Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-30, Page 3, �04�
- Mo
0�114trY Is overrun by: banditti, in
stdtfite i3rovlded. for such casiop In-
many district$ there has been severe
- EN
drought, and, in addition. to other hor- OLD, 0 stifutea a "freedom suit.- I si6- b.0 1 4 V SCHOOL
nature was Identified and noceepled &-t
rOrS. famine, stares the people in' the
f face. the banic whitch did his busWW9;. b t INTD RNATIONALLE02ON-NO.V.
Toungi, Widov gave up ng Me a furderer Tried tftod to -vouch ifor his
An Ardent In ahoki tile bankers r I - M"
OVIN OWS 0 News received -.3.89 - HE
from Eastern Anatolia NOV. 1 -6.
atrfUge $t.ory of: IntgballUM PlYS Person. It was therefbre n"assary
MYs that widespread fearq exist Of a to send to Williamsbure for -a ill'. Ar,
120,000 to Marry, tolloape, -
renewal of the inassacres. Ili A;1'
y three well-known r44dents Bilildiligthe Ile 'ONE LIFI-i &T A TnM.
viv UP R ly Sol the mid c rTg'
tile of September Kurds -.-from the Down South in Dixie.. 00i at city. proPerly forvifiek with 142.
Krarput district overran tile villaypt Papers of - identification from. the - on- C. 1_014. place If the dead ocante ba&k-
SHE* IS Jerus&
of Sivas. 4nd-destr6yed and tooted six UED FOR', DIVORCE. thokit lem, Lebanm In SojAe -shadoWy
His PAL -WEAKENTI) "TOO SOON. le.�,. made the Ion
Armenian villages, killing a, num V tript-titi New glieutheir jorms
ber Of
I Orleans -at Hubbardle expe nd up'
ar- Ing tro WAS A KEEN NE, on their.- positive ldelltifiZii t rout 76OMB -wandering winds -their
Pin- Dakota courts will decide whether An inge on. he Common ary.-I. Hir
the inhabitants. The village of i York dqspatoh says: North -Per@Qns.-Hirain, Solomon. might meet us;
HOu- Mr. Tarte' and party have i I' nlojis and 6� dttempV Or I
rived at Winnipeg. gnaw had 20.0. houses burned and 60 of am. KIng of
'voices greet us,
ape from Apburn State Prison, to otizen- mul9t -have been at the be -
love or --hyplit)t1sall - impel ksc, Ty;e--It - Or if In
York its inbabitaats were massacred. It Is led George J was releaseT and restored all earthlis Strange
county has decided to'abo, is Aship, The -trial b - or .,co
-further stated that a number of GLWOOd to get WarrW last December. F"Y8 a despatch from Aubufa -to the- ad cost him thou- 9'anlug Of Solomon's reign that these m -On places, mr. .,p .-A
toll gates In the county on December in At the time lie thought it was -love. Sold His Owr;o - and, Escaped Witt isands of dollars -and consumed- a -great alllbass�adora were g/p
ell Committed Suicide by jumping into. Noiw he r - I the Bout, that belfig We
'ays: se -Sunday 4erald,-Aras made at-, deal of his the usual Custom. He ondole might have hope to ;see- the dear,
-tile 4. Money -it C)st Him Some Trouble to time, and meanwhile Mwk, with Solomon 0 sent to c dead faces
I tile Euphrates ill order to,escape It was hypiLptism.
Sir bou; 0.clo-ck on 'Saturday alternoon �Y-- pegain His well supplied. with funds by' tile sale n the death of David. '112pe by keen
Gem9e is the son of. the late John -
'intimate r -hearing
e0atrilluted brutality -OUthel Kurds. Liberty..
eye% o
moll on Cawood �a furniture dealei, who Clarence RoblasoIt, 6 life' prisoner,- of -his master's body, was beyoulipur- alliance with discover
$500 to tile trt�n 1. -Fireinell'.-j re- fit As he had to
-ty. The young The Patrialrdhal- idea was, as till Suit.. 'Large rewards were: (wery. 11, he ala. V.
flef funt]. Tilt- suit -for 11hillai-ges for left eoasider�ble prppek David, and built his palace, -IJ. -S' The WM
1kreach of prooll-iSe to marry i)l-oll;,Ilt WV.0se cold-blooded murder of Mont- fallber, Slater.,
thw, -.where offered. for lit wlehed* -to maintain the . husbamd wife or
-t s aj1prehension. Same
Mr. J. B. Lliarliistiitt,' of ottawn. by' Miss- v 111,1111's mother'lives in an. old fashioned world here, Ili once lover
oa Ifeck, - of Br `� go*pry Gibbs at Buffalo.. about two reMM t detective. talent good understanding with his son, of
4,0011891 at, NoI, 520- East 160th stfeet. U a and tile bes whosa wisd From death,&me back.
rqs4 -the On, -he had n
has been am)o'ittv i (if -Do- it" hbit -if; J r* T t I t rs ago is still f - InOral foundatio nd justifleation of. P16yed absolutely Without avail. He He
r -a . .1 o -A> ha re, Ile Belgian 'GeOrgEl lived *ithber until two -years Y in public -loved o doubt heard.
public wo kA. o.ficer. twic6 ZiCtIllitted- 10T tile Cilarge ago, � whooh - it wap the Slave
thought he %Vas mind- ry system In tne. isouth under Was never traced beyond the 'Wharf the son because he had al- Life would be all a Watching
and a E
The t murdering is -1 loved the father. waiting
ratle returns for &-ptember the 11rit It - tro. der becamin the, Old regime Bu' I
Robingon was-emp16;jed.Ih the. hol- t in none of tile -villere lie -took paa ago for -the'north ways
ker -qAose for -Ktokes ITillialliling him. in the Cong JOhn H. Caw6od,.x%?4dow of a-cottein, ItAr-ware departme�at atd-has ther 3. Thou knowest-By this Solomon A stam4ing..' tipt
Show, a large increase d 9 too � much attac lied to 131m.
the Q&ple atoolith ot 1Cj)l rrre State. OT 0- 018 and 10 suPPOsed to have gone straight oe at tile mystic
Pffied 'Yoestertlay. it - who- was Work- In the Hamilton Bank. - fore beita -a model prisoner, but life. I ve States -was this idea carried td France, where lie Ila(] lived dur- recalled and ackfiaWledged the cicge gratin
-tile everSday life - of friendship between 'his father and A pleading for the b mov
was-showul in evidence Ili into the'practical 91
Mr. Duncau Mepliet.11-aill. in uIdalid early GeOrge Was then sent to School at behind the. prison walls beicame.lrkm- the. people So fully and consistently Ing his former master's studentodays lessed'ahapes
ParT, Of the procepililig;s that Major _Merpont Manor. on tho,11ittlson. Hiram. Then,he -to
hi-1-110ty respecteI vitibl"In of , Dutton. Y SUMC, and-. lie carefully devWeif -a plan its in Virginia. The - condition of af�- and where big * antecedents 'v�outd assured him by -stat. linger.,
Lothaire, sinipil asked to'. llayp , tilt-- ' The elder M�s. Cawobod- had- -cape, in which lie might Ing Ahe condition of affairs at that 18-traluing to
0nt.. wa-foonad dead lit hl; -i N, I oii:-:ui- wetldill�7 - no objec.- to et lia-M fairs, 130th -moral and- material, never be suspected, tin -lionor- time, that the - friendship was --still do touch them - with al Terw W.
pcotpont-di owint- to tlip ticp-lis to tile pre�ty cousin, but as the -been Successful had 'it not been for
lie. al4e career wodld b,- within Ilia ubting finger.
State oi his tith. whcen growing out loi-the eltuation thus: reach. agreeable- between himself and -.h
Mr. James C-611his. a North East- fi,-ek'., i$` V011 latter Was 36, years 'old she thought. tile "poaching" -of a 'fellow �onvlet. created had already become critical is MA-itter1W wildly of the past a-nd T
38,000 by his brother, who son. young ment -where- he was employed 'there lem. lur ardo,
"01� Township fartner, has been arrkt -a -j - -with little sympl&t bard tion Lipon--David in this message to
.11111011nePtl th-tt --th4 heir. age would be ilgalr�vi _d. happy In the shipping- room Of the depart- when tile Civil war sol It may be Imagined that -1jul, -father's Iriend. There was no reflec.
nu ge AJi -s hrt)ke11 off. uu10n*with.hobr 6uthful' ved., the'prob-. Wildly or
clied met
Ity on ll;.,s re-- Hiram, rather a tender recollectionof P. n of onr evil 46ing
Xichlgpm. Cawood at. a6hool, accordhig- to his are always stored- ready for use a turn to Virginia, azfd It Is sa before they died. 'b 0%
Aln.Ong the' slav Ill that
story Played football-, studied hard, br of-Aargo wopden boxes, , in - 0 owners 01 East- -he never -mado another trip tlie life and struggles -of' his f�ather
nuhibt ern Vijoglilld especially -it was held tO New 4. Tile Lord my God hath
zitithe 1., intpolt', I by tho Arell' LIQUOR FUH1 RUIN, and had.drdven all thiDughts of
hi,-41oll. of -AJ'rltr#-,tt Jill t:11. Itay crop, ilia which the bollow-War(i is. packed- for to -Orleams, -bat soon gave up given me Tbeir Pardon, Jacking GOWSS would
cousin fromr his hoead, Whon. Otte day allipment. The wJ%r convict had no-. be a Point of honor to- Protect and. - ness and died a few tlte� -�bu' SI- rest on every side -7A grater ul. StUl content us,
a Pr-Illet hidierto exei4pted from years WeN2
ese maintain their human chattels at- t later on k
elturch, taxation. 'she appeared On the see' ticed th - boxes and:.concelved the whatever cost. The in wh d. a- his P, acknowledgment of.God's dealings, a We'should wal blindly In, the
- 4.1% . A rela ne tin 0 sbi an atlon.�X- Y. rtun. fulfilment of the promise of 1. Chron. they sent us; way
-Z was like -d is said, to Idea of storing himself away in one of
Mr. E. Stewart, 1). L. S., has been Sad -End of a Once Been.UtifUl Wojnan have t slaVe, except under absolute compul- ABOUT HALLOVVE-Em, 1), And this 'quickened een Is E� he
Old 1-110 mother afterward, "She them, and with the aid of a ocolifed-. al xx . -Solomon',, r'PIIOW no Una Chrl It, nor a k t
obleeZigid Mayor of Collia-wood IlY ae- looked at me. alad I fell in her nower erdto to naJil down the'cover it ould . OIL or necessity. was Ali aced. The to act - in the time of neace. Portal
Clamation,' the other five cand ates in TMIAO, Dt Once. Her- eyes seemed to go right be ea. vrtm— -generation Wil e real- NO wars . made it Impossible to enter Of t4At unseen, f.-Uth-conquered life
sy enough for- him to.get outside ize -the heaviness of. t In S0166 of the custold2s of the Sc6tell Peo- i
having witharawn. t hTough me, -and compel me to do any- tile walls. He dommilialeated he tirden t1iii; I . I upon tfte work -of 'building the tem- immortal. r -r--
. I . - his Pl4u imposed upron and accepted by the Ple on That Night. I ,
Tile Dominit"m LInC., nt.-Av ,�tt-amezr, thing sh4 willooi. I -would have goile' to a fellow-conviet, Who thought- Vi Pilo; nd-instrunient of Satan to oppose We obpuld be earls to eight, if out
tile trili from thirou Xglula, slave'llolder. The owneri of 11411GW -ad
gh fire illid water fof one smile tile Idea -an excellent. one, and en- een in clearly a, rblic, of Jt, or'divert thenr' from' it. of heaven,
lot ill WIFE- OF A RESPECTABLE MAN. from 'her." coura itat-Os *h1och would Purliose-to, build'an our
_2m-Im to Livow?K" ged the bold originator to carry Ila ,,ave � yielded a pagan times. The Idading 1 a rdspeet- house This. To crude eyes so cruft a boon.
..1140me reVenue"Wit"Ji. let - -tie
it into� effect. us say, Ing Holloweea Is w
and iol,:ttS 11 as not a isel
ffie t I" - Sarah Le;liej Is 014Llz A('CEIITI;.,T). f -devised act. The mo- were given-
fty-es. found- ilielrJaubalanice con� ikivo was not ambition, the love of Our dead come back.
ssolute Nvom;lll,.- 100 sh that it is, thib time
rector.1' This -afternoon- an Qpportuulty ir, sumed and their profit$ 0 ]n
I IRS motiler, did not. know of "these its
re�;peetvd. alid the- wife of elf, e, destr yed by Of -All oftfier glory'. tile _JOVeL Of. POMP$ but
4y'k f fill' Lsits - to 11(,r'son. Tile younger, Mrs. - seated and Itobinson StOle the increasp of a dependent --popul, tio t -Lie i Se. when' supernatural- the
nces Prevail. I set will, and. the charge & ha And400n, distracted -with tl is do I
T t -eazt en.1 citizen, tiled sna- l. uh e-
Tilt- 1 1, a ; f, divine
Pa t is tlie night Is
illaLior of- and by hard -sq�ieezmg managed- to. -the u father, and -this Solomon, matle known
Its --k;Itt- -CIJL,%'I-i'j.'�� '--.I a t a t.--avvood wentb, f1i cautiously . into -tile sltipping�roain which Alleir own Principles and tile -0 rt -for showing,
X -L - night ton,and the Oys lovegrew deeper. niversal W�%Iking
b, wt 6 o'clock I. -;t r1hokill- sense of the community* would Abroad- of apiril to ftiram.`6. Command flaou that they Half earth, half heayen,.our doubtful
get- inside one of the sldppilnj� cases. Cs bO'th of the visible oil
Thol eiftrAiiiel-A ill 1; Vllf,-hr A'tl, Ok' I In tile r.jtlilihiacklo place elf i Joi, Ile forgot Ills books and.his football, rr,16 n6t ilow them t senses kv,
6 dispo§e, (if I'lown If ad. I- If le W
convict' to whom -tie hat] con� nvistib orld. Ile of haw, me ciddar trees -It would seem as wtngl
u the slyveial
Richar,is-on talls , hoiut�, t �Xo- 173 lid�fts. 1 ell: tinto . I Bouth."- - it that part of where the Labor would laongulsh 'into Aroants and
An r In Council t her side. s In le con fided Ilia s on" 'hand and charai6terlatics ributed to this
ho refir;ed his.offers of e
silucue tr�Ct. promptly nailed the cOver--dawilover., -SOU(',171T .90UTHERN MRKETEt. Mystic eveftilng he fac to rf ter cedar� grew belofted to Hiram -is fancies,
ki the Allans -inatoriag" Keveral tini" tho box in such a manner' thatonce, it - - V.. IM -d - on the- er ulty - doidinion. Da
renewing the etm�ract w it, :Ws thN -overplus of . the negra Lbrineiple gL
had No. t* y. -11 ' * true that "all Leb. ,v be dazed by bliding -apnivard
for tho-carriage -of Atlantic tilfils, (orge-, You tside, it would require -but aves -, Sol lty� t- its anon" -osh. xiii.,
littler urd Y. toti. Youllg, t '- talk. of ivarr -lid --cheapin Virgin corporal-tenome and Wittider &1jrGAd but they dia not take it. --Spence. Any
OU little- POPuldtion'which made al It itself frozAi was Tiven to Israel, J glances.
heavily ()f ay. itit a r, de
from DeL--mLwr, IS96. Illitii Dect sh cow,:unwtI a -large ye a effort oir t -part of the occupant 1-4, and the busine'i The ivorld Would grow lem feal, 'nor
180. for a. 1111),lidY Of Wait till YOu, came of age. Then to extricate himself,' -the Slave jipeculator so of throukh the that. can -skill to how timbe heaven come neatrer
(lu-I-I'LitY of At noon she thero cn'-be to cover _Lbeih.- carefully nalled when profitublo tin realms of Sace. Divina- r-Iwael 0
Chief Me TI is - then believed in tile things -of, God, were !%wiw and ur dear ones be !to bappier or
-a in John's ca"ut-, last December. lld Mrs.. Ca- withr two oth Ttsc as the harvest tijge of the by. Glondo :tad -the arts - dearer,
-Nit-b, )f tit#, strUtfOr"I la, t -own on the:dirty mattrem which l The hid' ruin overtoOlk an. old egiat', higheat'POwer.- and- to attain ' Its understanding
BrIgMe lia-, reAgiled afte'r 6erving 9- �wityfhrst. birthday- -&wri, the box was placed on 1truck I thou w -
'twenty yvar,-. lewirs prt---�ente�i With- aniwers the I)uep,)-,-e or, IA7 the gift iils6�-i People. Yet in
furnisiti-%l z: ers which were to :be, d, s'niggodr trader." Slv wor-of-caillag spirits 1.k6m inferior to their neighbors, who knew Bhould,they come back.
$ L $5()o _,, n deep" becomes avallable to
partialout, nd wood was it 1"Ierpont anor tocon- conveyed to _100 Or es
n addrezi by tho- Culanch anti Witt' lay og tile floor. AvUlt liL-& hoad the-- NeW York - Central which Would seli-for tile -v"ty how to how and Prepare wood for
an easy chair by the firemen. gratulate Lfiim.'� lie renewed Ills pro- 4reight-house Jor shipment. 6 11 who Ch buildin* -; "for they- we skUip_d n No happier, all, no! How iself.10-
Arg-inia Gose to avail-Ahemsel-,c- re
tit,: foot of tile inattreSs'. lylle-11 of marriage, and tiiis -time ilia . ,ob readily brought $1,000 'or -s of.
'a teri it, 1p-bullding beyond alf 0 hearted
aWok r Wws acceptia& ew Orleans, and bence tile idn. Brand, ther nations,
The t;overnittent I;z-. Ill' Rlcliailtsoa Sokjll after- 6 Ofi�' I Inson- liad_.seareely been Safely more, it - N the- privileges of the c a'
.4uprvuii -L _ . . I nailed up, when Ills- keeper missed r. ulators -were always on- the alert Ilia Jopitlar Antiqu -oore Rand built their -0 of wood." Wlip wishes back the blessedly de--
tppeal t�j.tiit- tom (>clock Ito ttellipteJ to, rcitiso Ills "But," said phe witibw, lnu�t - _pec 'ties,". is I hOusas als
him from his.-accu-stomed position, and- for
compan witch 9PPortunitiM. which"-. exPlic' : "it is a CPB'tqTA in. Scottand , 7. He rejoiced greatly -Because pa-irted,
alrainst thv. lion.* but hts efforts were list,- have .., runtijv.ay Inateh. -1 want to bel at ()nre not were solo Back from thdir - Aunny
i-TI-tirt in f,tvt)r k:i Ile,' � -L doctor. rom�lntic.�, Ified Deputy Shaw, who 1111, too few When the Young women would kd -Alon debired to continue the friendswil,
clie(jue. rtL-;h*,,I out. for to satisfy, their trade.- It swlft-;%viged WJW
q t of hat a search for the missing man was tile C stont in Virglard o. tho .-faithful, to, put- between David Into a
Aftvr callin u if their lover& -are 0 t. lli�h had existed -,pa
f -1 'AY to be instituted. three nuts upon -the bars of the kni te, Hiral"L Ind ur calve thait clog and lw*m
. . A R1 NAW - k(, � - - - bexauee tile plans Of
J.; Ir s! ineri -Iie got Dr. Mae- Tile: pris L friends of in -onybarrassed man to naillin -the nuts after the lover.s. If that lowor,
t:, oner from Ills place. of con-',
This suited George ex(A-ly, anti the
11-titi *Ind Purchase, Fo. far Is titei me&ns at- 9 were -to be carried out. -
$If tilt it -1, do.. I of Si-inetit- strot. t t) call -, - next &y . lio.met Mrs. Cawomt at the cealmellt CoUld.-hear tile Of t thd -n §010TOWS By Jnst -thakur laithless, fretful -eyes
kl:, oil S11116.1y -oo� tII4, wolli-In"who 11.111 1wen de Ile 10AVed-, the best of his. slaves, to- save at i6,ra:cka, Or j.uinP,-, the lorpr MoSsame Hiram might be �Ww them
�:-Grnd �entral -.�ztatlbn. lit red like a will pr a-mured that wao to bontin
'of 17.' t�*i-lll- S01110 411lie wilell tilo doctor arrived. Tile bay, and 1 -Searching party and a ve them from being -"sold away." Oye f&ithfUl; if it bering.Lt_ peace
no, A few bsJoef years before *e shll go
leaf. from fettio nOne of the most successfili negro blate or burn he bag regard for tile and profitable business carried.-oub to them,
the wonlan -took train for'.Alontreal, f Tito eonviet_ who had tbu!g far aid--, tilne - perbon fthiking the trial. If file Ii,it:§ tureen. the t
'Ell%% it- P11'. -Nl� 1420in;lld �10tlfi��d Uorouer
nt- for whert- tlleY�were married next (Lay SPeclilators - *]to Operated on penz- wo nations. Blessed -be
f warr. ed Robinson in hhr effort to ese the Lord -From this, arLd fro - . When Ave mfe oflead.*
*It Amer1c.Ln, Coasul " 4 n4nied after'the girl - and ]ter - loivr T every
tile the offiC6.0f, tl1eL ape laffula, in the40s, Was a ma amed
1 became alarmed as.- the. search! own burn together. --they wilt be part of Ifiramis conduct, it
-to Party Started in- tile directi6n (if the. . There is
treretaLen to tllt�'Iill)rgae. Ili - r was not' 119 Jau. Hubbard. Ile liv d upon Ills. evi- Ah, God knowig lest, one Iff-e i),t one
Hon. Dr. Darden. a t patrol wgm A - M. dent that Ile wIs a wQrshi r of the time givijig,
Col. Wile, coultalt1ijer L)f -tile -:hoebury- I.. - Tito, coroner AaE- 4 lie(' by telegraph, and till' ws tt Ostate near Yorktima, and Aps. ae- _a. Cuso still prevalent in ppe
firlsf he knew 6r tile 'wedding. .1 e shipping -room,, and, -fearing that the counted one- of the *ealtlii�st met in 8,cotland," as the true -God.
initiator 114.1- .4
lontreal, tin-, Y- Sparin 'to fret us with a double liv-
nesw, pxtwery team, at -N Tile couple d; In4n. In the box Would make a nolse,'- - -8- 1 will do all thy deslie-The .9
a.; till- post-Illorteiii. Id not get long well those parts. The nature 'of- Ifis busl- lowe"en ceremony of- pulling kall-
thereby revealing Ilia lildiii -Place, ness, however, debarred lilm and I colowart. .'['he. Ings
nounced that he Intended W P!aCe a lit like- toggither, anti 1..Xpt p,ril mi, -.par- .9 . jle his stocks, or stalks 0 contract was draw4ft Out forma
ill' fur tile w1dell will tl)-tlav, w, decided tha't the beat 'way for him- Ili A �alaahf myatories� two worlds, two'
next Tear litea.
SUM in the et'. (;ptlrt , t,61til' You'* people go. out a - writte d ument
lvj�ait to F.irgo, -N. D., family from Ill social intercourse III; a Ole �--(2 Chron.. 2, 11) missions,
Lie Enl6li ar- that deatit was, aut to to -do to clear Ills :skirts of . compi the better class. of whites, -anti Ili&- g to
purpu�se of bringing t wife to Whether I " corge cit IMdfolded, Into, th6 kailyard or j�hr- which aecordin - jo_.eplus - was Two stern and strange and masterful
tiderymell. here WAll tile ill of the or lay Y in' the'affair woqjd be to give witble e' den, and each Pulls Preserved botli in the Jewish
4ig Itypnotisill nergy 'Was c6ncontr-ated'up -the first talk Zd f$yr- conditions
-the' snap way-, which be -did. ian reco
Cawood, how . ation - of ealth, in Illpy Hiram n- My prayers I turn to praise, 40 God
ChAadlans. tavY lie. uncertaiii... the accumul. with which he .' meets. 'IT & Ir
.Fara It ,I. foL I
The annual fillncial ktate'lleut- Of , evt-r, was certainly actin- through The, three L boxes-- were -linfuled from hich lie : wa;9 minently then -return, to. t tered into agieelk8fit afteF he haA in heavbn,
n pretty milliner ntl the truck tind Successful.' . he I i -reside - to
the Dominibit for vear entling June he o-ne InWhicii ROL, w pe their idred-it- Tialber of fir-Tliefir That to
I He left at his death ai A;ery contidei� "3§ ct prizes. Acordine collAs
mai ilf-ii itanie and slip Her flmt left lier libout Jason Wile concealed- was opened and theIr wfdl -this boon. Thou
1�,96, has-been inalie Public. Tile -I as tree is Often mentioned in cojineetion hast t
'looke�l soilnil tills -he lo.,it by lif.r. spe- the Prisoner Yanked,frOM hig hld' able fortune for those'days to- each tile -4stalk big or - lit- no given-
Iad lit her prof(-�,Auri izf Torout( m. .. . - .. PID -Cal. Itwould have Ing-; of Ilia two sons,_ wlkg were both -gal- straight or crooked, so shall -be- MY dead edine"'back.
deficit 'for the year is arriage." with the cedar.
thr"increase-ol debt The s for tile tile future wife or. husband of
-lit aftt-r Ikv 0*10 "A beell- difficult for 1111t goldlersin the 9. BY 'the - sea� in� floats,-�Thio ti
The the- man in the -box to paw out of t Confederate army,. tile n9D OTHER
ilet debt is now Ha-gatt, "the attor7i(--y far tile lie eldest dyllig- 1 partY by whow it is bQ-r Was -cut on the western E A_L After a pulled.
revenue, account ot coiL-4- lidated ne3 prison gates, as all parcel ' are ties of the - a one. of. t li bat- sides of VIIS _N (>It I lift-, �jle I)d veorge, CZLWtor)d, who related quantity of IAbauon, and 06208 conveed prob-
was-, of the vir- couilted and must cornis- ondish -Wilderaess. earth sticking
tand tLIP V -X- cilluStances P tile A�tj.t tile, year' 1845, amf-% Alur- root denotes this, amount of 'fort' ably by beaste of burden. to the The best. -news that anybody
to liquor till :I from li.r ie case , 0-i-rtoIrday. shipping�'bflls, so _tile Prison antli9r- der Mediterranean Sea: ill tell is that God loves men.
peu,iiture N Ili, I,. ar anti the tabte Of tile Pith indical-es ere - it w- ILS
�ilicil tllj�n ,,,I -'*that my lie h ' d tu. provel in court; ItIeS Young atanla'stin the male
Say; line' L -
-\rrF-D -STATE.$- -n leap!iii . g� wanton life. ind it ave no doubt I it exh4te(l." Of the old colonial f.aniiiies, bound - together - in rarts and floated Every man Who the temper. - Jn&lI e as great faith,
No cerisue� can Ile- fttIt -to' y tg stii I k9
L I aclil tiny died uddenl5i, leayin are- placed, one after aubtlier, -along the' hits great power for -good.
IL death -Occurre IL -)h Iz nt-v� nearly two yoi;ars otli:lt slift Of the Officers for tile Mal Is , lit- 9 his -large es- coast to Jappa, andthence
i" tate completely Ili . 10 door,, and tile Christia, conveyed- agd-,iu overland 'to Jprusa- Nobody orks'llard r a
York, fever Ncanle 11B P-IcxED OUT*HIS COJ�FIX mwas ne ti n names of
r ion. whop 6 a cessary to sell off. t (�iing td sai _tile persons _W1110 ' chance thereafter was
tOMPted escape, fot.he had be
e,, e;y iem 2 ChrOn. ii. 16.. The -timber for it th \tlie. I
Lt iW1lg,,bUota,, fe*v taautes'-`ivilen tile f1wt Jail his creditors. Am to'.enter tile hall tile probably It -out and Preparedfor may bonan \'o dut
eontracted'at Uavaw linif,mil.-L I" ep, A%..Il Then Ruilolph. Schryer Walked Or T ile Ong his 13 are held in &Wn
-Ex-�z�ah-er C-rJ,p,1A�iiv,cr;ttic ',,-alor fLIIL fL search inatitu d.- was body. Aervnt-called hImme successialf, to ladleato jilose i) u:se, '111 the - mouutai . n, :thus making Or Ch -by doing
in. tile Uilited Jvpre- on tile streets. ke Strbet and- Drol: p 2d Dea Mrs. Robinson, uJile-of the prisoner, was tile- Individuals transportation e sak4
119 all inmato of the women'ti-i 4 remarkable character. Mack -W a
JILA to tli4, WIS611i hom the parties--kre asict.-Whiedon.-
�%out4LUV(-s at tlirt-w lit tilt -She is- wrvin- in, sentence for was nearly -tile - same ge as b is do- to -Marr- The man who h rilght
with *Joll!t it wolil In y. 11. Twenty thousand. ineasuroas hold
of he-irt tile noighborhood of Second.ave coaed,lo -master.. The her ceremony Wheat -ab Of Chri.t -cannot ii t
I.:nu*) -COM two boys tad Atiot much Practiolid out 22.2,000 bushels, Twdaty 19,
nan eKol plicity lit the crim-6 far which -her been. reared together and the- -slave, On Hallow'en is that or tile Measures Or pure 011--im
TWO, 11rei wf�re wilich untlor 1�oiuewlit 'till' Twenty-sectind street knew- Iu- The man who will take a de -
husband was �convlctod. casks,.each
ed to-- enjoy all the. in, cannot
destro4red tilt- Scliryer,of'.Xio. 379Second ave- had bben a,116�W DL -hes, or Luggies.-, -wo f tlie.-�e dontal Ing- 6- bucke" - pure Oil is tile cided stand against
nilar l"loulph , . I
-t)n Iluo" s a jolly old fellow who icotild educ-itiOnal his mas- a -re respect finest. each as comes from the -olives lay aside Ilia besetting sin.
IIIfor hiLsbaul u-Ith twIl The Uhurch IVe1Y filled with clean
,as_ Wag r
-d th Arch t of which, 30aletimes tile foul water, and One 'is empty. Th(ly by -Pounding and not- by-pre4sing. Every dollain, a good man posses -
Tuesday -nh-ht, tell.funny sioties by the hour. of Enkland ail e
at thi. tillie (il"her 0-atil. pit tilt. er, Godis iname h - Delny Prothers? undrtaking-filhop, bishoP-01"Uant-�rbury. -cAe, lie made- t f are arranged This- w;aj for Hira.W liousohoid; be' -i Sion liMs
Gitu il!'%-L' -Paattre.-s on hic the ar tile -better use. on the hearth, whent)-te
next door. was; ' Kchryer's ffti�orite It Is,, -we think, tile g( i ad I ived I ) r Parties, blindfolded sides this according, to 2 Chron. ii. .10, If it is' riches -we
bo -en received tvy 1'rincettin 1:1,t Ilight. Coroner Johnson im-pres- He I me - years abroad advance in
1(� when -Idt -his dry ei()JIL in tha UnIfed-' ir h, lie ru never find them by sisfti,
OX whial roill. a (Anior into the (;ftlllt Stateti tlla*t the -With.Y.011119 -Vu der d th-r"*kli con� Oe�zlo -6nd dip- 'their finger,3 iijio raished Hiram's
Servants, ' the,
20,000 meaeures of
-that goods shop for a rest.. As lie had been, 11 . rch. d- lie r beatE!n'
Wit')JIV1,1, money. sollof England to lendow��d. TI stant and close a&:ocit ion One. If 'they dip Into the cleanwii
10170 or loss of n invalid folk won- i -society in 'many..' With goo ter they a - w lYat8,' The spiritual bones the�--hbrary. heart tIL-ecisf! n 'iC countri I had - ac- O t6-- marry measures of barley, a mist.;ike- The ]list a imaiden; if 20,000 enthO(Itals" tleri�d at his cheerfulneso, which Oil qaired an ease. and grace- Q1 -manaer 1UtO the foul water. a; wido if int f) -20,000 a -re his faith and
unlili was 20() anti "RIB
o-Ttirontt' AV6j
c. -etl fie. '00 bathe of Wine apeth
t t tile Do- are endowed,.a well -as the parji�lles, and fluency 0 R:
a Yesterday' lie told ill, Ilia bon, of
V, of speech -tilliell, com-' the"empty dish, the'party.'sd baths f oll, comma
lanys that lie felt better than usual, but separately. . �Iobeae: endowments bined, with Ills 11 them is brokeiO�-Ram is andk;Omie Porsong Ping is- SO 'doStIlled to b0--elther a 12. The Lord gavel-Solonion wisd 0*111 has anuounce 1. A BRUTAL EXECUTION. are the gifts of tlie;peopleF from _Sw
-and that Ills ph$sician had told him would have made- him ail orn,�fueat bachelor or an old mail. -To aot in ajI
not these w . hat in Anotfovr business matters with A nhcoNSTRUCTION.Ji,
't lie Fel-I on the Unfor- that lio, would cohle around all right. 1 earliest times down 'the pres(Int tO any society. Hiraiii, and In using
thincr tv (,'L% it. I' day. The income of tile parlishe-i -is ray porlial[m :1�e his 'working cotland. up, nd walked i6ward the door. Wmpaxativoly small.; ill.sevell thou- . S. 0 WNi.Elt. reparation of building Henry Ward Beec
There tows, Eve, Is to wet a Shirt �Ile tel"Ple, He mo-ved'in divine order ears, agoi -I If th A
Alter talking Schryei* got leimed ll�hallowod It All Hat- force, for thep
IJJ es
Bryan.s vanate iiiary. Queen of S WHITtR THAI of iQtl
Edwarl. J! It Ile (lid SO 119 noticed thO t1felm it is' Jew than- J;Jao a Was ',%?cry little puro liegro
,ill -Robert 'Igf it 1-1, aa ancestor of Al Ill all his procee-d1ng-c..-- are eTiQr driven away fraxib�t e c
-tlltt glass bi hang It u
of the 1110roprica . ood n his ;veins nd he would have a
Chopper. WIIU- JJaS Ieton (.n tr"al in'the 1 Year. The estate P to the fire 'to dry, a od 31aide a league chui
t(loors whicli'ser�o tor keep tho'diist
and tile catlfedrals, Will a: Vvilite ere ratir -in -the Clirltian
,-late 11 u. L ivi.4 Wingfield, pak!sed as - to in bed watching it till Idniglit A covenant. Covenats w� -or Irom. faith,
Superior - Utlurt aL '.%!i 1,41tAtiol, from ettlim- on several ei)*Yfins kept ch are hirge, man- anywhere. in
when the apparition of fled by the
tile adaptation of -:chIlIcr's gret tra- are for the most part managed Betweeal%lack and'h the - Indivii - 81au;ghter of victimsGen. ion it will be the fruit of the,chur
charged with tile intir.'e'r (if Ttniot-liy ift'a closvt. were open. Turning aroana by the is former master e olt
'dy. "Mary .9tii.,irt," now used by, lie said EceleslaNtical Goommlaioneirs.� Out of there had been an Intimacy and af- tial's'futur pAitner 'for life will odl), xv. 18; Jer. xxxiv. a, is, 19. and the pulpit.' That.1s; if laitliftib
Parallee. or c,mvil-teJ of 9C in Ilia doy �vay c
t fection. Which ' had Welt -nigh oblUer- in and turn: the sleeve. Tealchinke'We should guard against bi the landt'it will be he taultol A
r4urder in the first, on Wz:dnes-' NI4-ltj' wim ail yo-wAness t�) -tile come of them estates are pa-ki doing things from a wrong mot! bad administration of ChrlstiaAtmt-h.
ifill tile salaxles of -the Bishops, w -bell -are day. An was taken- will jut about lit me." ated the L-ocial 'gulf bet-&eicii -them b
execuVoit of Alary, queen, of Sc(itland- - 1 -1 BLUNDERS op pUBLIC ut' enter upon ur -duties 'for N"d mFm is- d sceptic by ehoice,, -it- is
an a large-scai�_-. -The s'alary-of.the and -the fiLitliful servant and friend SPRAKEFt3 th'
'-Nfr. "1. .1. Maybe it ivot!ild," replied -Delany. e
f It . matter 4f Utory that a Por-- - Schryer, waled across -'tile room to -Archbijahop or C of tIlb unfortunate Murder glory -01 Go& 'When God givels . ag equally true that thinking
nterbury Is $75,Ooo iovas helod Htilnorous Slips oll a T�n�pls
loor -alfa -with tile occupancy of_ ill Aatter's- the �r0n-ffl;Le ATacle. i),�, P SCe from. Our enemles, will not accept'leven ` ith
t.4Al of Mary's iiiip�i.onaiont I)rior to- I and, after maki ig i esteetti by tile ishofild
ttLambertli Palace. Tile lax of the Orators More or Less� tqoted. up His spiritual kingdom all we Oil insufficient evidence. We �ars n -
ng I I
ofriends. but
amination OfL.1 sa. y
fri-in Trenfn wii,i a her rc-Inoval t0'.VUthdr:i:ngtiy- itstle Coffin, said: -Arclibleltiop of York is ti W theref can- We may go loutalide-our Own dergoing a mientl 'r"evolgilmi 71
siree!-She'll-fit. 'nil';] i - Joseph Milling, �filnlftlf- a well-known fanii i
in to sa-me as tile. ore determitiet: that" -not
his lwrsps r in T�w a,x1,' -If fl�` was at IVL gfield Didnor.- This In 1--8t- I salary of tho Presillent le' 11011111 be -saved froin the band.� 1publie IY to will Fouls. We should he very -merely in thought, but primarBy'ln
v� agun J better charge- t�hat up to lily ac- speaker, gives some amusn,- grateful
(-)u Mary ivas condemned to tif-Uth, and Sates -to wit, $50000 of the for true frien(39 whom our th. m6thod of thought. Religion has
per. annum. sPetuhttors and find a pur--
Intantes of
ITini, The &,11axle's chaser amongr -hil% ate,, frintis. -of. the, humors _p1kb]16 parents -have -gained. here e
sentence passed Oct. 2,kth, tld The undertakf4i In( of fi Bisbops--vary fr6m - ma rs, eturo t0for . proceeded upoii the dedue-
ilexticute.l. in- the great turtivirl to hb; taliing "tile ordr' hiell - is. tile BE), � upon - tlui fist (lay of tile inks, a lack of
an, I wa, AccorAngly rclilte
Sir Julian' $50,000 ber amnum, Wi sPiEt9king. It lE, he th Thoughis.-kill in :nd tive method. It began in assumption.
to -thbd of Plato ra-
Ambass.4tor to Wa.-diii, Wi, hall of - Futheringay Castle, s r. as a jbk(% ArY Of the Bishop of London, down Yearp,whicii ivui tile date* establigli6ti- I Y -that ca 14 sculpture. nd in paliting's6in It followed tile me
,short, interview yetiterl!ay.with I'llited in the-pri ence Of �a I to the salary of -tile Pisho uses the speAker sty have , been denie the Jewish ther than that of Aristotle., It as-
usp of tile- I*S� Cultom for tho. Wile. awl hire of to blunder. Mr. Malins has iji,
States Sei�retftry 0:iiey (zi tile distingu*fied coinl$a-ay -Feb. 8th, 15-W. Islo of which is the lowest�to' IlegrOo0i, It number of ,People. Their r2lig1iopft forbade. it. They- Isumed special. revelation, verbal in -
right ize, )lut tint (1111to pretty g(lutlemell Dt- toned t6 a temperance, orator
tall --art& 'of the sPiration and hat not. if facts lffd
at the courthouj; tl)s-. ploring the fact that al friend - re-,, graTer�" to images and forms cut not- square with the theor, so much
zuelan'boalmilary linmedintely folivwing tile C.xpcu Wlt,. $9,000 per anntun tie-' 'had n kyrsion tO;
(.XP(.CLtf,�I from t1l,I, tion elloligh. llefore vii -ii - send. it lon, Christ, -it hat; ileen Said, built, nof
fartory resuits are wrote to Lori] Cecil preparcxI, to r
llvo lot of put ()It it nd .) Pu�Y : long price L40 th to "'the frequent use of t110 :-hl*�StOnesv lest they.bre.41 thp- com, the -Worse for tile facts. Untfl the
rlr t! it church; wrote no hook; left negro. daily glass." He heard a notable )a(),,' -111findment of Good. "Thou Omit' lot present ce
now British prolict-titha-ii
a de.t Ll:e& account LA Vie execation. fur the
The mana4-er -Xetlierlati.f�- ll.stqry lit gent-ral, Ilmne lit Ixirticii- I litury the rell&lous -me-
h ticklin his joke, 0 Monuments; and J"Into-i Hubb.ird was a Io 11,� L-pewlier. speak of alum Ckildr6n
Americim Line t�ay that ti -I lar. aY,; that -Afarfs lwwl was strue fileY tile -11an of who on. wati familiir - with fila. ke 'Unto me any gra-ven, thod domineEired all phases �oj thought.
k avenut, tor) lf'wenty- -to L Mack, images,"
* -eartli ku eL ILLY -His' a W - a "brought into the world.with. no mprL' and'hecause -of this thby ivere infer- "All philosophical systems, slower tra=-atlantie ouff with two) t1ir xp. Aceyro.1- 8pc()7t,1 street. -111W AVIAC)L Ile turned, ew not wher talent. lie kne too, - that --tim i -idea. of home comfort than the Chit
.- 4 as wel
ous, of liavi*- a conferen3o with the irig to Robert 1VWp;fIf+t, tills is not be astounded we Ile t %'I'llhilln-ibui*9 People -were c!dte- ior In 1he Work 6f art. as moral and spiritual, Pro-
w(at. 14-for6 he hall walkoq half r45 , 0 rmined dren of negroes In Africa."
ma ager of t tpr pas.4enger lino -A. tho ett.*�. Tbp executi'?" Wits c0nillicted - way to Thiril a.vOlitte Ile drollim-d cO1110 again to, find His reprdsenta- -to prevent Mack. -c ., 'Z�beded upon its assumptions. On tile
he fa;p _ffohig to t I I e N ;-,v One --PRACTICAL SURVEY. t
prinee.,4-of tile earth, living in Orloan4 niarket.: Therefore lie-sii�oje I ally, aDAi another safd, Stand Solomon's purpose to build- a house witniassed - a -
in Order to a,'Io#, the former by a couilaoll froru Loulitn. ,4h-a-ker SAId: "I rise eniphati- o Ifer hand, the last fifty Tearg have
-their steerage ratw or In one Bu.U.'and lit-, a tilt nervous ocial ell all that IlP "would that
to lower p. 4 find tile 8, 1 uals.of king8 J)rostrate: with astonishin t,,, triin Or ation I
ducle-the faster lines to Increase theira. at b#<,ig obliged to.take Off a rtAyal and poers. His faith ell YoU to the Lord wno fixed on rght'pritt- -thought method., ItO. has become In -
Z r ill followers, lllgg;.,r. If it c(loit I -fortulte�l a -
CT. .. ilia Ills nother feelingly told his auddenw ciPleS. His motive was pure. He relied diletive.
head. 111114le It -very litingling job- of it. however, give in His nae, and - for For Hubbard had two -fold Investigation, verification
TheN -myster mfrroUnding the Suicide grudge that it -was �,uat the plAtfqrr upon the re0ebled will of God no his
at iagara full-, on- Oct- M&Y's llowt-wei tied in a handker. What Comes of'Prop and Bag* Mrriage the promotion. of ._His . cause,- SUM, and Claisitication tal(b (kWplaceWi
speakcr . *&.
to It time N -fore th0 but the ouseI;O-horis� visitationand Inapiratibn Mr the great work before sumptions4 Rellgionproc6ededupou the
the knot I.Ping at the base of that Stagger tile imagination- IN-Pliatwillurg lflr� te. Ut"rance of the pil im. In deellirling his pur e to HirAim at--sumlition of
tzfift has bet -11 cleared up. The man and Divorce. and
self over th-e - faI6; at lwr skull. After ,he hall Win her heall alutoat exceed credibility. In- from Ii. Such tile. Caller which did t ent�,word by PCs a reVeII1,0in. modern
wh6 threw him uf)-(.)n hshe wa,44 seized anil, Palemon, -N. J tenty-'five yenrs tile lie , ost good.- he expremed a desire to car� ut thought.upon the Progressive =d ci3n.;-
prospect Ii,*nt was Adolph eIrich. a people of tile occaiAGns s tllia� -I'llocl lie V�.II; Whe statements that 1-1, le -p
.; . M
Theodore W. Babe(,mk�of the- Church of England have voluntarily bitier tit, rWiou-, jtho good'-dedgus of his Uther David, iInuaI_reveIat4oIL3 f truth, 'Religion
f irmly helif by Ifuli's nssL,4t4Wt, while r
llamil- llilai3��, ag, ailtit them J)ecaulla f t1lo, I ppe0ker's rsug�gestiona L were Ter
't. ill It moi titingiing Man company, now pl-11 Contributed over four 0 which Ills suggestive" and and the Divine -will, as made known Itisstime-1, -sciente- -investigates.
moulder, wh tho Polar hundred mit- oc BL --
ton Ilkliffal I. FeiriclN wife the Aeadonly of ars to f6relgfi and had -brouglit upon !,I, that aother Speak- through God' -prom3dise. Bis ,tween thest- Ol�Poslug. thought me
-it. whh;711 he lier; lft�gan the proct-ss of (JeCapita at Music, lion dolt. home- mis- 8 own wise tidentifie-I fier husband'.4 it, I marrietl to"IL -C'll faillilY. er's remarks were "ImIscalculated t(x heart was full Of zeal for the cause Of -br119 there is nar -can b� no comprom.
-i fir?it 1,1.jw w rming young siOlisr to - Church building and re, tit Mack waz+ knocketl -m.Weridl' Mr. alins also mentions. -larael.-His father's struggles amd wars Jae.
-left tin the brink of the falls. Site �iays tion. lit. as ineffedtive;.; atly that in e en,
I lie struck-', tile knot. of 'tile hundker- of that city, -pair,. to elementary education anti to (Iowa to II U One or the other must pralvwl,
at he was lI Tho Ineldent it . bbard - for a- price sel- Then. there is the.-Spealker who I- htad' pro �oed his wayj -and now Al a. aiid. there is- at present no question
th I chief. inflicting 4)'nl L slight� scalp v roo�calleii rather in- charit.. Who can doubot'th - re lity flom 110(i for, 1, lave Ili 4
to -secure employmerAt.. 01v(XI MiLtrillibilial drina. lit ' which lolf a belief- which t es itself in tit ways misplaces hifi,""his.11 anti , wil(v thno of pem3e, of rest from external which
UPLEAT wound. Ais seo,n.i t4u%v wds better, Mr. p will conquer.
]Religion, which
a is few flaYs later HubbArd started south 14*ays "tllat we might be brougliv &nod inleinal strife, Solomon sILw his has stoot I for centurle§ * the -prlmeA'B'-
-k- play4xi pairt. With,out
but unfortunately. the me -struck be. Unwontd nlaaner to furtheir tile -1vith his band'of nol-groes, tking klick to -tile halter.11 a.8 time 'to -move. lae tru6 friendship Penier of truth,
The dtitinguishod 'Engl6h eng,,kif-er. tw�e her shouluel-4. The third time tho aA41 of -a diagrin tile Plot emalot work and obey the Injunctions Of the with him ari a14041y servant; t 11 (),11 which - finds its iscepter
lie managed to purtially cut. through peorhaps be� cle ly.compreliended otf- crucified Nazurene flight * -Of- JIO�n�Y when David had gained, Was left to snatched frofil it and its crown -takea
MT. Great7head, I% deal]. hand, but tile ser Hubbar, P-pea;ker . 4ked, " Ruppoee " if Solomon, Ito a valuable -legacy,. and he away. Its * own assumptions are
the neck. Ind It. took ' elleH.r.1.1 Fmiethill in
yet a fourth .9 No'.doubt the cargoc�s of phyi-ique n n0t - con r' :1118 modern ballooii
8n i of t flityt prayer books whicl Bibles and se nfannergj. dropped upof, showed hts appreciation -of it by con- ow Subjects of inquiry with other-
seveilhe head f the unfor- A
W lit tin is urpme; ali ca:tfy
Well i year. by year -are hair and -oeyw ,v msely black 'an. uninhabited,� islaiid, -what o Id iting it H- P W to- thing
fallen In manV parts Of Act I. -.k _k -ere intL
tutiatel -Queen. This blow, Mr, Wih:4- . nomm ew York sent out _a past and i)r&ent-, and the in.
Lon -Ion Sketch says tbh;t- r. field thoatrival gelit marri(I to, I'- tile shuddering anti ]Ili of n gig
a .1, s J 1PlcXJOl'1 50 swrtbY that tile nativesL say. The -scientific Out the Divine purpose. In this lie r0stigtion thus far has not p v
-characterizes at a very neat ome time tenant of tile frigid zbnept or Ito WO"Ill have Suffered bY compar- w ed
since, -may .1108171 lecturer is -aid tif his coming experiment Was a type Of the XeWW-i, and -the comfortable-- to -traditionxi liet.
I;; about to bf-colne a stroke, li?avink but 'a bit of gristde. or, ail ctress. " to the naked ' n6gro panting bon humnli 611atw be
that " all depends n0on- the _preabtt temple a -typei of thoii splirritual temple Rellgion or religous . teaching
-ailed from New Hume 19 tilso responsible for the wejilt to at ': the line." ' are an incousequent dealt In.- Oil their -a rrival in bag
Act TI' "'th in
II 'n.- Edward Blake . teLs beJ any of tile
%nU 80T)t tile Y4Irk theatrica inviestme ' condition -Of -tile body about to be. of Christ's kingdomi. not et fvlv alijuated itself to tills
yor-,� f6r Engian-I on the stearner Lu- h ary was acicom-! tit; but tile$, allow -forth.the NbAir Orleans, Hubbard von if. I er t .11 the 41rit new methol. Tile schooJs,no7%v,tcaclI
.11.txl got-a"divorce. falth Of tile se iPsed ea.ed
parded to the scaffold by the wouien man word that 1410 A - town councillor . Spoke of 6W, omon's plans revealed
-.nders even if they do of hL-i negnies to LrOO:I advantage, but " t1le rlyer� and streams that abuton -Of wisdom W-11101" dwelt within him. our children Otte method* . and At the
Act iir�The NOW York thell ndt- reflect cre�(Ilt on. *their judgment. retahlel �Alae"
helr4'that of her household, who performed' the- k Ili Ills pdrsonal-spr Mee borough boundaries." Among Mr. of: his opportunity
unfortunate ' mis- Mali'L, -are -taught'-an.
coriff-reiiep Jilts been at MWr While lie mnde use Mverage -n, be said that the high Vice, either becAuse tie could notfind to use the t0ent amd skill of another
hu toilet of her fed a well-knoill -pretty sou- It in urch they
. .1 hiret Act IV.-Ifisil ll,,tx4mfr foi- diguil as other examples. Is the mpftker othernietho-of thoughij. Theiread-
tress., A& a mttA-r of fact, tit(- (ill] i Of t1le'.-English. Church a bilyer far him fit tile high figure nation, lie did not do It without true
- 'Y lowed suit and ni:wrietl -Air.. 11abeock.. ate o de w- Ito began- with saying, " The -proper Ing ma�n wanders- six days among th
EDW It anlol faxiiiing in- not get within'30 feet of tile gea-f- moraliZed by -their great ho had Paid. or became lie had be- s&ddy of mankind.W general is tho� "principle. . Though subject U * llm� du tio e.
find himself
floill. it Was slurrounded'.by an- Iron Act. Vs The Now York- moll' "; they disebarge thdir
-Boaril of Agri --I Agent- t6un'l ineoll) 4 doe e as Of science td
teresta are urging the out., that th - -epils- come valn at -'Iiavilfg a(, plialled 'ttM study of" mankind -
railing, outsille of which were - a e Chictigo divorce was, lit- copal utles with zeal, and earnes n n general." aild the work to be done was for God's -mentaIV, outraged �or - confuted by
UP t a , vakut. . At- any rato %fack wa:;
cult to prohibit tho impfrtation of Valid. Everything all aroun4l Was con- ness. The late er temple, Solomont regarded the work- -tbe religious thought methol of Sufi-
eupion an urchiii in the audietev,
I double line of soldiers, an4l no mom- Archbishol), of Can- still In Ills posseioinn after couiple w " od men -worthy f their hire. In Israel
live Cattle amd sheep. I;Pr of lier liommehold, male or female, Eloquently declared off Act. vi. -,rhe terbury, though. not a geniu4- norin cile, , out, "You're a-goln, in at Ille day's sermon. Th&s the average mind
A de.,patch from Constal' ivas allowed -nearer than the outside agent t Lon got a -(jIvOree ally sense a -th
al ame out at." Ply - the finds- Itself caught In -the s%virl oftWo
1Now York - of w kr; -0 1 gulf -roi-t'40POlis- r. ii6 hole you c' there was undance to Sup
-great man, wa4s, never- Mack Ila(] Some tooney (4-f- hiq v
et h,,t,4 takon place 'tt- ts Bull him- from M1s3 Hosmor[; this time one for thele.-�9, a man (X own, No 168S embarrassed was the I,,- lack of their neighbor, which gi en, opposing thought idetbods and wan.
that a confli . lino of. the solifiery.. It,,v. acquiremouts. -of und a13,a mal�.tcr ')f PridO as woll. cr would enable them to trender, such
I self wilt> perfokined "the delicate oV sure. Act VII.--r-Tho6i agent then mar- high Character and of 9 Ito- stumbling through till des in coni'diion be ween
tile yip, z Kicxjlk. tho excellent juag- miness; Hubbard 11jill qiq! gentletnim, w t, ti
.11141 �111)alljll ried t lie pretty soubrette over a ial n. ment. jind his career in his li!gll of- geritlenin. A greaIt-ocleal of' Both the. tem
help as Israel could not find within ilterpretaioll -Of I re -
between the Turk&h ficO Of laolY mid, nd fie did it in g attee-dinner 9peech, said. it&vo her own borders,
(!u.,Illg m�vf-rnl moilli 'in Act VIH.-A the most brutal manner. In accord- nod MlOn Hosmer married fice wa,4 of great benefit to - tile . wan llow6f- n nd so -and -so� ligiGu,; truth and- thp 'estlihation 'Or.
both ,if( es were' killed. anco with tile fashlou of tile time. Dabc agall lid- lie took ad- 1911 mak few I more reinarks,,' Solomon's friendship with -111ram its real -io4trs -,Of� livin
114- r. Babcock over q. Act.- IX.---�l r. church. He . Wa se o v liteag Itz officelit the
8 not' -a Per cut r,- a re of to Ono -of. wearsealed In the usual Way, usqd by
,ock, owing to circuinstance ant I lie hald too much good sense to The buildera - man
Tito London Tjmf,�-4 n I Stuart wore.od thiA particulr again finding tile most,--nudacious 411d, frankly declared lie was must be reconstructed, It
hims.W Ili It paiition- to involve 'tile church "more fitted for the sm-dfold than the Israel. Whether Hram was a convert In t a0mit itself to the new et116d'
appointment oi tit(- no-tv .1irrit- morning a 'large ruff (if bolia lace. in .- qarrels over ,A0heMeS in the annals of the nte-, to the Jewish fedth or hot, lie cer-
t Itself beoomili
in irry, brought 'd6w,q tile vurt�ii in. -questions of ritual. The cable tells bellum meyt';q very groo"ly -worked In har-
I)L-4hop.of Canterliury:� Ili 1),Iint. of Bull tried to cut. this tiway, and. m." - Sometimes tile. chairm.alt of thought. - it, mus
Patmson laqt night by marrying M-,scq us that Ills probable aliccesisor 1g. err" A
intellectual *power- and Hoar- 'ot- lutving� a.DY seIsi)rs, tried to use i In welcoming the speaker.
tile ReN;.
Peterborodgh G
"I'aylor.-Now York Herald. Bishop of e STRUCK A BAR AIN* anany with- all of Solomon.19 plans, and Scientific- It must '10bst Its doe.
ctpr, no prelate of tile, knife- Tito knife d1olln't- work fast Ut eping CaXefaJJ was heard --to, welcome -:L trIneo of Providence to -the univer-
enough, or lie wa.4 very nervous, for I according to Jewish practices." The smily accepted doctrine of I&WI T�heee
bench. tit . clall"A -80�akl6r
can pres Mandell 7C;reigliton, D. 1). *, The, apw- Y out of Ilia master!s , "who is always �-�%Itl way so easily opened up between these
40 One
ac ws;and we-wiGh It -
of Dr. fit-litf-1111it 11.0 --tore it away with his hands, tear-! WHAT THE ADVANCE MEANS, Pointment Would -be an excellent one. way, M k frobiqu&rted t -he faeolliciiiiiible e.would come often- two, hings must be maide to bar.
-two mein was owing to the piety of
ing at the saine, time thes. bodice or- I llop Crel saloon and gani-Ing-houses of tile -er." Kind was the anpouncement that David w -ho had prepared the way W. mOnize. It must fearlessly
a 91 -
the OOX00.003 Mor -torian .111 -be two 'more opportuh- st acred doctrines to the scrou
nil advier of the inte primte. he iton Is a. ripe scholar, a "there w - ffer its
clainr t share of tile gown worn lyy tile- Goina�nZIOAs '%Vorth r,',! e man of IiL Ciy where lie easily" the 1,6�,;and made His paths straight. Mo unfortunate arge VIewA and a his plassed as a Vir
ikon undoitlited- (IlleCa Dearly. W tlie waist, which he to-theWestern U SAVarniers. of - great Of gi I Ittes -to hear the lecturer once m1OV% Of a reverent' In
W nil vesWatiom cow
hieh research and son U4 planter and contrived to fot,m There was no reflect6on upon David.
a-chievetl. At EX41t(-r Anti 1.4kndon, also very roughly remove(l. Aftek -Trailers w judgment. "His church * history as considerable acquaintance. e it was when'the mieeting was end(41 ficlous that'trath is� In
ho a molnth, ago were look- fast 50.0f- the day. Will w that the chairman asked the auldletwo and his memory was revered...
d far as It has extended Is & mOst(valua- VL He slept. In' Peace with his fathem,
pr; Temple. h0d t1w Bull id get tile head -off lie picked alking on - 0- ,cioSe b ..110-doetrInetbat:19- true can the street one e*entfi-g with one pf
it up; making the statement that -it ing for 13lury 01ra to Al at 4,0c. ar t JuF4,one verse of RieV. A. White, 1,7i1cagq.
With L firnt hand among the vari� e hie con'tributionAoi historical 11-tera- the doxology.
of coliinion in tile I linreli." was tho " head of a traitor." But naw Predicting 10e. ThJA� change has ture. We should hail -his appointm- - these acqua.Intances- Ifis- m-aster.passed Not the' First Love.
; � -- - ent by on tile OPPOelte side. - .1
mecution. been b to the Arelibishopric,or Canterbury as BRIGH!1' BrI113 . MEDITED.
Mary,. At tile time of her ie
r6ught abg 41ortage,
wore a wig and tho ]lead fell out, !it tile supplies of a IIAPPY omen for tile Church of E "Sed that -' boy over th6re wtid WHAT'A BILLION -XISANS. Two Young fellows, partners -in the -hen a T=n tnako -a tW
'and of land.-Plillade ng- ack, careicwly Indicating' Hubbard. W
Hayashi Tadsoli. the iitruck the edge Of tile scaffOld and barley 'and pot 0 1phW Record. tea trade. *ere the - - best of 'frien -a �WO arly Ten Thousaud, and the r Intimacy extended -to Per- nothing an 0 iL
b6anded"down amon United del finds golate. 'Tj Istor to China. Ila ? - - , "I brought him d,6wh herb with me," ort' f
,4 been transferred by tile soldicirs, uld Tidie Ne c tib �or writer, t
-independent it. as WWI as to business- matters. a W eV'
Popular People
serumf -Whom picked it up and tossed it advanced about. 4c. frog e bottom, One of them.. a simple-minded fellow, view Aerti
lormany price has Yeato to'()OUnt
his Gou mt t-) t. lleter8burg. of one Kingdom aiid G -but he's xot -nG devilish IiDnal
that I'v got -
ny 'u no -.%yrp, back. After thti execut�ion. ail that a altl Tile following remarkable val, 1111. -
Tho- Rpanish cob, in 1. P .4 . an tough c. lo-- r. Ord Roseberys income is to sell hit Thiiikq lie's . IF I t , 1,
-was- mortal Of the late Queen of than over 40 900d 113 7 WhIte -mail, and talks was a bachelor. and was in the habit Tjie
has r, 4eAl with which tr, a year 00 a Year. tJqA on the length. of timo &e.
Spain a n6tv ruilcer. Scotland Was carried too an adjoining a bftk t whicii it of -reading to- his partner extracts P and Iscoll �te�. 4
4a -me. He got to go. sent. to Y is only I af f se- which Is
K!, .- - belo last would take - h, person -to -count I,OW,- from letter's cif -an ardent -and.-
room, hastily embalmed laid upon a In the West, Potter. has eaned 45,000 by smart boy, too. if you know anygone. 000000 recently appeared in an is- -resolt, of file drftuth in the however, p, 8 1# le table covered with an �ld piece hOrt. season In Australia. - Alie who. wants a good,boy,to look tifteor -an t1ohate nature from a lady, In "the 29 smi `80 .111 ie,:tlia 1
northern- part of Australia the hak- of 4c. better than3ast yea .-Th is Of an'English'perlodical: Wht vest 1.4 -EL t(AMI rititure. umbers of billiard cloth. and was allowed tore- ers-11i Iowa were iollin Iffned a oontract to Play -two accounts or run a tlace, hes a bar. Is- i a billion? Tho' north of England, who signed' fiermit but' �geft. �M
e reply is very al
gre ftloft tthe in New &alojid and a sixteen gaoln. I'll sell 'him c1l6a. -11' 9FA in- $note?'
in that condition for nearly 391W ca, P16 -In England A- Ifillion is -'a million The Iftarr farmers are destitute. main 90 were glatl tj6 get it, no went to China 196CI41 pertUtbaltio ev,
told of hft wit3lo, e -110 R,
days, and it was not until 'the -fol- tit engagement at- prosperous ut- "Y fug' times a r securing. 18 to .19' This is quickly wrilt-
';4 tile lowing August that ber rovat con"* terms fill Johannesburg, South Afriem "What W111- YOU tak6- - -him -twelve months. and eturned I unmorl.,T
olle�4patch from. Proatorl b,40111i Sin being due -to tile r6duction-in- for ten and quicker atilt Profiounced. But time.
ra fee rates were put do Miss Lillian UUSWIIa first love Why; be Ought to bTbg -MO fif? no man Is able to cojint -it. - yo -to ttend the We -of- When th' 1.3 didin An ar 9tocrAt a
jiior that the Trar*ivad Make Law fit to have her-ilecently buried; rates. �g I
u *ill
t4mn partner.
n Immealate demand for lindemnitY hat when the InU!rmoent did tako� tivo months ago -it was clal dead. -many years ago - Walter L.. Stan thundred qulck,� but I'll tm-ke. a' cou t 160 or 170 a minute. But let a fit "I hardly feel like a
for the Jameson raid. it was with gieatpomp. - that son of Colonel Sinn t can be airr 90d Us suppose that you go up ag� igh. ILK: said. atramor,�' be consist
CeremOn erK -not ban it the farmer, but Mayor, I yn- quboay.s! eg, addiass14 -Lacau y In the Cathedral of Pet And they wauld he Bro6kl III In his swebtp�t,,Aofi
rp,�Pntly PreA- now. 110 is getting all there is Jfi- it. *Came odeap;rately. enamored aL Minute, hour after hour.� - 'At- -.Von* 6 slender -slip th6ag] -Cnsumes
dent. or tile French $enatp. and lso' borm- As -a matfbi�, of fact, it Is now An a4vance of..4c. per bushel means of L1111an, then but Mack was *011.awaav -that life New
hat.. rate you d,.,- 6 i,,,
acquaintance - want4d . Would count
Ambss4ftor in London and inister, u- more to the agement was an- Orloax Just d �Wffh Op
practically cortain Chat the exec a g1rl. Their eng �1 ought to !be - welt:v, udiiie t
-r, L 'if of Scotland was one of double that appreciation in nounced. but Boon afterwareb, it waos- a 'boy," and in les artne, aAJV 8 than t1WDntY- lu;ayettr. Let i9' -.,s
Foreign Affairs, is dead. western farnier than Alour; 2,8%000 a dayj or '105,12%0.00 - bas
tion. Of Mary
_ r y P
apposw now that
tbe Irillost brtitaJ 6f tile cen'tu broken off --no one ever knew ms
r On a 2,000,000,000 bushel cro fOur hburs they, has] cOme 'to ter
wheat. done T Thd missl6nary ship'Day SUring' P it is Adfim, at the beginning, of -111i texist-
'a -,a
why' alld Hubbwd was -sold by hie tracts -of life odftr -Ouale
has been wrecked on rock north of Queen Victoria:s -Descendants. to $80,000i000, and of 8c. on Vorbes Robertaiin, who. lias� "Eiben Own once, had began to coint, tilad
0 The Papers were regularly made t- --Thb faces of-- t
1�)eak�t jV,
t IW -
670.0 0,000 bushels- of oats $20,010,. Pointed Out aa the Possible. successor qut =d--tiaiiAferr4A-- ifie Mued 'WAO so and 4ptlotf
Y e- 'b
M9119h pr -been
and seven men escaped In- th 00--i 'hid NOW Calddouli& Island. The captain and
it Tile (lueens dageendants, an s the Q00. -;-Ch cago, Inter' -ocean. of ft Henrk Irvft on th money ere -stu -Cu
a boi e ch a C4
shed 'on
Edinburgh It ,- bUY0 should iiii life prboett add iA
L, 4 over, Mallik onlY-Stipulatinj tLhfLt -posslble� Arew- herwif i inp I -d but the, J Ing nine persons who Westminster 'GAzette, either nosir oc- -stage, will Intirodum t i h
'thig Wesk-a-Ilew depap?lmre lb
U 0ur, bl" A
Goun Ing., A J�L a b
were on Fardnare supposed to have cupy. or will In due courM sit-upo A man dropped. dead In -front! of"a, Aft I# 'draju- 4ul 9 "Ibedanee -be-diodhP wan any -PR 0 seven throinest namely thoso of th bank in Troy, X. Y., thet. latle- art' -the shape ot , etly t
perished e da t '!on, req -:tile
m A crowd quickly gathered, anip the YGUO fuss."
;44 en was, ridd
iis Empire, the Russian musical play eniVed "InTe. pl' ar u� e, -th 7
-like andL Ptai*, The ua the. German Empire.. the ,,'Emplrep rumor. was set., afloat- that It was witten by Itle -brothier, lan agu eXic v -d
h, 04:
gdom, of HO either �ou t
called at Trebizonde, In Asia Minor caused by sm aud Letmonc D d � I Greec&tho Duchy of Saxe -Coburg aw ZIUA On thet bank. -Thnid rp ailei a *e. reatfug cot m
and stayed there for a (lay, c known 0
Gotha', -the Graxid Duchy of - Sa depositors . rushed to' withdraw their - '-7,- -pleeb is 10.
a panic amoug t�ho, Tarklah Inflabi- V1
cash, and soon the.bafik wa . rtUany ono�jjt,
Meffilagen-an amount - of territfir?; a forced to w
tanta of the town. who sought refuge. rulled, by her descon nt'-whiell mus1W ad Auaf an lIi('!Idsl1t shows th" I
it11 -the, houses of the real-- comprbe tit least halt -of the #hole that. both the. United -.States augoeltififf
dontsi, and eilveially of the -Armenians. are,,.
globe. Her M,-ajMtX Is, or euF&N CYOU& AW oulblic
Advfcesr hrom Formosa state, that- aj�sol a rejaitive.or tftl!�"
ime Jap 11-7149 that,- iqland over, the
anose a". pac Klu 'Y
the natt
0 JM;0
o, 'be
i the
b the 4�
I for
DCI& -