Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-30, Page 2wpm—, V9VA A- .25 _V- -4 - 6 co + .... two+ BROW$ I 4, 7 FOR' LIPME - PEOPLE:'. 0 fIR ++ RPV ++ WLAK ERVEL Sk Itow -MANETTE AND ++ ++ WE=E'S MOTHER?. 46001, If ++ Bursting In from school or play, Indian Potentates 1WWjijdcItyo 1ind not make any only . 'r He declares that- he As A Heroine of the [Zeign of Terror. Tlds is what the children sarY; -VAyeo native, potentatei of elthe . Taken on Tiiine'DWAW�V� Troopings; crowding, big and sing1l, British India are entitled to a.salute vAng,toibkovel hisAWnis after he'lian + ANI'D SUF ER -1 G G I R-.L.Sj On the thresholdt In- the aof twenty-one guns, namely,,- the elided W�,V.Ult to the J-6liet penitert- Pft Save a Life Obbe More. tie". Joining in the constant crYt maharajah 61 Bf&oda (Gaikwar), the 'rer Hyderabad, and the mahar- A THRILLING xARRATriR OFTHE FRENCIT REVOLuTION. E; I a the days go by, nizam of 44 Whe . motfier?" of couOties for- wleh trustworthy res ajah of Mysore BY PAIUL 1d1FJ&RET,, -etatistics are returned Irel9nd takeo THE ABS01AUITE TUT R 6t Soleis From the weary bed f pain Abestos in Bo for numerous laml- T M TbIs same question -comes again;: use . asbest the bliglic. t pl*w average family. + fit From -the boy wltlk. sparkling eyes,. It is- proposed- to 00 in -ties, the 'size of the I.- - ...... Y--- the I so ' les of boots. Asbestos wool, bein%.5 Next, in .,order come Rus- -gliisses, whi'li had once it? Varbleu! ti f tic slat -Spain, - 4.65; Italy, 4.56* 1 can sa;1af; '1�lc Rearing home his earliest prize The Ver I Yt UTOT URT DANGE-111- pressed by hydtaulic force into,thin From thebronz6d and bearded,800, It Was Diabetes 4nd Thoughtlucurable reflected thi! br.' 'w: er having- recourse- tizen sheets, waterl)roofed Scotland, 1 4.46 ; Holland, A 22 ; -Swa- -ght light Of x can- to could b� of no 'Perils past and honora -won; on one side. le -But When the Proper Treatment dies �a this larg - ro- Ii;1.tI Fouquier-Tinville, NVI Where's other?" to be inserted "-the middle solle. den, 4.12-; -Germany, 4.10; England, Viras Used the Patient Recovered. P sle s lie . . . . . line Asbestos is a non-oonductr Of beat, 4.08; Let eping dogs lie. Anstria, 'and- Belgium, &05; Pc�hxcil;-'dnd no tioubt wt -re put aside 1rom me . Lye enougli to thc chief I After that your cit:)yenne- Mothers Are Too Delicate About Advising Their Buriened with'a lonely task, and,.In conjunction with a water- Switzerland, 3.94; _ Hungary, 3.70; tf, jailer. One day we may.vaiuly ask, proofed materials will have the effect Denmark; 8.61, and France,' 3.03. - In some lumber-rooni ghe wishes it or llanette� whether For the -comfort f her face, of counteracting . the Influence of Barr1e, Oct. 26.­(�SpecW)-Your cor- - -Sp�artau Vme-- On the other side of go and s(c her Daughters—Plain- &nsible Talks With, Them 0 The report is current that tbesyn- respondent had no difficulty In loeat- not" will have to For the rest of her, embAtce, beat, cold and moisture. 'the. room. hung t, wL:o bl t k pletura� 1111,band I- Ing Mr. Frederick Stokes, of this Let us: love her while we may, Now York and Philadelphia do you frames ot,due It or not wi')'a't often Save Y(§ara of Suffering.- something Now. dicate& o town, an he is well known, and. en - Well for us that: we can say,. caitalls.ts, which -has been formed to joys the confidence �of all who know Wher4Ws mother T' Chlcago-Tlm�es Aerald says that That on, the right ol thu fireplace mean more than you The ,Ah I kno Ionian lately found his Construct an electrici�trolley railway him- The particular of his recovery Contained the Declaration of RiOlts 'tlo. P�rliaps after that intervieW she Mother . with' untiring hands a Westerngent between still excite enthusiasm as marvel - new cook In the'drawing-room gaming _ these twebities. has given At, the p at of 'duty standso rium. out work that that on the ieft the bew coustItution ivay ninke ulw her mind to ba reason,- 475,000. A lous cures ever 0 with much interest at the aqua will 00A $ ywhere do. When oatit is not a pleasant thin-- to b6 OPPY, Patient, seeking not her own,. -house ist $i00,000, accord- tound at his business he said: on a flow They. an. gave Bpi lit, E' es Rosy Ch*h and be H. to cc Well; I will give 9 y 9 "Well, Biddy," -said the'gentleman, power nine articles. all on vellilm. -in Anxious for the good alone in -a kindly t6li46, it what do you think Ing to the relyort. is to be built -near "It was-iibout a year and a half Yoki, had better run after them, Of the children. as.they Cry,_ of them?" Boundbrook,-N. J. The length ofthe 'ago that -I began to suffer wi go by. 918ure. sor,ot amwered the cook, road, -with its- lame al-t1eles. cit. 7ood The last int one of dzen. Tell her: 'I br!Dz You 9- Tbia- world is full of suffering and si0tv a doctor and described my case, Ever -as the dajg number - of lameness of the acX I goon eg ea!d: `Llbert anti persou.o Safety fire! news'; no) doubt she will be very.much, and het said the trouble Was awteinia, Where's mother branches.- will, it, Is computed, be ofer to run down -rapidly in flesh, becom- cr aran urthappine-ca. In every walk in life - bottle of'meWeine. I upon my soul if they ain't rate1ove ing in a short time also very weak. u teed to all The: -obliged to you, 0" Cilly is a fool-" i0it me a perhaps you t.000 miles. t, down fit a the medicinek did not agree' WHAT JACK FROST -DID. ly I' Art'. begorm lie a way be . geen young girls :pale i3al- found that wouldn't belave It, but this to the,firat In misery, and unable to work, �one value of. wh7lb ' arlltee had been table. bY One -(;� tile tall windows. and - - I I - 911 the lines to the chief jailer iONN - and nerve the with -me and dlmcou�ilnuemd­ iC was One October dity.. about dusk, : iiaw, red herrings Some.pt-ople have a confused idea of of the best- Aoctorii in town, when vfctl�ms a -worse and wag !iorae time %bat I iver V - tedtod, by Clanti�, Ce I wrote few contstantIv growing , of the flo-weirs in the garden were hav- alive before!" things In India, and regard the coun- consulted, told me that my tr6uble' sen ad at Pel- at St. bazare. troubles peculift to their sex from !rubf-'Ct to W6&k . @polls and W49 inff a dispute. was.'diabetes. Meanwhile I had lost 'than try as a vast wiiderness of ignorance. ona e. Ther6. is no- color as . 'Orty- 1 0 silencei and one Sunda afteil Tb1B is oil I wrong. Calcutta is a g edlei Hintg on Eating. reat was 'The c-.tizen master l,t t!io Itouge Cit;zpu Aiu!rey tooX T,;) His bed ater which they �uffer in living skeleton. mine," said -a bright I t 1=1 been to chur0o a friend who re- yellow- flower. educatiooal centme, one of the great, It- seemed a4 If - all with the mistaken notion that there It is the 'color of g:old, and of the Rapia eating is- slow - Suicide- est in -th,6 world. It has- twenty col- rtil t made his apearai . ice a door! this interview. ild wi c.xpended it -elf in turne-3- with me htrongLy urged me plenty of time should be taken. his trength li, bright, warm sun.'Fl -3,00 d n d f tY I sev al cu at tie fukther en of tl;k. room. utburst of in.lignation against is no help for them. TheiD fivemare to try Dr. WIMaim, Pink pills. - I _ Dinner should be of a lighter - nat-� legc% with a Btu e ts, an Or hi,; 0 Oh, -yellow is -too Common;'1- said a schools, with .2,000- students. In mine by using Dodd'a Kidney pills. -igh Vvesir:ng the same as Ills I (Illy. 31anette. two days later, went made mlserable by headaches, dizzl­ decided to give them. a trial, and my gay red flower.- 11 Why, all summer ure In summer than, In winter. h Ill.-; chamber, walking on father purcliax*,1.a supply. The first long, t he dandelions, buttercups and Idere gratifientioa of the appetite the city there are altogether about This ZbLve me hope, tho-ugh*1 felt citizen valet. Hio fact,. even &arly into sleep. apss, palpittion of t tie heart, short- change 'I nottm was that the- div. -is vei-y. likely to shorten life. . 55,000 Englioh­op�-iddng ad non- ashamed'to let the docto W that i.n­ tiptoe, for she thought he -was many other yellow flowers have been dine when in a Christin natives, more- than usual. W's t1lat tw then my'appe- It is not good to I half ch' But tile ola man called t 1 zineass as'leavink me in boom, aild you can see. goldenrod angeO my medicine, however "I-Vlt hooked To I on the aiigh"t . ex- Xled on eaciz swe t) -day, Manetti of breatl tit gan physical weakness. . . . . . . . . . . . Will you go to e improved, and my color Ix, everywhere now. - And see all th6ee tate of mental or I was encouraed by the help -1 got e -were more it;',! full of was- vdry pale; bit -her ion; an indispusition for elther to return, iintl soon I was erijoying oes contain as A ronia.ntic double wedding took from the first box and so kept on. Manette 'ert Yellow sunflowers In the backyaroll- Two pounds of Potat -the story; all Ihave ais good health as I -had ever- done. much nutriment as thirteen pounds place at Paris, Tex., recently. B. L. "To shorten tji�.In ever. tie iiiiide no bo work or p146asure. atiol frequently �People must be t1red of -yellow -flow- visitors Voice wits - S & It is now 4bout a Year since- A turnips- to say is that four boxes have corA, -1 as he came I am exp&cCrig Citizen 6 e red Tabb and Miss Emma. Evans, Prank In r ers. Surely a bright, rich red is much . ( _I stood up. anti rem�tlnea 8 ndn­ th bu continued the use of filepills, anti I soups r ;and T�bto were the- pletely restored my strenglill and�,� she said. " who-wi.1 go wi reeling that -Rfe L t a dreary bur prettler.11 Light fer-- Evans and NUss Bettie light; meats should have the. pre - have recovered mv hhvo not felt one symptom of the Red Is too gay,." called -out some contracting parties. Evans 'and Tabb r lost weight with ette between the two 11,01, witty Brave friend! He got us 1 per- I ' % ispere-I ITo eince I warm weather. '01nething added. In short I feel aecomIxtnied Jarr. vh mit froin'that wicked ci-deva t!" ten scarcely worth preservug- old trouble. -I believe that Pink asters. "Purple and pink are 'the are -both widowers about j.40 years "I's he gi,iii . to pretend Pilk-saved ine. from tile grave aild -I finest colors to be seen: and no one t !n her ear. 9 11anette was silent. So a her Fish and oysters are easily digest- better than for years and perfectly� all k;ucli we ay take hbpe; there.6, a mtrongly urge other-'giAs who niaY ed- An- hour or two� of rest I-shuld he of age, and each has a daughter 15 cured� he does� not know uncle for it.moment, tben-hl said: ever tires of white. No one Will lOok imllai -to mine taken after the meal. years of age.' Tabb was married- to At But 01�y oon I know you ,4irink. d�ar. fr9m go- cure for 'it' a "'It',ition s dinner Eva . its' daughter and Evans to Tabb's your- trouble- and Ita is with- at you when we.can- be seen." And they The euec6wes of D6ddIs Kidney tiou. Jilg to 6e& Claude in prison.. to try them." stood --very straight, with heads held Abuse oi- the stomach at Pills have been won in just such Cori - daughter. The young ladies hall to tests in your power to be bright-eyed. ros will be repaid sooner or later by that as the above described --m. he sai, ad- Oil !" she cried, "I know �L have high. obtain the consent of their paxents, 'a of Upper.8outh- Some bright -faced -pansies blooWng- Punishment which- comes dressing 31anetW have Came been selfish and cowrdl* It t at elleekell and happy. Dr. ISIL4 Alma. Millar, -to the glutr. but tbtro was no trouble on that hopeless cases. _Jh.tl� " I 'treaty here t tte, ititerview will decide so%i� for anipton, N. B.. says: am near said nothing. They did not wiO711 ton' score, aws each of the fathers cheerf -Ily When -the sufferer lots go -c,o well At tlie same Pink Pifis for Pale- People will restore know when, my illneLve beg&n,.,ta my Vegetables. "d -fruits are to -,be u big . hold on other remedies and re - time you are welcome." me. to quarrel, and tkay did not care what ason gave t. By these mark Evans , b- ,r was the r color was, so long as they were uilabI6 to moit _jpges,� come to YOU with 111Y 1111- `MY lvve, YOU were fitted, y na, laritles niotliL work ant usedmost generously at that oe alizes the fact that this great kid - your lo,;t color, corrA�ct irregu I of the dutiem of & large houwhold -and sweet. oi the,year in which they natitrally' and ThIlb become, each other's son- Y happy. !Ov ng life. n treatment has never et failed, cle Citizen ture to It -ad a quiet, bright in-law. i and bring back health. and liaxpPinew. tievolved upon me, so tht I felt Lthat Was then he demonstrates its value 'by Aba!" said Jack Frost, who Ali. indeed ­ 6ai-1 ho: "I see Y911 and ou have been forced -ead to I 1111 -tit keep up, but -I kept. gtAting re" jusC'Viv-same. n aristocrt at live in evil timet-- You- a brave In proof of tills assertion re4d the �Ilear, waiting for night to Come, that it to I'lot, o6en thlat instances of a using it and getting weli. heart. The proper mode of woman, but you ca wort4o and worse. My appetite fall- he might visit the garden -without Curious Will. In hundred& of Cases of Dropsy, addrese. the tee anti thou would b trial after trial. N;ettie, you lialre following testiniony 1rom tflo�e who od, mY complexion , became oallow, strong 'hereditaxy tendency to suicide I i oubled being seeh. " I'll fix. those. lowers that Oxi,- of the funniest. wills t"t. ever Brights disease, Diabetes and Paraly- ter. Isuppose. beautiful liP'--"' grown afraid, at last�" -d rene-wPd -uL:t my eyes sunken. I was tr quarrel so." axe recorded, but such a one has been- aim, when friends had given the But - have and foull with dizzIileks,* shotneiH -of lire tit . - was magle, ab,far quaint -and,cadsm w` And won lie atole softly into the e by reportpl-by-Profeii3or Brouardel in dne y_ t;rvgoire to come Yes," site said in a to oice, " I tic hun-jok iii tonce.-nediwas mad -t be, tit palpitation of the Ilea ferer up to die, Dodd'a Ki PIlW with us, - ilecause my uncle is llif irm am. terribly afraid, uncle." health- through .4 niarvell, rt, unt garden and touched witil-- his cold a jovial Scotch min- Par -is I.ately., A farmer named Etampes_ have promptly saved - thb pa-,tieut. -,V happ ould edmwt suffocate. I -walg also 4 3ft. Dunlop', With such Power to cure ir� extrdme and feeble.- But rememberL ho happ Claude finger the howers he had heard talk-- who (��me to this country and hainged ! hianself without apparent baLe turn(d a deaf will be to see 'you. Poor Cla de f for, eine: troublexi with a errible pain in the -ing. and- they all turned black at his cause, 1 -iia can it be doubted that - the -I could noi became t� Senator. ' Thiij is how he ving a.famlly of seven sons CssI c bl not. go up stairs with-. ip ear to such a apPlica ')n," aid the d nionient lie will forget his t oubles. on 'Y touch, d for the amd four daughtiers. -Ten of, the- eleven m1kall b!eginninga of these -diseases wiw 01, out. resting, wut was so afflicted left instructions In his wil -promptly to Lthe virtues -er 'tutighton is a well -But he ditl not touch the pmAe�- his property in old gentlentap. -Maxililillan Gregoire Will you read me his last letter oy Mr. wiLliall, dupostil pf Scot- subsequeatly followed the father!s Yield heatlache that my life became almost on had ex boddla Kidney Pills? could never ftil to render Yer---ice to again'�" eemed faiiner liv- unbon-riabip. At- Irwt I was foreezi -You dear little tldngs,�l he said, "Y lan(l: -I leave aIl my Scotch 'pro- ainPle, but not until they married Manette took it from her pocket. kut)%vu 4114-1 much eJst sliall stay hare and have: -the gar46n� t(-.- my stters, 31ag e an 3en- and begrutten children, all of w . 110'al. bf,-iuty anti to Iten-- to 'give- up and m bed� gI Uncle Hrry�And did naughty Dada "Itliklitt, enough," the'ci-devant. " 1 -Jere it is," site sal'I. ­lt is dated Ing in the -vicinity of Bar�Yvale- My to,yourselves for a, whlle.l� ' mar- Itke*1W) hanged themelves. The puly frientL, feared f wal3 going. into con niel t ho' fornier bebause - she is whaeky- Aledje ? Medle- U4 tile theo and Vicp�l, as IMnette from --:t. Lazare." ow.�!' lie -said, an he went off to a - minister-maY , God ' hel 9 vivor is a son, who is now 68 years In- P whack poor als next- addressed "I recollect.. They have Ilie -6s one of the uniptlon, but rezommentled him 1�tbe latter- because Iss, uncle. Uncle 11�rry­Oh,' poor old hanged frew County, -011t. WIllell, Onc laugliftig, "I wonder if any:one can she is ma- Of age., -safely ja - . t$ lifts.passed it. reniody after another, a -whack him. "YOU Speitk t,e langUftge _oIL -1 -nol)od- aml notJikely to L -be. his prison." ny will) have reii�soii to lie -As tell which are- red anti which are the fal'91 (hainging age. girl, And where did he whacky u, I Finally r Yellow III rW to "They tilt] it On the,-eveni of the i ever, - (!Itl not help me. o - I - you? Medje-Er-er�ori the b -b -back galiant patriot. It I., a to V leave my fillver tankard to old I' liat Dr.' Williams' 'Pink Pills was induced to try Dr. Williams' th, t wicked ay t -In th� morning -a little. girl ran into n -left -to A ner. fulu;e of uieftAl ii9efullims lif my tummy, uncle. s ed. But bea:UtY day We went ' to: would havo -it Pink Piliffl, anti In Lew than three inamma." she driedi dbut lie would'have It meh- for the Roentgen rays has keep Chty. -He wisheit that, lie I?rt)tiglit Into his home, for they', "Jack Frost IZ been here, a cI down to in" mpewance med&ls.- -oseph. Listert in loot i -e tte. end virtue to t!'I'lo �,. t 11 M. were the garden. oil- wut chartrtmxc w..tii A likla Couid do wirlit, lie pleased w tl I weeks 1.se4i able to leave my be, nd the ne can (to nothing for -1 le fe Of 1116 daughter.. Mr. nd 'after wing the 1AIW. a few flowers, are all, black. No, not all, a te big horn Predlct�-d ti�, Sir J a, We impl-ored hint fur pi�y, anti thus -he- -aved tl It ISOUE NO 45 1896. Therefore. I leAve him MY 00 w!io enit do nothing in re- -weeks 16nger I am 6A well here are some -loveLy pansies, just as his Bri!t1sh Association adress. It answered us. Listen, ulicle. stoughton- In 189Z;,' Illy as ever I was. Ify a4)vetite, h#A re k b enuffbox;- he can only make-temPer' has boon amBeertain-ed that if - th b ig e ice spoons out of, that. To Pari4on e NOT& - However, wo will wn.-Ae IQ I ani,now further Off I In 1,011 turn. t as yar. r Nvw- pick Lome for. at i&lu bo long exposed to the action of L: picture of health turnf-,l a-3 well, and my strengtll ant. grandma." x% ords. My it) tlu�, na-7 than ever, my sweet wife. Ilt (10 daughter, thell Clievassie 1. eave my.silver nsuff­ the X- raya it' Will bee In replying V) tiny of these ad -t 7 tion, Uitoyeif- Cezoro4i. what (10 -what,they %vith me tile Cannot general bealtli is- in every "y re- _Oulle irritated lease mention this or stored. I feet that in bringifig- this -box.. in token You Want Of p2al", separate our hearts. -.,dy - sudden aud ,:trength, went to ArdOck, �N tlf MAMMA DID'-LBADIY. of gratitude. to him -and, afrected with - a sort of aggr Tertiftements, p for having taken my sioter Annie, a' yated �unburn. This pli6nomenon. has paper. for year lie Ubject'before the public I am. qnly "What yt u Ought to procure change of prison was, hoiever, a Da-kofa. -In April of thtAt . iuld have ioirlg4justice to suffering, humanity, A lady was singind last -week, at a whom no man taste W( susgge�rued'to gir Joseh that� the -ri,-f to 'me. It, sepal ted -me -it au price, ev, li It 'bro i and hope that all afflicted as I was do JIN ALL SINCERITY me wizhout z -king fresh ere Cold, wl C ug charity Concert, and the audieiliceiri- tion."- tranant;,solon of the rays throuigh the 111Y hus� without li;,ave-takin' f rut many 'human bod[Y� might produce band's liberty.'* friends. It tuol. plaee it . inid- or the gra' ive -Dr. WilliniusI Pink Piltq- a -stated -on hearing her song a second, her to tht! verge 'e. Tile will g time. Her daughter, a little child, Meaning of Flowers and'Plants. upon an ,peat that forTurlty, Flavor Cilly looked at ii, -r In a v��ry that night, but day xv&s breaking- -.Y.Iten fair trial." Intem.0 ogan according to the We again re and General Excellence we reacliL -IOWed by headache. was,present and on being asked at- Mint is Fymbolic of -virtue. tc blood Loil in her But i St.- Lazare. A froop of cold wa.,4 1`0,- dition of. the part Concerned, salutary I very 'thi-3 time -she did -not even lthi�;b. Cilly- sectionaires, fullowe-i by a I palpitation Of eLi ac rowd of -the �Tliere are few pcoplei p - terward how her mother- had sung, The bell flower is 'symbolic of grati- -stintulation-as well as injurious irri -who bad. nothing ziue.As . au tally among -the griculturists - of replied: tude tatilon. He also beliWes that the felt sure. ln� ber. creatures Of tile V4 nd Y cry badly, for they made tier do I)IQssolh.' indicates sub- 'new r�,,Tp WW aid wond rfully in but lie Was to fin'l her in- woman left in titem but the name, heart, nd ;he becaule sO Pate Kent Count B. wh' o not The -pench e, -i I - .1 know 'Mr. H. H. WZ'man, the popu- t all over again." mission. diggnosia of the heart and -different to fa 'd lie crid IfiS illSlrlt:n­ z -tart% t-nt with us it. r a ated that ber doctor theresal eillaci, lar gent for agricultural machinery-, The harse chestnut is indicative of -1 unga. LADA Are yon -quita ",rtJn that - te convent tif St. Vincent de I 11 - PROFOUD SHOCK. luxury. liberty of Citizen Cezarvit is WMt 7Paui. wretch "s into eou.#;ulfption, and of Molus River. A Richlbcto (N.B.) ell bei over-- �llc was going A Review represp)itative - was in con- It was tl - ie fi- at t . ime the little irl -deo- Dax'winff suggegtion 'that the boing The American cowslip indicates CEYLON TF you want of tue," lie �aid, "and nuth- whelilied it. th invectives Bat I ir 9 Their own mi -ser Is their her return had cotmtfy had ever s6en any of a coria reef would be the -wise Never had a rlvaL Lead vackets 4)n!Y irig -else pity t1win. vereation wfth Air. Warman front. the Totion. ay e6i�. But Avit!tot,t hev (10 not know" t*hat 'c uckle �ymbollzes bond' NeverinbuM All,grocers. been untler the doctor's Atrb.forsonie ecently, wheil tile subjeet of, -Dr. bod, in bloomers,, -The honeys to settio the question` -'of its mode of cnptiv�tv is 'a worse evil tlLian. pov- Willianio' Pink'Pills was incidentally' She,put her fingers before- her of' love. format -ion is at last to be acted'upon. gold at 25, 40, 50 and So ce6to per 1b. "Is there no 'otner pk r,on duar to erty. thing's have ehanged, "'OtAlts berore this advice Was giv9I touched upon. Mr'., Warman-- said lie eyes and said, in a' horfor-s, trickei The candytuft is auemblem'-of in. Th(- cruel fate that we. ll' -h. believer inL their cura- difference. Profesior Sollas is in charge of an.e you no 1.i in d in F-c%bruary., site returned was a stautic voice 6tle -W The of peWtioit which started last 31ay from �ktng cyi-.-i NveiFe -up)n ft')un,leJJ-for pur- m, afraid God 'It think -t I know Sydney, fully equipped for boring -one THERE IS -NOTHMG LIKE lli,4 tive properties, and to justify hils. white dalsy -is emblelMD -the cure of his 'slw fier -face. Tlu�y :�aid cl��Ariy enotigii: poses ()f -eliarit� t lin ome 11011w. st-le wa,-; go -weak s to- opinion lie related that womall!" innocence. tho Old feet, if necessary, for the FOR NQNLPS1A "'l-vok ifito your own lie-irf. Tiii-re rt-spects ii -v itew i;r'l2i` i, better almost helple�Sf-' :11111 LWe that -ter. Mt.% Jessie Warman, aged 15), -The box Is regarded as symbolic us Wand cd Funafuti, one of the Fiji HEADA HE, DE ESSI SPIRITS,EtC. "Wis somebo4y e6e. But 'hu fia�. veaped thali t!lf-.- We l.lVG tililre !ight hing to be- (lone as to send who lie said ba -d been " almot4t wrest A BOY'S VACATION.- of constanCY.L group, This island is said to be a FREE SAMPLES K. D.C. AND PILLS. Write-forthem e calla lily Is emblematic- of feml- tyl)- K D -C. CO. Ltd., soston. U.S.. and NeW GlasRoW.Van. nie. and ou know It— and nlurp S*)ace here. The- cell ed from the grave by Dr. Williams' -Little Tommy Doodla and his inotber Th It is about fifteen miles in Mauettj shivereli sh*ghtl�% 7!1( 1 tier to the Kingsti)a where nine beality. teal toll. Ird L f oor. Pink Pills." Misi Warman hadhepti spent a weok ference. Darwin believed tha;t Your htwbLrktl,'* c(littionlied. It na'rraw -wihtl %v, 'through sit() could have better treatment thin uffering for nearly a year' with. The Primrose- is in England- an ern- ccum At Granpa Doodle's farm, where Coral rsts upo subsWed rock, while "intriguetl f-Orl Iaffet against Han- I can Olit I)n thf� tops of -was possible itt our country -home. trouble.-; incident to girlhood. She blein of Inconstancy; 1 Torurpy tumbled into the creek ot4ierr, hold that an accumulation of riot." thi- treos the taznriot. uffered fro severe dnd almost cont The arboi vitae is. indicative of -un- 'tic rem0neot for� two months in the seollineilt forms the basis of every And got his lungs so full of wet lie tr'gue,I?­ r. lens in liv Fau- stant headaches, dizziness, Jie.ft: rt cli.a.uging frieitdship well Y0 �7 i :he sarl- erhaps the couldnt et his breath atol. The little coral polyps are he did. But Because you gave hourf, ;l1d fift solni, Ilistant ilospital, gradually growing, weaker palpitation, and was.pale andblood- Gran'ma Doodle had- The China aster is set. down as -e . little- river. it e it y became so 'Till poor old -cative of remembrance. wortob greater study., They liv.like film to understAn;l t - lint lianriot waS throuffli irbich I instpaol. of strorgi-r, nd s it scented A (I ve tuall weak been frightened 'most to death; Ind, bees in great communities and their gtmtford, Onta3qo It 1pe c)f- r and emaciated that her parents not tr) bL- pTeferred. tnal yuu deceived I do m;lt know to, us that there was 10�- - subuinxine hiveG, so to speak, are of our former L students attdbute a ols berries- that. lie him, it-jr. yuu wished to rum hilil Mont Valere-n. bvy,,jid the 40pea of thought �she was in consumption,. He to some p` on At aniblw the most mysterious wonders th7,,o:�d-91inbu(dnem life to the thorough "if that is bound, in- ivirizon' CA)vory, we brought her huffie. nd had�all but given up hope what you tli;yik," re-- Iuit-1 . The win� - 5 of- her found along the lane; ward of neitaie. Nreiiiii, ation received in our echool. New sfii- sumeol the 6-0evant, " wliv tit) You dow ws- nfit fornr-rP.- I;a rre, I - this tititut) lie � was so, wealf s -to be recovery. Her rathir Ppared no ex- we offer onebandred dollaxs re ,tr It took a doctor half the night to c*n enter at a6y tin. Moderate rates. 00the away eading for any case of cataxrh that cannot -Board cheap. A splendid college. The I carceIy ble t(_) walk across room, Peft-e to procure . relief for the 8 the pain. So great Las been the roe cotue here anti nsl­ i:lil t-1-9 ve hint?" it- I li-th eirt'h and skv. ; - be -cured by liall'o C&taZT.h Cure- ent infllix commercial sohool in Canaft. Write-Yor our L -i-- - - Pufferer. Because you ouglht to the Tho har�a pit i:i poor The.4 avail- He tried to ride: a "kicky"' colt a W.. J. ELLIOTT, �orincipal. huria that you have and -was eonfine�l lmost'constAntlY to F. i. CHENEY & CO.,'Toledo, 0. of Ckjji�tjueh into.Hawaii that there eiroulava. pri� It is',easy to -1 ly able niedical advice w as em- -risky thing to -do- We, -t?he undersigned, have known F. Tlw- citoyeiune is cmifident that th�it the d,)ni' linqt4l, Iter -bed. She wg-Pale" andIterrib ployed, bA - no.' re"flef' came. Find 'Twais quite a little - while before they IS years, and is'dnDger, of the island beconiiing -art i4 Gre- be very Ptnclated conKta - 13ftren t Iiiiii-to � Cheney -for the last 1. all overpopulated. -With a view to con� IT 'PATig TO - bad -%n tier your b( wrenclo-ft kltA at pain -although the to wre- almmt in really brough uire. " Citixca Cezaron, possibty' mis- el'j'�ij.%-. Put what Would be lie 1113p, back anti linills. hwl literally no, ppe- despair, they till strove to find the, believe- him perfectly honorable in -emigration a lkw- haa ju9t titi­ adviee yon gave him, unI4,sig nty deArp to hp with *111 gve MORJ18 of restoring their loved one to He -stuckL a stick into a. ]live of beeg buslneo& tranmwtioniC and financially been � paosed. making it compuli3ory titp,.and war tu al I appearanC;es -grad- obligations. for you certainly favore,t tile seliec- nie wk)g-; ? .%It. in�- darling, t.pe worst health. Mr. Warrnfm, like evprylxwiy --oil, sorry day able to . carry, - out a4y for e -V cry -inhabitant to be registered, e by their firm. tion of Hartriot. %v *,,it) I-; a - distin- pnrt Of T)lV CA,'YtiViLV il lily 111PQ.lt1,4- lilly sinking. Vo- hall given 'TIP hope. else who reads the newqitapers, He Couldn't see a thing until t1lb maid aad to possess a. certificate of. the I at of W Tegl8trati byalcians rowl any marvellous cureg �f- swelh went- away. est & Tmax, wholesale druggists . gtdsbed -cittzen." r to sep ou onep niore."' for had not Of th4- M' on whi;ch lie can produce on fi!-d- lon�inq Ing n.,I'demand. To the ordinary eye Rni;l Oil- lek nin and 1, feeted by tbeuse of Dr. Willianis' Pink .110 teased the goat -to see if it were Toledo 0. Hush Vo interruptf-I ­ '11, V(. W t offich 1� n faitc4i to hvip her? Ily wife Pills but, like: some others, lookw Cross as lie had heard; alding,Ktiman & whble,- One (Idnainan, is as like the 'rest of- "Mhere is no use in SnYill­ - such you that lett Pr Dneg �kllow you h -ave obtai tell pv�r- I k,, good man -y nion-, ht.] read much -hh -while lo druggists, Toledo, 0. 'them as peas in a podli and ong cer.- The demand still continues for Hatiriot ha,; many rl,puhl�van vir- t4l use of- upon these storIeN m "mere patent They had to work with it a On h Cure, Is taken Inter- ught by tile However, Ik- fore he sp Hall's CataxT tifict.-- would not unlikely be made grastuates of the medicine advertisements." oke a word.. ly; acting directly upon the blood to serve -for a whole clan.'to check verything. els tues, went un Citizen o. for It miglit r?t o falsi- I�r. Williams' l'ink Pills, and perhaps -cherr. system. s c e liml,r;ailed lie (]�- tormined that Pink Pills -should I:e and Qua Ve7aron camict have fal.ed to "L Or- . , And then lie climbed a y tree muc surfaces of. the this (.Very perPon, has to make TAMA BUSI '0 holu�s4. One dares not say x% i-th c - fell an !in- thf-m. any ntor--� thaq lie ct,uH f it also., liko many more, were somewhat jwst like a boy -and -Testtmontais sent free. Price 75c. 'per thumb on the a a �esult nor ression of his ink -ee the light of heaven h-ni-. tO tniatv I wth do this or th.-It to -mor- given a trial, with , . I m -s broke his _ arm, a;d---sak all druggifitS. t le coun CHATHAM ONE, helse.had failed. 4owever, marvollous than that of inny othfT And e livel bottlej. Sold by certifleste, and o - th terfoll, --decided that perbaps pink oames related'thr6ugh the presg. ' Dr. I,-. you ought to heard him yell. wbitl't- %"a' kept in the office. u Students are everywhere sucee&sful. ao� eyes-- - Triv. It is uncertaintV in th(1.90 and we I To Suppress Carpet. Bugs, You are ra;stak(�n, interrupted -14 days. r�rpgoire porhap Williamis' Ptak Pil18 hve cornpletelv is mother. took him ack to town well-kiiown no two- thumbs- bear the John Pierce, just placed as steno - ill" were'worth trying. Word& can- to get a little rest, good" colupou same in the Montreal office of "d "anti found -Ci7ly, With an unpleasant laugh. faii.you. or you might1fall Ill, 1'�k­ clulvd the y6un A. trie, markings, and these are not grapher 1. 1 orf,- not expreas how thankful we-n9w are g ladyi so that in But- Tonlmy.saa of all 1iis. life that the Richelieu & Ontario Navigatlou Love has put a handage over his nlp. But It ig all right rioxv, few montlis,'from.a. helpleiisk and sup for de$troylug,carpet buga is made Of Alterofl by age, so that an Infallible eyes. There are other thingi, besides Ecoirs- I.; surp tr) lip 11 W e that we came. to this decision. We got posedly dy irl slici bas 14-�come week was far the best.- - one ounce of alum, -one ounce of test (-,in readlay be applied in every COTaPau.V. I W of -ff doubt.. Arch. McPhers Citt- -ought to - b Zartefl llim.` .41x- boxes, and . before they were all Picture of h%fth -fuld ctivity. chloride Cam sis (Atiz#n flanriot's virtm-s, t] zinc, and three oun( 'at very Of zen Cezarou haA- faileit to see. Things Izomebotly rank. It t�,*rvgoirc Dr. WIIMmW Pink.Pills are tonic LITTLE T�AUGRS.. no- W of water, keefien' Goold Bicycle Company, go lno thbre was a decided mprove- Fait. Wxlth two on that bonpeFii litra it.ore cloFel.` himself. medicine, enriching the blood and d.j,,m afrnld our Johnny is going 'o -stand over night - In - a NEURALGIA'S rERSISTEN-TAGO'NY Brantford. t alKIL let it tb,m ment. Hope once morere.turned, and t vesi thus, reach- ed' bottle, "then' -pour It carefully Has but one sq-urc6 of relief. Nervi- it mys Citizen," saW Mariette, "' I with- Tlipr had Jong� bfrore t �Zng the nor b, stek."- "Wlubt aro - his symptoinK TI jOrk to attend the best. draw my request'. I ask- nothing from this itni,,, and they prPffrr(-,1 to go we procured another six homes. he t7t1h: t of dimme and drivingsit "He carried -it - rmplon into anotlier vessel; add two quaxts For caalogue, address .1 - ome - the wate lluc'-mArve D. McLA.CHLN- & ff)ot. -It was 8-o-el4r)ck In Vie morn -L ta,k theni, ad the story � is now from the.syRtem. kre beyond without ek%ting the pluj�.Il - w 0 It, aryl with tated nerves, soothes them YOU They of ater t' an - old the -irri We. un into ro�pose, and affords relief almost am, Ont. -She took her arm, saying: ilia. Gregoire Offered lils'arr(i to ]its 11111 in two words-waii cured doubt the. greatest medicine or the 11ohbie whisk broom sprin 1011 quite i Chath nipd up "I Just lovel it hcre,`sad 30t We can go now, unel�-. I felt sure companfon.-ronn(iffig it cerein tu,41 V 19th cmtury, and have cured In liun- , ?,; danip around the _edgpg of the earl 1118L - What do *you ike begt about it Instantly' The Fhole range of niedi ke now feels neither pidn rfor ache; drealar ewes after all other medicines for a to Nerviline. 'CRES, $1,300. citte �.Ti�irds nol parallel from the first that our visit lipre was jr, Ip (il,l go. ITj, gestures, �ITI quarter of a yard In depth W failed. Thegmat popularity. of Dr. naked the good farmerls. wife. "You 'It not Injure ACRES, $1.70 312 all well roundpd, tier color- has returneZI; slid Is stroug' from the wall. This wl as a itain relieven 170 150 acre�, $1.aOO. Write tr tiaw The old man ditl Vot qhey her. Ile everything waq round In him but the WillUamW Pink PlIls hm. catiood un- hven't any bath -tub in . the house" the colors of the carpet- terms. D. K. Reeder, I)ovLr. Del., U. S. A - and healthy, and does not no�v look "d Bobble. straightened his bent -shoulders, a qhnrp inglp of 'his race. somPuloug dealers to imitate them ex- Saw �hem? Yes! 11 -ht -shone i' (To typ continued.) . (lay's tonsively, *and Intending - buyers axe Estelle -I knoi%v-' a expert- red spe n hia dim eyes. He liko one who had ever 'wen thiat lie It Choice Appointments. In the most favo walked up to Cilly. slickness. And.tlifs great change wail urged to see that every box is 4-3161ORed enced in love -making. Ila-llow?, of the C . anada 1. Business A Irindsome, wealthy, but unculti- VACH on my (own poLrt, ask ou," lie HEALTH'S -PARADIS� in a wrapper bowring- the Aill regiS�- I'H6 didnt lenibarraw. m�Vby asking vated banker-n6t from New York, of brought about'hy tile use or. twelve - vio if I loved him until afWr hei-liad legv, Cllatbam� seem to oreet with courso - recently returned from a of North GrImifby, in said, " wUy Citizen C!autle has been torled traKle mark, "Dr. Williams' Pijik Regained After Twerity Years"Torture boXP8 of Dr.- William' Pink Pills, after 11118 for Palo People." . PflIS Col in seturing Choice LAND --ent to- prison ? I knoxv -why, per- ored asked me to be-lids.wife." wonderful success foreiga tour, was conversing about quantities -to Suit ll It long. It Will be noticed in the his tri tvels -at the- Fifth Avenue Hotel. purchasers,on veri r:a- haps. for I 'have bi-en to hini a see- From That Dread- Dh;6ase, Catarrh rnouths of medical treatutbut ad pink, -but said In loose form by tho Afamma,�Woll, Daily, (lid you lern advertisement which his "Mr. X., did'you see the Dardii,-- FOR ond father. HP is, good, ant) lie is Hon. Geo. Tay [or. ofSrantori, Pa.. faileil, and fit a time when death war, dozen, hundred, or ounce, r taken. to swIm t -9 -day ? Dolly (aged flve)-No, week.- itiat one of the pupils, John Eonabl,­ terpi we from glax3. Jaxs,are fraudulent tmita- mamma, the- fro fee nellei while abroad?." Box 4j0% honesi. Was that, the reason, Citi- Tells' the World WhatlDr- thought V i be not far off. - Have go'calight my t, plerc,_- baa� secured a good position as SALE Address to tio, --She with the & Ye1i, certainly; I dined with them Winona, Ont. zea Cilly ? Go�l know all that has -Catarrhal Powd anti had a -royal good time 11" Agnew's 17 not therefore reason speJk',-n the its and should always be refused,. X.arg�ry (aged sevenj doesn't steitographe� happerted-to film. People think my For Him.1c no matter how plausible may be the -mean frog8,fmamma; Alto means the Hs Done Ontario Navigation Co., In Montreal, rFIRAIL CREEK AND ROSSLAND, mind i-13 failing, but I re- wariii(-.st iernis this story -of the. interested dealer. offer- unde;r toads. Arch.' McPherson, I - , reat life X district. The Be 090 I wall a Matyr to eat� rrh for and another pupil, Karl's clo, cure for ar Creek MmurjjpdCo. of ridernber, and I think over what 1 1 the position of assistant ver Root Tea is a sure "Tommy, what 19 a mlrai,-Ie T' Headiielietinil nervous oliseases. -Notliffig re- B. C:�sfock WWI paid and non -as, eirable !in- aving medicine ? Ing tbosm. ILM SeCUM y yt I known "Sain'tldn' that nevr happens, mfirn."' Yr1e lieves so quickly. cogorted). C'awle wantetf1ti) i.rornote the bun bookkeeper with the oold Bic rindpal offi-43 423 Abington welfari of. the people. Ile labored for, ot little or mlief. Worthy of Two Sons. their g . ood.and not for hisown profit. "No; it isn't- 6xactly th-At.'But'c= c,.o., b1ra ttorde Last wep we noted B ding, Portland, Oregon i Wts troul&,d with coilstantdropping %liss S. A. Manchester, of Huntley, One. of the women visitors- to Li you illustrate whiat you nican. ?" "All the plaoin - three 6tliers, Aggio Stars Seen From- a Well d isores each, Lo* bong 6evelopcd,anolpar P. Stock offered at, 5c per E -ba rhap4 \that wa� �zc-ttltig others a bad in the throat, terri4le p * iwri in, inv 011t., writes Up to the a-ge of. -18 Hung Chng while' that gefit moin says it w' her with. D. Al. value $1. xe. Our 'Lild - %v, 8 very of- Tanner a a Canadian friends are asked to inveitinthds Inv breath -i lem4t'- I know 14 thiat ould tenograp at that was in..New York received a a Ferry Detroit fiqi.- ive. I Wati- 11141UMd to kiVe Dr I wa alwaya healthy, butl cOmPli- be mfiwle'ff pop came home sober." - ; . - Mattie . Se- Thi� stars can be seen at midday prosperous dir-trict,and we take this methol. 4heep among a pac!z0f-if Wolves. They %t hrist as�bookkeeper with Corrizlg-. from the boftorn of a deep wipli.- but Chas. N. Scott. m4pnt from him, mys the Tilues of th. C1 of informing them. Writeto hated him because not take Catart-411.1 I'O,%ftl+-r trial. tiniu, my healt I i beg . au. to gi ve WAY. city. 911B Is man, brighte to & Long, Trent. Ali d Olive- we c."Innot see them from the earth "I I r tilt was m a y6fllig wo r ch., an prebident, 423 Abiziptan Building, or N. B. Th BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH same time because the light Burteb secietary Portland, Oxegm, both of illness came on r I part in their de�ArucVve and their th aduafiy� and I than the average, well popted in poll- R at th'? -1i. - I Lindley as stenographer in the G. Tlr;i�y turned on h ni.y jqa( Im was gr 'y Vcs anti affairs generally., and the p I. Railwal because lie waA innficint. If you were -1 periLAt"I in its Jise, and owing weaker and weaker. 'd or 25 Years, Sayp Mrs. J. D. Stoddard & y office at Grand Rapids: 'of oka is so powerful that it eclipses whom W� from Woods-i*ck.,0titario. the-fmble-ftht of the stars.,For the ea�a is a choice ap- f her family Every one of At to) -,.lay 1. tu curi-d niwi.1 alltl it complexion. hitherto good,; became right-hand, man 0 at sme ofthose men,and if you- di-ceivi&d f Asbury Park, N. J., and,Two Bot- ow worms a re only Yo elf it you get home". All of this; Earl Li learied- by int1 and it must be - gratlfy� same. reasons gI urriBe(d beforw pur. ;tire to IFnd Int -s- tp- _ ties of Vr. Agnew*s Care For ille pointnic mar o ing abotit Itis affor-li:4 nip plea., and yellow, almost corpse like. f thp frank -queries for which let - of this popular visible at night. Blealls 0 ing. tQ the propr ors chasing a P007 of ruin, you r worst, of tilnf)"Y: My blood 4eemed to haKe -turned to lit) is famous. " You are�worthy of tw Heart Restored the Lost .: Y .0 0 f 0 0 1 IoUght on Dark Co& 0 - . . echbol to have their pupils. meet'with them. I you til:nk me I and Treasure. Sy B. J. Je& water; my heart would plalpitate, sonsi" was the great Celestial's xe� �'guch favor with the. business public. Otlie� men are lenses through which 3!eps," a complete se3tual sciei ' icq, that you treat(In Me. I upidM.-r fear Ga- We n the Rain. i-ndrk after a- conversation In which we rofw our own minds.. -Emerson. ferim. 3L D., Ph. D. If yo4grq -married you what You -can do, to mf,, nor others like The British '(;osvernment las --�7ra- violently m -the slightesti exertion For twenty-five yeami I- hwro been cureLy neeil a copy. Age1itaxwguW in every radstreet's on Trade. ­-Wec, Sendfor and he had appeared gr6atly interested. a great sufferer -from heart isease, County. f2 to $5 -per tay guarag you. - PeAr has before now made me do I was easily tired. It I. nrent to cehtly prohibited pe lr game What does he mean by that?" asked palpitation, dizziness and severe General trade at Toronto Lis With- immediately. MeMidii-vaper and evil thingR-thihig,_4 I am nmv ashamed the pump for a pail of wa4er address J. U NICHOLS &:CO.,,A' I would tho woman of the - interpreter.- " He out feature, except tha, of. You may do what you 'like with called ilarsa Ka' -,-alta, wlii64 o- heartaches. I saw Dr. Agnews ure t colder wen, street wevt6 Toronto, Can. tremble so badly that I coqld hard- nkcn6 that you are Nvise, that y6u are my poor old head. It is not the first pular in India. It con.-iists in'makiug for the Heart advertised. -and deter. ther- has exerciiiedd a slight influence grey heaA ypu bave given to, tile gull- ty reach the house with it. When good, itild that.you deserve too have to try 1:C. Two bottles have in stimulating demand for segooTi- MinCAI -AGENT Q;L SURE DA MY. lotine. YOU see I f, ar 4lipap everywhere. Staple goodg. 16ind o, bet oil rainy days on the quantity going upstairs I had to rest- when -two �sons Care for You -in your old done wonders for me. The.oliz/biess &1)1'3 -goods' L Ordefis for dr+ goods- you­ - was the nswer. ch will fall and the method age, tation are gone, the llead� are- receivool -vAth greater. freqftanCY We fit-imh worle. Writefor dare tt-�l I reached the, tO,;, and palpi never kince I you plainly - of 1,laying it Is thus dcscrIbed in an and L if f walked 1, never by ontrCal. jobbersobut the amounts full info= Cafalbgde,lof 20D4engr& that-- III=,, BABY IS'CUT`T II aclies have disappeared. M a short 0!tance I - would almost INIG TEET cease free. telling my friends the wonderful volved. are mall, andAieptember's he Queen 81 ware Co., -V-n.�d t,hu ar to the old English journal: Upon the terraces Cilly lia!] lh� In L�uan without Interrupting --him- At or roofs of -many houee -in India tl tere choke from the effects of the heart Be, sure and iise- that old and well- benefit this great ciire has been to. totlil volume of general tra(de is Jew Que.- 4-e aughed his-ev-1 lai� I thp is. a water tank -were tried remedy, Mrs It 1. Ir big provided with a palpitation. My hands and, feet Winslow's Sooth- n1431, ana I 'cheerfully recommend than thpt of a. year ago. The dry QA-PSAGE CASINW-NZW 1I1fP0hTA- at 11811fax is- somewhat .;e.rk b.-Ows contrai df-fiancc wnste 'pipe. Through this tube 'the mokt always cold. I ing Syrup for children teething. It any -and verywhere. goodm trade Of SCO IJ tions of prime Engilish sheep and American was irregular in Pooth" the, child,- softens �he &'*ms, - v - iinportm -of.aPple. mean-sthe prevention res *wa.,4 more imbparable to him than water i�scapes if -a certai� amount of improved, and boa Y I,oX casings; eliable goods at rigbt pric, was a, allays all pain, 'Prince Of- CaSeS. 'of her -cures wind, colic and The Great Secret. fr(ym that-- province continue. 31atette's. Ile- struck his- Oat Oil the rain has fallen. The point of the game my periods,�. and altoget CoId BLACKWELId 110D. Lt& Tirmted, The 011f, man- must 1,4- to try and guess when a rainstorm s�orry tuok doethri Boerhaaye. the greatest doctor of -farmers are satisfied ba ­c of a chair. spectacle. I i' pre- is the Vest � remedy for diarrhoea. Ei [waid Island Newfound- M and be mad V' he cried. L4 approaching, at what time tile seriptious, beef, iron And ijine, and 11�wenty-five cents a-bottli6. his time, was anxious that it sl;oWd with the crops, wid while bronchitis, _pneu onia, DOMINION76 Vark Nanette. -drew her urcle way. Both rin"watr In tile tank will be so high hile these helped me some 1 did not 90 forth that even the most emt- IM0 rOPOilts the Labrador' fishery a Consumption. Wei. feet do strett, had crowed the gard,�n. - Cilly wam that the waste water ill pegilf to get strong, nor did my blood appear Superiorin Xa7ny Ways. failure, the alire fishery to said to REGALIA Terontor non doctor la.'somewhat of a "lium rurinnsly* pacing Id.i room. " Ali, so!" nere' and Ranges 'the key have bben unusually good. BaAk 110t dil-Rctly make A e germs out of the, discha g13 pe. The to improve. Then I decide - d t46 try. Dr.; Garland Belp -Bxir bug." He carefully hadded Tbr- -h CO- ont. bft4- -�natives *voted themriwilv P to the other of a small diary -to his -executor, clearings at WlnMpdgl Hamilton. he cried. *t t Ws crarT, oil] man w illiarns' Pink Pills. when I had tak- are no higher in price than to fmrl How lon.%vill-tt-he' game with such passionat9einterest en. nearly two boxes I felt somewhat first clam goods, but are superior -111 badd him -open-it lmmedi�aiely after -onto., Montreal and Halifax ambunt- of C011STimption appear in the MANUFACTURERS F bd(jry 6thers, learn-, the sauie- thing which better, nd" from that out I began many ways. Any Base Burner or his de ed to. $21,145,000 - laof'- wOek, an -in- ��U-at frequent fighti occurred, cease and let 'the. contents 90 ungs; but they do ause Regalia, Uniforms', BanWers �116, o recover quite rapidly. I continued Stove bearing the well known name when crease of -apout -16 per cent. as Cora- gegoire bad not, moved. Only his in some cases have even talfen I- forth. to the, world At largl&. . previous web u -hs and cofds -and inflam- 'and shape of actual riots. -Ne York taking the Pink Pits for a cAmple of "aarland" 6anno be equalled. Merit tile nnte-book was. -opened, all Its P with the k, blit CO 6 tde�j..�rbl6h was yellow, In general, bad aired _#11 Lodge Req tu=04 to dead -white now. The CIAO- month@,. and When I st;pppQd using always telliL-,Ask - your 'dealer to blank, and a decline of Wiclut: 6 per cant. as com- Emblematic Pins, IB6dgeS. -pages but the last were *Ith - the coirlesponding - week mat ion of the throat and lungs them I was again enjo; pared vant, came up to him- Whaarel ying gx)od bo you -them Stove@. on that final one there was written Charms, in yer� t for ? What do ou wan y mg. Frnit of the Rubbbr T ea. health. I gained flesh, and strength, yeaX - ago. There are 37 business we-,�d-en the whole system. In ,ou star : 6 Directions to pa- one - . - . —I In * large totters Gold, Enamel - the heart trouble left mej &,' healthy Ask yopr physiician, your dihg�gist and your. tients : Keep I your feet warm and -failures rbported- from the Canadian -ru. returned face; my friends about Shilohi CurefiDr consumption. militlon last week -this -condition the germs- of 118� "led. The [,uit of the India er tree color to ow & If you Will not do us the great MY the Do The previ III For allSecret. f -vor we have asked. perhaps you will is somewhat similar to ti t of the changes became regular, an& I was They will recommend it. your head cool, amd trust for . ear a go consumption find jusi the soil 1ECOON17105'socletles. Ricinus communis, the eastor oil plant, reit -to Providence."--TheArgonaut. week the total was 23, one v Send 25c. -in stamps do na a lesser one. Will it please you, able to- walk' long. distances ; and run Consolatory.. wan adl two ears- A90 .-BWORtto jewelry Dept. K for a moment6 to hear me? You -will though somewhat larger. The seeds up and down stairs without the least in ilhich to work. -agreeable t� Late, and A main who wila'suffering h rribly PILES CURED IN 8 TO 6 NIGHTS. and name the Socl�ty you belong have a not, 4b; 0 to, I upt use your influbnee V) obtuin the fatigue- In fact my -friendis! scareely THE BESTREMEDY FOR CORNS Scott 9-4 Emulsion of Cod- ind wewilitailyona ifiX -h oll. It -is a fairly i Veld a purplib 6ak Button having aokt. Rolli �Gdld release of Citizen Ceiaron ?" realized. that I was the it, and Irom gout In the right foot was so Ilver �Wit­`� 1. though M w Cilly shrugged his Phoulders, and good substitute ror linseed 6 iserable girl (d a few month's -before. ifortun.ate, as to powiisi �a w1fe, who Dr. AgneWs Ointment III cure all Is putnam!s Painless Corn OxtraCtor, Rhiis;-with andi�tiifaiten. - it- dries less. readily. ed with every sible pean to comfort Rapid, paiu]Mli. its attion is a marvel h Hypophos" ingsto -keeipl­ bUtton in - walked on. Ni)w. 11 � I feel myself used Cal". of Itching piles in from three ancy get- r out of sarts, ax to six nights. poAtion; Npatund dura Ili: Vie. 0 said. Greg you May be copal alue and- turpentine, it makes , tile expression goes,.I resort to Pink -and - console One application bring� - to all who have tried4t. P phites,isa mo - ablerem- Dire, a good- varnlsh� -The oil ma * M emns in wen sVval� .-gLa�nt 'Souve r -.:or 'Present '16 a u are- be RI80 Pil Is and - am won myself a I One day he wam Complaining comfort. '- For blihil and . bleeding ting .-rid of pain t ty- of Also- cures Tet- -ar hounL Put"=!s does it- M 14! PS and know there are -many girls''t IlWg to own. for yu . gain. edy for restoring 1he syste t In priscia haAkZnt=. med in the manufaeture of rhiD iguf­ -bitterly- of,tlao,paln she wild sooth- pilea it is peerleps. to treatmen �nec W44 b and it -before thip-se germs �Marily cruel. He 16 h ealtb lithogidaphle Inks. The seeds il�ro some. fr, as I did, is �6nly in the Ingly: ter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Barber's Itch 'But ycm are coi more ment TketW what itke tiny chestnuts. although hope that My ekitiericnee N� vparsCtively Well off, and. all eruptions of the skin.' 45 'Thaula Mile Deep ived ail commulif-cation vvttih. the III help. J& es Just Ink orld is Yet the upper hand: ntba. His Wife darker In color. The Indian girls are them. that I make this statemen In th what the gout cents. 9. The-ideePest Shaft ia. the W 1d outeldo for mb f ta would be. It you were a than IeL- ULSION has bftn elets nd neck. olle -testimouy to the r JU bw ncW beau able _8W fond of wearing bra -c qo. is. of the- -ParUseh6*1tz cot SCO'rTIS EM ehdorse4... 4 4 4 4 ftsglah'fbr-�.twe earl lete made of them. ged worm I", As His last letter contained a requeO 1p Tills -Is. be nse -1t; We have 1 WP8 Ca.tharine Flood; daughter of :-W VlMwn Fouquier-Tinville Patrick PloW,. FAq., who- lives- -a fe* Cot launioti0fi.. ta arippe� -pneumonia Mid an Is el :-armir a Well, Ben,'and how do y like the 9, 44soases, are,curqd by Shlloh!6