj and I went to him." perity,. i� lace all of Ing. or even for heIr own clothing. W* (fir) Wit to Co - -1th it wonit ame I cAmst of England than on � the good thus far attained came1foul his that of his children; paying the bflIs oftwu could be forced or t1fat -the bourg s%. in li. A DESERTED BOTH WIVES. "Belle,", lie oald, to and see him wfA b. Patience Smith, daughtA-r Of it nit bou dseases*-and forcing of thehi would Imply leco. Ill " ere u east. and to the var own hand.- Wise as e ivast he dared ii,imself grudgingly, no matter hoW -morrow nd , and a-- bw aged Ovnj4een 7qfomas Miller Vanisbes.. Leaving Bet. -wh he works to yo -ho -figuroil in- tho Pricostmain v.- osult not rely upon his Wu power, or the C_ 1v will got the nioney.' I went. - The negligence. of health which .� r small they -are, or bow carefully the tive occupation of thia Sea Of 'Mar:7 nionth urdered at R1 11 ter Halvesfn Two Places. mLuiY years ago. Patience 1;.tt ih tile Of liquor beyond. boaxider paid up. He couldn't steep for from the moreabiludant, use security of Weir possessions, since partner of life life has struggled to IMPIrIa ;dck si a vagrant, having been r- Thomas Miller, ahtwo nights afterwards. He sald'he and the phyalocal degenepation fol- both were gifts from- God.. ail, I could be keep down every Item -to Iiii perfe t A at-latement from 31r..T. G. Bowles, C ast night. W11011 rs. GTfY anti Sunday school withdrawn at any �act of' -ill ity M. P.'1' Is. na' witbout intemst:.- "As- n !.uperintendent just had to pay me.11 ]owing -in the train Of habitual drunk� sloya knowledge. Ths creature spen(lowliat ren were (erff is telling hiWstorir in. tile box -P.L- who, oil July 1slt, MaTTled It MIRS Wink y ort their part. In the past - Israel was -I' seventh son ennew. The North Brhfsh DMI is Miianing," e says, 41hut the British r s, hat does the Mail prospered as they. w e chooses on himself, of course tionce lost patienei-, uoL-iy tri- -at i��pper Cliff, Algoma, while lie still charge?" I- tilquired. is inclined. to ridicule the contentiDu always in,the fashion; his wife hasto ood- ere obed lent . and Ileet forces the Dardane es, now heav- to trac (5 aingulr. squbble borltwolxf-n tile two had a wife aJI(I six Children there was� nothing which ould so stay at home the greater. part of.her at (1-411- -, a -It depends on. jvh&t _ynil gopt.11 311p 'that the greater the rainfall the il� amed­-this it colild certainly do, dVrer. -won e said. * "Just now I - haio i.o*tlilbr to epness. secure their 6anstant devotion to God hough -it might- MOB an Ironclad or to -11 will the chattoi-ring husband ton;'Ont., liniq detierted Ilk.; second wir greater the drunk Is it within life because she cannot appear con- 'ensue(f. Gray at length bur-tt into BRITAIN. as. His presence with them, Experl- leet would give and he asks for nothing. NV!jen the� k of - anyone and left for tillo Staites, -1 � competent stantly in thel.imme:dress and cannot t`WO In the OPeiratioll-the I ars and promb;eAl to) i upport his wife. 'His dupliefty wufi dbicov4re'l thro,gli I got my fortune of. con he. paqt convince.,,P Solomon roe I will be to ss --the Sea Of Ma=Or ope WM visit- or make new acqdaintances for, then be in a uuiP ve Daunt'a Rock ph :0k o ences of t pe -month ft would - have toq�m Smith, weing that the game tlie advegit in Coo1wr Cliff of drunketnew of Qrbenock is double n a t�rap. In a reient great q a Clin- llberza.pp the that the life would not e rfect the ra e and very frequently. Pp 'sv -gaing ag.Wmt hor, turned her ton man named Perdue, -who brought disa, a moment. later that alhe that - of. Gjasiglow ? - Again,:; Glasgow, unless.the heart was Incline" unto the has neither boots nor, gloves fit to out aned Lord. - His commandments ere not -a no ocial left; in two monthe Aff toongue Oil is. Gray gaia. I lie latter with him rive of children, Mil' gdgbd In active opeoratibus) no ammu- distributes the'spellbluder's cards. as compared iviih Edinburgh;- lias.�a n. She occasionally has'a'sovereign delightsome rule -.when. tile heart tos, mntly turnf%l to.) her rival, nd, I ' ed to her across the breakfast ultiou; in t1 ree, xxxontlisi no food, will at' indi& or took ciliarge of the little ones and -Among the things Miss Doucett rainfall which Is almost eXattlY in in g Post sa7yath, glaring at her through her spectacles,_ 1ort, MIi4i Wink, coming as far as To- two. reached- out -for forbidden, thin bottom in willifred- Loss, wife of Sir Cites -to prove -that -Professor Partbam the proportion -of three to - Solomoxes efliortatiou to loyalty table, " For yourself, my dear."t and in four anonthe not ,dwin coaktimed: ronto -v�Wi tlic�ii. -Here lie put. tile- in- 16,tics 11. gig. With the- Dardanelles be - leg Henry Ross of DaInagavon Is Indeed a sevetith son, and so Is not. Where, are the. stat w Ich can when she ventures to remark that she U10 fleet. I,wi&li to I got you 011t� nocents on the trnin for Clinton and to polut _Ther6'could be ally must have ome man' tween it and Itsl sulipUes, none could -aZ was ed and clear. be sneezed at, are these: flemonstrae -that there are three re ey 'for. the Castle, Parkhill. ltos&-shlre. Is suing for 'sloio. 1,d fix, your, no mistake in their- minds �ds to the CWldr and levery tWo- in Jumpel on another tralaind proceeded -- A Mz Acker applIed to him for ald drunks In Gumow to ach -It, rot' coulere tramporla a.� divor '(A;aY. w.iiw order4ml to pay $3 per -to Port Huron. Since then lie'llas 11 ec Use er himlif-u standar(I of plet required of them. en, - 1 ZftbU*h to -wry it a stage.fur- y could'ew Ot b a h id beat her. - "A oTHE -SURLY BRUTE fainly 110t rce the. ralts. He-appe'aled to the heart thitt the siane, admi-tral in abrt, would.-relft- S h Lefevre, week o hig wife, aliol was releawd On tic n I of. -Toronto New4. �iOIA)cal.Goverumel � 8 Own recagn iA it Board Ili black man 6ha,11 punish -him," r. drunks to replies 4ulcklY as its rises from the t.F I said the the that there are six -Sea, seventb son, and next day, when the Greftbckfor eerytivoill Edinburgh? hdart might respond In universal, up- ture into the of Marmora�- w 11UPS I will give 11h could either e6unt lipon 1-bettlend- just Cabinet, 19 Pixtioe�lcia was trieil on tile right -land constant o table, "Ah,.well. per tone's bedlexie to God, Nfr. . Glads charge Choosing a Wife. troublesome husband went Into pool There Isi neverthel", lying 4n a langerotm cQnditiob aAa the Of iragrancy. Several mif-inbem of the E arl Pearcy. according to their light. 4111 -know)- ydit Bomw mor6 next week, thereli no sllipb[Turtey.or be 19d lebp _ocoul�,_ his bicycle. choot4ag a xyifo is a 1, -11lat- roGm to. Place a bet, a irolored mail bility In -the theory of for-*,�tU&:,'-,'tlffld6hi"--i;�is to -his rfgffuit of fall from t5tep.- posidble to prove with edge of God's . demands 'tioon- tliem. xq�wd of the _11UHM force, awl the imlsooner's . About; plue our, of tbn - f9K. smote him on the nose so hard that It may not- be r C 'a mother s*ore, tha ter ing 164m than this Yres6nt de- 2kZry abindt.1 The, Queen has sent 'a message to t the acCIL;ed was od girl, wno is not ashain- 'he-virns In bed for ien-days. and almost� muthem that, ,,.kept Anyth beat Ilower y ,ja Marry a go atiocal precision a Una -put of the neare -vase, jiiM strides, Viceroy of -India expessing her all Ordinary 9breet.walkr. glie was votedness to God would.'not Ile accept� ed to do ha"hold- work, OF aw bled- to death. houses' povert"trickeri our - people -who are remanded far a week. with Inward. c, his trafiv flab. sellitif-:48, flAlly with the PaT i, �_,_eW7nipa able. God desifts trutWN the Oft to cat oa other duties she MaV b;6 -called upon roundinp, drivW a man. away Irom, his famine cause by t(, If slie,.Is prettY� all- -to Have Religion. home, an4 that �wet -weather lnvar;- parts,,und Ir6m that fortb,their - Then there, 10 tho luau wlid, vu a it Ifering froui the perform. U84 tAM6 IV and devotions - U t 01 'Aliout to -chariJ6.4dia A� lo failure of the oil -Destroying Rome Life. first In 0 a ts* 4)6 thi- . th a mmer rains - - the better. We like pretty girls our- A queer olas' lably -compels b1m to seiek the �4&a� peelinen -way. recen " i '- f, qu ---promising too- assist thent. gelves, but -w-e have seen too many place offering warmt&, shelter an4 pro6sAonl§ of a fulUf Mr.' Joh A. Ilatemon*'Ivi reporte brought to the Brie County. Peniten-- _0 be a bar- love to God d n The Lon thou- (ion Chronicle makes thb said �dt� a meeting lit Tu- marfiages of mere beauty tum out enterta*nient, 6ven if it sent --t ai; having, t tiary, where he ad been enced, i good� ronto theather eivenidrig.that, "there from a west6rn New -York. ODunt;k rc .qnAt g llowing atatement: There Is badly to7- advise a man tc) choose a �Oln but no due who has stud d ..Wry ce Ih er c 7 dedicatlon-,: partner Tor life from the ranks of ILU60- of the poor -lass or. wor]�7 reason to believe that a, tribunal, are not enough- days I thp -week to after teing eftd It6h o6ted of cruelty to COU the eritl&--� belle.q. See.thait she has a good te7m,. I* -inallbed -to Jefiy'_,0ff1el41TeL U similar to the Behring Sea Cout attend to all the meethiga and ell- animale..'-When he wuij brough Iftles *111 latch -in, er, the to !do this In. ta be said h rad. r,, t UP ere 111 .:theor, with Sir Richard Webst per, andl.the. bdot wiaY' for the usuaA *xamination, the Ala- Jhat there gagements I w od hedd - - 1W -General. 'representing Eug- to.' step wilfully on the tall of her logue prociee V 01 ,&ttorney .94 �ft*� 111111", Cburbli." Tile- same statement has ded- N&6i160._ltke thlo: of. tie tantrum, steer 1"n maile many times before, and- SunIffay gown. - Then, If ishe looks 144�� ) land, will be. aPPOInted to W-Av "Whost Is �Yxiur name?" lelan bounditry affair." daggemr flies Into axe� 190RAL11-, the -proper -remedy Is the one s "Your 'IV 'Oul wrui Isellms,of Poft Y girl who Is ng a geitied by Mr. Paterson -s _61eRr. -Marry , �'rellglon he Wid 3r A deetlllafth to the London Times trike fr�76 A "ll th - LI-Hung-unang the list every meeting not essential tiere, household drudge, or s from Berlin says at u e4A .0 luau 15,011, , : ;ha PrOVe.La Moot ninteresting compau-, oned to Petrin Mr. Patring. to the welfare and progres4 of the a�befoft has sunint director of ChIlle9ft-ellStOMS, whOwaff Church and give more- 'time and at- ton and, wo, yeare leave f One Of-t, granted t tention to those that are P-ssential. absence -on awpy, from life - 1113 Mlolit, In order to 'accompany Ll' big No man ought. to be, ra a few rts in Dotting 0 Ill - �eek, ][Cflibt,