Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-30, Page 111—N
N M,
W_ 0i
3 M 01-00
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Y 1� Eli
_T_ P,
0 F HAM ILTON . . . . . .
will—pay 'for the
Tl-vPx' and WeekI
dvertiser f�o
paid tip
SIA50,000 January 1898. Sukcribe
now aliff ge
-kesarv%, Fund t the balance
of th=,fTe,0. SENT -
$8 94T.866 now to JR*UW 1�98,
81-00. 25q
win get the,%,.tlu jau,ut-
3.07. 810salbe
J40 PitocTox,xvm.GrBsoxM.P,Gro.RoAcH ILUCKNOW 017_?TAKT��-PRTDAY _00-THER-30th, 1896.-
A. T.'WcoD. A. B. LAI: (Toronto).
TURNBULL. city, D4d,tilien't' i WHOLE No. 1186.
,vf;s B_4XK�-Houry 10 to - 3- Satur. issuing a diploma A 0UW
udent in,
coeposits of #1 and pwar& 7ery 8t the Province who Bro. Woodinan orgsjnize� of. g- b7bWt.0n, Murdoch i on and Urs. we
sen r chois
it . I -*ho
R. K. Job
Vs;oiv -!d -%nd intorest aflowcd. contributions to the Ontario ex.. A-0. Xewitt. re awarded available 1po
bein�Luckn6w dur. Prizes at 06 Xialoss Branch fsil show, Gra
hy - L vaelhurst- W. Kirk, Bracebridgw
-!�01A16, DEPOSrTS &1150 received at cur- THE LZJ3RRTY. TO UTTE-H AND TO ARGUE hibitL' R. D. Cainiron
the 29th, 30&h. and 31st irlst_
_ThJ requeab of *hahave.nob already
-it rated Of iftlere"t , a I
PURELY ACCORDING -To TII received the cash -AL Langh;rd, Dorset J. Sha Bu is
E DICTATES will be a special i D XOff4, told of his recent, Visi -to can- get their cheques by I
CARD nef4ing of' LuClinol t t calling upon- Feil I a; S. rp, rk
P1.,Ajv2-s,,n Great Britain and the Unitud Gp COMCIENCH , WE PRIZ ABOVE ALL OF THANKS Lodg�, No. I.T7 hr� "Sailors Commit
:ates b.,ught Arid sold. on Friday evening. Rest," at' Xiagaton. the secrets, 0- Beft, Xagaete*sn; J. a quack Med
OTHRR LIBERTIES, ig-911 institution ori rY, Mr.:P A� MalcOr,04031 JQhnson, Parry Sound; G. -W.
All the.brethren.are expect d to- - b, gins d and —An of farm at Burns, rcine
-6 kte vexd&
JOHN D., NICHOL. AGR' -VT- 'Ir- and Mrs. Adarti, Thonipso present.. - Don t' �1. supported by the ock and Trout Creek; H. R. Shaw, Rosse�au; S. -101!
Miss t he opportuni Tract Society for thie implements will be held -at lot 1, con. �A. Huntiniaone North
deair rough the mediuni of the, Bay; J where a
'Woodinan. sailors on our Is -bn
a th of hearing Bro. - -benefit ot the kes.
LEGAL. 10tober 30th- sailor -ca '13, (W. D.), Ashfield, on -Wednesday, Hines, Barrie; It.,Coqkbnrnj Sturgeon tea.
n- find eutertaining 'Nov. I I th, the property'of Mrs. GODrge
1NTIXZL to express their since n -
lace Here the
+ ofieration
0 aild 1pfq1 lite Falls; P. 31. Shannon, Porb
The ftmo 01cl Gent -and he., meurs, games, etc., Patton. —R. bleolispit-g, Oarling; -necessary,
0,-,U 8 0 X, BARRISTER RE ING -COUNCILS. grateful thanks to the citizens of Luck- The weather -w -has a leisure - hour., 00- Aucti . oneer. R. S.Scarlet
MALV onveyancer. . otc., (late a ise "110,loes hen he Hunhville; John 'Raga�,
solicitor C t Inhabit� cas- —Rev. Mr. - Stalker, Of Calumet Orillia; Robert Rush
now and tha community generally, ant"has been a . . . 8ionally th.�y bare social
,,,n Holt&. -cameron, Goderich). Offic kind ad earnest sympathy nestrl, tile eV8aiDg8 when- -Mich., and a fellow stud de -
Ulf for. t4e
U"ta 0 -music, rpcitatibils, addresses, College ent at Knox
odchuck's burrow, the-
a n J- I-'- Wilmot, Be4umaria., W.- H"
wo g1he squirrels! they haVe Sault Ste Maria, 'The measurii,
irs, n Allin's new block.' A. letier t the Kinchrdine Re- extead�d to th wr of
V, Lawson
el . during the illness, hoks' melt with Re . Mr. McKay; Park Head; W. feet$ Of Me
D -L4, BAR Ma or Macphe the" goose bone,-th6 catri,. and refreshments are served. preached an _e
po er etc., -V,. is
r an everal other told- in brief but gra
H MORRIS1 aissioner, Notary Y rrion -called 04 a -d tile aad bereave'll"nt in tile fu d Mr.'Cameron able serm - in th,6 -TlistOwel; 0. A. Richard
Pilic Prebyterian church _1�ia. I Fraser; 'Norwood; C. -S. Gillespie, per- AL.]
senten gabbath
office over dy's nicipal oun- ir belo�ed dau liter FQ aniloutices that we are going fb ces how he -was drawn in by
ete. 'Money to loan, U.. llibln rli
Solicitor. Comil Att 11 tion of retiring' Mu d I f tl)e*' 9 infal a., Tara; T. *00kaja as
Barber Shop. CilAtO the amendments made t Maggie, Thi visitation is� hard to evening last MAMPbellford; A. Chart Gilmour; J. ations of this.
a very d. "-winter. He's. hearing the sing ing of 9SThro u Alud
bear and th shoc�is sci;ere but'with 'probably standin life of meatin vo t the' —'k& auction lsai� Gf farm stock Nott. Port Perry;- G.- Southern, mill�. ake -,s
0 � t he Ila
(-4 148t)NV & PROUDFOOTI BAR -e-18- - in Hial 'that --"doctli all 9 clothing g and 'talking brook; W, E. Eady Ran C_
1, IV q ici�al Act at the 1�st sessiou of line also anar we in
X tell 8_801icitor.4, etc., Godorieh, Out. a fall trt?st in t1rith the IV.1 I a le held on Friday, rew; J. H. -a fic
N th oule of the sailors,. who a
C. %VM..PROUDF-O0T_ th Lpjislature.' 'Therit are-fogild in, Makers to earri'a new overcoat. videntjy. and imp Monte wil be
ess of i4dy Of
�1� T- GAFtaow. Q. kindn apprec Torts made to,. -r Octobe Brickwood, -. Xjllgst�s f llis
zing syni-, r 3.0th, at I . Ob 1�_ COD. (H. D.) Fene'lon paila�
-friend§ and neighbari1q, the Zhetu from t%e saloo save- Ashfield, -at I o'clock p. J. R Rowilli J Correction
c. 7,_ of Chap. 611 of - 52 Viet. See. pathi iated the of n
is a uying Grain a --- and gam�lijng_ the Poterborough; 11 K. 18
MEDICAL ctiOnis milch easier to bear.. - property Chris, Sanderson.' With, -Belle ill";
8 follows AM stm E dens. -Of
The farluers will be —John- ore,
urgery -that Mr - A vote of thanks w a. tendered to
R -r ncil of i;ny municipality pleased to learn -1 . R. S. Tivy, Coo Hill; F. -CH.4R
El-J�NA,,NT, PHYSICIAN "But 110 cou Purvis, "Auctioneer. J.
oucheur. Is David Sherrilf, a
surgeon, and Ace I after Im 31st of the whose gnlln Lakefield; J. T; Robinson, Bobciygeo
store house —Owing. to *other meetings n;
lver x. vii.,tt'# gracerystpre. Office hours .001alle Alid, Via Dr. 1404att.
Was- destroyed by" fire last Short speeches..Vy other On T G. Eastland, Apsle�: T.
from 9 to 1:! a. w,-; from 2 lo 5 P. m. and from. yea -for w hi week, intendsto continue bu viug grain' gentlemen th n follawed afid" Thanksgiving jLiglit, Sepo Al. Johnston
"7 t,> 9 P. Rl. - ell the members, wero. a a most Y lodge- has Arnprior; Win. MathOson, ffiveloek
chauged..the date of their coucert to
on Sunda.V school ColiWent, t ag usuali and the Grand
an tri as one week earlier (Nov. -19th-,) to- allow
ney, nor shall The- 0, every one. to attend the beat co till _j;bUrg; J. Walmsley,
-la%v, or resoluti d - profitable meeting w Z$trCZ9F
elect d pass any by
on the rparke delightful an
N101). GORDON, i4.D-. C.M. F.T. for th pa�men* ank Railway Company has very 0�A%d-_ hy singingzthe_40 Win Carmichael Collingwood: Q W, AT
Provinciat '"Sunday geAerous'ly allowod him the " - - ,,r� - . . - LUCKNOML,
C.P.S.O., Physician. Sur- t of Mo itario Har an, Olar
UpatSir4 in Wm. they* e . r into cor tract or oblipt ion privilege of
g m, *n Aecoucheur2 Schoorl '-Conv'ention i4 oring I of the siesson, Adniii Viriarton. B. J.- Gill
Altin'.4 new block. Residence Ross street. beia-`,h0ld at t ""hill '-grain and .0 saloa. 04Y loc. igan, MatL
ther farm' _16OGAL ITESIS
t n this week, a A. J. Teylor
Londo bd the delegates in produce in the station house'unt iR 4be hold Thomas each mem4er goingLolit and -rin s
'behind eikuleron. Murdoch & Co's store'. -on the pa of the municipali y nor —Quarterly' selmees w Ottawd; and
appoin a9ley Hamilto
LLS t to or dismiss from office under attendance from Lucknow a Can' il such Is your sub next Sunday in 4he Maillodist -Church. Be
A nd.vicinity 'time as'�e Illili -another lit�re- sciiptiol.! paidl 11011,members and.ende,1vorlug 1
#-)R. D: 'GEDDES. V. 8-, 0 thee contr of tim co �re_ Rev. 1. B. Wallwin B. A., M, . hours -Love Feast at 1,0-. a. m " and the The undersigned'will &I
promptly a.
aither by mail or telegram un ------ —Thanksgiving Day, Thursday Sacramen go, lie pleased them interested in the
cil, or do any (Rev ) R. If. Hall, R. Harr. On R. Nov. 26th. t of the Lord's Supper after to recei -which will be' aving souls, great waric V.1,
ttentled to. charge& moderate. Residenee i3efore Te orders direct,
Outram strept. opposite Dr Elliott's all other corporate act after said -day ex- D. Camel -on, and -Migs M. j. 1,Vajke !rho Judge morning proaching.-, The.pastor will filled by return mail..
wemd door north of-810TINKI, OffiCO- . r. Last Fri _441t -preach (D. Y.) Morning and evening. After 15 Min
cept , in case of (-xtreme urgency, But day Police maoistia4e lor Bile 1711ke band There- is every hidication of an a paper by Miss utes Of
Ifemembered In 1jig W111 Seager emilpleted, thia the hearli Olt %T1, rMi0tog following recipe to preserve -6cti Qift,
j R. A. J. GIBBONS. V. S. V. D_ Hon the council may do any necessary bus- ring- of Wdoer-shooting season, judging by cardine 7
-11eiz. . - "" -Bryan, of.the,Cburch cider sweet Was called f
D Rev, Bernard the charge of seduction against Oscar —Bed -room suits' at Lawrence, may be useful to people
G.iaduate of Ontario Veterinary V the demand for licensep, and- 'some unknown circumat
ines& bef6re the 81s' or, -bui owi
at present: tile - )t -
and registered Member of- the OnV-io t day of December Of t lie Epiphany, Parkdale, (a nati vo of Winmill, of West Wa-wanosh, and seilt Johnstone for 89.60. ---Take one aAce Salicy.lic interest of settlers'and Alkee, 4SSE'el-
Vt Kocipty. Office anti P rtsnien" alike lery was not pres6
lia:viilg regard to the cir- this city), and brother of Mr. Jai The evidence of itension tAbles for $4.50 at L 01 _�that . the-efforts-bf a Government to was read by Afiss jo
-terinary Medical waich may, the case up for trial' acid to forty gall th. a
NO rceidence. one d(ior east of R J Cauleron's nes 9118 of.,fresh cider at and -her paper
camstarxces one at such time - Bry' Lawrence & Johneto at it stand for a few weeks, then rack t nes, Of IrLineardine
Shop, Campbelpt street, Luckluow- be d and an -of the Lucknow SENTINEL was the girl. a very p9sitite and ar. ar ne; conserve the deer bee The paper, ,j
tr gume for thedefenbe on pi-ptec and unior League ' Wojkl')
rZ!-Itpil y and Sux-Rical operations mecialties. recentl bequeathed Mr at wa offand bottle� or put it iii -a clean ba rlemetited by individual recognition
Callb prnmptly attended to ni ht or da!f. h* I b ti y -00 by - Partor suits for $22.00
w le 1 y iis act they -are now author- Th a technical at rrel. s u pp
ized. to do at their last rueeting.,, owas; -AIcLean, of the Customs Point. called Irom the magistrate stronfe Lawrence & Johnstone. j —The SsxTINEL has to thank all of the law, and by the co went into detAil with re-jra 'to the
-0fleration of plade and hour of in "
department, Toronto. � Mr. Bryan also condemnadon, -of a man who woulm subscribers who- have, pa' all ycur readilrs. ee.ting for tho
d S. Keating, of Wingham, id up arra%rs
SOCIETIES According to- will be neces- 'gets the 1ibrary of the. decease seduce a girl and then within the p, jUnidrS and was of such 4 eharactersw
d. -seek -to thus ist few days. Hundreds 'I arn, yours very truly, to invite much interestiq
ivas -in
F ry for -all parties 'who h%ve clairus Lon oil Adverti* .the vUlage on -'Friday. top. If not IEDwIN TiNSLE;"
1.00 sa d ser, escape responsibility- for his offence. have still to take this a
againsb the council to present such at PrisonWs Counsel took exception to —0411 and see the lounges Lawrence- atten6d M before Xb' The Secretary ascertained ptlbli� 117
V.- Ist, off wilego Chief Game Warden. that there were but t
1,Ue -(.No'%V LUDGE Phootins match these remarks, but th,3 P, �Nl. declined. Johnstone have for -86.00. the names and the account,- will be -Parliament Buildings, Toronto WO J�unior E
or before the'last meeting of council A shooting match- will take lace -to In
P seed elsewhere for collection. he district one i
odify his censure, -and prisoner' —You can bu chairs at Lawrence PI worth Leagues in t , Pot
JX�DEPENbENT in December. The object of the at the'131ack HorsA hotel on, Guy was committed. k Johnsto Kincardine and -one tit L k
Order of Foresters
appeared before. nQ at 84. 00 per dozen., —Captain Sweeney, IJU, -S. A. San THE coNVE!N uC now.
X1 likendment, seems to be to have ilie Frtwkes? Day, Friday Nov. .5th J tid Irgm ON A E. Shaw, of BelgrSM
meets. in the L dfello—' a ee Mass -ev.
all obligations 99 d W;1.1. C. ey and Frank
dav, (�f each month. at % ..,,lied - beli; Of Win -spent $unday in bsent, his subjects 'The'3P.-
aetitle number of turkeys, geese' election, an Remedy is. the first medicine 1 have Behool and Z Orth- League
retiring council r $ - on om Tuesday I - for .�Messrs Do Dina] Diego, Cal. says: R
X, Hall on tliefourth Tues when alar ast - _ i ,Shiloh's Catarrh Gunda3r being a
on Noy 19W. ghs,111,
and ducks will be slint for. Rifles, —Goderich'Rd town; everlound that would do me a:ny 'worth League as a Literary Educator I;
7:�D o'clock. viditiv�- for which if becarne liable. New shot and Air -,guns. may be used, and good." Price 60c, at Berry & C;Ds.
brethren cordially invited. _3
�je . -Tiverton trustees advert A conven was introduced'by'three speakers nom;
council's will na�t then' -have to'pass —The
H. J. ]'IN vs.Ny, W. A. L4,,wrENcE. on- the rifles and'air guns will be furnished FaAlor 11108ting.- ised Broken cloudlets'fleck the azare sky, tiOn of Epworth Leagues inated on 'the spu
rof the moment- by
J. Slieffield, Th6 W. C. T. U. ]sariox meeting tions! P Fallen leaves go scurrying siviftly by the, Wingham the7 audience and those respondecl- M
Clhic,f Ran 4er.. I.,ecordingSecretary. accounts the-v%lidity, of which they by t6 proprietor, Mr. W for teachers and received 226 ap 'ties and Sunday Schools of
in oatr
Y.UCKNOW REBEKAH DEGREE to. n caies of 100U, 9 to commence at lo 0 held %t the residence -of Mrs. Goo. cheerfully and -did ampla�justice
ectunot certi Only- ii clock Squiriels scamper Past ia-search of food: district was held in the to w�n of Win
eplows, - .- —Mrs:Alex. La Dreary blows the wind through all the wood. hain on Wednesda and Thursday. 91 -to the
A U, j�odge No 2-11, the Oddf extreme Yurgency cab a retiring coun - a. it). . Douglas on Tuesday afternoon. -last wson is visiting her Nature tells us Autum's here at-Isst y subject.
-cond and fourth Thursdays of
Ha,11 an the st -well attended and of a -very 110gliter, Mrs, At Murdoch, at Sauble Summer with hei.lunili--g has qtti� ad 22nd of October. The speakers 7ejp Rev.
was ]sit vieek, 2 lat a
vah wonth at 8 Wel,,ck, P. M. V's-litiag ell incur debts betivleen Dec. 31st alid PIOUNhIng MAtah interesting character. The president Fills. 11Y Passed; -The programme presented was realark-
siateraand brothers are cordially welcome. Valou lowers and sunshine. sang bird4, all we had,
the time.the new council ghin., Gone rouad the nith to make it glad. *in, 13.[A-, Lucknow; Rev. X r. Us it.
XGUAM match tilo -Mrs.. Somerville occupied the chair and rs. ant array - Of talent ton, Wingh ' M.
A. B. CO. WiII.Johnstoriand Mrs.G.A. regal Ara -who were privileged to ea- roato am; Mt. Alfred Day, j7�.
Urm. T. Ri takes tile under _.TABiL - able for its excell
I . auspiceSIOL the lleln-10 k Oiry Associa- lead in devotion - exercises. Mrs. t)iO
Noble Grand Secretal-yo outh of oflico-�. al Newton gpeqt"S�nd —The at- meeting of theJand
tiOn,-will be held on tille jar Pougla' ay last with f
m af, INI. welcomed the Members and in Teeswater. riends Canadian -Order of Chosen Friends joy the fiddiiesses givea'and tak6 rt It, 'was ascertained that Miss JraggL-
0. F., COURT' J. friends ta her home -and hospitality - Iin will be h pa
cow iler ugual cordial in —Dried applea Fiv6 car4oad Tuesd * -fld in the Oddfdllows' hall on In the discussion�_ that followed each Hall, of Be
Ce Sherwood. Xo. CURRENT TOPICK Ashfie!d on -Thursday,* anner. Mrs. R. -
59. Lucknow. Meets 1. Nov. 5tb, when. ay evening next (Nov. Srd)'at 8 addrellss Imores was not present
A h, -Jr- I - 0 — o'befter land" in w&nt . t arkeb.—G E. o'clock, -a spoke very highly and in ap her papet, "The Rnvvp�Fh, T
111123� ,cry first and third the following prizes will be awarded: Solnerville sand "Th A for the Belgian M ad it -;a ..+; , 1 .1 1.:
3, lunday of every
mouth, in the Orange
Hall. Vishing breth-
ren are cordially in-
-C. P
D. -D. YULE See.
NO.4287'1iOLDS IT -S
regular inorltbly meet-
ing& in the Orange Hall, Camp 1,
bell street, Lucl,,now, on Tues-
day �veniiigs, on -or before
thefiX moon. - Defcree night
sn the- sec-*nd.Tue41day,-veniu.- followingbill
moon. All vi.otin- brethren cordially invit
ed. to the meatings.
&sous N1eKFxziE, Wul. TAYLOR.
Secretary". W. W
_W C. T. U.— The regular inoutbly
* meeting of the Wt-meu'n Christian
Ttvmperautte Union will be held -every second
Wodnesd&V of each mouth in the Odd Fellows
H%lf,Luckuow, MitszJ,SamEit-
VILLE�, President; MRS. HORNELL. Secretary.
1. 0.0. F.
K IN 0 W
L Lodge No 112
me:PtR every Friday evening at 8 o'block in
their hall, Campbell street. All brethren
cordially invited.
NobleGrand. Recorder
ULodge of the
Ancient Order r -f
meetz; in the
fellows' Hall, on the
last uud second
lob. 'Monday evenings of
each mouth r.t eight
o'clock. "%riit,,,g
brethren cordially,ilkvWd.
Xfagter Workman. Recorder.
G Pu C a
,PLn,on or before the full moon, in the A
.6 c Rall. Havelock- street.
Worshipful -Master. Secretary, t
Dr. Newton. L. D. -S' D, D'. 9 r
11o44- (jeraduate of Toronto School bf
)eutisiry and Doctor of
L11 operatlqna in Dentistry- performed-
_ with care and an endeavor to do all work
th Gold, Porcelain, Silver and
copper amalgam. pi
RETH—Mada with a view of preserving tc
the nstural appqaranoe, and of the best
KTRACTING—An A.-plicatibn luide to
the gum for painless extractiDg. lt has w
been tried- with -success.
F-FICE-11n Mr. A-Ilia's new block n
,.%*—Will visit Ripley, every th
Thursday aftel noon. b
office In. the building east of the
staftsXL Printing OJEce. Is
arai;-specificationsand extimates for build &I
i-iza, mills, ridges, etc., f urniihed PI
on shor. - notice.
JAS domigpvir-T.T-p -hi
XIXG W r PU - Y necessary ve terms of -tne conven e
,,r usual happy stvle� Mrs.. Somer- inghaw. AS -A
Glasg�w; -V^ t?w ar a RY !U rrn SsIonal�—lst,',_4,2nd,$3,3rd 82� v that overyp member rhould be preseut. its every detail: The ch t'011 in rescue agency)" whereupon the X ?J
Seotland fit i ille is a vocalist of no Mean order and —Tl�e�
Quarterly �usinessmae b Taylort
gave -'an Methodist church its connee
a announced that Amateu�s' lbt ��4, 2nd $3, 3rd we lleartilv welcome 1er amonst us.. tlia arry Pays, Rec. ealitifully light d- by ele tricity and Luckuow; M
�82. o' H urch 'was -volition 'nominated W ri
all taxes will be d BoYs—lat $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. T6 a ting
6 away with, the Mrs. 'Geddes Vill be h Id this —Apples way b _k eVeryone in fion #xtended to r. Jas. J. Taylor,,
aplropriatc. (Friday) evening. a apt two yeari by VerV cordial
entire running e- penses of the ploughing Will ConlMence at 9 o'clock reading- entitled "Why one woman simPl3r wrapping them. in new'spapers. a field and Rev. W.
city a. in. and welcalue. A depu. pi,,� - - 31. Pomron:
will continue till 4 o'clock wants to vote., An —Mr. J. S. .-Mullin,,of Gore Bay, 0 . er, as impromptu speakers,
beingpaidby-pu ic*orksnow,* it re. Ariiistrong s In ;raer not to mrke a failure of the en Met the all AboU
in is p. In. ang son of jam es Mullin, Belfast, pa tati n of � ladies "d gentlern
"'Papa come'llbille gobor" after which i4ect -and w1iii qtan,
possession. The orporation of Glas- - seed business however, only newspapers esebtrain-and escorted the delegates ce were not I a fheefrcj�j_$
through the village on Tuesday.- very favorable �Q&
Made His roptune a somewhat lerigthy discussion. took that h and visitors- who camb florn a disance s
gow is run on buiih ave been paid for should -be used
o relief work, i —At the hour of going to press we -otherwise the dam to the chureb, --vhe:e they. -vrer a
ess principles, find placil in regard t ipeaker acquited himself - 3 a 4-
puess resulting fr3m e re- Satisfactory Manner. MOOD
About 30 years ago Angus Galbraith Mrs McDonald, Mrs.' Berry, Mrs. are iniformed that.- Mr. Alex. Me- the dues quested _t register' their names and re -
11 which
it controls all the p6ndiptil franchises sold his fArm. iie%r Paisley and set out Somerville, Mrs. Douglas and several Xinno way cause the fruit' to spoil.
within its limits, silreet cars -as works,' foL the "old min' n's condition is no better� ceive4heir.billets. After a lively discussions Mr. ljohn
wate %yor es to make his fortune. other ladies took- part. Refreshments —The breach of prQu1iic case of A Wellw6od, of Tojroato
r ka., etc., jiving the ii-bople the About 16 years 'I - neardine Agricultural Society The chairman -of the dit3triet,
he returned to were then served ana the ' Armstrong vs.. Dickins6n, tried at the
meeting i5_fi'iiYi14g�80con tha dollar.fur 'the Walkerf Gifford, oce Dr. the convention in behalf of the
best accommodation at th-e lowest cost, Paisley t6"visit his brother, the fortune closed with- the benediction. on Assizeq, closed T1 dpied the chair and wi I -_ �
th -dent's Forward AliwiOnary
ae tilne making 1% hand� still in tl�e distance He is again on' prizes awarded at their fall show. when the jury found -a verdiaau"dily' the gre.tiis;tpromptness corldue-.4ad the
and at the sar for thA . f M&F.
some prGfit. the road h,3rae- this time with gold-' —Mrs. Wallace and Plaintiff for $760. 10 Obenhook vs. affairs ConyeationL . At,
I -m Passed Horne Grenache ment," und - by his Stirring appeak-
hisg"rasp. Galbraith's �iast trip was childron. left on Wbdnesday mor reclde- wrought a- decided chinge in th
The editor of one of our exchanges Alaska, Thesympathy,)f all'isextended to Al' J on a visit to R ning Rakw, an Action. for sedue-tion, there ly S. 6'elock the. ineeting opened with volition and introduced a g a -con-
alicl lie is no ochester, New York. was's verdict for the plaii2tiff for $2,50, song which was followed by devotional inte rea"M -
� 1. . Of
w. on his return and X rs.-Adam Thompson and family, —Found! neiLr Pouth Kinloss church
Journey with -850,000, worth of gold, restirg iliscussiO4,
has declined - an off�r of gold mine. auggets, which hP obtained of this villa& in the, death of. their —The.,trials of the election xercis0s lasting fiftien minutes, ofter The elecfWn of 01ficers fol
stock at 3 cents a bliare to'be (lust - And Ile) on 06%. 24th, a rule. The owner ican - protedt *hich the Rev. Arch. -N11cKibbou,B.A. i9p
paid for oldest dau liter, 1&ggie secure it by calling on Rev. A.- HeRajr. inst Mr. A. McNeil , M. P. of
9 which took entered a'ga IWO&
p on the Yukon river. for- North Bruce, and cross, Petition Wroxetei�s intr'oditoe the subjict : wh resultea ar; f0llO*S
in adv . ertising. How ituck up the Place on Thursday- afternoon last. o The -lite Robert Porteous, of eat "THE TEACIrEles RgSpONSIB President
newspaper fraternitk is getting to be ! Deceased was of a bright and cheerful Paiol ered agai st Dr. A. dft. Bonner the . I W. B. Towler,
'Lost- His Left Arm ey, is reported to have 'been worth unsuccessfu a Wingha,411; Vice-Pressid
In the olden ti apples, potatoes, A seribus -acci disposition, and had --en I Reform- candidate aj' the . He said that the teacher should be a Kerr, B ant
deared herself half a milhon of doll 0 person of great piety ..Identrr, I
dent happened on &rest the time of recent a 2ad
rniture. M0,1111W. hou�sehold- but to all who - ha -d the Walkerton on M011486y, Nov. knowledge, and hsv�_ D. A'I
buckwh r own his death. elei tion in. this riding will tak and of compe- G
turaips�, knotty stavewvod, eat Friday la,§% at the fu not only to. the members of he A. Newton Vice'
W f PI taut Biblical , L. D. S, D.
flour7 or "bug ry of Messrs Vatson ",bt. Luck ow;
gy" peas were good for IN181colm, pleasure of he —This is the season of rush among th. ii, T n
Kincard r -,acquaintance, and her travellers. 30 fore him a specified -object, v 8ecretaq-Treasurer,
subscription and advertising. When, tie, to Harry Anning, * Youth sudden'demise was -Twenty'five gue o John Kerr, Winglism. A,
of 15 years, "on of Mrs. Anning, a a -sovere affliction registered at the Cain sts were —A novelty- in the stationery line bring his class to Christ." The ad- -The convention
to a very large circle of fri�pds . . House on Tues- is -a n dress was, Masterly and thoughtful. adjourned to raeou
all editor gets a - plethori(. bank ar- Widow 6f that town. -and ew safety ihk bottle. There is
While at his relati day night.
ves. She cc ht 8 O'clock,
count he is apt to develop a good deal work, attending' a ntracted a cold just no corkyetthe ink will ri�a_t spl nor After singln,% Mi. G.
?% planing, machi A. Newton,
r ne, a week Previous to her- death ' but —We regret to learn that Mr. evaporateand is alway L. D. s., Of �Lucknow RV-UNING 8149SI,0�vj
of the old Adam and to want money he fell, st s' ready. - it introduced the
iking on his elbow, the knife- plural neumonia setting in sh6':sank Richoxd Webster is still very low, and- seems to be one Of subject . ,Tho n When the hour for th
%vi-th which tin� buy silk tile% and pills of the planer severing the, left arm a rapidly, and alth not im: rovin the biast money ecessary preparation Meatid
ough e3reryth P 9 as well �as his 0 arrived �
and sbap and toothpick shoes and, bi- few inches below t1le siloulder. Youn ing that' -ftieuds :_ - Many savers in a sma) I way we -ha f a teacher befaie meeting the class." the interest in the
medical would like. Ye seen in nVentlen
cycle and things, just like kniling had D'nI_ 9 skill,could stiggeat, and kind a long time.- This ink is on sale. at - The address.was WAL' manifest in the large r-rowdAlroady
rde"na.who will be elected Murchison,'s. a source of inspir-
-respectable y been with the firm and attentive nursing could do, was done ; . atiOu to those listening and - tne were constantly;thron Z in, Wl"Olx
�The we in the chitrch and -tile mulgItudes.
business men. about, �a weeks and, being thus haudiT for her, it,; was of n under -the, new County Councils Act, —Mr. A-insley M audience' his first start in life avail and she 1896" will fiGld, offi cGraw- who has was rapt in ies attention. After
The very abuniclant"Arlple lameniable. -W p#ssedt peacefully -away -about two ce for two' yea After disou the usual ap 'Be
crop this without re-olectio - re edited -the VViarton Canadia"a for the asions . afr. Alfred Day, o VotiDmal rVicest,
I . 46'elock �oh Thu!a.rday af ternoon. a. past three f in -which Rev. Mr.' Masaii too)c-pgrt.
re%r may be the mean ----------- 24th year of her years, has soid out his Torontot Secretary of the Prouincial the cheirmim -introdliced
s of working - beceared was in the Cis no doubt a difficilt thing intereat to hi' CiM�bell,' Sabbaih School "Ociation, was then Hatton, ilf A ipley, who
Mission Funds a partner, Mr.
- introduced -the
t: "The EPworth League as au
harin to, the crop in future age, and was a consistant Member. of -for merchants to do a cash trade; but who will conduct the p introduced and by - hii sparkling
. years ull' A movement has on b - aperin futur
-farm'ers take c the Presbyterian church, and an active *hat in- this world that is worth doing Ainsley sitruck it rich iri the. Britis * and eloquent utterances kept th"
ess ertain beeh set f66. a wit subide
precautions by the Anglican chn rich in the Diocese w6r6r of - Sa�oy - Lodge, Indepe h spellbound for a aud. &1d in'Temperance Werk..,r
Igainst it. Tile sihort c' ndent Columbia. gold mines, �Ad intends 3J minutes when The speaker proved
rops of the of Huron which "has'. in T, all, is not difficult. .. .
view the Order of GooHemplurs. The funeral - —The - Sp -he weat.- that tho Xible.-
?ast two years have had 6e effict of liquidation � NTI . the meetilag was concluded. was a teacher of tempargne
of the -liabilities of XZL and the weekly' removing to t
�jlte took place from ha Olobe fio - Many
klmost exterminating th diocese, wpecially t6 debt re4ting on Outram a r father's residence, III now to - Dec.� 31st 18971 —The constable would-Ao-w' to werethe exclamations, q never be- impressed the- Leaguers -present- vith
e worm. The the missig'n treet-on Saturday afternoon. 81.50 or for balance of 1896.1or -25 take a a ell fore.eaj!wyed a -convention so much.,, responsibility
t _.nts, Subscribe now, resting uPon them with
� I gard to the great temperage
e:lred out to 'thirtee remainu were interred 'in —Donald Sinclair', gild THURSDAY MORNING, OUT, 22ztD. in , . -hoped th
-markably sound been pare . , and vras largely at ended. The evening, and sea to it that boys re
pies this year are re funds. The diodes� fias last troll around'the village -of . an
a clergy
ud free frow,gru.b. To prevent the men, who:'twill each"sa the Dun- 9sq. registrar Ar young men da not- he corners At 9.30 o'clock a g cut, and he a 4
oodly number was
far distant when all the churobft"Im-
vil returilf g, apple growers ghou'd the co, nt o Bruce, is -guffering from and 400r -'ways. They seem to'consider at the church Veteran of Christ should -be enjilying the.
ke a County, gannon ce!aetery and the fioralo lolter On t
n . fferi ngs f
11 preach. and,personally weie beautiful, the' han4soma a parilly r th@
sr . a whitp': . and small hopes of- fthes'el spots their rightful ,bumming Junior Rpwokth Leag
'-to lie under the di - ict - is composed of -brocade plush casket- "being almost tie -stroke,. to hea ues, of the die. ness of "prohibition -for everst
lot allow the fruit. =StblTwhei d his recovery are entertained.
.d with lovely white J- Welke of Lucknow, Mr. W-enwood, of Toronto, aga$W�J
rees for any length thifteen oolillties, of which Bruce ig covere I P ce
-of time. A drive flowers lai Vit not unfrequently happens trict, Mi ri
one, and to this county Rev. W. Lo "We have still a good assortment that windows are broken. on the subject viThe Model Infant addresse the 'on
hrough. the countiY at -thisi tinie sh" we -wreaths, ete.�sont by ineMbers 6f tile' of ladies riaahtl at low and mediura A disgraceful ro'w'took lace at d coaventi and
aces at once and will b mperance lodge and other friends as Prieto. G 181 P Class." given an excellent heari
has been - appointed,' The work Te
hat in some orchards large. quantities comme Pod v ue and -it good fit are- McG%rrys hotel on Thursday a am ng, and made
* carried a last tribute of lo' we offer in, the veiling.. An infant cla arke
f fruit are lying under the-- trees ap.; ta an earl; -vs to their depaked so h
y completion. so gOO45--" W. ad been provided n his
friend and sister. The services at the Connoll., Two young Men with more grog than for her by some kind Wingh -439 Lepe-
arently left' -there to rot. This is am friends The finaLaddress'pa. 40 progral4me
house aad grave were- con sense were indulging in 'very bad and she not -WAS delivered b - ev. An4-
ducced by only :held the undivided v the -A, AV;
list the means by Row& id for Bravepy —It will Pay Yoh -to Carefully read language, and when requeited by- the Cunningham, of
Y. W
Id . the VP Q the Rev-. A. McKay. attentionof the assembled d Rincardine
1i .. - .. I - _. I _. the ad4rdsements- in .. this 'paper. prop star to be quiet, they bee" elegates, bated 4 his re
iand woullt �-ap- They- . conWn the . but also of the chi
in is Pr ded to ame
O� � , The G'vernment haq de ri
present a gc proinlgo ldren,' end sl�e en- Skstematic r"rks On the 60�pet*,
ear to us to be a wiser policy to.have lid watch, aiiitably inibrill- -bargains, 'and bat'gpins " a Of manT 11100 - boisterous.-Othera - became tertained and inatrueted them to th Bib% study . 'The apei&.Or
TRACT' . Mo - i a impressed tha� alid.
11 fruit collected and fed ad, to Stephen - bradiey, of Miller. SOCIETY Ce UeP nvolved but at last peace was restored.' atig lenee- 'QJ
to stock s.aving things. ost jivitisfaction of all present, for- rith
ather than left, to p Lake, Bruce County, and . . - -_ : .�Mr. A. W. -Campbell,. pr.oviticial the spadeof 20 minutas, that religion - -- t, I
reduce a plague of formerly of Annual- meetin' do" -not corae U. *t
RT -h- U#od —For clothing i%.n:d 0- �ow 11
rubg for uext Kinloss -township,,anct a sil Rvening vaIrcoats go to road inspec _r, is authqrit Bible, Bibrer-ALSA I
seasion�s -crops.. ver watch to _y for, the but rather that iiia
-8 goo that
past. Conhell's. He bag Afttr a very i
d assortment statement thirty -4 nteresting discu§sion -olitcomeof religion. �Hisaicf
to Henry �,Hughbs, for their gallant Of Sins'at prig million and th
eA -to suit thO piase of dollars have been spent in� money or
Down in Ge rgia. the prohibition law conduct in� iiescuing the captain end The annual meeting o .0 8�1191119 of -two skinzes of a Bnb a should be resftl
-0 the Luok6w- those wh h mn, Dh W.B. T�wlp
0 want a good article -cheap. st4tuee labor on roadt ii -at Y r, Of Winghafil, textically aild 'devotionan-vil. -
crew of the bar'n, - Save s Branch of the 'Tract '8o�iqy., which See oar $5.50 man's size. introduced the qubject : f,The use Oj la-contlosion his
as raised the question whether or not L M ro, which wa during the past ten yeitrlb. a 0 � ario, Cited
wrecked in Boat Cove, Bruce 06 nty,- was held in th Properly the inistaned
u -churth on -Misses Sadie-irohnston mind 'Fla the Blackboard in the8unday school.)) with . f-egar Tsirw
a Methodist
mAn can -!end" whiskey to another on -the 8th; 06t., 1895, when Thurs directed, that. in 'd to the death t
on a voy. day evening, Octaber-2-2ad Oney or work would a
-if a t in Me matter of ., was rence Hamiltua,..'of Lxidknow,, Spent have Made enorwo . His illustrations Wei. Scott. When that.old S�
ithout coming within.the con'demn�a- Ago from Ashtabula, Ohio, to Owen o h ii�uaajbaes, at I us improvement, but 6 simple and Cottish Aing
Sunday o or
f last w4k ' in town, with much df it has been 'wasted' -one gr % 1, WIAn
of tho Sound. - The rescud o instructive and his was usaf,49 the Jordon of deal,
f se,
on -eat objee
_4�atuto- For the van persons least in poin't Of 'interest, -a decided their f -an t his eye$ .were
riendMiss Lizzie was real -dim with
was affeebad at great personal risk' success. Teup.yson.— greater amount -than 00it lims bee ized in 'co'nvincing1he - assem--the7shad
ollibitionista- it was ccntended- that Kincardiae
I .Review. by the efflects of bad e blect delegate Ow -of aeattl'.,he SO!&
whely 66 very-hiih RAv. F. A. Mc lost oads on Jand' visitors, that the - *,G
be a -'bona fide! "loan" the same and it i I Lenn n, Pr me the book."
-a felt that some -recognition is cf�ied the chair.' - Re a as-, Oc- —JohnFinlayson, lot 12, con.' 11, treffic. blackboard was a most, i.ecessary item -What
iiskey borrowed V. A. Me Kay (W. D.),.Ashfield, will hold an auction i . n the Proper management of a- live attendant. mkea by 4q4k
not merely sirnflar due the. two men for th
a and v. X 8%de of farm'stock and impleine' Sunday School, -
air gallant read the scripture lesso �_Re
ate on THE PROTECTZ4DX OF DEEW He then exhibited "What, book! 11 exclairae&S, "tt vm-
easure and quality—must be returned- exertions. b1cQu:een led in prayer, -after which- -Taesday,- November 3rd.—R. some irorks ofa more -artistic mature dying qmplissis,
Dr. Moffat W_ its called on. fo - r -his report h - I j -Au ti6ae r. Me. $AThere I -S...
which a a, 7
hereas in the case� in question the Addi'mas and Prexentation Q ar ek 0 Toronto, October -23rd -1896, drawnell Cloth blackboards- by a Wingi book but -the 'Bible.-
hiqk�� loan6d was consumed and Ait the cl-ose of the prayer retin big- ways eagerly. waited for and, -:-IlDarlixg To ths Edlfar�.qf IA& hani artist which were ve' beautifuL In Concluding, the me
bly appreciate he cribd, "forgive m
on el" Sentinel ry
ad with the man,and his 'Your reide 'he of"the'ton-ve - t
ed ii t
r ne� -4 ose acquaint I
paid la:te b or the defendants it in. the',Methodi�ti church -'on a Nev&P she axclaiiji4 He had ju Dr. Gifford then followed with siThe -w4 last
t such a restricti- -day eveniq* work. Dr. at ra 'are -of course aware.
as arged tha g last, - AIr., fitting -to e:ill U
on of Thdii. Youp Old- tier thither new ha' Hoder Bible Clami,"' Pon Xr..
9,� Moffat is an enthusiast and - has the dently been 6 had evi. that door- shooting season' will be on r,
a term wqultl eiielude who is about to leave foe the town of fa ul The DF9 ford andered us mie
ting the SyInpat t
the numerous a I ty of enlia. intended for some -young- from the Ist to the 15th No' manner and
Walker hiea. of of, November elo througont-the-ein-ire'.t
ton, was presented by the mem-
LA-door. transactions' hi or person th-
between house- s-sudience, notwith -supp6sitio, an she. next. - They are also, no doubt, equally quent speech set Off -his work to ad. - nose who area _h
bers of thel-congregation as of tquadut6d. wit Z
ives in which loans and payments of and handailmely with six large what maybe-dones --oTfie Rev. Mr. Mo*s-- familiar'with the legislationef thelaat Vantage --and illei whole tuitive dis- Day -and, 'b
but what has been in he - i
_4 4 in .7
u session -of the onta course,wAs very much appreciatod and
bou d volu. ies of done V the Lu,kao, M: ist ch %
ikr, butter, eggs, 7ithin ihe past year. - Hadealt rch, on do- rLegisl efta ear -test
'tea, etc., atare nuoti*_ -to flh-
lard, "Matthew! Hdury'i 'Commentary on with bolportage ;6k in the far west Sunday last, the Rev. L R Wallwin whic provides that person's.otber-th4a 'Vell
thi Bible," accompanied by a suitably B. In
tire, and whichfrOM. tinlAimmemorial
-of The nomina n Comm
A. preaching deuts urlorgani4e4 tkr, piiiiessak a
in the himbering and atiniverdary sermons resi Of -a
written and- affeabionitely mining Camps-
expres 0
ve- been known ns loaus. T wprded and among -the -sailors and in Blueva the Province who -desire' t hunt deer 'appointed and J a, �co -the L'ot iscii;iv
he Jq ag e� "tee wA4
preme Co- address, sive'.of spoke with m day'! I L. - I
urt cou-IdWt resist the force the
star to take out a licence therefore at -a journed for r of"
-4'w OA fVOU
gre n ace of HOOM btild I& ��aiaii h
contention And- removal V41 pqrUy-
this church here sustains by his oss -the atAlia kfulness of the su sa --Xarl's Clover. Root
18 _V
tb6 Sifflo Home established by vour blood, clear yourdoniPlexion�rcg_- A!ra� iJA:(;VJ4_w0JR
it has declared from the villa the nomiiialehargeof'$Spbr-licetive. This
ciety in Kingston. ur boweli
f1tached -to r P�t QUL,
Giffird toolc thb!
He' also - ulAtO YO to tha-$. _ijA
at the law has not been v *f 'Ja
iolated. and fa 0eand 'wishing bimse. -Tract So 6P
a L an4 make Your head sum includes the -tagt'a
approciatio,n -bell..
or the� abi
Supreme Court has no sant and prosperous opoke. with -high wr;Vleii is: a 45c�".500,, -and $10%. the licens OVocki I ir. A—.
rpaps the-. mily,'vt ple
chair and[ pe 4- A ! t
-meet _hAo ;,_Jt7 - ,
-not, V�
6ple- in their- received from Y. o drig store, deer allowed o eaA, t gog,
eat love filr the G' sojourn amongst the. pe -of he.1 pmaht of 0111,two -
poirgia prohibitory ung Peoples., 86C ikt.Berry 4 Co's ned 16,
-Cuki is sold:- -on a gu desirid' ixerviser - *Wvoh -
W. new homes' in the County Town, _64ter, if tha is -j
JV r, qf all deiion4inatio" a ie �P wae7: " v, ii&,�
0 4 4-
n mlaUt&
bly taken'bT.. Schols,
Wes 140ipier4t (Ionsuing In dodo - i r
Wdera �anwo.. it ..e -to
g4 �cVh
Young, tho q and
_�l ay r MP 0
_M6134 9;'A& _Ae 64� 95 and .$I'
"rocuti *vUshefse ligeifij6-g,
surpririe by, the presentat- Quly
Dr. S. P. May, Insp tor of Pub- ion, Milne it 'nutes of the Iieb. fli(S be�St CoUgh t 0-ap" P1 A. K� 31
oc very feeling and appro The Mi -A a v.
a _d
'puth _00=00ta:
a- r- x"g- aj- -d pl�� "fr, .4 , �u
asui e'Lr' !b' -4 -4te, '06 -
priate '946 - _OOL. � jU_P lie, I I 't - Jr
reply, -0. 5 6 q _0 . # - in_ Irk a d -lit
gether ith the. _1h ik t idk
w Sofil'_ f 't no
ort � I_ W _.,
gnable gift and R-1 h -9
08M ev cce
-also 'expressing the following. �.fii 41i _.b W
a , 111M,
artment has just rec ived di- y
]Libraries, stateathat the Education- heartily th4kigg thi friends for their I AN
were -read atid d 0 r4 i pio
_ -lp& Aq
w gfigJ
)mai showing that Ontario ,74 -
103 L
1 -ad 0 Atk1h' �)Qf -ijjja�t
a t1q.-W4
too �,bfi chOckv
k pleasure of., his lass no with the W4 0* _5 01%
lilt; InAnk
peo w ffix J -1d 4�r--
heat honors at th� alucational' a ociatio, W
)ib, f '#.I. TIT _V16 of �uckiio during hii re U.I. -
V orlds Fair. 40- ML �
lr�f� AV- V%W;W. 171 *1
n, Y1. *4
16 ;1jumbo Wgo th _�tl4i'dkWURrin-A
R 1-1
am a
_Y g, - vl" ;-, _ _,. __ . , - _N."
v zY w , , T ti7g --; -
Aeve. Ddthi rig
rhe ence -of ovibir. a' a' 18 Z il,
an yaarl].L VQ r -,La. KI
_k "RVIC 'I
�5�i 4. 171M
" WIN -1 X3 T-
!-M, h a
- �TW_lm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - ..............
-na,;IWWA M